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Enter Death's Energy: DE Force Empty Enter Death's Energy: DE Force

Tue Feb 07, 2012 6:49 am
Enter Death's Energy: DE Force PBEUqbp


DE Force

What is DE Force? It more or less stands for Death Energy Force. This power is unseen by majority in the world, the physical body of Death along with all relating forces can be manipulated like any other element, particle, power or thing thanks to the efforts of The Demon God, Touketsu, breaking into his realm. However, most cannot just randomly learn this ability. Some type of special gene passed down through family, some sort link or connection to Death itself, a type of special seal or other similar method is required in order to use this potential energy. For instance, The Demon Queen, Mana, and The Acting Demon King, Abaddon, both have such an insanely strong connection to Death thanks in part to Touketsu giving her such unrestricted access to the flow of DE Force that it generates since he was the first being to ever step foot in the realm; therefore, he has one of the strongest connections in most known worlds over Death itself and then he passes this knowledge on to his followers. Another example would be those in The Main Devil's of Iramasha Royalty Family having this gene passed down from an unknown amount of generations. Noteable users from this bloodline are Raiden Iramasha, Ketsu Iramasha, Koichi Iramasha, Azure Iramasha, Alucard Iramasha, Katashi Iramasha, Ren Iramasha and many others related to this family. However, since this is a gene, it would be possibly to take some of it from a DE Force user as this is how they sometimes pass this gene along.

In any case, if you possess this trait, the following information below will clear things up for you:


DE Field

Almost every DE Force user has this passive ability. You see, from the moment they inherit this Death Gene their bodies will begin to emit a strange, invisible and extremely hard to detect force that compasses their body together with a small bit of it's surrounding area that allows them to have these abilities. DE Field, in short, is what allows them to manipulate Death's effects, have each kill that they make gradually make their DE Force even more powerful and it is what allows them to tap into that Death Energy that acts like a back-up reserve to spiritual energy. For, even if they lose any type of Reaitsu, Reiryoku, Chaos Energy, Za Koa's Force, Chi Energy or anything similar to that effect; they will always have the DE Field as Death that is simply apart of life at times. And, to remove it's presence, is to defy the gods themselves. Therefore, a DE Field does not go away until the user is rendered terminated. Meaning, there is always a chance for it to get gradually stronger if the the DE Force subject is able to kill something; even it has no energy left to do anything useful.

Why is that? Well, to answer that question leads into another ability; DE Field Manipulation. Almost every living and non-living thing possesses an DE Field. From plants, to reishi, to people, to energy, to jewelry, to clothes and everything else you can imagine that can be eradicated. However, once something is rendered "dead" (There is nothing sustaining it anymore), this DE Field then rendered controllable by a DE Force user. It's what makes DE Forces so threatning and scary when it comes to war situations as they are even able to see DE Field's through the air; even the most basic DE Force user. (Though, even in times of non-combat, some higher level DE Force users can see DE Fields).

After all, This is why Touketsu's DE Field is summarized to be the DE Field strongest ever measured or exist: what is left of his physical body is still controlling the actual physical embodiment of Death. There are an unheard of number of souls, things, energies and unforeseen horrors that have been consumed in this realm of Death which makes Touketsu so insanely powerful. And, to a lesser extent, this is also why Ketsu's, Mana's and Abaddon's DE Fields are so extremely powerful. They are essentially apart of a group of vessel's that act as a host of Touketsu's existence. And this is also why all of these beings go around destroying, killing and eradicating anything that stands in their way in order to strengthen their DE Fields and become even more powerful; eventually even reaching DE Fields level NEARLY measurable to Touketsu himself if they were able to fully realize this field's potential

Additionally, once a DE Force user is terminated, that DE Field will most likely go on to three of places: the first being the person whom killed them. If the opponent is able to seize the moment, it would be possibly to capture some of the DE Field if they could figure out a way to do so. The second place where the DE Field would most likely go is to the person in that DE Force's users life whom they felt the strongest bond with. So, for instance, if Koichi were to die it would most likely go towards Hanako. However, if the person rejects this energy, it will simply go to the second best person. So, in this instance, if Hanako either choose to reject it or her body rejected it, this DE Field's power would go to his brother, Azure Iramasha. Finally, the third thing that could happen is that this DE Field would simply go back to Death's Realm to make that physical body even more powerful; and, Touketsu himself. Also, once a DE Force user is terminated, it is also possible for this DE Field to be transferred into other objects before it fades.

