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Entity of Contradiction
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Sat Nov 17, 2012 7:31 pm
Dayalu Seishin
Davana Demon
Current Concept: Reincarnation

Getting where Dayalu was very hard for most demons as they were enemies of either of the three or more organizations that protect this place. Lucky for him that he didn't worship or follow Touketsu, harm Earth in anyway possible unless it was from his battles with other demons, and finally he caused no trouble for Vizards or Shinigami. Even most of those people had barely heard of him anyway even through he was a Davana demon, of both Suicide and Reincarnation. When he entered the central actually he passed as a regular peaceful demon in the records, which means they didn't have any recent updates on his file in a long time. He's died so many times and not recorded as Davana of Reincarnation that they start a completely new file for him. Even if they had anything bad on him it was probably already tossed out the door many years ago. Now to the point at hand as he walked in the streets of the housing district. It was definately unusuals for demons to be among the general population of Karakura but they forgot that the barrier definately weakens them even if they are strong like Dayalu but no by much. He also didn't force himself into the dome through as he came in legally. It seemed as if he planned to live here for awhile in the peaceful communities form in Karakura Central/

"All of these houses look pretty nice." He said to himself as he looked over them one after the other.

Many probably hid from him as he walked by their homes if they were occupied and probably thought that he was looking for a target to attack first and then after that. But Dayalu showed no intentions on doing that unless they were automatically assumed. Eventually he came across the perfect house for him and it was for sale, it was nicely sized but the neighbors were spaced somewhat far apart since the closest house to it was a estate. But this is the trait that made the normal size house perfect for him because he felt somewhat dettached being next to the estate. He instantly decided on the property was to be his and got it all settled as he got in contact with the seller and disclosed his offer to them and even threw in a little extra to move in instantly since he was already present on the property and it was agreed. Now a question is where did Dayalu get all of this money well. Once you live 8,000 years you can save up money somewhere for a very long time in wait to be used. He really didn't bring anything into the city with him so he had no objects to put into the house so he was going to have to solve that first. He quickly got in contact with yet again another person in a store district and ordered his furniture through them to be delivered by the end of the day.

"Everything is going according to plans." He said hoping his two eternal partners could hear him.

Eventually he stood directly outside his new home as the day wasn't close from over but there wasn't much of left to do as he couldn't get food until he got something to store it and he already got the furniture he needed. So the only thing left on his list seemed to be introducing himself to the neighbors in the esate next to him and his house. As he got closer he could tell that the place was already huge inside of it's rather large wall, but why did these people need these walls. Were they really that important that they needed them or was it just to keep many people out. When he got closer to the main gate he noticed that some were entering and exiting at the time but it was ending. The gate was quickly closing as he approached but he wanted to enter as well so he speed himself up and ran to the gate. He was never going to make it normally and was about to activate his shadow movement. Through he suddenly slipped and fell to the ground but he used this to his advantage as he made himself in a position to slide with effort. To make sure he slide under the gate well enough he used Force Speed to make winds pushing him forward quickly. He now easily made it and found him inside the estate now. Althrough he was unnoticed and there were not longer people present he was sure someone coluld now sense his pressence within. He wasn't quite sure who would come but they would arrive soon for sure. A demon within a private place probably couldn't go unattended for long. To be polite to the welcoming party, he didn't hide nor did he explore the estate before him.

"Anyone home?" He asked to himself to make a joke for once since he didn't see anyone present, even through people came in.

I'm never going to be a hero! But I'm Zero!
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Sat Nov 17, 2012 8:51 pm

||Kyoko Tanaka||

Kyoko had been invited to the main house to discuss the fact that she was often caught dazing out and not paying attention to anything anyone said. Keianna Tanaka, the one who called the meeting and her cousin, stated multiple instances where Kyoko was almost run over because she was dazing out while walking into the street. Keianna also pointed out the fact that Kyoko almost got her killed because she dazed out on a train, missed her stop, and left Keianna to fight a powerful demon on her own. Being a member of T.A.G., you're supposed to be a bit more alert than that. Kyoko of course dazed out through out this entire meeting, only getting bits and pieces of it, most of those pieces were when Kenshin Tanaka and Keianna decided to yell. Finally this meeting was over and the two of them left Kyoko alone to go train the new students. Kyoko was always allowed to wander around the main house, mainly because she was family and she'd likely daydream most of the time. Yawning, she just sat there in the office with her elbow on the desk, thinking off about random things that really were of no importance. "I wonder what the school is going to have for lun-... What is that...?" were Kyoko's current thoughts as she sensed something unfamiliar enter the grounds. Now... she was interested.

