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[Iramasha] Tempus :: Big Brother [APPROVED, 2-2; DEVIL] Empty [Iramasha] Tempus :: Big Brother [APPROVED, 2-2; DEVIL]

Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:54 am
[Iramasha] Tempus :: Big Brother [APPROVED, 2-2; DEVIL] Image4070

[Iramasha] Tempus :: Big Brother [APPROVED, 2-2; DEVIL] 9RosutoKihaku3


• True Birth Name: Bogdan, Vladimir Lazar
• Assumed Birth Name:Harrow, Ophelia
• Shinigami Birth Name:Shadowrest, Ventus
• Vizard Rebirth Name: Kaine, Nemo
• Iramasha Conversion Name:Forpath, Ventus
• Chosen Name: Tempus
• Aliases:
Rosuto, Kihaku - Teenage School Boy
Kowaku, Migoto - Teenage School Girl
Arashi the Tempest - Weather Nut
Lemirage, Francois - French Artist
Steingut, Engel - German Idol
Agua, Pierro - Professional Spanish Mime
Cole, Edward - English Nobleman
Kokoro, Tsumeko - Female Assassin
Yaiba, Rosuto - Male Blackmarketeer
Misskey, Latuma - Jewelery Expert [Androgynus]

• Age: 1200
• Gender: Predominantly Male
• Title: Big Brother Tempus
Race: Demon Iramasha [Ziamichi]
Branch/Position: -

|G|E|N|E|R|A|L| |C|H|A|R|A|T|E|R|I|S|T|I|C|S|

Appearance: Tempus, as he names himself, is a strange being. His looks vary from outfit to outfit : person to person. However, if he sheds all of it, the illusions, the disguises, the looks, he turns out a rather decent man. With bowl cut blonde silver hair, almost feathery light as he twists and turns, the male seems to be pretty androgynous by nature in his looks. His face is soft, and his skin peachy and cute : the male's body is curved and femine, but lanky by male standards. He's a master of changing mannerisms, and he can act any way he chooses. The male can wear anything he chooses as well, as all colors seem to fit his skin tone and looks.

This however, does not cover the myriad of looks that each of his personality holds : those that have assigned looks will have a link on their name above, hence click them for a general idea of the look.

Personality: The core of the person, of all of these names, is rather complex. Traumatized early, his mind shut down reality, and began making up events for his past : such could account for his tantrums when told otherwise, or his violent moodswings. Whatever had happened had affected him deeply enough that it mutated his path in fate, and in life. The strings in heaven concerning him suddenly twisted and spanned into a sort of demonic trail. The male had read so, and knew that once, he had a normal bright life. Since then, he has come to terms with all of his broken screws and what was wrong with his mind. That does not fix them : it simply means that he has the will to control them, should he need to. Majorly, his biggest trait is obsession and addiction. With whom and to what, that is never told, and changes fairly often. This has to do with his real birth name, although he never reveals that information to anyone.

Harrow Ophelia was a demure, well raised young lady : or so most saw. Ophelia was very intelligent and perceptive, a classy young lady, although the true gender was male. No one even suspected it, not even the lovers she was drawing in : after all, she never let them under her skirt. Promiscuous, and always searching for something to fill that empty void in her heart, she was a rather tragic figure. When she had enough of the failed oddities of life in the medival times, she liked the feeling of power, and wrapping a great many more around her finger. Rather, she enjoyed in a way that many wouldn't. She liked to draw in men and manipulate others, doing so even in her death.

When rebirthed in Rukongai, the name changed to Shadowrest Veritus. With this, all the personality shifted as well. That meant, without much warning, there was a honest, shy male : he felt reserved, but dedicated as a shinigami. He did all of his duties with the barely passing grade, passing off as a rather average person. He was kind and loyal, and was always ready to step in for his friends. He was gentle of composure, easily crying, but seemingly staunch about the truth. He would never lie : and that fit in well with his name. However, Veritus had one failing : the need to be loved. He would draw in and make friends with anyone, just to validate his own existance.

