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4/4th Shinigami, Right? [Noharu, Ranma] Empty 4/4th Shinigami, Right? [Noharu, Ranma]

Tue Oct 08, 2024 2:43 pm
4/4th Shinigami, Right? [Noharu, Ranma] DyxMvAe


Absolute chaos.

Okay, maybe that was an exaggeration, but any patient stationed within the 2nd’s barracks – one of the very few places that weren’t targeted during the ambush – would be able to hear a voice… several, actually. A bunch of panicking, frustrated Squad 2 members warning a certain Squad 8 hooligan of his reckless charge through the halls in his quest to see the fastest Shinigami in the Gotei United and the unholy ailments afflicted upon her!

His wounds were healing… then Shura happened… and then how the fuck could he not visit her any sooner?! Sorry, did Shura contaminate him with some of her brain damage? Noharu was right! He should’ve just stayed the fuck away from her! Oh heavens above, she’d rip his ears off… but Ranma would accept it with tears of joy if it meant Noharu was in a better condition!

Whether awake or resting… the distinct sound of below-average, flimsy Shunpo clapped across the hallway as the door opened to whatever or wherever he was told Noharu was located at. His fingers were almost bending each other apart in his attempt to cross them, praying that she was making a recovery. Please please please please please please please please please please, I haven’t even gotten any better with Shunpo yet! Please watch me more!

He barged in – sorry, he had to, it was Ranma, the 2nd knew his antics very well – and he was ready to fall onto his knees as if his prayers alone could heal her. He’d already tried using Kaidō for Komugi, and it barely stabilized her long enough for Igen to arrive to properly stabilize her… so what on earth was he able to do for Noharu, other than apologize with his heart on the floor for, y'know, everything?

Mind you, he just became a Seated officer, and oh boy, shit couldn't have gone any worse. Or could it? He certainly didn't want to imagine that. But he was here now. Please rip his face off, Noharu. Please bite his ears off. Slap him, kick him, shout slurs like you always do. Please be there.


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4/4th Shinigami, Right? [Noharu, Ranma] Empty Re: 4/4th Shinigami, Right? [Noharu, Ranma]

Wed Oct 09, 2024 9:24 am
4/4th Shinigami, Right? [Noharu, Ranma] G4z9cd58ep7

The very moment that Ranma barged into her room, Noharu had been in the midst of a redressing, her brows raising as she turned and spotted Ranma. And ranma himself would get to see her on her side, her ass on full display. As well as the huge gaping slice that had been taken out of her hip, showing a mess of exposed muscle, healing flesh, and the slightest hint of bone where her pelvic girdle had been shaved off.

Without missing a beat, the nurse grabbed the in-room curtain and DRAGGED it across, promptly hiding Noharu as she marched over, grabbed Ramna by the ear and aimed to drag him off into the hallway to give him a fucking scolding.

The entire time, Noharu burst out into side-splitting laughter, wheezing softly as she struggled to contain her laughter and keep up her breath, managing to flag down her nurse and say that the guy could be let in. And so once Ranma was done being told off, he'd be allowed back into the room, with Noharu now properly gowned, an amused smirk on her face as she looked to her subordinate.

"Been runnin around into people's rooms all mornin, bud?" She asked with a chuckle. Still wheezing a bit from the exertion of laughing.
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4/4th Shinigami, Right? [Noharu, Ranma] Empty Re: 4/4th Shinigami, Right? [Noharu, Ranma]

Thu Oct 10, 2024 3:08 pm
4/4th Shinigami, Right? [Noharu, Ranma] DyxMvAe


… Nasty scar. Nice peach, though – he’ll make sure to inform Koga about it later- wait, before that, his ear was bleeding-


The next few minutes were absolute hell on the other side in the hallway, with poor Ranma on his fucking knees, as low and humble as he could physically make himself out to be as the nurse gave him an earful about the shitstorm he could’ve caused with barging into people’s rooms like this. Seriously, some habits sure refused to die… and Ranma’s reputation within the infirmary kept pummeling downwards. The sounds of his sobbing and attempt to choke his sobbing down would surely be worth joking about later.

Ranma was allowed back into the room with a reddened ear and heavy eyes, beyond ashamed of everything he’d ever done – and Noharu, being Noharu, obviously knew what her subordinate had been up to. “Wh- no…” His voice cracked. Nice try, Ranma. “… Maybe.”


He was in a wild panic before. He could impulsively do things like that. “… *sniff* You alright?” He still remembered the view of that gaping, pieceless slice on her hip – didn’t that… hurt? Like hell? “I got pulled into a lot of shit, and… I wanted to visit earlier…”

Oh just fucking kill me already.


