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Ye Olde Guarde
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What We Are Here For [Tsubine/Joshua] Empty What We Are Here For [Tsubine/Joshua]

Sat Sep 28, 2024 3:41 pm

This had been the second-worst-week of Tsubine's life. He still ached even after Kaminari's extensive healing. He still felt phantom burns from Ignacio's flames. But that wasn't the only flame burning. Pride. Anger. Duty. Those flames raged within him as a combined inferno. Mayumi was safe. J was safe. And Kohaku was the first one to greet him back once he had made it back to the Shōjin.

Tsubine had been hard at work since the moment he returned. Thanks to Kohaku's leadership in his absence and a few other surprise elements, the Shōjin had escaped major damage. Some buildings were destroyed, and many lives were lost, but it could have been so much worse. The emergency bunkers Tsubine had dug out within the Shirazumi-rengokai's offices had been the best investment he had made post-Demon Incursion.

Because of how little his district was damaged comparatively, Tsubine wanted to send aid to the most hard-hit region: the Seireitei. Unfortunately, no one was speaking to him or his men. "God dammit. Can't you find me someone to speak to?! I don't want the fucking Gotei to think I'm sending an invading army into the Seireitei." Tsubine punched a hole in the wall of the makeshift office he was operating out of in the upper districts. He had left Kohaku in charge of keeping the peace while he was just outside of the single-digit districts.

His men winced at his anger. They understood why he was angry, but there was nothing they could do. J had said that his Division wasn't the one to speak to about it, and that Kei was too busy to see him. As he was about to punch another hole, a bald member of the gang opened the door in a hurry. "Boss, I just heard from some of our guys; there's a Shinigami going out looking for supplies. I thi—" Tsubine shot up. "Take me to him. Now." He grabbed the athletic jacket he wore and follow-led his subordinate.

"What's the Shinigami look like? We got a name?"
"They say he's got red hair and wears a funny-looking hat."
"Funny hat, you say..."

Tsubine was led to what looked like a lumber yard where a red-haired Shinigami just finished shaking the hand of what was likely the foreman of the site. He approached while the subordinate kept a distance. "You the guy asking around for supplies?" Tsubine extended a hand. "Tsubine Shirazumi. I'm here to offer my organization's assistance."

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Sun Sep 29, 2024 12:54 am

It had been a few days since everything had been turned on its head, and to say things were hectic would be like saying water tended to be wet. Everyone was busy, and things were more jumbled than Joshua had seen since the first time that Gotei decided to shake things up. Somehow, this was feeling more chaotic than when the demons had come and settled in for a while; probably had to do with all the conflicting information and apparent betrayals that were involved this time around. Most of that though was pretty over his head, and he was thankful for it; he would not have wanted a seat at the higher up’s table right about now.

He had plenty to occupy himself down here as it was.

Joshua had been ran out into the Rukongai to see about collecting on some old debts and favors. The Second Division was running out of basic materials to keep people out of the weather, patients and docs alike, and he thought he might know a guy for that. Fortunately it seemed the Shojin hadn’t had too rough a ride of it, so there were materials still abouts that might be made available. Some negotiations ensued and ended amicably enough, Joshua shaking the man’s hand. He let out a huff, getting his thoughts in order when he heard someone call out.

“Everyone’s askin’ for something about now, but that sounds about right,” Joshua said as he turned to face the voice; he had not quite expected who he found however. Seemed Lady Luck had decided to throw a card on the table.

Now which way that card would turn was yet to be seen.

Joshua shook the man’s hand, letting out a small chuckle.

“Well, wasn’t expecting that. Name’s Joshua Jehanna. Nice ta meet ya. Yer saying yer lookin to help out?” Joshua asked, considering the words for a moment. “I take it yer meaning more than just me tryin’ to round up some wood to keep the weather off the medics?”

~We trip and stumble only so that we may stand back up...~
Ye Olde Guarde
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Sun Sep 29, 2024 4:32 pm

Tsubine let his "pleasant businessman" smile crack into a genuine one for just a moment. "Of course. If I were a carpenter or lumberjack, I wouldn't be here myself. I'd be cutting wood so someone who looks like me could sell it to you at a premium. Well, I imagine that person would be in a nice suit instead of this." He placed his hands back into the pockets of the cargo pants he wore. If it weren't for the obvious high quality of the clothing he wore, he wouldn't be out of place in that lumber yard. Any stain, fray, or tear was clearly fresh. But of course, aside from the white sleeves and the bottoms of his pants legs, there weren't any of those.

"I've got labor, material, and clean facilities that can easily be sterilized for medical facilities. The problem is, well..." Tsubine took off his glasses and slid them into the pocket of the black shirt he wore. "I don't want to be accosted by the Gotei for having civilians assist in the rebuilding, nor do I want my associates to encounter problems while they're providing this much-needed relief. I know the Seireitei is a protected area normally, but I think we all are residents of Soul Society right now; there's only a token barrier between the Seireitei and the Rukongai. So, Jehanna-san, are you willing to help make this deal happen?"

