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November SOTM 20112nd place
November COTM 2011 : 1st place Zefonse
Joined : 2010-09-12
Posts : 1238
Age : 32

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Two Titans, Two Destroyers! (PRIVATE)  Left_bar_bleue0/0Two Titans, Two Destroyers! (PRIVATE)  Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Two Titans, Two Destroyers! (PRIVATE)  Empty Two Titans, Two Destroyers! (PRIVATE)

Sun Jun 30, 2013 2:27 am
This thread is ongoing from this

This world of grey...the ground, the sky, the people were all in monochrome to Zefonse. Dulled out sounds, sparks of white filled this world with each impact.... the “battle” with Jeaden was nothing but a flash of grey. The only time he saw any color was that very short moment when his blade grind across Hakai thick hide of a chest. That mere spark of color made a old feeling remerge, this feeling he wish to bury... One could say if they saw his unchanging stoic face they would of saw a small smile appear, however no such smile truly appeared.... But what was this uneasy feeling coming from Zefonse when he saw those sparks of color. The words Hakai spoke before Zefonse did his trick with his blade, they were nothing but a mere muffle in the wind. He could care less of what people think of his title.... but it was sort of true.... his title was a double edge sword to have. On one hand it strikes fear into his foes, showing a mighty difference, however over time... people believe it to be a fable. Zefonse shall soon show what it means to hold such a title to Hakai. However Hakai title is also nothing to be turn away from. It shows he holds a lot of offensive output, as well his seemingly uncontrollable battle style. Zefonse style of fighting is one meant to grow and adapt depending on who he face’s, which means his attacks are normally counters, and combos them into strong attacks.... However Hakai style from what Zefonse heard of... seems to be an odd mix, he knows Hakai holds strong Hand to Hand skills. however what he can really do is a very large unknown factor.

As he felt the blade sent vibrations throughout Hakai body...he knew it wouldn't be enough to harm him... but at this level he knocked the breath out of Hakai... could Hakai really handle the showdown for the long run? Then again this could be Hakai version of a bait. To make Zefonse think wrong in the heat in battle and undermine the defense of the vizard. But Hakai seemed to enjoy this, a fight about to brew out between two terrors... two titans of war and battle.... however since Hakai took that blow it would mean for now till he overpowers the effects with his own insane power, his movements shall be dulled. Zefonse also got a good sense of Hakai body now... its design so to speak... in the animal kingdom the bat is known for its odd way of moving around called Echolocation, also called bio sonar, is the biological sonar used by several kinds of animals. Echolocating animals emit calls out to the environment and listen to the echoes of those calls that return from various objects near them. They use these echoes to locate and identify the objects. Echolocation is used for navigation and for foraging(or hunting) in various environments. Some blind humans have learned to find their way using clicks produced by a device or by mouth. For Zefonse this was very similar to his Pesquisa since Pesquisa functions similarly to sonar, through a radiating pulse sent outwards from the user which reacts to sources of reiatsu within a certain proximity, allowing them to determine the location of any sensed individuals and granting them an indication of how powerful they actually are.... so it was possible for Zefonse to do such a thing with vibrations he felt upon contact with Hakai. He notice some “weak points” in Hakai body type, however thanks to Hakai defense it would be very challenging for him to use said weak points. However once his blade went off Hakai, Zefonse truly didn’t gain a full scan of Hakai body type, even with the “Weak points” spotted Zefonse couldn't use them in battle unless he makes more contact, which would be a risk if Hakai caught on to such a grandmaster way of fighting. Since this trick can work both ways.... If Hakai was truly skilled in battle and mastered such a skill like this... this would change how Zefonse would react to Hakai future actions.

Within moments of impact and his blade leaving Hakai flesh, Zefonse quickly placed his sword into his sheath, much is the style of a swordsman who prefers quick style attacks, but also shows off a balance state of mind... once darkness took around them and changed their location, Falling in the air he watched Hakai quickly move and avoid the falling earth chucks till he made it to the ground... Zefonse was watching his movements reading his reaction times... they were good very honed for a warrior... he might deserve that title after all. When Hakai opened another dark portal... Zefonse quickly slipped into it.... following him into the deep wilds of this cursed forest. He was still falling high in the air.... Hakai must of been on the ground.. With grace.... Zefonse seemly floated to the ground as the earth crashed around them both... Yet as Zefonse slowly turned to face Hakai...who was 50 meters in distance from Zefonse. That same uneasy feeling leaks off from Zefonse body...yet no signs of any difference or rage. It appears that an ancient feeling has been awakened. The reborn feeling sharpens its fangs. Zefonse drew his blade once more, slowly pointing it towards Hakai. It’s growling again.... this feeling. As though it hungers for blood. Sniffing out the scent of its prey..... The wildlife that was in a panic went to silence was they drop dead.... the very plants and trees withered and dying to mere husks. What was going on? Hakai insane reiatsu didn’t seem to be cause of such a reaction...however Zefonse reiatsu was causing the area the die and rot. But the amount he pouring out was nowhere near the same as Hakai’s.... why? Zefonse was still holding back? Even now when his very life could be wiped out.... No he wasn’t nor plan on holding back... however it is to save as much unneeded actions as possible. Since Zefonse was still recovering the power he used earlier shattering Jeaden hopes and dreams. Of course thanks to his quick recovery time... this wouldn't be a problem in the long run.. it would just mean he has to build up the energy lost.

As death creeped around them all... that uneasy feeling it grew and leaked... but it wasn’t his power.. nor his reiatsu. It was Intimidation a technique used by powerful fighters. It projects a person's "aura" or "fighting spirit". This spirit takes the shape of some large, fearsome creature, unique to each person and is often reflecting their own personality. Intimidation is often used as a means to try to scare the opponent, which can cause them to run away or literally get frozen in place by fear (the latter being called "Intimidation Knocking"). In this way, intimidation can be used to end a confrontation or situation non-violently. Using intimidation to scare an opponent will only work if the opponent is significantly weaker than the user but it can also be used to startle many powerful fighters. Everyone has this skill.. even if they are not aware of it. For example some people reiatsu when viewed by others seems to be a mass of skulls. But for Zefonse the “image” that was taking shape... was terrifying.. A cloaked figured whose upper body as the only thing to be seen., its face wrapped in bandages, long arms.. wielding a nodachi, it was if... Zefonse lust of battle was ready to devour Hakai in that mere moment... however his reaction... if he can even see this image would be a major factor.... but like before such a skill can be used by anyone... since this is a advance skill to learn and even harder to master.

The “image” attacked by swinging down... however it had no physical form... it was a mental test that is, if Hakai could see it.. Otherwise Hakai wouldn’t notice such a thing and it would be unimportant. Since from this moment on the battle starts for real. Zefonse very stance was very god like... he showed no openings even though pointing a blade at Hakai would normally mean, his sides were wide open for attack.. And above would be good place to attack, however due to his stance, Zefonse can defend from all angles at once thanks to his blade design. But he can also attack in all angles at once as well. With the distance of 50 meters one could say that is too small to measure his attack range from his spot.


What! This was out of Zefonse style... he nevers opens a attack with a cero before! Normally in this stance he would have performed a slash, however the very quick rate which the outer reishi gathered. As a standard energy blast, it consists of firing a powerful blast of concentrated spiritual energy at the target. While in most cases it is fired from the mouth, some Arrancar and Vizard can fire Cero from their hands, fingers, and other parts of their bodies. This often requires the user to take on a specific pose, which Zefonse just did by firing it from his blade tip.
The power, force, speed, and blast area of the Cero is dependent on the strength, spiritual power, and sometimes skill of the user (i.e., the stronger the user, the stronger the attack), and there are some Arrancar who have come up with their own variation of Cero. The charging and firing time for Cero varies greatly, from charging relatively fast to firing it to instantaneously firing one without much charging. Despite the damage it can cause at long range distances, the damage a Cero causes as an explosion is more dangerous when used at close range...

Zefonse cero takes the form of a large, transparent globe. Such globe is then launched at the opponent, generating a devastating explosion which on impact can be seen from large distance away, one could say the level of power in this cero is enough to level half a city... however knowing Hakai... Hakai would either block the attack with his defense, or try to destroy it..either way it shall cause an explosion big enough to engulf this area... and most of all create a small opening for Zefonse last part of his attack. Whatever action Hakai takes... Zefonse shall quickly move forward, and his a quick step with his natural speed which is often confused to be a sondrio, would appear 5 feet behind Hakai back.... a predictable action yes. However the attack Zefonse is using is a different story. His stance from earlier allowed him to twists his body in such a way that he uses that force with his body and transfers it into his arms, spinning his arm slightly and making it so that it twists the sword violently, while still in his hand the sword almost doubles in penetration power and it normally cannot be blocked, only deflected from it's path or dodged. This is noted to be Zefonse favorite technique to use with his sword, since he can set it up quickly, to throw people off guard. Since to the naked eye the blade appears to be unmoving.. however due to Zefonse attacking the back of Hakai with this means he is aiming for the middle of the spine... since as a trained assassin, Zefonse knows normally people would reflex on instinct and move out of the way. But thanks to his sword length of 7 feet. Would give Hakai about a few milliseconds to react. However given Hakai reaction time so far, this might be easy for him to deal with.

All the action Zefonse has done... is using one key factor... The Rain flame effect Hakai took on earlier, would the effects still be active? Zefonse has no clue how long it shall last on Hakai... nor does he have any idea what Hakai would do to counter such a simple opening attack. However Zefonse shall let fate decide what shall happen... he just hopes Hakai doesn't catch on.

Two Titans, Two Destroyers! (PRIVATE)  XmGUKMS
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Two Titans, Two Destroyers! (PRIVATE)  Empty Re: Two Titans, Two Destroyers! (PRIVATE)

Wed Jul 10, 2013 6:47 am

Artist: Avenged Sevenfold - Song: Not Ready To Die - Word Count: 2037

The two titans were not done in the scheme of battle. The beginning of destruction had finally arrived, although to decide who would come out victorious? Such a thing would be near impossible, as both participants in battle had proven themselves to be monsters in their respective areas and in combat in general. There were many factors to be considered on either side; first would be Zefonse's amazing sword skill, followed by analysing the movement speed that was so infamous. Next would go to Hakai, analysing his incredible hand-to-hand combatant capabilities as well as his impenetrable defence, although his speed and strength were nothing to laugh at either. Each person had ways of countering, and both had weak spots that were capable of causing a rather intense blow on the opponent. Although, so far, Zefonse was proving his swordsman ship to be nothing to laugh at. The slash at Hakai earlier had knocked the wind out of him, although it also appeared that Hakai had stopped it with his steel-like skin. Why was this slash so key and important to the way the fight could pan out? By gauging such a slash at the chest, Hakai would be able to determine the amount of force that would continue to be applied upon each slash before finally being able to piece his thick hide of skin and cause blood to draw. The Vizard Demon knew without a moments hesitation that Zefonse's next strike, slash or stab, would draw the necessary amount of blood to make Hakai feel it's effects. That was one thing he had to watch out for in the arrancar's style, along with many others.

