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Queen Of The Sands
Joined : 2010-06-03
Posts : 3408
Age : 30

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Fri Jan 13, 2012 4:01 am
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"I will suffer! I will burn! Let hate prevail! Enslave my soul but I'll never surrender!"
"You make me dead inside"

Character Name:
Ashlei Clixx
Character True Age:
Ashlei likes to tell people she is 268. This however is false as she was born over 500 years ago and does not like to revisit the past. Her life to her started when she was 268. However she knows shes more like 512.
Character Appearance Age:
Character Gender:

Ashlei's endeavours have caused her alignment to change a lot other the years. Before she was a lone soldier, then she wandered and found the Espada. She took that over after overcoming the current cero espada and had been sitting in that throne ever since for years.


The Espada
Ashlei is an espada and theres no mistaking that. Ever since she died as a human she has always been following the path of a hollow and fuelling her anger and rage into her tiny body, ready to explode with her killer instincts and natural destructive aspirations. However, she isn’t just a warrior that stands for an aspect of death like the Espada before her reign. Ashlei is a girl that commands herself and her army as an entire organisation rather than a series of ten men and women. Her decisions reflect that of a general in the edo period and her lust for blood and battle never ceases. This is why she is an espada. However, there have always been different branches and organisations she could move into. K-world would openly take her and some other antagonist groups have actually petitioned that she joins them. All of which were dismissed as she would never leave the Espada. Ashlei is an Arrancar and that power runs through her veins. You can’t take away the sands of her life and every indent into its dunes that she created whilst being here.

Brute Force is the way!
Ashlei would be the first person to agree and even decide that brute force is always the way to get through to something. During a tactical meeting her initial decision would be to storm the front gates, storm the back gates, storm everything that looks like a gate and destroy it. If there are no gates, make gates to destroy! However she isn’t stupid enough to do that every time and knows when simply attacking isn’t enough. Ashlei’s command of stealth and interrogation is also greatly admired but also not that well known. Having people not realising just how violent and dangerous Ashlei can be is an advantage to those that openly underestimate her power.

Ashlei’s common behaviour is to act as though she knows nothing and isn’t capable of anything. This is how she sets off her manipulative side by pretending to be weak and unable to be contained. Just by doing this she makes men drop their guard but it also works on girls that are often taken in by cute things. Ashlei starts to act like her littlest sister Flea by doing things she wouldn’t or anybody would normally not do. An actual experience to this was from Diablo Cortar, Ashleis Segunda Espada of whom watched her lazily fall off of a branch in the Menos Forest, acting perfectly natural about falling and fluttered back up to the branch as though nothing had even happened. In times of seriousness though it’s unlikely that she will use her charming and cute mode of address. However, even in battle against a weaker foe she would play around and act stupid for her own amusement.

Never Insult her!
That is when she takes insults the wrong way. Ashlei cannot stand being insulted as she finds such a dishonour unfitting for a girl of her status. At times she used to be called ‘Little Shit’ just because she was so small. Now if anybody makes references to her being smaller than them, she will openly kill them without any care in the results. Nobody with such a tongue shall talk to the Queen of the Sands in such a manner if they wish to keep their life. It’s a shame that some people don’t always follow that simple rule.

Favourite Thing!
If you asked Ashlei what her most favourite thing is in the world, and hopefully without her sisters around to change her answer, she would say Books and novels. Theres just something about sitting down in a silent room with a good book to read. Not that Ashlei ever has much time on her hands, but when she just wants to calm down she will flick on some reading glasses of some Dracula themed style and stare at a book for hours. And by a book we obviously mean the entire library. Ashlei has read every single book in the Espada Library at least three times and can recite them all without any sort of hints of help to what she needed to state next. Ashlei aims to know everything about the world and its history. This also includes fictional stories of worlds not even in existence in case she plans to hop dimensions one day. But then again, a book is just a book. To Ashlei, it’s a means of Escaping her life and also any work she had to do that day.

The Daughter
It’s also wise to remember that Ashlei is the daughter of Claire Clixx, the woman renown for being insane and killing people for fun. Well Ashlei is no different. Even though she was only a foster mother, Ashlei gained so much from Claire that she may as well be a little wannabe for her mother. Ever since her mother disappeared for yet another unknown reason, Ashlei has been more and more unstable to the point where she fights like an absolute nut job that won’t go down until everybody including her is bathing in a Jacuzzi made of blood and bones. She also has no sense of shame and will willingly bite into peoples arms and limbs like a rabbid dog and actually try to bite their limbs off from their torso. If she can;t do that, she will openly bite chunks out of people, claw at them with her nails and even break parts of her own body to add to the pleasure of masochism. Something really is messed up about the girl so never get her excited to fight. She will stick to you like a blood sucking, man eating, fucked up crazy glue.

Better than you!
It is a natural thing for Ashlei to feel better than you. The way that she was brought up reflects how she wants to be the superior master race of the world. To get there, she wants to climb to the top of the espada then climb even higher, retaining her old form she longs for and eventually ruling over the universe. This is why she hates it when other people decide that they are superior to Ashlei. She will not bother thinking of a witty comment to say and just dive bomb onto their body before tearing their rip cage open and using their own blood to suffocate them. Not like they were alive when she pulled their damn heart out but it’s what you get if you think your better than this damn witch. Suppose that she takes Metaphorical terms to the literal extremes.

Cute and Cuddly
Ashlei has been noted as being cute. It’s wise to remember this as her appearance is actually a very powerful tool for seducing men and women alike. It’s not like she has a preference to what person she lusts for, but her sudden change into a timid girl with a shy disposition can make even the strongest will men turn for her. Would it be weird if we found out Ashlei likes to cuddle? You’d be amazed that this girl loves intimacy and uses that to her manipulative advantage, killing victims after having her way with them.

Victorian British!
Has anybody noticed the girl is British? Even though she grew up in a village far from Karakura she was still within Japan. The reason why she sounds British is because she simply likes the way it sounds and since becoming an Espada, set her aim to have a British accent and dialect. This is why some people don’t understand her but she also pushes her stuck up and posh nature above people from talking like this. Seeing as she dresses smart as well, she would be easily mistaken for a noble family member and likes it when people think of her in such a way. To those that have never met her before, she could probably pass off for a shinigami without garbs just from how she appears to be from one of the four main noble families. However, the entirety of this is false as she was brought up in a completely opposite life.

Blood Sucking Vampire!
It could be useful to realise that Ashlei considers herself to be a full blown vampire. In fact, due to her Powers and nature, she may as well be a vampire. She drinks blood, she speaks in a British dialect, she lures people to abandoned buildings to kill them, she loves to travel by night and jumps from building to building. Maybe if she had the power to turn into a vampire bat she would pretty much be a legitimate vampire.

Ashlei is related to an entire flock of other girls that exceed ten in number. Some are missing, some have yet to be found and some have been located, now living in Las Noches with Ashlei the eldest of the sisters. Ashlei cares for every one of her sisters deeply and stands up for them in any confrontation. Her lonely past to be reunited with the girls is a blessing to such a horrible woman and she embraces that blessing, protecting the girls from all harm. Ashlei loves them all.

What keeps her going
Ever since her mother abandoned her, Ashlei has lost that list of likes she had in the world. This is probably why she wishes to embrace death on so many occassions. This doesn’t necessarily mean that she will commit suicide because she now has people to love for. Her sisters keep her heart beating and she wont die just for that one reason. It’s also recommended that people refer to her favourite food. She adores Strawberry sundaes and anything red. In fact, she absolutely adores blood as well. Isn’t that a neat fact? Ashlei tends to bathe in blood instead of normal water which explains her soft pale skin tone.

However, there is a long list of everything Ashlei hates. She cannot stand any references made about her mother as they just make her reflect on the horrible loneliness she has been left with. She hates all Shinigami as none of them are worth listening to or even considering as equals to the Arrancar. She hates being looked down upon as she is better than everyone else and will make sure everyone knows it. She hates being ignored because she believes every word she says has certain meaning and should never be discerned. The list goes on,

Eating Habits
Ashleis eating habits tend to get a bit out of hand to what is plausibly realistic. Ashlei can’t eat anything otherwise she instantly throws up but her bodily system can’t produce bile and vomit, but hurls up gallons of blood. Where this appears to be coming from makes little sense. When she goes to eat something, it is converted into blood through her powers and she can’t take it in because it’s not from a living substance. She then throws it up and amazingly, uses it in her attacks if she wants. What she can eat however, are parts of living creatures and people which is why she likes to capture straggling humans and eat them in abandoned alleyways and houses. Seeing as food disagrees with her body, all she can eat and drink are liquids. This is when you see her drinking glasses of blood to replenish her supplies almost ever few hours and also why she only ever eats ice cream and strawberry jam. Weird?

Sleepy Princess
Theres one other thing to take into account and that is Ashleis time spent awake to asleep ratio. A day is in 24 hours where Ashlei will only actively be awake for 6 where most humans are awake for at least 12. Ashlei’s body tends to shut down even after low activity and she falls asleep after 6 hours of being awake and then sleeps the remaining 18 until she will wake up again and do the same thing. It’s best to catch Ashlei when she is awake because she tends to wake up in a damn foul mood if she got less than exactly 6 hours sleep. If she accidentally or was deliberately woken up, she will fall asleep and refresh the timer so she sleeps for an entire 6 hours, even if she woke up after 5 hours.

