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Joined : 2012-10-02
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Atoshi Giriko [APPROVOED, 2-3+] Left_bar_bleue227620/999999Atoshi Giriko [APPROVOED, 2-3+] Empty_bar_bleue  (227620/999999)

Atoshi Giriko [APPROVOED, 2-3+] Empty Atoshi Giriko [APPROVOED, 2-3+]

Mon Oct 22, 2012 12:48 am
Atoshi Giriko [APPROVOED, 2-3+] Image4026

Atoshi Giriko [APPROVOED, 2-3+] MahiroAtori12

Atoshi Giriko [APPROVOED, 2-3+] Image4027-1

• Name: Atoshi Giriko
• Titles:
• Gender: Male
• Appearance Age: 16-18
• Age: 89
• Affiliation/Rank: Gotei 13

• Appearance Description: Giriko’s first distinguishing feature is that he is barely five feet and two inches tall and it is a fact that is harped on and drawn a majority of the attention attributed to the boy, primarily due to his rather angry and usually comical reaction to being called short. To compensate for his lack of height however, Giriko boasts a rather well toned and muscular body, perfectly suited for his work as a hand to hand combatant and for his other services in stealth and reconnaissance work. Despite having a rather messy occupation and preferred fighting style however, Giriko does not have many a blemish on his body and outside of his hands being somewhat calloused from constantly hitting things with them, he seems to be rather untouched by the hardships of his occupation.

Not contributing to that sense of stealth however is the boy’s rather noticeable purple hair. Parting down the middle with a few loose strands sticking up and about in odd places, the boy’s hair is mostly angled back and out, giving the impression that he is in a perpetual wind tunnel. Beneath the odd purple hair is a pair of vibrant green eyes that truly look full of life, depicting the boy’s rather excitable and energetic personality. Outside of that, his nose appears to be in the right place and his lips seem to be constantly on the move, riding a veritable roller coaster of emotions as there is always a look of excited happiness or excited fury painted there.

Even as a Shinigami, Giriko constantly finds ways to find himself in his old Rukongai trashy garb. Not quite dignified of a proper Shinigami, sure, but it was what the boy has always found comfortable. The boy wears a green, sleeveless robe whose official name he has not yet fully learned, Soul Society has not quite caught up to Wikipedia technology yet, that has black embroidery around the cloth. Across his midriff is a yellow obi, a name he actually happened to know, that tightly binds his sleeveless and hitherto unknown named robe in place.

• Appearance Picture:

Atoshi Giriko [APPROVOED, 2-3+] Image4028-1

• Personality:
The first intrinsically core part of Giriko’s personality is that he is very very loyal. Once, if ever, the boy declares any semblance of allegiance or loyalty to any one person, organization, entity, he is entirely and wholly loyal to one of the aforementioned ones. He sees any such commitment as a binding contract and promise between himself and whatever he finds himself loyal to and he is very determined to maintain that. This comes from an incredibly deep seated sense of honesty that the boy holds rather dear to his heart. Growing up on the streets, while being rather stereotypical, did force him to steal to survive and it is a part of his life that he loathes to this day. Consequently, he has taken the direct inverse path in his present day mindset and equates the dishonesty of stealing to the greatest insult possible and to every other form of dishonesty. Consequently, being caught in a lie by him tends to lead to animosity at best and outright violence at worst.

The aforementioned sense of honesty and loyalty is the only thing that keeps the boy’s overwhelming sense of ambition in check. Giriko is dead set on becoming a captain of the Gotei Thirteen and becomes rather irate and hostile if anyone points out the clichéd nature of that aspiration and the unlikelihood of someone of his background and stature reaching such a prestigious rank, especially with his relationship with his Zanpakutō. Regardless, Giriko is determined and he goes the extra mile on literally everything he does, regardless of his competency and strives rather dutifully to excel at everything he does. Not always successfully, but the effort is always there one hundred percent of the way in a rather stubborn capacity too. He has been met with a fair amount of success too though. He is on the younger end of official shinigami, having graduated from the Shin’ho academy in little over a year and joined the Gotei 13 immediately after, ranking as one of the younger shinigami in the organization, which is a feat young Giriko is rather proud of and rather eager to justify and defend.

