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Joined : 2012-10-02
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Age : 84

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Thu Oct 11, 2012 7:55 am

mamoru - Fushimi Mamoru [APPROVED 1-5] Image4317

mamoru - Fushimi Mamoru [APPROVED 1-5] Image4318-1

» Name: Fushimi Mamoru
» Titles: N/A
» Age: 16
» Gender: Male
» Affiliation/Rank: N/A

» Appearance Description: Mamoru isn’t an especially impressive looking individual. He’s rather scrawny, barely reaching higher than five feet and nine inches and peaking at around one hundred and twenty pounds. Not a shred of muscle is to be found on his pasty white skin. What does appear riddled across the aforementioned pasty white skin is a long history of pointless childhood fights. Scars that did not heal and bruises whose color did not completely fade litter the young boy’s body. The more prominent blemishes include one rather large scar trailing from his left pectoral lack of muscle down across his chest and ending right above his equally devoid upper right abdominal muscle and a large burn trailing down along his spine, the one area where his pasty white flesh has some brown color to it, which oddly enough is something that Mamoru has gotten kind of attached to.

Since arriving in Karakura town, Mamoru has worn his school uniform almost exclusively, intending to blend in as much as human possible for someone like him. The uniform itself wasn’t anything particularly ornate, either. There was a standard white undershirt with a black coat to accompany it with a pair of black slacks and equally black shoes to complete the relatively boring ensemble. A few things of particularly interesting note however is that Mamoru is rarely seen without either a pair of gloves on or somewhere on his person. The boy has always been rather meticulous to not disturb any potential crime scenes almost to the point of obsession. In addition, he wears a red arm band around his left bicep that bears the name of his family’s detective agency in rather impressive calligraphy, though this accessory tends to cause more of a hindrance when attempting to go unnoticed and is rarely worn as a consequence.

Mamoru’s face tends to remain pretty deadpan and emotionless at most times, which tends to be moderately annoying to all those around him who are looking for anything vaguely akin to human interaction from him. His pale blue eyes tend to have a perpetually vacant look about them and his face barely portrays any expression whatsoever much less betrays any semblance of emotion. He has an equally shaded mane of blue hair that covers one of those vacant eyes and extends down to his ears

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» Personality: Mamoru’s outward projected persona tends to be little more than a mask, but an effective one. Collected and calm, Mamoru comes across as a very mature person. He is hard-working and studious, and these traits allow him to come off as the picture perfect example of an intelligent individual. This intelligence blesses him with rational thought, understanding, and deductive ability that very few of his species, let alone age group are blessed with. With that intelligence, Mamoru has a tendency to use excessively complicated words, words a sixteen year old child shouldn’t comprehend, much less use fluently in passing speech. Whether his vernacular exists to make him feel superior to others or simply because an asset that goes unused is worthless, even he does not know. Most likely it is a bit of both. This also leads to a terrible amount of sarcasm and condescension. For lack of a better word, Mamoru tends to come off as quite the jerk on the off chance he is forced in to a social engagement.

Stoic is the best word to describe the young detective. The boy has what seems to be a permanently bored look glued to his face. Very rarely does anyone witness emotion from the young man. Even when faced with a life threatening situation, a perpetually apathetic mask is donned. Gleaning any form of intent or emotion from Mamoru is terribly difficult because of this demeanor and only in the rarest of occasions is it actually dropped, usually when he is forced to call upon his “special power.” The boy’s voice is heard considerably more often than expression is seen upon his face. Very rarely does Mamoru ever keep his thoughts to himself, regardless of how censored they should most likely be and it is one of the few times that some insight can be gained in to how his mind works.

Manic barely begins to describe the inner workings of Mamoru’s mind. The boy is hyperactive in every sense of the word but those that are actually visibly shown. He processes information at an absurd rate and boasts a completely eidetic memory on top of it. When speaking, he tends to do so rather rapidly, when excited his words almost seem to cease shorten to word as he rambles. The boy’s words often seem to run together as if he spoke exactly as the words came to mind. Of course, that is not true, but comparatively to a normal person, he might as well be speaking his thoughts simultaneously. This occasionally makes him difficult to follow and seemingly rather weird, but this is what gives him his most recognizable strength not only to himself, but amongst his peers as well. Mamoru has always been especially strong in the field of critical analysis and considering his lineage’s profession being that of a private detective, he has always been immersed in activities that challenge this facet of his personality and they have only grown exponentially since his childhood. Mamoru’s brain tends to operate far quicker than most people’s just by nature of being naturally talented in the field and his field of observation tends to be absurd for someone of his age. His brain tends to operate more like a computer than like a human brain at times.

