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Today at 8:44 am
You're Free Now [Noharu, Ranma] My8xcpolxa4

Well wasn't that a kick in the nads.

The news about the dissolving of the Gotei didn't come as a surprise to her given the circumstances of how its current version had been propped up. She'd had a particularly mouthy professor at the academy that had, in recent years, been very vocal about how tenuous the separation from the central 46 had made the Gotei. God what an asshole, but here they were. She imagined it wouldn't be long now until the Nobles tried to put things back together.

Well, at least the hospital was still running. Thanks to Captain Unohana she'd had a lot less discomfort from her wounds, she was even able to get around with Crutches, and her breathing had improved at least slightly. she still couldn't exert herself, but she could talk without having to gasp.

A Third Division Member... or well, she supposed they were just the SRDI now, had come and collected some tissue samples. They'd be trying to get a culture of her cells to try and see about growing some replacement tissue. It'd be an extensive process, but the current priority would be the replacement of her lung tissue. It'd certainly have to depend on how the transplants worked, she was also told it'd be a rough experience getting evrything replaced.

She'd told them to just focus on her lungs for now. The other stuff she could try and fix on her own , or compensate. But with her lungs like this, she was a dead fish. Sighing to herself she sat up in her bed and looked out the window. She wondered what the former eighth was up to...
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Today at 12:47 pm
You're Free Now [Noharu, Ranma] DyxMvAe


… What Noharu said before was kind of looking bleaker and bleaker by the second. But Ranma’s fists were clenched, somehow still hanging onto something in order to stay nailed down to the earth. It was… the least he could do right now. Even as his brain was frying.

He’d contacted Koga and talked about the current affairs, even discussing the strange happenstance that was the un-fixed Senkaimon. With the Gotei suddenly dissolving like this, the nobles – damn, just saying the word ‘noble’ today felt like getting an acid reflex in his throat – would likely weave together the Gotei… sooooooooooooooooo his idea was that they knew how to fix the Senkaimon and was withholding it from the Shinigami as leverage. And he didn’t like that.

It was just a thought, though… a stupid one, in fact.

But he’d tried to converse with the rest of the 8th, still remembering his ‘previous’ position as the 13th Seat, figuring that most would like to stick together. They had a sort of squad bond going on, huh… Captain Rose sure raised a good division. Ranma wouldn’t want to see that go up in smo- NOHARU!!!

This time, Ranma was led into Noharu’s room by one of the 2nd healers – they even held his ear and slowly walked him into her room to keep him in check this time, like some sort of unruly animal that needed to learn how to enter rooms properly. Ow’ing repeatedly, Ranma was holding a bouquet of flowers that he and the other 8th members had plucked for her. It must’ve been a while since Noharu saw the entire division, and despite the chaotic events, they still wanted to send her their regards.

“H-Hey, we got ya sum’ flowers, me and the 8th… uh, not too sure you like these kinds of flowers. Never really struck me as a flower-type of gal- I HAVEN’T BEEN SLACKING OFF! Not at all! B-But the others wanted to wish you a shitstorm of health, so… and I can't really say they're busy at the moment, b-but at the same time, they're knee-deep in- s-so much shit is happening…”


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Today at 1:29 pm
You're Free Now [Noharu, Ranma] My8xcpolxa4

Noharu blinked, her brows raising in surprise as she swa Ranma being marched into her room, before promptly offering a bouquet of flowers of all things. God it felt so much like being a teacher again. She chuckled softly and put on a smirk as she watched him give his shaky explanation. Hmmm, so members of the Eighth were sticking together? That was a little heartwarming. She wondered if they would wind up continuing to stick together...

"Well arent you guys sweet. Good to see you guys are sticking together as well. " She hummed as she leaned back in her bed and took a moment to look him over. "So what is it exactly you guys are planning? I'm sure the Nobility is trying to put stuff back together. I heard something about Lord Kuchiki or something?" She ventured. She frankly was a bit out of the loop on information, only having what visitors and the nurses brought to her attention.