Despite the arrogance and rather rampant hostility that can be provoked from Giriko without the slightest bit of effort, the boy is rather a devout pacifist, at least in terms of using lethal force. Giriko as a whole is not fond of killing any living organism, outside of hollows at least because that is justified as purifying, and will often strive to find ways to resolve situations as peaceably as possible with the least amount of corpses to burn. Unfortunately, there often are triggers that cause the boy to completely disregard his drive to avoid killing, maiming, and otherwise ruining someone’s face when they are…well…triggered. Giriko is a proud creature and that pride very easily turns to arrogance. While not a surefire way to elicit violence form him, Giriko is rather proud of his accomplishments, so much so that belittling them or insulting them or him tends to cause him to react defensibly with a considerable amount of hostility. The boy worked hard to get where he is and anything he perceives as disrespect is met with foul words at best and attempted murder at worst. The first of two surefire ways to upset him however is to comment on his height in any negative…or realistic fashion. Giriko is a rather short person and it is something he is rather self conscious about. Any comments about his height will result in a rather vocal and derogatory shouting match, showcasing his rather vulgar vocabulary or can occasionally result in outright violence. In addition, any act of violence toward his friends, the Gotei Thirteen, or Soul Society in general will result in direct violence from the boy.

Those occasional violent tendencies are the only things that connect him to his Zanpakutō spirit and it is a rather tenuous connection at best. The two truly just do not get along and it has thus far been Giriko’s biggest obstacle in advancing in the Shinigami world as it certainly wasn’t his personal capabilities. Giriko’s relationship with his Zanpakutō has always been a source of anguish for him and he will tend to shrug off any questions about it and more or less ignore anyone who questions it. Toward the spirit itself, Giriko tends to be loud, obnoxious, and demanding, having forgone attempting to be cordial long, long ago. This in turn often makes it seem like any attempt to communicate with the Zanpakutō is an exercise in self loathing. As a result however, Giriko find the most joy in fighting with his hands. He has always had a great love for hand to hand combat and quite frequently you will find him focusing on everything but fighting with his Zanpakutō. Thankfully, the sealed state of his Zanpakutō actually reflects this and the most combat his Zanpakutō will see is typically to supplement his hand to hand form. As such, there is always a certain sense of neglect toward his Zanpakutō and he will tend to only draw it if absolutely necessary. However, it does seem to always be at his hip suggesting a certain longing to connect with it. Whether if this is because he simply wants his Shikai or because he genuinely wants a relationship with himself is unsure.

All of those things feed in to how the boy lives his life. His Zanpakutō is almost always with him but almost always neglected and every day the boy is training himself with little regard for his own well being, generally accepting new and increasingly more ridiculous challenges daily as a way to further his ambition. His quarters in division headquarters resembles a miniature dojo more than a living place, with numerous wooden men and punching posts to just further illustrate just how dedicated he is to his craft. In addition, the few bonds he does forge are ones of incredible importance seeing him by himself when he is not engaging in the aforementioned training is extremely rare. Why shouldn’t he be gracing those people who are important enough to be deemed friends with his presence?

• Likes: Hakuda, Gotei 13, Himself

• Dislikes: His Height, His Zanpakutō, Slothful Behavior

Atoshi Giriko [APPROVOED, 2-3+] Image4030-1

• History:
Giriko does not remember his time on Earth, given the size and stature he’s had to cope with since coming to Soul Society; he doubted he was anyone of special importance there anyway so it was of little consequence to the boy who he was. He was far more interested in who he was now and thinking of a past that he barely considered his own was pretty inconsequential and rather boring for him. So the official start of young Giriko’s life was as a fledgling new soul on the less than hospitable streets of Rukongai.
Like a lot of stories in our less than happy world, Giriko started out as an abandoned child who was forced to grow up on the streets, cold and alone. He doesn’t remember his early years, probably under the care of someone whose conscience got the better of them, but by the age of five he had to survive on the streets and with that came a penchant for knowing how to hide. Hiding from older, bigger kids, hiding from soldiers, hiding from shop owners whose bread you had to steal; hiding was one of the most important life skills you could develop, a life skill young Giriko fortunately acquired.