Getting Excited
Ashlei does have somewhat of an issue when she gets too excited. By making Ashlei incredibly happy but not in a way that's simple pleasure happiness like hugging someone or getting a present, Ashlei shifts her personality completely. This causes Ashlei to suddenly burst into laughter and she just cannot stop laughing. This is very dangerous though because if she starts to laugh, its likely she will enter her stronger states just because she can't keep herself from feeling so good. In short and as a very helpful tip, never make Ashlei happy in Combat. She will just become more and more hard to predict.

Personal Issues
Ashlei could be seen as somebody with a long list of personal issues. This does make her very odd and confusing to understand but she has one feature that just scares people to death. Ashlei derives pleasure both happiness and sexual from pain. meaning if she is ever injured in combat she will not let it get to her and would probably groan before striking back twice as hard. There have been times when Ashlei was so happy she took out her sword and repeatedly stabbed her hand until it was so red it couldn't be called a hand anymore. Soon after she killed more people to regeneration her hand just to do it again with a different object and repeat the process. Something truly is wrong about Ashlei, but she will never cut anything deep above her neck.

Proven Wrong
Ashlei isn't one to simply let something go. if she was ever insulted or blamed for something she never did, she wouldn't hold back until she proved them wrong. Either that, or she would kill the person in question rather painfully. In combat Ashlei is no different. She tends to kill without them being able to tell her to stop and when conversations break out, she tries to keep their length to a minimum rather than just wearily grinding the day away with little action. It's not like Ashlei to let people survive even if they fought respectively or were a good match. It just means she won't have to fight that tricky person again and saves her the trouble.

Ashleis attitude tends to alter depending on what form she has taken. When she is in her True form she likes to simply destroy and be done with it. Things tend to end quickly when she is pumping this amount of power. Her regal form takes a different approach as she appears much more stubborn and stuck up towards nearly everyone. This is understandable however. Her knight form acts more brave and much wiser as she thinks of things better tactically rather than using her destroy it all strategies. her sorceress form is her more silent form as she keeps her mind to herself and doesn't bother talking much. She also pretends to act stupid more in this form because she looks much more innocent. Her turn back form however has a different personality to this as she acts how she used to: A freaky little girl that has little sisters to look after. All the different appearances of Ashlei know that their changing their attitude and Ashlei does it all in the aid of getting a good laugh out of it. After all, she is nuts.

Ashlei's diabolic personality has gotten her a lot of reputation. A lot of the time she see's very little action and there's one cause of that: Ashlei is very frightening. People have even told her that she is too scary to be considered viable to attack. Maybe that is why her seat in the Espada has been boring her. Nobody is brave enough to walk into her throne and take her on. This does however, give her a sort of exaggerated opinion of herself. She thinks she is scary, sexy and very over the top. That's probably another reason to be afraid of her: She thinks she is better than you...

Ashlei has shown that she can be very philosophical when it comes to her life in times of crisis. She will often calm down and speculate simple things such as 'why is the sky blue?' and 'why do spiders need eight legs when we are fine with two?'. It is wise to try and break Ashlei out of this mode as she starts to genuinely forget things and doesn't seem as smart as she usually is.

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ashlei - Ashlei Clixx Revised, The Hollow Blood Queen [UPDATE] [0-2++] Koakuma600801880


Ashlei is an Arrancar to heart and because of this, she has a hollow body part as well as a humanoid body and Shinigami-like form as every Arrancar has. She stands at an average size at 5’11 and has a very slim body. Her arms and legs are rather thin but not to the point where you’d expect her to snap just by walking or being anorexic. The use of her blood based powers just makes her feel slightly ill quite often and gives her this shape of body. Because she tends to soak in blood both in and out of combat, Ashlei’s skin is of an amazingly soft texture but still retains a healthy colour. Ashlei’s face is usually described by others as ‘Cute yet devilishly evil’ which is exactly how she acts and perceives herself. Her hair is grow out incredibly long past her waist at the back and usually covers a lot of her eyes if she doesn’t move it out of the way. Her eyes and hair both follow the same colour scheme of a powerful blood red that shines in the sunlight and darkens during the night.

Ashlei will always be seen wearing a dress regardless of the temperature or weather. If it is pouring it down with rain, she will wear a dress. If it is blazing hot in the summer she will wear a dress. This doesn’t mean she will be in a dress constantly though as she goes to bed in lingerie and would obviously wear a swimsuit to the beach. Not that she ever goes to the beach though and it’s not often that she is asleep on her own accord. The dress she is most often seen in resembles a high school students uniform with a dark gray colour with a white shirt with long sleeves and frilled wrists. Her legs wear long black tights and she wears nice black shoes which are sometimes heels depending on her mood. Ashlei will never wear gloves, a hat, personal human make-up or casual human clothes such as a T-shirt and jeans. She just isn’t that kind of girl. It is usual though to see Ashlei wearing glasses. Seeing as the girl loves to read, she can be seen walking back from the Library with her glasses on but before she meet’s anyone, she would usually take them off. Their plain and simple glasses made of stock colour metal with glass lenses.

Bone Appearance:
The parts of Ashlei that resemble her hollow side are so easily seen you would fall off a cliff for not noticing them: Sprouting out of her head and out of her back are two pairs of redish wings. The ones on her back tend to be much larger than the ones on her head and give her a speed boost in the air compared to her usual Sonido speed. She can combine the two modes of transport to move at hefty speeds across the world by splitting the wind aerodynamically around her body to create a space where her body resides in the air that has no air inside of it. If she moved at the same speed for long enough, she could make it across the Pacific Ocean in one hour moving at speeds around Mach 5 or 3000Mph. However, this doesn’t mean she would arrive on the other side perfectly fine. She would probably land and crash into a mountain causing serious damage to herself and wouldn't even go that fast unless she moved in a perfectly straight line and constantly used reiatsu. The wings on her head are odd enough as it is. Whenever she is flying, they tend to give off an aerodynamic feel that appears to make her move faster. Whenever she is excited or really pleased, they flap uncontrollably. If she is unhappy, they droop down like dog ears and if she doesn’t want to hear something, she can cover her ears with them like a puppy. This could mean that she isn’t all doom and gloom and has a youthful feel about her.

Hollow Hole:
Ashlei's Hollow Hole is not very obvious as she tends to wear a dress all the time. The way that somebody found out about her Hollow hole was when she got punched in the stomach, their hand went right through her dress and she felt nothing. Her Hollow holke is about the size of a fist and resides where her belly button should be. This means she has little to no logical stomach and her body activates all their abilities to keep her blood abilities working and her heart pumping. Hollows certainly are a peculiar being, and Ashlei isn't different.

Reiatsu Colour:
Streams of red energy flow around her body, often crashing into things and when at her full power, causes the reitsu to glow purple slightly with a main red light. These streams are arcs that appear to be attacking her body but missing every time and slamming into things around her. Being too close to these arcs is very dangerous as they can smash into people that do not keep an eye on them.

ashlei - Ashlei Clixx Revised, The Hollow Blood Queen [UPDATE] [0-2++] AshleiSealedState

Sealed Zanpakutô:

Ashleis sealed Zanpakutō takes on the form of a Crucifix of which is golden in colour and lined with Rubies. Each tip has a small ruby engraved into either side as well as the middle of which has a much larger ruby. The longest branch of the Crucifix however is replaced by a silver blade with a ruby coloured seem down the middle.

This blade came into Ashleis possession when she was undergoing the final stages of her Ageing seal. Her Zanpakutō had gone missing, and she could not find it, thus gave up searching. One day, she vomited gallons of blood and this new shaped dagger is the end result. This dagger, is her true Zanpakutō and the reformation of her old one within her spirit.

Racial Abilities:

Custom Made Abilities:

  • Devils Cero Blade: Used as a powerful cutting edge known through the Mischevang Family but only Ashlei recalled how to use it. The edge of the weapon vibrates with chainsaw like cutting creating a bloody mess if hitting skin and can even cut up objects and buildings.

    First Use: Simply put, Charge Reitsu used for the Cero into the users one hand. This reitsu then coats their hand like an arrow tip made of their reitsu colour and looking as though their hand was on fire. This is the smallest form of the Cero Blade. Striking someone with this flaming hand will slice through things with ease.

    Second Use: After creating the flame, by inputting more reitsu into it, the edge can be created. the fires would sprout further out to form a sword shape that seems to be made to look like the seele schneider but more of a triangle shape from the hand. This simply gives it more range and can extend up to a metre long. If this is done though, two hands need to be used to hold it.

