Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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The Cat
The Cat
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Joined : 2014-06-28
Posts : 570

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The Dog and The Witch [SAJIN/LYZA] Left_bar_bleue24000/10000The Dog and The Witch [SAJIN/LYZA] Empty_bar_bleue  (24000/10000)

The Dog and The Witch [SAJIN/LYZA] Empty The Dog and The Witch [SAJIN/LYZA]

Yesterday at 10:23 pm
The Dog and The Witch [SAJIN/LYZA] LEkxLJL

Lyza | Exhausted Millennia

The sound of Lyza's least favorite thing that woke her up. The sounds of explosions roaring through the air while the kinetic energy shook the ground her wounded corpse lay upon, shaking her from her slumber like some kind of parent. And just like a parent waking up their sleeping child, Lyza's first thought while her eyes creaked open was that she probably had some kind of responsibility to own up to. What a drag.

Her vision was blurry for but a few moments as her mind reeled from being awoken from REM so soon, but it quickly sorted itself out as the searing pain of her charred body and missing flesh sent adrenaline shooting through her body at light speed. To say the aching made her miserable was an understatement, but it was nothing she hadn't dealt with before. Lyza was still able to pull herself upright onto her feet, albeit slowly. That was when she noticed she was still alive and that there was some clothing tied around where parts of her flesh had been blown off. Someone had saved her. That knowledge was enough to make her grimace.

Well, whatever. With a slow, deep inhale and a quiet huff of disappointment, Lyza began to focus her efforts on healing her body while she walked through the destroyed ruins of the Seireitei. She had felt a particularly strong spiritual presence in a certain direction earlier, but it was gone now. Last the witch had seen, Captain Komamura was there as well. So she'd walk her way there, slowly, but she'd get there. Limping slightly as she passed streets full of rubble and corpses. All the way to Sokyoku hill which was... no longer a hill.

Its destruction didn't mean much to Lyza. It probably should have, it just didn't. Her jaded nature kept her from feeling any sense of urgency in most cases. The only thing here that felt even slightly urgent was the bleeding out figure of Sajin Komamura. Lyza limped her way to his side, ignoring the pain in her arm, the exhaustion in her limbs, and the ever draining sensation of having used so much of her spiritual reserves while doing so.

"Captain." She said tersely, looking over his figure to examine his wounds before she set to work. "How bad is the situation?"

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