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4/4th Shinigami, Right? [Noharu, Ranma] Empty Re: 4/4th Shinigami, Right? [Noharu, Ranma]

Thu Oct 10, 2024 11:02 pm
4/4th Shinigami, Right? [Noharu, Ranma] G4z9cd58ep7

Noharu nodded softly and sighed, as she saw Ranma prostrate himself. Her shoulders slumping ever so slightly as she reached up and took the Iv pole firmly, using it to stand up as she looked down at the young man that had come here to see her. And well. He'd certainly see the state she was in. Her entire weight was on her non injured hip. Her left arm was gone beneath the elbow. And her entire right side was riddled with small divots that seemed like they had been scooped out of her flesh. She was always known for her scars, but the distinction was still pretty extreme to say the least. Not only that, but just standing up had her breathing a bit heavier than before. This, alas was something Ranma wouldn't be able to see. The sheer damage to her lungs as a result of breathing in some of that Miasma. Rotted and coughed up. Now she barely had much lung function.

"It's fine. I'm afraid I'm not really in any state to do much teaching for ya though. It'll be a bit before I'm fit to do much." She stated calmly. It was a bit surreal to say it out loud. She could hardly get around. At this point, her capacity to even function as an officer was a bit compromised. But that was simply the reality of the situation.

"Ranma. You can't keep doing this. This running around, breaking into places. We've lost a fair number of people. Including our officers. We're going to be merged with the first division for the time being. So you should get to know your new temporary superiors." He stated, sitting back down on the edge of her bed and waving with her one hand for him to get up. "It's gonna take me a long time to get back in action. And honestly, once I do, you may very well be my superior by then. So I want you to keep training, and be someone that can help our new members since I'm not around. Do you understand, Ranma?"
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4/4th Shinigami, Right? [Noharu, Ranma] Empty Re: 4/4th Shinigami, Right? [Noharu, Ranma]

Fri Oct 11, 2024 9:27 am
4/4th Shinigami, Right? [Noharu, Ranma] DyxMvAe


Watching her grab that IV pole in such a fragile fashion was painful. He’d watched her put Shura in her place… how swift and tricky she was on her feet… and this sure hammered it home that she’d lost that. She’d lost a lot.

He tried not to bite his lower lip in fright, but it was the reality of the situation. Noharu made it clear as well – it wasn’t just a fancy burn on her skin, or breaking a few bones. Desptie her Shinigami prowess, there was only so much damage a Shinigami’s body could take and recover fully from… would she ever-

His head ached. She’d recover from this, surely. Fully, as if nothing had changed – then she’d return and keep on being the fastest Shinigami in the Gotei, as he’d always seen her… but that was wishful thinking. And yet, it hurt to admit to just to himself.

Noharu addressed him, reminded him of the situation as it was – not as he wanted it to be, not as what it could be, could’ve been, or what other people saw it as – just the fact. They’d lost many people… even their officers. Ranma had wanted to get acquainted with them after his promotion, y’know, share a drink with them, clear up rumors about his enigmatic antics. He wasn’t that impulsive…

“The First…” Ranma pondered, rising slowly up on his feet. The 1st Division were led directly by the Captain-Commander, but… with her MIA status, it was currently under the Second-In-Command, Masamune… so, he guessed he’d work closer with Komugi again.

“Of course I do,” he replied sharply, almost as if feeling offended by her question. His facial expression took a shift, narrow eyes yet still glaring down at the floor, as if he wasn’t tensing up to her… but to himself. “L-Literally, the first thing I did after I recovered… sure, that Shura gal kinda ‘napped me, blabbered about Bankai training and what-not, you know her deal…” Bro, dealing with Shura was training enough on its own, but unlike before, Ranma wasn’t showing exhaustion or a desire to preoccupy himself with other matters. At least, not now.

“… Hinamori-sensei’s helping me, too,” he furthered, since he might as well report on his doings prior to being a nuisance to the nurses around, “Have you tried, like, charging a Raikōhō through your Zanpakutō? Like with Tsuzuri Raiden? I kinda did it on a whim, but I had to – a Tsuzuri Raiden didn’t have the firepower I needed, so… oh, and Koga’s helping too – my fists are still ringing from punching him so much…”

Shura was weird and kind of a psychopath, but Ranma still had use of her for his Zanjutsu practice. After all, he liked coming up with new techniques on the fly… and Hinamori-sensei was great at helping him expand on the fundamentals of Kidō as well as encourage him to step out of his comfort zone. If Koga and co. helped him with his Hakuda, then…

“… D-Do you remember back when you beat up Shura?”


