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The Site Hideyoshi
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Thu Aug 30, 2012 11:55 pm

Things have been strange for Snopy. For the last few days he has been feeling just odd. As he worked he had been getting these strange headaches. People would see him holding his head and ask what was up. When he mentioned the headache, they always suggested her take it a bit easier when he worked. He tried slowing down, but to no avail. At first this headache was minor. It just irritated him. As the days passed, it got worse. It was extremely slow in coming. Almost no difference from morning to night. People told him to head to Squad 4, but he declined. He normally wasn't one to refuse help when he needed it, but something about this was different. He just had a feeling the results might not be optimal if he went to Squad 4. Plus if Kanna found out he wasn't sure what would happen. He should feel safe around her...yet something was just way too wrong. He didn't know what he would do, but going to her wasn't a viable option in his head.

As things got worse he took some time off, saying he needed to relieve some stress. He assured everyone he'd be back soon and went to stay at his home. This was where he was now. Much of the time he laid on the bed, staring at the ceiling. He had energy. In fact, he seemed to have a lot of energy. This made it even stranger that he was like this. Normally when one was ill their energy would be low, but he found it hard to stay still. He paced through his house a lot. His mind rushed in all kinds of directions. Nothing in he knowledge offered even a little explanation on how this was happening. He couldn't fathom what was causing it. In fact, for the first time in awhile, he was becoming truly stressed out.

He didn't know what to do. Part of him wanted to tell Kanna. Snopy was actually a little scared. This was something he never really felt, but things were just so out of whack. He was in increasingly immense pain, he had all this energy. He honestly felt like he desperately needed someone to comfort him right now. Yet still, he wasn't sure if it was the best idea. He had a gut feeling that Shinigami healing wouldn't cut it. This was an illness, not an injury. At the same time, he felt like this had been festering for a long time. There was always this sense of "not everything was right within him", ever since he died. So many hollow, and his killer was doing hollowfication experiments. Could this have something to do with it? Was this why he felt he couldn't tell anyone? Either way, he shook his head as he went and had a bite to eat.

He sat down, and as he went to chew his food his headache made him almost cry out in pain. This was worse than anything he had ever felt. The chewing only agitated it. Every bite felt like millions of needles were piercing his head. Still, somehow he forced down all of his food. Once he finished he pulled his legs up to his chest and held them. It was a rather pathetic position for Snopy, but that was how he felt. He didn't know what was wrong. He felt helpless and scared, emotions he had thought he had forgotten from disuse. Of course, this kind of thing was something that would worry, if not scare, most of the population. He sat in this position for awhile, wondering what he was going to do.

Template By: [THEFROST]
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Sun Sep 02, 2012 7:32 pm

"Sorry if you've got a problem with me..."

For the past couple of days, something was festering at the pit of her stomach. She had no idea what it was. She didn't feel sick. She wasn't injured or in any kind of pain, but something was definitely off. She felt as if something big was happening and she needed to be a part of it. It was like something was trying to send her some sort of signal. This feeling was constant and had begun to drive her insane. Then, she noticed something. It had been a while since she had talked to a certain someone. "Snopy..." she mumbled under her breath and sighed, "You better be okay..." With this feeling still scratching at the back of her mind, she decided it was about time to pay him a visit. Setting down her pen and turning off her computer, she gave notice to a fellow Squad member and left.

"I don't know what's going on, but something is up..." Kanna thought as she left the Squad Four Barracks and began her journey to Squad Fives. Once she arrived, about ten minuted later, she asked around and everyone told her the same thing. That hadn't seen him. Getting highly annoyed, she finally ran into someone who knew something. It was a young woman who told her that Snopy had left for his home in the Rukongai. She was informed about him acting strangely and that some people thought he was getting sick. The girl gave him a few direction to help her find the house, but the directions were a little vague. Apparently they only knew the direction he walked in when leaving the Seireitei. Kanna's left eye twitched out of slight irritation and she shook her head. "That dumbass.. If he's sick he can come see me!" she thought as she waved to the young girl and ran off.