Kyoko stood up and walked out of the office towards where she sensed this intrusion. As she exited the front door, she looked straight forward and saw a boy that looked younger than her, but something about him seemed off. She may day dream a lot of the time, but if something was going on, her focus would always sky rocket. It was when she wasn't entertained that she'd always let her mind wander and block out everything. "Who are you?" was Kyoko's informal greeting to this person that entered her family estate, "Are you one of the new students or something? The dojo is on the other side of these buildings..." Kyoko pointed towards a path that would lead him through the entire way and towards the dojo, "Just follow that all the way back..." With that done, her interest had sorta been lost. She just assumed he was a lost student, so once she gave him directions, she began turning away to head right back inside.

Entity of Contradiction
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Tue Nov 20, 2012 8:40 pm
Dayalu Seishin
Davana Demon
Current Concept: Reincarnation

So Dayalu found himself within a entire place filled with multiple buildings around him and so many paths to choose from. He was certain that quite a few will get confused on which one to travel upon. The rather large walls have kept so much hide from the outside world, unless you saw it from the sky or came into the walls like he did, you probably couldn't tell that well of the things inside. Eventually, someone came to greet Dayalu but some things came as a surprise and the things should be listed from the start. First, he didn't expect a single person to be brough to his location and expected at least three or four individuals. But what was brought would have to do for now, he hoped that she could help him with what he came here to accomplish today. When she arrived the second surprise came as she greeted him and before he could answer she asked another question. Asking if he was one of the new students or something and it made little sense to him at first.

"I'm not a student." He answered. But she must of not noticed it as she continued as if he was one.

As she was walking away he spoke up more to her.

"I'm looking for the owners of this place. I wish to meet them today so I may introduce myself." He stated.

"My name is Dayalu. Seishin, Dayalu. I'm the newwest person in the community around here and I'm meeting everyone and I was able to get in here. But I don't know where to find anyone." He said for a greeting and explaination.

"Could you help me find who I seek? Are you by any chance one of the owners or someone that lives here?" He asked away.

Hopefully, this person could help him out with what he asked for and wouldn't cause any trouble for him. He definately didn't need it or he would sink into a bad mood probably like before he arrived in Karakura Central. Then he realized he didn't even know what to call this person after all of that. So if she didn't state it already then he would ask her such.

"By the way, what is your name?" He asked her.

I'm never going to be a hero! But I'm Zero!
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Wed Nov 21, 2012 2:15 am

||Kyoko Tanaka||

Kyoko stopped when he spoke out to her. Turning only her head towards him, she had this blank and slightly dazed look in her eyes. She blinked a few times, actually only listening to him for a second, maybe two. After that she really just dazed out, thinking only to herself. "I wonder what is going on at school tomorrow... I need to make sure I get out early enough to head to the mall..." she thought as he continued talking on. She barely heard his mention of introducing himself to the owners of this place. Then she heard him fully ask for her name. "Oh.. wait.... what?" Kyoko blinked herself back into focus, "Oh, right. Um... My names Kyoko Tanaka. If you want to speak to Kenshin, then just head down that path I told you about... He's the one who runs the school, T.A.G., and owns this place..." Immediately after that, Kyoko began thinking to herself once more, turning away from this man who she had immediately forgotten his name. Actually, she never heard it. She was too busy worried about tomorrow. She began walking back in the house, assuming he would likely just continue on down the path like she had told him to and find Kenshin. "I can't forget to... uh... wait... oh yeah.. laundry." she began mumbling to herself as she continued her way into the house.

