Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Joined : 2023-07-31
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Azariel Dalizulaga [WIP] Left_bar_bleue0/0Azariel Dalizulaga [WIP] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Azariel Dalizulaga [WIP] Empty Azariel Dalizulaga [WIP]

Mon Sep 09, 2024 12:54 pm

I. Basic Information

» Name: Azariel Dalizulaga
» Alias: None
» Age: ~100
» Gender: Male

» Association: [What is this character associated with? A certain character? A selection of characters? A nation? An organization? State their association and which characters they are tethered to]

» Estigma: His Mask Fragment is a bony frame that covers his forehead and cheeks, ending at his mouth with small fangs pointing down. Almost like the front of a dog's skull.
» Hollow Hole: On the front of his throat.
» Aspect of Death: Submission

» Appearance Written: Malnourished, worn out, ancient. Azariel appears thin to the point where his ribs can be seen pressing against his skin, with minimal musculature that betrays his capabilities. His hairline goes high, and his raven hair is tied in a wild ponytail with a single bang hovering over his face. A sharp, pointy beard grows out of his chin. His skin is pale with a faint, greenish tint.

He carries himself around in loose wear, exposing his top half and covering the rest of his lower area with white baggy pants and a white sash over his belly-plates. Both of his swords, the appearance of his Sealed Zanpakutō, are tied to his lower back.

» Appearance Image:
Azariel Dalizulaga [WIP] Aa4BBFE

I. Personality

» Personality: [Please describe your character's personality. Please be sure to use at least 10 sentences.]

» Likes: [Optional, delete if not used.]

» Dislikes: [Optional, delete if not used.]

I. History

» History:

Born into the Living Realm as the son of an Arrancar man and a human woman… was strange. A miracle, many would believe back then, but which turned out to be just as possible as humans having babies with each other. The father’s name was Dali, a proud and arrogant Arrancar, and he was not happy when he saw his newborn son enter the world… almost as if completely human. No mask, no fragment, no stigma, and no hole – just a normal, human baby…

Dali’s pride was shattered that day. It warped his relationship with the mother, and it looked like it’d spiral into chaos further down the line. Azariel didn't possess any Hollow-like powers, and as the quiet years passed by through his childhood, impatience drove his father rampant. It had to be the child’s lack of Hollow 'origin'. That was what Dali concluded one day, and while Azariel could not simply relive the life of a Hollow, he could experience them up close. This, paired with the growing threat of the Demonic that spread throughout the eastern hemisphere of the World of the Living, led Dali to take his young son with him to Hueco Mundo to help awaken his Hollow powers – leaving the poor mother behind to witness the growing threats in her world on her abandoned own.

And thus, the story continues… in Hueco Mundo.

You're A Hollow, Azariel
Dali had to plan this out thoroughly. An Arrancar born from a human female… it was likely that Azariel’s lack of a background as a Hollow could impede his development of Hollow-like abilities such as Cero, Hierro, Garganta or others. An idea came up as the two set foot on the grey sands of Hueco Mundo – simply introduce Azariel to the predatory Hollows that called this realm home, have him witness them in action… and his Reiatsu would respond to it. Definitely, if the young boy truly was the proud Arrancar’s son.

And many years were spent wandering around, with Azariel following his father’s footsteps as they fended off against any threats that came their way. The atmosphere of Hueco Mundo weighed heavily on his shoulders, and each Hollow slain by his father made his shoulders shiver. The bloody remains of the Hollows… his father demanded him to devour them. Hungry Hollows devoured slain members of their own race in order to empower their Hollow abilities, after all. His father figured that it'd aid Azariel's development too.

It was a slow, grim process, but Dali noticed the growth of Azariel's Reiatsu as he obediently devoured slain Hollow flesh. Results were pouring in, and a wrinkling of skin was forming on Azariel's throat. A wrinkling that slowly hollowed out, followed by a development of bone-like material covering his forehead and cheeks. Dali’s painful patience was starting to bear fruit – Azariel was finally beginning to look and feel like an Arrancar. And with the development of his Mask Fragment and the hole in his throat, his belly suddenly began to bulge out… as if some random object was growing out, until it burst out of his gut.