Unfortunately, because of that computer like tendency, he has a lot of trouble processing his own emotions as they are neither logical nor rational. For the most part he can see, observe, and understand the emotions of others and how they lead people to the decisions that they make and he can piece together that puzzle as coldly rationally as anything else. In fact he is rather good at screening the emotions of suspects and perpetrators and seeing how and why someone would do something. It was something he would even go so far to say he was proud of. However, whenever his own emotions or more frequently, his hormones are involved, the boy has trouble understanding or processing what is going on. Consequently, his interactions with the opposite sex tend to be unintentionally comedic at best and downright pathetic at worst. It took the first two years of high school to figure out what wasn’t appropriate to say to a woman and he still has not quite figured out which words would not be offensive after that. Consequently, unless he feels threatened, the boy tends to clam up in to a silent cocoon around the opposite sex.

Beneath the immediately noticeable quirks of the boy’s personality, he is ultimately a good person with a strong desire to save not only his friends, but others as well and to uphold his sense of justice. Some would consider him ruthless, but to the boy there are multiple ways to save people. Putting a murderer in the ground saves just as many people as curing the sick or bringing life into the world. Given his lack of aptitude with either of the latter two, Mamoru has a renewed vigor and determination when seeking to cut off those cancerous entities in society. This gives Mamoru a strange sense of efficiency when dealing with cases and villains, often times coming off as merciless. With that in mind, Mamoru has always felt certain romanticism accompanied him in his actions and theatrics were certainly not below him. Monologues, usually terrible ones, often precede any foray into the unknown and the boy almost always has a quote befitting the situation, also often horrible. In addition, he has a tendency to vocally work out problems, often speaking quickly and haphazardly in muffled tones as he tries to work out a scenario.

One more notable characteristic is the boy’s close attachment to his family, its legacy, and its future. His life is devoted to returning the Fushimi to its former glory and any insult, intentional or otherwise, is almost always met with hatred and more often than not, violence. The latter of which, given his rather lacking physical size, has often been met with rather unfortunate ends and it has always been a point of great frustration for the boy…which is probably what lead to the advent of his power in the first place.

And it is a power that he greatly fears. Mamoru, while always having some spiritual prowess, had always passed off his gifts as his mind being naturally suspicious of everything and nerves getting to him. He has only really tapped in to it recently and for a creature so buried in logic and numbers, that particular breed of strange and unknown is terrifying to him, almost as terrifying as his strange new power. Mamoru cannot fully control the power that has made manifest inside him and cannot yet summon it on command, the creature only prompting itself when he is in danger from something equally supernatural. The boy has theorized ways to trigger it, tried inducing hormonal states of fear and trepidation but has not yet yielded any results in controlling it, most likely due to being absolutely terrified that it exists, the creature’s first foray in to the world being a rather morbidly destructive one. As such, his brain is unconsciously suppressing his power outside of times of extreme stress or danger. His fear of the supernatural is unfortunately accompanied with the boy’s ever present curiosity and desire for a challenge, which will inevitably draw him toward what he fears most.

» Likes: Mysteries, Challenges, Witty Banter

» Dislikes: Supernatural Entities or Phenomenon, Attempting to understand female logic and rationale, Arbitrary lists that were more or less answered in prior testimony.


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» Background: Mamoru was born in to a locally prestigious family under rather normal circumstances. The Fushimi name was of renown amongst the villages around the base of Mount Fuji typically considered holy dominion, for being excellent private detectives. From a young age, Mamoru was immersed in to the life of a private detective. His family was often consulted by police and civilians to solve a myriad of mysteries around the settlements encompassing Mount Fuji and it was not long before they reached critical acclaim in the area. The lack of supernatural presences around the area made it a teensy bit easier for two normal humans to make a profit simply using their deductive reasoning skills. At that age, Mamoru wanted nothing more than to follow in his parent’s footsteps and he was taking the steps to do so. As soon as he could read he was gobbling up any books he could on great mysteries or crime scene investigations or anything at all that he could derive knowledge from. Funnily enough, this was the happiest part of his “Detective” life and he hadn’t been on a single case yet.

