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•Yukuri  Iramasha: The Devil Of Boundaries• [APPROVED, 0-4++] [NPC] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999•Yukuri  Iramasha: The Devil Of Boundaries• [APPROVED, 0-4++] [NPC] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

•Yukuri  Iramasha: The Devil Of Boundaries• [APPROVED, 0-4++] [NPC] Empty •Yukuri Iramasha: The Devil Of Boundaries• [APPROVED, 0-4++] [NPC]

Tue Apr 10, 2012 12:18 am

[I R A M A S H A]


Name: Feketsu Iramasha (Formally Selena Minos)
Alias: The Maiden of Death, Selena Minos, Yukari Yakumo, Yukurin, Yukuri Iramasha
Age By Appearance: Mid 20's
True Age: 1560
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Unknown

Current Residence: At the moment, Feketsu is currently residing in The Royal Devil Village. She has own townhouse, but she is often seen in the Royal Devil Family Mansion alongside Ketsu and his family. So it is safe to say that this is probably her true home for the moment until she decides to part ways.

Affiliation: At the moment, Feketsu is mostly aligned with the Iramasha Clan through Ketsu Iramasha. However, she has more pull towards the Royal Devil Family then anything else. So, if the ties to Ketsu were ever severed, she may very well stay on Iramasha Island; but do things her own way and on her own whim. So, for the most part, Feketsu is a neutral force as she cares no real way for any sort of organization, world or people.


Hair: This is one of the trademark features in Yukurin's appearance. Wherever this woman goes, most people often notice her extremely lengthy hair. It is blonde in color and extends well past her backside. At times there can be red ribbons seen attached to her hair, at other times she may simply let it flow freely in the wind. A noticeable feature in her hair occurs, however, when she begins to collect large amounts of energy within the core of her being. It has been reported that she may sometimes have a golden or purple aura radiate from her hair when she gathers enough power within her body. This is mostly likely because it's her strength raising to the surface.

Eyes: These are constantly changing based upon her mood. During some instances, Yukurin can be seen having purple eyes with black pupils. However, depending on a fluctuation change, they can swiftly turn red whenever she is angered or turns into a more cynical or grim mood. Furthermore, much like her hair, they can seemly radiate a gold light or a shade of crimson red depending on how her mood happens to be or how much energy she happens to collect at the moment of transition.

Body Type: Yukurin is quite the full figured woman. She stands at around five foot ten, so out of the gate, she is quite a tall lady. On top of that, her body type is quite voluptuous. Weighing at around 140 pounds, most of her weight is evenly distributed across her body; leaving quite the fine bosom for her. Therefore, most could consider her a supermodel of sorts, but she seems rather modest about her appearances. Never overplaying or downplaying it; she airs on the side of elegance and you can feel it across every fiber of her being. From her smooth word play, to her relaxed facial expressions and in control attitude that she displays constantly; you can tell that this Devil is one classy lady from head to toe.

Attire: Despite having quite the fabulous figure, Yukurin's attire seems to be very Conservative in it's styling. As Yukuri's wardrobe consist of many sorts of chic dresses, full arm-length gloves, boots, ribbons, high-heels and mob hats. There is almost never a time where she isn't wearing something related to those articles of clothing. Additionally, she can often be seen carrying around accessories such as umbrella's, fan's and watches. The color choice in her attire is also generally well sync'd. This is because most of her clothing are of white, purple, gold and red colors to match and coordinate well with Yukurin's own body. Therefore, she believes she does have a keen sense of regale style about her overall appearance.

Energy Color: For the most part, Feketsu's spiritual energy and Chaos Energy are mostly purple in color. Depending on the intensity of battle of the mood of the situation at hand, sometimes a black aura can be seen that displays her beginning to get serious. Though, it doesn't always signal that she is taking a fighter seriously. In some cases, when enraged, it is possible for this jet black aura alongside a blood red aura to emerge. It can become so intense, in fact, that even her eyes can be effected as a dark red gleam can occasionally be seen from them in order to signify to the opponent that she is going to rip them apart limb by limb. So, it's safe to say that this is a pretty accurate measurement system when fighting Feketsu to know just when she is ready to snap and tear you to pieces.



Intelligent: If it's one thing that Yukuri has, it's brain smarts. From the knowledge has gathered within her life, versed together with the mental notes of Ketsu Iramasha; The Devil of Boundaries possess a large understanding of many types of different races, the varying worlds within existence and a strong grasp of where the world is constantly turning. To doubt Yukuri's intelligence, would be to doubt the ability of her boundaries. She has even been noted to be a bit of a battle tactician at times. For, during an instance in her history, she had foot on equal footing against Ketsu Iramasha despite the moderate gap in power between the two individuals. Furthermore, with the combat skills instilled in her by this Demon Lord, it's safe to assume that these skills have only further sharpen with the awakening of her Iramasha Class and that she has turned into quite the force to be trifled with when she decides to put her brain to good use. Therefore, this trait of Yukuri should never be ignored.

Playful: Despite her appearances, Yukurin can be quite playful when she encounters most people. This is primarily displayed when she toys around with most the opponents she happens to engage combat with. Instead of generally going all out at the start of the battle, Yukurin will sometimes be quite interested in conserving with her opponent. She doesn't mock them, no, she just chooses to play practical jokes with her abilities or simply mess with the head of the opponent before deciding to get somewhat serious with them. There also seems to be an air of carefree nature mixed in with this personality trait; as more often then not, Yukurin doesn't seem to stress out about many things. If something doesn't go according to her plans? She'll simply shrug it off, go back to the drawing board and figure out something else. This gives her quite the patience when dealing with most sorts of unfavorable circumstances, people or events that occur in her life based upon this trait and makes her a very flexible person.

