Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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The Hellknight
Joined : 2012-12-10
Posts : 222

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Obanai Uzui Left_bar_bleue10/100Obanai Uzui Empty_bar_bleue  (10/100)

Obanai Uzui Empty Obanai Uzui

Thu Oct 10, 2024 8:14 pm

I. Basic Information

» Name: Obanai Uzui
» Alias: N/A
» Age: 100
» Gender: Male

» Association: Shin'ō Academy

» Appearance Written: Uzui is tall, lean young man with a slightly tanned complexion. His distinctive feature is his spiky, light blond hair, which stands up wildly. He has piercing blue eyes that stand out very much again his clothing and his hair. His clothing typically consists of a long white robe with gold and blue accents The robe has a loose fit, but is cinched at the waist with a dark belt. He often wears a gold arm band on his biceps along with golden triangle earrings. On his feet he wears open leather sandals that go up to several inches below his knee.

» Appearance Image: Obanai Uzui Sphintus.Carmen.1024.1301623

I. Personality

» Personality: Uzui is an extremely introspective and cautious when it comes to the people around him.This makes him seem from the outside to be a distant and sometimes uncaring person even if that isn't always the case, he is just very aware of his actions have consequences and those can stop him from getting to where he needs to go in life. Where that is, Uzui isn't really sure.

Outside of that a lot of time is spent looking for the best approach to solve a problem, with the least amount of effort or fuss, as he normally tries to be as efficient with his time and energy as possible though he does still enjoy a good lounge around and reading a good book. He is very interested in learning more about everything he can and trying to solve and fix problems for either himself or others, though he rarely or ever likes to take credit for anything he does to help others feeling that it either isn't required or that he is unworthy of the praise if the praise is too much.

I. History

» History: Uzui lived as an ordinary human in the bustling city of Tokyo. He grew up in a relatively peaceful household, his parents holding down jobs as lawyers for an international company. Both of his parents had their own unique abilities that allowed them to do well for themselves in their job but they were not offensive in nature but at least he like everyone else in this world was able to see and sense the dead around him so as he grew up he quickly learned that sometimes rogue spirits needed some help to move on, though normally there were enough Shinigami and others around to normally get that handled but Uzui tried to talk to them and help them move on if he could.

One day while walking home from high school, he was waiting at a crosswalk when a man had lost control of his car and nearly slammed into him, the only thing saving him was the light pole that slowed the car down just enough for Uzui to dodge out of the way. Uzui lost his cool at the guy in the car, as he stumbled out clearly drunk. Uzui doesn't remember what he said to the man, but what he does remember is the man also losing his cool and slamming Uzui head into the hood of his broken car. Uzui lost consciousness, and he vague remembers hearing voices while he was out saying the words that he couldn't make out but the voices were upset.

Uzui then woke up in the Rukongai. He learned that he had apparently died and was reincarnated here in the spirit world, and now he had a whole new system of things to learn and figure out! Uzui learned that basically the only way to get ahead in this world, much like the real one, was to either be born to a noble family, adopted into one, or join the government in a position of power. Uzui decided that getting adopted into a noble family most likely wasn't in the cards for him, he went and applied for the Shin'o Academy and was allowed in.

He is currently in his fifth year at the academy, and while he was getting and understanding Kido, he was not at all understanding Hakuda or Swordsmanship as he struggled heavily with those two things but eventually through trial and error (And alot of cuts, bruises and fractured bones) he eventually got good enough that he was able to continue onto the next and final year.

I. Natural Abilities

» Natural Abilities: [What kind of skills or abilities does your character have naturally? This can span from above average strength, to a large amount of skill in swordsmanship.]

I. Racial Abilities

» Racial Abilities: [You can put any customized racial skills/abilities/techniques in here. These can range from shunpo, kido, zanjutsu and anything else you want to add. Feel free to skip it if you don't want to fill it out.]

I. Zanpakutō

» Zanpakutō Name:

» Zanpakutō Spirit:

» Inner World:

» Sealed Zanpakutō Appearance:

» Sealed Zanpakutō Power:

I. Shikai

» Shikai Release Phrase:

» Shikai Appearance:

» Shikai Abilities:
I. Bankai

» Bankai Name: [What is your zanpakutō's release phrase?]

