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Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release] Left_bar_bleue10/100Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release] Empty_bar_bleue  (10/100)

Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release] Empty Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release]

Wed Jun 20, 2012 8:38 pm

Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release] Template

Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release] KatakuraKojuuroufull1141533

Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release] Basicinfo

- Name:Kojuurou Kaito
- Titles:
- Gender: Male
- Appearance Age: 27
- Real Age: 418
- Affiliation/Rank: loyal to the Shinigami

- Appearance Description:

o Height: 6 feet 4 inches tall
o Weight: 242 pounds
o Hair Color: medium black
o Eye Color: Gold
o Skin Color: Tanned white


Kojuurou is a large towering man of well over six feet, and well over two hundred and fourty pounds of solid muscle, and is usually wearing some kind of interlocking armor of hardened plates protecting his vital organs, over which he wears a brown duster, with a symbol of a cloudy moon symbol in the middle of his back. He otherwise wears white pants, and a dark blue shirt(noticeable when he takes off his armor and jacket). His shins are protected by a dark green set of greaves that protect around behind the back of his knees aswell.

He is regularly seen carrying two swords, only one of them is a Zanpakutō. The second sword is used for when he does not feel an opponent is worthy of blooding by his Zanpakutō, it is a habit he picked after he defended a town in Canada. His primary hand is his left hand, so his swords are usually loaded onto his right side for easier draw.

While Koju’s face is relatively unmarred, his body underneath his clothing is a mess of scared tissued, his entire left arm is a regenerate limb, and is a different color from the right, and is still under treatment by the fourth division after it had been removed in battle by before mentioned enemy. He has medium length Black/blue hair, a strong jaw and gold eyes. His muscular build is from many many years of taking care of his body.

Appearance Picture:

Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release] Sbsh-katakura-kojuro

Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release] Personality

- Personality:

Kojuurou is a somewhat friendly person, if he knows you, however he is often known for giving the cold shoulder to people until he forced to get to know someone. If he finds that you are a reasonably honorable person, or is willing to make the ultimate sacrifice when the time comes(as he did) he will feel comfortable getting to know you.

Although he is deathly loyal to the Shinigami, he still harbors ill will towards them for allowing him to hang in a fight that he should not have won. Leaving him high and dry for over an hour facing off against a superior enemy force and dragging their feet in sending assistance (Even though he was told that it took the injured students that long to get back he believes that they are lying to him and that it is possibly some kind of plan against him), it is because of this situation that he is partly paranoid.

When in combat, Kojuurou is unrelenting, and somewhat blood-thirsty however he does know how to take honorable surrender, he will also avoid injuring women and children if at all possible. He is sometimes refered to as a slightly tamed berserker in combat, where he does have a point where he will stop, unlike some people.

Someones value to him is equal to how well they can hold their own in a fight, but its not an absolute to him. He recognizes that some people that cannot fight have every right to be on the battlefield, and he is rather fond of those in the fourth division for the work they do. He will even defend them against members of the 11th division. As he fully believes that the 11th would not be able to fight their battles if it wasn't for the healing abilities of the 4th.

Likes:Honorable combat, Weapons, Women, Technology
Dislikes: Dishonor, Violence against women and children, Cats
Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release] Background

- History:

Born in the closest section to the Seireiti, Kojuurou Kaito was raised in a pretty good family that was pretty well off. He was trained and tutored by some of the best swordsmen and fighters outside of the Gotei 13, he grew up from an early age emersed in combat. He never knew his father, but some whispers around have hinted at the idea that his father might be one of the members of the 11th division, possibly even Kenpachi himself.

He trained from the day he walked to be able to get into the academy, and did everything he could to draw the attention of the right people that would be able to get him into the Academy. He eventually stopped a theif who stole a family item from Byakuya Kuchiki. After returning it to him, Byakuya Kuchiki showed his appreciation by granting him one favor. Kojuurou used that favor to get his recommendation to get himself into the Academy, but from there he was on his own to get through the Academy.

