Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
Joined : 2011-03-03
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Age : 27
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Platinum Points:
Sakibo R. Koshka [APPROVED, DEVIL, 3-3+ (1-1+)] Left_bar_bleue20650/20000Sakibo R. Koshka [APPROVED, DEVIL, 3-3+ (1-1+)] Empty_bar_bleue  (20650/20000)

Sakibo R. Koshka [APPROVED, DEVIL, 3-3+ (1-1+)] Empty Sakibo R. Koshka [APPROVED, DEVIL, 3-3+ (1-1+)]

Mon Jun 04, 2012 10:07 pm
[I R A M A S H A]


Name: Sakibo R. Koshka
Age: "A Butler Cares Not For His Own Time"
Gender: Male, why do you ask?

Sakibo is an... interesting looking man, to say the least. For one thing, his hair is blak as night, very loose and quite soft to the touch. It goes down past his chin in most places, and he has bangs on either side of his face that allow him to see. His hair goes around his ears, and he normally doesn't wear it any longer or shorter; although at times he might be wearing some sort of outrageous headgear or other.

His face is very well defined; in fact, it has been called "handsome" even by the Queen of Russia, back when he was the great Rasputin. He has very wide eyes, with white scelera and red pupils that are very striking. HIs noseis quite long, although it is not very pointy He has a fairly large mouth, with an absolutely perfect set of teeth behind his flawless lips. There is not a single blemish or flaw on his face; even his eyebrows look perfectly chiseled from stone.

His body is very similar to his face; it lacks any kind of blemish or scar. It is what looks like a man in his early twenties; with thin arms and legs that betray his true strength. His hands are very well manicured, or at least they look that way; in reality, he has never attempted getting them cut. His fingernails are permantently black, and his hands are surprisingly soft, without callus or any other kinds of marks. It even seems that he lacks the stretching of the skin that most beings have in their palms. On the back of his left hand he has a strange seal mark; very much like the one on Therian's right eye.

Sakibo's general dress is that of... well, a manservant. He wears a white undershirt beneath a black suit; inside of this suit he has all manners of cloths and tissues to use at any time he desires, mostly in assistance of Therian. Around his white collar of his undershirt, but under his suit jacket, he wears a simple black tie; this tie is tied very simply at all times. His suit jacket has many buttons on it that don't fit with one another, and he has coat tails that run along to halfway down past his knees. Around each hand he wears a very simple white glove. On his legs he wears a professional pair of black suit pants, and he wears very nice black suit shoes on his feet.



A Servants Duty

He is, at heart, a servant; in fact, it's a core part of who he is and always has been. Whether it was "serving" people by healing them, or making.. deals, serving and helping others than himself however he could. Of course, it was always in an... exchange. So, if he is serving someone, he will serve them until he is completely unable to continue; his loyalty and determination are 100% absolute when he is acting for the one that he serves, in any attempt he is making.

A Demon's Power

He is in fact very, very powerful; and he knows it. However, he lacks arrogance or an ego, merely taking on the will of whomever he is serving and aiding them in absolutely any way that he possibly can, with all of his resources. However, this means that he has great faith in his own abilities; and very rarely is his will ever even slightly shaken or does he experience "fear".

A Gentleman's Touch

Sakibo is, without a shred of doubt, a gentleman. He knows how to treat women well, what men desire, the proper social ettiquettes that need to be followed, when one should give another man his tissue to blow into... all these are an essential part of him being a gentleman. He will even help people that he himself doesn't know, as long as Therian doesn't have a problem with it and the person themselves hasn't done anything to antagonize Sakibo. As it is, he acts gentlemanly as long as his opponent and those around him are civil; when they are not, he remains mostly civil, but loses the courtesies they might have been benefiting from before. In addition, his gentleman like behavior sometimes makes him seem to... sparkle.

A Cat's Paw

Sakibo actively ADORES cats. In fact, he likes most cute things, but cats and kittens reduce him to so much sparkling mush as he becomes completely distracted by them, pointing out all their glorious features in his very polite and gentlemanly way!

A Drink, Good Sir

He is able to whip out a drink and a platter of small snack foods out of seemingly... nowhere, suddenly holding them in front of the intended recipient(s) and giving them what they desire of it. This shows how courteous he is, in addition to a part of his high intelligence; he can almost always put this skill to good use.

A Russian Accent

He has a... light russian accent. It's enough so that he replies to some things with a slightly gruff voice, and he can speak in Russian, which he does at times when he gets surprised.