Although, right now, he had to keep his head in the moment. After obliterating the pieces of earth bouncing off of his intense reiatsu, shattering if they dropped within ten metres of his body; there would be a keen sense of mixing reiatsu's and aura's smashing against each other, capable of putting down weaker animals in the area. Although, the first thing that came to Hakai's mind was the interesting part of reiatsu that was emitting off of him. It was different somehow, and yet it caused trees, animals and other alive creatures in the area to fester and die, to rot away into nothing but oblivion. What was this? There could have been many conclusions as to what it could be, although one made sense after the appearance of a new aura took place. As Zefonse turned his body around to face Hakai after landing on the ground, his entire body glowed; a being of pure energy standing high above the battlefield, bandages covering his face and a nodachi held in hand. What was this? The Destroyer instantly knew. It was his fighting spirit, the proof of his riled-up presence and proof that he was not going to go easy on his opponent. Although... neither was Hakai. The first thing Hakai had noticed about his opponent was the stance he was in, and began analysing it thoroughly. His eyes shot to his sword, following by his feet placement, then the look that gleamed through his eyes. His hands were holding his sword peculiarly, pointing straight out at Hakai. Although even with his feet placement, there was no key opening in his defence except for maybe behind him; to hit the back of Zefonse relentlessly. This wouldn't be a task easily done however, his opponent would never risk leaving such a spot on his body so open to be hit and destroyed; he had to come up with something.

The aura became even more intense upon the vizard, beginning to feel the weight upon his shoulders from the pure pressure being released. "Prove to me your title is capable to stand up to me, that it's not just another fable by people no more powerful than an ant!" As the words were said, the vizard's eyes shifted quickly to the mythical being above him, the fighting aura that Zefonse was letting off. As this happened, it appeared that the being swung it's sword down. It quickly became apparent that it wouldn't be able to hurt or crush anything with that sword, as the presence of it was purely given off as a false aura by Zefonse. Adjusting his feet, he placed his feet which appeared to be in a Muay Thai stance, loosely balancing on his feet, ready to jump out and leap forward or anywhere at any given moment. As the swing came down, he dug his right foot deep into the ground before him, the ground splitting, before letting out a huge burst of reiatsu. The reiatsu would be sent out behind his foot, into the dirt and into the air; knocking the earth out of the ground, launching it into the air behind him, his reiatsu mixing with the bandaged aura and swatting it away purely by the force he was letting off before it even came close to landing a false slash down on Hakai. Now is when the real fight took place. The hands of his enemy holding the blade were interesting, they were placed peculiarly, although made sense with the following attack. From the tip of his sword, light began to build. As the light quickly built up, it leaped from the tip of his blade and bounced through the air towards Hakai; obliterating everything in it's path.

As soon as the energy leaped through the air, the feeling became all too familiar. A cero? He had heard of many fights with Zefonse and even respected some, although he had never heard of this man opening the assault with a cero. There was a first time for everything... right? The cero launched through the air at amazing speeds, beyond that of the human eye, obliterating everything it came into contact with. Placing his right hand forward, his index finger would point directly at the cero now heading towards him. Uttering from under his breathe, Hakai would state the words softly; "Hadō #4." his brow adjusted to now a frown, before finally finishing his words. Byakurai. From his right handed index finger, a blue and white light would leap from his finger; meeting the cero head on in a concentrated area, although managing to dispel most of the surrounding cero from hitting Hakai. As the Kidō and cero had met, a burst of power exploded within the area; engulfing both Zefonse and The Destroyer in nothing but a pure red and white mixed light, covering nothing short of a hundred metres or more. From within this, no time would be wasted on the viewers enjoyment; the power and attacks kept on flooding in like a dam overflowing from pressure. His eyes continued to scan the area, spotting his opponent disappear abruptly from his wide vision in front of him. The best possible location on Hakai's stance? Behind him. It was only logical, for Hakai anyway. His stance allowed many frontal areas to be blocked from attack, a low punch coming? A quick knee to the head followed by a gut punch. Punch from the side? Quick low elbow to direct the punch to miss his body entirely. There were so many options to take away an assault from Zefonse head on, so it became obvious for an assault from behind, his weakest point.

Although, Hakai wouldn't stand there and take the hit from behind either. Twisting his head over his shoulder, the stabbing pressure would fly in; the Vizard Demon managing to twist his body, to mainly avoid the lunge; although not entirely. As his body twisted in an awkward position to his right, the blade had managed to stab through his clothing, making contact with his skin and scraping across the surface; blood being drawn and dripping through his clothes and staining them instantly. It wasn't much blood, nor was it a tolling attack in the slightest, but The Destroyer was right in his speculation; the next attack from his sword was going to draw blood regardless of what he could do to stop it without having to use his Zanpakutō powers. Although, as Hakai's body twisted through the air, is became strange. It felt like his movements were slower than normal; it was that feeling again. Be it only by a few milliseconds, his actions were definitely slower. He didn't know how or why, but he knew there was something at work here. Normally? The Blade stab? Hakai could have dodged that simply, his twisting of his body nothing but a side-attack to get the ball rolling. Despite this, he continued with his actions and were to complete them as if it was normal. He continued to swing his body, as he twisted, lifting his right foot up off the ground and bringing it across his body. As he brought his foot across his body; it would become apparent that he was aiming a direct kick straight into the face of the arrancar, a kick which would be not only strong enough to send him flying across the battlefield, but even shatter teeth. Although, that was unlikely with this person has his opponent, he doubted that he could be able to make much of an effect on this man.

There were four possibilities of action from Zefonse, if not more, although Hakai had mastered two ways to cut off two of those options. The first being if he took the kick and flew across the battlefield. If this option took place, Hakai would quickly slip into a shunpo to meet him mid flight a little above his body in mid air, twisting his body yet again and aiming to send a powerful kick into his stomach, to smash him into the ground and cause an explosion of earth upon making contact. The notable thing about this kick, if this possibility had taken place, would be that the strength would be so intense, shockwaves of air would be seen floating across and around his foot; being able to pierce through the sound barrier with relative ease; an eerie, yet loud crack smashing. The second path that Hakai had found a way to cut off would be that if he had managed to dodge or block the kick, he could still stand in his position ready to continue the assault. Whether the kick was dodged or blocked, if Zefonse stood in the same position and not moved; he could very well perform the next attack. IF Zefonse didn't move after dodging or blocking the kick, still in motion from the twisting of his body, Hakai's arms would begin to shine brightly before both turning into sharp metal blades, a simple touch from these capable of slicing open the skin of a human. Although, against this arrancar, and with his hierro, that could prove troublesome. Despite this, with the motion of his kick still flowing, he would twirl on the spot yet again, bringing his left hand around to slice at the arrancar's chest, following by his right hand dragging across to slice at his neck.

Despite the chaos, something peaked Hakai's interest. During his assault, something that was on Zefonse's finger; seemingly glowing with the aura it was giving off. What was it exactly? Hakai had seen him slip in on earlier, obviously it was some sort of ring, but what was it's effects? Was... that the source of himself feeling slowed in movements? Perhaps it was, and perhaps it wasn't. But there was no way that the arrancar was assecorising right before their battle; it was a tool. And from everything that's happened so far? It seemed like that was the logical solution to such an issue. Perhaps he could be able to overpower it with reiatsu to reduce the effects, or he could crush the ring away from Zefonse; he needed to stop the effects one way or another. The assaults these two were giving off were intense. Although, there wouldn't be a single part of it that could be considered weak. Although the two titans here, the two destroyers of worlds... there was something weird about them. And no matter what happened, there would be destruction ensured. Something both of these men knew well.

Template By: [THEFROST]

Two Titans, Two Destroyers! (PRIVATE)  Ap8OoJO

November SOTM 20112nd place
November COTM 2011 : 1st place Zefonse
Joined : 2010-09-12
Posts : 1238
Age : 32

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Platinum Points:
Two Titans, Two Destroyers! (PRIVATE)  Left_bar_bleue0/0Two Titans, Two Destroyers! (PRIVATE)  Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Two Titans, Two Destroyers! (PRIVATE)  Empty Re: Two Titans, Two Destroyers! (PRIVATE)

Tue Jul 16, 2013 11:50 pm

! Zefonse heard tales of this man reaction time but this was shocking even to him. However he did not waver, as he flew past Hakai, the arrancar notice something on his blade edge it wasn’t much. But this smell it was blood.... he made an impact in that small gap closer, however Zefonse didn’t let a small milestone in the battle to first to wound get to his head to believe he had this... Since he had to act quickly to what to follow up. He saw through the corner of his eye Hakai stance, this fighting style was that of Muay Thai is a combat style from the muay martial arts of Thailand that uses stand-up striking along with various clinching techniques.

This physical and mental discipline which includes combat on foot is known as "the art of eight limbs" because it is characterized by the combined use of fists, elbows, knees, shins and feet, being associated with a good physical preparation that makes a full-contact fight very efficient. Muay Thai became popular in the sixteenth century, but became widespread internationally only in the twentieth century, when many Thai fighters won several victories over representatives of other martial arts.

The word Muay derives from the Sanskrit Mavya which means "to bind together". Muay Thai is referred to as the "Art of Eight Limbs" or the "Science of Eight Limbs" because it makes use of punches, kicks, elbows and knee strikes, thus using eight "points of contact", as opposed to "two points" (fists) in boxing and "four points" (hands and feet) used in other more regulated combat sports, such as kickboxing and savate. A practitioner of muay Thai is known as a nak muay. Western practitioners are sometimes called Nak Muay Farang, meaning "foreign boxer."

Formal muay Thai techniques are divided into two groups: mae mai or major techniques and luk mai or minor techniques. Muay Thai is often a fighting art of attrition, where opponents exchange blows with one another. This is certainly the case with traditional stylists in Thailand, but is a less popular form of fighting in the contemporary world fighting circuit where the Thai style of exchanging blow for blow is no longer favorable. Almost all techniques in muay Thai use the entire body movement, rotating the hip with each kick, punch, elbow and block.

The punch techniques in muay Thai were originally quite limited being crosses and a long (or lazy) circular strike made with a straight (but not locked) arm and landing with the heel of the palm. Cross-fertilization with Western boxing and western martial arts mean the full range of western boxing punches are now used: lead jab, straight/cross, hook, uppercut, shovel and corkscrew punches and overhands as well as hammer fists and back fists.
As a tactic, body punching is used less in muay Thai than most other striking combat sports to avoid exposing the attacker's head to counter strikes from knees or elbows. To utilize the range of targeting points, in keeping with the center line theory, the fighter can use either the Western or Thai stance which allows for either long range or short range attacks to be undertaken effectively without compromising guard.
The elbow can be used in several ways as a striking weapon: horizontal, diagonal-upwards, diagonal-downwards, uppercut, downward, backward-spinning and flying. From the side it can be used as either a finishing move or as a way to cut the opponent's eyebrow so that blood might block his vision. The diagonal elbows are faster than the other forms, but are less powerful.

There is also a distinct difference between a single elbow and a follow-up elbow. The single elbow is an elbow move independent from any other move, whereas a follow-up elbow is the second strike from the same arm, being a hook or straight punch first with an elbow follow-up. Such elbows, and most other elbow strikes, are used when the distance between fighters becomes too small and there is too little space to throw a hook at the opponent's head. Elbows can also be utilized to great effect as blocks or defenses against, for example, spring knees, side body knees, body kicks or punches.

The two most common kicks in muay Thai are known as the thip (literally "foot jab") and the te chiang (kicking upwards in the shape of a triangle cutting under the arm and ribs) or roundhouse kick. The Thai roundhouse kick uses a rotational movement of the entire body and has been widely adopted by practitioners of other combat sports. It is superficially similar to a karate roundhouse kick, but includes the rotation of the standing leg, like in Kyukushin, Goju, Kojosho and Kenpo, it is done from a circular stance with the back leg just a little ways back (roughly shoulder width apart) in comparison to instinctive upper body fighting (boxing) where the legs must create a wider base. This kick comes with the added risk of having the groin vulnerable at times, which is against Karate and Tae Kwon Do ideology in general except for brief moments after a kick for example. The roundhouse kick draws its power entirely from the rotational movement of the body; the hips. It is thought many fighters use a counter rotation of the arms to intensify the power of this kick, but in actuality the power is from the hips and the arms are put in said position to get them out of the way.
If a roundhouse kick is attempted by the opponent, the Thai boxer will normally check the kick, that is he will block the kick with his own shin. Thai boxers are trained to always connect with the shin. The foot contains many fine bones and is much weaker. A fighter may end up hurting himself if he tries to strike with his foot or instep.
Muay Thai also includes other varieties of kicking such as the side kick and spinning back kick. These kicks are used in bouts only by few fighters.