After the infection, and facing his inner hollow, Emon, Veritus shifted to Kaine Nemo. Nemo was a withdrawn, quiet person : speaking little, but yet acting after a large amount of logic. The male was always able to methodically break down a situation, and shift it to his advantage : emotions seemed to mean nothing to him. Nor did insults : he was a strong person, and protected those that needed protecting, and kept using logic to define all matter. It was such an attitude that kept him sane from the shifting of selves, as the male kept track of everything. Using an astute eye and an amazing capacity for knowledge, he stored vast amounts of data in his head, keeping everything afloat with just a fact of knowledge.

Forpath Ventus was born after the death of Koralia Ellyann. She had inducted him into her own Iramasha clan, and thus he rebirthed as one. Casting aside his elder name, he became a goofy fun ball, considered the village idiot, with next to no knowledge on technology or anything of the sort. He seemed to be more heart and will then anything else, always running off without thinking, getting himself hurt, and even just doing generally unwise and dumb things : but he was always okay. There was never a time that Ventus felt down : he seemed to be perpetually cheerful, no matter what anyone tried to pull. Always look at the class half-full, was a favorite saying. And he was quite dumb too, seeming like a country bumpkin that Ellyann had inducted just before her death.

Tempus is a complex person, to say the least : a single peek at who he is has no meaning, no purpose. Each name has a personality : Tempus, as himself, is rather strange. The name is known for a reclusive millionaire that is always on that advanced space station he build, doing experiements too dangerous to human and spirit kind, almost as if trying to save them. No one knows exactly what he's making, or why it's so dangerous, but all they know is that he is upthere, like a misanthropic hermit. However, he does use holograms of his own invention to communicate with people : and then, he's generally shadowed, withdrawn, and simply says what is needed and nothing more. Apart from that, Tempus himself is rarely see.

Even then, it seems that all of these personalities isn't enough : there's more.

Rosuto Kihaku is a teenage school boy : a bit cruel, and a bit on the wrong side of the fence, he seems to get lost easily in school activities. Not every enthusiastic, but more snake like, the boy likes to keep things under several layers. Part of a school gang, he works well with them, and yet still is placed on the student council. That is because he does excellent work as the treasurer. This one is located one of Karakura's schools.

Kowaku Migoto is a big breasted teenage girl. She's very sweet and kind, but dedicated and focused to her work : it is known that she had suffered abuse as a child, and no one touches her because of it. One touch, and she becomes instantly submissive. She is a willful individual, leading the student council as their president, and also being part of the mixed martial arts club, the swimming team, the kendo club and the archery club. A woman of many talents, she seems to be able to handle and judggle pressure like no one else : always calm, and never losing control, Migoto is the epitome of an amazing woman.

Arashi the Tempest is a weather nut : he loves the weather. Rain, storms, clouds, sun, wind : everything he loves it. His nickname is him legally changing his last name to The Tempest, because he's that crazy about weather. Crazy smart, a bit cooky and off the wall, Arashi is a well meaning man, with a passion to hunt out strange weather patterns. As such, he has a back in biology, ecology, biochemistry, geography, geology : well, every science that exists more or less. After all, Arashi is a scientical genius. Not that he would admit it, but that's who he was : a mad scientist on weather, he would say jokingly. But in all, he is a genius when it comes to science.. and is perhaps near a breakthrough for certain human factors.

Lemirage Francois is a french artist of great renown in Europe. His paintings and his drawings are worth a couple thousand at the least : and that's his scraps. He is a demure man, but holds a flare, like all french people do and all french artists do. He dabbles in makeup as well, and seems to severely enjoy all activities to do with arts. He likes to woo women as well, and is a sappy romantic, almost like a puppy dog sometimes.

Steingut Engel is a very rare German idol. She has a pretty soprano voice, and can sing just about any genre of music. Multi-talented, Engel seems to enjoy singing, and will do so without a second's notice. A very gentle person, she does seem to have a light diva personality, and has battled addiction before. So she has this sort of personality that takes no sort of crap thrown at her, and seems to enjoy challenges as well. She's known for her ability to speak a great many languages, hence the variety of words in her songs, and why she's almost legendary in the international market.