Permanently Casual

He is extremely calm for an individual. He can take most attacks and merely shrug them off as he keeps doing battle, the same look on his face as he carries out his orders in the same mood he whips up pancakes in an apron.



They Once Called me... Rasputin

When he was first conceived, he had strange abilities that no one else did. His original, human name was Rasputin... a name that one day, people all around the world would know. However, there was a small problem with his abilities; they were extremely fickle, always changing and making them seem loose, unfit; although they often worked the way they should, they also failed a number of times.

However, in cold mother Russia, the place of his birth, people were very superstitious. Many of the images of him were surprisingly flawed; he chose to dress himself poorly whenever people would come to create images of him, as he kenw that there were people who would crave what he could do, or harm him. However, he made them believe that he was a crude, rude man in some regards... but not in others, considering that despite being a holy man, he had many who had desired him; many indeed, for they knew his flawless feature and was the kind of teacher that women would desire.

Indeed, he was eventually even invited by the queen... to heal her son. By this time, he was quite high up in the government; he was the wheeler-dealer for what he had done, healing people sporadically but seeming a true holy man. As it was, people who wanted to be high in the government were coming to him for blessings; he did not turn them away, for he had gotten quite accustom to drink and women, offerings that they regularly brought him.

Overtime, he continually attempted to heal her son; he could never drive it away completely, but he always tried to the best of his ability. He knew nothing of demons and the like; but he was considered a holy man, although as his drinking habits and lecherousness became more and more known to more and more people, they began calling out against him. However, he was the lover of the Russian queen, and was said to have more authority in Russia than the Czar himself. RA RA RASPUTIN! Called out the people after each session he spent with her son; however, his hunger for power began to get people crying out to do something about this outrageous man...

His enemies declared that it was time for him to go. They invited him to a party, and he, the guest of the party, decided to go against his better judgment. However, they put some poison into his wine, and even after he was poisoned, they shot him until he was dead... and that still didn't work. He was so tough even as a human that the poison, the bullets couldn't stop him... until he fell into a river while escaping... and... he drowned, the only way that they could kill him... And even after they tried burning his body...? He sat up...

Those... Russians...

Then They Called Me... A Demon

Were the last thought he had in his mind as they shot him dead, his blood pouring out over the polished floor as his soul instantly became corrupt... and his body changed, his strange abilities in his body changing him as his form altered, perfecting his already shapely features into something that could be considered vastly... sinful.

So it was to the demon world that his soul descended, and he began to make... deals with demons. In exchange for his agreed upon servitude, they would give him power to sustain himself...and to grow. For a demon, this move was extremely intelligent; it allowed him to safely grow, and thanks to this environment, he grew at a chaotic pace.

However, strangely enough, he was a demon of his word; he even became stornger than his masters in some cases, but he didn't rebel or try to kill his master at the time, merely awaited for his appinted time to run out before looking for yet another master. He kept getting stronger and stronger at a rapid pace; his methods were truly working as he would have become very feared by those who knew him... if he had not had a master that always overshadowed him, making him in a very formidable position indeed.

However, it happened. Finally, one of his masters decided to betray him. There was nothing he could do about it but run and hide, his energy dispersed. The demon had betrayed him due to how powerful he had become; it was scared that Sakibo, as his demon name had become, would betray him. This demon... had been very untrustworthy.

Barely holding himself together, Sakibo crawled to one of the many strange being in his realm; an old master of his that he had served loyally and left on good terms with. He asked that the demon iramasha, for that was what it was, would help him; and the Iramasha decided that for the love he had had for his servant, he would revive him...

...And so Sakibo lived again, his seishin buki Ciel forming over his hands and sealing his own power within him, as he became but a shadow to...

...Those Demons.

Next They Called Me... Nothing

He stayed in demon world for a small amount more; however, due to his inability to use his energy utside of his body anymore, they shunned him. He couldn't get a new master; they thought him useless, as he was now forced to try and understand how his body worked. However, he was so used to being a servant that he no longer had a purpose; so he began wandering aimlessly, occasionally hopping along with some demon to go to a different realm.

It was during one of these trips that he wound up on Earth. Specifically, back in his mother Russia. It made him very glad to be back home; however, his unchanging body and seeming lack of power did not do him justice as he decided to train in the cold of his home; going without a name to anyone, he competed in everything a man could compete in. He took on a number of different jobs over his years there; and slowly began to realize that his old power had not dispersed; he merely... had to use it differently.

And with this realization, he traveled away, away from...

Those Russians...