But Hakai style was more off to the more traditional style it was closer to Muay boran is an umbrella term for the unarmed martial arts of Thailand prior to the introduction of modern equipment and rules in the 1930s. It is thus the direct ancestor of modern Muay Thai. The word muay which means "boxing" comes from the Sanskrit term mavya meaning to bind together. Boran or boraan means "ancient" in Thai. Thai Boran comes from Sanskrit Puran or Purana.
Muay boran is not a single style but acts as an umbrella term for all traditional Thai styles of Indochinese kickboxing. Whereas Muay Thai is often called the "science of eight limbs", muay boran is said to make use of nawa awut which means "nine weapons", adding headbutts as ninth offensive in addition to the "eight limbs" of hands, legs, elbows and knees used in Muay Thai.

But now isn’t the time to rant about how they differ beyond that. Zefonse had to react to the action at hand. When Hakai moved to perform a kick, as he quickly set his body in motion with such fluid movements, nothing was wasted. He quickly snapped his feet into the ground, landing firm and unmoving, Zefonse then adjust his body into such manner that it would appear as of the appearance of him just a millisecond ago was just gone, and replaced with this new stance. As the kick came closer to his face, with such speed the sound and power the sound barrier was cracking around Hakai..such power, however what came to the meet the kick wasn’t Zefonse face nor arm’s but his blade, he moved his blade to cover his face, the blade edge pointing towards Hakai foot, if Hakai foot did made impact he would surely suffer a major wound over his foot. However Zefonse blade wasn’t fragile as any other blade would've surely shattered from a kick of such power. This showed how much power is within Zefonse Zanpakutō as well the fact Zefonse reaction time. While he did move from his spot, it was only a few inches from the spot where he blocked the kick... But now to deal with Hakai next actions Zefonse quickly notice Hakai arms shining brightly, and used the motion from his twisted body to come crashing down upon Zefonse in order to slice him with blade like arms. At the angle and distance normally one would of been doomed to take such a hit, but for Zefonse he knew of a way to turn this into a counter attack quickly letting loose of his blade’s handle, letting it fall heavily to the ground.

Then adjust his arms at such speeds it seemed like they vanished, to meet Hakai attack in the middle before they even made impact with his body, Zefonse blocked the attack with his arms..... to be more exact using the armor on his arm’s and own physical power to match Hakai output, thus negating the damage from both ends, however this would place a strain on Zefonse arm’s which should not hinder himself in the long run. This was troublesome to Zefonse Hakai speed as of now is barely any different, while Zefonse was the first to wound in this battle, it would be troublesome if Hakai caught on to Zefonse trick so early. Suddenly Zefonse moved his neck as if instinct backwards to narrowly avoid Hakai neck attack., such reaction such level of skill just how can a single arrancar gain so much in this world? Zefonse Quickly moved his arm again, catching his own Zanpakutō before it even hit the ground.... such grace.. What is going to do from this range? He is inside Hakai most dangerous area hand to hand range, and Hakai reaction time proved to be a very strong factor. But most of all was that power.. was it a byproduct of Hakai own Zanpakutō Zefonse heard only some rumors of it... to think it could do something like this to his body... but he kept no visible blade on his person just were was the Zanpakutō hiding? Is it hidden with Hakai body, is it a necklace? Zefonse shall soon find out one way or another. As mentioned before Zefonse just grasped his blade handle, and pulled it towards him in a motion in front of him... IMPOSSIBLE he pulled it into a attack in such speed and power just right after blocking Hakai assault This skill it was . Number Four: Kamishini (????, "God Killer" or "Cutting down God with a Single Slash")b y swinging the user's sword across, they can make a sweeping motion that cuts everything within 4 m of the user. The force behind this technique is great enough to defeat even Adjuchas-level Hollow with little effort. But for Zefonse now in this range even Hakai is trapped just as much as he is. The force of the slash is surely enough to shatter even the strongest of metals but can it cut through Hakai? But this was just the start as his blade ended that swipe it would once again point itself to Hakai center... again such speed and grace and Zefonse moved in closer even if it was a few inches. The motion of a swallow's tail during flight is the best way to call his blade now. This cut was reputedly so quick and precise that it could strike down a bird in mid-flight. There are no direct descriptions of the technique. Hence, the title of "Turning Swallow Cut" has been reconstructed as a technique involving striking downward from above and then instantly striking again in an upward motion from below. The strike's second phase could be from below toward the rear and then upward at an angle, like an eagle climbing again after swooping down on its prey. That was Number Seven: Tsubame Gaeshi (???, "Swallow Reversal" or "Turning Swallow Cut"). But again this attack was far from over, the last attack was coming as soon as the last end, it was like hell on earth because of Zefonse power and speed.

Zefonse performed one of the most legendary attacks ever created by swordsmen. Ittō (壱刀, cut with a sword): Said in its day to be a precursor to the technique Jinzen, by using reiatsu as a type of signal to cover his Zanpakutō, Zefonse is able to call out the full power of his blade's. Calling out the full power of the weapon augments it past its highest boundary for a split second. In this split second the user slashes down on the opponent's person, creating a deep and often fatal wound which is only capable of being healed by a special herb. The damage done by Ittō can cleave easily through even the toughest of Arrancar, and can even kill most Shinigami with apparent ease. The use of Ittō is restricted to those who have a deep bond with their zanpakutō or sacred, as those who do not suffer physical and neurological damage from the use of Ittō. Every slash had the same speed and power to it... save for Ittō it was even faster and more powerful... if Hakai was able to dodge Ittō the earth behind him for a unsure amount of distance would be cleanly cut, craving even mountains down its path. Did Hakai really had it in him to defend everything Zefonse just performed? Or will he notice how dangerous it was to be around Zefonse blade? Zefonse was ready to shatter the very limits of possibility and reality to destroy his foe before him.

After these attacks Zefonse shall leap backwards to gain more distance from Hakai and watch him every nanosecond of this fight... his eyes unwavered. Zefonse thoughts about the actions so far were mixed so far Hakai showed he wasn’t afraid of Zefonse fighting aura, but Hakai had powerful Kidō capable of blocking a cero of his with ease.... to Zefonse Hakai is now an even larger threat, he just hopes he landed a good wound or two within his assault. yet what was this dripping feeling he had. It ran down his arms in thin lines.... it was crimson...blood not a lot but enough that Zefonse did infact take some damage from blocking Hakai sword arms troublesome... Zefonse didn’t even notice the pain of his arm being cut, however from the thinness of the blood it was a shallow wound, and wouldn't waste the power to heal it right away. But he had to remain on a strong stance or else he be wide open for Hakai attacks... Zefonse spoke with strong voice and will, showing some level of respect for Hakai.

“You are troublesome”

Posting Template By: [THEFROST]

Two Titans, Two Destroyers! (PRIVATE)  XmGUKMS
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Two Titans, Two Destroyers! (PRIVATE)  Empty Re: Two Titans, Two Destroyers! (PRIVATE)

Wed Jul 17, 2013 6:34 am

Artist: Breaking Benjamin - Song: Evil Angel - Word Count: 3188

The intensity of this fight didn't seem to stop at all, the more it went on, the more that the earth, the people and the very Soul Society became at risk. Two powerful beings duelling it out right in the centre of a forest within Rukongai? Perhaps it wasn't the smartest move, as it was right in the Gotei Thirteen's home territory, and they were both considered enemies of the organization. Troublesome? Perhaps that was a slight understatement for the chaos that these two warriors were about to wreak and rain down upon this settlement. Was it expected from people of such power? Yes, but it was surprising that these two were even capable of making it into the Gotei without so much as a problem, or many defences being sprouted out all over the place either. What a dull place for preparation of war this place seemed, right now, in the middle of Zefonse and Hakai's fight; there should have been canons firing at them to stop them from continuing such a brutal killing within the Gotei thirteen walls, so why didn't they? Many things had happened to the Gotei recently, although perhaps it was the lack of a captain-commander that constantly made them struggle to keep co-ordinated in all of their plans, even on their home turf. Yet still, this made Hakai laugh. Worthless, that was all he could think. Worthless in fights, worthless in what they were doing as a result of Zefonse's actions. They relied on a IRAMASHA, none other than Reimu, to come save them. Perhaps it was a strange thing for them to be so broken, seemingly, but they were in no way weak; just torn apart for the time being. They would come back strong, and the vizard knew it.

Despite all of these things going on in the world, the Vizard Demon couldn't afford to keep his attention on anywhere else other than the arrancar before him. If he took his concentration off of him for a split second, it could very well mean death. After all, to make a rival of such a notorious arrancar was a dangerous move for anyone to make; but for Hakai? Perhaps not. After all, with a title such as The Destroyer, people often mistook him for some form of brute that wouldn't be able to use his head at all in fights. After all, Hakai was perhaps one of the smartest beings in relation to all of their alignments. He acknowledged that he wasn't the smartest person in the world, although when it came to battle wits and knowledge? He was nearly unmatched, perhaps that was why he could afford to be so destructive in his nature. Never the less, his mind was a steel-trap when it came to combat. Although in this current fight, there were many flaws in the way Hakai was reacting to everything. After all, with a slowing effect being added onto everything, even if it was by a millisecond, it could have changed the outcome of this fight drastically. And yet, Hakai's assault had still managed to cause even the slightest bit of damage and even movement in his opponent. Such a technique he was using, if it was that ring giving off a slowing effect, then Hakai couldn't afford him to let it keep playing at his reaction times, even if it did mean he was to hurt himself in order to destroy or rid of the effects of the ring.

Although, right now, the assault of Hakai had actually, surprisingly, landed. Although, it landed in a different way to which he hoped. Hakai deep red eyes scanned over his opponent, the time feeling like it was in slow motion now. His previous kick that was launched out with such power would become a dangerous move, although it was blocked not with a arm, not connecting with a shield of piece of flesh; but a blade. As his foot made contact with the blade, it would send a large vibration shooting down both the blade and his leg, yet still turning in momentum with his heavy roundhouse kick to cause the two slashes from either of his now sword-shaped arms, heavily appearing to be resembling the same type of metal used within Zanpakutō's. What was exactly happening to Hakai's body? Well, the assault he launched out was indeed using Hakuda and still yet, a very famous type of kick from Muay Thai, yet seemingly a early style known as Muay Boran. Although, no other person normally would find themselves to have such abilities to transform themselves into literally the same material as a Zanpakutō. So why? Why did this happen to Hakai? Earlier in his life, the Zanpakutō was like anyone else's. It was a katana held on a sheathe, either on his back or around the waist. In his search for Zin and during his establishment of the Monsuta before disappearing for months on end, he had carved up his own Zanpakutō into small metal balls; appearing to be peircings and placing them all over his body. These ranged from his eyebrows, arms, legs, even his nose. There was just cause in why he did this, to follow the analysis and use the idea of fusing with one's own Zanpakutō just like Zin had managed to do a few years prior to Hakai.