» Bankai Release Action: [Does your shinigami do any physical action to release their bankai? Feel free to remove this if not.]

» Bankai Appearance: [What does your shinigami's bankai look like?]

» Bankai Abilities: [What abilities does your shinigami gain in bankai?]

I. Equipment

» Equipment: [If your shinigami has any equipment? Put it here. If they don't, skip this section.]

I. Skill Sheet

(To Find Out about what these skills are for, please READ THIS THREAD before you try doing anything to it)

General Attributes
» Durability: D
» Speed: D
» Strength: D
» Soul: D

Will Skills
» Willpower:Beginner
» Deduction: Beginner
» Focus: Beginner

Shinigami Skills
» Hoho: Untrained
» Kidō: Beginner
» Zanjutsu: Untrained
» Hakuda: Untrained

I. Role Play Sample

» Roleplay Sample:

Takao watched as the women entered the room, she oozed the same kind of energy that his mother did, of someone so powerful that even the most arrogant mages have no other choice but to take the knee or find your head leaving your shoulders. Her pale white hair gave off some knowledge of her heritage, as it was braided in Icebergian braids, though anyone with any knowledge of current world politics knew that Lumikki was taking over Iceberg. There was a small part of his soul that called out at this, but he pushed that down as he knew that wasn't his soul... at least not fully. As he watched her approach, he gathered more and more of her vision. Her black stained hands looked like they were just recently dipped in the ink used for writing, her lips and eyes shadowed in the same color. On her chest was a large necklace of tears of jade, though they rotated around her neck like it was orbiting the sun. He chose to ignore the strange creature that was following her as it wasn't important at this time.

She was beautiful in the same way that one might find a panther beautiful, and just as dangerous to nearly everyone on the planet. The fox inside of him called out and said " She seems like a better match for you than your current lover..." Takao left that comment alone, he was only saying that because he was bitter that the person who sealed him liked Akuko and Lumikki was closer to Kurama than most.

" It has been ages... sadly time has not been as great as I would hope but nothing can beat time or death at the end of the day. Eventually both take their toll. " Takao scratched behind his right ear as he said it, giving a bit of embarrassment about how time seemed to have gotten away from him. " Time seemed to have gone well enough for you... given your meteoric rise in power in your home. Soon that Country will no longer have to fight for their lives every waking moment from the moment that they are born to the moment they die. Hopefully my mother will be kind enough to help you do that. "

Takao reached out and began to pour Lumikki her tea for her, sitting up and getting slightly closer to Lumikki as he did so. Takao wasn't sure if she knew that he was holding the Nine Tailed Fox inside of him, but hopefully it wouldn't have to come up.

I. Intent

» Character Intent: The intent behind this character was to do something different, and play someone that has to be alot more careful about what he does and has to learn how to control his powers. I made him an Academy student because I need to learn how the new system's scaling works given how different it is from the world I used to know on this site.


Last edited by Sinpoder on Tue Oct 15, 2024 2:53 pm; edited 4 times in total
Ye Olde Guarde
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Obanai Uzui Empty Re: Obanai Uzui

Yesterday at 2:12 am
Initial Check:

Will Skills
Willpower: Beginner
Deduction: Beginner
Focus: Beginner

Racial Skills
Hoho: Untrained
Kidō: Beginner
Zanjutsu: Untrained
Hakuda: Untrained

Spirit Class: 9
Comments/Notes: Welcome back to PH! Don't forget to fill out your general skills and your face claim!

Application Approved

Last edited by Tsubine on Tue Oct 15, 2024 2:39 pm; edited 1 time in total

Tsubine's Character List
The Hellknight
Joined : 2012-12-10
Posts : 222

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Obanai Uzui Left_bar_bleue10/100Obanai Uzui Empty_bar_bleue  (10/100)

Obanai Uzui Empty Re: Obanai Uzui

Yesterday at 11:19 am
Removed the offending material, including the sealed power as reading over the skills again, he most likely wouldn't even have a sealed power even.
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Obanai Uzui Empty Re: Obanai Uzui

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