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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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A Good? Arrancar and a Strange Human - Page 2 Empty Re: A Good? Arrancar and a Strange Human

Sun May 06, 2012 9:24 pm


So she remembers this… that's good, I suppose. Len thought to himself, as he dipped in his spoon again, inserting another mouthful of the stuff into his mouth as he raised his eyebrows at how she raised her spoon.

"Erm… Yuki…" He said, not exactly sure how to go about this. "You… don't chew on a spoon. You lick what you get on it off, or just pull the stuff off with your teeth…" He explained, watching her stab into her cup again and repeat. He grabbed a bit of his own, digging it in and pulling it off as he licked off the yogurt, swallowing it. "See…? That way, we don't hurt our teeth… or the silverware…" He trailed off, looking up at her again to see her head tilted curiously to the side, suddenly jerking up as he felt her feet kick him under the table.

"Erm, Yuki…?" He stated, noting the tired look in her eyes as she asked him if he was sleepy. "Well… yes…" He replied, sitting up from his chair.

"Come along, I'll show you where the bed is. Then you can get some rest, and I'll move back to the lounge room on the couch." He said, walking towards the door again as he reached opened it, walking through the open door and into the lounge room, before doing a small turn and opening another door. This one led to a bed next to a desk with a lamp on it; on the walls were posters of anime and video games that he had dreamed of buying but never had the true desire to go through and get.

He gestured to the bed, sitting down on it. Dang… I always love how comfy this thing is… He thought to himself, just wanting to throw himself back bodily onto the bed's surface and just sleep. However, he knew he couldn't do that, with the way Yuki had reacted just from him calling her cute. He patted on the open side of the bed. "Come on, try it out." He said, smiling at the arrancar with a wide grin on his face, bouncing slightly as he had sat down…


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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A Good? Arrancar and a Strange Human - Page 2 Empty Re: A Good? Arrancar and a Strange Human

Sun May 06, 2012 10:52 pm

Yuki Oona~

Unsure what the future holds...
yuki pulled the spoon out of her mouth looking at it...the spoon had teeth marks in it and even some holes "oo i see. i don't remember them being so fragile" yuki look at len with a blank look she was thinking so than it was not supposed to have a metal taste to it?

yuki watched len eat his and mimicked it " like this? " she paused for a second" you right it taste a lot better when you don't chew the spoon"

yuki got up from the chair and started following Len . he leaded her through the lounge to the bed room. as yuki stepped in the room yuki seemed to be paralyzed and unmoving..... yuki did not even show that she was breathing. their was a pain in her head. but it passed quickly. as she recalled memory's of her secret Otaku side... she did not know how things was now days but she knows than back then being one meant you was a outcast especially if your a girl. so she would keep this to her self

yuki sat down on the bed. she was nervous... in life and death she had never been in a boys room...and now she is on a bed with one ... and they are ...alone...yuki can feel her self start to freakout soo she tries to focus on the things around the room. yuki is thinking if i am to busy thinking of other stuff than i cant think of *that*.
yuki looks at Len are you sure you don't want the bed? . i am fine with the couch."

"The poison... is inside you..."

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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A Good? Arrancar and a Strange Human - Page 2 Empty Re: A Good? Arrancar and a Strange Human

Mon May 07, 2012 6:24 am


"Yeah, spoons aren't that tough…" Len muttered as he had gotten up from his chair before going back to his room. He watched as she entered his room, seeing her freeze up.

"Do you like my posters?" He asked earnestly, looking at Yuki, who was still in the doorway. "When I was at that orphanage… none of us were allowed to have any kinds of posters or anything. That's what I've liked the most about living by myself; no one judges me for what I like, or for my hair." He explained, giving Yuki a bit of insight about his life.

