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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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The Secret Training - Closed Empty The Secret Training - Closed

Mon Jun 11, 2012 8:34 pm

Kaede had begun a secret training on his own, he desired to push Kidō to the very next level. His eyes were focused, he was in the process of learning something. Yes this training was private in someways, he didn't want people to know of this and yet maybe someday he did. His focus was mainly directed at the figure of the tree before him, today's training was Hadō 4 and 1. Those were the Kidō he would be trying, this had been after the little helping he'd been giving to Kaminari. This training was special in a way that other Kidō masters hadn't dreamed of yet.

Kaede had figured it out a process something, he'd not yet understood. So he'd start with Hadō number 1. "Hadō 1, Sho." The male focused as he said it, focusing the Kidō into his chest. The attack had started to form and BANG! He'd been blasted backwards into a tree, ok that had stung a bit. Well it wasn't done yet, but he'd work on this for a while. Yes he was easily injured by this in pride, but it was something.

The feeling of the Kidō, he began to memorize it, that feeling alright once more this time he thought about it and leaned his spine along the tree, this was the thing he'd thought of. Yes he'd kept it quite secretive as he'd not wanted anyone to know he was working on a way to use Kidō spells without the use of a pose. No point, no detecting, perfect Kidō for someone like him.

His digits coiled around the tree branch as he spoke once again, to try this spell if not once but another direction. He was trying to direct it a bit higher and aim it towards the tree's top now, yes the spell was being held back. "Hadō 1, Sho." The Kidō formed correctly this time and fired, but it went backwards and slammed into his jaw with a thud.

The spell had been small, progress as it was Kaede fell to a knee and rubbed his jaw silently cursing this Kidō. But it was process and he was getting closer, something about this would work. That felt closer, closer to being right. But something just wasn't quite right.

Last edited by Forsaken Crow on Sat Jul 21, 2012 3:41 am; edited 1 time in total
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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The Secret Training - Closed Empty Re: The Secret Training - Closed

Tue Jun 12, 2012 12:29 am
Kaminari seemed to be spending a lot of her time in the forest of Rukongai lately. Whether it was training or just having a relaxing time, she would always end up finding herself out in the middle of a forest, but this time something seemed to be pulling her along. She was walking rather slowly through a few trees, passing through a clearing or two, and still moving deeper until... BANG! She stopped in her tracks as she heard a loud banging sound. It sounded as if something had slammed against some wood, and it was actually rather close by. She blinked and moved as quietly as she could until she would be able to find what was going on.

After a minute or two of searching, she heard a smacking sound. It sounded even closer than before, so she went into that direction. She stopped behind a tree, sensing the spiritual pressure of someone familiar behind it. She slowly peeked around the trunk, setting her hand on it for balance so she would not fall. She tilted her head in curiosity as she saw Ichiro fall to one knee. He was rubbing his jaw and looked like he had been fighting something. She looked around and saw a few spots where nature had been slightly disturbed. She looked around for hollows or some sort of enemy as well, but saw none. "What's he doing out here then?" she asked herself.

She soon decided that it was rather rude and inconsiderate of his feelings to just stand here and watch him. He was alone out here for a reason, and to just watch was not fair to him. She took in a deep breath and tapped on the side of the tree with her knuckles. A faint knocking sounds echoed through the small clearing and once he looked to her, she would smile and wave her hand to him. She would then step slowly over to him and then glance around once more.

"Hi..." she said in a raspy sounding whisper. Her calm state allowed her to keep her voice under control at this moment, so she was able to speak as long as she kept it nice and quiet, and she did not let her emotions go crazy.

The Secret Training - Closed Empty Re: The Secret Training - Closed

Wed Jun 13, 2012 4:06 pm
Trying once more, Kaede decided this time he would do it. This time he would get it right without a doubt, thing's seemed to be going extremely well as he'd formed the Hadō in front of his stomach again no hands coming up, the power was so far right. This power was something he'd been working on for months, his brain was actively looking for a new edge because of his Zanpakutō lacking. He spoke calmly as he aimed towards the middle of the tree, a small line of sweat trailed his face as well as his back. "Hadō 1, Sho." He said the words calmly as the orb blasted forward, slamming into the tree with a great deal of force.

