Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
Joined : 2011-03-03
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Mind of Neko Empty Mind of Neko

Thu Apr 11, 2013 3:56 pm

The voice of the yellow haired boy asked as he looked around for her, not seeing his cat anywhere in sight. His right hand reached up to the golden locks on top of his head, moving his fingers through them as he looked for her, before suddenly his eyes shot open wide, as a mysterious object slammed into him. His body was thrown away, eventually slamming into the ground, with the mysterious object looking down over him, using his stomach as a cushion as it swished a tail around his legs, yawning above him.

"Darnit cat, I told you not to do that…" He muttered, putting up a hand and petting the side of her head, to which his cat leaned her head over, purring as she accepted his touch, her eyes closed as she just enjoyed the feeling of Len's hand against the side of her head. "Silly…" He muttered, his hand petting on her head for a bit longer, before moving off of her head. Sassy's eyes looked up at him, her yellow orbs staring at him as she looked a this hand, moving her face forwards as it tried to retreat and forcing it back within the folds of her hair. Her hair was extremely soft and smooth; Len's hand had no problem moving about within it as he scratched her with a finger, making Sassy purr even further, before she suddenly got up off of him, leaping onto the couch of his small apartment.

"...Kitten… why me…" He muttered softly, looking over at her, before she looked up at him with her eyes. He could guess why, of course. He had given her attention back when there was no one else to take care of her, back when she was abandoned and left for dead. He felt a surge of anger flow over him, his right hand gripping into a fist before letting up on his side, looking at his hand again. I suppose everything has its purpose… If those people weren't so cruel to her.. I never would have even met the fluffy, much less see her want to stay with my family… He thought, letting the hand release some of the tension. Of course, he could never forgive the people who had done that to his kitten; but he would never change what had happened in the events leading up to him meeting the fluffy. That was one of the things he could never do, eve.. Even if it was possibly better for her. Although that, he heavily doubted.

She was the perfect person for him; someone who looked at him unconditionally, demanded only his attention which he was more the happy to give. Yes, she was fickle at times; but that was part of the reason he loved her. In Len's mind, there were a lot of other outcomes that were possible for the person who he would feel this way with, and he was more then glad that Sassy's only frustrating trait was how random she could be. However, even if he didn't want to admit it, the random things hee secretly enjoyed, because typically they were acts of attention towards him, which made him happy.

He wondered if he was greedy; he supposed there was truly no way to tell. Perhaps he was addicted to the attention he received from her how he did; in which case, he could not even think about what would happen if she left him at this point. He honestly had no idea what would happen to him should that outcome occur. Would he go crazy? He was fairly certain that if she got lost, he would search for her no matter where she went, wherever the place was. But if she had something happen to her from which Len could not follow…

He was shot out of his thoughts, as Sassy forced her way onto his lap, curling up in her wild form on him so she was small enough to feel his warmth. This brought a blush to his face, but he had long before gotten used to the sight of his cat's body, even if it did embarrass him at times. Even in her wild form, her utterly massive amount of hair was more then enough to cover most of Len's body. He reached a hand through her hairs, the vast majority of them so he could pet her back. He felt the muscles in he back respond to his touch, stretching out and pressing against him, as a resolute purr extenuated from her body. He knew his kitten had an extremely sensitive back, but the current situation always made him think.

Was he really sassy's owner? Could he even define her as a pet? She called him her person, but what did that really mean? Did that mean that she was in charge of and responsible for him? Len honestly didn't think of himself as her "owner" or "master". He simply thought of himself in his relationship with her however she thought, even if what she said meant nothing objectively. Most days, in fact, it felt the other way around; that she was in charge of Len, using him however she pleased. If it were anyone else, Len would never allow himself to be treated in that way. However, he knew that Sassy was basically incapable of doing what she did for actions outside of warmth and love. And for those reasons, Len had no problems being used however the cat wanted…

Even if it involved her using him as a mattress. As he tried to lay in his bed with his tablet that night he couldn't even position his arms for the largely hairy lump on top of him. She was like a growth on top of him, smiling at him with that happy look on her face. He had an entire bed; why did she have to use him as a mattress? However, even that made him happy, as he took the moment to give her more attention, petitng her on top of her head and down her back. That obviously made he happy, as he could feel her purring on top of him, as she reached her head forwards, smelling him with her nose before rubbing his face with her own.

That was another interesting part of it; Len was well aware of how cats scented other objects. The kitten had long since marked him as "hers". His entire body smelled of her special scent, not a square inch of it lacked the Sassy-exclusive material. Even his energy signature rank of his kitten. He was bonded to her in inexplicable ways; more then a human or a cat alone would have because of Sassy's nature… but also because of his own. He honestly wondered how many people in Karakura would have helped his kitten if he had not What if she had never found him? What if he had been somewhere else? Now, knowing Sassy, he knew that she would have found him regardless. But if she was like a normal cat he would not only have never known her, but never known she even… existed.

He wrapped his arms around the kitten, pressing her against his body lightly He could feel her purring noises, and they sent a funny feeling through him However, after a few minutes of just laying like this he shifted, moving her over to his side. She was fine with this, curling up against him as he worked on his compute, reading the many updates on that site that he had become an admin on after having worked on there for over two years of his short life. He looked down at Sassy again at this point ,wondering how old his kitten really was. He had no idea how old she was; although he was glad that it seemed she was more person then cat, like 55% person and 45% cat. It scared him to think of if Sassy ever became old. He was certain that even while old she would be fluffy and probably not act like it; but what if she became debiliated. Seeing his cat, the one he loved and who had become such a part of him.. Seeing that withering away would be horrifying. Thankfully, Len didn't think that he would ever have to worry about that.

However, his brain suddenly flipped on the issue. What about himself? What about when he, a normal human (mostly these days) became old and withered away? What about when his cat was left without the special person she had been looking for all the time she could remember? Without warning, his hands reached around her, pulling her close as he he embraced her, his eyes closed as she looked up at him curiously. It made him realize that those around him he had to cherish while he was still around; even if one day he would only be a withered old husk of the promise their memories made. His computer made continuous binging noises; but he ignored the comments and random, needless nonsense of the ones he did not know, focusing his attention on those whom he loved, at the very least for the moment.

However, he found her fur so soft, and just the warmth of another being against his body comforting, as at last he drifted off to the land of sleep, completely content to be with his fluffy cat like this, no matter what anyone said.. It was the place he enjoyed being. Long ago, he had stopped caring what others thought of him. Even if they thought he was strange for the love he held for the kitten The only thing he cared about was the fact that there was another being who did not bear ill, toxic will with him, who never judged him, never questioned him, never doubted him, and never wanted to leave him. Silent tears rolled down his cheeks pressed into Sassy's fur as he remembered back to the younger Len, the one from before he finally had been safe enough to leave and start his own family The one who was brutally picked on almost every day of his existence for a trait outside of his control; he just wanted to scoop up the pitiable younger version of himself and hug him and tell him that everything would be alright later in his life, that he would find that which would never judge him or leave him, or make him worry and overthink every single thing.

All of these thoughts drowned into his head as he sniffed, smelling the scent of his cat flood into his nostrils as his body relaxed, before at last his tears stopped and he calmed down, embracing her as he fell into blissful sleep, so very warm an glad to know that he had someone, someone who was an intricate part of himself, a beneficial part, that helped make the rest of him be what it desired to be, the part that he would always call…


(-bows- Tsu has been toppled. The Mecha is down; it is now the Neko's reign!)

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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