His first “case” was not supposed to be especially difficult. The ten year old Mamoru was tasked by his parents to find a missing cat. A rather stereotypical and boring case, but it was his first and the boy was as thrilled as could be nonetheless. His parents had originally wished to accompany him but the boy adamantly refused and was determined to solve his first caper all on his lonesome. Eventually, his parents relented, thinking the small community would watch out for the boy all the same and he couldn’t get in to any real trouble under such constant supervision, so out young Mamoru went on his first big case. He had practiced well, so finding the cat after meeting his would be employer was not too hard. Things turned for an unexpected turn for the worse unfortunately quickly however. In a stroke of bad luck, as most tragedies start out, eyes were off Mamoru for one second and the cat tore off out of town. Mamoru, determined not to fail his first case, chased on after it.

Now in today’s world, it was hard not to hear at least rumors about the demons and monsters and all other sorts of supernatural monstrosities that lay about in the rest of the world, but to a sheltered little town like Mamoru’s home, that’s all they were…rumors. For the most part, none of those monsters came anywhere near the boy’s home and even the ones that did were small and weak and quickly dispatched or didn’t cause any trouble to begin with. Mamoru had figured those tales of hollows and demons were just that, tales meant to scare him in to behaving, he never fully appreciated just how terrible those monsters could be. To Mamoru, they were always imagined as being big and skeletal, carrying around countless coffins to stuff their victims in to before mercilessly throwing them in to the ground with chains flowing all around them, like death itself. It was only fitting of a childhood personification of evil after all. But at the time, he thought it was all make believe and even for some time after that thought didn’t waver, but as he chased that cat out of town and away from its sanctimonious barrier, the young Mamoru was introduced to the reality of the rumors.

Hollows always sought to prey upon potential spirit adepts and when one ripe for the taking walked right across the hollow’s domain, well, it simply wasn’t going to let that opportunity pass it by. The young Mamoru had no idea what was happening. All of a sudden, the young boy went from merrily and determinedly chasing that cat to being hit, hard, by a massive invisible object right to his shoulder. The boy flew off course, tumbling in the tall grass and rolling to a crumpled heap on his stomach. A few moments passed, the boy trying to regain some awareness, whatever had hit him did not want to kill him yet or something that massive would have already. The young Fushimi tried desperately to roll fully on to his stomach and once he managed that great feat of exertion, whatever had hit him resumed his torment. A sizzling noise shot through the tall grass like wild fire and was then followed by the unearthly screams of a ten year old boy. Down the boy’s spine, hitting every nerve was the supernatural powers of the monster above him, causing a searing pain to creep through every orifice of his body, purposely torturing him with monstrous sadism, causing him to scream himself hoarse before the light started to fade around him. His neck snapped back and saw the large monster hovering over him, the wavy outline of a fiery bull, standing over him with nothing but malice and cruel, cruel hunger in its eyes. With his last conscious sight, Mamoru watched a black…robed blur dart across the sky before his eyes faded to black and he saw that ever familiar face that haunted his dreams, the hinged skeletal jaw and the coffins surrounding it, laughing at him.

When Mamoru awoke next he was home, in his bed. His parents explained that a wildfire kicked up in the tall grass outside of town and he was caught inside it, thankfully people from the town noticed he was missing and found him unconscious just outside the fire’s radius and he only suffered a burn down his back. That they managed to treat before it got infected but would most likely linger there for the rest of his life. The boy did not tell his parents what had transpired. He had read about the effects heat could have on the mind and the memory and Mamoru decided to conclude that everything he saw was just a fantasy, that it was his mind playing tricks on him and creating images based on his vivid imagination of what death and monsters must look like. There was no way any of it could possibly be real. He only regretted that he never retrieved the cat.

Mamoru changed after that day. He became even more absorbed in his goal to become a detective and became even less interested in normal child activities. He became defensive about any perceived slight toward him and became even more obsessed with making the Fushimi name known across not only their little band of settlements, but the world too. He would often preach about how they were a family that was better than the rest and the older he got, the more his classmates resented him for it. Finally, they started to call him out on his erroneous claims to superiority, which Mamoru naturally took as an insult and by the age of twelve, scrawny little Mamoru was constantly getting in to fights he would never win. The boy came home from school many an evening, battered, bruised and sore as he tried to hide his war wounds from his parents. The last two people he knew deserved his respect and at this point, the only two that had still respected him, at least as a person. As he grew, Mamoru did earn respect as a detective. The boy had developed deductive skills of the like that no one had ever seen. He could tell where someone had been, what they ate for breakfast, whether they enjoyed it or not, whether or not they were a middle child and as became increasingly popular the older he got, who was doing unholy things out in the rice fields when their parents were not looking.