He was a lucky child, thankfully, and the one time he did not successfully avoid a shop owner chasing him was the best thing that ever happened to him. After recovering the vegetables that Giriko not so elegantly swiped from the man’s cart, he took the boy home, fed him, and after a healthy bout of bonding with the adorable little street urchin, Giriko was promptly kicked back out on to the street. But there had been a slight bond that formed and for the next few years, Giriko was able to routinely sneak away vegetables from the man’s cart and considering he had not once stolen anything without being noticed, it was a rather impressive feat…that the man pretended not to notice Giriko running off with his goods. The steady source of food allowed Giriko to grow up considerably more nourished than most people in his predicament. However, at a certain point, Giriko stopped hiding from the bigger and stronger kids.

The rather frequent intake of food had allowed him to grow, to become stronger unwittingly, much like actually getting to eat would work on anyone. He was still smaller than every other child, facts that he was loathe to be constantly reminded of, but he was no longer weaker. Over the course of the first twenty years of his life he had quickly gained a reputation as a protector of the innocent. He was constantly in fights with the bullies and thieves and criminals of all sort in Rukongai, surviving all sorts of scraps and at times death fights against some of the nastier figures in his neighborhood. The old man’s kindness had changed him, he wasn’t going to steal any longer to survive, he couldn’t bear the shame of such a dishonest act any longer. Thankfully, he wouldn’t really have to either. Giriko had gotten a big enough reputation as a protector of the innocent and other fantastical titles from the other street urchins that people were generally willing to just give him food for keeping the streets of his little district just a little bit safer by existing. The hero worship got to his head rather thoroughly as well and the boy was quickly developing an ego.

It took a great misunderstanding and a thorough ass kicking for Giriko to realize just how weak he truly was and just how much stronger he could truly be. To this day, Giriko is not sure what actually happened. He was told that a tall man in a black robe had stolen a piece of fruit from a local urchin and sure enough, when Giriko found him he sure enough was holding an apple in his hand and given Giriko’s perception of himself as a hero of justice and how consumed he was in that own image, he attacked without getting any sort of confirmation that the man was indeed the perpetrator. The boy had never been so thoroughly beaten in his life and he managed to accrue no real injuries in the process. He constantly hit nothing but air and was returned with light responses that could barely be considered little pushes. The man was toying with him and just constantly eating his damn apple while he danced around the boy, tripping, flicking, throwing him in to walls. He was, for lack of better terminology, an asshat. Unfortunately he eventually got bored of the little game and knocked Giriko unconscious with a chop to the back of his head. When the purple haired boy came to, one of the local shop owners let him know how crazy and stupid he was for attacking a shinigami and from there, he learned what he simply had to do.

When Giriko was determined, he got what he wanted and he got it as quickly as possible. Giriko quick made his way for Seireitei and passed the entrance exam on the first go and was quickly enrolled in the first class and embroiled in the life of a shinigami. Even when he was given his Shin’o Academy uniform however though, he still found ways to keep his Rukongai slummers clothing on him at all time. Perhaps he was more nostalgic of the past he could actually remember than he had originally let on to believe but he felt it was required to remember where he came from and why he care so much about what he was doing. Knowing why you care is a big part of being motivated to do much of anything.

It took Giriko two and a half years to graduate from the academy, where it got to the point where it was just too impractical and pointless to keep him there any longer. From the second the boy was initiated, he had shown an immense proficiency in Hoho, Kidō, and especially Hakuda and his marks in regards to fighting with a Zanpakutō were not astounding, but they weren’t so deficient to come off as a burden either. Giriko had essentially finished the curriculum in the proper training of Hoho, Kidō, and Hakuda within the first year and a half of the academy with special commendations for his hand to hand skills being given. In fact, it was probably the greatest contributing factor to the boy’s early graduation. Giriko had spent a lot of time studying Shinigami combat forms, both with weapons and without and was rather well versed in fighting against them. It got to the point that by the second year, Giriko was virtually unbeatable for anyone still at the academy, simply due to his dedication to understanding shinigami combat. It was through his dedication and immense skill through pure martial arts that allowed him to shrug off the final three years of academic life, simply because his superiors figured his big flaw was not going to be remedied by further studies in a classroom.