Agua Pierro is a professional spanish mime. When on the job, a single word is never spoken : he is a truly amazing mime. Off the job, he is a party goer : loving parties, people and what not, he is always seen at the party scene. He knows just about everyone, and quite a few dark secrets though : but Pierro seems to keep them. For a price. He's quite a crafty mime, and enjoys his life, so often stays away from too dangerous situations : even ruinning away from some like a coward.

Cole Edward is an english nobleman : haughty, arrogant, self-centered, he's not very well liked. He's a jerk, and doesn't really care what people think of him : he'd just rather sit in his chair and just watch movies all day. He tends to be cold and very rude to people, unless he's playing nice for high society : even then, his very prescence is a bit creepy, but he doesn't care. He has next to no human emotions, being apathetic to anyone weaker then he is : having a bit of a power complex of course.

Kokoro Tsumeko is a trained female assassin, currently a free agent. It is said that she kills the target with mercy, and simply leaves them at peace : which is true. Not a violent person, but yet able to put aside her concious, she is a strong girl, but with a bit of a justice streak. She will do anything to get her target, but she will not harm innocents. She will not accept a job, unless the person has done something unforgiveable in their lives : and she does her own ressearch, quite profoundly, she may say so. Many are surprised by it, but her work is said to always look like accidents : a sort of mechanic, if you will.

Yaiba Rosuto is a man of business, knowing the tide and flows of money and people. He doesn't pry, he's not curious : he's discreet and quiet. That's why people like him : he also keeps everything nice and clean, no matter what. A man of class, and some elegance, but mostly street smarts, he seems affable, as he's always giving off a big smile.

Misskey Latuma is a person of mysteries : no clear gender to be identified, this person takes both he and she as pronouns. But an expert jeweler, to say the least, able to tell the fakes at a single glance, or the worth of something just with a light gaze. It doesn't matter : jewels are jewels, and each are precious : and Latuma knows them all like intimate lovers. Very smart, and kind, this jeweler is not afraid to bargain, nor backs down from a challenge. A very strong person, to say the least, which is what makes them so authoritive in the jewelery world.


[Iramasha] Tempus :: Big Brother [APPROVED, 2-2; DEVIL] 9RosutoKihaku5

Background: No one knows much about Tempus, but the man himself. The legend is very simple : there was once a boy, born to a pair of normal parents. Once they were taken away by hollows, he swore to use his gifts for good : for this child was a genius. This child was taken into seclusive studying, passing years and years learning just about everything possible. And that each time he learned something, he felt good and proud of himself.

Tragedy seems to follow this boy, because anyone he has become close to disapeared or died. This made the boy sad : so he threw himself into creating things, and adjusting better things. A determined man, he made money all over the world : helping people build, and they payed him for his help. A quiet, but honest child, very many liked this strange young man, that seemed to hold something deep inside. But they had no idea of the bad things he kept inside.

One day, these bad things found a way to come out and took it. Wrecking danger in several quiet places : but the rumor was set, that the man was dangerous. He was refused work, and refused a life anywhere : he had to keep running no matter what. But he was a genius : a very smart man with no limits on his brain power. So he decided to use it, even more so then he had been before, to survive.

Thus, he began a company, and began to make lots of money : and eventually, he gained so much that he rose to the sky. The heavens welcomed a lonely child, and he went above : a weak body that could be supported in space. He became an experiment, and to this day, remains up there. So up high that he can't be seen but he's watching. Watching, and observing, keeping everyone safe from arm, or so people believed. But he was always there, and always ready.

He would be watching, would Big Brother Tempus.


Roleplay Sample: High up in that chair : an almost quiet and forgotten sound fluttered through the air. There was an almost smirk on his face : quiet, pleasurable. Behind him, shades : faces of people, their times and their lives. There was an almost dangerous quietness to it all, as the male let his fingers flutter along the armchair, almost too light to be actually be dangerous. It was a lover's caress, slipping and tripping on the armchair. It was a tender gesture as well : there was no arm meant in the chair, as the male let out a hortle. It was almost too good, as a shift of his hand, and something else appeared. People, things, objects, events : old videos that everyone once knew, like the launching of the first rocket, or the images of the war. Perhaps the images of a flower blowing : all of it had the quality of a rapid pace music video, assaulting the brain with numerous images with so many pieces of symbolism that it was quite numbing. He could almost feel the entirety of the mind placed here : and it shocked a great many.