A Strong Public Face: If there is one that radiates from Yukuri, it's elegance. From the way she carries herself in conversations, to how she dresses whenever she is out in public and even from the way she does combat; Yukuri is a very refined lady. There isn't many times where she doesn't seem like she is in control, despite being a familiar herself from her demise as Selena Minos. One could even argue, that even in this state, she could be withholding the persona of an absolute mastermind; as it's almost as if the fact that she was killed had never occurred to her. Koichi Iramasha had even noted that her new changes in her personality following her murder As if there was something more sinister occurring in the surface then meets the eyes; which had given the suspicion of Ketsu Iramasha, but hasn't prompted much action to actually rid her of her free-will. Objectively, though, she generally has a great insight of situations and a strong understanding of the world around her.

After all, she has the knowledge of The Royal Devil Iramasha and thousands of years of her own demon history pouring throughout her mind. It would be a crime to say that she yielded no intellectual prowess. For one to create the kind of power set that the Devil of Boundaries possess, heh, it's nothing something to easily warp your head around. So, with this air of intelligence, elegance, composure and control; most others in the Devil Iramasha branch of Iramasha Island tend to avoid her as it's very hard to pierce through the surface of what she is thinking. Even most types of Angel Iramasha and the other sub-races that inhabit the Royal Village tend to evade making contact with her as she has been noted as carrying a sinister aura wherever her presence is taken. Perhaps the rage of a slain maiden, maybe it's the vicious stories behind her powers or perhaps it's all a farce to put on a good show; whatever the story may be behind Yukuri, from this aspect of her personality, there is something deeper waiting to be discovered within this vixien's minds.

A Sense Of Grimness: Yukurin, however, isn't the type to totally blow off having an aura of serious minded nature when it is called for. If there is a cause for concern that requires her attention, she may very well switch into a more dominant state. When this occurs, her voice becomes more cynical, the general presence of her becomes more cryptic and even the fluctuation in her energy patterns can be noted as becoming more in tune with the power of a Demon Lord when her mind becomes this focused. For example, if someone were to pose a credible threat to Iramasha Island, there is a strong chance she may react in a violent manner in order to dispose of the target in question. Another such instance of this trait being seen in Yukurin is whenever she runs into those whom she would consider an enemy. Those who have majorly wronged Yukurin in the past will generally get the cold shoulder from her.

Outside of that, there are few moments where this side is needed, however. Unless the fate of her life is at stake, someone she cares about is endangered or the world itself is ending all around here; Yukurin would prefer to keep her playful side in motion before needing to resort to this personality most of the time. After all, there is no real fun in being serious-minded all the time. In fact, there are times she turns quite depressive at times when this trait in her persona becomes to flourish. It can be noted, that in extreme circumstances, Yukurin even seems dissatisfied with most around her. Having a strong sense of nihilism as she has mentioned the fruitlessness of her existence and all those around her. Having seen the true embodiment of death, and all that lays beyond her untamed boundaries, Yukurin sees no point in the efforts that all those on Earth and all other known dimensions have in this inevitable war against The Demon God. She has known this fate ever since the day she had mad that damned Ketsu, so there is no point in trying to run away anymore. After having her soul enslaved by the likes of him, she has since resigned her fate to be dragged along the borders of death until her time has come.

Lost: This a connection towards her former-self. In the core of Yukuri Iramasha, she isn't quite sure who she is, where she is heading and what exactly she should do during some of her darkest days. While she works to otherwise avoid falling into these pits of despair, at times, it can hit her like a ton of bricks and drag her back into the pits of internal hell. The many thoughts of the years spent wasting her time around The Royal Devil Family, her former life she once led as a mere human, the many mistakes which had lead to her ultimate demise and the damned shadow at the end of the corner which was the embodiment of death; all of these different aspects, all of these different causes of suffering and all the additional stress from her new life as Royal Iramasha and corrupted into yet another play thing for Ketsu had some how struck a cord within her persona. Would this continue on day after day? Could she possess the power to otherwise change her fate? Or was she content with the life she had currently lead? These were questions that may need to come to a rest one day to have a sense of self. Until then, she will continue onward as she always have; with the heavy burdens of her sins weighing bruntly across her shoulders; marching onward into the pits of oblivion with a wicked smile across her face.


Background: The life of Yukuri started promptly after the demise of Selena Minos. It all began after a lengthy battle against the likes of Ketsu Iramasha, an opposing Demon Lord and ex-lover. The time had come to gather the resources, allies and tools he needed to otherwise wage his quiet war against The Demon World in order to obtain his undisclosed goals. Thus, after hundreds of years spent together, the two had finally pitted an all out war against each other. Blow after blow, hit after hit and attack after attack; as the duration of brawl had drawn out, it was clear that The Demon Lord known as The Devil Iramasha leader was going to have the upper-hand. Yet, this did not mean Selena Minos would go down without a fight. To the very bitter-end, she would do her damned best to give the bastard a bitter farewell. In a flash of blinding red light, the final impaling blow from Ketsu's hands would be dealt upon Selena Minos and the birthing of Yukuri Iramasha would be made possible in this very instance.

In this final impact, the transference of The Demonness very essence began to shift into the body of Ketsu Iramasha. Her blood, her abilities, her memories, her knowledge, her personality traits; everything about her was being assimilated into the core of The Demon Lord so that a new being could be forged and a stronger Ketsu may be made possible. It all but left behind the shell that was once Selena Minos. A very cold, dead and dried up husk of what used to be a very vibrant being. Yet, it was with this purging of her former-self that made one of the most devastating abilities he has seen in quite some time made possible within this Devil Iramasha. By re-birthing new life into her body by feeding it his blood, The Devil Of Boundaries had been convinced. Booming back into life under the chains of Ketsu Iramasha, the memories of both Selena Minos and her murderer flooding into The Demoness's mind; it was a very overwhelming experience. Booming with new vigor, electrifying power and a corrupted personality from the blood of each Demon Lord mixing into one being; Yukuri Iramasha had stood in this new world complete...and under the command of her new master.