"A Member of the SRDI or well..whats currently still in operation, came by to tke some samples. With any luck, my lungs might be fixed up." she hummed and looked down to her hip. It had been some work, but it was slightly better. After Unohana had cleaned out all the hollow reiryoku, it had been healing somewhat. That would just leave her arm, which well, didn't show much progress, but she had some plans for that at the moment.

"Ranma. What is it that you and the others from old 8th plan to do?" She asked with a tilt of her head.
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Today at 2:37 pm
You're Free Now [Noharu, Ranma] DyxMvAe


Planning? Well… okay, Ranma needed to gather all 3 of his braincells for this. It’d been difficult enough to talk with the other members – and he still had a few left he needed to find – but the plan was… well…

Urgh, he really needed to just knead his temples. “Kuchiki Byakuya was proclaimed as the next Captain-Commander by the noble houses… wow, they did not like CC Murasaki at all,” he expressed with an annoyed frown, “The Senkaimon’s still not fixed yet – me and Koga took a look at it, no fuckin’ progress. Almost considered fixin' it myself.”

Huh, wait?! So her lungs could still be recovered? There was hope that she’d return to the gang… and it brought sparkles to his hopeful eyes. But there was still her missing arm… but Noharu surely had that in mind. He just had to gather his thoughts. “Well… not many nobleheads in our squad, y’know?” he spoke, “And the 8th… is special to us. Thanks to Captain Rose, and thanks to CC Murasaki. I, for one, don’t believe the nobles will allow it to remain… and… I’m about to shit my pants…”

His legs were shaking. “Have you heard the rumors? About what they do to unruly Shinigami, or just Shinigami they think will become unruly? Heard of the Maggot’s Nest? I ain’t going there, Noharu – I can’t go there! I have a family now, I-I have a girlfriend, and I’m a Seated officer, for fuck’s sake! I mean, I was a Seated officer, for cunt's sake! I’m not dangerous, I swear…”

Clenching his fists harder and harder, Ranma calmed his nerves and summoned his courage to speak clearly. “I’m proud to be a Shinigami. I’m proud of maintaining the Soul Cycle, I’m proud of my Zanpakutō, I’m proud of everything you gals have taught me. I… I felt more noble than any of their blood could ever make me.”

Yeah, sure, but what the fuck did you plan?

“It was the Second-In-Command who claimed the Gotei’s disbandment, but… she won’t let the nobles have their way, and neither will I.”

Ranma suddenly melted onto his butt, his legs losing strength as steam escaped his ears. He’d overexerted himself. “I-I’m not built to make decisions this grave… but that’s what I think is best for the 8th. To, y’know… remain. CC Murasaki allowed it to be, so why not stick to that? It’s probably what the Second-In-Command plans to do.”


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Today at 2:57 pm
You're Free Now [Noharu, Ranma] My8xcpolxa4

She couldn't help but sigh a little and close her eyes as she listened to Ranma. It was.... very adorable that he was this passionate about maintaining the division. Though certainly she was a bit curious as to just how he intended to do that. She went quiet for several long moments before she took a soft sigh and stood up, making her way over and patting him on the head. She was better than she was the other day, still not great, and standing made her dizzy, but she could manage this at least.

"Not a bad plan. I don't know that everyone will still want to stick together. I would suggest finding Miss Masamune if possible. She's probably going to contact Murasaki's family, the Koizumi, at this point. You may want to see about talking to them."' She noted thoughtfully. She'd reach out to them herself honestly if she were able to. Taking a steady breath, she looked off to the side and furrowed her brows. It's gonna take a day or so for SRDI to ready me for the transplant. Once that happens, I should be well enough to be able to get around, slowly as it were."[/color] She murmured, looking off to the side and thinking for a few seconds.

"If at all possible, I'd like to see about speaking to the others. If you can, see if any of former Eighth wanna come talk to me. I'd like to know what the others are thinking."
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