Entity of Contradiction
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Wed Nov 21, 2012 8:42 am
Dayalu Seishin
Davana Demon
Current Concept: Reincarnation

After only a few moments with this person, Dayalu could already assume certain things about her by how she acted just now. Kyoko must of had a lot of trouble with focus, attention, or some other form of it as she turned her head to him and blinked several times while he spoke. He almost wondered, if this was what it was like to tell a really hyper kid what to do but you just calmed them down to a point in which they are dull and sort of spaced out from the world. It made sense to him but he couldn't just go off of that one answer or solution to his question. He would need to explore the others avaliable a bit before doing that first. After he was done speaking and asked for her name did she respond to him fully again, at least for a few moments. Dayalu learned that her name was Tanaka, Kyoko and that the owner of this place's name was Kenshin. Both were going to be useful today and other days later on as he would be their neighbor for quite a while he believed in Karakura Central.

"Thank you for helping me." He said to her but she was already wandering away towards a building.

Things were coming together rather nicely actually as he started his search for the one in her known as Kenshin. Now, Dayalu walked down the path that was directed to get to where he might find this person and various amount of new or old students of this school that was held her today. He hoped that it would be easy to spot Kenshin or that hem ight approach Dayalu due to his pressence getting closer and still leaving a demonic touch if it could be percieved well. To those without spiriutal sight, he easily vanished before their eyes as he did not wish to be noticed by weak humans and feared so easily. Eventually he was nearing the path and reaching the dojo of this estate. The davana wasn't quite sure how he should enter so by this time he would be only a few feet away from the entrance and he would pause for a moment and wait for a approach. But if none came then he would enter himself and speak to all that are within and ask them the question that he needs answered to proceed onward with his goals for today.

"Hello, sorry to interupt, but i'm looking for the owner of this estate, goes by the name Kenshin." As Dayalu opened the main entrance to the dojo.

So what shall come next in this series of occuring events? Will he get what he seeks from the people within this dojo or not, and will they give him any problems was something that loomed in his mind.

I'm never going to be a hero! But I'm Zero!
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Wed Nov 21, 2012 10:37 pm

||K e i a n n a T a n a k a||

Keianna Tanaka may not have been the owner of this place, but she'd be the one he would end up talking more to, mainly because of his younger teenage appearance. At the moment though, upon his entrance, the young man would noticed ten to fifteen students dressed in karate outfits sitting off to the side while two others stood at the ready. One of these people was Kenshin Tanaka, an elderly man with much experience, power, and strength under his belt. The other was Keianna Tanaka, a young woman, also a teenager who definitely had a lot more skill than people usually assumed. The two of them were staring at each other for only a moment and with a single stomp of each of their feet they began their spar. Kenshin immediately moved in for the attack, but was dodged by the young girl he was fighting. They went at it, throwing punches, kicks, attempting throws, and executing grabs. This was obviously a demonstration for those new members in the area. The two were NOT going full on. They were just showing that certain things are possible with practice. Immediately one would tell that the young woman was fast and flexible, but the elderly man was strong, stable, and powerful in his movements. They were both highly skilled fighters.

"Um... General and Lieutenant Tanaka..." a young voice spoke up and the two of them stopped in mid-attack, "He said he's looking for you General." They looked over to the one who spoke up and saw that he was pointing towards the entrance of the dojo. The two looked over to see a guy standing there. They looked to each other and then back to the students. "Dismissed." Kenshin said and both he and Keianna walked over to the one who was apparently looking for him. Keianna stayed quiet for the moment, observing until told otherwise. "Hello young m-...." Kenshin raised an eyebrow in an immediate realization that this was not a 'young' man. Something was slightly different about the small amount of energy that he was emitting. "He hides his energy well... Impressive." Kenshin thought. Clearing his throat, he continued, "Is there anything I can help you with?"

