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How Noble Of You [Junichiro, Ranma] Empty How Noble Of You [Junichiro, Ranma]

Mon Sep 09, 2024 7:16 am
How Noble Of You [Junichiro, Ranma] DyxMvAe


Ranma was at a loss, currently. It’d been… a day since he got promoted to 13th Seat of the 8th Division, but while he’d apologized to his squadmates for his past… tomfooleries, y’know, buried axes and all… what now?

The world of Soul Society felt so quiet now, as if a prelude to something big and devastating… but he was also hungry. However, while Ranma was simply going out for the sake of eating, just to get something down his gullet, the number on his title… 13… yeah, that shit probably didn’t do anything. Superstitions were a waste of time, anyway-


Ranma was at the 2nd’s barracks again, feeling numb on his neck. What the fuck happened? He slowly lifted his head up from the bed he lied on, sweat running down his back as he started to panic. “W-W-W-How? Wait, why am I- what happened? Argh, my neck feels like glass…”

The fuck actually happened, and why can’t he remember?!


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How Noble Of You [Junichiro, Ranma] Empty Re: How Noble Of You [Junichiro, Ranma]

Mon Sep 09, 2024 5:01 pm

The sound of running water could be heard across the med bay, a slender figure washing his hands with his back turned on the crippled drunk. "Mr. Gekiretsu, good to see you are awake..." Turning now to face him, the fair features of Junichiro Kitagawa displayed their displeasure with their current resident. "...that means you can be on your way, and we can prepare your bedding for someone who might actually need it." His brow was furrowed as he dried his hands with a cloth, his piercing lilac gaze doing nothing to hide his disdain. Tossing the rag onto the patient's lap, he folded his arms and stood over him at the edge of his bed. "Wipe your face. Finding yourself here once this week is unfortunte. Twice? Unlucky." Squinting his eyes and leaning in, his raven hair streaming from his shoulders and dangling over the man that sat on his bed, he spoke softly his final statement, "Thrice is just reckless." Looking between the blurry eyes of this groggy fool, he huffed and stood back up. "You reek of booze, Ranma. Deplorable, honestly. Have you no pride?" His expression seemed to soften, transitioning from doting mother to concerned friend, brow still tight knit but eyes carrying a pleading sorrow for the actions of someone he has come to take a liking to. "You're lucky I hadn't dumped a bucket over your head to sober you up... you need a bath anyway..." Bringing his knuckle under his nose, June curled a lip in feigned disgust, stepping backward away from the man for emphasis.

How Noble Of You [Junichiro, Ranma] QKPkSTJ
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How Noble Of You [Junichiro, Ranma] Empty Re: How Noble Of You [Junichiro, Ranma]

Tue Sep 10, 2024 10:37 am
How Noble Of You [Junichiro, Ranma] DyxMvAe


”H-Huh?” Ranma was flabbergasted – not only wasn’t it Erica, it was some random fuckboy! Where was Erica?! Was she busy at the moment?! Maybe he pushed her too much lately… fuck… but was this prick new here or something?! Ranma’s blurry, widened eyes locked on to the Squad 2 member’s, noticing his strangely delicate composure – especially his actually long, silky hair that kind of put Ranma’s blocky hair to shame.

His face followed the descent of the towel, although as the Squad 2 fratboy berated him, Ranma still had no idea how he ended up here. Also, thrice? Wait, it was the third time already?! He’d kept count – fuck that! Wait wait wait-

… He blinked a few times, simply lost. Perhaps Ranma’s visits to the 2nd Division had become legend at this point. Still-

“… How much did I drink last night?” Ranma questioned himself and his own sanity, confused as to whether this situation even started as early as last night, “No, no, no, no, no, I just got promoted, and I pulled a stunt like this? What happened? How come I can’t remember shit? Did I hit my head somewhere? What do you mean THRICE???”

Ranma had so many questions… according to reports, he was found at the center of the Seireitei, coated in cinnamon and humping a huge teddy bear. And mind you – he had no recollection of this event, nor of the events that led to that.

“… *sniff* Cinnamon?” he noticed, not even acknowledging the strong stench of alcohol that mostly outstenched the cinnamon, "Oh, Ranny's gonna rip my ears off, man… c-can't we just say I get out of here, and then we'll pretend this never happened?"


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How Noble Of You [Junichiro, Ranma] Empty Re: How Noble Of You [Junichiro, Ranma]

Tue Sep 10, 2024 4:09 pm


A sudden and unexpected torrent of water washes over this drunkard, Junichiro standing with an emptied bucket, brow furrowed. Rambling of a madman, enough to make his own head spin and he hadn't even had a drink himself yet. "Enough babbling, Mr. Gekiretsu, I think you've wasted enough of the medic team's time this week," cold unforgiving words that made the bucket of water seem like a nice warm bath in comparison. "Clean yourself up and be on your way, you are dripping all over my floor." The bucket still held in one arm, the other toting a fist upon his hip, June kept his furrowed brow affixed to this growing nuisance. Shaking his head, he turned his back on him, setting the bucket down onto the table nearby with a thud, grumbling to himself intentionally loud enough that it was no secret what he was muttering. "It is a wonder that they promoted you to anything other than town drunk. Gotei is going to Hell in a handbasket.."

June wasn't a fan of many things, but floating to the top of his list were drunks, loud people, idiots, and brutes. And lucky him, he had the perfect hybrid getting water all over his freshly mopped floor. How did these people put up with this? Leaning himself forward onto his hands, June's shoulders slouched as he let out a sigh, he was already exhausted and it was only his first week. What else could go wrong?

