Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Walking on Sunshine Empty Walking on Sunshine

Thu Jun 14, 2012 12:13 am
Jae was one of those rare men who fled the ideal of politically meeting's like the one he'd had today. Yes leader of a family, responsible caring man no. Jaeden watched from the roof top now, taking in clouds being sure to suppress himself into almost nothing. His powers hidden, though it wouldn't be easy someone could find the man wearing some pants and a open leather coat. Yes he'd dressed the part of a human for this sunny day. Making sure he looked legit at least, but grant it. If a Shinigami came along and he looked at him, it would pry be hard to lie.

"What you looking at." The Reaper would say."Nothing at all, don't see a thing." Jae would respond, and the reaper would yell belligerently about him talking back though he didn't see anything. What a situation that would be to run into, well the birds were flying and nothing short of a Captain level would find this man resting on a roof top with his thoughts in the clouds.

Though if Masa found him it would be trouble, it meant more running. That guy was a pain, he always wanted more work. Why couldn't he just have fun, he wasn't exactly a young kid anymore. Grant it the name the Dragon of the West Rukongai had gained some more in it's title. But that was only because of his eyes which were closed out of habit.

This habit was formed from his training in the Tengu arts, but that wasn't truly important. Several birds had landed on him, seeming to be resting on the peaceful man. He was what one would call peaceful and calm for a fighter. His eyes may of shown signs of blood lust, but eh who's fault was that again.

It was more along the lines of those arrogant bastards he'd killed. Yes he had no trouble telling it like it was, they were jerks and almost got him killed before he even experienced puberty. Would of came back and drop kicked their asses for that. His lips moved slightly into a grin, as his Zanpakutō made a comment within the Inner World where Jae was relaxing in a large lighting storm

"Jae how long do you plan to run from these meetings, they are important and we should try and extend your reach into the Gotei 13 or do something more. You are a highly trained warrior, they or someone could use your talent." Seiryu said, in a deep yet almost growling voice.

"Seiryu-san, those people are only interested in battle prowess. If I meet someone there worth while sure, but what about the long run what is politically and Battle prowess have to do with another. If a man trains hard they can lose themselves. Besides, politics suck." Jae said somewhat childishly to his sword.

Seiryu sighed and the inner world soon faded as Jae was back simply laying on a tall building roof of someone's home, sure they weren't aware he was just resting their and sleeping really. It wasn't such a big deal truthfully, no one was aware of him and that was just fine.
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
Joined : 2011-03-03
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Walking on Sunshine Empty Re: Walking on Sunshine

Fri Jun 15, 2012 5:55 pm
... I'm bored as hell. What do I do... The former head of the vizards thought to himself, staring up at the sky, his large, curved mouth partially open as he blinked, before shaking his head. I'm gonna do something with my... wait. Unlife, I suppose it is. He thought, a smile coming to his face as he forced himself to sit up straight, before pushing his long legs down. He was currently staying in a small apartment building, on the edge of the city, all alone. He missed his days with Hachi, Hiyori, and the rest; however, they had parted ways long ago, something that honestly made the vizard sad as he got up, opening the door to his apartment as he grabbed his newsboy hat, throwing it on his head.

Alright, let's see if I can't find any interesting girls or something~ He thought as he left his apartment, deciding to just walk the way he normally did around town; completely upside down, with a wide smile on his face and his newsboy hat covering his eyes from those below him, his orange shirt and brown tie quivering in the wind from being 25 feet up in the air, as he walked along, looking down at all the houses below, wondering what he'd find on this day...

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha

Walking on Sunshine Empty Re: Walking on Sunshine

Sat Jun 30, 2012 9:16 am
Jaeden sat up, he detected something nearby how interesting. Best to let people know what was here than, Jaeden dropped his hiding move the thing that would push his energy to zero allowing the Captain level spirit energy to be felt through out the area. Deciding this had been enough for him to continue. His gaze didn't falter from the clouds though, he pondered how long till someone came along that was interesting, this place wasn't really amusing but it was a hella of alot better than some politics meeting his staff at the house dragged him too. Jaeden was sure of that, the politics of this whole family thing were warped and stupid. So what was the point of him being their, he was the head, they were gonna bitch end of story.

Though really he was in a pondering, what could be going on that they'd want to play here. Well it wasn't really of any importance to him, Jaeden was a lazy bum and that was the end of the discussion. His gaze looked over a couple funny shaped clouds before getting to his feet. Putting Seiryu his Zanpakutō back on his belt, sighing softly as it seemed he'd be greeted soon or have to move.
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