Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Today at 1:49 pm
A Leveled Playing Field [ANNOUNCEMENT]  CMjCIgX


"People are our most valuable resource. More than money. More than power. They're how you get anything you want, when you know how to twist the knife. Remember, son -

There's always a deal to be made."

Rubble and chaos, the children of malice and incompetence. Ruin brought by the betrayal of a Gotei Captain and an ancient ally turned hollow. The district had been all but razed, making it all the easier to clear out. Muscle and manpower, the children of money. Hitoshi's wallet would come to it's fate soon enough, but that day was not today.

In its place, tables and parasols, chairs and stools. Walled in with much longer tables, spread end to end with provisions. Drinks, food, enough for hundreds to sit idly in the shade of the Kurata's overlong shadow as he spoke. Guards lined what they could of the perimeter, but with the number of wounded it was scarce. We need the impression of safety, if this is going to work. A narrow precipice, for the time being.

In front of everything, a short stage had been erected, filled only by a podium, a microphone seated atop. Speakers lifted on either side, obstructed by banners of the Kurata family seal. If there had been more time, favors would have been exchanged, and seats would have been erected for allies -

But the damage was done.

They'd gather quickly, the man's cold gaze watching from the shadows. Eventually, geta would sound underneath the crowd's chatter, slow, methodical as Hitoshi climbed the stage. A pale hand reached out from under his parasol, gripping the edge of the podium as he leaned into towards the microphone. The time to act had finally come.

"Citizens of the Rukongai!" Hitoshi's voice rang into the sky, a spark of passion in his tone. "You have been subjected to horrors beyond imagine! Hollows on your doorsteps! Destruction and death in your streets! Every one of you has had to fight to survive when you should have been protected and safe, but your guardians have failed you!"

Sanzukiko twirled in his fingertips, and anger blossomed. Up from their shadows and through their minds. The chatter began to swell, and Hitoshi's manufactured passion swelled into something of its own.

"But we are here! The KURATA are here! I am here! FOR ALL OF YOU! As I speak, the noble houses are amassing their resources to rebuild your homes, feed and clothe your children, and make you SAFE again!" Sanzukiko swirled, a cocktail of adulation brewing from the anger. "You are all the citizens of this place! And it has been far too long since you have been treated like you belong here! I SAY THAT ENDS TODAY! We will take back your lives from the Gotei! And we will do it better! GREATER!"

From their shadows rose a tree, its fruit joy.

And they cheered.

480 words

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