It didn't take her too long, but she made her way out of the Seireitei and began heading in the direction that she had been told. One thing that did make her happy, Snopy was not trying to hide. She could easily sense his energy. He wasn't very far at all. Knowing this, she took in a deep breath and let it out in a sigh of relief. She quickened her pace by beginning a few shunpo. After only a minute or two, she stopped right in front of a house that she assumed was his. She felt his energy inside. "This better be it..." she thought as she walked up to the door and knocked, awaiting for him to answer.

"... but I'm not one to really care."

The Site Hideyoshi
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Sun Sep 02, 2012 8:19 pm

As he sat trying to calm himself, he thought he felt something familiar nearby. The thing was, the only person he knew that knew where he lived didn't have energy like that. Though, when she had found his house he had no idea how. Yet, he shrugged off the feeling as his imagination playing tricks on him. Maybe it wasn't even playing tricks, maybe in its strange way, it was trying to comfort him. Naturally deep down he really needed someone here for him to soothe his nerves, but outwardly he avoided it for whatever reason. Perhaps he just didn't want to really worry anyone. For some reason he felt this wasn't something that could be simply cured. The last thing he needed was someone to worry because they literally could not help him. Yet his instincts screamed "DANGER DANGER", so keeping away from others would also be a precaution to protect them. On a conscious level, he was unaware of this.

He got up and rushed to take a long drink of water. He felt extremely thirsty, and he almost felt hungry again, despite having just eaten. His body seemed to be screaming for more energy, despite his odd increase in overall energy lately. Again, this only made things more confusing. He looked up again as he felt that same energy from earlier. It was really familiar energy. However, the piercing headache made it impossible for him to tell who it was yet. Though the idea that it was his imagination was slowly beginning to seem less plausible. Snopy sat back down and tried to settle his nerves. If someone was coming, he'd want to cover up just how bad it was. He couldn't honestly gather his nerves, but he sure as hell could fake it.

After about 3 minutes he felt he had gotten himself ready, and just in time. It was at this moment that he heard a knock on the door. He didn't understand who would be here. Where he lived wasn't something he told anyone. He walked up to the door and took a deep breath. Then he opened it, with a perfectly executed smile. Of course the smile dropped into more of a confused look when he saw just who it was. K-kanna? Wh-what are you doing here? As he spoke he felt another spike in his headache and his hand instinctively went up to his head. This did little to help him, making the headache quite obvious. He motioned to invite her in, despite what his mind was telling him to do. Either way, things were going to get a little crazy soon enough.

Template By: [THEFROST]

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Sun Sep 02, 2012 9:55 pm

"Sorry if you've got a problem with me..."

Just by entering the area, Kanna could tell something was off. She took a step back from the door and awaited it's opening. She took in a deep breath and crossed her arms along her chest. She heard a click of the door and looked towards him. Her left eye twitched just enough for her to feel it, probably not seen by Snopy. "His smile..." she thought as she heard him ask why she was here, "It's fake." She said nothing in reply to him at that moment. Now she was just completely worried. Then she saw him bring his hand up to his head. Immediately she could tell he wasn't feeling well, but how bad was he feeling actually? As he invited her in, she nodded and stepped inside behind him. She turned towards the door and grabbed onto the handle, closing and then locking it. This action might worry Snopy, but she was about to find out what the hell was going on. At least now she knew why she was feeling such a strong sense of dread lately. It was because of him.

"You're sick..." she said and then turned to him, her hand leaving the door. Kanna stood up perfectly straight, looking as if she was on some sort of serious mission. She stepped towards Snopy, but then quickened her pace. She set a hand on his chin, grasping rather tightly, while her other hand came out to his left and grabbed onto his wrist. She then stepped forward and without any restraint, pushed him back until he met a wall behind him. She narrowed her eyes, looking actually rather fierce, but not angry. It was an obvious worry and curiosity that lingered within. She brought her left hand, the one that was on his chin, up and around his face, pushing his hair back. Her right hand did not loosen on his wrist at all. "I can't believe you did not come to me when you weren't feeling well... If you're sick enough to make you want to take some time off of work... I THOUGHT YOU'D AT LEAST COME TO SEE IF I CAN FUCKING HELP YOU SNOPY!"

"... but I'm not one to really care."