Though, this trait also works in reverse. In more personal kills that are fueled with emotions such as agony, desire, despair, hate, love, hurt or similar intense feelings, they may sometimes be able to fully retain that person's memories, certain power sets, abilities and everything else that they were. In some instances, special DE Field users have even been witnessed restoring their victims' souls back to it's original state inside of them and adding them to another source of power. An example of this would be when Ketsu Iramasha was forced to kill Matthew Hinote in order to realize both of their burning desires to bring down the Demon God as they each knew how much an insane threat Touketsu was. Thus, Ketsu ultimately killed him, fused his DE Field, Soul, Powers, Memories and abilities alongside his own. However, once this occurs, there is only a maximum of three fully revived souls a person can have in them. And, with each additional soul after the first, their effects get somewhat weaker.


DE Barrier

A DE Barrier is one of the defensive traits a DE Force user gets from having a DE Field. It is always activated and this can be applied to their body and to a limited surrounding around them; up to about a maximum one one football field for those with a mastery in this. Now, what does a DE Barrier do? It acts as both a shield and stabilizer. On an even an adept level, one would be able to the soften blow of most types of attacks by simply decaying, rotting or controlling the impact zone with their DE Field in order to have a sort of unworldly armor around them at all times that can even effect some of the area around them as some DE Force users like to create sphere's of this for one post periods to shield themselves and others caught inside of it. And, once you reach Master Level, for one post periods with a two post cooldown, you can use your DE Field to effectively render most attacks that hit your shield useless, unless another DE Force user was backing up the attack, a life energy user was attacking it OR they were stronger then you or equal to you in level. Along with that, most purified attacks will also be able to pierce through the barrier such as those fired from Angel Iramasha.

The DE Barrier also generally increases one natural or unnatural defense as this adds on to whatever sort of defense they currently have. So, a DE Barrier is a useful thing to have as it can effect almost any sort of attack you can throw at it. Along with that, once you reach advance level, it holds a support power as well that does nothing until you make contact with another power. When coming into contact with someone, it gives grants you a highly advanced decaying ability that is seen to phase through one or two layers of defense at a time. For example, if you were to punch an Arrancar, you could try to overwhelm their defense with this DE Barrier. It even applies to those with beings or objects that seemly have indirect total immunity, Impact Shields and things of this nature.

However, you can only go through two layers of power at a time even on Master level. An example of this would be an advanced attempting to use his DE Barrier to blast through a persons General defense AND any type of racial defense while at the same time destroying any enhancements they have or armor. Therefore, this seemly "anti-immunity" move does not take into account a persons enhancements and that adds as another layer of defense one most go through. Along with that, even if you are able to shed through such a defense, it's still another thing to actually do damage to them on a decent level. So, in a sense, you may have broken through the steel wall guarding the dragon, but do you actually have any heat left to damage the actual Dragon waiting for you? For all you know, once you back that person into a conquer, they'll start firing with everything they got. Along with that, this can only be applied to one or two layers of defense at a time and will stay that way throughout the entirety of the thread. So, if someone were to form a Kidō based defense move, you could not bypass it as it was another enhancement.

Lastly, judging by tier, if the person is more powerful then you, chances are you'll only just end up somewhat weakening their defense. If they are equal in tier level, then you'll most likely be able to cause up to eighty percent weakening of it. Though, barriers, seals and things of this nature are more free game depending on what level, how strong or how complex the layers are.



