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God of Love
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The Heart [Ichigo, Komamura] Empty The Heart [Ichigo, Komamura]

Fri Aug 23, 2024 1:46 pm
The Heart [Ichigo, Komamura] 29Qk1LX

Ichigo stood at the scorched ruins of the Senkaimon with an empty expression simply staring at them for a few moments before returning his attention to the chaos rapidly unfolding around him. It wasn't especially unlike the last time he'd been here, really; he was simply breaking in, and taking out whoever stood in his way. This time, though, he wasn't as concerned about protecting lives. If people died, then they died. If they got out of the way, then so be it.

For now, he simply turned and began to walk toward the center of the Seireitei. He knew, broadly speaking, where to go for what he was looking for. He didn't really know where Urahara was at the moment, but he had a rough idea of where he'd need to be. So he trudged forward at a remarkably slow pace, every footstep exerting enough reiatsu to keep lesser shinigami from daring to step toward him.

Whoever got in his way would simply be cut down. That was the road he'd chosen to walk. It was, perhaps, the same road he'd always walked.

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The Heart [Ichigo, Komamura] Empty Re: The Heart [Ichigo, Komamura]

Fri Aug 23, 2024 10:21 pm
The Heart [Ichigo, Komamura] EXDRmqj


The Heart [Ichigo, Komamura] Triballaka

Following this terrible war which instilled fear in hearts came a massive armored fist which fell upon Ichigo like the Heavens themselves. The earth shook as a towering figure suddenly appeared in front of the two-time interloper, one armored practically head to toe in thick and heavy tan plates which only added to the incredible weight pressing down on him.

"You would raise your blade against the same Soul Society you fought and bled to save?!" Sajin Komamura's wrath exploded, his Reiatsu slamming into the much smaller man like a raging river. "I recognized your Reiatsu, but I could not believe your heart had blackened so, Ichigo!"

Knowing his enemy was not fragile in the slightest, Sajin swung his other anvil-sized fist directly into Ichigo's skull. Though the strange heart that beat within him often bestowed upon him a serene calmness, in times such as this it beat harder and stronger, filling him with fire and rage. But it wasn't just wrath in his furious roars, sorrow and regret permeated his words. He had come to vanquish Soul Society's enemies, not an old friend.

God of Love
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The Heart [Ichigo, Komamura] Empty Re: The Heart [Ichigo, Komamura]

Sat Aug 24, 2024 10:26 am
The Heart [Ichigo, Komamura] 29Qk1LX

This was pressure Ichigo hadn't been expecting to come across in this invasion. It wasn't enough to make him back down, but it was more than enough that he understood he wouldn't be able to continue simply trudging forward without any real effort. He certainly had no intention of sticking near the behemoth of a man, the buzz of Sonido carrying him well into the air and evading the catastrophic blow as he raised his zanpakuto overhead, wreathed in crimson.

"Getsuga Tenshou."

He swung the blade downward, cleaving through the air as the torrent of reishi cascaded violently downward. It was a crescent by any metric of shape, but the size of the arc was so immense that it seemed more akin to simply a tidal wave of sheer spiritual force. Only after he had thrown the attack downward did he speak again, his voice no less tired-sounding than before.

"I fought for the sake of a friend. That's what I'm still doing."

Ichigo could hardly deny that his heart had blackened. The despair of failure had consumed his very being, and had left only negativity in its wake. But he would still follow his ideals, no matter what it took. If he didn't, then even his failures were all for nothing.

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The Heart [Ichigo, Komamura] Empty Re: The Heart [Ichigo, Komamura]

Sat Aug 24, 2024 3:21 pm
The Heart [Ichigo, Komamura] EXDRmqj


There was no doubt in Sajin's mind what was coming as Ichigo separated from him and spoke those famous, now infamous, words aloud. When the oceanic wave of energy split the sky and threatened to crash into him, Komamura brought his hand to the sword at his hip and drew it, slashing through the air. Above him a translucent arm of colossal size swung an even larger blade at the Getsuga Tensho, colliding with it and sending forth a shockwave that cracked the earth and Heavens.

"You may be fighting for a friend, but to let you live here is to damn others to death. Ichigo Kurosaki, let it be my hand that strikes you down so we may both repent for our sins!"