The Site Hideyoshi
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Mon Sep 03, 2012 1:42 am

As Kanna entered she shut and locked the door behind her. As Snopy heard this, he turned and looked toward her. He didn't know why she did it, but he felt he was about to be scolded. This was partially why he didn't tell Kanna, he couldn't tell her without her trying to cure him. He knew he should have gone to her. He knew he should have let them try. Just that feeling in his gut was far to unnerving. He almost responded to Kanna's quick statement when she straightened her spine and then quickly moved in towards him. Suddenly Kanna's hand tightly gripped his chin, while the other tightly gripped his wrist. He was quickly forced back until he met the wall behind him. She looked at him, but it didn't seem to be worry. This seemed to be more worry than anything else. Slowly her hand left his chin, making its way up his face, before promptly brushing his hair aside. His wrist was becoming uncomfortable from the tightness with which she held it.

Kanna's words sounded quite mad, at least their inflection was. She was obviously worried about him, and he picked up on that. He let out a sigh. If I thought that you could do anything don't you think I would have come? The thing is, my gut instinct is screaming out to me. It is telling me there is something seriously wrong, and that something isn't a simple as me being sick. I have the worst headache of my life, as well as nausea. Even still, I have an immense amount of energy. To top it off, the worst the headache gets, the more I have in the energy department. I...I Suddenly he struggled his arm out of her grip and wrapped them around her, clinging to her as if his life depended on it. I don't know what to do anymore. My brain and body are sending a thousand different messages, and they all conflict with each other. He was beginning to tear up. It feels like there is something inside of me, and I don't know what it is. Part of me, a huge part, is telling me to stay away from people. It is also telling me that I might hurt someone if I am near them. I came back here as the houses around mine are vacant. I don't know what is going to happen to me anymore... He was seriously at a breaking point. He didn't know what to do, but he knew one thing. Whatever was happening made him a possible threat. If something was to happen, he knew he would have to fight in order to keep his mind stable.

Template By: [THEFROST]
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Mon Sep 03, 2012 1:59 am

"Sorry if you've got a problem with me..."

Hearing the first of his words, Kanna's face scrunched up in more anger than she had previously felt. She brought her hand down to the collar of his shirt, the other still gripping his wrist, and tugged harshly on it. "You're telling me that it was your gut feeling that something was seriously wrong, yet you still did not come to me! Did you ever think about how bad it could get i-..." she was stopped when his wrist was practically torn from her grip. He wrapped his arms around her and held onto her. At first, her anger kept her from reacting, but after calming down, she was able to lean into him and brought both of her hands up to lay on his chest, gripping his shirt. Hearing his words worried her. It also didn't help that he was feeling bad enough to begin crying. She wasn't sure exactly how to react to this, so for now, she just stood there and listened to him, allowing him to hold her.

"You know..." she begun speaking as he finally stopped. She could tell he was at his breaking point, and it even began to scare her. She didn't like seeing him like this, nor was she used to it. "You have no idea how worried you had me. I was able to tell that there was something wrong for the past few days. It was like there was something I should have been doing, someone I should have been with... Now I know that it was you..." She pulled away a bit and looked up to him, a worried, yet softened look in her eyes. "Snopy... You're not a threat to me. You should understand that, okay?" her tone suddenly hardened back to it's norm, "Sooner rather than later, got it? I'm not going to have a boyfriend who can't tell me when something is wrong. I refuse."

"... but I'm not one to really care."

The Site Hideyoshi
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Mon Sep 03, 2012 2:49 am

As he listened to her he slowly calmed down a bit. The death grip he had on her loosened a bit, making the current embrace much more natural. Her voice soothed him, he began to gather himself a bit. When she paused to look up at him, the softened look calmed him even more. He had been shaking a bit, but it slowly calmed itself. He listened as she finished her speech. She really was there for him, and it even shocked him a little when she called him her boyfriend. That was the first time she had ever called him that. Snopy continued to hold her there for a bit. Alright, I won't hide something like this from you again. I won't hide anything again. I promise. He took a deep breath as he looked back at her.

However, I am serious about being a threat. Now that you've calmed be down a bit, and I can focus, I feel it. Something is inside me that shouldn't be there. I've researched various thing over my time in the Soul Society, and I think I know a little bit about what might happen. I am not sure exactly, but if anything happens and I start lashing out or attacking, I need you to put the strongest barrier you can around me. I may still have a chance at that point to regain control over my mind from whatever happens to it. Kanna, you know me better than anyone else in existence. Once you put that barrier around me, do not drop it until you can tell it is me talking and not some weird twisted mindset. My mind is strong, I will be able to fight whatever it is with all of my strength. I could be wrong, this could be paranoia. But, if it does happen, keep me contained and see if I don't regain control of myself. If nothing happens, nothing happens. Just, please stay with me no matter what. Snopy took a deep breath.