From Then Called Me... A Servant

So he began travelling the world; becoming a servant of humans who found his talents to be extremely useful to themselves. Sakibo found that this arrangement worked perfectly; he was able to learn more and train more as he traveled the globe, working for all kinds of men... and women.. in his travels. His image and duties changed with each change; however, his masters always wondered why it was that his body never aged. However, they always dismissed it due to him being a just a mysterious manservant...

...Those Humans.

They Now Call Me... One Hell of a Butler

The years began to blend until it reached such a time that Sakibo realized that humans no longer required his... services. So, now without a master and unsure if he wanted another, Sakibo began wandering once again, until he reached England. And then, eventually, London.

While he was viewing this magnificent city, his clothing now that of a traditional manservant. He decided that for the first time in a long time, he would look for a master in this city. However, no one in the district that would have such servants desired him; they already had servants and didn't want anymore.

However, that was before the day... that arrived at the Bertram residence. He had knocked at the door; however, he received no answer. So he had opened the door, walking inside, looking around... until his eyes fell on the two dead bodies on the floor. Oh unpleasing... He thought as he crossed the threshold into the house, his ears hearing a great screaming.

He raced upstairs, looking to see what had caused the commotion. There, on the floor... was a child... surrounded... by... well... in any case, Sakibo merely went over to the child, blinking at it as he rested his left hand over the wailing child's right eye, before suddenly... feeling... a giant burning in his hand.

Even this did not make flinch; something that would have reduced most beings of what seemed to be Sakibo's level to rolling around on the floor merely made him slightly wince. Surprisingly enough, the child was able to talk legitimately enough that Sakibo perfectly understood him; and in that moment, Sakibo became a butler to this child.

The following sixteen years were interesting for Sakibo, as he learned all about his new master. And even as they reached the present day, Sakibo realized that for the first time since he had been reborn as a Demon Iramasha...

...He was happy.


Seishin Buki Name: Ciel

Seishin Buki Appearance:

Seishin Buki Abilities:

The Gloves of Rasputin

These are very... interesting gloves. They act as the ultimate sealers of what Sakibo can do; in fact, without them, he would immediately lose the power around him into the environment. These gloves effectively prevent any of his energy from ever leaking out of his body; which both allows him to use most of his abilities... but also act as his ultimate weakness. Interestingly enough, these gloves CAN be torn and broken, although only from an immense attack that would be able to destroy a city.



RA RA RASPUTIN! (Aura of Inability to be Damaged)

Sakibo... Cannot be visibly harmed. That is to say, that he cannot be VISIBLY (As in, what the naked eye observes) harmed. If you punched him in the face, he would register it as a pain signal; however, there would be no bruise, and he would lose no blood whatsoever from his nose or mouth. If he is lit on fire, he would feel it; but his clothes would not burn away. He permanently looks the way he always does; unless Ciel are torn/broken. Basically, his energy within his body is constantly keeping at a normal appearance; as such, the energy is lost when he is harmed, although you cannot see it on his body. So, it would be simpler to say it is a kind of regeneration; although it is so fast that it never seems to occur at all; although the downside is that he cannot reduce the rate at which he regenerates or fluxate it. So, this is a superficial way of making it look like he is not harmed. When he is harmed by damage exerted on his body, he loses body energy that maintains his looks; so when he loses his energy, he becomes weaker and if he runs out, he dies. This means that when he is hit, he is TECHNICALLY physically harmed; you just cannot tell it by looking at him.

In addition, this means that things can be added to his attire; however, his base clothing and looks cannot be visibly harmed. A very good example of this are classic 2D bosses; they would always keep getting hit by the protagonist, but until you actually depleted their life bars completely, they didn't seem to do anything but flash at being hit. Also, in no way whatsoever is Ra Ra Rasputin meant to be a kind of defensive mechanism; it is merely a part of his body that keeps its homeostasis going.

Fast Break

Due to Ciel, all of his energy is stuck inside of his body. This means that he cannot ever use any kind of energy attack, nor can he use his energy to manipulate the environment around him. However, what this DOES mean is that due to the energy, quite a lot of it, being stuck inside of him, he is extremely, extremely fast. A single step from him can allow him to move at flash step-seeming speed, and his arms and legs in combat work at quite a rapid pace, faster than most but not ridiculously so. This also means that his reaction times are much higher than normal beings; he could grab quincy arrows out of the air and throw each one to the ground below him.