Following the events that had led to the demise of Selena Minos and the creation of The Devil of Boundaries, Ketsu had taken Yukuri deep within the depths of Iramasha Island; sealed off from most outside influence and thrown into pits with only Ketsu's sinister will guiding her. Ergo, it was within those dark walls in which he had instilled her abilities. After all, if she was going to serve him, he was going to make sure she had some sort of benefit that would otherwise prove her worth to him. Thus, for many days and nights, he had forced the fair maiden to bring her powers out within her new tomb. Through constant fights against imprisoned Demon's he snatched up from Demon World, to experiments done to see how potent her new fond Iramashsa Powers were proceeding her birth; there had been many trials placed for The Newborn Devil and Ketsu was going to ensure that she would leave the pits of this cave as a force to be feared.

Utilizing the resources available within Project Hell Harvester, all sorts of nasty injections were inserted into the core of Yukuri. Gallon after gallon of Royal Iramasha blood, mountain after mountain of energy within the core of this pit; all of these varying elements were forced into the woman until it had forcibly awaken her Iramasha Class. When she was at last a full blooded Devil, there was something within her body that made even The Devil Iramasha Leader bat an eyelash. With his own essence surging within Yukuri's veins, he was able to detect a rapid development of new abilities being compounded into The Maiden. Sacrificing the many lives of those connected to The Demon Lord's hidden experiment, there was a freak accident where Yukuri had somehow merged the boundaries between Iramashsa Island and Demon World. If it wasn't Ketsu's quick action, this could have gotten further out of hand. Collapsing in a pool of her own blood, The Devil Iramasha Leader swiftly sopped upon her, consuming her extracts and had read deeper into the depths of Yukuri's power.

It did not take much longer after this incident before all began to understand the nature of her powers better. Forcing it out further and further through each fight, deploying her against countless hounds of demon's within Demon World and pushing the depths of her potential to it's limit; Ketsu had discovered she had became The Devil Of Boundaries, and subsequently, had the power to control many sorts of different boundaries. It was quite the diagnosis to come to, but this was the true form of her ability. With this knowledge in hand, she would then go on to compound an immense arsenal of power sets related to her Iramasha Class; going on to later be indoctrinated into The Royal Devil Iramashsa family once her power had blossomed into a lethal flower. However, it was at this time where she would be forced to deal with the sins of her past as she would cross paths with the likes of Koichi Iramasha once again.

Of course, at this point, he had received news of Selena Mino's death. So, when this new incarnation of the Fair Maiden had debut'd into The Royal Devil Iramasha family, he was quite distraught. He thought his father killed her, he thought that Selena Minos was no more; he thought that he had seen the last of this wicked witch...yet here she stood...seemly ok. Yet, when the two had exchanged words, it was quite easy to tell something had changed drastically internally. From the way her words flowed from the tip of the tongue, to the sensation of malicious energy coursing throughout ever fiber of her well-being; it was clear, it was obvious and it had to be known that this wasn't the same Selena he had once known. From the unification of Ketsu's blood into her core, this was a new product he would have to watch carefully. However, for Yukuri Iramasha, this was of no concern to her plans. No matter what the childish boy thought of her, it would not change the path she had gone down, nor would it change the path she was going to continue venturing.

For, as time went on within her stay in The Royal Iramashsa Family, she had a strong presence beginning to become known throughout the lands. Whenever she was deployed, most fights swiftly came to an end at the mercy of her Boundary Manipulation. Ripping apart all enemies and foes who dare lay their hands against the will of the Devil's might. It was enough to Ketsu seize the moment and made sure to show-off the creature he had birthed into his world quite well to other members of the Iramasha. Ruthless, cut-throat and carefree; words that are not enough associated together, but serve best for witnesses of Yukuri's battles. Ascending higher and higher into the echelons of royalty, her name steadily became feared as she had became stronger over the many months following her transition into an Iramasha Devil. Yet, to her, none of it truly mattered in the grand scheme of things. As for her? She knew where her fate lay and all those around her.

Having many nights in solitude to otherwise compound the knowledge she had obtained from the likes of The Devil Iramashsa Leader, she knew quite well where this world was quickly beginning to turn. It was all turning, all ticking and all developing into something that would lead to a war in which the fate of most known worlds would be put at stake. By the likes of The Demon God, by the likes of Death, by that which is life and that which is holy; all known groups, all known people and everything else in between would be put into the fray and not even Ketsu Iramasha, in all of his strength, could be 100% his people would be able to make it. So, even with all these people spending many years heavily investing such a battle, how would she herself fair? Time after time, she had came to a conclusion to simply stop caring. This world, these people and all things around her would care no more once they had embraced the cold stillness which was the bitter-end of Death itself and all it's embodiments.

And thus, with this truth known to Yukuri, everything between now and then was within her realm of control. Even if she were reborn under the legion of The Royal Devil Iramasha Family, she would soon begin to devise her own plans for salvation soon enough. Thoughts were spinning, emotions were hot and her power showed no signs of stopping anytime soon. So, while the heart beat within this Demoness, she would vow to stay true to her original-self and figure out a way out of this mess. Should it kill her? So be it. Everyone has to die someday. In the mean-time, she would enact her plans in silence, whatever they may be, and stick with The Royal Devil Family for the time being. As even in this stage of her powers, it would not be wise to otherwise cross them in her viewpoint. She's been killed once, it wasn't favorable to practically be killed for a second time; even if she had no fear of death anymore, there were still things she had desired to do before that point.