His eyes followed her as she sat down next to him, although for some reason she seemed on edge. "You alright…?" Len asked, before she asked him her question. "No, I'm afraid I must insist. I will not allow my guest to be-" He stopped for a moment, blinking. "Yuki…" He said, hesitating. "Do you have some kind of problem with using my bed…?" He asked, hanging his head a bit. "...If you do, please tell me. And even then, I will get no sleep if I know that my guest had the lesser comforts of my home while I myself am enjoying the higher ones…." He said to himself, not holding back his honest thoughts…


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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A Good? Arrancar and a Strange Human - Page 2 Empty Re: A Good? Arrancar and a Strange Human

Mon May 07, 2012 7:38 pm

Yuki Oona~

Unsure what the future holds...
Yuki looks at the posters. they was interesting and Yuki did like them. " yes it looks nice" Yuki was thinking the orphanage would not allow you to have things .. that place sounded like a jail to Yuki. no one should grow up in a soul crushing environment place like that.

Len asked Yuki is she was alright. Yuki looks at len with a nervous look"i am ok hahaha"her voice however portrayed her uneasy feeling in it.
Len would ask Yuki if she had a problem with using his bed. "nono its not that i don't like it or any thing... it just my first time ever being in a boys room..." Yuki was blushing from embarrassment. Yuki tried to hide it by covering her face with her hands." its a really nice room and the bed is really soft .... I'm just really nervous I guess .... I'm sorry "

"The poison... is inside you..."

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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A Good? Arrancar and a Strange Human - Page 2 Empty Re: A Good? Arrancar and a Strange Human

Mon May 07, 2012 7:57 pm


Len's face brightened up considerably when he heard her say how she liked them. Maybe this'll work out fine after all… He thought, continuing to listen intently to her, noting the look on her face, as if it were hesitant or nervous and she laughed. Well… that doesn't really sound… like a normal laugh… He reflected to himself, remaining silent on the outside.

Nervous in a boy's room…? Len wondered to himself, looking up and catching a glimpse of Yuki's blushing face as she held up her hands. As he did so, his own face suddenly began to get hints of red on it, as he gulped. "UM… nonono, you have nothing to be sorry about!" He exclaimed, his eyes darting around the room, as he finally got why she was so nervous. "I-I wouldn't… that is, this room… just…" He stuttered, trying to think what to say.

Finally, he just sighed, looking her in the eyes. "You shouldn't have to feel bad being in my room. I said you could trust me; and I meant it. Nothing of any kind that you don't want will happen while you are under my roof." He said out loud, just loud enough to be heard, his eyes shifting and staring resolutely at the floor for a few moments.

"...So… if you do like it, would you use the bed then?" He asked, his tone hesitant, but truly hoping that she would just accept his proper treatment of his guest…


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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A Good? Arrancar and a Strange Human - Page 2 Empty Re: A Good? Arrancar and a Strange Human

Mon May 07, 2012 9:31 pm

Yuki Oona~

Unsure what the future holds...
yuki fount it comforting that Len was blushing to ... she was thinking the red on his face made the blue hair stand out more and it looked funny to her but not in a bad way . and Lens words really helped put her mind at ease." thank you len and I do trust you. "

yuki moves her hands down crossing them on her lap. "yes i would be happy to take the bed." yuki was use to sleeping in/on trees , rocks, grass and sand. " this is so much better than sleeping out side "

yuki sighed looking up at the roof than looking back at Len . yuki than lays back across the bed her hands steal crossed holding her dress down as she does so. " Len ? what do you dream of? she ask playfully. she would kick her feet a little as she awaits your answer.

"The poison... is inside you..."

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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A Good? Arrancar and a Strange Human - Page 2 Empty Re: A Good? Arrancar and a Strange Human

Mon May 07, 2012 9:57 pm


"...Thanks, Yuki. Knowing you trust me means a lot to me." He said clearly, blinking and listening to her. His face lit up as she agreed at last, his smile from ear to ear on his face. However, it dimmed a bit as the girl put her hands in her lap and began speaking again. "You've had to sleep outside before…?" He trailed off, before suddenly hanging his head and becoming silent. "...That's right… you've had to live by yourself without a home before now…" He muttered, before he raised his head up again to face her.

"Well, you're welcome to the comforts of my home anytime!" He announced, smiling as she sighed before laying back across the bed. He blinked for a moment, before laying back himself next to her, his arms splayed wide, his right hand going up past her head. "What do I dream of…?" He wondered to himself, his cyan eyes blinking clearly as he laid his head on the side to look at Yuki. "...What I dream of… is…" He said, hesitating. "I dream… of not being alone by myself. To know all kinds of good people, and to know that they could trust me… That's why it makes me so happy for you to be here, Yuki." He said, completely honestly, looking back up at the ceiling.