His hadn't made contact, yet the following move proved to have some sort of effect. The first slash from Hakai was blocked, the armoured body of Zefonse's arm making contact with Hakai's left arm appearing to take the shape of a blade that could have easily sliced open his chest if not stopped. Despite his arm being armoured, and his body being so hardy, the slash combined with the strength of Hakai would have proved to be more than enough power to cause at least the slightest bit of damage to the opponent's arm. His following slash came through, his right arm this time, striking nothing but air as the God of Battle jerked his neck backwards, avoiding any contact from his blade arm. Not only this, but something peculiar happened in that instant, just before the right handed blade came across, Zefonse... let go of his Zanpakutō? The blade fell quickly to the floor as he performed his manoeuvres to avoid the assaults the came from Hakai. Although, before his own blade could even make contact with the ground; it was picked up again, mid air. The Destroyer's eyes zoomed down, keenly observing the hand placement of his opponent. The blade was grabbed mid air, although it appeared that it was going to have some sort of wide-ranged slash. As the blade was drawn around his body, it cleaved through the air; knocking dust and even the very wind out of the area momentarily. It cleaved through, making it's war towards Hakai.

Before anyone could blink, a bright light was once again shown around Hakai's arms, this time making his entire arms covered in a metal, his fists appearing to be a pillar of nothing but steel and power. From his shoulder to the tip of his fingers, all of this changed; seemingly having no hand but a blunt ending, capable of having the strength to knock away even the toughest of foes or bludgeon them to death. Leaping backwards slighty, the blade came flying in, making contact only slightly with his now completely metal arms, grazing against them and sending sparks flying from the two metal colliding against each other momentarily. Cringing, Hakai gritted his teeth and still kept his eye sight solely on the amazing blade work coming from his opponent. Anyone could work a blade, but it took a master of it to work it like this arrancar before him did and use it to such effect that it could destroy very mountain ranges in a single swing. Yet he dug his feet into the ground hard, the very soil and earth beneath Hakai's feet splitting from the amount of force he pushed through them and the intense reiatsu that was being emitted from down at his feet. There was seemingly no end to The Vizard's raw power, where would it come to a close? After all, this fight had barely even started yet, the blows they were dealing were nothing short of amazing; enough to even kill a human in a single shot. Hakai kept his bloodshot eyes strained onto Zefonse Kaizme's blade, watching it as it came from above like a cleaver down upon him. Side stepping to the right at incredible speeds, the blade would fall down beside the body of the vizard demon, only narrowly dodging the downwards slash. That ring was having it's effects again, and it didn't seem to stop effecting the speed of Hakai's movement. He had to stop it.

Yet, the assault was far from over. The blade that was now dug into the ground beside Hakai's body quickly was drawn up instantly. Hakai had heard of this move before, in fact he had encountered people who attempted to use such abilities against him. It was a fast and strong move, but it had a weakness that couldn't be changed; it was a precise strike. Even if your opponent took a tiny side step, it would easily become avoidable and completely have no effects but striking mid air. As the strike flew up from the ground, Hakai's body would disappear before the strike could touch him, now appearing on the other side of the blade, a tiny shunpo to teleport him to the left side, or the Arrancar's right side of his body. Perhaps it was a simple waste of energy through shunpo, but Hakai couldn't afford to take such a hit, even if his defence was unmatched amongst many in the universe. Yet it appeared the assault was not over. Even in the gaps between attacks, why didn't Hakai strike? It was all a test of power and skill at the moment. During the early stages of the fight, when such things as Bankai and Resureccion hadn't been called out yet; it was the perfect chance to test your opponents levels and where their limit's were at. Although this final attack from Zefonse was different from the rest, it wasn't a normal sword strike. A bright aura could be seen enforcing and grasping itself tightly onto the Zanpakutō, then instantly a cleaving slash being brought down upon Hakai's location. What power he had, it was intense. As the slash came flying down, the Vizard would quickly slip into yet another shunpo; this time appeared ten metres behind the initial area of the strike.

A large grin controlled Hakai's face now, a grin that appeared to be that of someone having fun, someone that was comfortable with the situation he was in. To fight someone of such power after fighting nobody but weaklings for so long... it felt good. Perhaps it event meant that the vizard could let loose a little more than normal. As he stood there, grin covering his face, his brow lowered, watching as the slash made contact with the floor where Hakai was standing previously. The very ground was torn up, the earth below splitting in two; trees becoming flattened and even small creatures dying from the amount of intense pressure that was let off. That attack... If that had hit Hakai, what damage would have been done? To take something head on like that could have very well meant he left the area in a stretcher or didn't leave the area at all. What power this arrancar had, Zefonse... he forgot the feeling of being in the presence of someone so powerful. It felt... good. The ground was literally torn up, chunks of earth flying and crashing down upon the area. Once again, any pieces that would fall on Hakai's location instantly shattering due to the intense amount of reiatsu he was letting off. The grin remained, in fact, it grew even stronger than before the attack had made contact with the ground.

"Heh... Hahah... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. HOW FUN, HOW SO VERY FUN! I HAVEN'T HAD A FIGHT LIKE THIS IN YEARS. WHAT WOULD HAVE HAPPENED IF THAT STRIKE HIT ME? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH." His voice was deep, menacing with a haunting tone echoing throughout it. Normally, Hakai wouldn't talk like this. In most situations with fights, he would become the victor, not even finding the fights fun unless they were strong such as Zefonse. Perhaps that was why he enjoyed it so much, the presence of both these two monsters; each one having moves that could very well cleave each other in two. "You can't figure it out, can you? Where is my Zanpakutō?" His hands quickly shone bright again, quickly returning back to their original state, quickly raising his right hand to his eyebrow, brushing the hair away softly; revealing the piercings in them as well as on the side of his nose. "This IS my Zanpakutō. Me and my Zanpakutō are one, combined. My metal arms? These piercings scattered on my body? They ARE my Zanpakutō. My powers are mixed, our powers are one. I AM MY Zanpakutō, HEUAHEAHAHAHAHA." His voice was hyped, high with life and loud with expression. He was hyped up, there was not hiding that. Even if he did want to hide it, it was in Hakai's nature to enjoy fights; it's what he lived for. The blood, the sweat, the colliding of powers. If that wasn't what life was for, what else would be?

After his words, he would look down to his feet; eyes scanning quickly over the ruined boot, a large whole torn cleanly in it as well as blood leaking through the hole from his foot making contact with the Zanpakutō of Zefonse. Following this, his eyes would intently scan to his arms, where he previously blocked the first slash from his opponents blade; a bruise appearing from his wrist to his elbow already. That grin covering his face? It became even wider, his intense power being matched with Zefonse's? It felt amazing. Adjusting his feet, he placed his right foot out in front of his body; digging both feet intensely into the ground, splitting the very earth as a crimson reiatsu quickly surrounded his body; before exploding with intense pressure, the very air becoming difficult to stand up in. "Roar, Iwa."What were these words? Iwa... was the name of his Zanpakutō. A release!? Hakai's reiatsu would instantly grow even more, going as far to shroud his entire appearance from anything onlooking. Upon these words, the changes in appearance would quickly shift. The vizard's skin would become notably darker, along with a even more glowing effect added onto his eyes; a very thin layer of black aura rattling around his body. The reiatsu would quickly die down, falling back to his body to reveal his new appearance to Zefonse, almost appearing to have an extremely dark-tanned skin, his long black hair floating from the intense amount of pressure he was letting off alongside his piercings scattered around his body being more vibrant, almost appearing as if they'd grown in size.

Almost instantly after the reiatsu died down, he would shoot off, he speed picking up insistently, even faster than in his previous state; appearing to be quite a different power in general. As he jumped forward at blinding speeds, he would disappear yet again into another shunpo. where would he surface? To the right side of Zefonse. As he appeared beside Zefonse, a grin was still covering his face. Upon exiting the shunpo, it would seem like instantly he would attempt to grab the arrancar's arm, intentions focused removing effects of the ring, if that was the source of the slowing power. As he attempted to grab the arm of Zefonse, a black smoke would poar out from the very paws in Hakai's skin; escaping from his hands all the way up until his shoulder, attempting to attach itself onto the skin of the opponent. Not only this, but the effects of grasping his arm from a low angle, he would direct the flow of the smoke into the ring. What would this do? The smoke, in essence, has the ability to rot away at anything it came into contact with. So, by directing the flow into Zefonse's arm; it could eat away at the flesh of zefonse. By directing the smoke into the ring, Hakai would attempt to overload the ring and drown out any of the effects it would continue to have. Although, when the arm was grabbed, for the smoke to eat away at the flesh of Zefonse could prove near impossible as the arm was guarded. The smoke is tended to be released in small bursts, to vibrate similar in speed to that of a quincy's Selee Schneider. The smoke would instantly begin to eat away and tear open the armour, if keeping contact for anything more than two seconds, very well becoming possible for the skin to become reached by tearing away at the armour. Despite all of these efforts and grabbing onto the arm of Zefonse, The Vizard Demon would follow up with a final assault.

Due to his body being placed low to the ground, right leg would shoot out, still stained with blood from taking Zefonse's blade head on. Twisting his body, the leg that was stuck out would attempt to trip Zefonse from behind to make him lost balance. If this worked, even if he was just knocked off balance a bit or completely knocked onto his rear-end, Hakai would raise his left hand up to plant a deadly punch directly into the lower spine of Zefonse. The punch wouldn't be normal however, it would be coated with the same smoke that appeared to cover the other arm that was aiming to overflow the ring and destroy the armour. By coating his fist in the smoke, he could very well rip up Zefonse's back as if it was thrown onto a hundred slashing blades. At full effect, it could even cause scarring similar to as if he was whipped with a nine-tailed whip; those type of scars appearing in the long rung, if the flesh had been managed to be torn apart following his punch.

After the assault, a simple shunpo would yet again be performed to change his location to fifty metres behind The God of Battle, dropping himself onto a branch of a high tree, the smoke quickly drawing itself back in from all sources, in streams of black aura to flood back into the open paws in his skin. This was only a hint in the power of Hakai's Shikai, there were many aspects that could both destroy and create new opportunities and openings in the combat. Either way, this fight was far from over. And despite Hakai releasing the power of his Zanpakutō so early, perhaps it was needed for someone to prove who was really a titan, who was really a destroyer. "Let's so who really deserves the title God of Battle! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Template By: [THEFROST]

Two Titans, Two Destroyers! (PRIVATE)  Ap8OoJO

November SOTM 20112nd place
November COTM 2011 : 1st place Zefonse
Joined : 2010-09-12
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Two Titans, Two Destroyers! (PRIVATE)  Empty Re: Two Titans, Two Destroyers! (PRIVATE)

Fri Jul 26, 2013 11:25 pm

What? What was this? Hakai is fused with his own Zanpakutō!? Zefonse had heard of such tales of certain few who had forsaken their blades and fused into one perfect being, did Hakai truly performed such a feat, if so then that means his Zanpakutō powers must be off the charts compared to others. This was troublesome indeed if Hakai released at any point it might push Zefonse into a pinch, for now Zefonse had to keep his cool, since so far Hakai has taken the most damage.. even if its minor. But thats a scale that can tip into anyone favor at any point in time. So for now Zefonse had to watch for Hakai actions and see what he can do as of now, there must be a flaw somewhere in this fused being before him. Hakai laugh echoed in Zefonse ear, this was getting out of hand quickly, however if Zefonse kept his cool, he shouldn't lose out to Hakai words.