Force Move

Also due to Ciel, his strength is... immense, to say the least. He could topple most buildings by kicking a single wall, the amount of force he exerts shuddering through it until it collapses before him. However, interestingly enough, he has full control of this massive strength; he can be as gentle as a rabbit, or as strong as a giant, depending on what the situation is calling for. However, if he had a base strength... it would most likely be around lifting 650 pounds.

Body of Aeges

His bodily structure is different than most. Due to Ciel, while he cannot perform any kind of bodily enhancement, his skin is permanently resistant to almost all kinds of force that could be exerted on it; only about 30% of the force that would harm him ever is felt by him. That means that even if he was lit on fire, he would only feel about 70% of the burning; and if someone were to punch him in the face, he would only feel 70% of the punch. This is a natural ability of his own; and due to Ciel, it can't be lowered unless Ciel themselves are broken. So, to put it bluntly, he is EXTREMELY difficult to kill, although it is very possible.

Lack of Power

Due to Ciel, he cannot use any kind of energy attacks. He cannot form his energy outside of his body; he cannot perform chaos moves, he cannot use any kind of movement outside of the confines of his own body to effect the environment around him. This is his greatest weakness; however, also because of this weakness, it allows him to do something that not many others can.

Universal Energy Contact

Due to the effect of Ciel keeping all of his energy permanently inside of his body... he cannot feel the effects of energy that connect with him. That means that if someone were to shoot a fire cero at him, he could be hit by the cero; however, he would not feel the flame at all. However, if someone were to walk up behind him and light his coat-tails on fire, they would certainly burn. This is due to the fact that Ciel keeps his large amount of energy permanently inside of him; there is absolutely 0% of space for other energy to go in his body and effect him. In addition, his energy inside of his body can't be overwhelmed and taken over due to the fact that his own energy would kill that energy and take it back; being in its own home territory, it would take an IMMENSE amount of power to have negative energy effects happen to him.

However, also because of this, he can do one other very special thing. He can hit almost any kind of energy physically; he can try to kick cero out of the way, slap Kidō-created tornados to the side, even knee Ramnyaku Blasts out of the way; however... if they are things that activate on contact, such as cero, then they would blow up on him. Similarly, if the thing was like lightning, and he deflected it, then he would still feel the force of the lightning having hit him. It is also how he is able to make contact with most types of energy; that means that barriers have very little effect on him as well, as his own body's energy pushes it out of the way when it tries effecting him. This means that it is most effective when diverting things from their path, or when fighting something like a whip of energy.

However, for all this, any kind of attack made with something other than a paranormal energy; such as someone dropping a bucket of hot coals on him or punching him in the face, he would still feel. In fact, the very best way to fight him is to use ones own energy to improve their body and hit him; as the energy is in the opponent's body, Sakibo cannot effect it or physically move it.

Extremely World Knowledgeable

He has seen many different dimensions, many parts of the Seireitei, Demon World, Earth, Sugiuran Lands; he has been to all of them in his time. In addition, he has a great amount of general knowledge; in his time, he has been a scientist, a chemist, a preacher, a teacher, an explorer, a scholar of world history, an archaeologist... he has been them all, and did them all very well, as he remembers almost all the information from each job he has done.

Chaos Moves:

Chaos Warp, Chaos Sync.


[slash]Permission Given Appearance:

Permission Given Abilities:[/slash]


Class Title: The Demon who is a Butler.

Class Traits:

Knowledge Of The Master: Sakibo knows at all times where Therian is and what he is doing; this is the strength of the bond that they have. He even can feel down to Therian's mood in some cases; and pick up thoughts of his intents and purposes. This is a connection unique between Sakibo and Therian; it only works for those two, as Therian can also receive feelings of when Sakibo requires him or wishes to have his audience.


Race: Demon Iramasha



General Skills
  • Durability:
  • General Speed:
  • Strength:
  • Weapon Skill:

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination:
  • Mental Deduction:
  • Pain Endurance:
  • Focus:

Racial Skills
  • Chaos Energy Skill:
  • Chaos Warp:
  • Seishin Buki Level:
  • Race Control:


Roleplay Sample: COMING SOON!

