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[Spirit Class 9] Lehanna Kisagami Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 9] Lehanna Kisagami Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 9] Lehanna Kisagami Empty [Spirit Class 9] Lehanna Kisagami

Sun Jul 14, 2024 4:44 pm

I. Basic Information

» Name: Lehanna Kisagami
» Alias: Lilly
» Age: 20
» Nationality: French
» Gender: Female

» Association: N/A

» Appearance Written: Lehanna is not someone who generally stands out of a crowd too often and especially so if she can help it. She stands at about 5 feet 7 inches tall or roughly 174 cm. Her appearance often depicts a more conservative styled dresser a lot of the time, however she often just wears whatever appeals to her more that day. She has long, straight hair in a light grey shade in color. Often times she will wear her hair down or in a braid of some fashion, but it's extremely rare that she doesn't wear her normal black hairband in her hair. Rather basic in design with only a small hourglass shape like design on it in the same color in which her attire often accentuates.

To her clothing type, her general attire doesn't often change in the warmer weathers despite the heat and humidity increases. She finds it doesn't really bother her much and isn't so much bothered by the weather in general be it hot or cold. As for her clothing, she has an affinity for somewhat of the same style of dress: a light, white and green long sleeved dress with a yellow ribbon worn around the front. She wears an almost charcoal colored crop jacket with a dull gold trim over top. On her legs she wears thigh-high stockings that fade from teal to a dark brown from top to bottom. The tops of the stockings are lined with gold, and her footwear consists of black heels with a base of white, as well as a pair of green gems in the center along with teal, ruffled collars that wrap around her ankles.

» Appearance Image: [Spirit Class 9] Lehanna Kisagami DjIZcWTm

I. Personality

» Personality: Beyond her normal shell, Lehanna is as one would describe as myriad of different emotions. She could go from being calm and collected to extremely angry or breaking down in tears with simple key words or phrases. Her fragile state doesn't always present itself, but if a conversation goes deep enough into it, she can snap easily and quickly back into someone's face without much consideration and no warning what so ever unless it was seen in small bodily ticks.

Kind and Generous: When it came to present themselves to people whom have stayed long enough to get through her blank shell, her kinder side makes her seem like a more innocent person from whom she actually is. As it stands in helping others, her generosity jumps in front of her protective shell, always smiling and offering herself to helping someone with an issue they may have. For someone that might end up greeting her after such an instance, her mind set would be to enveloped in her more enjoyed and joyful mood to jump straight back into her shell... Given whomever she met wasn't in some form of ridiculous attire or doing something off-putting. Then again, that would all vary on the person and situation, so the mystery of any changes would become much more fun.

Friendships: As far as these are concerned, there's no chance that someone can't be viewed a friend in Lehanna's eyes. Whether they tend to return the title is variant on the person, however that isn't really her main care. Friends are as good in quantity as they are in quality as each friend can carry themselves useful in special cases if a chance presented themselves. Whether they were weak or strong, good or evil, goofy or serious, and so on. The person whom they are matters not to Lehanna so long as the two of them are on good terms. To Lehanna, even an insulting comment in the right context can be considered more of a friendly term of endearment and she wouldn't cast a friends choice to criticize her appearance at all.

Enemies: These are truthfully one of the fewest in things that could ever be attained for her. As much as she is in willing to accept everyone for any fault they have and to ignore the complications of wars and sides being taken in order to breach peace. To add into that, the act of gaining an enemy is still possible and very much a real situation. Enemies though do carry a different merit to her specifically than the traditional sense of the word. All enemies can potentially become allies, or just even useful for bartering in help if the need is that strong, however the problem lies mostly within the act of the person themselves and the degree of reason from which they are labeled an enemy. Enemies for Lehanna usually just entail a very sarcastic and snarky personality, a lot of eye rolling, and a lot of uncooperative attitude from her, unless someone were to directly order her to or otherwise so. Enemies in combat deserve the same form of approach as if she'd been on a mission to purge a town from hollows; No mercy and kill them 'til they die!~

Combat: This is more of a tricky topic to be considered. As a person who's never learned to fight for the sake of hunting or protecting others, it's not really like Lehanna to fight in any fashion aside from what she was trained to do. Should she have to? Sure, she'd do it... But it's nothing she would go around to pick fights for. For her friends, she would ask to spar, pick up a few tips and tricks on how she could learn to fight better, however she still does make many amateur mistakes that she could easily die from -or at least get near to. However, if she were pushed to the point of it being her or her opponent, then surely she would choose to use her instinct to survive at any cost. Even then, that doesn't mean she would ever want that situation to come forth, but in the back of her mind has it kept known that possibility can never be too far away.