While in the Academy Kojuurou showed an extreme affinity for combat, and grew to achieve a reputation amongst those in the Academy for being relentlessly brutal in combat, even in sparing matches where he should be taking it easy. But that reputation came in handy when he was in his second year him and a group of students were sent to the real world for some training, but the entire group got ambushed by a mass of Hollows.

They were overrun and most of his classmates were injured, Kojuurou ordered them to head back to the gates, and he would buy them time to escape. They got out of the combat zone but Kojuurou did not, he ended up fighting for over an hour ending up facing down against a vizored rogue who thought he would be an easy victim because he was a student, He was badly injured, in the fight against her, he ended up missing an arm and bleeding severly from numerous places when his Shikai seemed to activate on its own.

This gave him an extra boost of energy to fight, and he eventually managed to best the woman, and cut her down before the reinforcements that were called in by his fellow students managed to get there…just intime to get him out of the combat zone. He had been lucky, dozens of other hollows were on there way to attack. Before he left however, he had collected the Vizard soldiers sword and kept it as a trophy of his first battle won(more or less)

It took Kojuurou nearly a year before the fourth was able to help him regenerate his arm, and another six months before he could return to the Academy and his classes. Ontop of that it was another year before he was able to replicate being able to awaken his Zanpakutō. It was because of this that he was over 2 years late to graduate from the Academy.

Now he has graduated and after about six months in the living realm inside of a borrowed Gigai studying hollows from afar, an keeping his combat skills sharp. He has returned to the Soul Society to find a division to join

Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release] Image3684-1

Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release] Katana_by_vacuita

Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release] Blood_stained_katana_white_540

Reiatsu Color: Blood red
Zanpakutō Spirit Name: Doreddonōto

Zanpakutō Spirit Appearance:
Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release] DrakSamurai

Doreddonōto is a massive living suit of armor, towering in at just over 12 feet tall and made out of Reitsu reinforced armor that is silver and lined in gold, it is a walking Goliath of indestructability. Its armor is remenescent of a early Japanese Samurai armor set, there is no ‘person’ inside of it that Koju knows of at least. To be able to even ask Doreddonōto one question he must go through a test of battle against one of Doreddonōto minion creatures, defeat means he will not be responded to for a week, and the sword may not even function for a week, or until Koju comes back and defeats his opponent.

Inner World:
The inner world is a very large sized replica of the Emperors palace from Early Japan, its on a huge hill overlooking what sorta looks like an early Hiroshima, an is on the magnitude of 10x larger so that Doreddonōto can easly walk around the palace, as can his creatures. Its incredibly inate, being ebony and gold mostly, and has many many jade carvings that will come alive at Doreddonōto’s command.

Sealed Zanpakutō Appearance: See Pictures at the beginning of the section for the appearance of the Zanpakutō he started with.

Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release] Kaito1sizemod_zpscc655016

Sealed Zanpakutō Abilities From Zanpakutō:

- Iron Skin: His skin becomes incredibly hard to Cut, to be able to cut his skin his opponent must have a weapon skill of advanced or better, or a strength of Advanced or better, or else there will be no cut. Kidō abilities that may cause cuts to skin or wounds of the like must be used by a skill in Kidō of Advanced or better to be able to cut him. This also affects Shikai skills that cause Cuts as well.

- Increased Strength and Endurance: For 2 posts in every six posts(with a 2 post rest) He is treated as if he has a master level in strength and Durability(Note: that this power means either master(from advanced) or 1 level above whatever the skill sheet says so if its already at Master then its considered at grand master).

- Strength boost: his strength is considered to be 2x normal Shinigami

- Weakness: with this and all awakened forms of the Zanpakutō means that this characters Skill sheet score of Speed is always at Beginer meaning he is considerably slower then the average shinigami

Release to Zanpakutō: Tetsu no tamashī wa, chikyū no tsuyo-sa (translates to “Soul of Iron, strength of Earth”)

Shikai Description Zanpakutō:

The Kojuurou's sword doesn't change very much from sealed to unsealed, the key change is it appears to change from metal to pure heavy stone. But doesn't loose any of its strength or durability. And the second sword he carries doesn't change at all, as it remains uneefected by the other swords powers.