Last edited by JJ on Wed Jun 06, 2012 9:33 pm; edited 4 times in total
November SOTM 20112nd place
November COTM 2011 : 1st place Zefonse
Joined : 2010-09-12
Posts : 1238
Age : 32

Member Info
Platinum Points:
Sakibo R. Koshka [APPROVED, DEVIL, 3-3+ (1-1+)] Left_bar_bleue0/0Sakibo R. Koshka [APPROVED, DEVIL, 3-3+ (1-1+)] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Sakibo R. Koshka [APPROVED, DEVIL, 3-3+ (1-1+)] Empty Re: Sakibo R. Koshka [APPROVED, DEVIL, 3-3+ (1-1+)]

Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:32 pm
Application Checklist
  • Name [x]
  • Appropriate Age [x]
  • Gender [x]
  • Appearance Present [x]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [x]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [x]
  • 10 sentences for personality [x]
  • History is of appropriate length [x]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [o]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [o]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [x]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[x]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [x]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [x]

"RA RA RASPUTIN! (Aura of Inability to be Damaged)

Sakibo... Cannot be harmed. That is to say, that he cannot be VISIBLY harmed. If you punched him in the face, he would register it as a pain signal; however, there would be no bruise, and he would lose no blood whatsoever from his nose or mouth. If he is lit on fire, he would feel it; but his clothes would not burn away. He permanently looks the way he always does; unless he enters Permission Given or Ciel are torn/broken. So, this is a superficial way of making it look like he is not harmed.

In addition, this means that things can be added to his attire; however, his base clothing and looks cannot be visibly harmed. "

It needs to be explained, since the way it is written that is impossible to even damage him, even with fatal attacks, if it is possible, you need to re work it and re word it in such a manner to explains the limits of such a power and what can he survive with no visible damage.

"Fast Break

Due to Ciel, all of his energy is stuck inside of his body. This means that he cannot ever use any kind of energy attack, nor can he use his energy to manipulate the environment around him. However, what this DOES mean is that due to the energy, quite a lot of it, being stuck inside of him, he is extremely, extremely fast. A single step from him can allow him to move at flash step-seeming speed, and his arms and legs in combat seem to always be above Mach 1 for whatever altitude that he is at. This also means that his reaction times are much higher than normal beings; he could grab quincy arrows out of the air and throw each one to the ground below him."

In my opinion it be best not to say he goes mach 1. as that is insanely fast for people to dodge at close range, I am fine with reaction time being enhanced, and it basically is compressed to a high point, however thing's have limits to how fast or how long they can keep doing, with that much power compressed would start to damage him if he didn't had a method to get rid of it, other wise a slight rewording for this and expand on it

'Force Move

Also due to Ciel, his strength is... immense, to say the least. He could topple most buildings by kicking a single wall, the amount of force he exerts shuddering through it until it collapses before him. However, interestingly enough, he has full control of this massive strength; he can be as gentle as a rabbit, or as strong as a giant, depending on what the situation is calling for"

You just need to expand on this and add better wording, what is normal base strength, is he strong enough to lift lets say 600 pounds, and at full power he can destroy a building.

"Body of Aeges

His bodily structure is different than most. Due to Ciel, while he cannot perform any kind of bodily enhancement, his skin is permanently resistant to almost all kinds of force that could be exerted on it; only about 30% of the force that would harm him ever is felt by him. That means that even if he was lit on fire, he would only feel about 30% of the burning; and if someone were to punch him in the face, he would only feel 30% of the punch. This is a natural ability of his own; and due to Ciel, it can't be lowered unless Ciel themselves are broken. So, to put it bluntly, he is EXTREMELY difficult to kill, although it is very possible. "

This and RA RA RASPUTIN! can't be side by side, as this makes him basically unkillable, as you can't physical harm him nor do full damage to him. While you state it is possible to kill you need to re word this or remove it altogether.

"Universal Energy Contact

Due to the effect of Ciel keeping all of his energy permanently inside of his body... he cannot feel the effects of energy that connect with him. That means that if someone were to shoot a fire cero at him, he could be hit by the cero; however, he would not feel the flame at all. However, if someone were to walk up behind him and light his coat-tails on fire, they would certainly burn. This is due to the fact that Ciel keeps his large amount of energy permanently inside of him; there is absolutely 0% of space for other energy to go in his body and effect him. In addition, his energy inside of his body can't be overwhelmed and taken over due to the fact that his own energy would kill that energy and take it back; being in its own home territory, it would take an IMMENSE amount of power to have negative energy effects happen to him.

However, also because of this, he can do one other very special thing. He can hit almost any kind of energy physically; he can kick cero out of the way, slap Kidō-created tornados to the side, even knee Ramnyaku Blasts out of the way; as due to the energy not being able to find him or get inside of his body, it does not explode or activate when he makes contact with it. It is also how he is able to make contact with most types of energy; that means that barriers have very little effect on him as well, as his own body's energy pushes it out of the way when it tries effecting him.