A pair of simple, short katanas. With the development of his Mask Fragment and his hole, Azariel’s Nucleus had finally gathered within the creation of his Zanpakutō. That wasn’t the only surprise on that day – the sight of his gut bursting open like that was shocking, to say the least. Dali thought for a moment that Azariel had gotten himself killed by his own blades… but when he saw the telltale signs of regeneration slowly patching his open belly up, the proud father couldn’t help but grin.

Azariel now possessed a Hollow Nucleus, sealed inside his Zanpakutō. It was a direct proof that his son had a link to his Hollow powers at last, and that not all hope was lost. His father could finally begin to train him properly.

Hear And Obey
It had been a good 15 years now since Azariel was brought into this world as a human child. After the birth of his Zanpakutō, Azariel could no longer be distinguished from any other Arrancar – not visually, at least. His father took notice that the general Hollow abilities didn't come naturally to him, that they had to be taught to him like a human teacher would teach a human child how to read and write. While it displeased the proud Arrancar father, Dali became a strict, thorough lecturer who expected nothing but the absolute amount of dedication from his son. And his son obeyed him without question.

Cero. Most Hollows that the two faced in the following years attacked them first and foremost with powerful rays of Reiatsu. Dali, strict as ever, saw to it that Azariel got hit just enough to learn how the reiatsu of such a powerful ability felt, but he’d make sure that the boy could survive the wounds and let his Regenerar patch him back together. Often, Azariel would lose a couple limbs or half of his fresh skin to the rays, a few times even being pushed towards the trajectory of the blast by his own father – all for the sake of conditioning the son to the Hollow powers and to strengthen his Regenerar.

Azariel never complained. The rays were painful and fierce, but despite the loss of flesh, blood and bone, he’d always regenerate himself back a few hours after his father made sure to slay the Hollows that targeted them. A few times, Azariel would lose as much as half his body’s mass, but he was under his father’s protection as he was allowed to heal without interruption for about a day… and then, he’d return to normal, resuming his grim training.

His Regenerar began to heal minor wounds on his skin immediately, but his father wouldn’t be satisfied with this immoral practice until Azariel decided to try and fire a Cero of his own to beat back the opposing Hollows that they met on their nomadic path. And it sure happened – wanting to satisfy his father’s wishes, Azariel raised a palm and began firing back, simply not allowing himself to act as a meat shield by colliding his Cero with the opposing ones. At first, he could prevent some weaker Hollows’ Ceros from reaching him like this, but overtime, his Cero began to overwhelm and overpower the young Hollows, even shooting through some of their bodies overtime.

"Do not disappoint me." Those were the most memorable words from his father.

Azariel felt a strange, eerie sensation whenever his hands touched his sealed Zanpakutō blades. He could feel the Nucleus inside of it, like a beating Hollow heart promising him even greater capabilities in the long run. His father taught him many other frequent Hollow abilities – Hierro was said to prove a must for Azariel, since it’d allow his Regenerar to work with less wounds during battle. By drawing his Zanpakutō blades for the first time, Azariel felt the pulsating pressure emit from them, aiding him in quickly picking up on how to strengthen the toughness of his skin with his own Reiatsu. He and his father would clash blades with each other on a daily basis to test out Azariel’s Hierro, and if he was able to maintain its toughness while attacking.

It should’ve been a skill that brought joy to him, since he now had a means to minimize the pain he’d been acclimated to as a byproduct of possessing Regenerar. But Azariel didn’t care about that – he heard his father’s words and obeyed them to the letter. His father’s words were absolute… but whenever they took a break during their travels, in the company of other friendlier or like-minded Arrancars within Hueco Mundo, Azariel would pick up flat stones and try to carve a picture of his mother’s face. He… didn’t remember it in detail, but he tried his best.

