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Ye Olde Guarde
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A View to a Kill [Retsu/Yuuto] Empty A View to a Kill [Retsu/Yuuto]

Sun Aug 18, 2024 10:54 pm

Retsu did not go out to the mountains as often as she would have liked. One of the few habits that she had kept from those halcyon days was her treks to the various mountains in the Rukongai. None were particularly tall unless you ventured far, far into the Outer Districts or into the wildlands beyond, but those were mountains one climbed for athletic reasons, not relaxation. But she also had to be careful and not climb mountains too easy. Those were mountains that ruined the other point of her trek—isolation.

In the Seireitei or in the Rukongai, Retsu felt eyes upon her. No one would dare look at her directly for fear of catching her own wandering gaze. Whether she wanted to admit it or not, she was searching... always searching for something else to give her purpose. It wasn't a conscious effort—her own wariness forged through countless combats had given her the perception of a paranoic without the anxiety. Little movements caught her eye. Hushed words slipped into her ear. She was far more aware than most realized—except, perhaps, when it came to herself.

Retsu had made it to the navigable top of this particular mountain. In the distance and between two pine trees, she could see the anvil shape of Sōkyoku Hill and the sprawling fortress-city known as the Seireitei that surrounded it. In but a few hours, it would be night and the lights throughout the Soul Society would make a beautiful landscape. Before, the only lights she'd see that late would be fires and the torches carried by "enforcement patrols." Oh, that was long ago now...

A small trickle of Reiatsu was the first signal someone else approached. It snapped her out of her small trance of remembrance. The second was a stick or a dried leaf crunching. No, it was both. "There is no need to sneak and hide among the shadows," she called out to whomever was out there. "I am already aware of your presence, so if you be so kind as to not skulk."
Hope is a Disease

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A View to a Kill [Retsu/Yuuto] Empty Re: A View to a Kill [Retsu/Yuuto]

Mon Aug 19, 2024 2:31 am
A View to a Kill [Retsu/Yuuto] 1VUZAtK


With everything that had been occurring within the Soul Society, sometimes, he just needed a break away from it all. His home was quiet and peaceful, even with Mirai now staying with him after her subsequent attack in the Living World, but, a new environment seemed to help at times when it came to that anxiety. More than anything, the open space, the fresh air, it gave him a sense of freedom that couldn't be replicated. Not anymore, at least.

However, it seemed someone else also sought recluse and refuge within the distant mountains. Even with his footsteps, the flutter of clothes, even his typical interactions with the world around him all silenced, Unohana still managed to hear him and sense him. Before he emerged from the shade, his body cloaked from view, he swung his arm in front of him as a test.

No sound, no matter how much focus he dedicated to listening. Not even from the sudden, sharp movement of his hand cutting through the air. While all he had to refer to were rumors and stories, likely exaggerated, of the former Captain's perception, the fact that she had been able to detect him was...frankly, terrifying. But, nevertheless, Yuuto stepped out from the shadows, his body's visibility returning under the setting sun.

"Good evening, Lady Unohana."

Ye Olde Guarde
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A View to a Kill [Retsu/Yuuto] Empty Re: A View to a Kill [Retsu/Yuuto]

Mon Aug 19, 2024 2:48 am

"You are..." Retsu turned slightly. She saw the face of the young man who stalked like a ghostly tiger. Perhaps it was intentional that he snapped that twig then—a subconscious effort so as to not startle the woman. How thoughtful. She took but a moment to remember his name. "Yuuto Hisakawa, the Captain of the Second Division's successor, no?" The two of them had not truly met beyond mindless, droll introductions. She also had no real opinion of him, aside from what his position entailed. That... and the fact that he was perhaps one of a handful in the entire Soul Society that would even be capable of giving her an interesting fight.