Which all brings us to the point of where she stands today. As of 2413, Yukuri stands as one of the more powerful members of The Royal Devil Iramasha Family. A striking force in their arsenal of freaks. She strives to take the pleasure of life before her demise, wishes to contiune her descend into her uncharted boundaries and perhaps one-day find true happiness. Would it be With The Royal Devil Family? That was certainly a possibility. May it be with those whom they wish to kill in Demon World? This possibility can also not be ruled out. The future was uncertain, but the end-point was clear. Everyone was going to die, including Yukuri, so it was time to have their moment in the sun before the dawn of the night encloses on them like a dark thunderstorm.

Let the chronicles Of The Devil Of Boundaries begin and set her forth into the new world as it spirals into decay.


Seishin Buki Name: The Submerged Boundary

Seishin Buki Appearance: There is no known appearance For TSB. For, as far as Yukuri knows, it's all around and has no physical form to view.

Fusion Control: This is one the primary traits of the Submerged Boundary. Being that she deals in boundaries, it seems that this aspect of herself manages the merging said borders. (This requires one to look at her Boundary Manipulation in her Iramasha Class) So instead of manipulating boundaries, when Yukuri uses her Seishin Buki, she prefers to fuse them. An example of this power being put to use could be dealing with elements. Should Yukuri be within an area that was storming, it's very possible for her to begin merging the boundaries which separated water and electricity in order to morph them into one element. By infusing the particles of her Chaos or Spiritual energy to make this fusion possible, she can then go on to engulf the area in a storm of raining lightning to overwhelm the opponent in question. When you get into the more complicated possibilities of her blending, it begins to become a truly frightening power for those who oppose Yukuri to deal with.

One such case would be if she were to begin tapping to the conceptual and physical realms. Taking the boundaries which separated fantasy from reality, Yukuri could morph a secluded area into a land of dreams. Within this realm? For a duration of time, she could easily control this self-made world. So if the opponent was caught during this shift change, they would be apart of her subjective reality. Within this dimension she could bring subconscious thoughts to life, the impossible to fruition and test the boundaries of one's mind. Primary displays of this would be creating new forms of life while contained inside of this fantasy realm, receiving an amplified usage of her overall abilities for a duration of time and gaining the advantage on the target in question by this unity of reality and fantasy. However, in this circumstance, she is still limited only to what her power can produce and there is no auto-killing allowed. Not to mention she is limited by the drawbacks and limitations of her Boundary Manipulation.

It's also worth mentioning that Yukuri has the potential to otherwise temper with the unity of other creatures or objects. For instance, if one had merged two weapons together, then Yukuri may have the possibilities of dismantling that union with her Fusion Control. If she were to apply this to a living creature, there is a chance she may be able to temporarily disallow the usage of powers that rely on fusion; such as with Vizards or Ziamichi's. Meaning that if Yukuri were able to make a successful attack which had used the infused proprieties of her Merging Attributes, it may be possible to halve Vizard's powers by tempering with the unity of the two souls. This makes her a double threat for most who use some sort of combined method of attacking against Yukuri.

In any case, when you bring fusion into the realm of combat, she can apply this in many other ways. Rather it be mending elements, merging locations, infusing powers, combining concepts and other metaphysical tricks. It's even quite possible for her to merge two people if they give her consent to do so. Though, with all great powers, there is a drawback. These mostly include the facts that if Yukuri abuses her power, there is a strong chance that they can backfire on her. One of the primary instances of this occurring is that if Yukuri did not have a sufficient amount of energy to perform the morph she desires, then the power in question would damage Yukuri heavily and disable use of her powers for one to three posts. On top of that, sometimes her merged elements can sometimes be taken away from her control if she is not concerted enough. As it takes extreme focus at time to apply the correct judgement in crafting these fused properties. One false mistake, and the whole bridge can come falling done; so to speak. Lastly, she may also find herself being heavily exhausted if this is used too often in a post and may stop using whatever application of this fusion power in mid-fight if she reaches her limit in how far she can push this power at a given time. Ultimately meaning that this is balanced enough for her to use in combat, but use wisely.

Diffusion Manipulation: It is quite possible for Yukuri to temper with boundaries in another unique way. As mentioned in her fusion capacities, she does hold the ability to defuse proprieties. This means it's possible for her to effect living beings, non-living beings and other types of obstacles that enter within her range. It's already been mentioned that she can separate the union of souls if her attacks which are infused with her diffusion attributes. However, that example is quite extreme and needs effort in order to utilize. A more common use of diffusion occurs with non-living objects. If she was diving head first into a massive energy attack, then it would be quite easy for her to dismantle the center portion of the attack in order to create a middle pathway to evade taking damage from said attack. Or, for a short duration of time, she could even produce a barrier of sorts which constantly attempts to defuse or disperse various types of material which it comes into contact with until Yukuri deactivates it or she runs out of time.

Yet another proper use of Diffusion in combat could most likely be to deal metaphysical constructs. Say she was fighting against someone who had attempt'd to morph reality around her. If she had activated her diffusion attributes, it would more or less be child's play for her to negate this attack or effect on her by disbursing it's effects and shattering it back to it's original state. This proves quite nasty for magic based users whom happen to fight against Yukuri, but can be applied in the physical realm to. As if she had applied an aura of disbursement across her body, and applied it to dense forces or pressures, she could dramatically reduce the striking power of most hand-to-hand users who she happens to come across or sword based users. Making this ability quite useful in most realms of combat: rather it be physical, energy based, metaphysical, spiritual or possibly even mental if she were able to successfully invade someone's mind to effect their psyche with this power.