  • Diablos Cero Oscuras: Charging the Cero takes some time. After about 2 minutes of constant charge, the users arm flares up and is covered in black bolts of energy that zap back and forth between their hand, shoulder and elbow. After a minute, the user has to hold their arm with the other hand to prevent their elbow from snapping. The remaining 30 seconds is spent pushing the ability further than natural. once exactly two minutes have passed, the ability is ready to fire and to be honest, the user really should get rid of it by then before their hand disintegrates. When fired, the cero zooms off towards a location as normal with no special features except for the gigantic amount of energy zig Zagging around its black structure. Once the cero is close to its target or about to hit something, the tip of it moulds itself into a sort of demonic face that opens its mouth and roars. On impact, an explosion is created with enough size to cover a small village and enough power to destroy chunks of the earth beneath it. it is more than likely everything above the crater that was just made would also be devastated.

  • Onido: Sonido is the standard way to move around as an Arrancar. however, the more powerful variation of this learned by only master of Sonido is the Onido. This technique allows an Arrancar to move at an instant speed, faster than Sonido. The only drawback of this technique is how it leaves afterimages of the user giving away their new position but this can also be used to draw targets into traps. Moving at a speed enough to rival even the fastest of characters, Onido is the perfect way to annihilate a target or group of targets within rapid succession that the sonido could not manage.

    Secondary Effect: Killing Spree

    For instance, an Onido can be used in quick succession in the same way a sonido is but instead of having the 1 second time of using it again with a sonido, the Onido is half of that making it seem as though the user just attacked things without stopping yet actually stopped about 5 times.

Arrancar racial Abilities:

  • Bala (虚弾 (バラ), bara; Spanish for "Bullet," Japanese for "Hollow Bullet") Bala is an Arrancar alternative to Cero. The technique hardens the user's Spiritual Pressure and fires it like a bullet. Although it is weaker than a normal Cero, it moves about twenty times faster and can be fired at a much higher rate, but the damage is much the same. Stronger Arrancar can also fire a more powerful Bala, while retaining its twenty-fold speed.

  • Bala Railgun: Ashlei charges Bala's into both hands and holds one above the other in the shape of a pistol. She then fires rapid Bala from the same point to increase her usual rate of fire.

  • Cero (虚閃 (セロ), sero; Spanish for "Zero," Japanese for "Hollow Flash," "Doom Blast" in the Viz translation) are high-powered energy blasts that can be fired from various body parts, such as mouth, tongue, hand or fingers. Only Gillians, Adjuchas, Arrancar, and the Vizard have so far been shown to use Cero attacks, and it appears that stronger entities can use it more efficiently. Various Arrancar and Hollow characters display variants of the technique, such as the Espada-exclusive Gran Rey Cero, the Cero Oscuras that Ulquiorra Cifer can use only in his released form, as well as the Cero Sincrético performed by Pesche Guatiche and Dondochakka Birstanne.

  • Descorrer (解空(デスコレール), Desukorēru; Japanese for "Loosed Void", Spanish for "Drawing Back/Opening"): A technique used by Espada-level Arrancar and sometimes others, to open a Garganta between the living world and Hueco Mundo.

  • Garganta (黒腔 (ガルガンタ), garuganta; Spanish for "Throat," Japanese for "Black Cavity") is how Arrancar and Menos-class Hollows move to and from Hueco Mundo. Kaname Tōsen, Kisuke Urahara and Mayuri Kurotsuchi have also demonstrated the ability to use the technique. It literally tears open the dimensional fabric separating the worlds, revealing a tunnel of whirling, torrential energy that must be focused and solidified to create a discernible pathway.

  • Garganta Broadcast: a visual broadcast similar to a television screen, created by using individual Garganta portals. Ulquiorra Cifer does this in order to show the current predicament of Orihime Inoue's friends (Ichigo Kurosaki, Tōshirō Hitsugaya and Rangiku Matsumoto) fighting their respective battles.[6] It is unknown if he could create as many as desired, or if three broadcasts are his limit.

  • Temporal Garganta Field: Ashlei creates up to 6 Garganta around her that don't remain open for more than ten seconds. She then sonido's through one to appear out of another and so on. This can be used to dodge attacks and attack people unpredictably. She can place the garganta anywhere within her vision within reason. So mountains in the distance are out of the question.

  • Hierro (鋼皮 (イエロ), iero; Spanish for "Iron," Japanese for "Steel Skin") refers to the hardened skin of the Arrancar, which is a result of their compressed spiritual power. While their skin is strong enough to block even released Zanpakutō bare-handed, it is by no means impenetrable. Stronger Arrancar generally have proportionally stronger skin than usual.

  • Negación (反膜 (ネガシオン), negashion; Spanish for "Negation," Japanese for "Anti-Membrane") are energy fields are used to rescue fellow Hollows. Only the Gillian-class Menos have shown the ability to use it. Negación fields surround a target in a square beam of light that isolates the target from the dimension they are currently in, making it impossible to harm them. The field then pulls the target towards the Menos that created the field. Espada have a special cube-shaped device called Caja Negación (反膜の匪 (カハ・ネガシオン), kaha negashion; Spanish for "Negation Box," Japanese for "Anti-Membrane of Negation") meant to simulate Negación fields, which are used to punish their subordinates if necessary. The cube, when used on a subject, traps them in an alternate dimension from which there is no escape; however, this assumes it is being used as intended. More powerful Arrancar, namely the Espada themselves, can escape given enough time.

  • Caja Negación (反膜の匪 (カハ・ネガシオン), kaha negashion; Spanish for "Negation Box," Japanese for "Anti-Membrane of Negation") A tool used by Espadas to punish their subordinates. It traps its subject eternally in a closed dimension. The tool is a small black cube that, when thrusted into an Arrancar Hollow Hole, activates by wrapping the target in an inescapable cage that vanishes with them inside.

  • Pesquisa (探査回路 (ペスキサ), pesukisa; Spanish for "Inquiry," Japanese for "Probe Circuit") is the Arrancar equivalent of the Shinigami ability to sense Spiritual Pressure. It functions very similarly to sonar.
    Resurrección (帰刃 (レスレクシオン), resurekushion; Spanish for "Resurrection," Japanese for "Returning Blade") Most Arrancar have the ability to seal their power within a Zanpakutō. Upon releasing their Zanpakutō, they gain all of their former unique Hollow abilities back, essentially 'resurrecting' their old selves. When using this ability, they essentially combine their human form and their Hollow form, incidentally increasing their power considerably. As another note, when an Arrancar uses his or her Resurrección, it heals all minor wounds.

  • Sonído (響転 (ソニード), sonīdo; Spanish for "Sound," Japanese for "Sound Ceremony") is the Arrancar equivalent of the Shinigami Flash Steps and the Quincy Hirenkyaku; it allows the user to travel at incredibly high speeds for short distances. Use of Sonído is punctuated by a brief static sound, in contrast to the "swish" sound caused by Flash Steps.

Unique Abilities:

Claire's Signature: Ashlei has an odd Aura within herself she has no idea about. She has been told about it, but has forgotten long ago. It's actually uses are only to stabilise her mentality when she reaches breaking point.

Point Break Speeds: As stated before in her bone appearance, Ashlei's wings on her head and back grant her an additional physical advantage over the world around her. By exceeding 1000 miles per hour, Ashlei envelopes a pocket of null air around herself that does not generate any friction allowing her to blast to top speeds reaching around 3000 miles per hour. However this does not come at a risk, as she cannot use any powers whilst flying and wont notice anything if she hits it. She may also break bones in flight, lose conciousness and generally kill herself if she keeps it up for too long. This makes her a very very fast straight line flyer, but usually used to get around the planet within the day. When she wants to actually slow down, she starts to decelerate and opens a gargatna without an end. Flying through void, she will open the other end when she decelerates to a decent speed and can sort herself out.

Blood Type X: When mixing the blood Ashlei absorbs from others into her system, she would quickly grow ill and this could even lead to her heart to failing. That in itself is a problem, thus Ashlei has a peculiar blood type of X that quickly solves this issue. Upon digesting blood into her system, whatever blood type it may be, Ashlei's biological organisms break down the new blood to use. This also however, causes her body to generate more blood, but of a new type X. In short, Ashlei drinks blood, the blood is genetically eaten and hacked apart until it is compatible with Blood type X. This does mean though, that her initial digestion may make her feel sick and nauseated but after about 5 seconds, the blood is digested properly and she can use it, feeling normal once more.

Because her blood is of a type no other has, it technically isn't the same. Ashlei has often described it as 'a red goo' but she likes to call it blood because that is essentially what it looks like. Thus, if anyone tried to manipulate her blood, it's effects would not be anywhere near as pwoerful as if she was using it because it isn't the blood everyone else would be used to manipulating.

Ashleis bloody liquid is very violent and does not accept foreign cells inside of her or even on her for that fact. If she was ever to catch a disease, the bloody liquid will track the cells down and destroy them as long as Ashlei is still breathing. This is perfectly safe and causes Ashleis body to be capable of even breaking down bits of concrete, wood, cloth, literally anything that goes into her body and remove all traces of it's existence.

This also means because Ashlei's blood is of a completely different type, it is not classified as blood any other character is capable of controlling with their blood bending abilities. This only applies if they state they can control blood type X. If anybody was able to get a hold of some and attempted to research it, all they would be able to find out from examining it is the fact that it doesn't even react or move like normal red blood cells. The fact that it is sticky, burns, cannot evaporate and does not harden when exposed to oxygen. Due to this fact, taking advantage of Ashleis blood without her help is useless.