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4/4th Shinigami, Right? [Noharu, Ranma] Empty Re: 4/4th Shinigami, Right? [Noharu, Ranma]

Fri Oct 11, 2024 8:26 pm
4/4th Shinigami, Right? [Noharu, Ranma] 345xcexkzv7

Ahhhh, what a good kid. She couldn't help but sigh and smile to herself as she watched the poor kid. Still, she raised a brow at the sound of Kurara being a fuckin menece all over again. She was gonna slit that bitch's throat one of these days. Unless that was the pain killers talking. Still, she was pleased to hear he'd dismissed her. Attaboy. "I certainly do." She noted in response to remembering what Shura was all about.

The knowledge that he had some mentors keeping tabs on him was also good. Tch, there was bound to be a lot of rukongai citizens that didn't make it. But well, a smaller percentage of them had been hit, she wondered if her folks were alright... She glanced back to Ranma at the mention of his experimentation, that smile of hers deepening as she shook her head. "Sounds like you're keeping yourself busy. That's good." She approved, though when he lapsed a little into that final question, she could tell that he was trying to distract himself with a story.

She supposed it was all he could really do. Poor kid probably gelt downright helpless.

"I most certainly do. I remember you were there, matter of fact. But Ranma, you don't have to go talkin bout my glory days. I'm not dead yet. And even if I was, you'd bet your ass the World of the Living would have one fiery-ass young lady about to be born into it. What... a good fifteen years? You'd hear about me making a ruckus down there no doubt." She grinned and gave him a little wink, as if truly her mischievousness would transcend this life of hers.

"Besides, I never like tootin my own horn. So lets stop goin over my past. And lets think about your future. Honestly, I dunno whats gonna go down. Lotta folks got inspired to take up positions cuz of the leadership. And I can't imagine things are gonna settle back the way they were." She murmured, rolling her shoulder for a moment and gesturing around them. "The last time that there was such a huge invasion, there was pretty big shift. A lot of turnover. Most of the captains that were still around wound up retiring and we got a whole new guard. So keep your head up and buckle down. Things might get a little crazy. But just keep yourself focused, and don't let it get you ruffled. Things'll eventually settle. Just keep your eyes on what's important, understand?"
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4/4th Shinigami, Right? [Noharu, Ranma] Empty Re: 4/4th Shinigami, Right? [Noharu, Ranma]

Today at 8:07 am
4/4th Shinigami, Right? [Noharu, Ranma] DyxMvAe


Glory days? Wait, maybe she misunderstood what he was trying to bring up- the freaking Zankensoki! He just wanted to tell her… that she didn’t have to worry about him in that regard. Sure, his Hohō was simple, and many other Shinigami around him were pulling stunts here and there with it, while he was left just trailing around, but he wasn’t going to slack off!

Then again… it was Noharu. She could probably tell just by looking at him.

Her idea of a reincarnated, human Noharu stirring up chaos in the World of the Living did make him giggle, though. Some things never changed, even in the face of chaos or sorrow. Though the Gotei was ever-changing, it felt, and Ranma was warned to brace for it…

“… Okay… okay, I can do that,” he nodded at last, needing a few seconds to steel his mind, “Shit… maybe I’ll be sent to work under a whole other Captain. Maybe they’ll take Ranny away! I can’t have that! No other Lieutenant’s gonna vibe with me like Ranny did… b-but if you say so.”

Yeah, a lot of things would likely change, so he’d have to focus on what was important. Simple advice from the fastest Shinigami in the Gotei. Still, his curiosity mixed very well with his paranoia… like, which Captains this time? Who would dip, eh? He still prayed that Captain Rose would make a recovery, too. “To be honest, I think I’m still kind of a… 3/4th of a Shinigami at the moment.”


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4/4th Shinigami, Right? [Noharu, Ranma] Empty Re: 4/4th Shinigami, Right? [Noharu, Ranma]

Today at 10:28 am
4/4th Shinigami, Right? [Noharu, Ranma] 345xcexkzv7

Noharu nodded along, and simply went silent as he spoke. Frankly, she was catching her breath from all of that talking. And she didn't want to make that obvious, the last thing this kid needed was to see how fucked up she was. Still, he had some reasonable concerns. But that was the reality of things. "Yea. That might happen. No way around that." She noted with a nod of her head as she rested her elbows on her thighs..... And almost stumbled. Right, only one elbow now.

That said. ,she did raise her brows slightly as he made reference to the line she'd given Shura at the time. A rueful little smile forming on her lips as she sighed and waved a hand. "You're only less of a shiningami if you don't use them. Even if you're bad at it. So long as you're able and willing to pull it out when the need arises. That's one pillar you've got down. I'm certainly nothing like Rangiku when it comes to Kido and Hakuda. But I still use it." She sighed, hiding a half pant as she took a slow, deep breath. Feigning contemplation.

"Its okay if you don't get any better. But don't let those skills wither into nothing."
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