Zefonse heard the words of Hakai release, and he felt the immeasurable power that was released from the man, if Zefonse was vastly weaker than Hakai one could say he was being crushed by the weight of the ocean falling from the sky. However Zefonse as of now felt it pushing against his body, as if something was calling him out to battle. That sense of blood lust from Hakai release, made Zefonse wary of him. How could such a being be fused with there Zanpakutō and be full of blood lust? He notice Hakai skin darken, and a strange aura around him... just what is his Zanpakutō powers? Earlier he made blades from his hands, yet that seems more of a byproduct of the fusion than his Zanpakutō power, does it have to do anything with Hakai new appearance? Zefonse had to quickly figure it out or he won’t be able to plan correctly. However just as soon as Hakai released he shot off like a rocket towards Zefonse, hearing the quick sound of flash step, his eyes followed Hakai, even that level of speed. This was thanks to Zefonse eyes. Zefonse has the natural visual capability to capture greater light, resulting in the eye becoming a powerful visual receptor. This gives the eye a greater ability to "discriminate" objects, as in it can distinguish objects from greater distances. As well this also gives the eye the ability to visualize more "frames" per second, thus an enhanced ability to distinguish motion and react to it

While a human eye can distinguish around 10 million colors, Zefonse can distinguish more colors along the electromagnetic spectrum, due to its ability to capture far more light. This assists the eye in visualizing objects from far away distances (Distances where normal eyes would be unable to distinguish the object from the horizon), and distinguish movement, making it easier to read the motions of a target and react accordingly. This is not to say the eyes necessarily "predict" the motion of the target, but rather because each frame of motion is being captured with such accuracy, the eyes assist the wielder in reacting to motion in the present. Which in turns allows Zefonse to keep up with Hakai insane speed, Zefonse kept his ground and figured out where Hakai would move to based on his movements. Quickly reversing the grip of his sword so the blade is facing behind him, and the hilt towards the sky and quickly trusted behind him, in order to try to stab Hakai in that moment he grabbed his arm. What was this!

This smoke that flew from Hakai hands flew up Zefonse arm at such speed, it was as if the smoke was trying to eat it’s way to the ring! So Hakai did figure out how his movements were slowed, this was troublesome, however Zefonse had to react to another action Hakai was performing. Hakai tried to trip Zefonse, he quickly moved his feet to avoid being thrown off balance, however Hakai attack proved effective form this range. A powerful punch just made contact with Zefonse lower spine such power! Zefonse body moved forward in order to lower the damage, however it threw him a few inches before finally stopping. It was always a sight to behold to see something make impact with Zefonse, however Hakai only just started. The black smoke over his arm and covering his back...were doing something odd to Zefonse body. As the smoked recalled it revealed something to Hakai, were Hakai punch had landed on Zefonse spine, there was no sign of damage, the armor was torn, yet no bruises! Just what is going on with Zefonse, even his arm which held the ring withstood the damage, despite being covered in Hakai smoke for longer than 10 seconds. The Ring was fine, even though Zefonse arm-guard was destroyed. How troublesome Zefonse thoughts raced , the ring vanishing into a black burst of energy. Hakai power is truly fearsome, if it wasn’t for Zefonse healing factor that punch backed there would of went straight through, destroying his spine as the smoke enter his body and started to break down his organs. Yes it was thanks to this Arrcanar regeneration that he survived such as attack, Zefonse healed at such a rate it appears he suffered no damage at all, such a troublesome power in itself.

“You call this fighting? This is bad comedy Hakai!”

What! Zefonse mocks Hakai? Even after a hit and surviving the smoke like that, what were the point of his words!? He was trying to make Hakai lose his cool. However when he said that, he turned around to face Hakai who was on a tree branch now. Zefonse eyes were showing a lot of strength in them, he wasn’t backing down from Hakai attacks, in fact you could say that a soft smile was on Zefonse face. However as Zefonse looked at Hakai, he moved his blade to point it towards the destroyer before him. Hakai was smart to keep distance, however Zefonse should begin his real warm up on Hakai now. The appearance of Zefonse remained strong and unwavered as the energy in the air rose to unreal levels. Zefonse eyes changed color to a emerald-ish hue! What is going on... Energy was gathering around Zefonse at a odd rate, as if he was readying to release however that wasn't the case since he would've voiced his release phase! Even though Arrcanar can go into release state without voicing the command, however that would be a double edge sword and be unable to return to a sealed state ever again. No, Zefonse was known to be an oddity among the Arrancar... just what was going on with his eyes. Zefonse quickly looked over the Rain ring, it was slightly damaged by Hakai smoke, if Hakai smoke stayed a little longer it might of been destroyed! Troublesome indeed, in a puff of black energy the ring vanished from Zefonse finger recalled to base for repairs. Taking a small breath Zefonse leaped into action, at such speed that even with trained eyes, couldn't tell he moved till his after image faded away! He appeared in front of Hakai, almost so close that he could be touching face to face with Hakai at this moment.

Once again his Zanpakutō flashing as it descends upon Hakai! it was Ittō again! Calling out the full power of the weapon augments it past its highest boundary for a split second. In this split second Zefonse slashes down on the opponent's person, creating a deep and often fatal wound which is only capable of being healed by a special herb. The damage done by Ittō can cleave easily through even the toughest of Arrancar, and can even kill most Shinigami with apparent ease, he was hoping Hakai to dodge this one since his speed is no longer hindered. This attack was even more powerful than the one he used a second ago! Just unreal! If Hakai managed to dodge in time, the area behind Hakai would be utterly destroyed, lifting even mountains into the sky, to rain down on everything below! But if Hakai managed to dodge by going either left or right... a strange thing awaits for him the moment he appears.

Two strange skeleton arms created from reaitsu both on Zefonse left and right side respectfully, what they were aiming to perform was to grab Hakai the second he appeared with their great power. They might not have enough strength to crush Hakai but maybe enough to hold them long enough to slam him into the ground quickly, even if Hakai managed to dodge the grab, or break free before impact. Zefonse would make the arms form a sword form reaitsu, and slash down upon Hakai again, this time the blade would try to cut apart the bonds of Hakai skin, much like a Seele Schneider, but they as well used Ittō in order to make up for any lack of power and speed, and both arms would try to descend upon Hakai, however there Ittō is vastly weaker than Zefonse himself, so it is possible to overpower there slash’s with brute force!. But this assault was far from over. Even if the arms were destroyed or missed, Zefonse would quickly jump higher in the air overlooking the battlefield floating. And moved his hands in such a manner as if he was controlling somthing else! The mountains he had cut down, and the earth he had lifted up from then and now all started to rise in the air with him,. The primary strength of this skill now lies in gravity, with which the Zefonse can control as well as bypass, in which it can control himself and objects (non-living things) and make them levitate after touching them once, regardless of how heavy they are in reality. Essentially, this ability is similar to telekinesis. The abilities of this allows Zefonse to control nearby objects, including ones as large as battleships and larger. Once an object has been levitated, it will remain floating until he commands otherwise, or if he is defeated in battle; apparently, the affected objects in question does not have to be in close proximity with Zefonse himself in order to maintain the effect, evident by the fact that he was able to keep the floating buildings suspended high in the sky even while he's battling elsewhere in a different realm. .

This ability gives him a great advantage in combat, because it enables him to avoid many different types of attacks with relative ease, while he can attack from a distance with his swords or with his own powers. He also can use big objects like rocks to block attacks.He can use his power in a variety of forms, like dropping huge objects onto his enemies or raising and crushing the land on which they are standing. In addition, he has also used his power to manipulate and remodel the surrounding environment, such as fashioning stone, debris and snow into varying shapes, being able to form weapons. which charge onto the enemy. Zefonse can even make water or any element float to drown/burn/stun/etc enemies in it. What was this power? It was known as Ryusei.

Remolding the rocks and mountains into varying shapes and sizes of spears like pillars, he made them rain down upon Hakai, using his power to move them with his eyes, and used his free hand to motion them towards Hakai since he would be following with his great eyesight. Even if this attacked hit, it would only have enough power to stun if hit by a single pillar. But knowing Hakai he might be able to take more than a single pillar to make that stun work. While this shall rain down upon Hakai, Zefonse also followed in the attack. He would jump down below at amazing speed, in order to close the gap between him and Hakai in this assault, and before a powerful side slash towards Hakai releasing a wind blade that can cut through a mountain top with ease! After this Zefonse would jump to a top of a pillar of earth that crashed into the ground and using that strange power that created the arms, form a rib cage around himself, and anchors” himself on that spot, using it for a defense means for now while he tries to recover some energy. However the longer he keeps this rib-cage up, it would place a lot of stress upon of Zefonse as well start to burn up some energy at a rapid rate, however he won't show such weakness towards Hakai. Now he awaits for this beast of a vizard to appear.

“I Hope you didn't give up, I only started to warm up!”

Posting Template By: [THEFROST]

Two Titans, Two Destroyers! (PRIVATE)  XmGUKMS
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Two Titans, Two Destroyers! (PRIVATE)  Empty Re: Two Titans, Two Destroyers! (PRIVATE)

Thu Sep 05, 2013 12:20 am

Artist: Demetori - Song: 感情の魔天楼 World's End - Word Count: 3320

Zefonse was not going to give in in this battle, it seemed. The more time Hakai spent around this arrancar, the more it solidified his vision of Zefonse not backing down from a fight. There were three ways this fight could have ended, the first being a Zefonse defeat or kill, the second a Hakai defeat or kill. The final? Until they knocked each other around to near death parameters. By the way the fight was progressing so far, the last option had seemed like the most likely; these two titans were crushing each other with the brute amount of force they could muster. Each one of these men knew that no matter how this went down, this particular forest littered with dead trees, bandits and high mountain ranges was going to be scarred with the power of two above Aizen powered people. No matter the way someone looked at this, destruction would be inevitable to this area. Although Hakai still remained hesitant to the arrancar before him, he didn't know his powers all that well, other than the studying of his fights with people in the past. Even so, if it came to the point of Zefonse using his Resereccion... it could have become much more dangerous for Hakai. Right now, as The Vizard Demon had been in his first released state, he thought he may have the upper-hand if only by a minuscule amount. Although the assault and first phase of this battle had only just begun. These two men were far enough away from Seireitei to not drag any Shinigami into this or Iramasha like that Shrine Maiden Reimu in the Eighth Division earlier.

The Destroyer's vision and senses were at their peak right now, his eye sight being the ultimate advancement in this instance; being able to follow almost any attack with extreme precision or any movement, as well as his vision being extended to even five miles away. It was a weird sensation, fighting Zefonse, at least for Hakai it was. The pure power he held was fabled throughout generations, yet so far... the only thing that proved difficult to deal with was his intense strikes from his Zanpakutō. He was sure that was more hidden behind some form of mask or some secret power being concealed, but right now? It seemed to be not living up to the name of 'God of Battle,' at least in Hakai's eyes. As his attack with the smoke launched out and grabbed Zefonse's arm, Hakai's vision quickly drew down to the blade stabbing through and towards himself. Widening his eyes, he simply stood still and let the blade fly towards him, shifting his head to the right before it could make contact with his face. His vision could have seen that strike coming from a mile away, yet he was surprised by how Zefonse reacted to the strike of his smoke. His smoke had done it's purpose, it had filled the ring and continued eating it away until he summoned the smoke back; but the punch aimed at the lower spine is what peaked his interests.