At the age of fifteen, Mamoru solved his first big, big case. There was a murder in their little town! While this would sound like a horrible occurrence to everyone else, and it did, Mamoru was not shocked, appalled, sad, or anything of the sort. He was excited, over the moon excited. He had never gotten a chance before to really, really prove himself and finally he had one. Prove himself is exactly what Mamoru did. The boy indentified the culprit using only a quick surveyance of the crime scene and an extra thirty minutes of fact checking and handed the official authorities an iron clad case that guaranteed the murdered would be meted equal punishment for his crimes. For once, Mamoru was getting the recognition he deserved for his skills, he was heralded as a hero, yet…the boy wasn’t satisfied at all. It was a miserable feeling; he wasn’t cut out for living in a small town like this. It was too slow, too boring, too mediocre, too safe. One random murder was all he had for excitement in a fifteen year long life? That just wasn’t good enough, not good enough at all. Mamoru was way too…bored.

The next year went by without much incident; Mamoru repeated the same boring deductions over and over again, for the same people over and over again. His life was steadily losing any meaning it had and it was reflected in his demeanor. He seemed to don an emotionless mask; nothing ever seemed to matter to him as he delivered each “impressive” conclusion after the next. This had gone on for awhile before something would finally break the monotony. The man he had put behind bars for murder had escaped and had already fled in to the woods by the time word got to Mamoru. They took him and a pair of officers, it was a small town and there were maybe five officers total, and chased after the culprit, Mamoru tracking him through clues left behind, footprints, patterns before he escaped, patterns of the surrounding animals, Mamoru used it all. They did eventually catch up to the man, except, he could hardly be considered as such any longer. The body had been mutilated, seemingly chopped up by thousands of knives. There was evidence of multiple lacerations and gouges and his face was barely recognizable, but based on the blood coagulation he would have had to be very much alive for very recently dead for these wounds to match up…there’s no way a single person could have done this to him. His ever so faithfully dimwitted companions brought up the possibility of a gang of some sort doing the deed, but Mamoru was ignoring their woefully inept observations at this point. He saw something different, something strange that when mentioned, the other two officers were oblivious to. There was a trail, a small beacon of energy leading away from the body and further in to the woods, Mamoru was not going to pass up a good mystery.

Out of nowhere, the boy sprinted off, following the scent of a the single ray of hope for excitement and the two accompanying him struggled to follow the scrawny and spry little young man. Mamoru was right, whatever had done that to the man could not have gone far and if trail of energy that could very possibly just be in his head was any indication, it hadn’t. The trio, two somewhat later than Mamoru, came upon a large barn. It had been abandoned a long time ago and neglect was showing itself rather blatantly. Mamoru silently motioned toward the front door as the three of them slowly crept toward the derelict structure, Mamoru’s need for a thrill outweighing his better judgment. Mamoru slowly pushed open the door and the three of them slowly crept inside the pitch black room. Mamoru reached for his flashlight and as the light flickered on, a familiar trauma returned to him. Before him was a giant monster, eight arms dangling from a disembodied head. Mamoru’s mouth dropped open in shock, disbelief at what he was seeing while his two companions just looked at him with confusion, unsure about what he was stuttering on about. Without warning, one of the creature’s arms lashed out, blade tip pointing forward and skewered one of the detectives through the skull, lifting him off the ground and plunging him in to the far wall of the barn. The still living bumbling peon panicked and ran straight for his now very dead partner, confused about what possibly killed him or put that rather gaping hole in his head as the monster turned its attention to Mamoru, its large, twisted face contorting in to the devil’s smile. The creature lifted its arm high, grinning down with malicious contempt, before arcing the blade through the air and cleaving a nice, clean cut down Mamoru’s chest, blood splattering out as the boy fell backward, gasping for air. It was not a deep cut , enough to make him bleed rather embarrassingly but not enough to be life threatening for the time being, but Mamoru was too paralyzed with fear to move. The creature just hovered over his prone form, like a predator with its paw on its victim’s jugular. Mamoru was terrified when the hope of a savior cape. Through the door shot a black, robed blur. Mamoru had seen that blur before, six years ago. This time, he was still conscious enough to watch the robed swordsman fight the multi-limbed creature. He had been burned by a giant bull monster and this man saved him, only now he did not seem to be especially successful. The monster was pushing him back, beating him…it looked like his savior was going to lose. They were all going to die, Mamoru was going to die.