Those whom possess this gene, even on the lowest level, typically see great expansion's to their life span to the point where most are presumed to be Semi-Immortal. In addition to that, as the person gets stronger, it seems the effects of this Semi-Immortal gene become more great. For instance, someone of Ketsu Iramasha, Alucard or Azure's level are all capable of making themselves highly resilient to most illnesses, poisons, nanobots or other types of agents looking to cause biological harm to their bodies that their DE Force simply decays, rots, removes or erases their presence from within in them. Infact, this manipulation is so great that they even go past their need to breathe in some instances as biological features become so heavily altered they move past that need if they are in a situation where oxygen is not available. However, depending on your skill level of this trait, there will be varying levels of this

This Semi-immortal trait can also be used on more advanced level's the higher you get in your DE Force control. For instance, people like Ketsu Iramasha, Alucard Iramasha and those related to them have learned a loop of sorts. They simply cal lit an aging loop where they are able to reverse their bodies age to another time. Depending on your skill, it can be anywhere from a year to hundreds of thousands of years. But, there is always a limit to where you can. Even Touketsu himself is said to only go back somewhere in the hundreds of millions.

On a more positive note, DE Force user can also apply this to other living beings as well; rather it be for the better or worse. This is called Age Control and this power through touch allows you to age a person till they are dead & dust or de-age to genetic ooze & anywhere in between. Either way, if a DE Force user should go on to completely revert their life force they should be able to absorb & extend their lifespan and DE Field by consuming that now deceased persons DE Field. But, with every power comes some set backs. For instance, if a one tier were to try this on a 0-2+ it would take a number of post before they would get to that critical point of becoming deceased; in which they can simply MOVE AWAY from the opponent to alter the effects. In addition to that, if they touch a character on the first post, the effects can become temporarily and wear off within two post even. So, even someone like Ketsu who touched a person and then was kicked off would have his effects gone in two post. It takes about two or three post of direct contact to show serious effects. In addition to that, a person must actually TOUCH or make PHYSICAL contact with them. Meaning, they cannot use their powers or any special force to randomly make people fade into dust.

However, objects such as swords, scythes, daggers and other similar tools have been known to take on this energy such as Mana's Dead Master scythe. Along with that, sometimes this force can also be transferred into energy hits that make direct hits as well. Sometimes, they can even use their own reaitsu if it makes direct contact with a person in order to obtain the same effects. As long as this makes direct contact, all is fair game. But, do keep in mind, the more zap people of their age, the more you get tired. Sure, your DE Field will get stronger if you manage to kill them, but you'll become physical exhausted if you abuse this ability. In addition to that, if you are not skilled enough, this can also be turned back against you if you activate this power. Say an opponent were able to realize what was happening to them? Well, to get around this, they could possibly use your own attack against you if they were able to redirect that energy blast you stored this age reversal or acceleration in. And, if you are weaker then your opponent , they can even just use their spiritual energy to negate it's effects if there is a major a gap and in smaller gaps reduce the amount of aging down to them.

On another note, some have learned to use this in a more healing way though it drains energy. In combat, some DE Force users have learned to mimic a fake regeneration of sorts. By using the Aging Loop on a focused area instead of their body in general, they are sometimes able to bring back limbs, close wounds, restore organs and sometimes even bring themselves back from the brink of destruction if they are in a near death state.

But, this is NOT perfect. Even if a DE Force user was able to bring said body part back or seemly "heal" it, more often then not, their damage will be there. For example, someone of an average De Force rate who lost his arm during combat and used their Age Loop trick to bring it back, it would still be there, but during the course of that thread their arm would be under an unbelievable amount of pain from when it was cut back and fused back on in addition to having to wait a few post for it to become functional. Therefore, the higher your level is in overall control, the less and less pain and damage you will suffer as a result; but some amount will be there regardless off how powerful you get. (This can also sometimes apply to objects around them as well, but they fall under the same law.)



This is a nifty ability from the DE Field that grants some users the ability to breakdown, corrupt or otherwise decay a variety of objects, people, multitude of levels. For instance, on a basic level a DE Force users can touch a piece of organic material with skin-to-skin contact and the area being touched will start to break down on the cellular level, eventually turning the object or area into a puddle of boiling ooze. Another example would be that a cero-type attack would be heading towards the user and they would then go on to activate their DE Field's defensive abilities in order to vaporize it if they are more powerful, cut the damage down by a noticeable amount if they are equal or reduce overall impact if they are weaker.