His father reprimanded him once, and Azariel never tried it again. Focus on mastering all of his Hollow prowess, that was the only thing he was told to do.

Azariel's 'pilgrimage' through Hueco Mundo alongside his father continued, calming down over the years as Azariel proved to pick up more and more of his father's teachings. The more he learned, the stronger his Hollow Nucleus beat within his Zanpakutō, and his Reiatsu approached his father's level at a satisfying rate. His father hadn't had the best beginning concerning his relationship with his son, but he was proud now. He'd even taught him how to 'blitz' his body forward in sudden bursts of accelerated speed, using a movement technique called Sonido. Now, their travels proceeded much faster, since Azariel could finally catch up to his father's speed…

It was clear that his father loved Azariel's achievements, and just that. But Azariel was happy to be the son his father wanted… then, they appeared. Their filthy feet landing on Hueco Mundo's sandy soil.

Their arrival, and the creation of the Shadow Fall, proved troublesome for the Arrancars that called Hueco Mundo their home, as this new force encroached and claimed land for their own. Many Hollows joined their forces overtime, but Azariel’s father would rather die than be subservient to another. He and many other Arrancars retaliated against the invading forces, coating the sands of Hueco Mundo with their blood as a massive war seemed to taint the canvas that was the grey landscape. Azariel, no longer a child to be protected constantly by his 'overbearing' father, joined the efforts in slaying the invading Demons and freeing Hueco Mundo's soil from Shadow Fall's influence. His Regenerar proved handy, allowing him to survive most battles even if he were to endure damage from foes or clumsy friends. His Ceros grew stronger and a bit more diverse in applications as began to experiment with Bala, and during a particularly heavy resistance, his father showed him how to sacrifice blood in order to perform a super-powered version called Gran Rey Cero – the two of them would often line theirs up together, generating a fused, powerful blast that could mow through large groups of repulsive, insignificant invaders. These Demons had no place in Hueco Mundo.

It was during the heat of battle that his Resurrección emerged as well. Usually, a Resurrección represented a reversion of the Arrancar to a form reminiscent of their past as Hollows in order to summon great power from their Nucleus, but Azariel was born an Arrancar from a human mother. As if drawing from his hidden, inner human side, his Resurrección was a mere bow and arrow, large but practical, wherein he gathered his Reiatsu and fired empowered arrows the enemy. Not only did the bow and arrows grant him long-range coverage, but the bow itself was tough and sturdy, saturated with his Reiatsu and capable of greater things.

However, as quickly as the battles fulfilled Azariel's desire to be of use to his father in full, it wrenched his heart just as quickly… when his father was slain.

Without even getting the moment to exchange last words with his son, the father was slain by Shadow Fall members during another fierce battle. It tore Azariel’s world apart… he wasn’t ready to part with his father yet – he still had to… do something. Sure, he had most of the skills down now. He could confidently call himself an Arrancar, but… what was he supposed to do now? His father had led the two all these years, and he knew what he was doing – without him around, who would Azariel now follow? Himself? It didn't feel right…

It was as if his Hollow Hole grew larger with that loss. His father had made him the warrior he was now. he knew what was right for Azariel, right? So if he was gone, then Azariel would… wither away. Not knowing where to go next. He panicked, contemplating on whether to visit the World of the Living to meet his mother again. Ultimately, it was the first choice he ever made on his own in his whole life – back to his home. Away from the conflict he was once part of. Back to the small home he lived in back when he felt Human…

The Son of No One
His mother had died a few decades ago. It took a while to find his old home again, but now… he felt truly alone. She could’ve put his life back on track again. She could’ve told him what to do now… mum knew best, didn’t she? But what did he expect, since he was taken away from her so many years ago? Did he abandon her? Was it his father’s fault? Was it his own fault?