No damage!? Hakai thought to himself. How could have there been no damage? The smoke he had produced would eat away absolutely anything that it came into contact with, human flesh and skin was no exception. So why? Why was this being blocked and avoided by simply not moving. His eyes widened as they shifted up to Zefonse before he retreated from his position, landing softly upon a tree top. His mind still remained hesitant on what he just witnessed, how could have there been no damage? He thought carefully as he analysed the opponent below. Was it his hierro? No... My smoke and strength should have easily penetrated that. What was i-- His thoughts were cut short as he watched the arrancar disappear from below and appear right before Hakai's face, nearly touching; staring into those illuminating eyes, Zefonse's hand holding his sword above his body in the air. NANI?! I could only just follow his movements! His vision shifted up to the sword. He watched it closely, quickly analysing the position it was being held in. The way it was being held, the curvature of the blade... it was that huge strike from earlier again! The vizard kept focused, although he couldn't help but feel this next attack would be stronger, if not double the strength than the previous Itto strike. It was more than likely that it would even slice open Hakai's defensive body, even in his shikai state. It would stop a major amount of the damage, sure, but it would be difficult for him to fully block the power of the blade.

The sword came flying down fast once again, the reiatsu and pressure was poring off the blade and it could even feel like it would make a persons bones brittle and near breaking point. Never the less he simply stood there, eyes watching the powerful blade fly down and attempt to cleave Hakai in two. "Bāsuto." A crimson aura would explode from Hakai's region, the very dirt beneath his feet cracking and stirring up into a whirlwind of dust. From within this dust, Hakai could be seen standing there, right hand held up and palm simply held open. The blade that had come crashing down was stopped in it's tracks right before hitting the head of Hakai by simply placing his hand in the direction of the blade. What was this? Basuto? It was a natural technique Hakai had been able to create after being fused with his Zanpakutō. If it was simply his shikai taking the strike, it would likely have cut his hand completely open. Basuto was a technique that temporarily tapped into the usage of his bankai's defence, his metal skin, and allowed him to summon it onto his body for a few seconds. This created defensive manoeuvres even more possible without actually being forced into the power of his bankai, rather being able to simply use the metal armour to act as a temporary defence. This was the power of Hakai's Zanpakutō, even a powerful strike like that was no match for Hakai's steel skin!

Yet Zefonse hadn't stopped an assault here. It was, in fact, only just the beginning of said assault. As soon as he stopped the blade, he felt the Arrancar reiatsu begin to concentrate before suddenly being slammed from both sides of his body, being picked up by something grasping around his body. Looking down, his eyes widened at the sight of a reiatsu like-type of mist was strangling his body, picking the one-ton giant out of thin air and tossing him about like a chew-toy. It picked him right up and launched him quickly at the ground below. Slamming intensely into the ground, Hakai would use his fist to soften the impact, right arm made into a blade so that he'd softly sink into the dirt and make a softer impact, slowing himself before finally slamming. Landing harshly on his feet, he'd grin and look up at the reiatsu shaped hands quickly reforming into the shape of two swords. How wild this had become, such a powerful opponent simply manipulating his reiatsu to be overpowering and strong enough to pick up a over one-ton opponent. Despite his hatred for Zefonse, even Hakai had to admit... it was pretty cool. As they sliced down upon Hakai, he noticed they had a similar fashion to the strike he had previously blocked. Red eyes widening, he gritted his teeth, the steel skin over his body quickly fading away into his body and revealing, once again, his dark, tanned, body. "Souka! Sorry Zefonse, but you're going to have to do better than this shit!"

The blades launched down, albeit with amazing force, were not so easily going to injure Hakai. As they swung down, a wild, psychotic smile crossed his lips. In a quick flash of light, his left hand would appear to have taken the form of a jagged edge sword, raising it up and clashing the reiatsu blade in between it, swinging his arm aside and pushing the blade away to dissipate into nothing but thin air. Although with the vizards right hand, he would raise it up, a flash of light would simply appear again, turning his right hand back to normal, catching the massive blade in the middle of his palm. "You need to do... much... Better... THAN... THAT!" The second blade would vanish into thin air as his vision would remain on Zefonse as he did so, watching every single inch of his movement to watch for attacks. The man was fabled to be extremely fast, so it could have proved difficult to fight against. Although, all of these movements had happened so fast... he forgot about a key moment in the attack earlier. That Itto had managed to topple trees, hills, mountains in the background, yet barely leave a mark on Hakai. Twisting his vision, his eyes would widen at the chunks of earth being levitated into thin air and moulded into different shapes.

Nani!? Telekinesis!? this thought raced through his mind, he didn't know whether it was his reiatsu forcing the chunks of earth to float, but never the less, it was something similar to telekinesis none the less. As they moulded shape, his stance would adjust and be quickly brought to an offensive one. For some, an offensive stance whilst these large chunks of earth were right in front of him was... weird. But sometimes... you had to go by the whole 'best defence is a good offence' rule. They were massive pillars flying down, if even one managed to hit Hakai, it could cause damage despite his shikai defence mechanisms. He had to react... and fast. The first pillar came flying down towards Hakai directly, followed by the rest of the hundreds. Throwing his fist forward, his knuckles would collide with the very rock and instantly shatter it into thin air; his palm opening as it shattered and sending out a wave of vibrations to crumble the rocks into nothing but dirt. Hakai would continue to do this a few times before finally being struck by two at a time, one directly hitting him from the front, another from his left side; putting him into a slight daze and feel his body become weary and off balance. Before he knew it, the arrancar had once again appeared before his body again, his eyes widened as the slash finally came into contact with his stomach. It sliced at him, making a cut run across his chest, the pressurised blade had launched out and added to the force of the strike too.

That was it. That was the first major strike of the battle. That strike from Zefonse had managed to draw blood, managed to make Hakai see his own crimson aura leak from his chest. Yet, he did not waver. He simply stood there as the strike hit him, being too stunned to follow Zefonse's movements. He looked down, the other pillars still falling around him. Blood... he pondered. Taking a few deep breathes, he'd mix in his breathing with a short laughter escaping from the side of his mouth, to only turn his body and face Zefonse's body wrapped up in a cage-like reiatsu barrier. His right hand would raise up to his chest, left arm flashing in light to appear back to it's original form. His right hand would run along the slash, blood curling around his finger and his attention focused on the intense strike he had just taken. The blood was poring from his wound, quickly stopping and becoming clotted as the bodies natural defence to stop injury was doing it's job. "I've figured it out, you know." His voice was deep and menacing, keeping a cold and sinister tone to underline it. "Why it seems I can't injure you. It's because of your regeneration. It's quite something, if I do say so myself. But you're not unhurt by my attack, no, if it was simply Hierro blocking it my smoke would have torn right through that; and it did. So you're not hurt, and now we've both made major strikes on each other; it just seems my wound is more evident.His voice would stretch out and echo the closer he came to the end of his sentences.

Hakai had so far deduced a bunch of details about Zefonse, despite only one of his attacks hitting. It wasn't because of his eye-sight or any of his other advanced senses, but it was because of his intense battle wits and general intelligence. It would have remained difficult for most people to analyse these attacks and create no new openings in these attacks by simply looking, yet Hakai could do this. Hakai's true strength was yet to be shown, and once it was shown... it wouldn't stop its rampage. Never the less, he'd flick his right hand, blood falling off and hitting the surroundings with a splash, drenching it with a soft crimson aura. Changing his vision straight to the cage Zefonse locked himself in, Hakai would take a deep breathe before finally advancing forward and travelling at beyond amazing speeds, faster than most eyes could follow and appear right before the rib-like formation of arms. Pulling his right fist back, Hakai would push it forward with extreme force and attempt to use his brute strength to tear open the cage. The punch would be a simple straight punch, although as he did this, if making contact with anything it touched, would send out a shock wave of pressure upon contact, ripping up the ground and even levelling trees in a arc around the punch. This wasn't all though, from Hakai's being, there could be seen his reiatsu forming in a mask like shape, a demonic face wearing a mask appearing up above his body, roaring with crimson red reiatsu. This was purely the pressure of his reiatsu he was letting off... what was going on? Was Hakai holding back in his strength before!?

After letting off the punch and the intense burst of reiatsu, the reiatsu would feel as if it instantly died down and settled, a calm whistle happening, before bringing up his left hand, pushing the arm forward, drawing his right hand back as the left hand launched forward. Whether the punches made contact or not, or if Zefonse moved, he'd follow his location with a hundred punches feeling like they were launching out from his arms, each punch having the intense strength equivalent to that of the initial punch to break the cage. Holding himself up with a simple air-walk, the punches themselves would be aimed towards the upper-body of Zefonse, each punch, if making contact, could be with enough force to crack ribs, break bones or even knock a person over. Although Hakai wasn't so sure about this used against Zefonse, it would seem to be a little more difficult to finally hurt him. "Giving up?! This isn't even close to my limit!" As he said this, his arms would begin to leak out black smoke, and as the punches stopped flying out towards Zefonse's face and upper-body, twisting his body at the end of the punch, a condensed vibration would launch out through the air and attempt to slice open the Arrancar chest. Following this Hakai's hand would seemingly instantly launch into the ground below them, body lowered and his eyes pinned on the

From here, the ground would begin to rumble and the very ground beneath Zefonse's feet would rupture and a pillar of a hundred metres of black smoke would encompass both their bodies. Whether he was in the air or on the ground, it would aim to reach up as high as the smoke could and engulf him. If caught within this smoke, it would begin to erode away at his skin and even dissipate his armour off from his body. Not only this, but it could very well cause temporary or permanent blindness and hinder other senses. As Hakai was close to his enemy at the time, he would also become engulfed in the smoke too; but it would not effect him in the same way as Zefonse. Rather, it would ignore him like it was smoke running around his body. Around this pillar of smoke, there would appear to be plants and the very ground eroding, as well as small animals who had come too close dying from the smoke and reiatsu being forced onto their bodies; even being enough to kill hollows just by their presence here. Although, this wouldn't be the end of the assault either.

Disappearing into a shunpo, Hakai would appear atop of the swirl of smoke; hand drawn up above his face and a calm face shrouding his face. It would be as if all the happiness was sucked out of the room, his right hand pointed towards himself in a claw-like fashion. Yanking his right hand down, a white and red aura would appear to fall over his face; the path in which his fingers travelled having a crimson red following. By the time his hand had reached the bottom of his face, a mask would now encompass his face. The design on it would appear to be mainly white with blue lines shaped all over it. They would be wrapped around the base of his head, brutal and intense looking teeth covering his mouth and once the mask was donned over his face, his eyes beginning to glow a yellow in colour, very small pupils in the middle. Hakai's mask had been called upon! The power of the Vizards using their mask was legendary, amplifying their strength to beyond ridiculous levels, being able to even obliterate high level opponents in a single shot in some cases. Following this mask being called upon his face, a red aura would begin to glow around his hand that was stuck out and pointed down at Zefonse, hopefully still entrapped within the cage of smoke. "Sorry, Arrancar. Your death is imminent!" His voice would ring as if multiple voices were speaking at once, his arm continuing to build up with the red aura.

Looking down upon Zefonse, the red aura would appear to become wider, his fist creating an arc of reishi that spread over a five hundred metre area. What was this power? This was Hakai's cero. The cero whilst using a hollow mask, being amplified in strength over ten-fold to that of a normal cero without the mask. For Zefonse to be hit by said cero, it could very well cause intense damage to his body and finally show it despite the high-speed regeneration. The cero leaped from his hand and crashed down upon the hundred metres below him. Whether it made contact with Zefonse or not, the landscape would quickly become destroyed over a five to six hundred metre area; the ground being seemingly nothing but a pit of charred trees dug into the ground of a hole that was at least a hundred metres deep now. Such power from Hakai was incredible, but he needed to use such a power to finally shut down Zefonse. Taking a few deep breathes, his breathing would begin to sound echoing, similar to when he talked before. It was the voice of the hollow within getting closer to the surface, yet the vizard still managed to keep control. A powerful technique from someone such as The Vizard Demon.

