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A Cold Night [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Cold Night [Closed]

Sat Sep 22, 2012 9:00 am
He relaxed once she stopped, the female seemed to understand. He was calming down and relaxing a bit, a tad worried about his book he left on the table of drawings. It was important, he would have to ask this girl to get it for him. If one saw his eyes and his face. As a child he had androgynous appearance for a boy, though hard to tell with the bandages and things like that. His other senses due to living his life like this were very sharp. He was a bit nervous, he'd never had a bath before in a tub. The most he'd gotten in his life was sprayed with a garden hose and some soup. The water was often so cold that he was sick several times in his life. Even now he pry would of had small fever if someone checked. His clothing coming off, well that was just her pull down and it fell to pieces. After all the only thing holding them together was a prayer and some pretty decent amount of tape. He'd had those clothes for several years. Once they came off, sadly due to his bodies shape at the moment, it was hard to tell of his qualities. He brought a hand down to cover himself, he was shy and well being naked in front of a girl was no different.

" ..But...could you make sure my" He was scared as he asked, he couldn't see it and hadn't managed to grab it before being lead the bathing area. He was a bit cold standing her naked, the female was going to an awful lot of trouble for him. But why was that, just being sick and tired, dirty, not to mention alone. " when....I see...see..them..." He said to her, with small tears dripping down his cheeks, he didn't like them, they frightened him alot.
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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A Cold Night [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Cold Night [Closed]

Sat Sep 22, 2012 10:50 pm
Keianna's eyes narrowed when she watched his clothing just fall apart. They were ridiculously old and she didn't like that. As she went to leave the room, she noticed him cover up. "Cute..." she thought. He was so young, shyness wasn't something that she'd feel in this situation. He was a kid she was going to take care for now. Before she even left the room, the boy became a lot more talkative and even asked her for something. She did not reply to him though. Soon after that, right as she was walking out of the door, she heard him speak about his eyes. "They burn people?" she thought to herself and stared at him, "So that's why he's got himself all covered up." She stared at him just a bit more, although he could not see her and then sighed softly. "I'll go get your book... Just stay here." With that, she stepped out of the room, got his new clothing from the closet like her mother had told her. She then went to the kitchen and grabbed the book she knew he was talking about. She opened it and flipped through a few pages, seeing all the drawings. "Hm..." she said and then closed the book again, walking back towards the bathroom.

"Here it is..." she said as she stepped into the room. She set his book on the counter away from him. "It's right here now. Once you're clean and dressed, you'll get it back. Now get in the tub." She walked over to the tub and saw that it was filled so she stopped the water. She then knelt down next to the cabinet under the sink and opened it up. She pulled out multiple soaps, two clothes to wash with, and a larger towel for him to dry with. She set them down the the bathroom counter and turned to him, waiting for him to get into the water.

A Cold Night [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Cold Night [Closed]

Sat Sep 22, 2012 11:00 pm
He got quiet and a bit uneasy, he almost smiled at hearing she got the book. "Thh-ank you." He heard the order to get in the bathtub, he'd never seen one before. So reaching up he unwrapped the bandages, letting them fall to the ground. "So this is a bathtub, I've never seen on before..I've heard of them but never been close enough to look." He said his fear disappearing for a moment as though his child like nature taking over, he'd just guessed that the girl wanted to wash his hair as well. His eyes could be seen in the mirror, if not standing their naked a person could of mistake the messy child for a girl easily. He got an idea of the surroundings, before getting in the bathtub, the water was warm. Dirt on his body slowly came off just from getting in. He'd never felt such warm water before, it startled him a bit. He almost wanted to get out, but figured she would yell and hurt him if he got water on the floor. So he remained still somewhat shaking from the thought. -His hair was messy and with some shampoo and conditioner would pry look better.

His eyes shut as he wasn't sure what to do now, he'd never been in a bathtub before."I...I ah..I am sorry to ask but what now..I've never been in a bathtub old families used to just hose me down outside...I am sorry.." He said with a shamed look, how many children could say they've never even seen a bathtub. Which meant by set up, he never seen a toilet either. But he had seen those before, they were in Gas Stations.
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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A Cold Night [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Cold Night [Closed]

Sun Sep 23, 2012 12:05 am
Keianna's attention was grabbed as this boy took off the bandages that he was so afraid to remove just a few moments ago. She was unsure whether that meant he was more comfortable or just because he wanted to see. If he was telling the truth about his eyes, then one look at her... She wondered what exactly would happen. She watched a child-like nature come from him when he noticed the bath. Keianna watched this boy with a deep interest. She literally just stood there and watched him, taking note of how much dirt he actually had on him. What he said next was completely shocking. He didn't know how to bathe. That wasn't just it. He had been living in an environmental that treated him so horribly. Who ever these families of his were, they obviously weren't nice people. Keianna decided then that she was not going to allow him to go back to where ever that place was. "All right..." she said in a soft, calming tone as she stepped over to stand besides him. She pulled the cloths and soap over and closed the lid to the toilet, setting them down there. She then turned to him and set her hands on his head. "Hold your breath..."

