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Dust In The Wind [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Dust In The Wind [Closed]

Sun Sep 23, 2012 5:14 am
He chuckled a bit at her reaction, Shunsui was Shunsui as many had said it before. Somethings about the Captain seemed to make him out to be an Captain that lacked skill in some areas, but truth be told he was strong in those areas it was scary. "Kimiko-chan, it's nothing to worry about I know who I am..if you didn't believe me, it wasn't such a big deal wot worry about.. Also Kimiko-chan, you shouldn't judge appearances too much they are deceiving and at times cause problems." More or less Shunsui didn't care about her believing or not believing the truth of him being Shunsui Kyoraku, he was him and that was all that mattered to him. People knew it, Jushiro knew it and so did Yama-jii before he passed away. He wondered if this girl was going to follow him around now, little Nanao and Lisa-chan tended too. Kami-chan did the same as well, she followed in his path though. Not him directly, he could tell she would find it harder then most. But it was a challenge and people were going to face them regardless of what they did.

"Well later, Kimiko-chan." He assumed her business with him was done now, as he began to walk around looking over the location he brought her too.
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Dust In The Wind [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Dust In The Wind [Closed]

Sun Sep 23, 2012 5:30 am
Kimiko was actually saddened by him just walking away. She didn't know why. She was impressed with this man's very existence. In fact, he was the only Captain of the older generation that she was able to meet. Captain Crow was new... and actually he was the only Captain she had met until this day. Kimiko couldn't help it. She now followed this man. Shunsui Kyoraku was one of those that she read about when studying in Shino Academy. All of the things he had done. She wasn't about to just let him walk away without being able to get to know him a bit. In a way, she felt like she was following some celebrity. She walked after him again and once she caught up, she slowed to his pace. She blinked a couple of times, staring up at him. "You are Shunsui Kyoraku...." she said, narrowing her eyes at him, "You're crazy if you think I am passing up a day to hang out with the former Captain of my Division." It seemed she had completely forgotten about her wound. She almost didn't even feel it and when she did, she ignored it because she didn't want him to get away. And because she didn't want him to get away, she looped her arm around his and smiled mischievously. "And now you, sir... are stuck with me."

Dust In The Wind [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Dust In The Wind [Closed]

Sun Sep 23, 2012 1:31 pm
Shunsui smiled, knowing the female was following him, he was getting the star treatment now that the female had called him a liar, quite a change. The crazy thing was up to debate, but that was alright in his mind. "Mm find, getting to spend time with such a lovely flower will be fun Kimiko-chan." He said calmly leading her to a tea house, it sold old Japanese tea and other such things. He wasn't gonna drink sake yet, though that would come later. He figured she may be hungry, not as though he was poor just because he retired. "I imagine you have questions for me Kimiko-chan, ask them if you want..only way to learn." He decided to get the questions she had out of the way as he sat down at a two seat bench, waiting for the woman to come out with the menu. Depending on her questions, he would order the sake. Shunsui was a bit fickle in this way, one moment deciding not to drink. Next moment, sake time and that was about all there was to it. His arm could feel most of the female's body against it. She was quite lovely and had a very nice build about her.
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Dust In The Wind [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Dust In The Wind [Closed]

Sun Sep 23, 2012 4:20 pm
Kimiko was complimented again!! Immediately a deep red color formed on her cheeks. She looked away from him, trying to get it to go away. The tea house caught her attention. She wasn't expecting this to be turned into a 'date'. She wanted to watch him really... She wanted to ask him questions and things along that line. "I guess... this'll be okay..." she thought to herself as the two went into the tea house. Kimiko's head shot up towards him once he mentioned her asking questions. A playfully suspicious look came onto her face, "How does he know?" As the two were sat down at the bench and handed menus, Kimiko nodded and said thank you. "Hm... Well..." she thought for a moment about the questions she wished to ask, "How come you don't visit the Division? It would be nice to see the former Captain around. Also, with the tragic passing of Head Captain Yamamoto... Why did you and Captain Ukitake both retire? Right now.... The Gotei needs someone like you..." With her last few words, Kimiko brought her hands in her lap, sort of hugging herself. She looked extremely saddened when she thought of the former Head Captain. She never knew him, so why she was so upset was beyond her. It was his memory, his legend that she loved and never got to know.

Dust In The Wind [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Dust In The Wind [Closed]

Sun Sep 23, 2012 4:28 pm
"Ah Yama-jii's passing really effected me and Jushirio. As much as you think you need us, you don't.. Your generations time to step is now, ours is done..We can't stay in the way forever, you will make the difference in this world now. I do visit Squad 8 from time to time, just on the roof and enjoying fond memories of the place." Shunsui had told her almost the exact same thing as he told Kami-chan. The youth of today had to take over for the future. It wasn't a place for the villains of the past or the hero's of the past. If they bailed them out every single time something went wrong they wouldn't grow, but this wasn't the point. He smiled at that blush from a bit earlier on. He decided to have some nice warm sake, with some sweats. It was an interesting choice, but it wasn't really meant to mean anything. He waited as he was almost certain more questions were going to come.

