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Ye Olde Guarde
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[Spirit Class 7] Heisuke Tsuchimikado Left_bar_bleue7380/100[Spirit Class 7] Heisuke Tsuchimikado Empty_bar_bleue  (7380/100)

[Spirit Class 7] Heisuke Tsuchimikado Empty [Spirit Class 7] Heisuke Tsuchimikado

Sun Aug 18, 2024 4:02 am
[Spirit Class 7] Heisuke Tsuchimikado OPsViv

I. Basic Information

» Name: Heisuke Tsuchimikado (土御門 平輔)
» Alias: Source 52A
» Age: 130
» Appears: Late-20s
» Birthday: September 2
» Gender: Male
» Height: 6'0
» Weight: 220lbs

» Appearance Written: Heisuke is a man with an impressive figure. Although perhaps not as wide as other muscular Shinigami of this day and age, he has far more defined musculature than most others. He keeps his hair up in a loose ponytail tied with a carbon fiber ribbon. He has three tattoos: one on each shoulder about where a Lieutenant's badge would go and one in the middle of his back. The tattoos on his shoulder are the Kanji "勤" on his right and the Kanji "銕" on his left. On his back is a tattoo of a koi swimming upstream towards a white-capped mountain like a salmon.

» Alignment: Chaotic Good
» Rank/Position: Gotei United, 5th Division, 6th Seat; Shirazumi-rengokai, Kosaka Family, Underboss
» Specialty: Being loud and a distraction

» Sexual Orientation: Straight, but flirty when drunk.
» Relationship Status: Recently single
» Attraction: Short women with large breasts; determination and guts; women who are straightforward

I. Relationships

Yuuto Hisakawa: Heisuke's true boss. He doesn't deal much with his Captain directly, but he finds the guy to have a heart of gold in a business that kills good people. Thankful he gave Heisuke a chance—as he's not exactly the most traditionally stealthy. Thought he would have been shorter.
Mirai Takamatsu: Suspects she has a crush on someone, but doesn't know who—despite all the investigative work.
Tsubine Shirazumi: The larger-than-life head of the Shirazumi-rengokai. Heisuke has only met him once, but his overall opinion of the guy is "someone who will do whatever it takes to ensure a good life for those around him."

I. Personality

» Personality:
Heisuke is best described as "the loud one." A man with no volume control, whispering is not in his vocabulary. He's a "work hard, laugh harder" kind of guy. He'll charge at a project full-force with no brakes (or breaks). If there's something Heisuke wants, he'll put his heart and soul into achieving it. He'll take dangerous assignments and three too many side-duties just to get promotions and accolades.

Heisuke understands his role in the 5th Division quite well. He doesn't have a single bone to be subtle, but that's what makes him special in the 5th Division. He knows that he's the distraction. He's the one that trips an alarm in Sector A so that the real "sneaky-sneaks" (as he calls them) can get the target in Sector B. This is part of what makes his job fun. No one else can talk about their job. He can.

Heisuke is, to put it bluntly, a dense brick. As mentioned above, he's the loud one, and he doesn't have a subtle bone. He's the one that says the quiet part out loud. He'll admit his feelings at a whim, and it's always clear where he stands on something. Due to the fact of his lack of subtlety, he doesn't read it well in others. Beating around bush with him is a guarantee to get him to ask a stupid question. Ironically, he's an excellent lie detector—though misdirections and things that aren't quite untruths slip by him.

Either despite or because of all of the above, Heisuke is an achiever and a leader. He'll push others to reach for greater heights and believes everyone should have a dream. If they don't have a dream, they don't live. And what's the point in living if you're not living? Heisuke's own dream is to become a Captain. He once saw the Captains fighting and protecting Soul Society when he was younger—and so, he wishes to be strong and determined like them. He wishes to inspire others, that even near-dropouts like him can succeed if they work hard enough.

» Likes: That burst of energy immediately after a nap, putting too much hot sauce on food, energy drinks, Texas Hold 'Em,

» Dislikes: Sleeping, food with little seasoning, citrus flavors, wearing a shirt, the "caffeine shakes," chocolate

I. History

Heisuke was born in District One East, Reibu (麗鮒; Resplendent Carp). His father and mother both kept the belltower they lived in running. They lived on a hill whose sole structure was a belltower with a small house attached—much like a lighthouse. This is important, as it led to his fascination with the Captains of the Gotei Thirteen.