Shikai Abilities of Zanpakutō:

- Iron Soul and Mind: On average the bain of a combat machine is mental weakness, when this power is activated(and it has to be voluntarily activated, it is not automatically activated) increases a persons resistance to mentally effecting powers.

- Dauntless Endurance: When the average Shinigami's body runs out of Reitsu and his or her body is shutting down from pure exhaustion, that is the time when Koju has only began to fight. Under this power his endurance is staggering to any person's definition, his Spiritual pressure is impressive for his level, and his body can sustain far more damage then the average shinigami (when he is actually injured it takes twice as much damage to put him out of action then it would take to knock out an average Shinigami), While he can remain in battle for so long he needs to remain at rest for a long period of time after the battle. The longer the fight, the longer the down time.(This is an automatic advantage when the Shikai is activated)

- Reitsu Reinforced Armor: The armor he is wearing is reinforced heavily by the excess spiritual energy that is created by Dauntless Enurance. So the armor is able to slow and reduce the power of energy attacks, the reduction is by a set 40% no matter the tier of opponent (Certain tiers of opponents may not be effected by this depending on the chosen tier of this Character I will add in such information after the character is tiered)

- Ignorance is Bliss: When the Shikai is active he is able to ignore the spiritual pressure of an opponent, but only one opponent, so multiple opponents will have an effect on him.

(NOTE: This has been requested to be active on the character- and has been approved By Tsubine)

New Name Zanpakutō: jagānōto

Bankai Activation Zanpakutō: Bushi no meiyo wa, subete o mamoru (translates to: Samurai's Honor Defends all)

Bankai Description Zanpakutō:

Physical appearance of his Zanpakutō changes from a sword to a Huge warhammer, Thie warhammer does not conduct electricity in any fashion, and can damage all but the most well reinforced materials in the Soul Society(or elsewhere)

Basically Koju fuses with the spiritual armor that is shown as the Zanpakutō's spirit. The only key difference is that the sword in his hand is the normal Zanpakutō that Kojuu normally carries, while the second sword moves to the armors back, also instead of being trimmed in gold, the trim is now blood red and the armor itself is an ebony black all over.

Bankai Abilities Zanpakutō #1:Kojuurou awakens the very spirit inside the Zanpakutō an calls him into reality, Calling the massive living armor inside the Zanpakutō to surround Kojuurou and fuses the the two together for the duration of the Bankai. While forme with The protection for his body is virtually complete against all but the most powerful of physical attacks, however he gains a level of weakness against mental based powers, his feil of view is also problematic giving him blind spots.

To add to this, his joints do not carry the same kind of invenerability as the core sections of his body, so even mundane physical attacks that can hit his joints can injure him. Also while in his Bankai form his Iron Skin ability provided by the sword is no longer active as his spirit requires the spiritual energy from those abilities to remain outside of the sword.

The armor outside the sword is not as big as it is described in the description when in phsical tangible form he is only a little bit bigger then Koju.

(Note: these are the ones he has at the moment but may change dependent on the Skills sheet in the end may add a few depending on numbers allowed or may have a few removed)
(Able to use Kidō due to Advanced score up to Number 70)


#1. Sai · #4. Hainawa · #8. Seki · #9. Geki · #9. Hōrin · #21. Sekienton · #26. Kyokkō · #30. Shitotsu Sansen · #37. Tsuriboshi · #39. Enkōsen. #58. Kakushitsuijaku · #61. Rikujōkōrō · #62. Hyapporankan · #63. Sajō Sabaku · 73. Tozanshō 75. Gochūtekkan 77. Tenteikūra 79. Kuyō Shibari

Hadō :

#1. Shō · #4. Byakurai · #11. Tsuzuri Raiden · #12. Fushibi · #31. Shakkahō · #32. Ōkasen · #33. Sōkatsui· #54. Haien · #58. Tenran · #63. Raikōhō 73. Sōren Sōkatsui

Uncatagorized :

Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release] SkillSheet

To Find Out about what these skills are for, please READ THIS THREAD before you try doing anything to it. After you have read it, do not feel your skills out until a staff member has graded your thread. We will also do your will sheet for you upon grading your application.

