Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Just a Scratch [Henry/Natsumi] Left_bar_bleue1570/100Just a Scratch [Henry/Natsumi] Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Just a Scratch [Henry/Natsumi] Empty Just a Scratch [Henry/Natsumi]

Yesterday at 9:47 pm

Natsumi lowered her outstretched hand as the hollow’s form vanished in front of her. Her reiatsu calmed and a dull ache reminded her of the fight—a shallow gash on her arm from the hollow’s claw was still bleeding. She gritted her teeth, muttering a string of curses.

“Stupid, fuckin', jerk… I hate hollow!”

Natsumi plopped down on grass in the middle of a park she didn't know the name of, holding her hand over her wound. By some miracle, she was in Paris. Looking to the side, she could see that weird tower that made this place so popular, but she found nothing interesting about it.

“Lil’ bastard put up a fight,” she said, glancing around the now-empty street. She knew she’d need to patch herself up, but there was no way she’d go running for help over a scratch. Taking a slow breath, she muttered, “This is what happens when ya let y'er guard…”

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Just a Scratch [Henry/Natsumi] Empty Re: Just a Scratch [Henry/Natsumi]

Yesterday at 10:19 pm
Just a Scratch [Henry/Natsumi] F9K5qZt

"Seems pretty serious, need a hand?" Came a voice from nearby, a brimming wide smile piercing through the dwindling twilight. Jogging up to the woman laid out in the grass, a young man carrying an ice cream swirled high on a cone and a steaming paper to-go cup of some sort of piping hot drink. Standing over her, he looked between both of his occupied hands, pausing briefly before handing her the ice cream. "Hold this for a sec? Looks like you need it alittle more than I do anyway!" Kneeling down, he eyed the gash on her arm and nodded his head as if surveying the severity of the wound, "I'm Henry by the way! What's got you all banged up?!" His tone was jovial and lighthearted, even in the midst of this injured stranger.

Henry had decided to take a trip to Paris to see the Eiffel Tower up close and personal, and brush up on his French while he was at it! He had been out for a stroll this late evening and was trying out some of the local shops, couldn't resist a double scoop of vanilla and a piping hot hot chocolate. He had heard European chocolate was way different than in the states, although thinking about it now maybe this isn't exactly what they meant. Either way, as always, fate had him in the right place at the right time it seemed.

Just a Scratch [Henry/Natsumi] ZNRu8Q1


Just a Scratch [Henry/Natsumi] KuiGFI2
Just a Scratch [Henry/Natsumi] VX18M0l
Just a Scratch [Henry/Natsumi] NglOVkP

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Just a Scratch [Henry/Natsumi] Empty Re: Just a Scratch [Henry/Natsumi]

Yesterday at 10:57 pm

Natsumi turned her head to the voice that seemed to call out in her direction, blinking at the rather joyful guy approaching her. She wanted to warn him that she was going to eat that ice cream if he was silly enough to hand it to her, but… that seemed to be his intent. Like an excited child wanting dessert, she took the cone and immediately began eating. She was a little distracted, but clearly wary of his intentions.

“Natsumi,” she said with a full mouth. She waited to answer the rest of his question until after she swallowed her bite. "Hollow... I killed it."

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Just a Scratch [Henry/Natsumi] Empty Re: Just a Scratch [Henry/Natsumi]

Yesterday at 11:08 pm
Just a Scratch [Henry/Natsumi] F9K5qZt

His eyes lit up as she talked, looking to her with his wide grin. "Really?! And all you came out with was this little scratch? You must be pretty strong, Miss Natsumi." He offered, running a thumb across her arm beneath her wound as he examined it for but a moment more. "Alright! How about we get you patched up, hmm? Lucky for you, I have a very special ability! We'll have this bad boy healed up in no time... just, do me a favor? Hang on to that ice cream!" He jested, nodding his head to her and giving her a prompt thumbs up and a wink. Then, with a sing-song tune, he squeezed and loosened his fist, "Here we go! 1, 2, 3! Aaaand...!" With as much warning as he could give, he suddenly swung his fist into her arm with a punch-buggy that would undoubtedly sting like the dickens. Normally a punch like this would hurt anyway, much more so on an open wound, but with Henry's powerful strike, a sudden rush of rejuvenating energy would flood from his knuckles to seal up her wound lickety-split, a glittery golden glow fading quickly as he withdrew his fist, revealing the already healing cut. "Ta-da! Good as new!"

Just a Scratch [Henry/Natsumi] ZNRu8Q1


Just a Scratch [Henry/Natsumi] KuiGFI2
Just a Scratch [Henry/Natsumi] VX18M0l
Just a Scratch [Henry/Natsumi] NglOVkP

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Just a Scratch [Henry/Natsumi] Empty Re: Just a Scratch [Henry/Natsumi]

Today at 3:15 am

Natsumi watched him closely as he examined her arm, but not for a moment did she let up off her ice cream. She bit into the cone after destroying the top at a speed most would get a brain freeze.

“You can heal?” she asked, her words muffled because she was talking with a full mouth. Before he answered, however, he warned her about her ice cream, so she put a small invisible barrier around it. He could sense a small amount of reiryoku being used, but he wouldn't see it.

Having absolutely no idea this guy was about to PUNCH her, Natsumi's eyes just widened as he wind back. Confusion kept her still and she tensed up as he went in for the swing. She groaned and whined when she felt his fist hit her arm. And then she suddenly felt... better?

Blink, blink...

"An' what the hell was that?!" Natsumi jumped to her feet. "You're lucky you gave me ice cream or I'd send ya flyin' across the park!"

It was then that Natsumi realized the pain was gone. She blinked, looked down to her arm, and raised an eyebrow. "Wait... You healed me by hittin' me? An' what kinda strange power you got there?"

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Joined : 2024-08-24
Posts : 62

Just a Scratch [Henry/Natsumi] Empty Re: Just a Scratch [Henry/Natsumi]

Today at 9:44 am
Just a Scratch [Henry/Natsumi] F9K5qZt

Bringing himself to his feet to join her standing, he never dropped that brandished smile, giving her a thumbs up." Always good to have alittle insurance when meeting new people!" He gestured to the ice cream, waiting a moment for her to realize the situation, having been through this many a time before. People don't normally take too kindly to getting socked, especially from strangers, and especially when they were hurt already. Henry has gotten his own chin tapped a few times in situations like this, but a small price to pay to help where he can.

"Sure is strange ain't it?" He agreed with a jest, clenching his hand into a fist a few times. It still barely made sense to him, he just knew he was brimming with energy and was blessed to be able to offer it to others around him. "There are plenty of strange powers out there, huh? See something new everyday!"

Just a Scratch [Henry/Natsumi] ZNRu8Q1


Just a Scratch [Henry/Natsumi] KuiGFI2
Just a Scratch [Henry/Natsumi] VX18M0l
Just a Scratch [Henry/Natsumi] NglOVkP

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