An important series of events happened when Heisuke was young and impressionable. A loud crack and a bright flash signalled the start of something magical for him. Heisuke stayed at the top of the belltower and watched the battles that would later become known as "the Ryoka Invasion." He would watch them at a distance with a spyglass, and he failed to eat many times just because he was afraid of missing something cool and exciting. And this sparked his desire: he wanted to be as cool as those guys were.

Heisuke attempted to join the Academy during the Ryoka Invasion, but he was turned away. Partly because he was young, partly because they were fighting invaders. Every year, he'd try again. Ten years later, he was allowed to enroll. Heisuke was the kind of student that most people didn't like. He was the type to remind the teacher of homework because he had forgotten it himself. It was a painful six years in the academy for him. But even then, he barely passed.

Heisuke did not get an offer to join the Gotei immediately. Instead, he was asked to help out around the academy. Although not well-read or skilled enough to become a teacher, his value as an assistant teacher was invaluable. This especially became apparent when other students needed a sparring partner that was just there to take hits and not truly fight back. He trained his body to become an iron wall than prevented the students from actually hurting him while also practicing how to better be able to serve as a Shinigami when he eventually got an offer.

This continued through the years. He attained his Shikai and helped other students learn how to communicate with their future Zanpakutō. He helped instruct in Hakuda and Hohō. And he even provided extra help to the Shinigami that couldn't quite grasp Kidō and had it backfire on them. But the best part of his job was meeting the Captains. Occasionally, Captains and/or their Lieutenants would come to the Academy to seek promising recruits. As actual instructors were usually busy, many a time did "tour guide duty" fall to him.

Heisuke would ask questions under the guise of "these are things the students wanted to know" when in actuality, it was just things he wanted to know. He wouldn't dare consider himself to be close to any of the Captains he met, but he did enjoy and memorize each time he had the honor to meet one.

Heisuke's time to shine came during the Demon Incursion. The academy was one of the areas attacked, and Heisuke stood as one of the proud defenders at the front gate. Even as others fell around him, Heisuke stood strong. He fought by being loud, brash, and taunting—so himself, basically. He brought as many as he could to his area instead of the academy proper. But even so, he was no Captain. He was no hero yet. He would nearly fall—saved only by proper officers of the Gotei arriving.

In the wake of the Demon Incursion and World War IV, Heisuke was finally given an offer. Perhaps it was recommendations from other students, or perhaps it was just because his skills were needed, but he was given an offer to join the now-5th Division. It was made clear as to what he'd be doing in the offer. The Division needed someone who could specialize in being a distraction for the actual stealth members. They needed someone who was capable of being read in on their classified assignments while also being brazen enough to break through a front door loudly if need be.

But there was another task. Heisuke was someone known now to not be a part of the Gotei. This gave him a bit of an "outsider status." He was adjacent, but not "in." Thus, Heisuke was tasked with infiltrating one of the criminal organizations in the Rukongai—the Shirazumi-rengokai. In the past seven years, Heisuke has risen through the ranks of the Kosaka family and has been feeding the information back to the Fifth Division (and by extension to the Sixth Division albeit anonymously).

I. Natural Abilities

» Unbreakable Object, Unstoppable Spear: Heisuke is a firm believer that anything is possible if you try hard enough. He is also a firm believer that any problem can be solved with blunt, brute force—though he will happily admit that it may not be the best solution. He's dedicated to be the "if all else fails" option by training his body to either dodge a blow or take the blow. If he is the distraction, he will be the distraction for as long as possible. He will keep the enemy's attention or make them regret it.

» Human Polygraph: When Heisuke isn't being a social butterfly, undercover, or the distraction for the Fifth Division, he deals with internal affairs interrogations. Through his (patent-pending) Gut FeelingsTM, he has about a 95% chance of detecting a lie. Though a misdirection or a partial-truth will slip by. For example, if he asked "Was the woman you saw wearing a blue or a green dress?" and the person responded "She was wearing something cyan," it would not trigger because cyan falls on either side of that spectrum and the person did not confirm it was a dress. This means it is best used on Yes/No questions.

» Sleepless Nights: Through being unreasonably stubborn and dangerously-hard work, Heisuke has trained his mind and body to need less sleep—or rather, it's more "compressed." He can get the same amount of rest as a normal person in a third of the time, but he's sleeping three times as hard as recompense. This makes sleep-inducing abilities only about 30% as effective at inducing sleep, but the effects 300% longer if he sucuumbs to them. He is also immune to the natural appearance symptoms of sleep deprivation (bags, dark circles, etc.).

