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Fri Jul 19, 2024 2:33 pm
Musings Of A Drunken Brat (Kalama, Open to 1) - Page 2 Genshin-impact-kuki-4

It had to be said that the redheaded woman was rather well informed when it came to the history of spiritual beings although it appeared that there was one slight error in the woman’s musings. Kalama was not all that surprised though, as there were so few Shinigami left from her time that the assassin wasn’t even sure how much knowledge had survived. The encounters that Kalama had taken part in weren’t exactly occasions that the Gotei spoke of with pride.

“It was because of the Gotei in my era that they were reduced to being such small tribes. The encounters that crippled the Quincy took place far earlier than that, when the Shinigami were a far more violent and destructive force. The Shinigami warned the Quincy to leave the slaying to Hollows to them but the latter refused. What that eventually led to was a pair of genocides, events that the Gotei pretended never happened.” She mused, untroubled by what she was saying.

The redhead’s curiosity was intriguing and Kalama would tilt her head. “You a historian or something? It’s not often that I come across someone who seems genuinely interested in anything spiritual.” Usually because the assassin was in too shitty a mood to talk but still.


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Fri Jul 19, 2024 4:11 pm
Musings Of A Drunken Brat (Kalama, Open to 1) - Page 2 QMnzOTa

"Catherine Reed"

Her drink burned her throat as it went down, half closed eyes resting on the assassin with intrigue as she took note of her words. There wasn't any reason to not believe her; no Shinigami really had much stake in talking shit about the Gotei's dirty laundry to some human after all, especially one that seemed awful proud of her atrocities. She wasn't much for moral grandstanding herself, but she was curious of what her thought process here, from a load of shits that pretend to care about humanity.

"You could call me that," She'd speak after bottoming her cup, signalling the keeper to get another glass for her, "Someone interested in actually learning about this new age. Though, your claim does have me wonder,"

Poor anxious fellow was quick with getting her another glass, a brief 'thanks' thrown his way as she'd focus back on Kalama, "Quincy aren't exactly like Demons or Hollows, yeah? They're humans, like the humans who members of the Gotei seem inclined on protecting - or at least they claim to. My opinion? We're just numbers on a spreadsheet to them; their care stops when the numbers start,"

Swirling her glass, she'd squint at it closely as she spoke one dire question, "But how is you killing Quincy any different than slaughtering humans?"

Raising her glass for another drink, she'd add with a light shrug, "Sure, they could've caused some disruption, but they're still people at the bottom of it."

END | A Glimmer of Sunlight
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Sat Jul 20, 2024 2:17 pm
Musings Of A Drunken Brat (Kalama, Open to 1) - Page 2 Genshin-impact-kuki-4

“The Quincy were screwing up the spreadsheet rather badly, to use your terminology.” The assassin answered with a shrug. “The numbers are supposed to stay relatively stable but because the Quincy just eradicate Hollows rather than purify them, the whole balance was well and truly fucked. If we hadn't dealt with them, the whole cycle would’ve been completely destroyed. That’s the story that we were all told anyway and I expect that’s what the Gotei still say to this day. Whether you believe it or not is your business but knowing the Shingami as they back then, it wouldn’t surprise me if they were just frightened because they had a rival when it came to Hollow slaying.”

Taking a swig of her drink, she’d fall silent for a few moments, thinking back to the old times. There was little guilt on her face though and if anything, Kalama looked almost unhappy that times had changed quite so much. “I don’t consider the Quincy to be any different from the Hollow, simply another opponent to be dealt with. Even now, I still feel as though I simply have to attack when I feel the spiritual pressure of one close by, as though it was what I was born to do. It’s strange because I don’t feel the same way towards any other race. I guess my mentor taught me a little too well.”

There was no deception in her words and frankly, Kalama saw no reason to lie. It wasn’t as if she made any real effort to hide her race, so why hide her past?


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Sun Jul 21, 2024 6:26 am
Musings Of A Drunken Brat (Kalama, Open to 1) - Page 2 QMnzOTa

"Catherine Reed"

Interesting opinion.