"Well, Yuki" He said, thinking. "I've got two questions for you. First, I'd like to hand the one you gave me right back at you. What is it that you dream of?" He questioned her, turning his head to the side once more. "And second… Are you glad that you came over here on the inside of the city with me?"


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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A Good? Arrancar and a Strange Human - Page 2 Empty Re: A Good? Arrancar and a Strange Human

Mon May 07, 2012 10:47 pm

Yuki Oona~

Unsure what the future holds...

Yuki closed her eyes thinking a bout all the dreams she has. some of them weird. some of them sad and some scarey....but also some good ones ... "i have a lot of nightmares. like me walking in the desert alone.... " she laughs a little "if it wasn't for the fact there is a sun in my dream i would think its a memory. and the fact suns don't talk and say bad thinks to you.. I have walked the desert of hueco mundo a lot and for a long time but its all ways night there so i know the one with the sun is a dream."

the sun

Yuki put her right hand in the air." some time i have good dreams to. like living a normal life." she lowers her hand looking over at Len" you know having a home, going to school, friends, family." yuki smiled.. and i am really happy to be in the city ... I feel like maybe my dreams really can come true."

"The poison... is inside you..."

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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A Good? Arrancar and a Strange Human - Page 2 Empty Re: A Good? Arrancar and a Strange Human

Tue May 08, 2012 6:38 am


"Nightmares aren't any fun…." Len said, listening to her intently as she described her dreams to him. "Well… you don't have to worry about talking suns here. And if you do have a nightmare, I'll be there to give you a glass of warm milk." Len said, smiling a bit, just laying his weight in the bed and partially closing his eyes. He followed her hand with his eyes as she lifted it high into the air.

"...I've had that dream before as well." Len said, turning his own face up towards the ceiling and raising his hand, a mirror image of Yuki, even lowering his head at the same time with a small laugh and a smile. "Well…" He said, a thoughtful look on his face as she told him what she imagined. "Like I said, you're welcome to sharing my home any time you like. It might be kind of dangerous to go to school for you… Although, I don't go either… maybe you could come to work with me.. Hmm… I'm not entire sure about that, either. Friends, I know I can help you with. And as for family…" He said, pausing for a few moments as he closed his eyes, his smile turning into a soft line on his face. "I've never had any…" He said, quivering a small amount again from the memories, but doing his best to keep his body together. "So… I'm not sure how I can help you with that one." He finally said, just wishing he could curl up and go to sleep, but knowing that Yuki was on one side of him and the floor was on the other, leaving h im to merely lay back, feeling…. Empty inside. He didn't want to think about the family that had birthed hiim; them, he knew nothing about. Nor did he want to think about how no one at the orphanage had ever wanted to adopt him. So, he merely laid there, his head facing Yuki and his eyes closed, feeling empty, so, so empty…

"...Yuki." He said after a few moments. "I'm sorry for asking this… But would you mind if I just slept like this for tonight? I don't think I've the energy to get back up and walk to the couch…" He explained, his eyes still closed and his voice monotone. ...I hate this feeling… so much…


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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A Good? Arrancar and a Strange Human - Page 2 Empty Re: A Good? Arrancar and a Strange Human

Tue May 08, 2012 12:07 pm

Yuki Oona~

Unsure what the future holds...
Yuki kept her eyes closed " I know i cant go to school. their is a lot of normal things i could never do now. " and by family i don't mean like having a mom and dad or even siblings...but i do some times dream that I'd grow up and get married. " Yuki was blushing lightly " but their is no way i could do that ether " Yuki smiles and giggles" but even having one wish come true is good enough for me....yes just having a friend is enough."

Yuki was falling asleep her self as she was talking ... the bed was relaxing. "its ok Len.. you can sleep here too." it was day time so she was not really worried about sleeping in the same bed as a boy. if it was night is a different story. but it was day time and she really trusted Len he said he would not do any thing. Len had kept his word so far so she had no reason to worry about this." ya i am sure it will be ok"

"The poison... is inside you..."

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