This works exactly the same if she ever tried to eat any food that wasn’t a liquid. Take bread for example. Ashlei’s blood will absorb the bread and turn it into blood. However because it was not liquid it will take longer and worst of all, wont be compatible as it is a bad blood. Ashlei will then vomit uncontrollably until the entirely of the bad blood is ejected through her mouth. She would then use that vomited bad blood as a weapon.

All of the blood that Ashlei gains control of will suddenly change properties as well. The blood becomes sticky like glue but burns like boiling tar. When touching the blood, the target can be stuck to it and burned in a torture method that will not always kill them unless they were drowning in it. Ashlei can also trigger this burn on and off via her Burn ability. The stick however will stay unless she moves the blood herself.

Blood for Blood: If at any point Ashlei loses blood, she is able to replace the lost blood via the blood she takes in; from the blood she lost (As long as it wasn’t tampered with via special abilities) or even that of the target’s spilt blood. This means Ashlei isn’t 100% made up of her own blood. Not even she knows how much of her own blood she has pumping through her body anymore.

Ashleis body is constantly being rebuilt. As the human body sheds its skin, gains dandruff and scars, Ashleis instantly rebuilts the lost tissue and destroys the dead ones to keep her looking pure and in top physical condition at all times. For example: If Ashlei ever fell off a bridge and broke a few limbs, her 'Blood' would navigate her body and reattach the bones, regenerate them back to how they were and destroy any foreign substances that might have been created from the wound.

The regenerative rate of her body is high, but is not insanely massive. However, she can boost her regeneration to insane speeds by consuming the blood of another or drinking her own blood that has been spilled. If she can stream enough blood into her body to replace the blood lost as she is hurt, she can in theory survive in most scenarios that allow her to use her abilities. For example, being crushed by Project Chaos underfoot with his gears grinding would cause anyone to come out the other end in a red mush. Ashlei however, as long as she cycles blood through her body, can regenerate fast enough to make it out to other end badly injured. However, this can easily be recovered by replacing more blood.

Bloody Frenzy: Ashlei has always been known as the vampire queen and she has also been known to have a magnetic pull towards blood. Not literally, but when she see's it she can't help but feel excited. This to an extent also reflects in her combat. If a lot of blood appears on the battle field, she will suddenly grow incredibly violent and perform many more crazy techniques. This is why she tends to fight with small amounts to start off with to gauge ability, then will go insane nearer the end to obliterate her foolish opposition.

Blood Funnel: Ashlei's ability to drink the blood around her is rather peculiar. By manipulation the blood into the air, Ashlei opens her mouth and sucks. All the blood around her is dragged into her mouth for her to drink in one long stream of regeneration and adrenaline rushing blood. Similar to how a vacuum sucks things into it, Ashlei can drag all the blood in the area to her as long as it is out of the body and within a mile of her.

Blood Mastery: Ashlei's blood resonates a peculiar sort of ability when she has it within and outside of her body. Ashlei is 100% immune to blood type X so her attacks will never injure her, but will pass through her like a ghostly visage of an attack but still hit her targets. She can always choose for the blood to hit herself or land on her body. However this is not the property that makes Ashlei feared in the midst of massive conflict. Ashlei's blood resonates with her body and doesn't use reiatsu to attack. Sometimes it can, and this is where it gets hectic. By infusing an attack of blood with her reiatsu, Ashlei can wrap the blood around in incoming attack and strangle it to cause it to implode on itself. For example, a cero would be forced to crush into itself and detonate there instead of at her.

The other points of this nullify ability, is if Ashlei coats her target in blood she can halt any abilities being used by the limb that is covered. Washing it off is simple enough but it is tar-like and burns like hell. This means getting blood on your fingers can stop you from firing abilities that require finger movements. In the end Ashlei would attempt to suffocate her entire target in blood to stop any reiatsu based attacks. Anything else that requires 0% reiatsu to use will still be available to them, but those that rely on their energy will find it very hard to escape this.

Ashlei's internal Nullify capability is almost doubled to her external output. Abilities that effect her insides biologically are almost completely broken down and destroyed not as a reitsu based nullification, but as an attack. her blood gathers around the source and literally destroys it via intense body heat and breaking down of particles. She then uses that very broken down substance to fuel more blood. She would end up vomiting this bad blood.

Blood burning Properties: Ashleis blood is a very unstable goo that eats away foreign cells. This means, that after leaving her body, Ashlei can splash something with her blood and it would slowly start destroying whatever it covered. The rate of complete destruction varies as seen below. The following takes into considering that the target is completely soaked in blood:

Foreign Cells inside Ashlei: 0.25 seconds
Cells of another person: 10 Minutes
Cells of a small mammal: 5 Minutes
A slab of Concrete: 1 day
A sheet of steel: 1.2 Days
A tree: 2 Hours
A car: 1 Hour

Once Ashlei leaves the area, say around 2 miles away, the blood automatically loses its properties and becomes a red goo that cannot be used with no benefits other than it being a red tinted puddle of water. This stops the endless destruction of cells if Ashlei ever accidentally left some behind.

Vaporate Null: The final trait of the Blood Type X is how it will never ever evaporate under any circumstance, nor will it ever solidify. This means The blood is 100% liquid with no gaseous propertyies or any solid particles. Trying to freeze will not cause it to harden into ice and burning it will not cause it to evaporate. This is wise to keep in mind as Ashlei tricks ice and fire users into believing they would beat her easily before she reveals their temperature changing abilities are useless.

Forsaken Bloods Will: Ashlei has maximum control over the blood she finds on the battlefield in the form of physical body movements giving the blood a ghostly visage of movement like fog floating through the air. It works very similarly to telekinesis through gestures. She can then rearrange their position and speeds so they take shapes such as Spears, chairs, Armour and one time she even made a car. In a way, Ashlei can cause things to become possible with blood as long as she focuses enough on it. If it can be shaped and can be moved, she can make it. The catalogue therefore is endless.

There are even times where the wind blowing Ashleis hair can cause blood around her to move because technically she is giving a passive gesture of movement. The more dominant mode of movement will be seen through what she focuses her reiatsu in. Because of how her powers keep to fair regulations she cannot control the blood that is not outside of the body. Any blood encased within skin and within the body itself cannot be tampered with but this does not include an open wound. if a cut was made on the target and blood can be visibly seen, Ashlei can use the blood she sees on their skin and wound, but not that blood deeper within their system. This means that she is able to cause blood she is close to, to mould and shape itself at her disposal and move it around in a way that she wishes without touching it like a sort of telekinesis. She can form them into shapes and even weak variations of weaponry without having to touch it. Seeing as it is blood though, it is still in a liquid state so it will only ever cause a splash effect rather than piercing.

Bloody Toll: Ashlei cannot use these abilities without some sort of drawback. Well the issues Ashlei has to face on a daily basis are as follows. She can however drink blood to solve the issues but they don't always last very long.:

  • Nausea: Almost constant, Ashlei feels like she could throw up even when she heads to sleep, has a drink or gets a little excited. Most of the time she ignores it.

  • 18 hour sleep: Ashlei cannot stay awake for longer than 6 hours before she has to have a very long sleep to make up for her body. If she is woken up part way through her sleep, she will most likely fall asleep again.

  • Fainting: Ashlei is very vulnerable to suddenly blacking out and collapsing for an hour. This doesn't tend to occur in battle as her blood is moving faster when she is excited. However, when simply wandering, it isn't a surprise if she suddenly faints.

Internal organ Explanation: From what it seems, Ashleis body does not work the same way as other peoples. She cannot eat normally and tends to sleep through most of the day. So, why is she still alive if she cannot respire? This is by taking advantage of the Hollow body she has. Hollows have a mixed up organic system which defies the laws of physics and Ashlei is no exception. Her generic structure wouldn't be possible if she was not an Arrancar nor if she didn't have blood alchemical abilities. By taking the hollow body a step further than it already is, she can survive in what seems like an impossible state as though she never had a stomach, intestines, liver or anything in her body. Her blood takes the sugars, nutrients and other things from other people and other living things to keep her alive. if this is not enough, the liquid mixture within her body recycles the content without ever needing to respire. Because her Blood Type X hunts down foreign material, anything harmful to her is destroyed (so yes she never needs to go to the bathroom) and what is destroyed becomes more nutrient filled blood for her to live off of. Because of this, she has a similar craving for blood that normal people do for food.

Skill Rundown:

General Overview: Ashlei is that character that you don't want to fight alone. She is very good at keeping herself alive and dealing just as much damage back. She does have some weaknesses such as the fact that she is very easy to shatter, but very hard to keep down. Quite often, it is difficult to tell if you have been doing any damage to her at all, but after a long winded battle she will eventually run out of gas as her body begins to fail, she starts to faint and her abilities become slower due to fatigue. However, her intense speed and damage output hardly let such a case occur. if your'e not dead in a few minutes then you're obviously doing something right.

