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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Forged in Guilt, Part 3 [Hana/Kimitsuki] Left_bar_bleue1570/100Forged in Guilt, Part 3 [Hana/Kimitsuki] Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Forged in Guilt, Part 3 [Hana/Kimitsuki] Empty Forged in Guilt, Part 3 [Hana/Kimitsuki]

Yesterday at 5:56 pm
It had been a few weeks since Hana had last spoken with Kimitsuki, but she always tried to check in through texts. When Hana asked for a session with shikai training, she was surprised that Kimitsuki was able to open up her schedule, especially with all the chaos going on. It was two weeks after the arrancar invasion and Hana was pushing herself as far as she could to become stronger. She had one goal, and nothing and no one would keep her from it.

"Hello, Kimitsuki," she said as she entered the training area the planned on meeting at. Hana was, uncharacteristically, late to this meeting. It was only by about ten minutes, but that was often enough to cause people to become upset.

There was something different about Hana too. The last time they were in person, Hana was timid and wore her emotions as obviously as an actor on stage. Even though she still carried that air of elegance, the light in her eyes had dimmed, her posture was rigid, and her smile was forced. She was just unhappy.
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Yesterday at 6:28 pm

Forged in Guilt, Part 3 [Hana/Kimitsuki] 6EdIfMt

The Liberated Flame

Artist: JubyPhonic - Song: WILDFIRE!! (Cover)

Kimitsuki always had time for her students, even if they had graduated from the Academy... Speaking of which, the Academy was on a "Until further notice" break, meaning Kimitsuki had no classes to teach, and need only attend to any duties she may be required of at the Kyoraku estate. Aside from helping with the aftermath of the invasion, all Kimitsuki really had to do was to create lesson plans so she was at least read if and when the Academy opened its doors back up. Kimi was simply glad that they let students stay at the dorms, to upend so many students would have been quite a terrible event.

Regardless, once Kimitsuki had that request from Hana, and after she had accepted, Kimitsuki had been at the training room bright and early. She didn't need to be there so early, frankly speaking there was no reason... But the request was different from Hana's other requests. Shikai training was certainly something different, and Kimi could only infer so much from texts. Regardless, Kimitsuki had made sure to be prepared for Hana as much as she could, the training area as well, so that Hana's training could be meaningful. Once Hana's energy become apparent to the Danava, Kimitsuki waited patiently for the woman. Soon, her voice graced the fiery woman's ears and Kimi turned to meet her.

"Good to see you, Hana~"

Kimi's eyes graced upon the woman before her and she immediately noticed a change... Rigid posture, forced smile, and those dimmed eyes... She had done more than just fought during the invasion. She had lost, be it someone or something... she had lost. Kimi knew enough about Hana, and about how some people dealt with these events, not to treat Hana like a victim, not to feel sorry for the woman; but to treat her like she normally would. However, Kimitsuki did move up close to the woman and placed a warm hand upon Hana's shoulder. A gentle, warm smile graced her features as the Danava spoke softly, as if not to be overheard.

"You need not force a smile for my sake, Snow Blossom."

That was all Kimi said before she left the woman and spun a ring of fire around her index finger as she walked away from Hana, briefly reconsidering her approach for today. The Hana she saw before her wouldn't want to be babied or dealt with gently... Sure, there was no reason to be harsh, but being tough on the woman was a fine approach... She wanted results, not pampering. With that, Kimitsuki threw the ring of fire over her shoulder as easily as she would cast a rock. A burning flame shot past Hana's face, not injuring the Shinigami but showing her that Kimitsuki would treat this encounter with the utmost sincerity. With little preamble, fire erupted around the entire training area. Thick heat poured from the flames and quickly enveloped the room as Kimi drew her sword, the obsidian blade shimmering into existence as Kimitsuki turned to properly face Hana.

Any hint of care or affection was temporarily gone from the Danava's countenance as she turned to face Hana. All that remained was the fierce burning determination that poured from Kimitsuki's eyes, and that ever potent fiery gleam. Perhaps Hana hadn't seen Kimitsuki focused like this, even during her time at the academy, but for once Hana likely got a peek into the other side of the woman; the more dangerous one. Kimitsuki swung her blade downwards, a torrent of flame careening from the blade, the fire meant as a distraction. In that same moment, Kimitsuki moved on Hana, whether her blade was drawn or not, and pressured her so Hana had no choice but to retaliate with equal force or be hurt in the process. If Hana wanted it tough, she would get it tough... But also, she would hopefully discover what she was looking for. Only time would tell...