However, the limitations of this power are also set in place to prevent abuse of this power. In some cases, she may run into obstacles that simply can't be defused. In this circumstance, she'll simply seek to destroy that border rather to infuse or defuse them. This is because not everything is fuse-able in the world. On top of that, she may need to be careful in defusing the attributes of some things. Imagine what would happen if she combined an otherwise stable substance with something quite chaotic that she had defused from another object. There is a chance the chaotic nature of the second object may infect the first one and cause an anomaly. If this occurs, then Yukuri may very well lose control of that object or it may cause damage to her. So, when an irregularity is detected, she'll generally attempt to destroy it or stop the fusion altogether before it gets too out of hand.

On top of that, like her fusion and other abilities, each alteration usually takes it's toll on her energy supplies and will generally deplete her if it's used too much. Lastly, there is a possibility that this may backfire on Yukuri if she is unable to tame this power. If this occurs during bad health, unfocused moments or mental distress; she may very well end up defusing the boundaries within herself and causing immense damage to herself that may take her out of the fight, cause her to faint or sustain critical damage. Therefore, she generally advises caution in using this power and tends to stick with the basic's first before moving on to more complicated task with this intense power.

Limited Assimilation Control: Stemming from her ability to fuse materials, Yukuri has discovered she has the ability to absorb substances, but only to a certain extent. This is mostly, if ever, only used for defensive purposes. Say if someone were going to shoot off an attack that had utilized kinetic energy. If Yukuri was able to perceive it, then she'd produce a boundary around herself that would form a shield meant to absorb the force generated from the momentum. In turn, she could then apply it to an attack in THAT turn, but she cannot otherwise retain it for extended periods. The longest she can withhold energy from an attack is roughly three posts before she needs to expel it or risk damage to herself. Though, thanks to her Assimilation Control, she has a MUCH higher rate of consuming Outer Chaos Energy then most average Iramasha. Which means, if given enough time, Yukuri can generally collect large amounts of Outer Chaos Energy to convert to Inner Chaos Energy if the opponent gives her enough breathing room to root herself in the area.

However, even with that being says, she still needs to be weary of consuming certain elements. Therefore, she generally attempts to filter out an negative influence and these take additional resources from her body that causes more irritation or exhaustion when attempting to do too many things at once with her powers. This ultimately makes her absorption capacities mostly used for countering, defense or time to heal. But, it is possible for her to use this on the offense. If she were to infuse these proprieties of her absorption into an attack, via her fusion ability, then she could attempt to zap an opponent of their energy steadily and increase the damage done to their entire body if enough of her attacks which were combined with her absorption technique had made a direct hit on the opponent or grazed them. This can wear them out more quickly over the course of a battle and allow Yukuri to have the upper hand if they do not catch on to what she is doing quickly enough in time.


General Powers

Swift Speed: While she may not be the fastest being around, Yukuri knows how to get around when it is required of her. Since most of her abilities do not require much movement, she generally saves her speed in huge burst of high speed, but short movements. An instance of this occurring would be if someone had managed to pierce pass Yukuri's defenses in the form of a cero. Should she be able to detect it's presence, there is a strong chance she could use her quick-style burst in order to evade the cero in a matter of milliseconds. Though, she cannot maintain that sort of speed for extended periods and will generally tire herself. Therefore, it's more beneficial for her to travel via the use of her gaps verses constantly maneuvering the battlefield with these quick-burst.

Enhanced Strength & Durability: Despite her seemly delicate features, Yukurin possesses a fair amount of physical strength at her disposal. By modifying her body with the abilities listed in her Iramasha Class, she has essentially released most types of restrictions on her muscles in order to dramatically increase potency of her raw destructive power. In other words, what she has done to herself is apply a form of ascension to her physical stats to sharply augment her strength far above superhuman levels. So, in a sense, you can call this amplification of her hand-to-hand. With this level of physical strength, she can easily flatten most types of mountains with a swift motion of her fist, smash through all sorts of aircraft as if they were nothing but toys and even rip through steel if she needs to. It's even quite possible for her stop a Grand Ray Cero with her bare hands if push comes to shove. Therefore, even if Yukurin is ever disarmed, it isn't wise to underestimate her bodies physical strength.

And while durability isn't her primary focus, Yukuri does know how to a hit. She focuses more on the art of regeneration, but if that fails, her body has enough defensive attributes inside of it to withstand most types of violent assaults, rather they be physical or metaphysical, for an extended duration of time. So, when compared to other members of her species on her level, Yukuri has a moderately higher level of defense. For instance, if one were to shoot off a Cero Oscuras at Yukuri, there is a slim chance that it would halt her entirely within that turn. As in, she may take some form of damage, but she has enough stamina to continue onward with her attack if she was in good enough health. If another were to attack her in the realm of magic, she has a higher defense against that based on her mystical background. Thus, if one were to restrain her with a binding spell, there is an extremely high chance that she could break out of it and proceed on ward with her assault upon the opponent. Therefore, it takes quite alot to essentially stop Yukurin. She has be halted and delayed, but her durability gives her an edge to last longer in combat then usual.

Unique Powers

Barrier Generation: This is one of the primary powers that Yukuri appears to possess. Going along accordingly with her boundary manipulation, Yukuri has the ability to otherwise produce and manipulate barriers. However, unlike most barrier users, she has the capacity to perform this mentally. Creating a form of Barrierkensis, by inputting the mental calculations from her mind into her energy, she can infuse different properties within her shields depending on the circumstance at hand and what she is able to perceive. So, for instance, if someone were to shoot off a wave of fire towards Yukuri's direction, it is very possible for her to conjure up an Anti-Elemental shield at the cost of draining her energy. On a more advanced level these can be applied to physical concepts, spiritual notions, metaphysical constructs and even conceptual realms. So, if someone were to attempt to erase Yukurin's existence, if she was able to perceive this alteration, then it is very possible for her to produce a barrier to null it's effects against and render it negated.