Giriko still, to this day, cannot activate his Shikai. It is not that he cannot commune with his Zanpakutō through Jinzen, he mastered the act of actually interfacing with his weapon rather easily, but Ikarutori and the young Giriko were constantly at odds and Giriko still did not know his Zanpakutō’s name, instead often referring it to whatever vulgar insult first comes to mind and with increasing length depending on how long he has decided to attempt to get an agreeable response out of his angry, gigantic, avian companion. He has not once been remotely successful and if anything, each subsequent attempt seems to push the pair farther and farther away from one another. Giriko however is rather adamant about refusing to give up.

Which leads us to the present day as Giriko is officially in the process of joining one of the Thirteen Protection Squads, the boy eager to begin his new life as a Shinigami.


Atoshi Giriko [APPROVOED, 2-3+] Image4031-1

• Reiatsu Color: Green

• Zanpakutô Spirit Name: Ikarutori

• Zanpakutô Spirit Appearance: Ikarutori is…well…rather terrifying. The bird/dragon/monster/bully is a massive creature that even appears massive in the endless sky that is its home. The monster, while not necessarily accurate as Giriko has never especially bothered to measure the thing meticulously with a ruler, is well over a hundred meters in length and a good thirty or so wide, substantially dwarfing its wielder and is a point of much bickering between the two. While Giriko has never had cause to try and find out, the creatures talons look rather sharp and its wings don’t look like normal feathers.
Atoshi Giriko [APPROVOED, 2-3+] The_Ziz_by_longjunt

• Inner World: Atoshi Giriko [APPROVOED, 2-3+] Endless%20Sky

• Sealed Zanpakutô Apperance : Atoshi Giriko [APPROVOED, 2-3+] Cold_Steel_Sword-Dragonfly_O_Tanto_88DT

• Sealed Zanpakutô Abilities :

The Winds of Fury, Combination Style:

While not always the case, Shinigami combat is done primarily with Zanpakutō. As such, Hakuda techniques on the whole, were taught primarily as a way to defend oneself against attacks when the Zanpakutō was not available but ultimately, it was never a focus and it was never something that the educators at the academy spent a lot of time on. Shinigami fought with Zanpakutō first and their limbs second. So instead, throughout the Academy, Giriko pieced together his own unarmed fighting style, which was more or less a conglomeration of all the different techniques he has developed throughout his life.

Giriko has always been a momentum based fighter and it was only natural that the style he developed would reflect that. By combining two of his strengths, his application of Kidō and his proficiency with Hakuda, Giriko has developed a martial style seamlessly blending the two. By chaining one technique in to another within the style, Giriko gains more and more momentum and as such, gains more and more power. Every time one of his Hakuda techniques successfully hit an opponent, either cleanly or by being blocked, his strength, speed, and resistance to outside forces is doubled for the duration of his next Winds of Fury technique.

However, given that this style was born from next to nothing and he has only been practicing it for a few years, Giriko has limits on what techniques he can successfully chain in to another. These limits can be seen by viewing this somewhat archaic chart. Every technique must be preceded by the technique above it in the chart. Gou Majinken may only be used after Majinken, etc. The exception to this rule is that the first tier of abilities may be used initially on their own or may use Hakugekishou in the chain. If any of the techniques complete their duration without hitting an opponent, the chain ends. While his Zanpakutō is released, each technique has the chance to further enrage his Zanpakutō.