He laughed, stuck in the panoramas of screens that surrounded him with images both sad, and happy. The glowing screens made him look paler, made him look ethereal : it was beautiful, as he spun around, watching every screen hungrily. It was exactly this : this was his entire purpose. Complete and utter need to do so : he was god. In his own way, he was a god : he could see it all, as the male's hand shifted again, the screens changing once more. Karakura. The world. Everywhere. It was reflected in screens that turned on now, reaching onto the ceiling : a bird's eye view of the world. It made his body shivered in excitement, in wanting, in lust. An almost breathless sigh escaped his lips, as he flicked his fingers : a single screen remained now. And there was a single person, as he smirked. This one person meant more then anyone could think, as his fingers touch the screen.

''My darling, my sweet, never shall we meet : but over you, I watch, like God watched Adam and Lucifer.'' the male muttered, licking the screen with a long swipe of his tongue. A chocked laugh escaped him, as he began to laugh once more, his steps moving like the flow of time, shifting and always changing. There was no time to be stuck in one moment : his very name symbolized this : time. Tempus. He wondered if he should have taken Fugit as a last name : time flees. But that would be too ironic, he assumed, so he stuck with the single name. He was the last incarnation : he was the most powerful, as a manic grin stretched up on his lips. There was no way to limit his potential : no way to hold him back, as a dark laugh fell from his lips once more. He had his target : and that's all he needed. He wondered if he would grow bored of this one as well, and dispose of them.

Then again, he never really fully disposed of her, didn't he. A smile in the shades beyond, as her fingers ran across his skin, gently, like a rippling wave. Such complicated things, where the souls. And he liked it, as the thudding sound of boots echoed, as another shape appeared. ''That's our target?'' asked the male, raising an eyebrow, as his hand rested on the high of the chair. The boy laughed, and got to his feet, grinning up at the male before him. ''Of course! He's the most fascinating : and I'm sure he'll lead us to something interesting!'' said the boy, kicking his feet, and then dropping back into the chair. Those eyes glittered with the sheer gleam of lust, want, desire, and most of all, adoration. The male gave a sort of shrug, and walked away, taking one other shade with him : only one female remained, her hands running across his skin, a gentle flow, a relaxing one. She still adored him, even now, but still, she bored him in the end.

''Ah, be worthy, completely worthy of Kami-sama's love, Radio-kun. Because otherwise, I'll just have to make things interesting : and I'm sure that you'll never understand that love if I do that. Oh, you poor thing : just keep moving, keep being, my darling Radio. Don't be afraid : I love you, more then anything, hm. So feel free.. I'll clean up every mess you leave behind : everything you tear apart, I can rebuild. Just leave it to me, my dearest little Radio.'' said the male, petting the screen, as his fingers snapped. All the screens lit up, showing the male in all sorts of angles, as another laugh began, almost maniacal in nature, but a hortle all the same : it was amusing, it was fun, and he just wanted to keep going. It was.. just the best to say the least.

And he wanted more and more : it called, it begged, it wanted. His needs and desires were so great, that he could never block them all from his mind. But this was the truth of all desires, the cakes above cakes. And he craved it, wanted it, claimed it. That laugh still falling from him, his body got up from the chair, and the female behind him, his steps bounced to the outside of the room : it was time to go do something productive, as he gave a longing look to the room. This was his sanctuary.. and no one would find it, as his body eased into the next room, even as the windows showed inky darkness, spread with the piercing lights of stars. After all, who would find him in space? Oh that was fun : so much fun, as he hortled, sliding into the next seat. Time to work : and without further thought, he buried himself.

There was no time to waste, after all, he needed to find the exact things that would allow contact.. maybe even fun with the male.

''After all.. I'm simply one hell of a stalker.''