Well I know what I should be doing, come with me a moment. Snopy went through to the next room and opened up a door. Through this door, were stairs leading down. He slowly lead her down a flight of stairs and flipped on a light. What they were standing in was basically a normal basement. However, it was fairly large and had some breathing room. Until this gut feeling of mine passes, I think we should stay down here a bit. If something happened, the odds of any destruction above the basement is unlikely. He pointed off to the side. The fridge over there has some food, and there is a stove to cook on if need be. As strange as it may be compared to some others, my house has wiring. I don't know who lived here before me, but they were a step ahead of many others in Rukongai. Snopy went to the center of the room. He sat on the ground. I'm going to my inner world to see what I can gather. I tried two days ago but my spirits said nothing was up in there, I'm going to see if they have figured anything out.. There are basic comforts, and if anything happens, slap a barrier to contain me. Anything else you want to say before I go? He waited for a response from her. This wasn't a dank basement, and there were some comforts around, so she shouldn't be uncomfortable.

Snopy did everything as if he knew what was going to happen. This was due to him remembering research he did about incidents like this. Where someone would act strange, then they would go insane and start destroying things. However, some reports showed that individuals could fight to retain their sanity. Though it was vague and likely not even close to what was going to happen, he figured he'd prepare for the worst. Soon enough, he would discover that this "unnecessary" precaution might end up saving him, so long as he isn't swallowed whole.

Template By: [THEFROST]
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Mon Sep 03, 2012 3:14 am

"Sorry if you've got a problem with me..."

Kanna was happy when he held onto her for a bit longer. The happiness faded and worry rose up once more as he let go of her and began walking towards a door. She followed him. The two came to stairs that lead down into a large basement. She looked around, noticing all of the things he was pointing out, including the fridge and stove. It was strange for a house in the Rukongai to have such things inside of it. It was rather impressive. She looked back to him, listening quietly to everything that he was explaining to her. She was easily able to tell what was going on with him. It upset her. It worried her. Because of these feelings, it was almost like she was beginning to lock herself away once more. Her softened face began to harden. Her eyes began to drain themselves of any emotion that they had. With what was about to come, there was no point of any of them. They would likely only get in the way of what she knew she had to do.

"What he's hinting at..." she thought as she crossed her arms along her chest, "He might as well just come out and say it... He's making it way too obvious in the first place." As he sat upon the ground, she moved to stand about five feet away from and direction in front of him. Looking down at him, her eyes would be just as cold as they were the day they first met. Not only was she in her 'professional' mode, but it was like all love she had felt for Snopy was being pushed back. The reasons for this were hers and hers only. She gave no hints otherwise. She nodded to his requests about the barrier, but as he asked whether she wished to say anything to him she kept silent. She stared blankly at him for a while.

"Yes... There is something I've been wanting to tell you, but..." she spoke bluntly and coldly, but then continued, "I will speak with you when you decide to return." Those were her words to him at the moment. Yes, she was cold, but the reasons for this were... One: She knew she was probably going to have to fight him to protect him and herself from what she knew was about to happen. Allowing her emotions to get in the way was not a good idea, so she had to push them back to keep her focus. Two: This gave him more motivation to return to her. She was worried about him, but she wanted him to get through this first. It was sort of her way of giving him some sort of motivation. Three: This was her way of coping with the situation. Right now, at any moment, the man she had come to truly care for was going through something that she could not understand and in the end, there was always a chance that she could lose him. By acting emotionless, it helped her cope with the situation and not break down emotionally and mentally. "Now do it." were her last words. From then on, she stayed silent and watched.

"... but I'm not one to really care."

