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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Tue Oct 16, 2012 3:23 pm


The blond haired ziamichi blinked, looking up from his couch. He felt strange; almost like he was being hunted, even though he had literally just woken up. It was like something was hunting him; he had no idea what, but he could just feel it. Of course, it could just be that regular stalked feeling he was always having due to his similarity to that internet singing icon, but he truly had no idea.

As he got off the couch, he blinked, rubbing one eye sleepily. He glanced around, his eyes narrowing as he saw what looked like... a tail? Swishing around. He had no idea; further inspection behind the couch revealed nothing. He blinked again, yawning as he got a banana from the fridge. He held it up, biting some off of its top before turning around again. He thought he spotted movement again; but it was gone before he could be certain. He then heard a knock on the door, blinking as he began to move towards it, reaching and opening the door, his back totally unprotected...

"Hello? How may I help you?" Moryukuna "Len" Washi asked the newcomer.


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Len-Kun returns NOW! (Aiv and Silim) Empty Re: Len-Kun returns NOW! (Aiv and Silim)

Fri Nov 02, 2012 7:26 pm

Such a beautiful new day... to be running from fangirls. Those thoughts were, obviously, the ones from a person with fans - Kaito, the voice of hope, was currently busy running through Karakura City with a flock of them behind him. As he looked up at the blue sky with a few clouds above him while sprinting, a small sigh escaped his mouth, together with a smirk - he could easily outrun his fans if need be, he was quite the runner, after all, so this was not much more than a morning jog - with a lot of added weirdness and laughs. But that was his life, here in Karakura - his official life, at least. Today, he was actually going somewhere specific - to meet a certain boy he had rescued from a possibly dangerous situation in his other life.

His life as Falling Star - brutality, fighting, endless swarms of criminals. Those were the nights and days of the true Kaito, a man that never stopped fighting for justice... it wasn't quite as nice as running from a few fans. At times, the hero thought about quitting the whole heroism and crimefighting, but if he left, who would remain? Falling Star was an icon, one that needed to prevail for now. That boy, though... A Washi, from what the hero could recall.
Losing his fans by making a magnitude of sharp turns - and by running up a wall when nobody was looking - Kaito slowed down on his way towards the correct house. Finding out where someone officially lived wasn't hard once you had the resources of a major global corporation, no matter the field of the market you were in - even musicians had money and influence.

So now there he was - ringing the doorbell to the house of Moryukuna "Len" Washi. And the reaction, while delayed, still came rather abruptly for Kaito - how was he supposed to respond? Interacting with people he only met before as Falling Star could be dangerous to his identity, and he couldn't risk ever telling anyone about it... Still, he beamed his best and friendliest smile at Len and extended out his right hand towards the boy.
"I'm sorry for the inconvinience. My name is Kaito, and I've been sent by a... mutual friend of ours. He told me you recently ran into a bit of trouble, and wanted someone that draws less attention to check up on you." A quick glance over his shoulder, and Kaito remarked: "Or at least less attention than a superhero, since I still seem to draw quite a lot of attention anyway."

Len-Kun returns NOW! (Aiv and Silim) 1zz6irn

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Sat Nov 03, 2012 8:05 am


Len's instinct was correct. Sometime during the night, a small kitten had snuck into his house, hence the tail that swished behind the couch. But the second he opened the door, the small cat bolted out, going through the blue haired man's legs. Seemingly innocent, but that would make Len wonder pretty fast. Where was Sassy? Usually she was on him when he woke up ; and yet today, she wasn't. Even though they hadn't been together that long, there was a synergy in between the two that few people could match. So there was a sort of strange feeling. Even as the fangirls were scouring the neighborhood, one spotting the males, there was a sudden clank, as the lid of a sewer hole flew up. With a giant crash, it rolled down the street.

''LENLEN STRANGER!'' was the sudden yowl, a sound striden and yet distant.

A black shape tackled into the back of the blue haired male, sending him tumbling into the house with the other. The door was smacked closed by a random leg, as the rolling black shape was revealed to be on hands and feet just a foot or two from the disaster it had caused. The shape was at first glance, utterly naked except for spiked and bushy brown hair. A low hiss was being issued, as a cat tail was straight in the air. After a second, the naked girl, as the gender became obvious from the small breasts, tackled herself into the two males again. ''Nyan~!'' she said, her tail whapping and swishing right in Len's face, as she was sitting on his chest. With surprising strength, she was manhandling the male by holding him up, and hugged him.