I. Racial Abilities

» Hohō: As a member of the 5th Division, Heisuke is a solid practitioner of Shunpo. His Shunpo is not particularly refined, but he has a unique twist that his Shunpo seem to stop very suddenly. He is able to control his footing very well, allowing him to effectively "stop on a dime."
»» Rōpo: (澇歩; Flood Step) A variation of Shunpo that most people wouldn't use. This is Shunpo "without brakes." Rōpo is performing Shunpo with the energy and focus that would be used in stopping the maneuver instead put on the front-end. It's like performing a burnout—the user is held in place first, then they release themselves in order to propel themselves forward at greater velocity than a normal Shunpo would. However, by front-loading the stopping power, the user is consigning themselves to stop only by losing that velocity—either with time or with enough collisions with static objects. This technique rattles rocks and other small, loose objects around the user's feet while "revving up."
» Hakuda: Heisuke has focused his Hakuda on the reinforcement side of the skill. Although he can push his Reiryoku through his muscles for greater striking force, he prefers to let it be still and flare upon impact in just the afflicted area. Aside from Hohō, this is likely his best his skill because of his control over his Reiryoku and his reaction time.
» Kidō: Heisuke does not have any particular strength with Kidō—he is capable of most rudimentary spells. He has a minor modification in that he can sacrifice the range of Kidō to increase the potency (similar to Renji's backfiring Shakkahō).
» Zanjutsu: Heisuke's Zanjutsu is better than many of his peers. It is, however, not as refined as one might expect of a seated officer. He still has a lot to learn about his Zanpakutō, but he and his Zanpakutō have laid solid groundwork for improvement. His communication with his Zanpakutō is currently his biggest problem, as the two of them don't seem to agree on many things. Of course, he wishes to attain Bankai in the future, but that is beyond his capabilities at this time.

I. Zanpakutō

» Zanpakutō Name: Shutokisen (朱塗錡先; Scarlet-Stained Inkpen)

» Zanpakutō Spirit: Shutokisen is an "aRtIsTe" who disdains those who do not get his "art." He is a very particular, nitpicky spirit who harps on Heisuke's writing. He does not tolerate anyone else, Heisuke included, to add to or to mar the art he has painted on his canvas—the wall in the Inner World.
[Spirit Class 7] Heisuke Tsuchimikado Tp2doV

» Inner World: Shutokisen's inner world is eerily similar to the area immediately outside the East gate of the Seireitei—the Shōryūmon. A tall, white wall extends into the sky and grows taller if one nears the top. The wall is covered in graffiti and displays of "art." The gate has the kanji "突" in its center, written as if drawn with an oversized inkbrush.

» Sealed Zanpakutō Appearance: Shutokisen takes the form of a straight-edged blade with a flat, blunt tip. It is approximately five feet long and Heisuke wields it more like a non-lethal spear rather than a blade. In terms of cutting, it's best used like a cleaver or machete.
[Spirit Class 7] Heisuke Tsuchimikado AzOYuq

» Sealed Zanpakutō Power: N/A

I. Shikai

» Shikai Release Phrase: Stamp your mark!

» Shikai Release Action: To release Shutokisen, Heisuke must thrust the blade out—he usually does this outward so that the blunt end is pointed straight ahead of him. Red liquid spills from the tip and extends backward along the blade and past the handle to form the Shikai's shape.

» Shikai Appearance: Shutokisen when released takes the form of a spear about a foot longer than Heisuke is tall. It has cross-shaped spearhead and a black haft. The end cap is stamped with the kanji "突."

» Shikai Abilities: Shutokisen's ability is twofold. The butt of his spear applies a mark. The mark is a black circle with the kanji "突" in the center. The initial mark is approximately 2 inches tall. If he strikes the mark with the butt again, it grows by 50% each time up to a maximum size of 25 yards in diameter (approximately 9 strikes). Currently, Shutokisen is limited to three marks at a time. If multiple marks touch, they combine and become larger by combining their size (a 2-inch and a 4-inch mark would then become a 6-inch mark).

The mark does not follow the contours of the surface applied to it and does not have physicality—it doesn't collide with other objects and phases through them. Thus it is possible for the mark to out-grow its initial target. The mark does not fully obstruct vision if does outgrow the target—it is like looking through a particularly thin sheet of frosted glass. The marks can be washed off with water or other liquids (especially those good at removing ink). The entire area does not need to be cleaned. So long as the entire initial impact area is cleaned, the rest of the mark will disappear. The marks will also disappear upon sealing of Shutokisen.