Loyalties: The ways from which Lehanna keeps her loyalties to is something that first may come across as simple and basic, however given the alignment of her friendships, that could drastically become a large issue within itself. As far as those whom Lehanna remains the highest grade of loyalty to are those among the ranks in her life and the person of whom she considered herself to be eternally loyal to for his efforts in saving her life from having to deal with the issues from which plagued her life among the world of the living. However, should a time come where her friends and those in her ranks put her in a divide.. Well that crossroad would be something that would need to happen to show otherwise.

» Likes: •Research - Lehanna is an avid lover of anything new that she can learn about or learn more about. If someone were to approach her with new or conflicting information, she would gladly jump to wanting to know more about it.
•Animals - There has always been a soft spot in her over animals of all types since she was small enough to remember.
•Analytics - The very core of her thought process is that she tries to be very logical and analytical when it comes to everything from combat to normal conversations and expressing her opinions or facts of them.
•Drawing - Despite how mature she may come off to be, drawing is a bit of an escape into a feeling of serenity and relaxation. Semi-talented in it, she can draw recognizable things for sure, but she isn’t a full blown artist.

» Dislikes: •Being discriminated against - Just the same as her being teased over her age or size, being talked down to has been one of the larger annoyances in her life. And no matter how hard she tries, someone will try to put her down.
•Senseless Violence - It doesn’t matter whether it’s as small as bullying to something as large as a massacre, nothing angers her more than the need to commit senseless acts of violence in any capacity.

I. History

» History:

I. Natural Abilities

» Natural Abilities: Keen eyesight from years of target practice

I. Racial Abilities

» Racial Abilities: -Blut is something Lehanna has taken time to learn more of as she can more easily incorporate it to her everyday and combat when/if needed.
-As it stands, her familiarity with Steigen is her most prominently trained ability. Wanting to be faster than her enemy tends to equate her choice to being able to take a hit most times.

I. Spirit Weapon

» Spirit Weapon Name: Raiken

» Spirit Weapon Appearance: This weapon is by default the tool by which Lehanna fights. The weapon, while oversized at first glance is fairly easy to maneuver for her. With years of experience under her belt, she can wield such its size with ease due to its lack of weight. It's shape is commonly shaped towards modern looking Compound bows. With it, the size as well allows for longer traveled arrows to be fired with less of a penalty as those without the tension capacity of smaller weapons. While its shape retains such an appearance, the color of the bow primarily matches that of the color of Lea's reaitsu (teal) and it's accenting colors are a crisp white shade of color.
[Spirit Class 9] Lehanna Kisagami 7VpsH0Mm

» Spirit Weapon Abilities: Tri-shot - Three arrows form notched to the users string as it is pulled onto, firing all at once towards a single destination.
Volley - Firing an arrow into the air, the arrow bursts and forces a concentrated bit of the users reiatsu to rain down in an area.
Piercing Shot - Lehanna can fire a special piercing arrow intended for puncturing other abilities and defenses. When this attack comes in contact with a non-living obstacle, it's offensive power is considered 50% higher.

» Spirit Weapon Appearance: Two standard length blades form at the top of its respective hilt formed purely of the users concentrated reiatsu. Taking color from which it is created from, these swords take a "forming" similar in the way a Lightsaber would grow to its length. At the base they appear as two separate looking bits of energy, then seemingly forming a small diamond shape before converging and forming the rest of the blades as well.
[Spirit Class 9] Lehanna Kisagami LP1WRvMm

» Spirit Weapon Abilities: There are none currently known to the user of abilities with this weapon.

I. Quincy Release

» Letzt Stil or Vollständig: Vollständig

» Name: Knight of Ifrit

» Appearance: The form's appearance is brought about through advanced levels of anger, be it concentrated or not to form fire. Pulling their reiatsu to their body, the fire works like a forge to simulate a metallic like armor to cover their body. The appearance taking shape through a mesh of imagination, power, and energy. It's overall appearance mimics that of mech like suits some of which might consider from a tv show. Snow white in color, the suit carries little in a secondary color, but does accent around the helmet, the gem located on her chest, and several emblems of the Quincy symbols at the front and either side of her waist. The helmet itself has a total of 6 slits between the gold accenting cover that are symmetrical to one another in shape and size. Behind it is a concentrated glow of a teal colored energy.
[Spirit Class 9] Lehanna Kisagami ViEhdxfm

» Abilities: Lehanna can expend energy to add a 150% boost to her speed for a post by venting energy from the back of her armor. Due to the energy needed, this can at most be done 4 times a post.