Personally, she wasn't offended or angry this woman may have killed her ancestors, rather she was morbidly curious in the psychology of it. Sure, she didn't consider Shinigami people, but they were capable of communing on the level of one, and by extension had their own thoughts and biases. Individuals such as she only informed her of the gap, formed by both age and position in the cycle. When her company spoke more in depth, it did give her an important tag of information - it seemed the Shinigami only cared if souls were outright eradicated. Tch, more like they'd have to do more work, but if Quincy were really killing hollows at such a rate the system was at stake all that time back then, she could understand the interest to not have reality capsize upon itself.

But that didn't make the Shinigami blameless in her eyes, especially not this one with her little, cravings.

"Is that so?" She'd lightly remark as she had made headway into the burn of her second drink, feeling her body warm. Her gaze would roll across the counter as she would present challenge of thought, "If you simply can't help but kill and torment Quincy upon sensing their presence, isn't that just like a Hollow salivating at the mere scent of a Plus? I'd argue many Quincy extinguish Hollows out of self preservation nowadays, but you? You seem real eager for making a sport out of killing the living."

She didn't present this thought in an angry or chiding way, rather she was questioning her - as if she wondered if she even made that connection before.

END | A Glimmer of Sunlight
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Sun Jul 21, 2024 3:25 pm
Musings Of A Drunken Brat (Kalama, Open to 1) - Page 2 Genshin-impact-kuki-4

“I suppose there is some truth in what you’re saying.” The assassin answered although it came after a noticeable period of silence from the green haired woman. A part of her was furious by what the woman was implying and had she not been in quite such a mellow mood, she’d have likely snapped but as it was, the Shinigami was in a reflective enough state to push that impulse aside. It reminded her of what Lilith said to her earlier in the day and while it seemed to be against her instincts, Kalama couldn’t help but ponder. “No doubt sooner or later, I’ll be put down like a Hollow too. Something I’ve come to accept.”

Taking a sip of her drink, she’d muse a touch longer before resuming. “I’m a relic of an age that’s gone by and I find myself unable to adapt to this one. I certainly don’t kill them now for the sake of the balance of souls, I kill them because I don’t know an awful lot else. My entire time in this world has involved deception, violence and murder, whether it be because of my…conditioning or simply to keep my skills sharp. I’ve found that my skills are valuable in the eyes of others, although as you can imagine, not many of those individuals could be considered reputable.”


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Thu Aug 01, 2024 10:09 pm
Musings Of A Drunken Brat (Kalama, Open to 1) - Page 2 QMnzOTa

"Catherine Reed"

Feeling the burn of alcohol in her, the woman's words were considered - despite her rather deplorable ways, at least she was self aware in that she'd get put down like the rabid dog she is eventually. But what really caught her attention was that little narrative - don't know any better? She held herself back from making any indication of how ridiculous she thought that was; she's been divorced from the Gotei for seemingly so long, there's nothing else she decided to adopt? Just killing? She supposed she understood, she would be studying and slaying Hollows until the day she died, but that was for a greater purpose, as she told herself.

This just seemed like blind wandering.

"Wouldn't you want to be more than just some lost hound killing chickens for the sake of it?" Her words came out smooth and calm as she took a final gulp of her drink, signalling for more - her expression was dire. Though the flow of poison was in her system, it didn't detract from her ability to engage, "Killing without purpose? Might as well off yourself at that point. I say find a reason to do it or find something better to be using your time on. Wouldn't want to be put down with nothin' but regrets on your mind."

END | A Glimmer of Sunlight
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Fri Aug 02, 2024 10:15 am
Musings Of A Drunken Brat (Kalama, Open to 1) - Page 2 Genshin-impact-kuki-4

“I doubt the Vandenreich are going to let me simply settle down and take on a 9 to 5 job. I’m pretty high on their shit list right now and they’re certainly at the top of mine.” Kalama answered dryly, finishing her drink and swiftly asking the bartender for another. “I wouldn’t even know how to live a peaceful life if I tried. Regardless of what I do, I imagine that there’s still going to be violence involved, no matter what purpose I delude myself into believing.”

Pausing at that point, she’d briefly consider the conversation up to that point. She’d opened up more than she’d planned so far and while that didn’t bother her as much as the assassin would’ve thought, it did cause her to reflect. First Lilith and now the redheaded woman, what was it today about meeting people who were able to easily weave through her guard? Was this supposed to be a wake up call or something? It bothered her up to a point and she wondered what was up with her.