On higher levels, this can lead to them seemly tearing through barriers if they possess a strength stronger then that or a DE Field stronger then said seal or barrier, ripping through holy objects, crafts and weapons and other feats of this nature. On more powerful levels, some DE Force users even go as far contaminating the reishi around them in order to gain control of Reishi in the area. For instance, if a DE Field user were able to influence an area enough they could gain control of most reishi within the vicinity which could lead to redirection of attacks, consumption of attacks, decaying of attacks, vicious assaults upon the opponent and sometimes even Death if the user is strong enough to inflict enough damage with this knowledge and control.

However, most typically get exhausted when they try to go out of their bonds. For instance, Katashi Iramasha has tried influencing an entire city once and failed miserable as his body began bursting open, blood spewing everywhere, his Chaos Energy and reaitsu severely being lowered and his body in immense pain. If you are not skilled enough, granted enough access to Death's powers or can endure this kind of strength; it will surely fail if you get too greedy. Therefore, most DE Force users prefer to use that particular intense of Breakdown within contained areas such as city blocks or closed areas.

Apart from that, though, on the highest level Breakdown can even be used to decay existence itself. According to Legends, some have even heard of Touketsu actually decaying entire dimensions and reducing them to immense DE Fields; thus leaving no trace behind of their previous lives. However, people like Mana or Abaddon could have the power to perform this on lower levels such as decaying various lands into non-existence with Death's physical body. Seemly "erasing" things, is more appropriate. Though, like before, this can exhaust the user if they try to overdo it and lead to the same effects Katashi suffered. So even Mana is not simply able to erase things on a whim as to erase an object is to sacrifice large amounts of your own energy. Let alone another living being.


Control Of The Deceased

Necromancy is the magical art of rasing the dead, as most know. Therefore, depending on your skill Level, with this ability you can animate corpses and skeletons on a more higher level. This does not mean you'll be able randomly bring anyone you want to life, however. Depending on your level, you may only succeed in temporarily animating someone at half strength and having their body de-animate in the next post. Additionally, you can only bring back people equal or lower then you in power. For instance, not even Mana could randomly bring control and animate Touketsu if he were to die or for Koichi to bring back ancient Iramasha Leaders. Along with that, once you animate someone's body, you will NOT gain an additional source of free power. Yes, they will have all of their abilities they had before, but they'll be tied to YOUR power source OR DE Field if you cannot find something else to feed them. So, if Mana were to raise a horde of undead freaks, they would ALL be tied to her energy and will drain her gradually if she cannot find something else to give them power.

Along with all that, there must be some type of SOLID body. Meaning, that if you find burnt cinders of your best friend Joe, chances are he isn't going to do squat unless you are able to use age reversal to bring his body back to a more solid state. Even then, though, it still takes energy to do that and can do tiring on large armies or powerful beings in their previous lives. Lastly, once you are done commanding them, they will instantly go back to lifeless lumps of meat. That means that once your task that you gave them is over, they will be rendered silent and unusable for the rest of the thread.

Not only that, but those under your control are also subject to the same amount of damage you take. So, you may not feel how many times they get blown to bits, but the minute you start to take some serious heat from your opponent your necromancy will weaken and thus your creatures will feel it's effects as their powers become more sloppy, they get somewhat weaken and all their stats go down until they are eventually dead again by the time you reach low power.

However, they do gain a few nifty tricks in this state. For instance, on higher levels, some under the control of the DE Force user are able to phase through objects, briefly turn invisible for one post or two with a one post cool down and use other similar ghostly powers that vary from DE User to DE user. Also, in addition to that, sometimes you can even bring their whole soul back on more controlled levels and BRIEFLY bring someone back to life before your necromancy has ended. Though, this does not usually happen until 3rd or 2nd class levels of DE Control.