On top of that, it can also be used for offensive purposes. A simple example of this would be if she were fighting a water user. Knowing that fire is generally weak against electricity, she could simply comprise a barrier of lightning, launch it at the opponent and hope that the shock of it would cause increased damaged if it were to tap into any nearby water. On a more advanced level, if she were able to perceive a weakness in someone, she could begin to comprise barriers that have the capacity to reject people from existence. An instance of this occurring could be Yukurin going on to tap into the boundaries of existence, gathering a very large sum of her energy and mentally comprising a barrier that she extends outward in order to hit the opponent with it and attempt the process of exiting them from this reality; sealing them off from this world and having any sort of effect on it what so ever for a duration of at least one or two threads. Possibly even leading to permanent entrapment if she wanted to kill them.

Thus, Barrier Generation is also meant to be a power mixed in with other abilities. Imagine if Yukuri were dealing with a negation user, and if she were able to perceive it's effects with her Boundary Perception, she could most likely produce an Anti-Negation shield to protect herself from the effects of people who cancel out other abilities. Or, if she were to infuse an Anti-Elemental Shield into a Chaos Blast in order to blaze through an opponent's attack; such as if a Nature Iramasha user had shot off a wave of water or lightning at Yukuri, but she simply infused an Anti-Elemental Shield within the core of the blast in order to effectively cancel it out, absorb it's energy and bring hell for that opponent.

Although, the more complex the barrier is, the more taxing it can be on her body and energy reserves. Rejecting something simple like elements is less strain on Yukurin, while modifying conceptual effects can be quite stressful. Additionally, if her focus or energy isn't entirely focused on whatever she is trying to shield herself from, there is generally a chance they can break through with any barrier. Therefore, this is also reliant on the mental health of Yukuri in order to produce a powerful shield and her energy to be in line. This ultimately means Yukuri needs to be in a clear state of mind to create the best barrier she possibly can. Even more then that, some of her barriers have a time limit. For instance, if she were to create a barrier across a large scale distance, of say, a mile, then there is a high chance it's effects could only last a post or two. Whereas if she made a barrier within a smaller space of, say, one hundred meters, it's effects could last upwards of ten posts. Lastly, she has noticed that there is a number limit to how many barriers she can comprise at one time. From she was able to estimate, there is a limit of six hundred shields that can be made at a maximum; while one hundred to two hundred is more average and sustainable. Outside of that, the sky is generally the limit when it comes to her barrier generation and is not something to scoff at from Yukuri's arsenal of powers.


Class Title: The Devil of Boundaries

Class Traits

Boundary Repair: This deals with the fact that Yukuri is able to repair most sorts of alterations that she can perceive. How so? Well, if she is able to pick up on a line that has been crossed or otherwise tempered with, she can essentially restore the boundary to it's original state if she is able to concrete enough on the task at hand and have enough energy in order to do so. An example of this, although a major one, could be if some sort of demon had broken the borders between the spiritual realm and the living realm. If Yukuri had enough power, she could essentially begin the process of repairing the borders that otherwise separated these two worlds. Another instance of this ability being put into practice could potentially deal with a Shinigami whom has a broken Zanpukto. If Yukuri could access their inner World, she could essentially restore the metaphysical boundaries that connected the Shinigami to it's Zanpukto Spirit and potentially bring them back to full power or conjure a new, stronger ability altogether depending on the outcome of this repair.

Furthermore, she has also conjured up an extremely fast healing and regenerative rate with this ability. To be clear, this does not restore her energy, but it can bring her overall health nearly back to peak condition. At the cost of burning through her energy supplies, Yukuri can cure, repair and otherwise mend herself as she sees fit. In fact, if she was on the verge of death, but still had enough energy to perform her boundary repair, she could essentially hold off or stop her death altogether with her unique form of healing. Although in that circumstance, she may not be able to use her boundary powers much after the fact, based on the huge amount of energy she'd deplete in the process. In more simple task, she can also easily restore her limbs, bring back organs and even restore her conscious if her body has enough energy left in it's core. So, another neat way she can hold off death is simply by putting in automatic programs within her body, to where if it has enough fuel, it can essentially repair Yukuri's consciousness if it's otherwise tempered with, faces mental stress or tends to faint or go into a coma.

However, as with all grand powers, this has it's limits to. As stated before, if Yukuri doesn't have energy to create a repair, then there is no way this restoration can be put into motion. For instance, if she is low on health and doesn't have energy to spare, then there is a strong chance she cannot repair something such as a reality alteration put into motion on the field by someone who can manipulate existence. Furthermore, if used too many times, it still feels in line with the same limitations as her overall Boundary Manipulation and can lead to extreme strain on her body. Lastly, she must be able to perceive the boundary in question before she can fix it. So, if she is unable to be aware of the object at end that must be restored, then there is no way she can utilize this power on it.

Boundary Manipulation: This refers to a trait that had been latent within the body of Selena, but had not awaken due to weight of her previous powers. You see, once the remainder of her abilities were transferred into the body of Ketsu, something had been birthed within Feketsu as a result this exchange. With her shell empty, mind free and powers released; it seems that her Iramasha blood was somehow able to cling into the concept of being "un-bounded" and developed a boundary related power as a result. Over time, she has began to see that she can twist, turn and otherwise manipulate most types of phenomena which occur within this universe and those we do not quite understand. Through a process of training conducted by Ketsu, Yukurin had came to understand her Iramasha Class by a series of deep meditative sessions at first. Constantly finding that she had a sense of un-tamened wanderlust within her soul, she had searched further and further into this spiraling maze of wonderful power until her body had revealed the answer to her in a deep trance.