Mamoru’s vision darkened and a familiar, hinged skeletal face came over him. The words played over and over in Mamoru’s head. “I am going to die.” To this day Mamoru does not know what possessed him to say the words that followed and in part, he wished he never had and simply died that day. As the skeletal hinged face covered more and more of his vision, Mamoru spoke, Mamoru spoke the dream’s name. Thanatos. As the word left his lips, the creature from his nightmares erupted from the wound on his chest before erecting to full glory inside the barn. Both the monster and the black robed man were stunned by this new development, neither knew what to do. Thanatos however, seemed to know exactly what to do. In a flash, the monster was behind the black robed man and stuck its sword straight through the man’s stomach, affording him only one agonizing breath before the light left his eyes and Thanatos relieved him of his head. After that, monster fought monster in one of the most hilariously one sided fights that Mamoru had ever seen, as he lied in a painful heap on the floor. It reminded him of his own attempts to fight the bigger, stronger, less stick like children at school. Every attack the monster threw; Thanatos evaded and retaliated by cutting off the arm that threw it. It was not long after that it was an eight stubbed monster. Once he was no longer a self-respecting monster, Thanatos tore it to pieces. A wave of relief crest over Mamoru, they were saved, from all would be aggressors, or so he thought. Thanatos soon set its sights on the two police officers and the resulting images were just too brutal for Mamoru to process as he lost consciousness.

When he awoke hours later, his cut still slick with blood but clotting somewhat acceptably, the boy dragged himself to his feet and took in his surroundings. None of the bodies left were recognizable, outside of an arm that donned the wristwatch one of his companions had carried earlier. Mamoru had developed a new sense of fear. He knew that he had done that to them, he knew that it was his monster that killed two good men. He knew that it was his fault their families would have no one to confide in or provide for them. There would be no way for anyone to prove that his monster had killed them...there’d be no way to prove anything. Mamoru gave his fallen companions a proper send off, which coincidentally helped him destroy the evidence, as he set the barn ablaze. He needed to head home, their families deserved to know they weren’t coming home.

The news was taken pretty much as suspected. He was slapped for letting them die, blamed for their deaths, guilt tripped for not dying with them…every ounce of respect he had earned over the course of his time here was gone. He had nothing left here, his parents being the only ones who still cared about him. It was then that he decided to leave, he had been mulling it over before he found out just how much backlash he’d get but it had pushed him over the edge. He had always been terrified of the outside world, of the monsters you couldn’t see who would eat you, of the demons who would destroy you. There were so many tales and his own repressed trauma had kept him there, but now, he knew he had something even scarier inside him and he was a danger to the people here. He couldn’t stay; he couldn’t put them at risk.

Besides, scary was usually exciting and he so hated being bored.

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» Natural Attributes:

Eidetic Memory:

Mamoru is capable of perfect recall. Eidetic Memory, or colloquially Photographic Memory, is a psychological or medical term, popularly defined as the ability to recall images, sounds, or objects in memory with extreme precision. The word eidetic, referring to extraordinarily detailed and vivid recall not limited to, but especially of, visual images. While a person with photographic memory will very precisely recall visual information, a person with eidetic memory is not limited to merely visual recall; theoretically they can recall other aspects of the event including sensory information that is visual, auditory, tactile, gustatory, and olfactory, as well as other dimensions.

Crime Scene Investigation/Deductive and Critical Reasoning:

Mamoru has been training to be a detective from a very young age and as such, boasts an impressive amount of knowledge on police protocol and deductive investigation and critical understanding. The boy can often tell a good deal about a person simply by looking at their clothes or by simply listening to them talk or how they interact with environmental stimuli, allowing him to pick up details that would go unnoticed by most. He has often been mistaken for being psychic by the less informed who simply do not understand how his talent works.

» Racial Powers:

S.C.S.I.: Supernatural Crime Scene Investigation

Mamoru can, for lack of better terminology, sense scars left by supernatural beings. If any large amount of spiritual energy were released in an energy, either by way of a fight or some other expulsion of supernatural energy, Mamoru can observe the energies that were exuded and combined with his own training and deductive reasoning skills, can fully recreate whatever happened in the area with near perfect clarity.

Internal Anima Stone: Projection

Mamoru’s Internal Anima Stone was formed at the age of ten by the trauma caused from being seared by a hollow and fully materialized at the age of sixteen when he was once again attacked by a hollow and his Anima Stone activated, generating the boy’s mask to fight hardship, Thanatos. As of now, Mamoru is not capable of accessing this power consciously and can only bring forth

» Evolution Powers:

Prevailing Entity for Rogue Subjugation Of New Abominations:

Mamoru is capable of projecting his energy in the form of a rather potent and incredibly dangerous creature. Mamoru himself is relegated to moving, acting, and reacting as a completely normal human being outside of his very specific abilities with Soul Detection and his Prevailing Entity for Rogue Subjugation Of New Abominations, or PERSONA, fights for him as a super human entity, gaining access to all Mamoru’s latent magical capabilities and his access to the Soul Dash and any other parameters reflect the PERSONA’s capabilities rather than Mamoru. Thus far, Mamoru has only uncovered one PERSONA that he may use.