''Stranger smells like nice guy!'' said the kitten, contently sitting in this sort of weird pile thing she had going. As if happy to be in the middle of the chaos, dis-regarding her total, and utter nudity.

Just another day with Sassy, really.

[Lemme know if there are issues! X3 The tackling/grabbing isn't really meant other then to set up the situation.]


Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Sun Nov 04, 2012 9:22 am


As Len opened the door, he listened carefully to the man. He slightly tiled his head to the side. Kaito. Hmm. He thought, wondering how a kite had fallen down and received a name. However, he knew there were people with many weird names all around him; and there wasn't much that he could really do about all that. ”If you mean Super Blue Guy, then yeah, I'm dong fine.” He said, one eye twitching. ”I'm just frustrated I couldn't take that guy myself.” He expressed, before sighing, blinking for a moment before his eyes widened. He heard a great crash, before his eyes narrowed.

He saw the fluffy bushy brown hair as Kaito was slammed into himself, nearly creating a very awkward situation with each other's lips, but thankfully being averted as Len grabbed onto Sassy for support by her elbow, landing her on top of himself so she was unhurt. However, he had a small problem, as he could feel the backside of his cat on his chest and her tail in his face. ”S-S-S-SASSY! WH-A-AT ARE Y-O-U DOING?” He asked, not able to speak well without getting a pile of fur right in his mouth. Which happened reapeatedly as he just reached up a hand, putting on the top of Sassy's spine as he rolled the hand down, petting it all the way down her back and past her tail to get it out of his face. However, his embaassed voice was having its peculiar effect as the belt of his pants was becoming loose, as he began to blush fiercely, still stroking down Sassy's back to try and calm his cat down and keep her tail out of his face. ”What happened to the clothes I gave you for when guests come over??” He asked, blushing harder as his belt became even looser but he had to speak. He was glad she wasn't aggressive.

But at the moment, HE WAS FREAKING EMBARSSED!!!


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Len-Kun returns NOW! (Aiv and Silim) Empty Re: Len-Kun returns NOW! (Aiv and Silim)

Sun Nov 04, 2012 5:23 pm

Being one of the fastest people alive could really come back to bite you in the ass the moment you were not allowed to actively show it. Did Kaito see something coming from behind him? Well, seeing no, sensing yes. Yet he was forced not to react, right until that person slammed right into him, and the singer flew forward right into Len Washi - and as a tangled mess of limbs, a fluffy tail, and Kaito's own, long blue scarf landed right inside of the house, with the door slamming shut immedeatly. If not for the immedeate pain of being tackled, Kaito would've probably laughed about the absurdity of this whole moment!

As the furball with skin zipped past Kaito, the blue haired man had very much literally faceplanted right infront of Len Washi and his... 'cat', both of his arms standing upwards like they were still in shock, the same was true for his legs. Now, with a slight groan, the celebrity tried to get himself up from the ground, reaching out for a wall to his side. Sure, he could just float back onto his feet, but then why have a cover at all if he was going to blow it at the slightest sign of inconvinience?
Thankfully, Kaito didn't really have any 'view' of the cat-like person anyway - his view was obstructed by a load of blue hair, and his own scarf which had taken on the form of a turban. A turban that covered his own face and threatened to suffocate the singer, who was stumbling back and forth, now standing again, fighting with his scarf and mumbling weird noises. But apparently he at least... smelled nice? And something about no clothing?
//Get air now, worry about details later.// A quick internal decision, and Kaito managed to pull the cloth away from his face and accidentally dropped it right over the pile infront of him that was Sassy and Len, obstructing the entire scene even further with fluttering blue cloth. The only way this could get any weirder would be for Cthulhu to ring the doorbell and ask for a bit of sugar.
"What... was... that?" Still trying to make out something that was NOT either a squirming Len, his own hair, a scarf or a tail made him pretty much unable to even recognize the cat person that had jumped him as either female OR naked. Which was probably for the best, or otherwise Kaito would have to jump out of a window in embarassment.