“What’s your purpose then?” She eventually asked, purple eyes turning to look at the other woman. “The fact you seem so casual about my past gives me the idea that your hands aren’t clean either. Who or what do you hunt?”


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Tue Aug 06, 2024 8:47 am
Musings Of A Drunken Brat (Kalama, Open to 1) - Page 2 QMnzOTa

"Catherine Reed"

"Woah there, who said anything about a peaceful life?" She'd quickly raise a hand in response, seeming almost to laugh at the idea, "I'm not tellin' you to quit and settle, m' telling you to do something meaningful with yourself. You don't seem all that chipper running on old commands, lady. You're..."

She halted her thought for a moment, reluctant to actually acknowledge this Shinigami as a person, much less such a deplorable one... But, the tightrope walk of conversation didn't pull off well on truths, "no machine, you're capable of your own thoughts and such, yeah? Is offing Quincy for the rest of your life even something you wanna do?"

Her gaze drew to her drink, little hesitation to answer that last question, "Hollows. Big n' small. Yappy and stupid. I study all of them; not for a living - research on devilry most people are too piss scared to understand doesn't exactly pay well. Normally do trophy hunts or craftswork commissions," And a secret third thing, but that wasn't exactly something she could proclaim in public.

END | A Glimmer of Sunlight
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Tue Aug 06, 2024 3:05 pm
Musings Of A Drunken Brat (Kalama, Open to 1) - Page 2 Genshin-impact-kuki-4

The question asked was a good one and Kalama had to again take a few moments to consider how best to answer. She’d been following her path for so long that beginning on another sounded almost…impossible. No, perhaps that wasn’t the right term. It was an uncomfortable feeling, one that the Shinigami didn’t want to truly admit was there but it was. Fear. The fear of becoming someone else after spending the vast majority of her life as little more than a life ending monster. God, she hated change.

“When I’m around them, I find myself wanting nothing more than to spend my life doing just that.” She eventually responded, making no effort to lie or deceive. “Yet, I suppose that there are times when I’m travelling where I find the whole idea kind of pointless. Moments where I don’t feel quite so self assured about this journey I’m on. Maybe it’s more a case of I don't know what I truly want and so I just keep doing what I’m doing in order to deceive myself into thinking I do.” She had no idea whether she was just talking shit because of the booze but it was what it was.

She half expected not to get an answer regarding the woman’s own passions but as the assassin listened, an eyebrow rose again. “You research them? Can’t say I’ve met many people who’d consider that field one to get stuck into. You got a beef with them or is it just scientific curiosity?


Last edited by Ashaiya on Wed Sep 04, 2024 9:18 am; edited 1 time in total
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Tue Sep 03, 2024 6:08 pm
Musings Of A Drunken Brat (Kalama, Open to 1) - Page 2 QMnzOTa

"Catherine Reed"

What a sad, destructive endeavor, she guessed. These thought loops seemed common, those damned swordsmen lived such long and tailored lives that the mere idea of breaking routine may as well be asking them to die. They were no better than hollows in that regard, just an endlessly marching machine incapable of revision or change, a cartless wheel rolling into an abyss of mindless striding and fighting.

Once again, it disgusted her to acknowledge; it was as pitiful as watching a fox with rabies wreaking havoc on it's nervous system, yet these entities hardly deserved that pity - at least the fox was incapable of knowing what it was doing wrong when it lashes out to bite anything in reach within it's heated delirium.

"Gotcha," She'd let out with a breath, holding back a torrent of words. This one was too valuable to establish poor relations, it was some insight into a time barely recorded, and Catherine was hardly one to allow precious information to slip away from her over her personal distastes.

With the change of topic, she'd sigh and shrug, "It's not like anyone else is doing it. Hardly useful to turn around and squeeze your ears shut hoping the big bad monsters leave you alone. The more you know, the less to fear. That's how we figured out storms were just neutral weather patterns and not a god in the sky angry because your village didn't burn enough cattle that season."

END | A Glimmer of Sunlight

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