Turning to face him fully, Retsu let her hands drop to her side. They were clearly visible, and for a brief moment she regretted not having Minazuki at her side. "Since you did not start this conversation with a drawn blade from the shadows, would it be correct in assuming this is a social visit and not one of business?" After getting the confirmation, Retsu's eyes would narrow slightly. "Were you searching for me, or is it just 'happenstance' that you have climbed to the same peak I have? And with your position, I know that it is one of misdirections and 'not-quite-lies;' so I would recommend speaking plainly and without untruth, Captain." The title came out like a knife scraping a ceramic plate. She did not despise the Gotei, nor necessarily dislike them. However, the title was not what it used to be, and she expected those who dared to try to hold that title to understand what it meant.
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A View to a Kill [Retsu/Yuuto] Empty Re: A View to a Kill [Retsu/Yuuto]

Tue Aug 20, 2024 1:23 pm
A View to a Kill [Retsu/Yuuto] 1VUZAtK


While neither had met the other for anything beyond mild introductions, both had done more than enough in this realm and beyond for their names and faces to be of particular note, her especially: A founding member of the original Gotei, and the greatest healer in all existence. Yet, in spite of that, there were still many who could tell the ominous aura she held, regardless of how well-versed they were in her history. Death seemed to follow her at every turn.

Her words cut like a knife, and while they were not disapproving, nor hateful, they seemed to emphasize the weight of the word, the title that so many in the Gotei clamored for without truly understanding the importance it held. The scraping comment seemed to force awareness and attention to it, no matter how much you didn't want to.

"It is purely happenstance that we've come to this. While misdirection and deception are aspects of my work, I speak truthfully when I say am not here for your throat, nor am I here representing the Stealth Force."

A quiet sigh came from Yuuto as he took another step away from the shade, a tiredness reflecting in his eyes.

"With everything that's happened as of late, I just needed to get away from it all. Even if just for an evening."

Ye Olde Guarde
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A View to a Kill [Retsu/Yuuto] Empty Re: A View to a Kill [Retsu/Yuuto]

Tue Aug 20, 2024 5:01 pm

Retsu had only one reason to believe the Captain: if he were anything like his predecessors, he would have struck first. She would rely upon her own theory. However, she wasn't entirely convinced it was just a coincidence. If not him, then another force was at play. Then again, there were only so many who could create such a convoluted scheme. One was dead and never to return. The other... well, she couldn't understand what machinations that behatted man could possibly have to get these two to meet on a mountaintop.

"I sincerely hope that is not your way of saying you will be jumping from this mountaintop, Captain Hisakawa." The snide, almost-joke likely would fall flat. She realized it as she said it. Moving past it, Retsu focused on the scenery around them. She did not care to understand the motivations of most of the current Gotei. But this was a feeling she did understand. It was part of why she was here too. A flash of a pleasant memory set her course of action.

Turning towards what would likely be a game trail, Retsu called back towards him. "Come. Distract yourself by assisting me." She would proceed down the trail and into the forest with or without Yuuto. "I am searching for a particular herb." Retsu gave the scientific and common name of the plant, as well as a brief description. It was a short plant with a thick stem. What made it stand out this time of year were the purple-and-white flowers that were arranged not unlike a daffodil. She also explained the medicinal purpose of the plant—the flowers, especially when powdered, produced a mild sedation effect. This was usually just enough to get most patients to stop flailing so that more proper medicines could be administered.

"It is curious," Retsu spoke suddenly, "that you are not the only one who has come to me expressing exhaustion or concern about the current state of affairs. I hope that you are not working in concert with Byakuya Kuchiki in the hopes of steering my involvement or non-involvement—or to get free psychotherapy." She glanced back towards Yuuto to try to gauge his reaction.

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A View to a Kill [Retsu/Yuuto] Empty Re: A View to a Kill [Retsu/Yuuto]

Tue Aug 27, 2024 1:16 am
A View to a Kill [Retsu/Yuuto] 1VUZAtK


While snide and crude, the attempt at humor earned a soft exhale, something almost near a chuckle as he shook his head lightly. It was a rather morbid joke, but, he could at least understand the reasoning behind it, especially with what he had said and how he had done so. But, despite the days where he would tire of being needed, even he could never bring himself to act on such absurd, selfish thoughts, however brief they may be.

As Unohana invited him to assist her, Yuuto would follow her down the trail, footsteps deafened as he looked around to try and spot the plant she wished to find. Yet, he kept a keen ear out, able to divert his focus to both things without issue. So, Byakuya had come to her at some point? Evidently to try and either garner or sway her opinion on the particular times they were in.

Shadowy umber glanced over to her, noticing her own analysis of his reaction, and Yuuto knelt down to take a closer look at something along the trail.