Hakugekishou=Impact: This technique starts off, aesthetically, as any other basic unarmed strike. However, right before the point of contact, Giriko will generate a small pocket of wind based reishi in between his attack and his victim. When Giriko’s fist connects with the pocket, the reishi will burst out, forming a miniature, forward explosion that will often rattle and stun anything it connects with. The stunning and disorienting effect will only last for a few moments, less than a full post, but if Giriko immediately follows up with another Hakuda, the victim will be prone and vulnerable to further attacks. May grant one rage if Ikarutori is released.

Majinken=Demon Fist: Giriko will gather wind based reishi to his palm, forming it in to a small, faintly glowing ball, before violently thrusting it forward toward an opponent. The kinetic energy will propel the condensed reishi along and cause it to collide with whatever is in its way. The projectile itself is not especially strong and its concussive force is equivalent to the force in which Giriko is capable of punching. May grant one rage if Ikarutori is released.

Gou Majinken=Strong Demon Fist: Giriko will gather wind based reishi to his palm, forming it in to a five foot diameter, faintly glowing ball, before violently thrusting it forward toward an opponent. The kinetic energy will propel the condensed reishi along and cause it to collide with whatever is in its way. The projectile itself is rather potent and its concussive force is equivalent to five times the force in which Giriko is capable of punching. May grant three rage if Ikarutori is released.

Majin Rengazan=Chaos Wave: Giriko will rapidly perform an ornate sequence of shadow boxing maneuvers and from each strike will erupt a high speed Majinken. These projectiles are equivalent to the normal Majinken and Giriko is capable of firing fifty before the technique finishes.

Shishisenkou=Beast: Giriko will gather a considerable amount of Reishi around him before violently attempting to shoulder tackle whoever has the misfortune of being in his way. As he collides with his target, all the accumulated Reishi will erupt out and crash in to the target and force them to the ground, typically in the supine position. Given the rather overwhelming nature of the explosive Reishi, the Shishisenkou is especially adept at bulldozing through barriers and shields and other opposing attacks, generally providing a sense of shielding in and of itself. However, accumulating that Reishi takes time and there is a rather notable time lag before Giriko can initiate the strike, making it very easy to counter and limiting its practical usefulness. May grant five rage if Ikarutori is released.

Gakugan Zetsurakugeki=Rending Earth: Usable only on a downed opponent, Giriko will violently grab hold of the victims ankle before, equally violently, sweeping them back off the ground, torqueing them through the air in a radial arc, before violently slamming the victim back in to the ground with enough force to bounce them up in to the air. May grant seven rage if Ikarutori is released.

Banbutsu Shintsuigeki=Lord of All Creation: Usable only on an airborne opponent, Giriko will drive his fist in an uppercut motion in to the victims solar plexus before following it up with a rising elbow to their jaw, then follow by a downward elbow strike to the back of their head. All of these strikes happen within a fraction of a second, seemingly simultaneously, before Giriko finishes the technique by violently driving his victim’s reeling face in to the ground with an axe kick. May grant twenty rage if Ikarutori is released.

Rengadan=Talon Storm: A rapid attack technique, Giriko will channel Reishi to his foot before taking one pivotal step forward, establishing his base, and then firing ten rapid kicks, all within a half second of each other, in to the opponent’s abdomen. May grant four rage if Ikarutori is released.

Hienrenkyaku=Swallow Dance: Pushing off the previously established base, Giriko will take to the air and rapidly throw horizontal, hip torqueing kicks at the opponent’s head. The technique will use whatever Giriko’s leg makes contact with to propel the other leg back around, violently hammering away at whatever he is attempting to kick. This technique will last for five kicks. May grant four rage if Ikarutori is released.

Renga Hienkyaku=Swallow Storm: After the Hienrenkyaku finishes, Giriko will seemingly “blip” from sight. Incorporating the Shunpo in to the attack, Giriko will move at startlingly fast speeds and unleash a furious flurry of attacks, the alliteration strengthening the move, and will strike the opponent fifteen times simultaneously. May grant four rage if Ikarutori is released.