It was the first success, the Kidō had gone a couple inches higher then desired. But he'd gotten it where he wanted it, this training was showing some fruits. His duel with Redd had proven somethings to him, he needed greater power. However he already knew his tactician mind could think of a hundred ways to do it. But this training was suitable, to no longer pose or show a form to a Kidō. To go out of the box with it, his gaze turned at the sound of the knock. Breathing slightly heavy, if she'd seen it oh well.

Learning this required skills similar to his anyways, plus months of learning the concept behind it. But that was a long time and besides that he hadn't forgotten her. His current Vice Captain had decided to attack her first, which meant either he underestimated Kaede for the weaker of the two. Or thought Kaede was someone he had to face alone.

Considering his training with her he remembered the female's name quite well, yes he'd been working for several hours out here and had only one near successful attempt of the move. He'd broken bones and had worse situations then the ones thus far in his previous attempts.

"Hello Kaminari."
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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The Secret Training - Closed Empty Re: The Secret Training - Closed

Wed Jun 13, 2012 11:13 pm
Kaminari wasn't exactly sure what he was trying to do, but she definitely saw some of it. She blinked a few times at him and glanced up to the tree. As she stepped closer to him, she kept herself cautious of his movements. Their last encounter wasn't exactly one to impress. She had ended up scared and crying on the floor. Childish and weak is what she presumed he thought of her. That thought only made the little meeting between the two of them more awkward. She didn't really know what to say or do, since she felt like lesser of a person when speaking to him now.

"So... How have you been? I know it's only been like.. a week or two since I last saw you, but... I don't think we left on a good note that day." She glanced off to the tree again, giving it a second look of confusion. "Um.. What are you training for?" She looked back to him and asked nicely. She gave a weak smile, hoping that he would answer honestly and not lie to him. Her opinion of him was about fifty-fifty at this point. He had done everything to protect her and even tried to comfort her, but at the same time the first thing he did was lie to her face and the face of his newly appointed Vice Captain. She wanted to push that day out of her thoughts and try to make a new opinion of him.

The Secret Training - Closed Empty Re: The Secret Training - Closed

Tue Jun 19, 2012 1:42 am
Kaede let a breath leave his lungs, he was tired from just sho how pathetic of him. He'd not managed this Kidō correctly still, why was this so hard for him to accomplish it wasn't as though the Kidō itself was hard or anything. It was simply something he needed to learn, this was the process and progress was slow if anything. More time was needed to fine tune this craft, he looked at the form of Kaminari. Taking the female in, ah yes the girl from his match with the now Vizard Captain. Kaede remained a fourth seat, though he'd pry been able to ascend the ranks he refused to take on the Maggot's Nest.

"Training so I don't have to use Kidō with poses and such I want to fire them from other parts of my body, though to be honest it's tearing me apart it's a rather rough training. I do want to let you know, i wasn't lying completely when I said I knew you. I had been investigating the 3rd seat before he became a Vice Captain. I saw your name and photo making the choice to help you out of a situation that seemed dire. My Captain would pry wish to promote me, but I have no interest in Redd's position."

Kaede seemed rather happy as the Fourth Seat of this Division and that was final, he had no interest in studying the monster like ways of hand to hand. Kidō would always be his finest work.
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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The Secret Training - Closed Empty Re: The Secret Training - Closed

Tue Jun 19, 2012 3:40 am

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari was impressed by the method of training that he was going through, but still was slightly worried, "If it's tearing you apart, are you sure it's truly worth it?" Her question was sincere, although she'd hope it didn't anger him when she said it. "Getting yourself killed isn't something that you should do just to become stronger, ya know?" She tilted her head to the side, obviously not completely understanding his reasons for such strenuous training. Everything else he said, she didn't really want to get into. To her it was obvious that he did not like Redd at all. She didn't understand why. Redd was rather kind to her, so what was the deal with this rivalry between the two?