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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Yesterday at 6:54 pm
This meeting between them would be like no other. Feeling the warmth of Kimitsuki’s hand on her shoulder, Hana took a deep breath. The smile stayed. She knew that if she let that forced smile fall, she would break down. It was merely a wall holding back a flood of overwhelming guilt and regret that Hana could not handle right now. She could feel in the depths of her core that releasing that now would cripple her, and she had things to do…

Hana did not budge when the flame was thrown passed her. Whether it was trust or somehow understanding that fire’s path, Hana did not see the need to dodge.

‘That’s more like it…’

That fierceness, that determination, that fire… Hana needed this, likely even more than she knew. Hana drew her zanpakuto as Kimitsuki’s flame erupted in the room and the black blade was summoned. They weren't going to talk or catch up. They were going to train, and Hana was going to be pushed. Perfect.

"Chill the wind, Fukaorimiya," Hana spoke calmly, a gentleness in her words as she pressing her palm against the tip of her blade, drawing it closed toward the hilt. The blade lit up, disappearing as her hand moved, until suddenly the energy formed a ornate hand-fan. As the fan formed, Hana swung the fan and her own reiryoku spread around. It was dwarfed by Kimitsuki, of course, but there was still a chill in the air, and what little water remained in this fiery environment turned into small floating flowers of ice. And with that, she was ready to go...

As Kimitsuki's burst of flame came at her, Hana did not recognize it as a distraction on time. She swung her fan, letting a burst of icy air blow out toward the fire in hopes of pushing it back, utilizing the icy flowers as blades to do so. At this same time, she was able to notice Kimitsuki's movements rushing her. Thanks to the nature of her weapon, a quick, but strong, unaimed swing of her arm and the fan sent another icy burst toward Kimitsuki, however, the desire to not cause damage to someone she cared for caused something new to happen. Instead of the icy flowers moving to cut Kimitsuki up, they never moved. Instead, freezing air gusted at Kimitsuki, surprising Hana in the process.

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Forged in Guilt, Part 3 [Hana/Kimitsuki] Empty Re: Forged in Guilt, Part 3 [Hana/Kimitsuki]

Yesterday at 8:45 pm

Forged in Guilt, Part 3 [Hana/Kimitsuki] 6EdIfMt

The Liberated Flame

Artist: JubyPhonic - Song: WILDFIRE!! (Cover)

Kimitsuki wasn't surprised that Hana wasn't very receptive to her nickname from before, frankly speaking it seemed much more like she begrudgingly accepted the nickname than anything else. However, it was clear she didn't at least disapprove of it. That at least warmed the Danava's heart, along with the trust that Hana may have accidentally shown by not attempting to dodge or flinch away from the first precursor of their fight. Perhaps Kimi and Hana were quite alike in that respect, hurting someone they cared for was a hard thing to perform.

Hana's shikai was a sight to behold, even if Kimitsuki had never seen it before now... at least not in this setting, perhaps. Her distraction from before did seem to pull Hana's attention away from Kimi's initial offensive. However, Kimi did take some mental note of the icy blades that, while they did stop Kimi's fiery distraction, they also often were melted by the very same fire they countered. It was a sort of yin and yang, a balance as the two's powers conflicted. Often, Kimitsuki's power did overpower Hana's ice, especially because fire was the direct counter to ice, but Kimi was careful to keep her fire from becoming too overpowering for Hana's sake... But that didn't mean the heat wasn't a little stifling!

In the midst of that fiery onslaught was a blast of icy wind that struck Kimitsuki head on. Frost briefly appeared on some of Kimi's hair as the Danava briefly anticipated an attack from those same icy blades that her fire tangled with earlier... They never came. For whatever reason, Hana seemed to perform an act that was unknown to her, and surprising to Kimitsuki. Without the attack of those icy flowers, the chilling effects of the wind were dispelled within moments as Kimitsuki went back on the offensive.