Being so alone in this world, even after the math of the invading forces from parts unknown… killed his ego even further, causing his Hollow Hole to ache. Azariel fled his old home in tears, spending the following time simply doing what he can. For others. All attempts to fill the hole in his throat, so he could one day feel Human again… even though it didn’t show any signs of closing in.

The world had changed a lot, calming down after the embers of World War 4 ebbed away. Great powers and organizations had placed their roots out there in an attempt to resuscitate the world and tip the balance of power in all sorts of directions. To be of use to those with power… sounded like a sliver of hope in his life.

I. Natural Abilities

» Natural Abilities:

Azariel isn't the most muscular Arrancar out there. However, he's a surprisingly agile acrobat. He can leap and flip around the battlefield with high flexibility, less relying on muscle and more relying on his agility and precision.

Dual-Bladed Sworsdmanship:
Due to the nature of his Zanpakutō, Azariel is proficient with wielding its Sealed form as twin blades, capable of fending against enemies with his swordsmanship. Due to his physical frame, he leans more on swift, tricky hits-and-runs, making sure not to spend too much time in close-range to his enemies.

I. Racial Abilities

» Racial Abilities:

Azariel can tear a black rift through space to open up Garganta, either with his hand or his blades, by which he can travel between Hueco Mundo and the Living Realm.

By condensing his Reiryoku within his skin, Azariel can harden it and make it tough as steel, allowing him to reduce oncoming damage and even prevent limbs from being severed easily. An ability he picked up from fighting Hollows in Hueco Mundo as he was trained by his father.

It is unknown when and how this decision was made within his genetic makeup, since he's never been a Hollow to begin with, but the moment his Hollow Nucleos manifested, Azariel was granted the power of Regenerar - the high-speed regeneration that Hollows showcase, which Arrancars evolved from Hollows can choose to abandon in exchange for even greater power. While he can't regenerate vital organs in the heat of battle, he's proven himself quite stubborn to take down, letting cuts, bruises, and piercings regenerate the moment they're dealt. A decapitated arm or leg can regrow if he's given enough time to concentrate.

Azariel can utilize Sonido with ease, being capable of traveling around with it or veil his presence for brief moments in combat. Beyond that, his Sonido shows no unique characteristics distinguishable from other Arrancars.

Azariel is able to condense his Reiryoku and fire it off as a large beam, a trademark skill of Hollows and Arrancars. Usually, he fires it off from his palm, but he can also fire a Cero from his maw or feet. Azariel has also shown to be able to swing his firing palm to wipe the Cero beam across a wider area. Bala is arguably his favorite utilization of Cero up until now, also proving to receive most of his creative capabilities.
  • Cero Estilete: As an alternative, instead of unleashing a large, destructive ray of Reiryoku, Azariel can also condense it into a much smaller shape and fires it off as a fist-sized or even finger-sized ray. By condensing it, its piercing prowess is improved, and the condensed power can make it much more difficult to tank than an ordinary Cero, not to mention its faster travel speed with its smaller size. Simple but effective.

  • Gran Rey Cero: His greatest feat is the utilization of a light-green Gran Rey Cero, the last thing his father taught him before passing away. It proves very handy in combination with his Regenerar, allowing Azariel to be more reckless with how much blood he sacrifices to fire it off.

  • Bala Ráfaga:
    A variation of Bala. Azariel manifests a Bala in each hand, then fires off a volley of Bala forward by continuously manifesting Balas in each hand after firing off the last ones. In quick succession, Azariel can cover a wide range in front of him in the volley of Balas, making it difficult to avoid getting hit. However, each of these Balas is still a weaker, smaller orb of reiryoku compared to a Cero, and manifesting this many also lowers the individual power of these orbs. Their purpose is more to distract than deal lasting damage.

  • Bala Filo:
    The reiryoku used to manifest a Bala is instead encapsuling himself as a veil of aura, and physical contact with the veil causes it to detonate as a small explosion and injure both parties. The only reason Azariel developed this self-harming variation is because of his Regenerar. The veil disappears upon blowing up.