DE Merge

What is DE Merge? Well, DE Merge is a state where the DE Force users body becomes more equip to use their DE powers. They start to adjust their bodies to mimic the physical embodiment of death, so there may some variables amongst different DE Force users merges. For instance, when Koichi activates his DE Merge he takes the shape of a human shaped giant that is around fifty foot tall with varying dog traits such ears, claws and tails which appears to be en coated completely in a black mist that is his DE Field. So, DE Merge is not a form, necessarily, but more or less an enhancement of their DE Force traits. None of their abilities, spiritual energy, Chaos Energy or any of that becomes stronger or enhanced when DE Merge happens. HOWEVER, what occurs when this DE Merge happens is that all their DE Force traits become much more powerful then before, they can apply these things to their attacks or abilities and their overall DE Field reaches critical peak levels.

Now, what does this add up to? Well, in DE Merge state, most of their DE Force powers should be multiplied by about two times. When Koichi transforms into his DE Merge State, he is seen being able to rip through barriers savagely, decaying everything his body touches upon will at accelerated rates and influencing his age reversal much better. And, in some instances, DE Merge subjects have discovered new Death Based powers that they can use in this state such as using their DT Field to formulate a poison based power that rapidly deteriorates an opponents body throughout the course of three post or so; for an example, at least.


Berserk State

If a DE Force user becomes near death, if they should choose to accept, their body can go into an all or nothing frenzy state where their strength and capabilities drastically increase by nearly ten times over in some severe cases; with the average being at least five or four times over. And, in even more intense cases, some DE Force users have even reported tier increases in their transformations; which is why Ketsu ultimately sealed his son's true power. All of this is brought possible by the DE Field going through a varying amount of resources to bring power and energy to the user. During Berserk States, DT Fields tend to gather the rage, fury and power from slain souls a DE Force user had killed over their lifetime, attempt to forcibly drain the DE Fields from non-livings objects, make every hit they make in Berserk State drain some of their opponents DE Field from them and sometimes even go on rabid killing sprees if there are enough people gathered in order to make the moments where they consume and manipulate a persons DE Field much stronger since all of their powers are heavily accelerated in this state and thus are able to gain more strength in this state from it. Along with that, during this Berserk State, their Life Energy is amplified by five times in order for the DE Field to consume it and make them that much stronger in this Berserk Form.

The drawbacks to this Berserk State, however, is that it cannot last forever. Within a course of three post on average and a maximum of five post, the user MUST figure out a way to terminate their target. If they should fail to do that? They will simply revert back to their previous state due to the fact that during their Berserk mode a good part of their Life Energy is being drained from their body. So, yes, they are brought back to health when they go into this state, but if they fail to do accomplish whatever goal their heart or mind set out to do before going into Berserk State they will ultimately go back to that same near death or EXTREMELY drained state they were in before.

In addition to that, sometimes when in Berserk Mode a persons mind tends to go into a full rage, become highly unstable or otherwise not in control of their body. In these cases, they may sometimes end up harming their allies, destroying everything around them, harming innocents they did not mean to kill and sometimes doing things to damage their goals if they do not gain some sense of control; even if it's only a slight bit. And, once their goal is complete, they will always instantly go back to normal to preserve their life. So, in some instances, this can be bad if they were able to kill or severely mane their opponent, but their allies were there to fight YOU.

And, despite some great efforts, Berserk Mode can ONLY be activated through two methods. The first being that their life is OBVIOUSLY in danger. This occurs when they are heavily wounded, on the verge of death OR facing a force that CLEARLY out powers them. This does not mean a 1-3 will automatically get a Berserk State if he feels he is no match for his 1-2 opponent; this refers to a major gap in power such as a 2-3 VS a 1-3. The other way a Berserk state is activated is their sheer mental trauma. Take for instance Koichi had suffered the lost of Hanako Yadomaru, his wife and savior in some aspects. This would effect him on a devastating mental level that he would accidentally activate his Berserk mode and this could lead to bad things for he himself and everyone around him.

Thus, it takes a great amount of consideration for almost any DE Fuse user to activate their Berserk Stage. It can be one of their last trump cards, or the final nail in the coffin. Take each time you go into Berserk State with GREAT consideration, thought and planning as you never know what will go after activating this state as once you go Berserk, there is no reverse or rewind button to stop it.