WIllpower: Ashlei's general willpower has been slowly diminishing as her mind is becoming more and more twisted. Ashlei has shown that she can occasionally loose all control of her mind and what she thinks up. This has even managed to injure her before as her mind sent herself into a coma because she couldn't fight her own fears. Ashlei can certainly gain a lot of determination, but when it comes to standing up to herself, she comes across as very feeble.

Mental Deduction: Ashlei is bloody smart. She can solve problems faster than most people can and often sums up a scenario within a few seconds of it occurring. This is why Ashlei is still the leader of the Espada regardless of the countless number of times she's had mental breakdowns. She knows how to handle a fight, she knows what buttons do what in your machines and she knows why your parents keep the cookie jar locked away.

Pain Endurance: Ashlei cannot feel pain. In fact, it's not that she cannot feel it but because she chooses not to. Ashlei can literally allow herself to feel pain by conjuring the will to be hurt in her mind. She can however do this in reverse where she can choose to not feel a thing regardless of how powerful the attack was. This means she could end up walking away from a fight with completely shattered bones but not noticing because she chooses not to feel it.

Focus: Ashleis focus is pretty decent as she can often slice people to shreds in the exact locations she wants to. She is also known to be able to read hundreds of books and memorize them all without interruption even though half the time there are sounds blaring all around her. She has also shown the ability to make pinpoint strikes on distant targets with her blood alchemy, and to also concentrate on her alchemy without distraction.

Durability: Ashlei isn't exactly the hardest nut to crack. if she gets injured she will bleed as her Hierro is not that good. However, this is to induce the blood to come out of her body in case she needs to slaughter her foes that try to cut her up. She will gladly lose a few body parts if it means she can murder more.

General Speed: Ashlei is fast. She may not be the fastest, but she can move like a jet in straight lines, but also shows a very masterful ability to Sonido and Onido around the battlefield in the blink of an eye.

Strength: This is probably where Ashlei tends to fall flat. Ashlei's punches are not what makes her strong and she knows that. However, she also knows that if she adds blood alchemy to her punches, her power become brutal. However, if she relies purely on physical strength then she will lose the fight. Quite often she loses the ability to walk when shes tired or weakened.

Weapon Skill: Ashlei is not exactly the most talented when it comes to swinging a sword but that is because she doesn't give a crap about them. She prefers the 'run in and slash away with blood alchemy' method of doing things. If she tries to fight with her sword, she is probably looking down on your power. However, get her using her alchemy and she suddenly becomes a bat out of hell.

Perquisa: Ashlei has not been too fond of the ability to predict the future. She likes to be able to tackle whatever is coming without any prior knowledge of the attack. However, when it comes down to it she will use the ability to detect those nearby.

Ashlei also has a unique ability similar to Perquisa where she is able to detect the locations of fellow Mischevang sisters through a feeling she gets in her chest. When she gets closer to her family, the feeling intensifies as though her heart grows warm. This is how she managed to find the ones with her today.

Sonido: Ashlei has taken sonido to a new level, allowing her to perform the powerful 'Onido' which leaves an after-image of her movement but moves at incredibly speeds. Ashlei likes to exclaim that she is fast but others are still faster than her. Still, her speed is what keeps her from taking too much damage all at once.

Cero/bala: Ashlei's cero are not the most amazing thing to ever be fired across the battlefield but it is still a threat nonetheless. Ashleis Cero Oscuras, Gran Rey Cero and True Cero Blades make her very powerful, but she will never rely on them to win.

Hierro: Ashleis hierro is not very good and she can easily take a lot of damage if she isn't too careful. The Hierro is present however and she will use it to fend off the attacks of the weaker people.

Regeneration: Ashleis regenerative abilities are what make her so feared. She can recover from near death to completely full health if she takes in a large sum of blood from her surroundings. This is what makes her so powerful as she lacks a lot of the massive war shattering abilities that others of her level have. She makes up for this by being ridiculously difficult to kill and excels at 1v1 fighting where she does not need to worry about taking over large areas or wiping out many people.

Last edited by //ChaoZi\ on Wed Jul 24, 2013 11:53 am; edited 78 times in total
Queen Of The Sands
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Fri Jan 13, 2012 5:41 am

ashlei - Ashlei Clixx Revised, The Hollow Blood Queen [UPDATE] [0-2++] AshleiBanner2013second

Types of Blood attacks:

Ashleis abilities work by using her blood in a varying fashion. The different ways she can conjure blood into attacks are listed below, each one being just as lethal as the other where some may afflict some hefty damage if not tended to. It is wise to remember Ashlei can control flight patterns of blood. It is more wise to understand Ashlei can fire multiples of the following depending on how she aligns them in front of her. She aims by facing the right way but more accuracy is gained if she uses her arms to conjure smaller numbers. Also Ashlei is capable of creating an infinite number of different shapes and sizes as long as she generates enough of the liquid to do so. Even if this wasn't in her app, she would still be capable of using the following just because they all involve her unique abilities in some way. These are not her powers.


Blood Techniques:

Techniques are not powers, but ways Ashlei can perform her powers and attacks to devastate her foes. Some abilities may seem very powerful, but this is because her abilities combined allow her to pull it all off. Even if these were not in her app, she would be capable of using them.


ashlei - Ashlei Clixx Revised, The Hollow Blood Queen [UPDATE] [0-2++] ResserecionTwo

Resereccion Name:

Resereccion Release Phrase:
'Come Unto me, Sangre'

Release Actions:
Ashlei takes her crucifix and rams the blade into her mouth, forcing herself to swallow it as she uncontrollably spurts blood from her throat in an oddly plentiful amount.

Resereccion Appearance:

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Ashleis body doesnt change that massively. She retains her usual figure because her resserecion don't entirely work. They raise her power, but they break the rule of changing shape. She looks somewhat normal other than a few changes. Firstly, her eyes go from white to black. This links to the Hollow appearance for vizards with black and yellow eyes. Also, her wings on the top of her head sizzle away and are replaced with blood forming a sort of torn horn shape. Around her body she will move blood as a veil to defend against incoming attacks. Chances are, her clothes were destroyed in the form change rendering her nude.

Resereccion Abilities:

Reclaim: Ashlei knows every ability written before this on the application.

Blood Point: Ashlei focuses a chunk of blood into one spot to create a physical matter that works just like any other that would share the shape given. This means if she conjures a sword of blood, it wont have any physical density other than being blood but can still mould into the shape and be held. On hit, she focuses the particles to accelerate closer to the point of impact, causing a dense physical collision rather than going through the target. This allows her blood abilities to inflict her choice of either splash or cut/strike.

Bloody Eyes: Ashlei conjures the blood around her to stick to her eyes and split around to cover the entirety of her eyeball. Like this, Ashlei see's everything in red and people have a glowing aura about them. The aura is much more fierce depending on the targets power level (so goku would be off the charts XD). If Ashlei was ever blinded, she could cover her eyes with blood and use that to create new vision and sight. Removing her eye balls would stop this affect.

Instant Bloodwell: Ashlei controls all of the blood in the vicinity, latching onto it with her powers and causing every drop to be thrusted towards her current location. This will even pull blood particles through walls etc but never out of people. This ability is used to take all blood nearby and get it closer to her without it moving. She can lower the strength of the pull and simply drag the blood around quietly to ambush targets that have her cornered. The ranged of this does not generally exceed that of a single room but can be used up to

ashlei - Ashlei Clixx Revised, The Hollow Blood Queen [UPDATE] [0-2++] SegundaTwo

Segunda Etapa Name:

Segunda Etapa Release Actions:
Ashlei coats herself in blood by activating the [Eruption] ability that engulfs her body and then hovers around her upon reaching full size. Then suddenly, the geyser starts to swirl as Ashleis power drags in all the blood around her vicinity. Soon, the Geyser becomes a swirling vortex around her body that acts as a magnetic force to all blood nearby that isnt inside a vessel. After all of the blood joins with the vortex, Ashlei grabs the blood and pulls it onto her body to generate her ultimate form.

Segunda Etapa Appearance:

In her ultimate form, Ashlei starts to look like a remnant of death in every way. Her bloody horn shape vanishes. Her fangs now gain an extra two on the top row of her teeth giving her four at the top and two at the bottom. One more drastic change in the girl is her wings suddenly disappear in mid transformation. Her fingertips grow blades that act like tearing claws and can cause major damage if she can get a good grip on something with them. Down her arms up to her elbows are more blades that she uses to slice people up. This is the main thing that is visible in all of Ashleis Segunda Etapa modes. These modes are created by covering her body in blood that turns black and rock hard to create a Hierro-like armour. However, she currently has 3 modes that she can switch between at will known as 'Blood Shell'.

Blood Shell: Sadism
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The Sadism form is specially used to deal as much damage as possible by sacrificing all defence. The black blood that sticks to her body never forms into a hard shell as her other forms do but this means that they are as controllable as any other blood she might find and use. if people get too close, her armour can shoot out, become ammunition for her attacks or generally block impacts before they reach her. The sadism form is the most sticky and gooey of her forms but deals the most potential damage to her enemies whilst being able to heal herself with the blood she swallows.