[Iramasha] Tempus :: Big Brother [APPROVED, 2-2; DEVIL] Anime233


-- Previous Racial Traits --
A remnant from when Tempus was once a Shinigami : having gone through one of the perhaps largest chains of race changes possible, he still retains some of his skills from those classes : such as using Kidō, and even keeping his Zanpakto, a strange case. Although his powers seem to move mostly towards Iramasha abilities and also seem to coalesce via what that race offers due to the complete alteration of his soul into an Iramasha by Ellyann, he seems to be able uniquely able to shift back to a period in time where he had the traits. Case in point, using his powers, he can return to seeming like a normal shinigami : however, should he wish to use powers that involve his Zanpakto or any other ability other then Kidō, they will default to Iramasha type skills. This also applies to his human and vizard forms. In esscence, this gives him the signature of one of these races, but not their power set. So if he wishes to use his powers, he will default use his Iramasha powers : however, he can also learn Kidō and Chi techniques due to the fact that he moved along that chain : and he also can imitate some of his powers to look like those racials. However, he hasn't quite found the need to do so, but it is a reference note for the future.

-- Fine-tuned Control --
Tempus has a innate control over Chaos energy and general energy in general to the point that he can easily reduce the amount of energy his powers take him, and output more. Simplified, he gets more bang for his buck. Tempus has refined the control to an extent that he can even modify his own body, such as changing his gender, or even some of his attributes, such as hair length, skin color, eye color etc. This is accomplished because his body is converted as an Iramasha, therefore it holds a little bit more chaos energy and relies on it a bit more : from there, he just fine tuned the practice of it in order to accomplish his daily shifts, and even satisfy his core's MPD with such a thing. This also opens the door for him to do some really amazing thing with minute control of his own energies.

-- Electronics Wizard --
For those that know Tempus or his personality, it isn't evident at first : but Tempus is actually really good with technology. By very good, it means that he can build a functionnal robot maid out of a television. In fact, his understanding of how electronics work, virtually and hardware wise, is in depth. He could probably give some of the best out there some runabout troubles : after all, he built a fully functional satellite station that can substain him, and has substained him for close to a couple centuries now. He enjoys making the most random of things, that seem rather dumb at first, but come out with some sort of use later [like that robot maid? She's an efficient security guard and can build a machine gun in 60 seconds flat.] If anything, a lot of people consider him pretty good : the only issue is, he's not on the market.. if he makes something, it's for a reason only known to him. His understanding of electronics is so in-depth that he almost dreams of having access to the Yuudeshi Network, even without Phantom-tech, simply because he understands it. And he wants to make to better then it is.

-- Manic --
Tempus is a strange cookie : strangely, skills that need his will to resist are easily defeated by the simple fact that he can just switch his personalities and be done with it. Even more strange is the fact that madness doesn't seem to effect him : instead it excites him more. Tempus can also easily take on a hard working schedule that might make even the most stamina filled person faint : his resistance and overall endurance is through the roof, considering the guy likes to do stuff whilst at heavier gravities. That includes training and ressearch too.. in all, although it seems more like a trait, his manic abilities are such that they go overboard what a normal being could handle : it's to such a point it's a passive ability.

Chaos Moves: -


Seishin Buki Name: Ellyann

Seishin Buki Personality: Ellyann is a sweet girl, light and bubbly in nature. But she has this almost dark, obsessive streak, that runs just as paralell as her host's own. She was actually someone alive before, but her soul in death bound to the strongest thing she valued : and that was this very same man. And yet, major parts of her were erased in the transfer : but she kept her sweet smile, that gentle touch of hers, the almost motherly like feelings : but she kept the paranoia and the want and desires of keeping him to her own, as well as the tantrums, and the childish games and retort. She is just a big over grown child.