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» Soul State Evolution Stage 1 Appearance:

mamoru - Fushimi Mamoru [APPROVED 1-5] Thanatos_zps3d42c896
» Soul State Evolution Stage 1 Abilities:

Reaper’s Machete: Thanatos’s blade is formed with concentrated enough spiritual particles to be able to stand up to all manner of spiritual weapons in terms of raw power and allows Thanatos to fight on completely equal footing with all sorts of hollows, shinigami, arrancar, and whatever strange beasts this world might throw at Mamoru. The Machete is a representation of Mamoru’s internal fear and dread and his ever present hatred toward beings that assail him. This manifest itself in the Machete’s primary ability outside of cutting things. Whenever Thanatos’s blade carves into its victim’s souls, it forcibly injects its own Reiatsu into their system. Once there, Thanatos’s reiatsu will pervade his opponent’s system and, like a drug, will slowly spike up their sense of fear and trigger intense anxiety and panic attacks in the victim and after a certain point, the ability will morph their perception of Thanatos in to the thing they dread most.

These effects are not however instant in a majority of cases. Any deep cuts or puncture wounds will immediately assail the victim with the full range of the anxiety and panic and if not overcome, will leave the victim a frightened heap. Small cuts and dings however will not immediately generate the full blown panic. Each cut will however impart a sense of foreboding the a small kernel of fear in the back of an opponent’s mind while slowly building up to and gradually generating the immense panic and anxiety that exposure to the Reaper’s Machete will generate. For creatures such as Shinigami and Arrancar, this compounds the effectiveness of the Reaper’s Machete. Because their Zanpakutō, their primary weapons, are extensions of their soul’s, whenever one of their weapons comes in to contact with the Reaper’s Machete, the fear generating reiatsu will continue to pervade their system, offering the same gradual buildup of fear and panic and the inherent foreboding of dread towards Thanatos.

Funerary Home: Primarily because “Those coffins on the back of that damn monster.” was not substantially epic enough, Mamoru has taken to referring to Thanatos’s overarching power system as the Funerary Home. Adorned around the persona are seven coffins and in these coffins contain the majority of Thanatos’s powers. Each coffin represents a different element or function. Thanatos is capable of detaching each of the coffins and controlling them remotely, allowing them to separate from him and attack from different angles and providing him multiple ways to engage an opponent. Thanatos can engage and disengage a coffin to and from his body at any given moment provided the physical distance is closed. The power of each coffin is also increased exponentially for every coffin attached to it and is at minimal power when separated from the main body. In addition, every attached coffin can only generate one power at any given time, so if Thanatos as three coffins attached to his body, it may only channel the power of one of those coffins at any given time.

(Ma)Ziodyne: The first coffin of Thanatos opens up with one of his more intimidating and potent abilities. A purple light will wash over any coffins connected to Ziodyne and electricity will begin to crackle between them. Thanatos’s hinged jaw will drop slightly as it will funnel the electrical energy to the front of the open mouth. After a short charging period, Thanatos will expel the energy in a purple beam of compressed electricity that will crash in to anything with potency just shy of a Cero Oscuras with all seven coffins connected and obliterate whatever is in its way. Anything able to survive the sheer power of a direct hit from a full powered Ziodyne will find itself feeling muscle seizures from the electrical currents and will need to cope with moderate to severe cramping in the muscles for some time.(Two posts)

The destructive power diminishes greatly when coffins become detached however, and with only four coffins, including Ziodyne, attached to Thanatos the blast barely equates to a normal cero. When fully detached from Thanatos’s body and whilst being operated remotely, the size and power of the blast is drastically diminished, carrying the force of an average Bala in exchange for the speed and flexibility that firing the blast remotely affords.