I. Equipment

» Equipment: Ancestral locket: This locket contains the symbol used by Quincy long ago, passed down upon generations.

I. Skill Sheet

(To Find Out about what these skills are for, please READ THIS THREAD before you try doing anything to it)

General Skills
» Durability: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
» Speed: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
» Strength: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
» Martial Skill: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

Will Skills
» Willpower: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
» Deduction: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
» Focus: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

Quincy Skills
» Blut: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
» Gebet: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
» Kreuzen: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
» Steigen: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

I. Role Play Sample

» Roleplay Sample:


Last edited by Sango on Fri Aug 09, 2024 3:07 pm; edited 6 times in total

[Spirit Class 9] Lehanna Kisagami KQ0dCMT
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[Spirit Class 9] Lehanna Kisagami Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 9] Lehanna Kisagami Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 9] Lehanna Kisagami Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Lehanna Kisagami

Tue Jul 16, 2024 2:26 pm
Spirit Weapon
In addition to the image, please include a short written description of the bow. The picture while pretty, is a bit ambiguous as some individuals have unorthodox types of bows. And as such, please clarify which element in the picture is her bow.

Same as the Spirit Weapon. Please include a proper written description to lay out which elements in the image make up the released form.

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[Spirit Class 9] Lehanna Kisagami Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 9] Lehanna Kisagami Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 9] Lehanna Kisagami Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Lehanna Kisagami

Fri Jul 19, 2024 2:28 pm
Bumping for edits made!
-Added second spirit weapon after getting clarification on personal mix up of what was or was not included in such.
-Both have descriptions added.
-Corrected a few leftover spelling issues missed upon first look through (thank you browser default spell check)
-Added description for Volstandig as well as requested.
-Aaaand as of a second edit added a separation of both weapons to show separation between them and lessen any chance for confusion

[Spirit Class 9] Lehanna Kisagami KQ0dCMT
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[Spirit Class 9] Lehanna Kisagami Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 9] Lehanna Kisagami Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 9] Lehanna Kisagami Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Lehanna Kisagami

Mon Aug 05, 2024 3:44 pm
Please follow the Quincy template and include the name of her Spirit weapons. Even if theyre as simple as "Bow" or "Swords" we need to be able to differentiate them. That aside.

Peircing Shot - Focusing more of her next shot, the arrow being fired from this is much more concentrated and stronger. This shot has potential to pierce through objects or if strong enough, potentially weaker abilities (with approval of any combat partner/rival/etc.)
Please give some quantification of how much stronger than a normal shot this is. IN really any instance, anyone can add a bit more energy to an attack in order to try and punch through defenses or another attack, so a good idea would be to include some specific quality that allows this arrow better penetration power and against what sort of offending attacks or defenses. Namely what would distinguish this from simply an arrow that has more energy put into it?

» Vol Abilities: This release form allows the quincy the ability of controlled flight and slightly faster speeds. Due to the increase in the density of their reiatsu to form this, abilities such as kido,
Just how much of a speed boost is there here? Additionally, I'm a little unclear on what the second portion of this section is. If its perhaps a residual from an ability thats no longer present or if there is some sort of typo. If there is supposed to be an ability in regard to it's density, please be a bit more clear and descriptive.
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[Spirit Class 9] Lehanna Kisagami Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 9] Lehanna Kisagami Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 9] Lehanna Kisagami Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Lehanna Kisagami

Wed Aug 07, 2024 11:41 am
Bumping for edits made!

-Please forgive crummy ability creating, I'm incredibly rusty in doing so and doubled under different mechanics.
-Added name for weapon
-Clarified the best logical way I could think of to allow the ability to work, but will adjust if need be.
-Attempted a fix of the Vol ability thing. Rereading that even I had no idea wtf I was thinking. Maybe I got distracted and never went back to finish so it just looks like a half eaten sandwich of an ability, but hopefully this edit is better.