However, for all this, any kind of attack made with something other than a paranormal energy; such as someone dropping a bucket of hot coals on him or punching him in the face, he would still feel. In fact, the very best way to fight him is to use ones own energy to improve their body and hit him; as the energy is in the opponent's body, Sakibo cannot effect it or physically move it."

This is a no, since a lot of energy attacks BLOW up on contact, even if you push it to the side it well go off and damage you, you need to rework this as while it is possible to slap some attacks it isn't possible for all, talk to me on Xat since i made a power like this once and I can help with the wording for this power if you want to keep it.

"Extremely World Knowledgeable

He has seen many different dimensions, many parts of the Seireitei, Demon World, Earth, Sugiuran Lands; he has been to all of them in his time. In addition, he has a great amount of general knowledge; in his time, he has been a scientist, a chemist, a preacher, a teacher, an explorer, a scholar of world history, an archaeologist... he has been them all, and did them all very well, as he remembers almost all the information from each job he has done."

You need to place this in personalty and list each job skill he has in there as well, since other wise it well come off as meta gaming.

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Mental Deduction: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Pain Endurance: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Focus: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner


Sakibo R. Koshka [APPROVED, DEVIL, 3-3+ (1-1+)] Tumblr_m4nq8nPcbR1r86czqo1_400

Tier: N/A

Tier shall be made once changes asked are made,

Sakibo R. Koshka [APPROVED, DEVIL, 3-3+ (1-1+)] XmGUKMS
November SOTM 20112nd place
November COTM 2011 : 1st place Zefonse
Joined : 2010-09-12
Posts : 1238
Age : 32

Member Info
Platinum Points:
Sakibo R. Koshka [APPROVED, DEVIL, 3-3+ (1-1+)] Left_bar_bleue0/0Sakibo R. Koshka [APPROVED, DEVIL, 3-3+ (1-1+)] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Sakibo R. Koshka [APPROVED, DEVIL, 3-3+ (1-1+)] Empty Re: Sakibo R. Koshka [APPROVED, DEVIL, 3-3+ (1-1+)]

Wed Jun 06, 2012 9:37 pm
Problems listed where fixed

Tier STORED inside of him is that of a 1-1+

however due to his state His current tier is 3-3+

Thus approved

Sakibo R. Koshka [APPROVED, DEVIL, 3-3+ (1-1+)] Tumblr_lxwnw2Ep6Z1qa69wso1_500

Sakibo R. Koshka [APPROVED, DEVIL, 3-3+ (1-1+)] XmGUKMS
Head Admin
Head Admin

Joined : 2010-06-03
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Sakibo R. Koshka [APPROVED, DEVIL, 3-3+ (1-1+)] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999Sakibo R. Koshka [APPROVED, DEVIL, 3-3+ (1-1+)] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

Sakibo R. Koshka [APPROVED, DEVIL, 3-3+ (1-1+)] Empty Re: Sakibo R. Koshka [APPROVED, DEVIL, 3-3+ (1-1+)]

Wed Oct 01, 2014 11:23 am

Due to an update on the board, I am going to go ahead and move this character into the Approved Devil Iramashsa section to better classify other sub-races of Iramasha.

Sakibo R. Koshka [APPROVED, DEVIL, 3-3+ (1-1+)] WVMWLOu
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
Joined : 2011-03-03
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Platinum Points:
Sakibo R. Koshka [APPROVED, DEVIL, 3-3+ (1-1+)] Left_bar_bleue20650/20000Sakibo R. Koshka [APPROVED, DEVIL, 3-3+ (1-1+)] Empty_bar_bleue  (20650/20000)

Sakibo R. Koshka [APPROVED, DEVIL, 3-3+ (1-1+)] Empty Re: Sakibo R. Koshka [APPROVED, DEVIL, 3-3+ (1-1+)]

Thu Apr 23, 2015 10:34 am

This is being moved to archives.

Thank you very much for your service over the years.

If you are ever needed again, you shall be re-summoned once more and moved back to Approved Applications.

Until then, sleep well, my dear friend. Thank you for the good times and for having put up with me for so very, very long.

Sakibo, you were effectively used. While you never had your own theme music or anything like that, you did have a spirit. You were simply One Hell of a Butler. You stood by Therian through thick and thin, and then when he was gone... you lost your way. So until the day that someone else should require your services, I bid you leave to rest. Goodnight.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Sakibo R. Koshka [APPROVED, DEVIL, 3-3+ (1-1+)] Empty Re: Sakibo R. Koshka [APPROVED, DEVIL, 3-3+ (1-1+)]

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