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What We Are Here For [Tsubine/Joshua] Empty Re: What We Are Here For [Tsubine/Joshua]

Mon Sep 30, 2024 12:25 am

Joshua listened to...well, what he would have called a sales pitch any other time if he was being honest. The red haired man considered it for a few moments when the question was directly put to him, which was probably longer than he should have considered it when he took everything into account. These were drastic times though.
“I think I’d be willing to help make that happen, but yer gonna have to slow yer step a second. No disrespect intended there. I’m out here cashing in what would be personal debts to bring in stuff, but bringing a whole crew...” he said, trailing off for a moment. His tone indicated it was more that he was working things out loud rather than disparaging the idea.

“Technically speaking, this ain’t my place to be making any such agreements formally,” he started, and sensed a change in Tsubine’s demeanor. He cracked a wry smile at that.
“I get the sense yer pretty tired of hearing that,” he said, looking back at Tsubine’s guards and then around a moment. There wasn’t anyone else too close in earshot.
“To give out something fer free, and something I prolly ain’t technically supposed ta; everything is a bit of a jumble right now inside the walls. Division are getting split and shuffled to handle a...change in landscape if ya will. Who has jurisdiction over anything is kinda changing by the hour it feels like. So I don’t think anyone is meaning to be shovin’ ya off or nothin. All that said, I’ll be honest when I say I agree with ya,” Joshua said, raising his tone back to hearing level.

“We’re all part of the Soul Society at this point, and I think it would be dumb to turn down the offer. It ain’t really mine to accept; I ain’t anyone special. But, I know a few people. If yer willing to give me a little bit of time to talk with them, I think I can get word to the right people about what yer looking to do. Get ya word back on the quick...least I think,” he said, trailing off slightly as he considered who all he could talk to about this. And who he could maybe pin this on eventually...

~We trip and stumble only so that we may stand back up...~
Ye Olde Guarde
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What We Are Here For [Tsubine/Joshua] Empty Re: What We Are Here For [Tsubine/Joshua]

Wed Oct 02, 2024 1:20 pm

Tsubine was doing his best to not send debris flying in anger. This Shinigami was just another middleman. Not the person he could make any sort of deal with. But getting angry at this man wasn't going to solve anyone's problems. If anything, it'd cause more harm that good right now. Taking a deep breath, Tsubine recentered himself and tried to think of something a lot more pleasant. It didn't work well, but it worked enough.

Tsubine's tone was clipped, and it was clear he was frustrated. "I have been told 'come back later' at best by quite a few Shinigami. I understand that things are in a jumble. I have heard some of the rumors milling about. I know that your command structure isn't exactly in the best of shapes." He let a tight breath leave through his clenched jaw. "But I am offering to help relieve one of your problems."

"You have, so far, been the only person to even consider taking my offer to someone who can make such a decision. Card." Tsubine held out a hand and one of his escorts—they weren't his bodyguards, but bodyguards for the people around him whilst he was in such a mood. A beshaded man handed over what looked to be a business card to Joshua. It read simply:
Shōjin Construction, Ltd.
Tsubine Shirazumi, President

This was one of the many legitimate groups that Tsubine owned and operated. Most of the staff were members of the Shirazumi-rengokai, but its services were entirely legitimate. "I'm currently operating out of the Sonozaki Kyūshin Inn... or what's left of it, really. Once you have an answer, present this card to the guys at the door. They'll let you in."

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What We Are Here For [Tsubine/Joshua] Empty Re: What We Are Here For [Tsubine/Joshua]

Today at 1:01 am

Joshua was good at reading people, and even if he hadn’t been he could have picked up on the frustration that was rolling off of Mr. Shirazumi at the moment; considering how good a businessman Tsubine Shirazumi was said to be, Joshua could hazard a guess that he was much more frustrated than he was letting on.

Which was, ya know, concerning given the proximity.

One Tsubine had said his piece, Joshua took the card and looked it over a moment. He gave a nod, slipping the card into a pocket.

“Yeah, I know where the place is. I’ll get word back to ya soon as I can; ya got my word on that,” Joshua said simply. He meant it too. He exchanged a pleasant goodbye and made his way back towards the Seireitei. And if that was the last Tsubine expected to see of Joshua, well ya couldn’t blame him.

So maybe it was a surprise when several hours later, one of Tsubine’s men came back escorting a certain red-haired Shinigami.

“So; I have some good news tied up with some middling news, and a potential opportunity for ya,” Joshua said after a greeting.
“The tied-up news is this; the people that ya gotta talk with if yer wanting to pitch in on a large-scale reconstruction effort are the blowhards in Central Forty-Six. Since it ain’t a single building or Division that’s needin’ the work, its more tied up in nonsense. However, given the state of things I’m thinkin’ they might well be interested in what ya got to say, once they are out of hiding that is. Pretty sure I know who to work with on getting ya an escort in to talk with them ta boot.”

~We trip and stumble only so that we may stand back up...~
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