In her new Iramasha body, The Former Selena had been given the ability to control the boundaries which were thence set-up by physical, metaphysical and otherwise imaginary or non-existent contracts. What does this mean? Well, in other words, Yukurin had learned she can take something that has a limitation or boundary and attempt to otherwise phase through, dispel, negate or otherwise assume authority over it. An example of this would be if there was a wall blocking Yukurin's path towards something. In order to overcome this obstacle, she may be able to utilize her Iramasha Class to mend the dimensions of the wall and shrink it down to size. In doing so, she would effectively remove the wall, grant her access to whatever was behind it and even make use of the wall as a shield if she were to restore it's original dimensions later in combat if a destructive attack, such as a cero, were to hit her.

A different instance in which Yukurin may use this ability is if there was something that was otherwise impossible to do standing within her way of accomplishing a task. Say it were within the boundary of impossibility that Yukurin could not possess the power of a 0-2+. Depending on how much of her overall reserves she was willing to deplete, Yukurin holds the potential to temporarily augment herself to that of a 0-2+. However, in this instance, her Boundary Manipulation may begin to zap a large sum of her power and place strain on her body as a result. This is because the more intense her boundary bending is applied, the more energy, strain and exhaustion is taken out on Yukurin's body. So, while she may hold the possibility to wield strengths that may allow her to end the world as we know it, it's highly unlikely that she could; because in doing that, she would ultimately result in a swift demise due to the extreme abuse and measurements she had taken her power. That means that the level of boundaries that is between her and ascending to Godhood is totally out of the question because is it is theoretically not within her energy's power.

Furthermore, she cannot use an external outlet of power to otherwise get around this. The primary reason for this is because the fuel it takes to generate this ability needs to come from within Yukurin's body itself and could not use something like Project Hell Harvester to otherwise loop-hole her way around it. So, in a sense, Yukurin has the power to control boundaries, but is limited to how much her body can endure and how much of her energy she is capable of putting forth towards a reasonable task. And, more then that, she is only limited to being able to utilize two to four of these attributes at a time per post. That means, on average, she tends to stick between two or three boundary alterations to keep her balance in check. Her Boundary Class also does not have the ability to automatically impose alterations on living beings, BUT DOES have the capacity to do so if the opponent is given time to react or become aware. For instance, she could not instantly have the targets heart stop; but she could attempt to charge at the subject in hand and attempt to inject them with her energy; which is something their bodies would swiftly pick up on. If they were unable to expel the force within them, then Yukurin could possibly perform an act such as opening a portal in their chest and making a pass at ripping their heart out. This is to ensure that all is fair when fighting against Yukurin.

So, with the foundation laid out about the mechanics of this Iramasha Class Power, below are some of the more common methods in which Yukurin uses her power.

Meta-Link: This is one of the primary abilities of Yukurin's Iramasha Class. Through use of her Boundary Manipulation, she has essentially conducted her own personal dimension that is comprised of many portals which lead to different locations, realms, universes and even alternative realities in some instances. By creating this space, which had dismantled the boundaries between these different places, Yukurin can essentially phase herself to be within a plethora of ranges she desires. An example of this would be that she could emerge in Paris, enter into the Soul Society and then warp into an alternative reality within the span of a few moments. But, of course if there is some sort of barrier or other blocking method placed within the area where she wants to appear, it will undoubtedly disallow access and she will have to manually force her way in through force. Such as if she were to attempt to morph into the Seireitei, she may face issues with the Seki-Seki Stone which was placed there and may have to temper with that first before she can phase in.

Additionally, with the Meta-Link, it's rather simple for Yukurin to observe the many boundaries contained within the Meta-Link. That is, if Yukurin could mentally figure out the latitude of the world she wishes to observe, it's possible for her to create a remote channel in order to attempt to record her observations of the area in question. So, to better have this explained, it's possible for Yukurin to set-up a very small gap to appear over something like a small city. One this link has been established, she can apply functions within the border in order to send back data within the Meta-Link in order for Yukurin to overview. However, if too many are going at once, it tends to overwhelm her as it takes too much Chaos Energy AND focus to simultaneously view too many places at once. Which is why this is NOT a passive, and generally has to be done manually or within a few places at a time. Or, for a less strained usage on her body, Yukurin could simply enter into the Meta-Link and create a reflection of sorts to view the realm in question. Similar to a holographic image of sorts.

Switching gears to the offensive, there is no doubt in Yukurin's mind that she can apply this in combat. One of the primary methods that she uses the Meta-Link when fighting against the opponent would be portal creation. By directing her energy into certain objects, or even people, Yukurin has the potential to summon gaps within the location where her energy is placed. In terms of living being, she may need to have some sort of physical contact with them or guide her force in the correct manner, but after a sufficient amount of time has passed, she can then summon a gateway to open up on said subject. Once this gap occurs, it's possible to then close it and essentially rip apart limbs, torso's, heads and so on if they fail to either expel the energy from their body, dodge the path of energy heading towards them or otherwise move out the vicinity of the gap. Which makes this a rather useful technique to use when going on the defensive or counter as well.

If there was some sort of projectile heading towards Yukurin, she could easily create a path of portal's to reflect it back at the opponent, and by using her Boundary Manipulation, invert the controls of it away from the target in question in some cases. As the object would come within Yukurin's vicinity, she could consume it within a portal and then have a new one erect itself near the opponent in order to send their own attack flying back at them with relative ease. Furthermore, to augment her defenses further, it's even possible for Yukurin to erect a series of portal's around herself to create a shuffle effect. That is, she would conjure up so many portals around herself, it has a high chance of simply reflecting the attack back at an opponent, sending it into a different location or otherwise sealing the attack. During this period, she may not be able to attack the opponent directly, but there is a high chance of her blocking out most offensive strikes due to the rapid nature of this technique.