Never the less, this wasn't the end. His cero would damage his opponent if he was caught up in it, true, but even so; it wouldn't be enough to shut him down. And now with his shikai activated, his mask donned (albeit likely for a short period) it would definitely give him the upper-hand in an all out brawl with the God of Battle.

"Only getting warmed up, you bastard!"

Template By: [THEFROST]

Two Titans, Two Destroyers! (PRIVATE)  Ap8OoJO

November SOTM 20112nd place
November COTM 2011 : 1st place Zefonse
Joined : 2010-09-12
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Two Titans, Two Destroyers! (PRIVATE)  Empty Re: Two Titans, Two Destroyers! (PRIVATE)

Fri Sep 13, 2013 12:57 am

Artist: Taku Iwasaki - Song: Propaganda - Word Count: 4887

This battle is indeed much like watching two titans battle it out, two forces of distortion unleashed upon this land. A unstoppable force and an immovable object fighting each other in a bloodbath, each one performing feats and actions that would make God himself wonder how they were born into this world, where was this power they had coming from? Was it something they were born or destined to have? Whatever the answer two titans that were never meant to fight each other are clashing before god's all seeing eyes. One could say this was indeed a battle of two titans no.... more like two destroyers of worlds. Hakai The Vizard King and Zefonse the Phoenix King clawing at each other ready to rip each other necks out. If a mere mortal was able to look upon this battle and not die trying to understand their movements and actions. Zefonse knew this area they were sent towards is doomed no matter the outcome. The people that live here won’t suffer much only a brief moment into their current cycle. Zefonse recovering from his assault upon Hakai regaining his lost energy used in his battle with Jeaden. Finally figured out Hakai thanks to his reactions just now. Hakai still remained hesitant because he couldn't understand Zefonse movements he was too fast for him, no it was beyond that even with enhanced eyesight and senses Zefonse simplest movements escaped Hakai, this was shown when Hakai acted shocked at the start to Zefonse movement towards him his strike. Thanks to that information Zefonse figured out Hakai was studying his own movements and patterns as well this was best shown when Hakai used Bāsuto to save himself.

Hakai was indeed smarter than he looked it would've taken someone from the Gotei 13 months or years to learn and quickly adapt towards Zefonse sword strikes. This would prove troublesome to Zefonse in the future he now knows not use Itto so soon again, however that won’t be an issue to a swordsmen such as Zefonse. But Zefonse learned a lot more he learnt how to adjust his blade to Hakai skin the correct amount of force, the correct amount of power to slash away that tough hide to Hakai that is so troublesome, somthing like that happen so many years ago in the winter war with Kenpachi Zaraiki vs the fifth espada. Kenpachi is adept at adjusting to his opponent's attack patterns and battle methods to better counter them, was able to slice through his so called strongest defense after battling him for only a short while. However unlike Zefonse, Kenpachi lacked any sense nor applied and real logic towards his battle, one could say Zefonse merely adjusted at such a high rate thanks to his many years of battle experience. But Zefonse didn’t let this thought get to his head, the defense would prove troublesome till Zefonse can adjust to it fully. With the smell of iron and the blood stains upon the ground. Zefonse watched Hakai.

Hakai had suffered the first major wound of the battle, a deep wound upon his chest. But this reaction was like a laughing demon, how befitting that that wound didn’t phase somthing like Hakai a real titan of battle. Hakai was indeed smarter than he looked, normally people would learn this after many battles with Zefonse about one of his most kept powers of his insane regeneration, well to call it insane would be an understatement, If high speed looked and feel slow compared to Zefonse, it be like a snail trying to outrace a F-15. Zefonse regeneration was too fast for anything in this world to see, and it fools people into believing he has such high defenses. but this kind of regeneration wasn’t a Hollow trait like High speed, no it was thanks to Zefonse odd nature on the birth of regeneration, when he cast aside something for greater power he kept this skill with him. But for Hakai to figure it out after one attack was truly a skill to his mental state. This made Zefonse felt... strangely at ease, finally a foe which he doesn't have to hold back anymore.

No more neophytes clashing with his blade, no more seeing this world in grey, no more pointless battles, no more holding back to this useless world! Yes Zefonse at long last found something to unleash his built up annoyance to the world that refuses to move forward. A world that would destroy itself just for some petty power! At long last Hakai appeared before him, no more acting chained beast feeding on empty plates! To Zefonse this wasn’t fear or worry anymore, this was at long last relief! Free from his self built cage. At long last the crazed destroyer is free to battle to his highest potential before Hakai? If Hakai breaks oh well, then it proves to Zefonse this world really has nothing left anymore, only his end goals remain, even if it is for the greater good he would destroy everything that make beings such as himself and Hakai exist. Yes he wants the destroy all means of warfare, only peace. But for this day and possibility this day only marks the day the world witness the CRAZED DESTROYER.

When Hakai moved to Zefonse who is anchored to the ground in his defense ribcage, he noticed that Hakai moved at speeds that most people would have trouble following this speed without training, but for Zefonse he could follow it with ease thanks to his eyes. Zefonse has the natural visual capability to capture greater light, resulting in the eye becoming a powerful visual receptor. This gives the eye a greater ability to "discriminate" objects, as in it can distinguish objects from greater distances. As well this also gives the eye the ability to visualize more "frames" per second, thus an enhanced ability to distinguish motion and react to it

While a human eye can distinguish around 10 million colors, Zefonse can distinguish more colors along the electromagnetic spectrum, due to its ability to capture far more light. This assists the eye in visualizing objects from far away distances (Distances where normal eyes would be unable to distinguish the object from the horizon), and distinguish movement, making it easier to read the motions of a target and react accordingly. This is not to say the eyes necessarily "predict" the motion of the target, but rather because each frame of motion is being captured with such accuracy, the eyes assist the wielder in reacting to motion in the present.

! Hakai had let out his fighting spirit a masked demon behind him as he dashed towards Zefonse, and making impacted with the rib cage. ! such power it was is the reality of this world was cracking under pressure from Hakai might, was he holding back himself? The impact shook the cage but it refused to break not yet at least, it withstood Hakai punch, even with the shockwave coming off the ribs destroying the pillar underneath Zefonse, yet he remained in the air, thanks to Air-step. When Hakai unleashed a barrage of a hundred punches towards the cage, it withstood the first few, but as more punches came across the body, it started to crack and break. When the cage broke Zefonse instantly went into action Hakai was aiming for the upper-body of Zefonse, each punch could possibly break bones.

As the first strike came forth it was like slow-mo to Zefonse, he quickly used the armor on the sides of his arms, to parry it to the side quickly to make it miss it mark. When the second strike came towards him, Zefonse quickly drew his normal sword to block it in between his sword guard near the handle, it created a spark. Then came the third strike, Zefonse moved back and parried once again with the armor on the side of his arm to make it go to the side. Then moving with fast footsteps to the left to dodge the fourth strike, then duck down as the fifth strike came. It seemed Zefonse was in a helpless spot as the sixth strike came, but Zefonse quick got up and spun back into a normal stance to dodge it, it was akin to Capoeira a Brazilian art form that combines elements of martial arts, sports, and music. It was created in Brazil mainly by descendants of African slaves with Brazilian native influences, probably beginning in the 16th century. It is known by quick and complex moves, using mainly power kicks and quick leg sweeps, with some ground and aerial acrobatics, knee strikes, takedowns, elbow strikes, punches and headbutts. And in between the seventh strike when using a foot work motion Zefonse got closer to the Vizard at the same time dodging the eighth strike. Then came ninth and tenth using his arms once more blocks those to the side, making quick sparks. eleventh and the 12th was done differently, using his sword which was still spinning in mid air from the earlier strikes to once more block and parry those strikes, he then took hold of that sword, using it as a fencer, trusting his blade hilt forward to stop the 13th strike with ease.

Then came the 14th and 15th strike , Zefonse placed his sword away, as each strike was getting faster, stronger over time, he was going to have to use some of "it" he most fateful fighting style, that used arms to block attacks. It was known as Resshūken. An elegant fighting style that is only available to fighters that have mastered all other forms of martial arts. This style is considered to be the strongest, most-elegant, school of martial arts in existence and relies on fast footwork in order to focus on fending off enemy attacks with the arms and using the legs to counterattack with powerful kicks. While it is a largely unknown fighting style, Zefonse would use his arms to move the rest of the attacks. The 16th,17th,18th,19th, and 20th strikes all were knocked away with such skill and grace it was if he wasn't trying, his whole body now a blur. As strikes 21-30 came towards him, Zefonse used his natural speed to both block, and test this Vizard might. It seemed as the more he noticed his armor started to weaken, but his armor had no special skills, it was just the appearance of the sparks appearing from each block. As the final wave of strikes came towards Zefonse, his eyes closed, clearing his mind, and then in what seemed to be one quick motion, he used his stance to move his arms past god speed. All of them each and every last punch were blocked in what to seem to be a show of sparks. Zefonse remained calm. As the fury of strike's ended at last. Zefonse noticed that the Vizard started to leak out some of that god forsaken smoke to ground below them.

Zefonse noticed that when he had the smoke on his body that it had a odd ability Hakai is capable of producing vast amounts of smoke from the black reiatsu coating him or producing large amounts of smoke from inside of his body that much Zefonse figured out. It was able to break down some of his armor rather quickly, yet on Zefonse himself it was tad slower, so that was the secret to it, it was eroding things at such a rate, if Zefonse had to chose to compare it to a former Espada it would be Aizen 2nd Espada who had power of “Old Age”. As the smoke broke free from the ground below Zefonse, and the tower of smoke was born and anew. Zefonse was covered in it.. was this the end to the god of battle?! But Hakai assault didn't end there no it was far from over, This intense aura he drew his mask finally this battle was just starting to make his blood boil! Such wonderful attacks, such wonderful night to face after a age of neophytes falling before Zefonse blade, when this Vizard drew his mask it was destiny after all for them to meet, even if god or some higher power beg for them to stop it was too late now. These two might as well battle till each other was dead, no even if they kill each other they would still find a way to break reality to battle endlessly.

As Hakai unleashed his Cero towards Zefonse, a deep laughed echoed across the world, it shattered everything in this world idea of fear, it was if nature itself was just unleashed laughing at this attack. Impossible there was no way Zefonse could be laughing at this, surely these attack would phase or at least worry him right? No this laugh was echoing across the world itself, right now bandits from far away, stopped in there tracks in pure fear, as they saw bright light and heard Zefonse laughing, it was as if he was letting out years of built up annoyance in a laugh. As the cero neared Zefonse laugh faded across the land, and then he spoke within the smoke, with an unnerving calmness as if nothing phased him not even pain. “You! Figure me out, that is hilarious to the point of being pitiful! Your eyes have not yet grasped a single truth... you still cannot see anything.” What!? What was Zefonse saying, it was correct that Hakai did learn about his regeneration, but Zefonse was holding back this whole time, and it was time to unleash it.