Reishishoudan=Lucent Pallisade: Funneling Reishi along the length of his arm, Giriko will perform a blistering overhead chop that will eject the collected Reishi in to a wind-like blade protrusion. This Reishi is sharp to the touch and functions more or less like a sword, capable of standing toe to toe with a Zanpakutō. May grant two rage if Ikarutori is released.

Renkigoushuku=Spirit Rush: Pumping further Reishi in to his hand and gathering the accumulated energy around him, Giriko will drive the pulsing energy forward in a palm strike, attempting to ram the accumulated mass of Reishi through his opponent. May grant four rage if Ikarutori is released.

Rekkouzanmetsu=Sundering Fury: By causing the ball of Reishi he has already collected to become unstable, Giriko will push the mass of energy forward until it erupts in to a giant, controlled explosion in a seventy degree angle in front of him. May grant seven rage if Ikarutori is released.

Feeling the Wind:

Human reaction time and precision fluctuates depending on the manner of stimulation that is prompting the reaction. Visual and auditory reaction times are roughly similar, but response to tactile information is rather quicker than its counterparts. Many older Human Martial Arts zero in on this aspect of human physiology, Wing Chun in particular. Old masters use the tactile information from contact with their opponent to react quicker to the tensing muscles and movement's of their opponent.

Ikarutori is at its core, a wind based Zanpakutō. However, due to the pair's less than cordial relationship, the abilities that Giriko can draw out are forcibly pulled rather than given freely. As such, Giriko is not given control over the wind or anything of the sort, however he is capable of feeling the wind currents and distortions in the air to an absurd degree. Giriko, having studied combat philosophy extensively, combines these two concepts seamlessly. Giriko can feel the disturbances in the air when things move around him in a twenty meter radius and he instinctively uses the tactile information from feeling the disturbances, effectively making his reaction time substantially faster.

• Release:
Damnit I’m not short, Ikarutori!
You asshole, I'm just vertically challenged!
Maybe my body just knows it's afraid of heights, Ikatori!

• Shikai Description: Atoshi Giriko [APPROVOED, 2-3+] MahiroAxe

• Shikai Abilities:
Greatly Enhanced Strength: At the base of the Shikai, Giriko is granted enough extra strength to effortlessly wield a weapon that is two feet bigger than he is and swing it around as if it were a feather.

Chain Strike: Ikarutori can form a chain of reiryoku from Giriko’s hand whenever the weapon is thrown. Giriko can use this chain to withdraw the weapon or guide it toward a target. The chain itself needs to form initially in Giriko’s hand before connecting to Ikarutori, but can connect to it at any range and the chain itself will form and reach the axe rather quickly. Outside of that stipulation, Giriko can form and disperse the chain at will.

Switcheroo: Provided it is connected to him by the chain of reiryoku, Giriko and Ikarutori are able to instantly switch places with each other. Whatever physics were currently acting on the one will continue working on the other once they switch places. This technique requires the chain to be fully connected and uninterrupted for it to work. If the chain itself is being attack or touched or if it is not yet connected to the Axe, then this technique is not possible.

Winds of Fury: Sho: This technique allows Giriko to heavily augment the Hadō #1: Sho, in a multitude of facets. The most predominant version of the amplification comes in the sheer force behind the technique. This effectively allows the manipulate the potency of the Kidō to whatever heights he is currently capable of. For instance, if Giriko is capable of level forty Hadō, he is capable of increasing the power of his Sho to the level forties. Fifties would be increased to fifties, and so on. The technique also allows him to fire the concussive forces with a lot less concentration, no longer needing to channel the concussive force through his finger and instead can fire the Kidō from any part of his body.

Furious Winds: The power of Ikarutori fluctuates based on how angry it is and the closer it is to a foe the more furious it tends to become. How angry Ikarutori is works on one hundred point anger metric. Each point of rage increases Giriko’s strength, speed, and tolerance to pain and injury by 50% Whenever Giriko is within five meters of his opponent while his Shikai is out, he gains three points of rage for that post. Whenever he is forced outside of five meters, he loses three points of rage. Every time his attacks connect with anything, he gains two points of rage and any time he is struck he gains five points of rage. There are aesthetic visible changes to Ikarutori at every 25% rage capacity and will begin to emanate a differently colored glow. At 0% it will appear devoid of a glow, at 25% it will have a blue hue, at 50% a green, at 75% a yellow, and at 100% will contain a rather ominous red color.