Blood Shell: Submission
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If Ashlei ever needs to block an incredibly powerful explosion, Submission is her best chance of survival. She has learned that some people out there such as Radioactive can hurt her too much just by exploding. Thus, her segundas second mode was created to counter exactly that. Ashleis black blood hardens and covers her entire body except from her head. This form grants her very high defence but at a massive cost: She can only use her face for blood. Her body is too encased in black blood for her to access her body to get more blood. Thus this form is very weak when it comes to offensive capabilities unless she is facing a large group of enemies that she can easily injure. if this form gets too much blood though, she can rampage out of control with both high offence and defence without losing any of her renown speed.

Blood Shell: Domination
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This form is the level between Submission and Sadism. Domination is mainly used because it provides decent defence with half of her body coated in hard blood but also a high opportunity for offensive opportunities thanks to most of her body being exposed. By cutting her stomach, thighs or chest, she can still get a lot of blood to fight with.

Segunda Etapa Abilities:

Reclaim: Ashlei knows every ability written before this on the application.

The ultimate being: Ashleis biological body renounces all requirements to Breathe, respire, eat, drink or anything. This also causes her blood to turn black and any blood that she drinks and converts.

Blood Shell:Ashlei can switch between Blood Shell modes by either hardening or loosening blood particles on her body. If she uses her own Black blood, the Blood shell gains all of her bloods reitsu countering properties. Changing Blood Shell forms takes very little time and usually doesnt go over a single paragraph in a post.

Xeno Reitsu Machinae: Thanks to Ashleis technological wizardry, she has modified her Segunda Etapa with a gadget that blends into the back of her right hand. This often shines red like a light. Whenever she wills the gadget to activate, she can pulse her reitsu into the blood that she controls. This means that the blood she attacks with will suddenly have an explosive nature that detonates on impact with surfaces, objects and people. Due to the instability of the process, the blood particles move much quicker than normal, moving at 1.5x the usual speed of Blood alchemy.

Eruption Ashleis capabilities with impossible blood techniques appear to rapidly excel. With this ability, Ashlei slams a puddle of blood onto a surface. This blood spreads out to whatever size it can dribble up to. Ashlei can then drop a single drop of blood into the puddle and suddenly conjure a geyser of blood out of the puddle. This is aided by her blood multiple ability. Several of these can occur at once and it is certainly hilarious when geyser after geyser of blood erupt inside a building. If done with Black blood, the Geysers are solid instead of Liquid and impale her opponents. Liquids Eruptions can reach 6 metres where Solid can onyl reach 4.

Solid Blood This is no normal blood. If Ashlei is ever cut now, she can mould the black blood that seeps from her wound to harden into a scab instantly and provide her wound a shield against attack. This makes cutting her trickier as she repeatedly gains a scab on the wound and quickly attempts to regenerate it.

Vampiric Summoning Ashlei is able to stockpile Blood cells inside of her body whenever she takes blood in. After she has stockpiled the desired amount, she can vomit it back out at will.

Blood Multiply Ashlei can take blood into her hands and swirl it around like a small whirling ball of energy. She then focuses reiatsu into the blood to rapidly increase the speed it moves before yanking it into two halves. The first half however will not lose any particles and will instead multiple into a second set of the original amount of blood. This means Ashlei can take a gargantuan amount of blood and with enough reiatsu, double it as many times as she can without fainting. The battle will always start with just a vial of blood she carries with her unless she walked into a blood bank.

Converge then pulse Ashlei can compact the blood particles of her attacks together to change how the initial attacks work. When her blood attacks, even a mere swish of blood, comes within range of her target, she can cause those particles to loosen and accelerate enough to suddenly force an expansion of the attack. This means she can throw an attack of small properties then suddenly cause it to double, triple, quadruple and even times the size to 5 to catch her enemies off guard. All her blood abilities can do this.

Sanguine Pool Ashlei's cells start to agitate with the blood around her. Suddenly, Ashlei's body erupts into a splash of blood directly downwards creating a pool on the floor. using reitsu, she can then proceed to alchemize this blood to move it around even though it appears she is not there. After 2 posts or when she chooses to, she rebuilds her body structure. Be warned: if she forces herself down your throat, she could quite possibly cause the victims body to explode as she rebuilds herself within.

ashlei - Ashlei Clixx Revised, The Hollow Blood Queen [UPDATE] [0-2++] AshleiPast


Ashlei lived in a very small town over 200 miles away from karakura surrounded by a thick woodland area with a single path leading into the village and out. The place was pretty much a third world country as the houses were crafted from wood and their tools were all unmodern. They were literally the only village off the map in the entire area. Those that lived there were proud people for living so well for so long and nobody had any intention of leaving. Not because they preferred their lives here but because they couldn't without being killed or starved on their own. The year 200 was a very dangerous one as people were still developing cities, villages and towns. There would quite often be the odd traveller that wandered into town and every now and again, somebody that would appear somewhat wicked. Due to superstition at the time, anybody caught doing odd things were locked up or worse: killed. People thought everything was going to be perfectly fine in the village. That, was until Ashlei was born.

At this point, she was named Danielle and lived the first 3 years of her life without any problems. She didn't grow up in the best of situations, but it was enough for her to get by. Then suddenly on her fourth birthday, things started to go wrong. In the midst of her birthday night, loud crashes and screams came from outside as a band of invisible Hollows came seeking a meal. There, they found Ashlei's reiatsu but something stopped them from advancing on her. Instead, the hollows did something else: They killed everyone around her instead. In a series of possible accidents that all involved Ashlei, people simply died daily. The blacksmith was beheaded by his own blade he had let Ashlei look after for a few moments. Handing it back, the blade was smacked out of her hands and through the mans face sticking him to the wooden wall behind him. That was one of the first events which arouses suspicion. Ashlei scurried the blade into a box and climbed out of the window pretending to never have been there. The next couple involved walls falling on whole families just because Ashlei was looking at it. The hollows haunting her and killing everyone made sure Ashlei took the blame for it all and each killing became more and more peculiar and extravagant.

In the end, her parents were consulted and the village agreed to kill her. She was said to be a witch with bad omens and all of these events were her doing. However, there was one thing that got in the way of that and that is Ashlei's mother: Monica. She loved Ashlei and couldn't understand why such claims were being made. In those days, she wouldn't be able to step up like that and so was punished. The other sisters at the time were still very young and needed looking after, but it was until a few nights after the acquisitions was made that Monica's husband, Ashleis father began to spiral out of control. he couldn't understand why he was breeding corrupted children and wanted to prove that he too was not an embodiment of the devil. Beating Monica, he raped her several times over the course of several months until she had given birth to several more children. Each child seemed perfectly normal which in his sight, proved that Ashlei was indeed the sole culprit.

So at the age of Eight, she was hung, drawn, Quartered and then drowned in the same day. That was when she died and became a wandering spirit. However, her actual tendaikou body was released into the world again. It's also the time the hollows stopped attacking the village. The week following her Death, Ashlei was underwater while the buildings were rebuilt. She couldn't leave the village because her body was attached to a heavy plank of wood, and her Spirit was chained to it as well. the Tendaikou Ashlei however, merely sat and waited for the right time. She was fully aware of what was going to happen soon. Ashlei wandered the village and took in a few things from the villagers daily activities. She knew what she was going to do next not as an act of revenge, but as a playful game. The real girls spirit slowly changed as she screamed her heart out underwater. Slowly she turned into a Hollow right before Ashlei's gaseous eyes. Spotting her chance, she had to seize her new body. Possessing the brand new hollow, Ashlei took over it's physical form and gained power.

Ashlei became a hollow. That's all there is to it. Her body grew much taller and she had a lovely set of devil wings. Her mask covered her entire face but strangely, it also covered her spine and grew all the way down to her tail to create it. She had claws and a very violent temperament. As a hollow, she could break out of her watery prison and upon doing so, creating a massive crash into the air of water. The villagers looked as an explosion launched the river into the air but the one that made the explosion was hollow, thus invisible. In mid air, the hollow threw itself into a nearby building and shattered it completely to the ground. Then, she went from building to building simply killing everyone without eating them. There were specific people though that always looked after Ashlei even more than her own parents. That was a young boy named Tetsuka Kiryu that had very weird capabilities and also his family of several sisters. Tetsuka too had reiatsu and a lot of it as he was one of the remaining creatures of the night. However, he didn't expect Ashlei to appear to him. He realised exactly who it was, and moved aside to dodge her attacks. Strangely, he escaped the building and ran out to find the village was destroyed with only the Mischevang family remaining. Tetsuka ran with them to escape the fire and monster, not looking back until they were safely away from her.

This rampage was Ashlei's revenge against those that killed her. She took to the skies after removing the village off the face of the earth and began to explore more regions of the planet. She spent some time wandering the woodlands around her village, the mountains near Karakura and eventually felt a calling from a greater purpose. Eventually, Ashlei found her way to Hueco Mundo. There, she killed to survive and ate to grow stronger. there were several times where she was attacked by several Hollows at once but her power was growing at a much faster rate than theirs. Oddly, she could spit hurricanes that blew away enemy cero and her body was a lot faster to react than any other hollows. She did this for years to come and eventually made it to the renowned Vasto lorde form. This gave the Espada a reason to capture her and turn her into an Arrancar. Ashlei obviously fought back. She was excelling in power and killed several Arrancar that came anywhere near. It was until the Arrancar stopped trying to capture her and actually approached with words. Ashlei agreed to their terms of service, and evolved into an Arrancar to continue her evolution towards power.