"Yama-jii would pry won't us to take over, but both me and Jushiro feel as though it's not our place. We'll help when we are truly needed to deal with somethings."
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Dust In The Wind [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Dust In The Wind [Closed]

Sun Sep 23, 2012 5:12 pm
"That's... interesting, I guess." Kimiko raised an eyebrow at him, "You say it's our generations turn to lead the way and make a difference, but how is the younger generation supposed to learn if the older isn't there to guide and teach. It's how children learn and become stronger. They need an adult there to help them out... to pick them back up and dust them off... Vanishing and not being there for them creates conflict, confusion, and chaos. The same way a child needs a Mother and Father, we need those with experience and knowledge such as your own to come in and guide us when needed.... Isn't that what the late Head Captain did for you?" Kimiko's mind set was very different than Shunsui's, but both of their views held a valid point in her opinion. Once he ordered, the person turned to her and asked her what she would like. Kimiko smiled and asked for the same thing as him. She then turned back towards Shunsui and smiled happily. "Not your place? That isn't true. You and Captain Ukitake are missed and were always fantastic Captains that so many people look up to... If you ever wished to return, I am quite sure that you would be welcomed back with open arms by everyone... Well except maybe the Captains whose positions you'd be taking..." she giggled a bit at that last part. At that moment, Kimiko realized she was sitting next to him, instead of across from. She got up, not meaning any offense by it at all, and sat across from him. "Okay that's better... No offense by it, but I like looking you in the eyes when I'm talking to you."

Dust In The Wind [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Dust In The Wind [Closed]

Sun Sep 23, 2012 6:39 pm
Shunsui sighed, arguing logic with a child. Not quite his thing but he decided to continue the conversation. He was going to point out the last couple things, now he took a sip of his sake once it arrived." Jushiro passes his knowledge on to those at the Academy KImiko-chan, besides some of the kids we taught are there to help you learn. The generation isn't done yet, as I said if people want to know things or learn. You have to seek your elders out, Yama-jii taught us. To seek our own justice, our own lives. Jushiro is still helping the Gotei 13 in his own way. We don't believe we should be getting too involved with things that are going on is all. Shunsui's point was simply, that yes they could still teach them. But they needed to learn the same way Shunsui and Jushiro did, by taking the spots of Captains and learning the pressure. The friendship, the good and bad of that position. It wasn't an above ground or below ground situation, this simply was how things were going. He and Jushiro had done their duty and now if people wished to learn they had to find them. Which wasn't hard, neither one left the Soul Society. Asking people and showing you will to find someone was the point.
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Dust In The Wind [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Dust In The Wind [Closed]

Sun Sep 23, 2012 7:08 pm
"Oh..." Kimiko said softly. A small smile formed on her face as she giggled at him. "I see! Well Mister Shunsui Kyoraku! I didn't know that former Captain Ukitake was teaching at Shino Academy!" once the sake had arrived, she had ignored it to listen to him, but once she replied, she picked up a cup and took a drink. She saw him sipping and wondered if he was trying to be polite. "Why are ya doing that? Drink! Drink!" she said as she leaned over the table and pushed his cup up a bit, practically forcing him to either drink a lot or spill some all over him. Either way, Kimiko thought it was funny and sat back down in her chair. One of the sweets that was brought was a small cake. She picked up a fork and took a bite. "Wow. This food is actually really good. Thanks for bringing me here." she said, covering her mouth. "You know... When I head back to the Division, no one is going to believe that I sat here, ate, and drank with you. People are going to call me a liar... hahaha! I guess I deserve it since that's what I pretty much called you." She took one more bite and then once she was done chewing, a smaller drink to wash it down. Suddenly, she felt extremely lightheaded and looked to the sake. "I can't... be a lightweight.... Oh that sucks... Ahh." she set her hand on her head, feeling dizzy.

Dust In The Wind [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Dust In The Wind [Closed]

Sun Sep 23, 2012 7:34 pm
Shunsui wouldn't get a buzz, he somewhat coughed when she tipped his glass over into his mouth, smiling he wiped his lips a bit. Nothing was wrong with him, it would take alot more to give him even a small buzz. But this wasn't his reason for being here really, he was just a bit tired of all the work he'd had to put into the Gotei 13 at times. Shunsui drank down some more, he shrugged his shoulders now. "I'll take you back to 8th, they won't have a hard time believing it then.." Shunsui wouldn't put much into the idea of him being important, he was just a retired Captain. Sure he'd done a couple things, but big deal. This gave him an excuse to really enjoy himself on top of the roof like he used to when he and Nanao were running that Division. Though Shunsui kept to himself, this was more of a personal choice then anything really. He and Jushiro taught the new Captains when they came, when they were both there. It was the duty of people in positions to teach the new ones the way.
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Dust In The Wind [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Dust In The Wind [Closed]

Sun Sep 23, 2012 7:48 pm
"Ah! Well that would be reall-..." Kimiko's head just seemed to do flips on her. She was looking around and was seeing double. "I'm... gonna go to the washrooms. I feel a little sick... I'm so sorry... I'll be right back." Kimiko stood up and began walking towards the sign that said 'women'. Unforunately, she didn't get even five feet away when everything went black and she passed out. She fell forward and slammed onto the floor. Like a fool, she was so interested in getting to know Shunsui that she had forgotten completely about the fact that she was wounded and bleeding. Although it wasn't too deep, it wasn't going to just stop bleeding on it's own. It continued bleeding this entire time and now she had lost enough blood to lose consciousness completely. "Oh my gosh!" a waitress ran over to her side and knelt down next to her, "Hey wake up!" The woman tried shaking Kimiko, but she didn't move. When the woman raised her hand, she saw that there was a large amount of blood on her hand. "Oh my gosh... SOMEONE HELP! She's hurt!!!" the woman began to panic, looking around for someone to help the girl that had just passed out on the tea house floor.
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