The Site Hideyoshi
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Mon Sep 03, 2012 7:43 am

He watched Kanna's cold harsh attitude return as he spoke. All he could do though, was smile. Not going to tell me now? Alright then, I can wait until I come back. Should something happen, I trust your instincts will know what to do. As Snopy spoke he entered a meditative stance and soon his mind blanked out. The last thing he saw was Kanna's face as he lost true consciousness. She was indeed right, her actions did increase his resolve to return. He had someone to return to, and that was more reason than he needed to come back alive and mind in tact. Somehow he felt Kanna knew he wouldn't return from his inner world until he either won or lost. Perhaps his greatest battle ever was about to take place. Would he retain himself and see his Girlfriend again, or would he be swallowed whole?

As Snopy's vision returned he was standing in the middle of his inner world. He looked around, things were rather violent. It was a wilderness. However, the weather rages, the streams gushed with a torrent of water, and the wind was fierce. However, this wasn't strange. Above him was a purple sky. This signified he was on Fumiko's side of his inner world. Fumiko was the hyper active one, thus the weather itself was hyper active. To the west was Reiko's side, which was much calmer. The weather was gentle, the breeze was gentle, and the stream was gentle. Reiko was the calm one, so her side was also calm. Above her was a bright pink sky. Alright then, where are those two. Snopy knew that when he arrived the two made for the center border of their sides of the world. As such, he headed towards Reiko's side.

Maneuvering was simple at this point. The first few times in his inner world he wasn't used to the extremely rough weather. However, he eventually got used to it. The wind did not bother him, and he was smart enough not to fall into the stream. Though as he got stronger, the risk of being swept away would be reduced. He navigated through this wilderness, being in a sort of light forest. Snopy's inner world has literally just about every naturally occurring landscape. Hell, there may even be a city off in the distance somewhere, he had yet to truly explore his vast inner world. Of course he didn't ever have time to truly explore it. He was always busy with Shinigami duty, training, and what time was left he tried to relax and enjoy with people he cared about. either way, the area had a lot of open space, but there were trees dotted all about. This allowed movement to go fairly simple, as he could go straight for his destination. At one point a large branch fell from a tree above his head. If it hadn't been for his reflexes he would have been knocked out. It would have been a shame if he was taken out by a mere tree.

Either way, he made it through whatever the wilderness threw at him and made it towards a center area. It was an arena sized clearing, basically a giant field with no obstacles in it. Nothing but the cool wet grass covered the ground. Towards the center, he found the familiar figures that were his Zanpakutō spirits. He Shunpo'd over, appearing next to the two. Fumiko, the hyper one, had long blue hair tied up in a ponytail to her side. She wore a strange blue outfit, like an odd variation of a tight-fit dress that goes slightly past her hips. Around the waist it separates into in two places, causing it to be composed of 4 or 5 flaps. The design cause a small part of her underwear to show where the flaps were separated. Strange bright blue straps went over her shoulder and connected the dress so it would stay in place. She also had a small headset that covered up one ear and did not go around her head.

The other was Reiko. She wore a much less revealing outfit. She had long black hair and wore a simple long sleeved shirt. It was also black, like her hair. She wore a pair of gray pants as well. It was a rather bland outfit, but Reiko never did like revealing too much of her body. She chose a simplistic set up rather than the crazy one Fumiko choose. Both the spirits had a rather concerned look on their face this time. I don't even know what is going on with my body anymore. Have you figured anything out yet? They both nodded and Fumiko pointed behind him. Call me crazy, but I don't think that is normal. Snopy turned around and was amazed at what he saw. There was a swirling torrent of energy, though a better term would be pillar. It was a dark black and red vortex, reaching up into the heavens. It was nothing short of gigantic. Dark energy crackled off of it and the sky was pitch black there.

That started about 2 hours ago, it has been getting bigger. We tried to talk to you, but for some reason we were being cut off. Snopy listened to Reiko's words as he stared at the vortex. Suddenly something happened. There was an immense surge of energy and the pillar seemed to be sucked into a single point. The surge sent a large shock-wave that almost knocked Snopy off his feet. At that very moment Snopy summoned up his two blades. Both were normal katana with a black blade, the left one sporting a pink hilt while the right had a purple. A massive source of energy could be felt rushing in his direction, and he didn't know what to expect.

Suddenly a mass appeared before him with a loud static booming sound to accompany it. The creature looked fairly humanoid. In fact, it looked just like a human. Yet Snopy could only raise an eyebrow at what he saw. It was a young, maybe 16 year old, girl. She had bright red hair and eyes to match. She wore a sort of one-piece sweater that covered down to slightly below her hip-line. She looked as innocent as could be. Still, after what he just saw and everything that had happened, he wasn't letting his guard down.