"So... besides all of this... How have you been?" She tilted her head to the side, sliding her hands behind her back and cupping each hand within the other. She always kept a cheerful and happy smile. Some would say that she was never truly stressed or bothered by anything. Of course this was only the case to those who actually didn't know very much about her or weren't around her very long, but at times it was true. She was a carefree person, and loved to be happy. In that instance, what is the point of being sad?

"...if you have nothing to protect."


The Secret Training - Closed Empty Re: The Secret Training - Closed

Sun Jun 24, 2012 5:53 pm
Kaede simply smiled softly at the female's words, true it was destroying him but it was worth it. He wasn't planning on being anything more or less then the Fourth Seat, he planned to stay in this position till it was over and done. He's shown himself to be a tactical man most of the time, he glanced down at his Zanpakutō, it seemed unlikely that it would ever give him it's name. He pondered why the powers were usable if it never intended to talk to him to begin with.

"I am not sure, but I've been offered the position of Redd since he was promoted once or twice. I've turned it down, because I have no reason to advance to a position like that one. I am not what one would call a Hakuda master. My skills in the art are just silly if anything, it's as though I can't get stronger without Kidō. So I am going to make Kidō my greatest power, that's my plan in the end. If I can't get better at hand to hand or zanjutsu I'll get stronger at Kidō long as their is alight and I don't have my zanapkuto I will improve."

Kaede had explained his situation for her as good as he could in any light, Kaede had been strong enough to get several things done that he'd planned on. Plus he'd really grown out of his shell now.
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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The Secret Training - Closed Empty Re: The Secret Training - Closed

Mon Jun 25, 2012 12:51 am

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari blinked a few times in complete confusion at his way of thinking. She looked away and thought for a moment, "You're crazy." She said those two words bluntly, seriously, and still kept a slight smile and giggled. She glanced back to the way she came, covering her mouth as she began yawning. "Well it is getting dark. The sun is going to be going down soon, so you might want to return to the Seireitei when you get a chance. You're kinda beat up and dirty. You need a bath." She giggled again when she told him that he needed to take a bath. Turning away, she began walking towards the Seireitei, using the same path she had used to get to this spot. "If you want, you can walk back with me..." She said as she moved her arms behind her back, cupping her hands together as she walked.

"...if you have nothing to protect."


The Secret Training - Closed Empty Re: The Secret Training - Closed

Thu Jun 28, 2012 6:11 am
Had Kaede really grown, not truthfully he'd been nothing and yet things hadn't changed at all for him. His power remained as weak as ever. Kaede wasn't the type to be pushed around, not easily anyways. He wasn't enjoying his seated position as much as he had, thing's had been extremely dull around the place he'd grown up at. He'd seen much hardship and yet for some reason this place never really changed. His gaze fell upon Kaminari, she and he had a rather rough start to say the least.

Kaede nodded agreeing to her request or suggestion rather as he walked and followed her now, deciding it was time to leave this place and grow. He would learn more later, his eyes took int he details of the forest.
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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The Secret Training - Closed Empty Re: The Secret Training - Closed

Thu Jun 28, 2012 8:16 am

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari was pleased to see that he decided to follow her back to the Seireitei. It seemed that he needed rest, and she wondered whether he would have ever stopped if she had not come along to tell him to take a break. A small breath was let out as she walked through the forest. Soon the two of them would come to the edge of the forest and enter a small valley. A nice breeze was moving through the place. She looked to him with a smile and spoke softly, "I'm pretty sure you will be able to succeed in what you're training. I can tell you are having a hard time with it, but with how hard of a worker you seem to be, I am positive you'll be able to do it... Just continue working on it, okay?" She said that and then continued on walking, "I'll even help you if you need." Within a short amount of time, maybe twenty minutes, the two of them would make it to the Seireitei once more as long as the two of them didn't run into any problems.

"...if you have nothing to protect."

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