The purpose of the marks is to provide a target for the spear's head. When struck by the spear's tip, the mark flashes red. The attack is then resolved with two additional effects. The first is that an attack that hits the mark has an increased potency of 30%. The second is that the impact level of the spear is determined as per how many times the mark has grown by 50% per mark growth. This does not affect the actual strength of the strike, but merely how much larger of a weapon it should have been. For example, if the mark had grown 4 times, then the target would be affected as if they had been hit by a weapon 4 times as large. Once a mark has been struck, additional marks can not overlap with the struck mark. If it does happen, the mark will be absorbed into the struck mark.

In addition, Heisuke is capable of throwing the spear to strike a mark. When he does so, he can opt to end his Shikai early to give the strength of the throw a 200% boost. This is particularly effective against marks that are not moving and have grown considerably. If he does opt to use that, Shutokisen reforms in its sealed form one post after loosing his spear, and he can not use his Shikai for the remainder of the thread.

I. Bankai

» Bankai Name:

» Bankai Release Action:

» Bankai Appearance:

» Bankai Abilities:

I. Equipment

» Equipment: Heisuke has numerous hidden tools among his person at any time. These are things such as lockpicks, a miniature camera, and, amazingly, a folding hammer.

» Suki: Suki (銛; Harpoon) is a goat Heisuke was gifted by a student he saved the life of during the Demon Incursion. He wasn't able to decline the gift. The goat has grown and stayed by his side, and he has grown quite fond of it. The goat has become a staple sight in the 5th Division.

I. Skill Sheet

General Attributes
» Durability: C
» Speed: C
» Strength: D
» Soul: D

Will Skills
» Willpower: Adept
» Deduction: Beginner
» Focus: Adept

Shinigami Skills
» Hoho: Adept
» Kidō: Beginner
» Zanjutsu: Adept
» Hakuda: Adept

I. Intent

» Intent: Heisuke is meant to be a guy built like a brick shit-house whose method of going through things is to brute force it. He's a friendly, outgoing guy who likely has multiple other close friends (aside from the relationship section), but is as dense as the brick that makes up his metaphorical self. I'm aiming for a protagonist character that can inspire others to greatness if they're feeling uninspired, pull people out of depressive funks, and to help people find goals to strive for. Also, I don't see many characters with the distinct goal of becoming a Captain—that's wack.

I. Changelog

8/25: Requested changes made
8/25: Post-approval stat distribution


Last edited by Tsubine on Sun Aug 25, 2024 8:43 pm; edited 2 times in total

Tsubine's Character List
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[Spirit Class 7] Heisuke Tsuchimikado Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 7] Heisuke Tsuchimikado Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 7] Heisuke Tsuchimikado Empty Re: [Spirit Class 7] Heisuke Tsuchimikado

Sun Aug 25, 2024 8:11 pm
[mod]1. Change the wording of his Zanjutsu to better reflect the fact he's unlocked Shikai and is above average.
2. Lower the maximum scale of his Shikai's size.
3. Change scaling on Shikai from decreasing enemy's durability to increasing his attack's power.
4. Include a section in his history placing him in a real combat situation to warrant expected skills.[/mod]
Ye Olde Guarde
Joined : 2010-07-09
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[Spirit Class 7] Heisuke Tsuchimikado Left_bar_bleue7380/100[Spirit Class 7] Heisuke Tsuchimikado Empty_bar_bleue  (7380/100)

[Spirit Class 7] Heisuke Tsuchimikado Empty Re: [Spirit Class 7] Heisuke Tsuchimikado

Sun Aug 25, 2024 8:19 pm
Requested changes have been made.
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Tsubine's Character List
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Joined : 2022-10-03
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[Spirit Class 7] Heisuke Tsuchimikado Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 7] Heisuke Tsuchimikado Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 7] Heisuke Tsuchimikado Empty Re: [Spirit Class 7] Heisuke Tsuchimikado

Sun Aug 25, 2024 8:35 pm
[mod]Approved SC7.

Will Skills
» Willpower: Adept
» Deduction: Beginner
» Focus: Adept

Shinigami Skills
» Hoho: Adept
» Kidō: Beginner
» Zanjutsu: Adept
» Hakuda: Adept[/mod]
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