It's about time we met, fufufu. Her voice did indeed sound like a 16 year old's, but there was an extreme undertone of seduction within it. HEY, WHO THE HELL ARE YOU! Fumiko burst out before Snopy could say a word. He sighed a bit as Reiko almost made a comment. Seriously you two, not the time. The two nodded and they returned their attention to the girl in front of them. My my, testy today aren't we? My name is Ayako, of course it won't really matter. Soon enough I will claim that physical body of yours, and if your lucky you will spend the rest of eternity here. Soon this will be my inner world fufufu.

Snopy didn't flinch, he did not show his usual laid-back side. He was dead serious and wasn't about to take this girl lightly. Is that right, and what exactly are you? She did the same laugh she had been repeating throughout the conversation. I am merely a hollow that was born within your soul. Been building up and preparing for a long time. In fact, it has been over 80 years. That's when Snopy realized it. She had been created during the incident that killed him. Masumi, even 83 years since you've last been around me and you're still fucking with my life. I really need to give you credit old man. He laughed a bit before returning to his serious mode. Fufufu, shall we begin? She spoke as a bright red Cero charged on her finger, which was now pointed towards the three.

The Cero fired off, forcing Snopy and his Zanpakutō Spirits to dodge it. However, as Snopy landed another blast came at him. As he dodged it, Ayako used her Sonido and appeared behind where Fumiko and Reiko had landed. You two should stay out of this. Suddenly an invisible barrier formed around the field. Fumiko and Reiko's bodies were locked out. However, Snopy still had their power to rely on. Well, I'm ready whenever you'd like to throw your life away.

Meanwhile outside of his body

It was calm and quiet. Snopy's body simply laid slumped for 15-20 minutes. Somehow there was a sense of the calm before the storm in the air. It was perfectly quiet. Snopy's body had been giving off variable Reiatsu levels throughout the time frame. This showed that there was activity within his mind. His energy felt as it usually did. It still had its positive and relaxed feel at this point in time.

This was not destined to last. As Ayako fired off her first Cero, suddenly there was a massive surge of energy. Reiatsu began to burst out of Snopy's body. It, however, was not its usual pink or purple color. This energy was a bright red color. What seemed like black sparks of electricity crackled around him. Soon, some of the energy began to condense onto his face. Slowly it was covered in a white color. Slowly the substance hardened. The mask was fox-like in appearance. The definitions of the mask were that of a fox. The line of teeth covering the mouth gives it a wide smile look to it. Off the top there are two fox-like ears. To top it off the eye-holes seemed like that of a fox's eyes.

As the mask finished forming on Snopy's face, another surge of energy was sent off. The partially hollowfied body stood up onto its feet. The sound of the low groaning noises sounded like Snopy's voice with a hollow sounding echo overlaid. The hollow turned itself toward Kanna, looking dead into her eyes. It suddenly rushed at full speed towards Kanna with its hand cupped into a fist. It was moving faster than Snopy normally could, and Snopy wasn't slow by any means. Not only that, the creature's physical strength was amplified compared to Snopy's, so its punch would cause more damage than if Snopy was to launch it. Snopy was not one to cause major damage with his fists, however what currently stood before Kanna was nothing more than a mass of hollowfied instincts. This would have to be contained while Snopy attempted to reclaim his body. The punch was aimed straight for Kanna's head.

After the first punch was complete, it followed up with a powerful kick aimed towards Kanna's right side. If this landed it would likely force Kanna to stumble back, which would make way for its final attack. The hollow rushed forward with its head down, aiming for a hard headbutt to Kanna's gut. If it his, the mask would likely increase the pain felt from the strike. Not only that, but the fox ears sticking out forward would likely make things hurt even more. The hollow was prepared to string together more attacks, but how it would happen ultimately depended on how Kanna reacted to the first onslaught.

Template By: [THEFROST]
The Gotei 13 Advocate
Joined : 2012-05-29
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Mon Sep 03, 2012 12:55 pm

"Sorry if you've got a problem with me..."