Seishin Buki Abilities:

-- Aura of Clarity --
Ellyann naturally fills the area she is present in with a sort of peaceful feeling. In fact, this aura works only on non-combattants : the second someone becomes offensive or prepares for battle, the aura no longer effects them. The aura is simple in effect : all of those under it experience sudden clarity. It expands their minds and horizons, and allows those in the area to suddenly understand, analyze and even predict things much better then they were. If anything, it removes thought limiters : such things as mental blocks [like writer's block] no longer exist with this aura. It just suddenly boosts the user's intelligence and their limits to a point that is far beyond normal. However, the Aura can be overused, and starts slowly with headaches and migraines, and can even develop anneurisms over time. It can fill a classroom of 30 students up with this aura. This is a passive skill, mostly used when Tempus' brain locks on something.

-- Weaponizing --
Ellyann is not a human : in fact she is simply a ever morphing weapon with a humanoid form. This said, she can return to weapon state : however, the weapon she will become needs to be chosen before hand, usually by her own will. However, whatever weapon she becomes, she remains for the rest of the thread : she cannot change to her humanoid form either. However, the weapon is indestructable in exchange for this, although lacking special abilities. Ammo oriented weapons will have regenerative ammo for them, but never in a massive amount that can be spammed.

-- AI --
Ellyann can also function as an electronic device : either as a wifi-hotspot, a server, a computer : you name it, she can do it. She is the ultimate AI, helping Tempus out in ways that nothing else can. She has a slew of knowledge, even able to hack if she was commanded to. Ellyann is extremely talented electronically, as needed by Tempus. She can even transform daily items into Matrix jackpoints : such as connecting a pair of glasses to a wifi and then logging into the electronic world that way. This ability can effect a person using the item, by sending their mind and soul into the electronic realm as sprites. But mostly, she's used as a PA for Tempus and his heavily electronic and hardware ressearch and functions.


Demon Form Abilities: The most surprising thing is that Tempus' demon form does not come with a look change. If anything, he remains the same : however, he looks as his core apperance, the one everyone knows. The tiara on his head glows with a dark power, as even more strangely, his abilities are not necessarily connected to his technological ones.

-- Dancing Mad --
Tempus gains the ability to fine tune and play with knives. He almost looks like a dancer when fighting with these weapons, hitting with even perfect accuracy : he can even throw several knifes at once, or even just flip them in such a manner. He is like this with any bladed weapon smaller then a dagger : this includes Wakizashi's, due to their small sizes and strangely, scapels. It makes him deadly in really close combat and sometimes even in ranged combat. He can even duplicate and multiply the knives he wields in order to overwhelm the opponent with them. He does have the ability to render them : this means, more or less, he creates them out of electronical waves, and when the knives hit, send the target into the electronical matrix. The ratio is one post per knife. These knifes are able to be told from others, due to a light static twinge to them from time to time.

The supreme control also seems to float over to wires, making him able to string deadly, razor sharp traps of wires. And if Tempus really feels like it, he can and will lace together knifes with those wires, allowing him almost godly control over a certain area, due to the mix of cutting wires and small bladed weapons. This is his main combat ability apart from his technology and it seemes to work like a charm, as initially he seems reliant on other weapons and anything but his own powers. As the wires and knifes are guided and infused with his own energy, they tend to be more dangerous then the ordinary kind.

-- Techno Wizard --
Tempus has the ability to fuse and play around with technology. This said, the most evident example is deconstructing a cannon with his energy and then reforming it around his arm to shoot lazers with his energy. The way that Tempus can deconstruct, absorb and utilize technology is rather intuitive, since he hasn't really bothered to develop this skill more then just being able to screw with generic electronics, such as phones and radars. This leaves him a lot of room to elaborate and play around with this ability.


Class Title:

Class Traits:

|T|H|E| |S|P|I|R|I|T|

[Iramasha] Tempus :: Big Brother [APPROVED, 2-2; DEVIL] Misteor3xf4-1

Ziamichi Spirit Name: Onna no Hime and Otoko no Ouji

Ziamichi Personality: Onna and Otoko are a pair Spirit : their race and abilities are unknown due to their amnesia. They were sealed in Tempus rather violently, and thus lost a lot of themselves, mainly their powers. Both spirits are rather apathetic, as they also lost a lot of their memories and personalities : however, it is obvious that they are both soft-spoken, but Onna is more restrained then Otoko. Otoko seems to be a bit more brash and cocky, often mocking Tempus when in temporal form, whilst Onna is often just quietly there, giving light advice. The pair seem to be comfortable with each other and yet awkward all at once : it is hard for them to tell where they stand, due to lack of memories.

