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The thirst for Blood vs The Desire of Justice Empty The thirst for Blood vs The Desire of Justice

Sun Sep 18, 2011 2:26 pm
Over the City of Karakura, Eriko dashed through the skies on his way toward the city's Residential District. He could sense a strong hollow running around the area. He'd thought it had to be a Menos as it seemed almost strong as a captain level shinigami. If that was true, the damage this enemy could cause would be great and casualties would be immense!

He arrived at the area of destination and began to sense around for spiritual pressure. "Focus Eriko, you can pinpoint this guy if do that." He continues searching around until he finds the hollow's spiritual pressure. "There!" He says to himself and immediately rushes toward his enemy.

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The thirst for Blood vs The Desire of Justice Empty Re: The thirst for Blood vs The Desire of Justice

Sun Sep 18, 2011 7:23 pm
Eriko lands a looks a the visage left in the hollow's wake. Soulless bodies, destroyed vehicles and buildings. It had only been here for a short amount of time but the beast hand already done the damage. "Tch," Eriko grits his teeth at the site and then to the monster that caused it. Clad in armor and blades the fiend now looking to him. "Man, you were pretty quick to cause hell for these people. I wish I could have gotten here earlier. You wouldn't have gotten this far."

He walks over to a body that seem to still be alive. Humans who lack spirit energy can see spirits usually. Still, when they come close to death they are then able to see the unseen. The body of the child who Eriko knelled down had opened its now opened his now cloudy eyes. "Hey Mister, I feel really tired, and I can't move. Am I gonna be okay?" He asked looking for answers, unaware that he'd be dead soon.

"Yeah kid, just take a nap for now when you wake, you'll be rested and feel fine." He taking the child's hand. The child shakes his head and closes his eyes. A few seconds later, his soul split from his body. Eriko takes his zanpakutou and taps him on the head with bottom of his sword's hilt. This stamps a seal on to the boy's forehead and his glows and soon disappears, now on his way to the Soul Society.

Eriko turns his attention to the hollow and grabs the hilt of his blade."Alright hollow, now is the time I make you pay for all the lives that you've stolen here today. Unleash your unforgiving Storm! Raikiryuu!" Eriko wastes no time release his Zanpakutou's shikai by twisting the hilt and pulling the blade, transforming a flash of electricity, out of its scabbard.

The thirst for Blood vs The Desire of Justice Bdw9x2

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The thirst for Blood vs The Desire of Justice Empty Re: The thirst for Blood vs The Desire of Justice

Mon Sep 19, 2011 9:27 pm
Eriko shunpo's in front of Akanade's attack and using his sword he block the first tail thrust, and pushes it away, creating an opening the hollow's guard. He then raises an open palm at Akanade "Bakudo #61, Rikoukujou" he closes his fist and six bars of light would be summoned around Akanade's torso and close on to the beast, binding his movements.

"I'm not someone you can just turn your back on hollow. If you seriously think I'm just gonna turn my back on you while you slaughter more innocent you are either seriously high off the fumes they have flowing around Hueco Mundo, or just plain out of that murderous pee sized brain of yours." He drives his sword into the flow and twists its hilt twice, creating the engine motor noise and giving Raikiryuu is bluish white glow. He then drives the blade straight toward Akanade's mask. "Have fun dying!"

The thirst for Blood vs The Desire of Justice Bdw9x2

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The thirst for Blood vs The Desire of Justice Empty Re: The thirst for Blood vs The Desire of Justice

Tue Sep 27, 2011 9:59 am
Eriko sees the multiple pincer attacks trying to surround him disappears in another flash step. He puts some distance in between him and his enemy and decide to take a short look at his surroundings. Buildings, unconscious normals, an empty vehicle, and a water fountain. "A fountain eh?" He rushes the hollow the hollow again, slashing at various points of its body that would be easily to block, looking for opening in its guard. Using this tactic, he guides Akanade toward the nearby fountain.

The thirst for Blood vs The Desire of Justice Bdw9x2

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The thirst for Blood vs The Desire of Justice Empty Re: The thirst for Blood vs The Desire of Justice

Sun Oct 02, 2011 2:27 pm
The beast's tail pierces Eriko at his neck, or so it looked. It appears that Eriko had employed a hohou technique and left an afterimage to distract the enemy. "Don't underestimate me hollow, just because you have more physical strength than me, doesn't mean you can beat me so easily." He dashes out over grabs hold of Akanade's tail. "This thing is a real nuisance. I wish I could just cut it off, but even if I managed to cut through all of this armor you've got, you'd just use your high speed regeneration and grow it back."

With his free hand, he holds his Zanpakutou, which he raises to swing. Notice that he has the sword's break peddle on the guard is pulled. "Shuuraiken!" as he brings the sword down, slashing through air and releasing a wave of electricity forward at Akanade. At this range, even a sonido wouldn't dodge this attack.

The thirst for Blood vs The Desire of Justice Bdw9x2
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The thirst for Blood vs The Desire of Justice Empty Re: The thirst for Blood vs The Desire of Justice

Thu Dec 29, 2011 2:36 am
due to the former member was banned, and his character was killed this thread is inactive

The thirst for Blood vs The Desire of Justice XmGUKMS
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