How Noble Of You [Junichiro, Ranma] QKPkSTJ
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How Noble Of You [Junichiro, Ranma] Empty Re: How Noble Of You [Junichiro, Ranma]

Thu Sep 12, 2024 7:37 am
How Noble Of You [Junichiro, Ranma] DyxMvAe



Well-refreshed now thanks to the torrent that flushed over his face and torso, Ranma stumbled over the bed and fell face-first on the now wet floor, much to the relief of the bed that could now house another guest after getting dried off. Way to not feel welcome anymore, he got the gist.

But his last comment hit a nerve. Ranny didn’t make a mistake promoting him… and fuck this wet floor! Ranma could fix that easy peasy! What, did you take him for a newbie? A simple drunkard who didn’t know what he was doing?!

“Hadō #31: Shakkahō…”

Planting a palm on the floor, a red glow shone underneath and heated up the thin surface of water that had been spilled over, spreading the red aura over it as vapor began to form. In a quick moment’s time, all the water had vaporized away, leaving the floor squeaky-clean and unstirred. “Don’t underestimate me…” he clearly warned upon helping himself back up with that same hand, “I have my quirks, but I’m doing pretty well. Just had a… what the fuck did I have this time? Where’d you guys find me, again?”

Ranma sure knew he had some tracks to trace down if he wanted to remember what happened to him in the last few days. Unfortunately, this pretentious Squad 2 member was his only aid, being the one responsible for the Squad 8 enigma up until now. First encounters had gone better in the past, yeah…


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How Noble Of You [Junichiro, Ranma] Empty Re: How Noble Of You [Junichiro, Ranma]

Fri Sep 13, 2024 4:12 pm

As he hunched over that table, a chill ran down his spine. He asked what else could go wrong, how about being blown to bits in his first week in the insane asylum he apparently signed up for. Hearing the name of that Kido he had become so closely accustomed to in his time in the academy, his blood ran cold, and he could feel the barrel of the gun aimed at the back of his head. This was how he was going to go out? Funny, that. The second he began to feel himself letting go, wading out into the water for the first time without clinging to the riverbank, he would be dragged under... not by some monster of the deep, some fang toothed beast... but a bitter disgruntled ally, if he could even call him that at this point. His fingernails dug into the table as he flinched, shoulders tightening up, legs trembling for a moment as instinct did all it could to brace him for the blast. Mother, forgive me...

But it never came, and after an eternity of painstaking moments, Junichiro slowly turned to peer over his shoulder, a bead of cold sweat running across his nose. This idiot was not attacking him, he was... drying the floor? June's initial reaction was amazement, watching intently as this man used a spell he thought he had nailed down fairly well, in a way that he didn't think possible. No incantation, complete control of its size and power output...

His fist clenched as he bit his tongue, shaking off the look of bewilderment and crossing his arms, casting his glance away, unable to bear even looking at him at the moment. If this ruffian could do something like this with practiced ease, what did that mean for what June thought his own 'skills' were.

Taking this scolding from a higher ranking Shinigami than him, June grit his teeth and couldn't seem to contest with anything at the moment, he felt personally defeated but he may never admit that to this man. After a moment of this man talking to himself once again, June reluctantly spoke out in response, "You were found in the center of Seireitei, before the 6th got a hold of you and shipped you over to us. How lucky for the 2nd, a gift dropped on our doorstep. It took me almost an hour to sweep up all of that cinnamon." His lilac gaze bore into Ranma as he spoke now.

How Noble Of You [Junichiro, Ranma] QKPkSTJ
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How Noble Of You [Junichiro, Ranma] Empty Re: How Noble Of You [Junichiro, Ranma]

Tue Sep 17, 2024 11:58 am
How Noble Of You [Junichiro, Ranma] DyxMvAe


… Huh, the pretty boy just went quiet for a moment there. Hello? Hellooooooooooo- oh, wait, never mind. “Cinna… *sniff* so that’s what it is,” Ranma pondered, sniffing at his arms to check if the smell lingered, “I didn’t eat anything cinnamon, though… oh… maybe I did.”

Ranma just went to grab and put on his Shihakushō again… and kept palming his waist. Looking for something that wasn’t there. “… N-No… no no no no no,” his voice cracked in panic, “No no no no no no no- NO NO NO NO NO NO NO-“

Eyes bloodshot red, sweat, panic, panic, panic. “… D-D-D-D-Did you, mayhaps by any means, confiscate a cute, pink sake gourd that was strapped to my sash? Please tell me you did…”


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How Noble Of You [Junichiro, Ranma] Empty Re: How Noble Of You [Junichiro, Ranma]

Today at 11:33 am

"Perhaps they confiscated it along with the teddy bear they found you with," June retorted flatly, folding his arms and leaning back against the counter behind him, "But it is not here, as lovely as it sounds." Even if this words were dripping with sarcasm, in the back of his mind he did think a tiny pink gourd would be a cute accessory to tote around. Perhaps filled with some vibrant fresh fruit juice. Although he was sure that someone like Ranma would have it filled to the brim with something a bit stronger.

"Maybe a glass of water would do you good, Ranma. Or do you intend to start drinking this early in the day already?" June's furrowed brow showed no signs of sympathy at this point, just frustration and disappointment. His little magic trick moments ago would normally be something to be impressed with, but under the control of someone as reckless and out of control as Ranma, it was just a waste.

How Noble Of You [Junichiro, Ranma] QKPkSTJ
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