[Spirit Class 9] Lehanna Kisagami KQ0dCMT
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[Spirit Class 9] Lehanna Kisagami Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 9] Lehanna Kisagami Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 9] Lehanna Kisagami Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Lehanna Kisagami

Wed Aug 07, 2024 12:12 pm

You will also need a name for the double Blades, as they are a separate spirit weapon. But lets get to the ability.
The description of the Piercing shot is still pretty vague, we prefer something a bit more concrete so here's a suggestion.

Peircing Shot - Lehanna can fire a special piercing arrow intended for puncturing other abilities and defenses. When this attack comes in contact with a non-living obstacle, it's offensive power is considered 50% higher.

This gives it a bit of an edge against your normal barriers and such, but doesn't give it extra destructive power on a person, and leaves bodily defenses (Such as blut or raw spiritual energy bracing) alone to give it a bit of natural counter play.

Vol Ability:
» Abilities: This release form allows the quincy the ability of controlled flight and slightly faster speeds equivalent to that of an additional tier (i.e. beginner bumped to advanced while in release).

Its gonna be a no for the skill level bump. On Platinum Hearts, Physical ability levels are non-linear and more exponential. The difference between say beginner and adept is MUCH smaller than say Advanced to Elite. Not only that, but boosting a skill level becomes rather insane if you are at elite and say get bumped to Master (Which by itself is a very big nono).
Anywho, with another view at the description, I'm not seeing any sort of propulsion that would explain why they can fly with this. Is this being accomplished by forming wings out of the aurora? Or are they simply shooting themselves around by firing energy from portions of the armor? I'd like something more explicit about whats giving this ability of flight. As for the boost itself, that will depend on whats providing the flight. If theres say, wings they form that are allowing them to fly around especially fast, then I think something like a 100% boost to speed so long as the wings are intact. However, if it's something like just boosting around with reiatsu, I imagine that you'd be moving around and then utilizing high speed bursts at the cost of expending energy. In which case you'd want something like

Lehanna can expend energy to add a 150% boost to her speed for a post by venting energy from the back of her armor. Due to the energy needed, this can at most be done 4 times a post.
This is just an example. Naturally this has limited uses and is a tiny bit stronger than the passive, but unlike the other version, you don't lose access to it if the hypothetical wings are destroyed.

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[Spirit Class 9] Lehanna Kisagami Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Lehanna Kisagami

Wed Aug 07, 2024 2:54 pm
Bumping for you!

I am not one for arguing so if it's alright with you, I did use both examples. Knowing percentiles are something used if not more often will be noted for myself for additional abilities in the future, so thank you for that ^-^

[Spirit Class 9] Lehanna Kisagami KQ0dCMT
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[Spirit Class 9] Lehanna Kisagami Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Lehanna Kisagami

Wed Aug 07, 2024 3:49 pm
Alright very good, the requested changes seem solid. Doing one last cursory look, I only see one last small change needed here.
Volley - Firing an arrow into the air, the arrow bursts and forces a concentrated bit of the users reiatsu to rain down in smaller shaped arrows into a diameter equivalent to her power at that time.
I'm not sure what you're intending this to scale off. But there really isn't a reason to get super technical on how big the arrow rain she shoots out is. Just go ahead and change it to something like
Volley - Firing an arrow into the air, the arrow bursts and forces a concentrated bit of the users reiatsu to rain down in an area.
It's a simple ability, and while I could try and sus out some sort of 'Limit' there really isn't much need to. Whatever level of oomf youre putting into the area is getting spread out through the area, the wider the area, the more dilluted the power will be. Smaller area, more powerful rain. Common sense applies. So once you snip that implied scaling bit, I think we'll be just about all set for your final approval.
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[Spirit Class 9] Lehanna Kisagami Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Lehanna Kisagami

Fri Aug 09, 2024 3:08 pm
That's completely understandable. I guess old habits of other systems are harder to adjust than I assumed they would be, haha!

[Spirit Class 9] Lehanna Kisagami KQ0dCMT
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[Spirit Class 9] Lehanna Kisagami Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Lehanna Kisagami

Fri Aug 09, 2024 3:49 pm
General Skills
Durability: Beginner
Speed: Beginner
Strength: Beginner
Martial Skill: Beginner

Will Skills
Willpower: Beginner
Deduction: Beginner
Focus: Adept

Racial Skills
Blut: Beginner
Gebet: Adept
Kreuzen: Beginner
Steigen: Beginner

Spirit Class: 9
Comments/Notes: Good luck, Swordgirl

Application Approved

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[Spirit Class 9] Lehanna Kisagami Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Lehanna Kisagami

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