Below are the different levels of DE Force users.

5th Class: 5th Class is the lowest of the low in terms of DE Force. These users mostly only have Semi-Immortal going for them, DE Field and De Force in general. Though, for any average human, this would be mind blowing.

4th Class: 4th Class is considered a beginner class in some aspects. They are discovering just what their DE Fields can do, gradually increasing their skill in DE Force and adapting. If you are 4th Class, though, don't expect to go around just randomly performing feats of Death.

3rd Class: This is more or less considered a solider based class or average level. They have an decent sense of their powers, can use them in combat well and have moved passed the beginner phase.

2nd Class: 2nd Class is a much more advanced category. These people have some special talent, their DE Fields are very strong, they can use their powers to some form of mastery and would be considered a Captain Class if this was in terms of Shinigami Power. At this point, you'll even be able to become somewhat of a well experienced veteran in Death's ways and become well forced in your DE Field.

1st Class: This is possibly the strongest you can become without going into 0 Class; which is where Touketsu himself currently stays. Once you hit 1st class you'll have an extreme mastery over your skills, be able to create some frightening new methods to use your powers, your DE Field can probably consume most other lower users and you are well tolerated to Death's effects without facing some more critical effects as the lower classes do. People like this are Ketsu Iramasha, Alucard Iramasha, Mana, Abaddon and people of that caliber.

0 Class: To obtain 0 Class it may be necessary to have some sort control over a piece of Death's Physical body. Something which is extremely hard to perform, can end up in failure, takes many eons to even phantom breaking into it's realm and would require you to be on 0-1 level to even not be killed on sight by Death's physical body. Even someone like Touketsu was nearly driven to madness by the countless souls that Death's Physical Body contains. But, through some means, Touketsu was able to put some his influence over Death and gained a horrifying increase of power because of it. Therefore, Class 0 is something of a special class and are RARELY seen. And, even if one were to become a 0 Class, it would still most likely not be on par to the level of class Touketsu is on due to his vast control over Death. In fact, some are not even sure if Touketsu is even suitable for 0 Class and have dubbed him "Negative Class" in some circles.


Skill Sheet/App

DE Class: (Somewhere in your application, please put what class you were put in. Usually [THEFROST] will have to overview it or admins. Depending on level, it will determine how strong, skilled or in control your character is of their natural DE Force powers and how strong their DE Field is.)

DE Powers: (You can have up to two other Death Energy powers for any class upwards to 2nd. What a DE Power is is something that is highly related to death, has some sort of rotting effect, poisnous, decaying or anything similar to that. Additionally, once you hit 2nd, you may have three Death Energy based powers and 1st class will be able to utilize four.)

[b]DE Class:[/b]

[b]DE Powers:[/b]

DE Merge Appearance: (Does your character look any different once they activate their DE Merge? If so, add a picture or write it out here.)

DE Merge Powers: (What ONE or TWO additional powers that are related to Death do they gain?)

[b]DE Merge Appearance:[/b]

[b]DE Merge Powers:[/b]

Berserk State Appearance: (What does your character look like when their Berserk State? Add a picture or write it out!)

Berserk Enhancements: (Add up to one to three special enhancements they gain while in this state. Such as their offense becoming rapidly more powerful then before, some sort of regeneration capacity and things like this.)

Berserk Details: (Add any extra information about what happens when your character activates Berserk State.)

[b]Berserk State Appearance:[/b]

[b]Berserk Enhancements:[/b]

[b]Berserk Details:[/b]

DE Control
  • Semi-Immortal Capacity:
  • Breakdown Skill:
  • Necromancy Strength:
  • DE Barrier:

[u][b]DE Control[/b][/u]
[list][*][b]Semi-Immortal Capacity:[/b]
[*][b]Breakdown Skill:[/b]
[*][b]Necromancy Strength: [/b]
[*][b]DE Barrier:[/b]

Enter Death's Energy: DE Force WVMWLOu
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