The ambient energy from Ichigo's attack had traveled past Sajin's Shikai and slammed into his armored body, cracking his helmet and creating a fissure in his breastplate. He removed and discarded his helmet, revealing for the first time in a century his identity to Soul Society. His eyes told the story of a man grizzled by experience and time, but there was no hatred in his gaze.

Stepping forward, Sajin raised his sword arm high into the air and swung it down in a brutal arc, the gigantic spectral arm and blade following suit in order to slam into Ichigo with force enough to level a section of the Seireitei.

God of Love
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The Heart [Ichigo, Komamura] Empty Re: The Heart [Ichigo, Komamura]

Sat Aug 24, 2024 4:00 pm
The Heart [Ichigo, Komamura] 29Qk1LX

A retort would have been a waste of time, a waste of energy. Ichigo wasn't inclined to play around with any opponent, much less one of this caliber. The force of Komamura's strike in shikai was nothing sort of cataclysmic. Even as he evaded the blow itself, moving further away from Komamura's reach, the shockwave behind it was enough to rattle him, hierro fracturing in places simply from that force.

"Then they die. Nothing is going to stand in my way."

The moment he finished speaking, the fallen hero's reiatsu exploded outward as the bone-white of his mask overtook all of his flesh. Where once there had been the blank expression of a man defeated, there was now only the grimace of a hollow. Swirling black energy pooled between his horns, the spiritual density of the attack building seemingly without end.

The Heart [Ichigo, Komamura] XNTwjDl


The momentary crackle of static was perhaps the only indication that Ichigo had even moved, for those first few precious moments. Sonido had masked his movement, hidden away all traces of his spiritual pressure in that single step. In doing so, it allowed him to move to a different vantage point from so high in the air; directly behind Sajin Komamura.


The black reiryoku which had pooled between Ichigo's horns now spilled forward in an otherworldly torrent of pure destructive power. The beam simply barrelled forward with no regard for what was in front of it, all structure and terrain for several miles turned to ash in the scorching destruction.

Not that Ichigo expected that this particular foe would be taken down by an attack like that. He wouldn't dare let his guard down when fighting for his singular goal.


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The Heart [Ichigo, Komamura] Empty Re: The Heart [Ichigo, Komamura]

Sat Aug 24, 2024 4:28 pm
The Heart [Ichigo, Komamura] EXDRmqj


The height from which Ichigo Kurosaki had fallen was nearly unfathomable to Sajin, or at least it would have been had he not already experienced such betrayal from a long time friend, a man he once called brother. He, too, believed what he was doing was the correct course; and just like him, Ichigo would have to be brought to justice.

It wasn't fear that permeated Sajin's heart as a mask appeared across Ichigo's face, but even still he felt the seriousness of such an evolution. The air grew still, like a living soul unable to stand against the weight of the pressure set upon it. Komamura assumed a battle stance, his weapon held at his side to guard against whatever this foe threw at him; but not even he could follow the Arrancar's movements as he felt Ichigo's presence appear behind him, and he knew it was too late.

Searing pain radiated through Sajin's back as the world grew dark around him, his body overwhelmed by the torrent of all-consuming energy. Dust filled the air, mixing with ash and heat to choke his lungs; but they were nothing to him. Pain and destruction were simple distractions.

The Heart [Ichigo, Komamura] Triballaka

From within the catastrophe, a roar bellowed out which could be heard for as far as the Cero Oscuras had devastated. A torrential gust blew away the billowing smoke, a consequence of the mere act of a building sized foot falling upon Ichigo to crush him into nothing. The entire Seireitei was shaken to its very foundation, a powerful earthquake opening great chasms across the battlefield around the duo who's might touched the Heavens.

The Heart [Ichigo, Komamura] F7bIRxC

Though blood drenched his back, and his armor lay in ruins, Komamura's Reiatsu and gaze only grew in ferocity from these clashes. He would wear every injury, no matter their severity, as proof of his penance.


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God of Love
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The Heart [Ichigo, Komamura] Empty Re: The Heart [Ichigo, Komamura]

Tue Aug 27, 2024 2:03 am
The Heart [Ichigo, Komamura] P27y4nO

Indeed, a simple attack like that would never have been enough for an opponent of this caliber. It was only by merit of his sheer speed, and his readiness for an incoming attack, that Ichigo wasn't crushed by the sudden appearance of the former captain's bankai. Even without it, the shockwave created by the stomp still forced him backward, his footing giving way from the impact as he felt his hierro shatter in more than one place.

