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That Sinking Feeling [Arturo, Catherine] Empty That Sinking Feeling [Arturo, Catherine]

Today at 8:52 am
That Sinking Feeling [Arturo, Catherine] ULCTEPM

One ship was bad luck. Two was tragic. But after the third, whispers of something alittle more nefarious were starting to spread. Ships would go missing all the time way back when, but in the modern age with GPS, radio, and a whole fleet of measuring devices, a ship could sail from one end of the globe to the other with enough equipment and a capable crew. So why then were ships disappearing at such an increasing rate off of the east Asian coast, a well traveled and mapped out region where the worst of a sailors problems would be weather or hastened delivery dates. In the old days, legends might arise, great beasts that lurk in them waters, fanged monstrosities, tentacled titans, or spectral horrors. Nowadays, those things were practically commonplace around the modern World of the Living.

In reality, the cause was far simpler and more sinister. The boredom of a madman.

Surfacing from the briney deep, the scarred bald head of a spindley man glistened in the radiant sun of the open seas. "Ah, cursed waters. If I could drain the lot of you, I would." He grumbled to himself, pulling out a waterlogged stretch of parchment, laying limply in his hands as it drips sea water from its edges. With a swift marking, he put another X across a square of what was revealed to be a map. A map of the east asian pacific ocean, sectioned off in a grid, already nearly half marked off with hashmarks or scribbles.

Arturo Galavantes, an Arrancar, had been getting a bit stir crazy in Hueco Mundo, and decided he needed something to get himself back right. He needed a crew. But what was a crew without a ship. And he knew just the one. Unlucky for him, that ship had been at the bottom of the sea for the past 400 or so years, and in all honesty he wasn't sure where the hell it even was when he had gone down with it in life. But in death, he had a bit more freetime on his hands, so if he had to comb every inch of this sea floor, he would.

And of course, why not have alittle fun scaring the locals while he was here. All work and no play made Captain Jack a dull boy.

That Sinking Feeling [Arturo, Catherine] BoB4nJU


That Sinking Feeling [Arturo, Catherine] KuiGFI2
That Sinking Feeling [Arturo, Catherine] VX18M0l

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That Sinking Feeling [Arturo, Catherine] Empty Re: That Sinking Feeling [Arturo, Catherine]

Today at 10:08 am
That Sinking Feeling [Arturo, Catherine] 2w5wJQg

"Catherine Reed"

The broken up wails of her detection system knocked her skull awake from her cot, eyes flying open as she grunted. Nearly falling over from the sudden halt of her ship's automated navigation, she fought her way out of bed and onto the deck in nothing but long sleeved blue shark pajamas and her hollow claw knife. Alright, where's the asshole...

..Oh, what the hell? That was new. She thought one of the sea hollows had been lurking about, but all she saw off her boat was the sight of... A... Sea Arrancar? Well, she didn't see fins on the guy, so he probably wasn't from around here. Oh well, better get his attention before he drew his here with his own ideas...

Grabbing the skeletal looking megaphone she had on the deck, she'd speak into it loud and clear with a bit of a tired jesting tone, "Hey you! Hell you doing all the way in bumfuck nowhere, the sea? Last I checked Arrancar can't breathe in water!"

END | A Glimmer of Sunlight
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That Sinking Feeling [Arturo, Catherine] Empty Re: That Sinking Feeling [Arturo, Catherine]

Today at 11:29 am
That Sinking Feeling [Arturo, Catherine] ULCTEPM

As Arturo plotted his next course of action, looking up at the sun for a moment then orienting his body southbound based on where it hung in the sky, checking the grid layout one last time before stuffing it into his coat, his ears were grated by a speaker calling out from the nearby vessel that had been approaching. He wasn't exactly in the mood to go hull tearing right this moment, but then he realized this call was directed toward him specifically, raising an eyebrow and peering off toward the ship. Disappearing down into the brine, his spiritual pressure bleeding into the waters around him as he melted into a blur beneath the surface, rocketing toward the ships direction, taking a peek at what it had to offer. Not a bad ship, not some giant tanker or transport ship, this was a ship made for personal use, sleek design. Impressive.

Not as impressive as this random human knowing as much as she did about him and his kind though, these guys were getting a little ahead of themselves with all of this spiritual awareness slog. Not only that, but this 'human' had an off feeling about her, something dark in that soul that tickled Arturo's senses, something a little familiar. Either way, Arturo felt inclined to investigate further. He needed a little break from his search anyway. After making his rounds under the water, his form hurled itself into the hull of the ship, but rather than slam into it, he slipped right through. His form bubbled its way up through the ship and finally the skinny ragged man rose up out of the deck like a man wading up onto shore, trudging on up until his boots stomped flat against the surface, sea water dribbling off of him with soft spattering all around him. Squinting his eyes, he looked around to see where this little ship captain might be, shading his eyes from the sun beating down from above, before calling out in return to her prior remarks over the loud speaker.

"Yeah, if I coulda breathed under water I wouldn't have turned out quite the way I am now..." He jested, even now after hundreds of years, feeling that heavy feeling in his lungs he would never forget. "What's a human like you know about Arrancar anyway...? They teaching this stuff in school now...?" His pesquisa had been firing off non-stop since his approach and by now he had a pretty good idea at where she might be hiding out at.

That Sinking Feeling [Arturo, Catherine] BoB4nJU


That Sinking Feeling [Arturo, Catherine] KuiGFI2
That Sinking Feeling [Arturo, Catherine] VX18M0l

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That Sinking Feeling [Arturo, Catherine] Empty Re: That Sinking Feeling [Arturo, Catherine]

Today at 12:42 pm
That Sinking Feeling [Arturo, Catherine] 2w5wJQg

"Catherine Reed"

Vanished. Where'd he go... Her knife was held tight in her hand ready to dispatch the potential threat, Signal pinging out again and again as she sensed his figure beneath the boat. Shit, was he going for a sinking move? She had measures installed to make sure hull punctures were neither easy nor devastating for the ship; her creation's survived worse than some punk trying to do something stupid-

She jumped and stiffened when this perfect stranger's head suddenly popped up through the deck, climbing up and onto her vessel without little much as permission or telegraph. Yeah, that touched a nerve alright, she had little care if he was peaceful in the immediate. A movement the eye couldn't trace, she'd have grabbed him by the collar, pulled him down to the deck's flooring with a shocking display of strength, a knife hovering uncomfortably close to his neck. The ginger's expression was piercing.

"Did I invite you on? No, no I didn't," Words spoken in a rising growl, her face uncomfortably close to his, "If you have any sense of manners or boundaries, you would have asked first. And especially would not have come up through the fucking hull."

Looking to the edge of the ship, she'd scoff, "We're going to try this again. I'm throwing you over, you ask before coming up, and then you can be on my deck. Understood? Okay, swim for a spell."

With little further confirmation, she'd hoist the Arrancar well over her shoulder, throwing him an astonishing distance to land just a few feet away from the boat with the ease of throwing a bag of trash. Wiping her hands against her in a clapping motion, she'd approach the edge and look down,


END | A Glimmer of Sunlight
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