  • Bala Centinela:
    Firing off one Bala, Azariel can cause it to lock onto the Reiatsu of one target and track it down. However, the target can utilize moves that exert their Reiatsu over a wider area, confusing the homing Bala and causing it to detonate prematurely.

I. Zanpakutō

» Zanpakutō Name: Fantasma

» Sealed Zanpakutō Appearance: A pair of short, straight katanas with simple, square guards and tucked away in black sheaths on his lower back.

» Sealed Zanpakutō Power: Azariel can utilize Bala Filo and envelop his Sealed Zanpakutō with it without risk of injuring the blades. This grants it an explosive property when cutting targets.

I. Resurrección

» Resurrección Release Phrase: Breathe, Fantasma.

» Resurrección Release Action: Azariel grinds the two Sealed swords together, generating sparks as he calls his Zanpakutō's name, which causes a green gust of Reiatsu to swirl around him and veil his release.

» Resurrección Appearance: Emerging from the green gust, Azariel's lower body becomes foggy as a withering glob of gas hides his legs, making him look like a classical ghost. His Zanpakutō blades have fused and become one - transforming into a grey, fierce bow that quickly grows and drops an appendage, this becoming a sharp, deadly arrow. The bow's sight window is shaped like the open maws of a hound.
Resurrección Bow:

» Resurrección Abilities: Gathering his Reiatsu within the bow allows Azariel to fire arrows with immense power and high speed, attacking his foes from a long range and with enough force to create craters in his wake. The bow can produce a multitude of extra arrows to maintain his arsenal.

Initially, the arrows were simple but destructive, purely using the power of his Reiatsu to pierce and destroy their targets. Overtime, Azariel became capable of imbuing each arrow with additional amounts of his Reiatsu to gain a special effect, often inheriting a specific property based on what Hollow prowess he channels into it.

  • Titanio: By channeling the power of Hierro through the arrow, Azariel makes it even tougher and sharper than before. An arrow of this caliber can penetrate defensive walls of Reiatsu much easier, at least when combating those of his Spirit Class.

  • Fósforo: The arrow's form bursts with flares of Reiatsu before Azariel shoots it, watching the arrow fly faster thanks to jets of Reiatsu escaping its tail from the power of Cero imbued deep within it. On impact, the arrow explodes, easily creating a crater from the Cero blast that bursts from it.

  • Neón: Akin to his Bala Centinela, Azariel channels the power of such a Bala through the arrow, which makes it able to track down a single target, making it much harder to evade its piercing strike unless using strong or large obstacles to guard against it. Much less destructive than Fósforo, but arguably harder to evade.

I. Equipment

» Equipment: [If your arrancar has any equipment? Put it here. If they don't, skip this section.]

I. Skill Sheet

(To Find Out about what these skills are for, please READ THIS THREAD before you try doing anything to it)

Please remove regenerar or aumentar depending on which skill you are taking.

General Attributes
» Durability: SS/S/A/B/C/D/E
» Speed: SS/S/A/B/C/D/E
» Strength: SS/S/A/B/C/D/E
» Soul: SS/S/A/B/C/D/E

Will Skills
» Willpower: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
» Deduction: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
» Focus: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

Arrancar Skills
» Cero: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
» Nucleo: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
» Regenerar: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
» Sonido: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

I. Role Play Sample

» Roleplay Sample: [Please show us how you role play by either posting a previous post from another site or creating a new one. We do this so we know your RP skill. If you already have an accepted, you need not do another RP sample]

I. Intent

» Character Intent: [Optional. This is where you can explain the intent behind the character. What this might entail is where you are imagining the character strength-wise, your purpose for creating the character, and potential story beats. This section is to assist the grader in understanding where you are aiming with your character and may be able to provide advice if other aspects of the application do not match. This needs to be no more than 5 sentences.]

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