Len-Kun returns NOW! (Aiv and Silim) 1zz6irn

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Mon Nov 05, 2012 2:19 am


Sassy let out a soft purr, her tail swishing even harder, probably whaping Len in the face, as she seemed to relax. Without warning, she launched herself at the blue scarf, tackling it, and playing with it, rolling herself into it somewhat. It covered the m ost important parts, but what she hadn't noticed, is that her hind paws had well.. pretty much flew off Len's pants! The cat rolled onto her paws, and mewled happily, her tail swishing, as she stared at the two, almost like a playful kitten. Which she was to be honest. The girl tilted her head, and then clapped her hands, laughing. ''NAKED PARTY!'' she called into the room loudly, now tackling Kaito in her scarf wrapped nudity. Her fingers were very quick ; she tugged at his pants, and would, without hesitation, slide them off if she wasn't stopped.

Either way, the brown, fluffy cat girl was giggling like a maniac. She was enjoying this too much, as even if she was stopped, she would just drop with a purr, and roll around. She remembered the weird sugary thing she had from that person. It was before she lost her clothes, like Len called them. But they were so constricting! She couldn't feel the air, or let her body shake out, it was really, really awkward! The cat girl just smiled cutely at the two males, having seemingly no problem with pantless males and herself being nude. In fact, Sassy was one of those absolutely shameless kittens. Problem was? She had a human form.. so modesty was often out of the window around her.

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Mon Nov 05, 2012 7:20 am


Len watched as Kaito's scarf protected the modesty of his cat, making Len insanely relieved in one regard. Hwever, the tail in his face was still not helping. ”It-t-t's m-my cat-t-t Sassy.” He said, closing his eyes tightly against Sassy's tail before suddenly blinking, his eyes wide and an immense blush appearing on his face as Sassy kicked his pants completely off. However, his eyes narrowed for a moment, wondering something as he began to reach for his pants, watching Kaito be stripped to his boxers in a condition similar to Len's. Thank god for that scarf. He prayed, sighing in relief that it protected his cat's modesty.

There was still something off as Len held to his pants. ”Sassy we're not having a Naked party that's completely inappropriate and I believe our guest here would not like to have any part of it. Did someone give you something?” He asked, getting straight to the point. She seemed almost high or something; not like her usual, like she was on a sugar rush? He had no idea, all he knew was that something was messing with his kitten and that other people were interacting with her in ways he didn't approve of; and that didn't make him feel safe.


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Wed Nov 07, 2012 6:08 pm

"H-hey, I need that!" Using his fast reflexes just once, Kaito managed to stop Sassy from taking his pants away fully - grabbing onto them and pulling them back up, his blue boxers only showed for a small moment, but that was still enough to cause him to nearly fall over once more. Thankfully, he only fell backwards and hit his head on the wall. Hard. As he heard a choir of angels sing in his head, in a melody that he'd be sure to NEVER use in his music, Len explained... sort of. A cat? What sort of cat had a human form and stole peoples pants?! Or even worse - THEIR TRADEMARK SCARFS!
But noticing how she didn't appear to be wearing anyhing else, Kaito didn't demand his blue piece of cloth back, now that would've been cruel. For him because she'd be naked, and for her own perspective because he would take an overly long piece of yarn away...
"We-well, you surely got an interesting 'pet' then, Len..." Giving a weak laugh and smile, Kaito rubbed the back of his head. That'd leave a small mark for the next day or two for sure, but at least nobody stole his shirt - now THAT would be a problem thanks to what he was hiding underneath.

Of course, the blue-haired singer nodded firmly upon the boy stating that he didn't want part of any naked party. First of all it was inappropiate, and second of all he wasn't really into boys. Especially those that were barely over half of Kaito's age. And blonde. If any word of this got outside he could probably kiss his career as a singer goodbye, not unlike that one old legend... What had been the name? Nichael Backson? Well, something like that for sure. Hopefully, none of his fangirls had found him ye-

*Knock knock*

One would be forgiven for thinking that Sassy and Kaito had suddenly switched character sheets for what followed the banging on the door. With a jump that'd make a gazelle jealous, Kaito leaped behind the couch in the room, covering down and disappearing almost completely besides a few blue hairs sticking out.
"My fans, dear lord! How did they... Please, tell them I'm not here!"