Even without having ever having crossed blades with Komamura, Ichigo knew right away that this was not the same man who had been present in the Seireitei a century ago during his previous invasion. At least, not any more than Ichigo himself was the same man. This was a level of strength, a level of spiritual pressure, that he had only experienced in the deadliest people he'd met. Whatever had happened in the previous century, it had created a man that Ichigo had little choice but to evade. His resurreccion might have turned him into a physical monstrosity, but that could hardly bridge the gap between himself and someone who was already such a thing from the start.

He would have to simply move quickly, then, avoid any direct hits. He doubted he could even take one; more than one was out of the question.

His body tensed, and once more the crackle of sonido echoed briefly through the air as Ichigo's presence disappeared. When it reappeared, however, it was not simply in one place. The air was practically filled with static, as Ichigo darted from place to place so quickly as to leave afterimages around the hulking form of Komamura's bankai. If he'd bothered to train himself more, he could have attempted to cut the man to pieces simply by cutting him mid-step; as it was, however, he would have to make do by striking after every step had finished.

Still, a dozen strikes at nearly the same moment, carrying the extreme physical might of Ichigo in his resurreccion, was nothing to balk at. It would have to make do.

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The Heart [Ichigo, Komamura] Empty Re: The Heart [Ichigo, Komamura]

Thu Aug 29, 2024 12:36 pm
The Heart [Ichigo, Komamura] EXDRmqj


Perhaps his strength surprised his enemy, or perhaps Ichigo was just playing it safe. Either way, Komamura knew against a man like this he needed to press any advantage he held, lest he find himself on the back foot. The field of static in front of him made clear the gap in speed between the two, but there were ways for him to fight people like this; after all, Tosen had always been faster, but he has his own strengths.

Even as the first slash dug through his flesh, Komamura raised his Zanpakuto in defiance. The colossal titan standing over him did the same. As Ichigo struck Sajin with his sword, he may notice with each slash it's blade would find the wounds marked upon the Captain's body more and more shallow. And if he was attentive enough, he may even notice the subtle effect of ambient Reishi being pulled into Sajin's chest, precisely where his heart was located.

The consequence of such monumental attacks like Getsuga Tensho and Cero Oscuras was made clear as Sajin swung his Zanpakuto into the ground in front of him, first opening a chasm in the Seireitei that extended for a hundred feet, the air pressure in front of his blade enough to blow away buildings. Then came Kokujō Tengen Myō'ō's titanic sword, splitting the earth as if Hell itself was rising to the surface. In a blink a canyon as grand as any was cut from the ground of the Seireitei, its length further reaching than any eyes could behold. Every remaining building and road, the Senzaikyū, all of it was rent from the Seireitei as if none of it had ever been.

Komamura knew he and Ichigo were maybe irreparably changing landscape that had existed for thousands of years, but Soul Society could rebuild as it always had. If it survived.

God of Love
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The Heart [Ichigo, Komamura] Empty Re: The Heart [Ichigo, Komamura]

Sun Sep 01, 2024 8:38 am
The Heart [Ichigo, Komamura] P27y4nO

Had he not released his resurreccion, it was certain Ichigo would have lacked the capability to evade a strike of such cataclysmic power. Even as it was, the echo of such a blow rattled through his body, hierro cracking further as one of his horns broke away. He could not allow Komamura another strike, of that he was certain. Blood seeped through the hairline fractures in his outer shell; even at this degree of power, with the reinforcement of his release behind it, he understood that one direct hit would be the end. Even a few more glancing blows, indirect strikes simply of crushing force, would likely swing the battle away from his favor.

Ichigo Kurosaki had not pushed himself to this degree in a century. Not since World War 3. The thought of those dark times, of the tragedy that had pushed him down this path, evoked a response from the man which was pure, unrefined from the heart. The howl of a hollow rang out through the air, as he gripped Zangetsu with both hands. He had no other choice but to end this here and now. Crimson energy pooled around the blade, the all-too familiar buildup of his signature technique.

"Getsuga Tenshou-"

Static filled the air yet again, a sure sign that he was intent on striking from a more advantageous position again. But this time, it was not behind Komamura and his immense bankai. He had, rather, moved into the air above, blade overhead as the swirling energy turned black as the abyss. After all, this was not a simple fight for honor or pride. Ichigo was here to achieve a victory, at any cost. He would destroy the whole of the Seireitei if it was necessary.