Lastly, one of the more advanced methods of the Meta-Link is that she can apply these effects to her own body. For this example, Yukurin can phase through the boundaries between existence in order to essentially lock herself out of our dimensions. This is primarily used as a means of escape or dodging, but she could essentially "eject" herself from reality for a duration of time and evade being effected by attacks on whatever plane of existence she had displaced herself from. So if she were fighting in the Soul Society, and activated this technique, it's possible that for a few posts she could evade taking any sort of damage from an opponent and have time to escape. However, on the flip side, she'd only be able to either heal herself, observe or escape; because would not be able to influence them from this realm unless she had previously set something in place prior to exiting. Such as placing an attack meant to detonate upon her exit, similar to a timed bomb in the form of a Chaos Blast.

As for the limitations? Generally, If Yukurin is weakened enough, her control over this technique will be rendered weakened. For instance, if an opponent was able to strike Yukurin with enough damage to her body, the functions of the Meta-Link would become increasingly difficult for her to control. With enough exhaustion, fatigue and damage; she may cease using this technique altogether in battle. And, since this is an ability linked to her Boundary Manipulation, she can suffer strain on her body if it's used too much. Which is why it's generally limited to one or two moves per turn like her boundary manipulation in general. It's also possible to fight against the offensive version of Meta-Link by simply creating some sort of barrier or figuring out a way to repel Yukurin's energy if you are able to perceive it coming at you. Which, in most cases, a trained opponent should be able to do if they can detect spiritual or otherworldly energy.

Boundary Perception: This is quite a useful feature that is associated with Yukurin's Boundary Manipulation. Although it is not a passive, she can easily enough activate whenever she is ready. The summoning of this ability can be marked when her eyes begin to glow a bright shade of crimson red, to signal this change in herself. It will take a small bit of her overall energy, but in return, she will be able to perceive most types of boundaries in the world around her. An example of this sort of perception playing out in battle can deal with the physical boundaries of the world around her. Normally, it would take more effort in order to manipulate the borders of reality around her to suit Yukurin's fancy. However, when Boundary Perception is active, she can easily identify most types of limitations by viewing them in the form of waves of energy with all sorts of different names attached them. She can see strings of energy that has kinetic motion attached to them, space/dimensions, volume and mass and other sorts of phenomena that occur within the physical, metaphysical and even some conceptual or imaginary realms.

Unfortunately, she is only able to maintain this ability for a period of three to five post before she needs a three post cool down. This is because it places an incredible strain on her eyes; to the point where she may be blinded in a spiritual and physical sense if she stays in this state for too long. There is no known way to get around this with her powers, as she has noticed that even if she were to construct new eyes for herself, they would still have the same level of blindness as her natural born eyes. In addition to that, while in this weakened state, Yukurin has noticed that her overall spiritual perception and sense of the world goes down quite a bit. So if she strains herself out with this technique, it's sometimes easier to sneak up on her from behind if you are able to catch her off guard during this moment of opportunity following that drawback.


Race: Devil Iramasha

Branch/Position: At the moment, Feketsu is simply a Royal Devil Family member. She has no real rank or position other then that as she prefers to stay neutral or only tied to the Royal Devil Family.

Note: She can utilize some traits from her former body of Selena Minos:



General Skills
  • Durability:Advanced
  • General Speed: Master
  • Strength: Advanced
  • Weapon Skill: Adept

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Master
  • Mental Deduction: Master
  • Pain Endurance: Advanced
  • Focus: Master

Racial Skills
  • Chaos Energy Skill: Master
  • Chaos Warp: Advanced
  • Chaos Fighting Style: Advanced
  • Gem Creation: Advanced


Last edited by [THEFROST] on Tue Aug 09, 2016 6:14 pm; edited 11 times in total

•Yukuri  Iramasha: The Devil Of Boundaries• [APPROVED, 0-4++] [NPC] WVMWLOu
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•Yukuri  Iramasha: The Devil Of Boundaries• [APPROVED, 0-4++] [NPC] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999•Yukuri  Iramasha: The Devil Of Boundaries• [APPROVED, 0-4++] [NPC] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

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Tue May 21, 2013 3:23 am
•Yukuri  Iramasha: The Devil Of Boundaries• [APPROVED, 0-4++] [NPC] Yu

~The Devil Of Boundaries awaits her review~

~I am also requesting that someone with the ability to grant 0 tiers reviews this app, as she qualifies for 0-4 Material as that was her previous tier~

•Yukuri  Iramasha: The Devil Of Boundaries• [APPROVED, 0-4++] [NPC] WVMWLOu
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Tue May 21, 2013 7:37 am
•Yukuri  Iramasha: The Devil Of Boundaries• [APPROVED, 0-4++] [NPC] KirigayaKazuto6001399502_zps8a961615

Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Master.
  • Mental Deduction: Master.
  • Pain Endurance: Advanced.
  • Focus: Master.

Comments/Notes: Just Oh God... Boundary Manipulation, Scary.
Tier: 0-4++

•Yukuri  Iramasha: The Devil Of Boundaries• [APPROVED, 0-4++] [NPC] GFHHFG_zpsj1vrrfxz
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•Yukuri  Iramasha: The Devil Of Boundaries• [APPROVED, 0-4++] [NPC] Empty Re: •Yukuri Iramasha: The Devil Of Boundaries• [APPROVED, 0-4++] [NPC]

Wed Oct 01, 2014 11:24 am

Due to an update on the board, I am going to go ahead and move this character into the Approved Devil Iramashsa section to better classify other sub-races of Iramasha.

•Yukuri  Iramasha: The Devil Of Boundaries• [APPROVED, 0-4++] [NPC] WVMWLOu
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Fri Mar 11, 2016 5:05 pm
•Yukuri  Iramasha: The Devil Of Boundaries• [APPROVED, 0-4++] [NPC] Image8717_zpsrh1btrb8


I'm doing some rearrangements with my characters and I'm planning to move this profile into the NPC barrel for now.

•Yukuri  Iramasha: The Devil Of Boundaries• [APPROVED, 0-4++] [NPC] WVMWLOu
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