Entity of Contradiction
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Thu Nov 22, 2012 1:19 am
Dayalu Seishin
Davana Demon
Current Concept: Reincarnation

So it seems that Dayalu stumbled upon the dojo and it was being used at the moment to demonstrate the abilities of both fighters present. There was a group of about 10 or more students watching two skilled fighters. Each have better skills in different areas but overall were capable fighters in one on one combat. He also realized as a demonstration that both sides were holding back to not severely harm the other and rather show some good feats of their techniques and skills. The man was obviously the one that he seeks known as Kenshin and owned this estate, as stated by Kyoko. As for the other, he really didn't know much about but she showed great speed and flexibility for a demonstration. He took note of her use of speed because it was one of the main attributes that he used in a fight. This should be the correct place to be looking since it was the path that Kyoko had pointed out twice in a row. Eventually a student from the group that was also observing noticed Dayalu by the entrance. Obviously he wasn't paying too much attention to do this but it wasn't the demon's problem or anything related to him.

That student brought his presence to the two fighter's attention and focus, making them stop the demonstration and dismiss the class. They must of been so focused on each other as they demonstrated that they didn't sense Dayalu's low presence in the estate. They both approached him after the dismissal and at first Kenshin answered with young man. But after a moment he stopped in the middle catching on to what Dayalu really was and moved on with things. He got straight to a point by asking what he could help the davana with and with that the demon showed a small smile. Since this man wanted to get to the point, then he would follow lead.

"Well I'll start with a introduction since I already know so much about you." He explained.

"I'm Seishin, Dayalu and I'm your newest neighbor right next to you." He stated as he introduced himself.

"But we both know that isn't a big enough reason for me to be here, so I'll be straightforward with you. I am a demon, to be more specific the Davana of suicide and reincarnation." He added.

"So to make sure that no confusion or bad impressions among us I've come here to show my good intentions and wish to bring no harm to anyone beside myself maybe...." He said to him, trailing of on the end, pointing out he was created from concept of suicide.

Dayalu spaced out now as much as Kyoko probably as he reflected what he has done so far to reach this point. He now waited for a response from either Kenshin or the other that's name he didn't know yet. Things were definitely going as planned for now but life even by reincarnation was very unpredictable. When it came to small things like this that could or not effect his whole cycle and path of life.

I'm never going to be a hero! But I'm Zero!
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Fri Nov 23, 2012 6:05 pm

||K e i a n n a T a n a k a||

"Well this one's interesting..." Keianna thought as she stood back and watched this demon and her grandfather speak. Dayalu introduced himself politely and apparently wished to make sure everyone knew he meant no harm. Both Keianna and Kenshin took in the fact that he was demon, his name, and his good intentions, but this really wasn't something that would usually bother them. Both were skilled fighters and Kenshin was the leader of T.A.G. Neither of them would have been too bothered by a demon living near them. Of course, Dayalu did not know this and likely got odd responses from other people in the world. "I see. Well..." Kenshin spoke up once the boy finished, "Seishin Dayalu, I am glad to know that our new neighbor not only has manners, but has intentions that won't harm those around. Welcome to the neighborhood." Kenshin smiled to him, but the smile quickly faded as he held his hand out. Kenshin wasn't one to smile a lot unless he was really happy about something. It was rare for someone he just met to get anything like that from him.

Once Kenshin would either have his hand shook or denied, he would turn to Keianna. She stepped forward and Kenshin placed a hand on her back. "This is my granddaugther, Keianna." he explained, "She is the recruiter, the manager, and organizer of practically everything around here. If you ever need anything go to her. I really only do the teaching around here, and at times I even don't do that." Kenshin chuckled only slightly and then nodded to Keianna. "Hello. Nice to meet you." Keianna spoke in a calming tone as she held her hand out to him, "And as my grandfather said, Welcome to the neighborhood Seishin Dayalu."