The howl of the Getsuga Tenshou was distorted by the empowerment it had been given. The destructive cruelty of the Cero Oscuras forced into the technique made it an attack of absolute, undeniable killing intent. Had he been in a right state of mind, Ichigo might have still thought that this could possibly not be enough to take down Sajin Komamura in his current state: However, Ichigo was not in his right state of mind. Though his form had not changed, it was undeniable that he was not even a shell of the Hero of Karakura at this moment. He was a creature of pure ill-intent, who would stop at nothing to achieve his aims.

The attack which flew downward was darker than the night sky, snuffing out any light as it seemed to eclipse the whole of the world it covered. Even the impact it made, a jet black dome of destructive power, hardly seemed to make a noise. There was only eerie silence, inscrutable shadow, within its catastrophic wake.

Ichigo himself simply hovered in the air above, blade still gripped tightly in his hand as he surveyed the scene below. Whatever thought was behind the eyes of his mask could hardly be discerned; perhaps there was no thought at all, at this moment.

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The Heart [Ichigo, Komamura] Empty Re: The Heart [Ichigo, Komamura]

Sun Sep 01, 2024 12:23 pm
The Heart [Ichigo, Komamura] EXDRmqj


Whatever would be said of this battle afterward, it would be said amongst desolation, for as the sky darkened above Komamura it was as if the world was ending. What could be done in the face of such power? What did Yamamoto do when staring his own defeat and demise in the eyes as he faced down the greatest enemy both the living and dead had ever seen? He stood his ground, and he fought to the end no matter the consequences.

And so did Sajin Komamura.

Thank you, Tenken.

A pulse would be felt across all of the Seireitei, as if the city itself held its ear to Soul Society's chest, it's heart beating a singular time. Flames erupted from the shadows of the titan's sunken eyes, its colossal body seemingly brought to life as it swung its blade upwards to meet the ever-growing black falling towards it. Though silence had fallen upon the air, a terrible thunder-like CRACK would be heard all across the Seireitei and beyond as steel met Oscuras. The dome of shadow that resulted would be cataclysmic in nature, but the bulk of it did not reach the ground; Kokujō Tengen Myō'ō and its blade struck with such world-shaking power, catastrophe enveloped it and the sky and not the thousands of souls still in the Seireitei.

As dust settled, a crater would be revealed with Kokujō Tengen Myō'ō at its center. Its armor had been shattered in multiple places leaving it in tatters, its horns cracked and fallen to the ground at its feet. Another second or two of standing was too much as the titan fell to a knee, the resulting quake a mere blip compared to what had already befallen the city. Komamura himself should also be kneeling at its feet..yet, he wasn't. He was nowhere to be seen.

A Spiritual Pressure alien to all, both a combination of Shinigami, human, Quincy, Hollow, and yet at the same time unlike any of them. To Hollows this Reiatsu would feel as if their very antithesis had been brought to life, a life which they would know is their enemy from the tips of their fingers to the back of their necks to where their heart should be. It was purity to their corruption, and at its epicenter stood Komamura Sajin, elevated far above the battleground so he could look the creature who was once Ichigo Kurosaki in its eyes.

Wrath and sorrow filled Sajin, only now there was no sorrow left for his enemy. This was not the young man who once shed blood in defense of friends and strangers alike, he was an enemy who needed to be felled for the good of Soul Society.

Sajin's bond with Tenken was so great they shared in victory and defeat, their pain reflected upon each other as proof; only this time Ichigo forced this bond to become one of sacrifice. As his eyes met Ichigo's, ambient Reishi in even greater amounts than previously flowed into his chest. His beating heart could be heard and felt for miles, each beat stronger than the last.

In a display of speed, which may not have matched Ichigo's own abilities but was a shocking departure from anything Sajin had shown thus far, his hulking body blitzed the Arrancar and swung his Zanpakuto with the fury and might of all those who had been victimized by Ichigo Kurosaki and those he let rampage across Soul Society. Whether his foe defended or attacked back in kind, Komamura did not care; his fist fell upon Ichigo as a meteor. Either of these attacks would be dangerous enough on their own, but the crushing weight of air from them would feel as if Ichigo was trapped at the bottom of an ocean.

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