Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Joined : 2023-09-03
Posts : 1291
Age : 24

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The ones who never got their chance(Rei solo)  Left_bar_bleue0/0The ones who never got their chance(Rei solo)  Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

The ones who never got their chance(Rei solo)  Empty The ones who never got their chance(Rei solo)

Today at 7:40 pm
Rei didn't think she would wake back up honestly. She had figured shed die on the ground in the rain. Though it seems fate had other plans. Once Mizu had stabilized her, she had pushed herself to her feat. Promising that she would find her way to the hospital soon. Rei had to go check on Jasper. In this mess it was hard to tell how things were going at the academy. Rei was struggling to walk on her own, but would use the walls and debris as leverage to assist her. Mizu was busy with Kyo, and Rei wasn't about to go sit in a bed when Jasper could be out there somewhere.

Rei didn't get far before she saw a familiar looking book lying out on the ground. Rei had bent down picking it up as she flipped through the pages. Seeing diary entries from her sister as she felt herself beginning to panic. She wouldn't just drop this or having it lying around. Rei looked around and noticed some debris from some of the walls surrounding the area as she quickly moved over. For a moment her body had forgotten the pain it was in. She began digging through the debris, throwing rocks over her shoulder quickly as she called out for her sister.

"Jasper, Jasper, where are you?"

She spoke as she continued digging. This debris must have been from that fuck face a few hours ago. The adrenaline pushing the pain to the back of her mind as she dug for Jasper. Waht had she been doing this far out? She was an academy student. There was no reason for her to be out here. She should have been taking cover within the academy. Had she been looking to find Rei? As she dug, and continued throwing rocks she felt herself getting out of breath. Taking a moment to look around more as she wiped the sweat off her brow she saw the familiar white and blue of academy uniform. Rei quickly rushed over ignoring the pain once more as she dug.
Seasoned Member
Joined : 2023-09-03
Posts : 1291
Age : 24

Member Info
Platinum Points:
The ones who never got their chance(Rei solo)  Left_bar_bleue0/0The ones who never got their chance(Rei solo)  Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

The ones who never got their chance(Rei solo)  Empty Re: The ones who never got their chance(Rei solo)

Today at 7:51 pm
The rock that was covering the body of the person was rather large. So, Rei pushed herself as she put everything into pushing it off the person. However, as she did so she immediately saw who it was. Jasper laid under the rubble with a dark crimson splattered on the rock under her as Reis heart sank. Seeing her like this, Rei quickly moved her hand to the woman's head to check or a temperature, cold. She put her head in front of the woman's mouth to check or any signs of breathing.

Nothing. Rei found herself in shock as she sat with her sister. Tears began to flow down her face as she couldn't take the eyes off of her sister. Feeling her body completely sink as she tried to keep her composure. She fell forward, her head colliding down onto Jaspers lap as she cried hard. Her breath hitching as she sobbed into her late sister's uniform. She sat there for what had to be hours before she finally came to a stop. She pushed herself back up wiping her own eyes as she looked over her sister once more. Taking her free hand to close the woman's eyes she let out a hoarse whisper. The memories of them living out in the rukongai flooding back. The happiness, the long days, the sad days, the easy days, and the hard days. The rukongai was hard, but Rei had such a good family. She remembered when she started her journey to becoming a shinigami and how supportive she was. All gone, because of that prick.

" so sorry i failed you."

She spoke before standing up. Taking the journal and placing it into her uniform. Rei found herself feeling a large hole in her heart. Was this how hollows and arancar always felt? Rei gently picked up her sisters body as she carried it over to where the the correct people would for sure see it. Rei took the necklace from her own neck. It was the one their soul society adoptive parents had given her. She gently laid it in Jaspers hands before folding her hands over her chest. This entire process ended with Rei feeling numb. The only thing she felt was the contempt for that fucker who attacked central 46 not too long ago. She was going to rid the world of that cancer if it was the last thing that she does. Looking down to Jasper looking to give some final words she speaks out.

"I guess I was just always meant to fail those that matter to me. I will avenge you if it kills me, Jasper."

She spoke before giving one long prayer and making her way to the hospital. She was going to hunt that mother fucker to the edge of the earth, and he was going to die by her hand. She didn't care how it was done, but he was certainly going to die.
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