Entity of Contradiction
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Fri Nov 23, 2012 8:35 pm
Dayalu Seishin
Davana Demon
Current Concept: Reincarnation

Everything looked to be going very well, but looks can always be deceiving like his own appearance hides his own true age. Dayalu isn't even sure how old he is anymore but he believes it is somewhere around eight thousand years old, give or take a few years. This wasn't the point right now as Kenshin eventually responded to him after he took all the information in that was presented. He believed that the other one that was with him was also processing everything as well. Then Kenshin responded to him and spoke what he came up with and this gave Dayalu a positive thought that they weren't going to attack or flee him. It even gave him a small smile but like Kenshin's it slowly faded away in the end. But the positive thoughts remained in his mind a bit longer than the smile, everything was now for certain going very well. He was welcomed by this man into the neighborhood and he wouldn't make him regret doing that, for once the would didn't quite shun him so much.

"Thank you, Sir." He told Kenshin as he shook his hand well. But if Kenshin studied Dayalu's hand well he could see small scars all across it and the wrist.

After than Kenshin turned to the other person still present among them, which was the girl that he was sparing with for the new students. She eventually stepped forward for him and he introduced her as his granddaughter and he understood quite well how she came across her level of speed and skill now. Not just a dedicated student but it must run in the family well to be skilled in fighting. Her name was Keianna Tanaka, this reminded him of the one that helped him get here had the same was name as her. Dayalu recalled Kenshin and Keianna had been called Tanaka by that student as well, that was here it was suppose to click. Then it was explained that she ran practically everything that had to do with the dojo except some teaching of the students. Next she said hello to him, welcomed him to the neighborhood, and held her out to shake his just like Kenshin had done. He gladly accepted the offer and shook her hand as well, following with saying the same thing as before.

"Thank you."

Before everything was said and done through Dayalu had one last thing to ask them now.

"I've just arrived in the city earlier today and I quite haven't met many other people around here." He explained.

"As such I'm wondering now if I would be able to join your dojo, I'm certain there are things that I can still learn here even though I've already learned so much. I'm also certain I'll be able to fit in. So may I?" He asked both of them.

"If you decline, I will understand, not everything can work out so well." He added.

I'm never going to be a hero! But I'm Zero!
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Sat Nov 24, 2012 7:58 pm

||K e i a n n a T a n a k a||

Keianna's hand was shook and the introductions had been done. Before anything else was to be said, Dayalu actually asked to join the Dojo. Keianna looked to her grandfather and he merely nodded to her. She nodded back. "Keianna will explain a few things to you. I must return to the class." Kenshin explained as waved as he walked away, "Welcome, once again Seishin Dayalu." Kenshin then returned to teaching the class and Keianna brought her attention back to Seishin. "Let's get out of here and talk in the fresh air, if ya don't mind." Keianna said to him as she began walking back towards the dojo entrance and headed outside. Once outside, a small breeze blew through the area, definitely welcomed by Keianna who had been training for a while. "All right. We have no problem at all with you joining the dojo, but there are a few things you must understand." Keianna began to explain to him, "For one, we are a free dojo. We do not require our members to pay. We do not require them to pay because after they hit a certain level, we expect them to go on missions that our organization hands out. Do you understand so far?" Keianna stopped speaking and waited for his answer, in hopes of him understanding up to that point.

"Our organization is called T.A.G. It stands for Tactical Alliance Group and we are dedicated to training young people, such as those you saw inside, the way of martial arts, to control their power, and give them as much discipline as we can to prepare them for the hardships in this world." Keianna gave him that explanation, but did not stop there, "We do not discriminate against race. We will accept all, Demon, Human, Shinigami and all of the rest of the races out there. The knowledge of the arts belongs to all, not just one. Though... if we ever expect that you, or any other member, has gone off your path and decided to use your skill for evil, to commit crimes, or hurt others, we will retaliate in some form. We could merely ban you from the dojo, wipe your memory of what we have taught, and depending on the severity of your crime, we might have to kill you." Keianna stopped for a moment, looking at him to see his reaction towards such a statement. A few students in the past thought something as small as stealing gum from a store could get them that punishment. That was not the case. This only came if someone were to commit murder and murder only. "Are you still interested in joining Seishin Dayalu?" she asked him in a serious tone. She did not want him to think this would be some walk in the park.

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