The Danava of Fire pressured Hana once again, utilizing more fire to further test and weaken her icy abilities. She pushed Hana to the utmost, each fiery slash threatening to burn Hana fiercely. However, much like Hana's wind was less lethal upon Kimitsuki, Kimitsuki's fire too was far less brutal once it got close to Hana's body. With a snap of her fingers, Kimitsuki sent two pillars of blazing fire straight towards Hana from agonizingly close. Of course, Kimi was careful not to harm the woman, but Kimitsuki used this as an additional distraction as she concealed herself in flame to try and attack Hana from the woman's left side; the one likely unguarded by the fan. If she was successful, Kimi would only give the woman a very shallow cut, almost a scratch really, on her left arm. Otherwise, however, she would simply continue to pressure the woman with pure heat, intent to test just how far her shikai could go in such extreme conditions.

"Your Shikai is beautiful, Hana! Make it colder!!"

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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Forged in Guilt, Part 3 [Hana/Kimitsuki] Empty Re: Forged in Guilt, Part 3 [Hana/Kimitsuki]

Yesterday at 10:52 pm
When it was only the wind that moved, even though it surprised her, the only reaction was a short glance toward her fan. From there, her movements sharpened as she tried to focus harder on the fight.

‘What was that? Why didn’t my ice move?’

‘You didn’t want it to.’

‘I… can do that?’

‘Of course, Hana. It is your choice whether to take a life or not…’

As the fire intensified, Hana felt the heat on her skin, like the sun beaming down on her. She wasn't used to that, and didn't like it. She could tell the cold that came with her shikai was being overwhelmed. If that happened, would her shikai even work anymore? Hana took a breath and pushed out her reiryoku at a higher level, trying to rapidly create more the the flowers. A few dozen appeared around her, but no way near as much as she was used to. The fire was burning through the air and so she couldn't turn it into ice.

Seeing the slashes of fire, Hana did her best to dodge, trying to think of a way to boost her own power. When one of Kimitsuki's two pillars came at her, Hana couldn't dodge normally. She had to use shunpo. She vanished from sight and reappeared a few feet away. Before she could react again, she felt her left arm get cut. Ignoring it, she took a deep breath and stood strong, trying to force her reiryoku further outward. She knew going applying her reiatsu against someone like Kimitsuki was impossible, but if she could get herself to see her flowers forming again, she would see it as progress, especially using ice against fire.

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Forged in Guilt, Part 3 [Hana/Kimitsuki] Empty Re: Forged in Guilt, Part 3 [Hana/Kimitsuki]

Today at 5:23 pm

Forged in Guilt, Part 3 [Hana/Kimitsuki] 6EdIfMt

The Liberated Flame

Artist: JubyPhonic - Song: WILDFIRE!! (Cover)

Hana was certainly a stronger woman than she gave herself credit for, but she couldn't emit the same amount of force on her environment like Kimitsuki could. She dodged well, as per usual, and often didn't take any direct hits from Kimitsuki's fire. Even if the woman had, the fire would only lightly lick her skin, perhaps singe her clothes the smallest amount; but everything else pointed to just how hot the woman's flames were. But, it was getting hotter each moment, the absolute heat was bound to be overwhelming for Hana. However, once the woman ceased her attempts to attack, and certainly after that tiny cut was successful, Kimitsuki followed suit. Instead, the woman focused on maintaining her fire acutely. She amped up the heat just enough to truly test Hana's capabilities, but not enough to directly harm the woman.

Once Hana started to try and force her reiryoku further outward so she could create more ice flowers, Kimitsuki slid into her flames and instead took a backseat to observe Hana. She paced around the woman, watching her closely as she observed the woman closely. She didn't know of Hana's conversation with her Zanpakuto, but the Danava did consider that Hana's inner desires controlled her Zanpakuto quite on accident. That alone, once she noticed it, was progress in itself... But Kimi knows Hana well enough that she won't accept just this as progress.

"Breath, Hana. Try to shut out the intensity, the heat, cool yourself before you cool the air around you."

Kimitsuki continued to pace, occasionally sending embers past Hana's exposed skin. She purposefully made certain that the tiny bits of fire didn't hit the woman, but they were intended to disrupt her focus. Frankly speaking, if Hana could properly ignore the heat, and the distractions, she could progress once again under the desperate stress of heat-exhaustion. Kimitsuki knew that Hana could do it, especially under such duress. Hana simply needed to believe that she could do it too.

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