Ziamichi History: The pair of Ziamichi don't remember much : only that they had always been together. The sealing into Tempus was during a sour business deal : a pair of spirits wandered by, and as Ellyann gave her life for Tempus', she also sealed these two into him to work as life-source. It semi worked, but due to the seal being incomplete, left Tempus sickly, and the spirits robbed of their memories from before that moment. Not even Tempus quite knows who they were, and what they were doing, but simply lives with them, uncaring if they are useless for now. After all, strength comes with developpment.. and he had no reason to developt their bonds just yet.

Ziamichi Powers: -

|B|E|N|E|F|I|T| |O|F| |H|O|S|T|

Unique Traits: -

Forms: -

Drawbacks: -

Control: -


[Iramasha] Tempus :: Big Brother [APPROVED, 2-2; DEVIL] Anime230


General Skills
  • Durability: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • General Speed: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Strength: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Weapon Skill: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Mental Deduction: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Pain Endurance: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Focus: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

Racial Skills
  • Chaos Energy Skill: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Chaos Warp: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Seishin Buki Level: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Race Control: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

Ziamichi Skills
  • Skill Of Ziamichi Powers: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Control Over Spirit: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Seal Strength: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

Last edited by Aivee on Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:44 am; edited 1 time in total

[Iramasha] Tempus :: Big Brother [APPROVED, 2-2; DEVIL] Empty Re: [Iramasha] Tempus :: Big Brother [APPROVED, 2-2; DEVIL]

Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:55 am
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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[Iramasha] Tempus :: Big Brother [APPROVED, 2-2; DEVIL] Left_bar_bleue20650/20000[Iramasha] Tempus :: Big Brother [APPROVED, 2-2; DEVIL] Empty_bar_bleue  (20650/20000)

[Iramasha] Tempus :: Big Brother [APPROVED, 2-2; DEVIL] Empty Re: [Iramasha] Tempus :: Big Brother [APPROVED, 2-2; DEVIL]

Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:43 am

Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
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  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
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Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Master
  • Pain Endurance: Beginner
  • Focus: Master

Comments/Notes: MY DARLING~
Tier: 2-2

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
Experienced Member
Joined : 2012-11-20
Posts : 831
Location : Never Land

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[Iramasha] Tempus :: Big Brother [APPROVED, 2-2; DEVIL] Left_bar_bleue10500/99999[Iramasha] Tempus :: Big Brother [APPROVED, 2-2; DEVIL] Empty_bar_bleue  (10500/99999)

[Iramasha] Tempus :: Big Brother [APPROVED, 2-2; DEVIL] Empty Re: [Iramasha] Tempus :: Big Brother [APPROVED, 2-2; DEVIL]

Tue Mar 04, 2014 4:23 pm
Due to prolongued inactivity and a missing activity check, this is being sent to the inactive characters section.
In order to claim your character back, feel free to post in the link below.

Metal as Fuck
Joined : 2010-12-11
Posts : 3387
Age : 29
Location : Where all sinners congregate

Member Info
Platinum Points:
[Iramasha] Tempus :: Big Brother [APPROVED, 2-2; DEVIL] Left_bar_bleue44400/999999[Iramasha] Tempus :: Big Brother [APPROVED, 2-2; DEVIL] Empty_bar_bleue  (44400/999999)

[Iramasha] Tempus :: Big Brother [APPROVED, 2-2; DEVIL] Empty Re: [Iramasha] Tempus :: Big Brother [APPROVED, 2-2; DEVIL]

Sun Aug 24, 2014 8:12 pm
Archiving because at this point it's pretty clear that this member has left.

I envy because of the heart.
I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

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[Iramasha] Tempus :: Big Brother [APPROVED, 2-2; DEVIL] Empty Re: [Iramasha] Tempus :: Big Brother [APPROVED, 2-2; DEVIL]

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