Len-Kun returns NOW! (Aiv and Silim) 1zz6irn

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Sat Nov 10, 2012 5:48 am


Sassy's tail swished insanely fast now, but it stopped, when Kaito used really abnormal speed to cover himself. The girl let out a soft frown, and then a mewl, as if unhappy about that. Listening to Len, she turned around to face him, hiking her butt in the air as if she was ready to pounce. So Kaito got full covered view of Sassy from behind. Meaning he knew where his scarf was really, really snug. ''But but, LenLen, naked parties are fun!'' claimed the kitten, before flopping onto the blonde, nuzzling under his chin. She really didn't have a care in the world, as she started to purr, and even paw a little. It was weird how impulsive and whimsy this girl was, even if she was a ''cat''. Not many would actually think of her that way, but that's what she really was. A cat given form, out of kindness. At the knocking, Sassy's ears perked up.

She got up from Len, and super fast, which was troubling, she hopped to the door. ''Nya nya, someone's here, nya~! Opening nya~!'' she said, throwing the door wide open. The girl standing at the door had her eyes wide open, as she took two seconds to survey the scene. Kaito cowering, but looked disheveled a bit : Len without pants on the ground : and the scarf covered naked Sassy in front of her. Sassy smiled, but as the girl said nothing, the cat just let out a mewl and slammed the door in her face. ''Twas nothing nya~'' she said, plopping on her hands, and stretching with a long, wistful moan. As she realized she skipped a Len question, she walked over to Kaito, plopped herself beside him, and headbutted his arm with a purr. How's that related? Only in Sassy mind.

''Nyan, someone gave me a cupcake, but that's it. I was a good girl. I just went exploring~ So many things nya, sights, nya, and smells, nya~ NYA NYA NYA~'' her tail started violently swishing at the thought, as the cat flopped herself over in front of Kaito, playfully pawing his hand. She wanted to play! She wanted to play with the two! Although she was totally missing the fact that her rolling on the ground was making the scarf starting to come undone. The cat didn't really understand modesty, as she just purred and caught Kaito's hand, snuggling it. And then she bit it. Hard.

''NAKED PARTY!'' she yelled tackling him again, and this time tugging at his shirt. What caused her to switch gears? Nobody could be sure. It was just Sassy. And somehow, she was very, very, very, very, very, very playful. Even with that, she had understood they didn't want a naked party, respected it, and then instantly forgot. That was more or less, Sassy's thought process.

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Len-Kun returns NOW! (Aiv and Silim) Empty Re: Len-Kun returns NOW! (Aiv and Silim)

Mon Nov 12, 2012 7:55 pm


Len let out a grunt as she slammed into him, his face extremely red and embarrassed as his pants that were only halfway up himself began to loosen AGAIN, his blush only increasing further at the actions of his cat. He thanked the lord in heaven that she had covered herself with the scarf, but he couldn't approve of what she was doing to Kaito as he reached up, covering her modesty from behind so that Kaito wouldn't see her complete backside, his eyes shut tightly in embarrassment. He was practically squirming as Sassy went down on him, and his boxers were beginning to disagree with him as she pawed at him, his hands still trying to protect her modesty before she leaped up.

He blinked as she raced to the door, his blush growing even deeper if it were possible as she opened the door. "S-SASSY! STOP IT PLEASE~!" He begged, before she slammed the door in the girl's face and turned around again. ...Oh god someone gave her crack... He came to a realization, as she said what had obviously made her so hyper. He got up after her as she tackled Kaito, the corner of his mouth twitching slightly, almost out of envy as he reached down, grabbing Sassy by the stomach as he lifted her up with surprising strength, before folding her legs under her and setting her on the couch with an oomph, and then promptly plopping down next to her and dangling his hand in front of her, before turning back around to Kaito.

"Good sir it doesn't look as though we'll be given the luxury of clothing this afternoon... so it seems that our present condition is a foregone conclusion." He explained, feeling the effects of whatever Sassy did to his hand as the blush started to clear as he could talk normally again. "Seems like you're in quite a predicament. Are you looking for somewhere to hide out? Or perhaps even a disguise?" Len inquired, thinking to himself what he could do, and more importantly, the kind of hair products he currently had in stock that he could use on Kaito and Sassy... who he just now looked back over to see WHAT she was doing.


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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