Once he did as she told, she'd gently push him back into the water to get the rest of his body wet, including his hair. After running her hand through his hair and trying to shake out some of the dirt into the water, she realized that she was probably going to have to empty and re-fill the tub. There was no way to get him clean in dirty water. She'd do that after rinsing him enough though. Once he was sitting up in the bath, "What is your name?" Waiting for his answer, she used her hands as cups to bring more of the water up and rinsed off his back. She did the same to his arms and legs, trying her best to get him rinsed enough for an actual bath.

A Cold Night [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Cold Night [Closed]

Sun Sep 23, 2012 12:16 am
He did as he was told, feeling almost layers of dirt come from his midnight black hair, his eyes remained closed tightly. He did keep his head looking towards her direction, he decided keeping it generally in the direction of the sounds worked. As he felt the hands touch him he flinched a bit, but it wasn't as much as before. She'd let him bath in the tub, he wasn't even aware of what these were. Living off the outside was all he knew, his hair fell wet upon his shoulders. He'd never been under water before really either, swimming wasn't something he'd gotten to do, not even in lakes, or ponds. "..Well...I..ah..never was given a name families..most people..just called me Yuri..because of how..I look.." This was the truth, had his parents named him, he had no idea what the name was. He wasn't sure what was gonna happen to him tonight, he spoke once more. Deciding to ask her if he was going to remain here or not. He may get hit for it, but he needed to figure out where he was going.

"If..I...I stay here, is there a nice floor I can sleep on...I...s-sorry, should be happy for what I am getting."
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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A Cold Night [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Cold Night [Closed]

Sun Sep 23, 2012 12:33 am
Keianna seemed so calm in everything she did. She didn't flinch, hesitate, jump, or anything like that. The look in her eye stayed the same, the only thing really changing was a small smile and that didn't happen as often as some would want. When he flinched just a bit, Keianna looked up to him to see what was wrong, but he just kept his eyes shut. "He really is frightened of it..." she thought to herself as she stopped rinsing him off. She then took out the plug to the drain, causing it to make a strange gurgling sound. The water slowly began to lower, taking the dirt that had been rinsed from the boy with it. "If you don't like the name Yuri.... We can change it if you want." she said in reply to his statement. She was slightly confused when he spoke about 'the way he looked'. She had seen nothing wrong, but once she paid a bit more attention, she could see how others might think he was a girl. "Is there something else that you think you would rather be called? I'm not letting you go back to your so called family, so if you want to change it... That's fine."

Once the water was gone, she stood up and turned it on again. This time, she pulled the shower head off of the stand and brought it down to rinse him off. If she had known he was this dirty, she would have done this first. "Stand up..." she said and once he did, she would begin to rinse him. He then asked another question, one that slightly disturbed her. "I am not like the others you have been around..." she said as she began rinsing his hair even more, watching the dirt soil the water and tub as it went down the drain. "If you're staying here, you'll be in a bed. You will not be sleeping on the floor. You will have pillows, blankets, and it will be much more comfortable." Now that he seemed a lot cleaner than before, she could see even more of how skinny and weak he was. She was glad that he refused to open his eyes, because when she saw that, an angry look got on her face. "All right... We'll be starting the actual bath now." She made it where the water would come through the spout again and once the bath was rinsed out enough, she plugged up the drain.

A Cold Night [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Cold Night [Closed]

Sun Sep 23, 2012 12:44 am
He shivered a bit as the water drained out, keeping his eyes shut. Listening to the female speak, he faced her yet. Flinching was a reflex, but now something else was clear with the dirt gone. Cuts, bruises his small body seemed to be wounded in several places. It looked like on each hand, atop the skin someone had put out cigarettes on his hands, these burn marks hurt. Yuri was so used to pain, he didn't smile much now. But one came to his lips when she said she wasn't taking him back. " N-no Yuri's the name I've grown used to.." He stood up now as she requested, he kept a smile on his lips. But then he looked to be puzzled, almost confused. He'd heard of beds, but never seen one really with his own eyes. Pillows and blankets, what were those exactly. This boy was truly mistreated from his days as an infant. "Bed..What are pillows and blankets?" He seemed legitimately confused bout what those objects were. Yuri never had slept on a bed before in his life either.