Ashlei became a very promising Arrancar. Straight away she had power over a lot of Las Noches as the 9th Espada. She lived that life in sorrow as her memories of her hollow years haunted her. The actions she took to kill her own people. She was scared of that, but they deserved their comeuppance. Because of her past, she was given the title of "Espada Sorrow" and dealt with killing people with sadness. All the while she did this job for her current ruler, she was a child in appearance no older than 13. She was a very valuable asset as she could wipe out Shinigami easily with her strange amount of power at such a young age. That was when she was promoted. She became Espada 3 and skipped a whole 6 places. She was shunned for her age and being so strong, but she was still the Espada of Sorrow and kept her title proudly. Then one day she was given a message. The current Cero Espada was dead. Everyone was shocked as nobody knew where the Cero had gone to, but a new leader needed to be put forwards. The Primera at the time voted herself rather selfishly. Everyone else voted Ashlei because of her power and work for the leader. The primera had a bit of a rage after hearing Ashlei was now cero. She activated her Resserecion and capturedAshlei in a seal of ageing. If the girl was going to run the Espada at such an age, she may as well be that age for the rest of her life. And thus, Ashlei lost the power to age as a full proof seal was hindering her progress. In anger, the Espada includingAshlei killed the Primera without haste and appointed a new one there and then.

Then, as a surprise to everyone, Ashlei aged by 3 years in one day. The effects of the seal were beginning to break and almost instantly, 25% of it fell apart. This caused Ashlei a lot of internal pain as her entire body felt like it was on fire for the whole 24 hours. A days worth of screaming in agony before she stopped. Nobody could get to her as she was just too violent to approach at this time. Then she managed to stop the seal from killing her and had aged to a new look. She had pink hair now, but the seals stability made her Resserecion impossible. Why? Because the seal took Ashlei's Zanpakutō and she couldn't recall its name. While in this state, Ashlei actually gained many friends. She soon left her Sorrow title behind and became Anger, from her tantrums. A group of Arrancar took to really liking her, so she made them her fraccion and sent them on their first task as her subordinates. When they didn't return, Ashlei became anxious and when she went to look for them, she wished she hadn't found them. She managed to catch her Fraccion being cut apart by Shinigami scouts on the sands. In a rage, Ashlei killed them all, ripped their limbs apart and fed them to the menos in the forest. They bloody well deserved it.

Ashlei stayed in this form for the shortest period of time in all forms she shifted into. Reasons for this, was that her emotions were getting the better of her while she was in her first teenage years. However, she was still the cero Espada and a big event occurred that gave Ashlei actual meaning to live. The Espada meeting room was met by a small group of people, all from the most villainous regions of reality. Some previous cero Espadas, demons and even betrayed Shinigami. However, one woman took her eye more and she was known as "Claire Clixx". Ashlei knew absolutely nothing about this woman, and even though the demon queen Mana was trying to form an alliance, Ashlei was much more interested in this blood based woman. She had powers so similar to Ashlei's of old. However, after the agreement was made for the Arrancar and Demons to form an alliance, Claire left with everyone else and Ashlei was left to simply do some renaissance on her next possible steps. That was when the two girls met again underneath Karakura. There, Ashlei was simply sightseeing but used this as an excuse to get close to Claire. Then without even realising she was going to do it, Ashlei saw that everyone was now dead and Claire was the one to do it. Baffled by her power, Ashlei took her up in conversation and soon after realising Ashlei's loneliness, Claire adopted the Cero Espada as her child and Ashlei agreed completely.

Ashlei was an incredibly intelligent girl. She wasn't perfect however and was still very immature at the physical age of 13. She awoke one day feeling fine, but after going to the bathroom, she threw up all over the mirror and eventually fell to the floor to do the same to the ground. When she looked at her hands afterwards, she had vomited blood rather than any sickness. Worried someone might find out, Ashlei cleaned up and continued work as normal, only to find people realising she looked terrible and eventually she was led to a very big session of simply throwing up everywhere in the sands. After about 20 minutes of this, Ashlei had changed in appearance. She had become 18 in physical age and her maturity was now useful enough to actually lead something. The pink girl was now going to do what she was born to do, and lead the Arrancar into war. However...

Ashlei had loved Claire and treated her as though she was her blood mother. They were close, but not that close. Ashlei was always working to make the Espada powerful once more and Claire, disappeared leaving her daughter alone in the world again. As soon as she heard Claire was missing, Ashlei had a minor emotional breakdown and destroyed half of her laboratory in distress. She was plunged back into loneliness but almost as though it was a gift from fate, Ashlei was met by two newcomers to the Espada army that were not of hollow heritage. Rihiku Hitsugaya, betrayer of the Shinigami and Ultimos, rebel of the Demon army had both come to join the Espada ranks. Seeing as people like this couldn't possibly be Espada, she made a new rank of 'Espada Guards' and they both worked together to defend Las Noches. Ashlei quickly became attached to Rihiku and slowly fell in love with him. However, his past gave him no intentions to love her back. That was what took the two to the edge of the earth.

Rihiku was approached by Ashlei one early morning and Ashlei was very concerned that their relationship wasn't getting anywhere. She presumed Rihiku loved her, and so she suggested they tried to go a bit further. Rihiku being who he was didn’t pick up on her intentions and as she leant forwards to kiss him, he pushed her back and asked for an explanation. Ashleiemotionally hurt retaliated by yelling. After a few minutes of yelling, the two realised the others feelings and it was whenAshlei called his dead girlfriend a 'whore', Rihiku came back with a phrase that made Ashlei launch a cero at him, barely clipping his coat. Rihiku then fled through the hole created and travelled to the living world to leave Ashlei in Las Noches to cry it all out.

Ashlei had no idea what to do, and took to strolling around different cities. She went to Karakura but she didn't stay long. She moved around the world before finding herself in the middle of a massive event. She had been wandering for 12 whole hours since the argument and had stumbled across the resurrection of kin. There, she found someone she didn't think she was going to see ever again. Claire had returned to greet Kin with many other notable people. Ashlei however, wanted to remain invisible to them but Claire quickly picked up on her and found Ashlei lying on the floor in tears. that day was Ashlei's real hell, and Claire crying for her and apologising so meaningfully fixed Ashlei's wounded heart, but also broke it... as what had happened that day was going to destroy everything Ashlei had ever fought for... and turn her into a woman to be feared by all, even her own mother.

Eventually, Ashlei had to leave her mother because something had gotten into her mind that even she was incapable of defending against. it had been lying dormant for 3 years until recently where it attacked her soul. The man was known as Tetsuka and lived off the darkness in ones heart and feasted on their power. In the end, Ashlei was succumbed to his parasitic power she she slowly started to grow weak. A bad time to start however as Ashlei was called to London to help invade. She had no other choice but to follow her ideal path into London and there, was brought face to face with her mother once more. However, insanity gripped the woman again and before Ashlei was capable of stopping it, Claire had become blood thirsty once more. Ashlei couldn't stand watching her mother fall into this craze again, and Tetsuka took it upon himself to use this feeling to her advantage. By persuading the girl into thinking her mother was the worst woman on earth, Ashlei burst into her resserecion and took her mother on in full scale combat. However Tetsuka knew what the end result would be and mocked her every move.

Soon, Tetsuka was able to pull the plug and Ashlei fell to the floor. Tetsuka though, stood tall as he had leached all of the girls reiatsu into his system and made a break for it. Ashlei had no way to regain her powers and Claire had vanished with. Ashlei was within a forest nobody has been to before where the tree's were all white and only a single man lived there. His name was Vlud and he specialised in blood magic. Ashlei knew blood was her true calling ever since finding her mother and ordered the man to train her in the arts of blood. He declined the forceful offer, but decided to help when he noticed the lusting for blood within Ashleis heart. Helping the girl back onto her feet, Vlud training Ashlei how to use blood magic properly. Soon, she had started to get her reiatsu back and working under the bloody man got her far. The two became somewhat inseparable after a day or two of working together until eventually Ashlei had to leave. the espada had to be maintained and also needed to learn of the things Ashlei was to do. She thought her life would even itself out now...

However one event really took a solid turn in Ashlei's direction. After reviving her powers, Ashlei felt more and more powerful each day until she realised what had really happened. tetsuka had broken the seal completely, including the bits hidden deep inside and made her as powerful as she was supposed to be. Soon after this, she met a girl named Miyuki and soon befriended her. However, Ashleis true intent was never very clear but what was obvious, was the way Ashlei didn't really care about Miyuki at all. When the girl found out about this, she seemed heartbroken but if it wasn't for Miku at the time, Miyuki would have been killed by Ashlei. The bloody Princess ordered Miku to look after the girl and maybe teach Miku how to be more human and feel emotion. For some reason, Ashlei felt like that was the better choice right now. Eventually, Ashlei's curiosity took the better of her, and the order was given so that Miku may take the girl from earth and bring her to Hueco Mundo.