General Skills:
Durability: Advanced
General Speed: Beginer
Strength: Master
Weapon Skill: Adept

Racial Skills:
Hoho: Adept
Kidō: Avanced
Zanjutsu: Advanced
Hakuda: Adept

Will Skills
Willpower/Determination: Master
Mental Deduction: Advanced
Pain Endurance: Master
Focus: Advanced

- Laptop computer, Throwing daggers, a couple of sets of armor, A few uniforms, two extra sheaths for his katan's, Spare Gigai.

Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release] RPsample

- Role-play Sample:
Not needed as this is not my first character

Posting Template By: [THEFROST]

Last edited by Kaito_Kojuurou on Mon Jan 26, 2015 11:53 am; edited 23 times in total
November SOTM 20112nd place
November COTM 2011 : 1st place Zefonse
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Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release] Left_bar_bleue0/0Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release] Empty Re: Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release]

Thu Jun 21, 2012 11:50 pm
Application Checklist
  • Name [x]
  • Appropriate Age [x]
  • Gender [x]
  • Appearance Present [x]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [x]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [x]
  • 10 sentences for personality [x]
  • History is of appropriate length [x]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [x]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [x]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [x]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[x]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [x]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [x]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Master
  • Mental Deduction: Advance
  • Pain Endurance: Master
  • Focus: Advanced

Tier: 1-3-

Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release] XmGUKMS
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Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release] Left_bar_bleue10/100Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release] Empty_bar_bleue  (10/100)

Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release] Empty Re: Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release]

Thu Jul 05, 2012 12:40 am
Would actually like to make a slight change to Kaito:

That being, while in Bankai form I would like his sword to go from a large stone sword to a Huge warhammer. And while in Bankai form, his skill sheet strength score increasing by one skill level for the duration of the time he is in Bankai(this does stack with other increases that he may have from other powers). Thie warhammer does not conduct electricity in any fashion, and can damage all but the most well reinforced materials in the Soul Society(or elsewhere).

Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release] Warhammer

Last edited by Inuko_Shiki on Thu Jul 05, 2012 2:03 am; edited 1 time in total

Squad: ??
Position: ??

Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon in front of them
Volley'd and thunder'd;
Storm'd at with shot and shell,
Boldly they rode and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of Hell
Rode the six hundred.
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Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release] Left_bar_bleue0/0Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release] Empty Re: Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release]

Thu Jul 05, 2012 2:00 am
I'm not sure i have the proper permissions to approve the skill sheet part of this request, but i know i can give you the go ahead on editing your Zanpakutō.
Ye Olde Guarde
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Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release] Left_bar_bleue7380/100Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release] Empty_bar_bleue  (7380/100)

Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release] Empty Re: Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release]

Thu Jul 05, 2012 10:44 am
Sorry, but the skill sheet shows your maximum.
Not letting you get a buff for it.
Denied that portion.

Tsubine's Character List
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Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release] Empty Re: Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release]

Wed Jul 11, 2012 10:51 am

Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release] 20u4p06

Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release] Empty Re: Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release]

Thu Nov 01, 2012 10:34 am
Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release] Tumblr_mb6y32uql51qbot5oo1_500

This has been put into Archives!
Feel free to ask a staff member to move it back!
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release] Left_bar_bleue20650/20000Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release] Empty_bar_bleue  (20650/20000)

Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release] Empty Re: Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release]

Thu Dec 06, 2012 8:41 pm
Moving back

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha

The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

The KFC of PH
The KFC of PH
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Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release] Left_bar_bleue25/100Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release] Empty_bar_bleue  (25/100)

Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release] Empty Re: Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release]

Sat Mar 22, 2014 1:34 am
Ping pong it is.
Moved to approved.

Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release] Sbb1I7e
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Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release] Empty Re: Kojuurou Kaito [Approved; 0-5++][0-4++ when in release]

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