Kanna said nothing more to him, ignoring his reply to her decision about speaking with him after what was about to occur. As Snopy entered a meditative state, she began to feel the worry increase, making it a bit difficult to breathe like normal. There was even a moment where she felt like she might cry, but she held that back to make sure she kept the image of the fearless and cold girlfriend. “You better come back...” she thought as she watched Snopy move into his unconscious state. Now there was nothing more she could do, except wait. Although she seemed to 'maybe' have known whether Snopy was going to return to her, this was not the case. Never before had she ever witnessed such. This was completely new to her, and the stories she heard from others only made her worry more.

For a good fifteen to twenty minutes everything was calm and quiet. Kanna had began slowly pacing back and forth in the basement. Every now and then, she'd glance over to Snopy with a bit of worry on her face, but it soon died and she continued her pacing. With how long it seemed to be taking, she began wondering if anything would happen at all. Snopy was extremely intelligent and highly controlled, so would anything even happen in this instance? Something made her foolishly drop her guard for a minute. She stepped back over to Snopy and kneeled down next to him. The way he was slumped over made her want to lay him down. It looked so uncomfortable. She decided against it though, knowing that if she moved him, she might mess something up. She wasn't really in the type of mood that would allow her to mess something up for Snopy at the moment. The reitsu that Snopy was giving off every now and then only made her wonder about him more.

“God...” she thought to herself, letting out a small sigh, “Just sitting here waiting is driving me insane. Why is all of this taking so long!?” As she stood up fully, she turned and began walking away in an attempt to continue her nervous pacing, but something happened. A burst of reitsu shot out from Snopy's slumped form. Kanna's head snapped back towards him in shock, her eyes widening as she watched him. “So....” she thought to herself as this unfamiliar red energy began condensing around his face, “It's begun....” Kanna's face calmed completely. She was ready now. She watched Snopy's face become covered in a white, fox-like substance. It seems that she was correct. She had known from practically the beginning what was about to happen here. Watching this only confirmed her suspicion, but replaced that with a heavy feeling of dread. “He's... hollowfying....”

Whether it was out of fear or preparation, Kanna was unsure... But as Snopy stood up, something made her take a step back. Her face still lay emotionless, her eye showing nothing but a serious determination, but still... she took another step back. The low groaning sound he was now making actually made her worry. Right now, he was not the Snopy she knew. Although it was his body, the fact that he actually was not himself only helped her in this sense. She will not hesitate to defend herself if the need arises. And with that thought, the need arose. Snopy turned towards her, looking straight into her eyes, and yes... she took yet another step back. Seeing as this creature, the man that was once Snopy, curled his hand into a fist, she prepared herself and within a single second he charged at her at a speed she was not expecting Snopy to move.

The first attack came. Kanna was completely focused so it was very easy to read his movements at this point. He was much faster than usual, but these hollow instincts that he now possessed were keeping his movements readable, which was fantastic for her. The first punch came towards her head. Kanna did not move until the last moment, as the punch was being thrown. She took a half step forward towards him, moved her head to the side of his punch. With this, her body was positioned in such a way that she was able to pivot and turn her back to him. Her back practically touching his torso, now she quickly brought her hands up, grabbed onto the arm that punched, and used his running momentum to actually pull him over her back. Once he was flying over her, she braced her lowered body and easily slammed this creature into the ground before her.

Kanna was still alert and awaiting the next attack. She watched as this creature before her stood up and went for another attack by kicking towards her side. “Do. Not. Get. Hit.” was all she could think of and with that thought, instead of another counter, she moved to completely dodge and shunpo'd out of the way of the kick. She appeared about seven feet to his right, out of the way of any more attacks that he might of attempted to get through to her. It had been a long while since Kanna was in such an intense situation. The last intense situation she had was with a Hollow that annihilated her entire squad, leaving only her alive. Now that she thought about it, the person who came to comfort her after that... “Snopy...” she mumbled under her breath. She just found a new determination within it all. She was going to stay here and do her best to make sure he comes back. She couldn't leave him like this. She did wonder one thing though... If Snopy never comes back and it is always this creature... “What do I do then? How do I know whether Snopy has been swallowed by this beast... I can tell when it's the real him, but for all I know I could be here fighting for days... This thing will kill me before then... So... What do I do!?”

"... but I'm not one to really care."

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