Whilst there, Miku would conduct tests on the girl, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. It was here that the existence of Matthew Hinote came into their lives. he appeared twice, the first when he was unsuccessful in taking Miyuki back to his realm. the second, when Miyuki defied his orders, he came back with a much bigger goal to achieve. he kidnapped the girl, but it was the fact that Miyuki wanted to leave that broke Miku's heart. What Miku had learned form her shattered, and in a rage, she attempted to steal her friend back. Ashlei then had to arrive on scene to keep her Espada Guard under control but as soon as Miyuki was taken from their grasp, Miku flipped and even assaulted Ashlei. Seeing no end to Miku's broken heart and mind, Ashlei fought Miku and ended up destroying her underlings body. As punishment and also to Ashlei's disgust, she removed Miku's eyes and banished her from Hueco Mundo.

Lately, things have been going wrong for Ashlei as her life has started to crumble in her head. She thinks things through more clearly and questions what she is doing. After a while, her own doubts took control and she began to nreak down emotionally every couple of days. One day, she managed to pull off her worse break down yet and it sent her to sleep. In her sleep, she dreams of a woman that she didn't recognise. She explaiend to Ashlei that her name was Monica and her true mother. This confused her, as she was still hunting for Claire and for Monica to arrive now would be traumatic for her. Waking up, Ashlei realised her knowledge of her true mother was sending herself spiralling into insanity. The fact that she has two mothers was always known, but know that both are somewhere out there waiting for her drove the girl insane. Falling into a coma for what must have been over a month, Ashlei was left completely alone as she had previously instructed for nobody to come near her. Breaking into her room, mana, Diablo and Flea all tried to get the girl to wake up from her nightmare.

Mana was successful, opening Ashlei's eyes and showing her that she still has a family that desperately wants to hold onto her. Ashlei got up, drank Manas blood and moved around as normal, expecting everything to go back to how it once was. However, Monica's hallucinations were not going to let Ashlei get away with this. After a week of Ashlei being back on her throne, she vanished for no apparently reason. Nobody knows where she has gone, and some have realised that if she has gone somewhere to seclude herself then she may not have long to live.

ashlei - Ashlei Clixx Revised, The Hollow Blood Queen [UPDATE] [0-2++] AshleiSkills

Will Skills

  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Master
  • Pain Endurance: Grand Master
  • Focus: Master

General Skills

  • Durability: Adept
  • General Speed: Master
  • Strength: Adept
  • Weapon Skill: Advanced

Racial Skills

  • Perquisa: Advanced
  • Sonido: Master
  • Cero/Bala: Advanced
  • Hierro: Beginner
  • Regeneration: Master

RP Sample:
The cold night of Hueco Mundo grew ever colder as a deathly aura overthrew the scene. A rush of fear, guilt and violence rushed through the halls of Las Noches as a lone arm rose with a single finger wearily pointing towards a wall. It then stroked the walls flat surface, white in colour that suddenly turned to shattered stone. The entire wall crumbled, shattered to pieces as every single piece of stone it fell into crashed to the ground. After a mere second, the walls around the room including the ceiling cracked open and caved in sending dust and debris in every direction. The one resposible for this freak attack on Las Noches was the last person they would have expected... but also the first.

A woman with long green hair stood in a now broken room and staring at the night sky. She wore very peculiar clothing that matched her peculiar personality and body. She was half bat in a sense where wings were sticking from her back and head. What was this woman doing? Nobody had ever seen her before. She placed her hand firmly on the ground and started to do something else. The floor then began to crack and smash open as the entire structure gave way to her touch. From a distance it appeared that a tall pillar section of Las Noches had just crumbled to the ground. The woman was nowhere to be seen after this as dust,sand and rock flew everywhere, smashing into other parts of the structures. The larger chunks caused a chain reaction of destruction and more of Las Noches began to fall apart.

The girl landed in the middle of the courtyard within the fortress. If she looked up, she could see sunlight from the artificial sun. She turned away from it and slowly took it upon herself to reach out to a wall beside her. Her palm rested neatly on its surface, her fingers spread out to cover as much distance as possible. Then suddenly the same thing occurred. Cracks appeared all up the building, shattering the structure and sending debris tumbling down. This time though, more of an explosion began. The structure didn't just collapse. It created another chain reaction that started the fall of the entire fortress. The woman must have known exactly what she was doing because when the Espada ran onto the scene to stop her, the entire fortress started to fall. The dome cracked in every direction leaving no amount of building left. Las Noches was just destroyed by this mysterious woman. Who the hell...was she?...

Dreams are never a good thing are they Ashlei?


ashlei - Ashlei Clixx Revised, The Hollow Blood Queen [UPDATE] [0-2++] AshleiAnimatedName




Coding By: [THEFROST] | Graphics Part By: ChaoZi


<center><div style="width: 610px; background-image: url(; width: 570px; font-family: calibri; font-size: 12px; text-align: justify; opacity: 1.0; line-height: 12px; color: red; border-style: solid; border-color: #000000; box-shadow: #000000 0px 0px 16px; border-width: 3px;"><Center><DIV STYLE="opacity: 0.9;"><img src="" width="570" height="280"></div></center><CenteR><div style="opacity: 1.0;"></div></center><Center><div style="box-shadow: white 0px 0px 2px; background-color: black; opacity: 0.9; text-align: justify;  padding: 5px; color: #ca3a65; border-style: solid; border-color: #2a2a2a; border-width: 3px; width: 538px; line-height: 14px; font-size: 12px; "><center>[img][/img]




[center][b]Coding By:[/b] [url=][THEFROST][/url]  |  [b]Graphics Part By:[/b] ChaoZi[/center]

Last edited by //ChaoZi\ on Tue Jul 23, 2013 10:22 am; edited 96 times in total
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Mon Feb 20, 2012 6:24 pm
Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Comments/Notes: Oh lawdy
Tier: Approved, 0-2+

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Master
  • Pain Endurance: Master
  • Focus: Master

I envy because of the heart.
I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

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Tue Feb 21, 2012 2:28 am

Giving her a Grand Master in Pain. Oh boy.

ashlei - Ashlei Clixx Revised, The Hollow Blood Queen [UPDATE] [0-2++] WVMWLOu
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Sun Jun 03, 2012 3:28 am
Moved to WIP upon request

ashlei - Ashlei Clixx Revised, The Hollow Blood Queen [UPDATE] [0-2++] 28cnex2
Ravana Ichiro~Ex-Captain Vizard/Vizard Corps Co-leader~0-3+
Toshizo Hijikata~The Demon Commander~0-3+
Diablo Cortar~The Cutting Devil/Segunda Espada~0-3-
Albert Wesker~Biohazard~0-4++
Dracula Vlad Tepes~The Dark Lord~0-4
Okita Souji~Sexy and I know it~0-5+
Alfonso Gunter Reinhold~Evil Bastard~W.I.P.
Hanako Ikezawa~Malignant Tragedy~5-5*
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Thu Jun 14, 2012 1:54 am
ashlei - Ashlei Clixx Revised, The Hollow Blood Queen [UPDATE] [0-2++] 1339112056288

Everything looks fine to me, and since this is just a recheck, I won't be using the checklist to re approve this application. Moving back to accepted Arrancar I suppose.

ashlei - Ashlei Clixx Revised, The Hollow Blood Queen [UPDATE] [0-2++] WVMWLOu

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Tue Jul 17, 2012 7:42 pm
ashlei - Ashlei Clixx Revised, The Hollow Blood Queen [UPDATE] [0-2++] 00HAHAHA

Toot toot! This will be in Old WIP for you to nab back!
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ashlei - Ashlei Clixx Revised, The Hollow Blood Queen [UPDATE] [0-2++] Empty Re: Ashlei Clixx Revised, The Hollow Blood Queen [UPDATE] [0-2++]

Fri Sep 14, 2012 10:30 am
Moved to unchecked upon request

ashlei - Ashlei Clixx Revised, The Hollow Blood Queen [UPDATE] [0-2++] 28cnex2
Ravana Ichiro~Ex-Captain Vizard/Vizard Corps Co-leader~0-3+
Toshizo Hijikata~The Demon Commander~0-3+
Diablo Cortar~The Cutting Devil/Segunda Espada~0-3-
Albert Wesker~Biohazard~0-4++
Dracula Vlad Tepes~The Dark Lord~0-4
Okita Souji~Sexy and I know it~0-5+
Alfonso Gunter Reinhold~Evil Bastard~W.I.P.
Hanako Ikezawa~Malignant Tragedy~5-5*
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Tue Sep 18, 2012 9:10 pm
ashlei - Ashlei Clixx Revised, The Hollow Blood Queen [UPDATE] [0-2++] Image3893-1

Since this is just a re-approval for new things added on to the app? I won't be using the checkist for this one. Thus, a simple approval is only needed for this one.

ashlei - Ashlei Clixx Revised, The Hollow Blood Queen [UPDATE] [0-2++] WVMWLOu
The Site Hideyoshi
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Sun Nov 04, 2012 2:33 pm
Sponsored content

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