Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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The Dark Inside [Karin, Catherine] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0The Dark Inside [Karin, Catherine] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

The Dark Inside [Karin, Catherine] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Dark Inside [Karin, Catherine]

Wed Oct 02, 2024 7:14 pm
The Dark Inside [Karin, Catherine] - Page 2 W7pjcljdd57

The woman shifted her backpack for a moment and paused at that. " Is that so? And what might your name be? Miss Catherine. I might like to see what sort of works you've published." She noted flatly, lightly nodding over her shoulder as she turned and began to head off toward where her camp was. It was going to be a temporary abode so she felt no hesitation in showing a bit of hospitality for now.

She could sense more hollows off in the distance. This place was, after all, rife with them. Mentally, she noted their approximate location and strength. Nothing beyond perhaps a class.... Eight? She had never been good with the Shinigami's measurements, even though a few had attempted to walk her through them from time to time. Still, she expected that none of them would endanger them unless they grouped up. She took a brisk pace as she made her way toward the camp, it was a good fifteen minutes of walking, btu once they arrived, she would set her pack to the side and start looking through her supplies to make sure she hadn't been pilfered.
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The Dark Inside [Karin, Catherine] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Dark Inside [Karin, Catherine]

Today at 10:17 am
The Dark Inside [Karin, Catherine] - Page 2 QMnzOTa

"Catherine Reed"

This didn't feel like it was going anywhere, more like this lady was trying to squeeze more out of her than she was managing to. It was really beating on her patience, but she was such an interesting possibility... Damn it, was nothing she said enough to get her to chill out? Usually by now they started to unwind, but this one seemed-

That specific ringtone shouted in her ears, freezing up immediately. She'd sigh, flip the phone open with only a motion of 'one moment', turning away and looking on to the distance with a dreary expression as the audible sound of a thundering man yelling was on the other line, only a droning 'yes', and 'sure' spat out in response to his screaming, as if a practiced response. Had an urgent job, huh...? Great.

Flipping her phone closed, she'd growl, looking off to Karin with a worn expression, "Well lady, i'd love to sit and eat, but I got annoying," She'd kick a rock "Bullshit to do I guess. Have a good time."

With a brief wave to smother her frustration, she'd abruptly vanish with a pulse of Bringer Light.

END | A Glimmer of Sunlight
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