"I've..never slept in a bed..or..had covers beyond the clothing I was wearing.." Yuri said, he seemed to be almost at a loss for words. He decided to ask it, she'd already done so much. But why, what did she get for helping him. Yuri was just a boy on the side of the road, a kid who had nothing. Why help him, he'd never met someone so kind before in his days. As the boys dirt fell, scars and injuries became more clear. He had wounds even some war vets would of pry been upset by. Bite marks on his stomach, human by the looks. Several of them were located on his body in different location, teeth size would be an adult or teenager of fair size.

"Why are you..being so nice to me...I..ah...sorry."
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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A Cold Night [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Cold Night [Closed]

Sun Sep 23, 2012 12:56 am
"Then I will continue to call you Yuri..." she told him. When she saw him smile, a slightly surprised look came into her eyes. It was a nice site. The poor kid had been through hell and.... "What the fuck?" she thought to herself, as she noticed a few things along his body. She grabbed his arm rather harshly and turned him towards her so she could see his scars. "Yuri... What is this?" she asked him as she set her finger along what looked to be bite marks. Before she even gave him a chance to answer, she then looked to his hands and saw the burns on them. "They tortured this boy..." Keianna's left eye actually twitched a bit. She hadn't even paid too much attention to his questions once she saw the markings. Soon, she realized she was ignoring him and then sighed. After he would answer her questions, she'd begin to answer all of his. "Well... I guess you will see soon. It's already late and once your bath is done and you've eaten, we will take you to your room and you will sleep there."

The bath was full now.... again. She turned off the water and helped him sit down. Once he sat, the first thing she did was grab one of the cloths, wet it in the tub, and put soap on it. She moved it around until the soap soaked in and began to bubble up. The first thing she was going to was were his feet. In a way, she hoped he was ticklish. It seemed like a nice way to get him to smile. After washing his feet, she'd move up to his legs, mid-section, stomach, chest, arms, neck, and then she'd grab the other cloth. She wasn't one to use the same cloth for your face that you would for your body, so she switched up, repeated the soaping process, and cleaned his face. Then, she gently dunked him down under the water and rinsed him again. "Hold your breath." she said as she rinsed him and then brought him up again. After that, she moved to shampooing his hair.

A Cold Night [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Cold Night [Closed]

Sun Sep 23, 2012 1:06 am
"Ah.." Those marks were still sore and hurt, he winced for a moment in slight pain. He'd not smiled at this, if anything most of his color drained from his face at the memory."I was trying to get bread at Papa's table, the dinner table and jammed a cigar into my hand..for each bite I got.." He said it softly, shaking wondering if she would be angry at him for this. It was strange but he was almost always like this, the boy was extremely ticklish. Soon as though feet were touched he began laughing almost hysterically, he was giggling and smiling. Having such a hard time holding it in, saying sorry over and over. Because he knew he wasn't being quiet, his old families liked him quiet. His stomach, feet, and such things would draw such reactions from him. It dawned on him a bit late that she my of meant the bite marks. "Those were from Papa also, he would do it sometimes.". The man he called Papa of course was the drug dealer, the man had destroyed him almost.

He held his breath, it was a bit new but he found it came alot easier then he thought it would. His hir was messy and in knots, the female's fingers pry didn't run through it well. But ironically this was rather natural for him. His stomach was hungry and it growled once and a while, but he'd managed to remain silent. Though even when on the street he never let his hunger show to much.
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A Cold Night [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Cold Night [Closed]

Sun Sep 23, 2012 1:17 am
When he laughed, Keianna couldn't help but giggle along with him. She smiled and wasn't able to make the smile go away. She was actually very happy to see him laughing. Now that he was clean and she moved to the shampoo, she realized that his hair was horribly tangled. "Conditioner will help me get through those tangles..." she thought to herself as she rubbed the shampoo through his hair. Once it was at the point where she could rinse it, she did. Once again she told him to hold his breath, but this time she told him to hold it much longer. It's harder to rinse stuff off of hair. Once he took in a deep breath, she ducked him under the water and did her best to quickly remove all of the soap from his hair. After that, she brought him back up and pushed his hair behind his head. "Now we're going to put the conditioner in. While it's in, I'm going to brush through the tangles in your hair. It might hurt a bit, but it'll be okay." she said as a way to relax him as she began putting conditioner through his hair. Conditioner made hair slippery, so it was easier to brush the tangles out. Once the conditioner was all the way through his hair, she grabbed her own brush and began brushing his hair, doing her best not to pull any out.
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