As one of the strongest Arrcanr alive, Zefonse possesses absolutely monstrous spiritual power. His very presence can cause even the most skilled Shinigami to lose their breath, and is capable of affecting entire areas to the point of disrupting energy attacks from enemies, as well as affecting others from seemingly miles away and cause them to enter a state of paralysis and confusion. As the strongest Phoenix King, Zefonse is forbidden to release his Zanpakutō inside the base because such a release could destroy the entire fortress. His spiritual aura also kills off weak life forms, such as plants and animals without any effort It takes on a thin purple color. The smoke that engulfed him was blasted away from Zefonse body now glows bright white when this is performed, making an ungodly shock wave that ripped away everything, the smoke flying high in the sky away from Zefonse, not a single sign of damage upon his person, such power! This was indeed the full output of Zefonse spiritual energy in base, to measure the range of which was destroyed in the shockwave would be impossible to tell, as the sky itself cracked under pressure. And Zefonse reiatsu takes the shape of several black and white reiatsu wisps surrounding his body, as well as a large aura that rains down on the area like a ocean in the sky, reiatsu takes the shape of several black and purple reiatsu wisps surrounding his body, as well as a large aura that rains down on the opponent. It was if the ocean was replaced by the sun itself! Zefonse voice let out a small chuckle. “You call this a Cero?” Zefonse moved his hand as the Cero was right in his face, and knocked the cero away with brute force and power. Sending it flying miles away its blast could been from where Zefonse and Hakai stood. What was this? How could it be possible that such a being existed, no if one took the time to break it down by milliseconds, it was possible, Zefonse made himself safe from Hakai smoke for the time being with his own reiatsu, sending it away from him, just in time before it came into contact on him inside the pillar. And if one were to notice Zefonse hand, that backhanded Hakai Cero away, it was smoking, and the arm guard over it was melted. Just what was Zefonse really!? “Hakai I give you a pleasure... no a gift, something that this world hasn’t witness in a long time... How I gained my title as Crazed Destoryer! But how long can you keep it up Hakai!” And then Zefonse let out another laugh that would strike terror even in the most battle harden.

Then Zefonse image faded...WHAT!? Zefonse already moved when he knocked the cero away, the after image was there just to talk to Hakai. Just how was that possible! The eye even enhanced had too many empty spots, by the time the brain would of seen Zefonse moved he closed the distance, he would be right in front of Hakai, and Hakai would've see Zefonse just in time for him to notice that he held his sword in his left hand, slashing downwards, This movement, this curvature of the blade, it wasn’t Itto, no thankfully it wasn’t, however the slash was coming downwards over Hakai left arm, even with Hakai insane defense, the power behind this strike would of made the Itto’s look like mere children swings. Zefonse was no longer holding back anymore, his full might of his sealed self vs the masked demon before him which one shall win? This sword strike is powerful enough to possibility slice off Hakai arm even if he used a skilled called Bāsuto again, defense before this strike would prove quite meaningless, even if Hakai doesn't lose an arm or dodge this strike, since they were this close, Zefonse right hand had a glowing orb within his hands, a cero! The power, force, speed, and blast area of the Cero is dependent on the strength, spiritual power, and sometimes skill of the user (i.e., the stronger the user, the stronger the attack), and there are some Arrancar who have come up with their own variation of Cero. The charging and firing time for Cero varies greatly, from charging relatively fast to firing it to instantaneously firing one without much charging. Despite the damage it can cause at long range distances a Cero causes as an explosion is more dangerous when used at close range! Zefonse fired his Cero nearly at point blank at full power in a beam style, it could possibly melt Hakai skin off, or burn away his smoke with pure power alone, however Hakai deals with this attack combo this was only a feign attack.

:Zefonse is very efficient in swordsmanship, being able to fight on-par with a captains in Bankai. He is capable of using his speed for flawless precision and to inflict lethal attacks without much effort. Zefonse prefers to wield his sword with his right hand, leaving the other hand free though it usually remains hanging. He is quite adept at blocking while his offense is capable of great precision. His fighting style also involves evasion and attacking an opponent either in the front or back using the element of surprise to overwhelm them. His skills are very versatile, able to use various bladed weapons with high proficiency. He is ambidextrous and can change his fighting style at a whim — keeping his opponents unsure as to his next move. A master of many Kendō combat forms, Zeofnse draws his opponents in, fighting less than his true capability, and then striking the fatal blow when his opponents believe to have the advantage over him. As a grandmaster of Swordsmanship, Zefonse is naturally a master of the general art of Kenjutsu, having mastered its most basic principles to the point in which they alone cause mortal wounds should they be successful. His feigns (usually Iaido) are so fast and spontaneous, he can create several openings in a foe in just one movement; a utilization of his Zanpakutō, footwork, and center of gravity. Applied effectively, the opponent is set-back one move, while creating an opening elsewhere. Unlike other swordsmen, and any known master of Zanjutsu, Zefonse, adhering to the traditional teachings of Kenjutsu, aims for his foe's sword hand or arm in an attempt to disable and/or disarm his foe of their weapon, and creating large openings from which to deliver the killing blow. There are some attacks, however, that do not require a preceding subterfuge to create the necessary opening for attack. Zefonse refers to these as his "quick strikes" (迅速殴打, jinsoku ōda). They are done with one hands on the sword, much like his various Kendo techniques, or with a sword in each hand, thanks to the unique manifestation of his zanapktuo sealed state. One hand is at the base of the handle to provide longer reach, while the other hand is at the ridge of the blade to provide the initial force to flick the sword as quick as an arrow to hit the target. This could also be done with his unique double sword’s, with one sword providing the push for the dispatch. He usually hides these postures from his opponents, and the ready positions are implemented while switching hands or while changing steps. These flicking strikes can be administered from any angle (from the top, sides, or below). The only time he aims for his opponent's sword itself, is when parrying; merely in attempt to knock his foe's blade away to allow him to deliver a more powerful thrust of his own. When parrying, Zefonse always directs the point of the sword to the target. This minimizes the step usually needed for him to be able to counter-attack. Thus, his opponent is at an immediate disadvantage. Also, using the quick strike at the opponents sword hand or forearm, as he usually would do in one of his thrusting techniques, will immediately incapacitate the opponent's attack before having to parry it. By keeping the point of his zanapktuo pointed towards his opponent while attempting to parry in all angles, provide him with a good foundation for an appropriate counter maneuver reflexes. His ability to employ all three of these aspects of the art, not only flawlessly, but, instinctively, where he doesn't even have to think about them, are a testament to his mastery of the art. His reflexes are trained to react to sword movements, however chaotic or unpredictable they may be, to the point that he can fight in total darkness and still effectively parry and return opponent techniques and strikes. He is also capable of taking on several opponents at once with his techniques. Because his Zanpakutō manifests as a Changdao. Zefonse is also a master of double-bladed combat and can adjust his style correctly to incorporate them into his attacks and parries. Zefonse use of the art of Kendō, is considered a master of the art in ever way. Because of his masterful command of the art, he is known as a "kendōka" (剣道家, those who practice Kendo). It is primarily a two-handed sword art, with tremendous power behind it. The purpose of Kendō is to throw off a target's determination and test their resolve. A weakening of resolve usually produces several openings from which Zefonse can exploit to deliver a killing blow. Unlike other’s Zefonse mixes his Kendō in with his traditional Zanjutsu and Kenjutsu fighting, usually using Kendō techniques as finishing moves, or as a opening attack. His Kendō, in particular, is feared as the strongest among any practitioner, as he is able to use it to cut through Bankai, and people’s sword arm. His Kendo strikes are so powerful, they can easily slice through large debris, and even the stone that composes the gates of the Seireitei; sekki-seki. They also have a tremendous amount of concussive force behind them, able to create a large explosion of air pressure after each and every swing.He can have so much precision that the cut of extreme force and speed he create’s, casually slice through large, multi-story high opponents. The opponent can be killed with one swift slash so precise, that they aren't even aware of until after it has taken place. Another traditional Japanese school of swordsmanship in which Zefonse has practiced in his pursuit of swordsmanship mastery. "Iaijutsu" (居合術, Art of Drawing the Sword), focuses primarily on drawing the sword in such a way that it can actually be used as a combative art. Iaido is primarily used as a feigning technique, meant to surprise an opponent before using more traditional Kenjutsu or Zanjutsu to deal damage, or Kendo to finish an opponent off. He can also use it as a disarming technique, for example, drawing his sword so fast, he can strike his target with the hilt, knocking the wind out of them and taking them out of a fight before the fight really begins. His Iaido strikes are so incredibly fast and spontaneous, defending against them could result in maiming or, in more severe cases, broken bones and even death. Zefonse can move his so sword swiftly from its sheath and swiftly slashes his opponent across their torso, usually without warning, as it is a spontaneous technique in nature. The result is splitting the target from was to waist, causing the target to be completely bisected. Even larger targets, such as Menos Grande are susceptible to this move.

As noted above that attack Zefonse performed was a feign attack, Zefonse real attack started just the millisecond after Hakai deals with the Cero. It would appear simple, but no it was far from it. Another Cero was created however this time it was infused into his blade this was Burēdo Cero! An Cero used exclusively in close-quarters combat. Zefonse channels the energy that would be normally used for a projectile-based Cero and maintains it into his sword, giving it a red fire-like aura. Physical strikes made onto the opponent will be drastically enhanced, capable of cutting through extremely durable Hierro and defense and even stopping other enhanced cutting blades. Zefonse further take this power by adding his blood into it giving the cero that should've been used the power of an Gran Rey, increasing the cutting power even more. The aura when using the power of the Gran Rey is changed from the redfire one to an clear crimson with dark gold aura. Now Zefonse blade itself is channeled with his gran rey Cero. . He can also fire the energy at the tip of the blade, magnifying the slash attack and then flies forward, the cero can be fired off in a form of an slash giving the wave the same damage as the cero just used on Hakai. If Hakai so much touches the blade now, the sheer power of the blade aura itself would melt his hand off even with his defenses as of now. Now Zefonse would dashes directly around Hakai at even faster speed creating 20 after images around Hakai, Covering all sides Zefonse would be running circles around Hakai getting faster and faster till it suddenly happens!

A twister would form Hakai who would be inside the eye of the storm, Zefonse was moving so fast he created thick strong twister around Hakai, and he was getting faster and faster The oxygen inside where Hakai is would start to get sucked up because of Zefonse intense speed creating a vacuum around Hakai sucking all the air up, and a zero pressure environment. A Vacuum is space that is empty of matter. The word stems from the Latin adjective vacuus for "vacant" or "void". An approximation to such vacuum is a region with a gaseous pressure much less than atmospheric pressure. Humans and animals exposed to the vacuum will lose consciousness after a few seconds and die of hypoxia within minutes, but the symptoms are not nearly as graphic as commonly depicted in media and popular culture. The reduction in pressure lowers the temperature at which blood and other body fluids boil, but the elastic pressure of blood vessels ensures that this boiling point remains above the internal body temperature of 37 °C. If Hakai fell victim to this it would be far too easy, not this was only to make a delay in Hakai as Zefonse finished his attack, this vacuum was merely a side effect of his real attack. As stated there were 20 after images of Zefonse running around creating this twister. From all angles around Hakai wind blades would fly out to clash upon Hakai person, these themselves wouldn't be as dangerous as it would seem, these were merely strong enough to bruist Hakai skin. Now how shall Hakai deal with this, since once all the wind blades are fired the twister ends and Zefonse stops moving with a good 15 meters between himself and Hakai looking on for his next action. This isn't to say Zefonse was unhurt, he strained himself, his bones were cracking under such high speed, And Hakai shattering the ribcage caused a huge mental strain, it is unlikely he would be able to perform that skill for a while, yet his unwavering face showed no sign of weakness of fear.And going into this level now after so many years might prove a dangerous gamble, since it would mean his body isn’t adjusted to his own power as it was.

“What shall you do now Hakai!”

Posting Template By: [THEFROST]

Two Titans, Two Destroyers! (PRIVATE)  XmGUKMS
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Sun Oct 04, 2015 5:12 pm

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