"While I have been collaborating with Lord Kuchiki, coercing you to action or inaction is far from my right or intent. One as unwary as you, I doubt you would find much purchase in the words of someone barely an acquaintance."

Ye Olde Guarde
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A View to a Kill [Retsu/Yuuto] Empty Re: A View to a Kill [Retsu/Yuuto]

Tue Sep 10, 2024 1:37 pm

If Retsu were in a court of law, she'd have to admit that these two were mighty suspicious. "Collaborating." On what? Yuuto wasn't a noble, and Byakuya was no longer a Captain. There wasn't a common link between them, so what could they be working together on? She was even taken aback that those two knew each other. Then again, Byakuya did seem to attract company that didn't seem to be "his type of people." And that same company were usually people who made a mark on history. Yoruichi Shihōin. Rukia Kuchiki. Renji Abarai. Ichigo Kurosaki. Now, Yuuto Hisakawa. Byakuya was almost like a younger version of her—only with ingrained noble pride instead of battle-won pride.

Retsu continued through the brush. "Correct. I have encountered many whose tongue is lined with silver and yet filled with poison. Your actions are what I believe in more—and what expression you hold while in the worst of times." Sōsuke Aizen had been one of those sweet, humble men whose betrayal surprised even her. Gin Ichimaru on the other hand was one whose betrayal wasn't as unexpected. Even Kaname Tōsen wasn't that surprising—there was always a part of him that didn't seem to sit well with the rest of the Captains.

"I have had enemies that were once allies, and allies that were once enemies. Times and people change—feeding off one another to fuel said change." Retsu knelt down to examine a plant. It wasn't quite the one she was looking for, and she knew that from a glance. "So, is it the times or people you wish to escape from, Captain Hisakawa?"
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A View to a Kill [Retsu/Yuuto] Empty Re: A View to a Kill [Retsu/Yuuto]

Tue Oct 08, 2024 11:20 pm
A View to a Kill [Retsu/Yuuto] 1VUZAtK


It was of little surprise that his assessment had been correct. Especially with someone whose entire career had been built on death, lies, deceit, and sabotage. The fact that people trusted him as much as they did was, perhaps, something of a miracle in it of itself. He certainly could agree with her there, that actions showcased far more than empty flattery or sullied words from a silver tongue.

"There is truth to that, certainly."

It was only one of the many different complexities to such an idea. The inverse was just as capable of proving true, actions providing strength to one's words, those words being used to manipulate others, or, some words not even being spoken at all. Aizen, Ichimaru, Tosen, all could be used as examples.

"To some degree, both. A evening's reprieve in quiet, away from the noise of the Gotei, and a chance in scenery. A nice escape, I think."

Yuuto suddenly stood upright, turning to look toward the former Captain, umber eyes seeming to glimmer ever-so-slightly, alit with curiosity.

"What of you? We all seek to escape something in some way, after all."

Ye Olde Guarde
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A View to a Kill [Retsu/Yuuto] Empty Re: A View to a Kill [Retsu/Yuuto]

Today at 3:18 pm

More complaints about the Gotei. She could believe it. Anyone who served any length of time in a Gotei without a commanding presence like the late Head Captain Yamamoto would feel that. It wasn't anyone's fault that there wasn't a presence like that. It wasn't something people could train. It wasn't something people could learn. They either had it... or they didn't. There was another factor to being someone like her former mentor, but that was something better left unsaid.

Retsu stood and eyed the Captain. Even whilst standing on the falling edge of a downhill slope, she felt herself above him. She very easily could have deemed it too personal of an answer. She almost did. "For someone so dedicated to the craft of espionage and secrecy, you do say quite a lot. You also expect quite a few answers." There was a hint of teasing in her voice as she turned back and started walking again, ducking under branches. "This is not so much as an escape for me as it is an escape from me. By coming up here, I free those under me from my direct oversight—if only briefly."

"They are still held to high expectations, but the highest one is being able to function without me being there. There are many such institutions that if their leader were to disappear, they would fall into anarchy and chaos until it collapsed upon itself. As one of the younger Captains, I imagine it is not something you have thought of, but I would recommend doing so. You never know when your time may come."

Hope is a Disease

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