(Ma)Agidyne: The second coffin of Thanatos takes on a slightly different form than its predecessor. When the Agidyne coffin is being utilized, a fiery red hue will emanate from all coffins attached. Thanatos will then stab its machete into the ground with enough force to split the earth. From that earth shattering schism will erupt a giant, serpentine pillar of fire that will seemingly take on a consciousness of its own as it chases and harries the target until it engulfs and incinerates them completely. With all seven coffins attached, the serpentine pillar will max out at twelve feet long and four feet thick and will decrease in size by an seventh for every coffin that unattaches from Thanatos. When detached, the coffin loses the impact of the gigantic fire serpent and instead functions as an industrial strength flamethrower.

(Ma)Bufudyne: The third coffin of Thanatos is of ice, which is a sharp departure from its fiery predecessor. When the Bufudyne coffin is utilized, a cool, icy blue hue will wash over the connected coffins. When utilizing the Bufudyne coffin, Thanatos can angle his coffins toward his opponents and from their tips, fire Reishi based icicles. These icicles are as big as the coffins themselves and upon detonation will burst outward and freeze whatever they collided with and anything in the immediate surrounding area. The amount of shots possible at once is dependent upon the amount of coffins attached to Thanatos. The Bufudyne coffin is the only one to fully retain its ability whilst detached, being able to fire its icicle projectile remotely and away from the main body.

(Ma)Garudyne: The fourth coffin is that of wind, rounding out the elemental coverage that Thanatos is afforded. Whilst in use, a vibrant green will permeate from the attached coffins for a brief moment before the air around Thanatos will begin to shift. Picking up speed, the wind around the creature will begin to spin violently around the creature and while interspersed with its own Reishi, will cause an immense shield of wind. This wind affords Thanatos with a wide variety of defenses from projectiles and physical attacks while also affording him a means in which to ram in to his opponents and shred them with the high velocity winds. Focused, small and piercing attacks can easily break through the wind based shield and the shield of wind prohibits Thanatos from utilizing his weapon, as he’d merely crash it against the wind bubble he has constructed around himself, but offense is not the chief function of the Garudyne coffin. When detached, the Coffin is capable of generating a mini Garudyne shield around itself. The Coffin is then capable of using this to ram itself into a victim for a surprisingly painful amount of concussive force.

Megidoloan: Most likely the most devastating, the fifth coffin combines the strengths of the previous coffins and takes their powers on step beyond, creating a devastating barrage of energy that is more than capable of laying waste to multiple. Thanatos and his coffins will be awash with a bright white light, signaling the use of the Megidoloan. After that short charging period, the tips of each coffin will fire twenty bright white energy projectiles, each with the strength of a potent cero, at a target. These projectiles possess a homing capability and will hound the intended target until they hit him or her, or anything near by them. In addition, when colliding with something, the energy blasts will explode, destroying anything in a two meter radius around ground zero. Unlike the other coffins, there is no variation with this ability and it requires all eight to be attached for it to be utilized. In addition, it may only be fired after a two post charging time after the bright white light is shown and after the execution of the attack, Thanatos may not utilize any coffins for three posts. It also has no abilities when detached from the main body and can only serve as a pseudo battering ram.

(Me)Diarahan: Now a truly far departure from the other coffins, the sixth coffin is one of healing and causes a soft pink hue to radiate from the connected coffins. As Thanatos is more an extension of Mamoru’s psyche than an actual living creature, reconstructing damaged tissue is considerably easier for the Persona than it is for a creature of flesh. As such, the sixth coffin allows Thanatos to reconstruct any destroyed coffins and to regenerate any damage it had incurred. Whilst detached, the coffin grows in size enough to accommodate for a full sized bipedal creature and the coffin is able to bestow a fraction of its healing capacity on to an external creature. It is limited in that it cannot regrow damage tissue with the same impunity and speed in which it can do so on itself, consequently unable to regrow limbs or extremities on a whim, but it is capable of prolonging a mortally wounded victim’s life for a period of time or healing minor injuries.

Pralaya: The final coffin of the Funerary Home is Thanatos’s physical combat engine. Whilst the Pralaya coffin is active, Thanatos’s strength and speed are drastically augmented. When all seven coffins are attached, Thanatos is granted a speed and strength an entire tier above what it is normally capable of. The benefit Thanatos would gain is decreased with each coffin that is detached from his body and goes down to the most marginal of benefits when it is the only coffin remaining. Once separated, the Pralaya coffin functions similarly to the Garudyne coffin and is used to crash in to and damage an opponent, however while the Garudyne coffin is a more spiraling, piercing effect, the Pralaya coffin is one hundred percent, unadultered destructive concussive force, able to inflict far more blunt trauma and damage.
» Soul State Evolution Stage 2 Appearance:

» Soul State Evolution Stage 2 Abilities:

» Soul State Evolution Stage 3 Appearance:

» Soul State Evolution Stage 3 Abilities:


mamoru - Fushimi Mamoru [APPROVED 1-5] Image4321-1

See Skill Sheet for More Information

General Skills
  • Durability: Adept
  • General Speed: Advanced
  • Strength: Adept
  • Weapon Skill: Advanced

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Master
  • Pain Endurance: Advanced
  • Focus: Advanced

Human Skill Sheet
  • Anima Stone Strength: Adept
  • Soul Sorcery: Beginner
  • Soul Dash: Master
  • Soul Detection: Advanced


mamoru - Fushimi Mamoru [APPROVED 1-5] Image4323-1

» Roleplay Sample: Summer 37, 512

There was a lot that could go wrong to cause an arrow to miss. Slight fluctuations in the wind, slight fluctuations in the string, slight fluctuations in the shooter’s concentration, all could turn a clean shot to a hamstring in to a minor annoyance to a heavily armored foe or a clean shot to the heart in to an aimless piece of wood. Very, very many things could go wrong while shooting an arrow, especially with a weapon as cumbersome as a longbow. Consequently, Faval was practicing overcoming those minute annoyances that could completely throw the accuracy of a shot out of balance. The most common offenders were an angry person running at you with a sharp object. A large, muscular, smelly man with a sword always managed to make the shooter clutch his bow a little tighter as he was sprinting, angry and grunting like a pig, straight toward you to skewer you like a piece of meat. Faval did have weapons to counteract that though and was trained in a small variety of hand to hand combat techniques. Nothing however stated that he couldn’t apply those techniques while he was not empty handed.

Faval was situated quite snugly in a small clearing that he had used earlier, the one he had met Kressha in. The boy often came here to relax and shoot with a relative lack of disturbance. Unfortunately, the word relative needed to be used as the more he came here, the more he seemed to be disturbed by something. Not always something pleasant. Exhaling deeply, Faval unslung the bow from his shoulder and retrieved an arrow from the quiver strapped to his back as he positioned his legs shoulder width apart and perpendicular to the surface of a nearby tree. Tilting the bow downward, the boy nocked the arrow before slowly pulling the feathered shaft back. Slowly and in one fluid motion, Faval lifted the bow as he was drawing, pulling it back, aiming it at the ground and then behind him all while slowly pulling on the bowstring, rotating it in orbit around a central point. By the time Faval had pulled the weapon back to that central point, his cheek, the arrow head was pointed straight for the back of a yet to be marred tree. Looking down the shaft of the arrow at his target, after waiting a few moments for his breathing to steady, Faval released the dangerous projectile and caused it to hurtle through the air at dangerous speeds. The sound of the weapon crashing in to the tree reverberated through the small little tree ridden shooting gallery, the sudden impact scattering the birds that had made it their home.

Faval was not yet finished. Using the fluid footwork he had gained from his rigorous forays in to the martial arts. The boy took a wide step forward before turning his foot inward. Using the resistance of the ground, Faval dragged himself in a wide arching movement, from a practical standpoint used to evade an incoming projectile…or the aforementioned smelly ogre with a metal stick before again positioning his legs shoulder length apart. As he did this, the boy retrieved from his quiver and attempted to nock his next arrow and fire it at a different tree. He had managed to ready the shot but his aim was off and the arrow careened aimlessly in to the forested growth. He was not intending to stop there however. Faval repeated the process, pivoting and dragging all while simultaneously retrieving, nocking, positioning for, and firing the arrow at the next tree in the sequence. He didn’t start actually hitting the trees until the fifteenth shot he tried to fire while moving, which honestly wasn’t that unimpressive a feat for such a cumbersome weapon. Longbows in general generally promoted a situated roost from which to shoot from and were generally too large and unwieldy to be used in this way. As Faval pierced the spot he was actually aiming for on the eighteenth shot, the boy’s feet ground to a halt. Two arrows presently remained in the quiver as Faval let out an exasperated sigh. He had plenty more at home, even if he managed to lose these, but they were still stupidly expensive things. Letting his bow drop to his side, Faval set off in to the surrounding area to collect his arrows, and probably start the whole process again. He wasn’t intending to rest until there were eighteen arrows sticking out of the forest around him.

Last edited by Imakuran on Sun Nov 24, 2013 2:25 am; edited 2 times in total
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Thu Oct 11, 2012 1:18 pm
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  • Focus: Advanced

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Wed Nov 06, 2013 2:43 pm
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Wed Dec 23, 2015 2:17 am

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