Furious Action: When using this technique, Giriko will channel all of his accumulated fury in to his next attack to dramatically increase the potency of that skill. At low levels of rage, the increase is rather negligible but at Red Axe levels, a simple punch is capable of rather extreme destructive power. When the Furious Action is used, the rage counter is set to zero.

• Bankai Description: (You may fill out your Bankai Description, but unless you get staff permission, you may not use your Bankai right off the bat. There are expectations, however.)

• Bankai Abilities: (You may fill out your Bankai Powers, but unless you get staff permission, you may not use your Bankai right off the bat. There are expectations, however.)


Atoshi Giriko [APPROVOED, 2-3+] Image4029-1

General Skills
  • Durability: Adept
  • General Speed: Advanced
  • Strength: Adept
  • Weapon Skill: Adept

Racial Skills
  • Hoho: Advanced
  • Kidō: Adept
  • Zanjutsu: Beginner
  • Hakuda: Advanced

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Pain Endurance: Advanced
  • Focus: Beginner


Atoshi Giriko [APPROVOED, 2-3+] Image4032-1

• Roleplay Sample: (Please show us how you role play by either posting a previous post from another site or creating a new one. We do this so we know your RP skill. If you already have an accepted, you need not do another RP sample)

Last edited by Imakuran on Wed Dec 19, 2012 12:05 pm; edited 7 times in total

Atoshi Giriko [APPROVOED, 2-3+] Empty Re: Atoshi Giriko [APPROVOED, 2-3+]

Mon Oct 22, 2012 1:46 am
Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Beginnner
  • Pain Endurance: Advanced
  • Focus: Adept

Comments/Notes: >w> dat release phrase
Tier: 3-1+ you can unlock most of your shikai <3 [I suggest waiting 2 tier for the furious winds. x3]

Atoshi Giriko [APPROVOED, 2-3+] Empty Re: Atoshi Giriko [APPROVOED, 2-3+]

Thu Nov 08, 2012 3:07 am
Sealed ability approved~ All goodies.
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Atoshi Giriko [APPROVOED, 2-3+] Empty Re: Atoshi Giriko [APPROVOED, 2-3+]

Tue Nov 13, 2012 12:10 pm
Updated Tier and Unstruck Shikai

Atoshi Giriko [APPROVOED, 2-3+] Empty Re: Atoshi Giriko [APPROVOED, 2-3+]

Tue Nov 13, 2012 3:32 pm
All good and what not, and approved. X3
The Living Microwave
The Living Microwave
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Atoshi Giriko [APPROVOED, 2-3+] Empty Re: Atoshi Giriko [APPROVOED, 2-3+]

Wed Nov 06, 2013 12:19 am
Moving to archives due to missing activity check.

Atoshi Giriko [APPROVOED, 2-3+] Empty Re: Atoshi Giriko [APPROVOED, 2-3+]

Wed Nov 06, 2013 3:22 pm
Atoshi Giriko [APPROVOED, 2-3+] Tumblr_mu45ukv93U1rkmjjzo1_r1_500

Moving this thread for you via Aivee Mail!
Hey hey, you just got rescued from the archives! Rejoice and go post so this doesn't happen again!
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Atoshi Giriko [APPROVOED, 2-3+] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999Atoshi Giriko [APPROVOED, 2-3+] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

Atoshi Giriko [APPROVOED, 2-3+] Empty Re: Atoshi Giriko [APPROVOED, 2-3+]

Sat Aug 02, 2014 3:16 pm


With this guy getting a revamped application approved, I am going to go ahead and move this outdated version of Giriko into archives in order to prevent confusion.

Atoshi Giriko [APPROVOED, 2-3+] WVMWLOu
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Atoshi Giriko [APPROVOED, 2-3+] Empty Re: Atoshi Giriko [APPROVOED, 2-3+]

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