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Warfield Catsat [Komugi, Valerie] Empty Warfield Catsat [Komugi, Valerie]

Sat Jun 22, 2024 6:57 pm
Warfield Catsat [Komugi, Valerie] L4kngme

Komugi Yadou

..Was it evening already..? The slow peek open of her eyes drew up and out to the opening of the tent, but she could never tell when it was - it all looked like confusing neutral colors to her, especially reds. Pulling her sluggish self from her resting, she'd poke her head up and look to the sky through squinting eyes... East or west, east or west... Yeah, it was west, definitely evening then!

With a soft scoff, waving off someone complaining about her being up too early with a flick of the tail as she went about to pace the encampment. She didn't get to see the Living Realm all that much til pretty recently, when she was having to allocate support to lacking areas on Earth - she didn't really get the appeal, it looked too much like home did, and why be excited about something you've already seen?

Her arm still had wrappings, a spot between her hairline and her eyebrow was scalped to the skin and missing fur. She fought a real nasty one, good thing her worst injuries were all fixed up! Too bad she couldn't convince the medic to let her ear heal with a big split, would've been a funny thing to screw with the twins at home...

Ah well, she was looking to get a drink and shoot the shit some.

END | Black Cat Cross Your Path
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Warfield Catsat [Komugi, Valerie] Empty Re: Warfield Catsat [Komugi, Valerie]

Mon Jun 24, 2024 2:32 pm
Warfield Catsat [Komugi, Valerie] K739cm3ax27

A collective sigh had been felt with the slaying of Asher and the general crumpling of the Hollow command in africa. While some ....particular threats remained, the entity known as Metatron had seemed mostly stationary and perched over the hole. Without the continuous harassment, evacuation efforts had been able to go into full swing. A majority of the civillians had been moved out of immediate danger from the Exclusioin zone and caravans further helping them secure routes into areas with better security and ample means of beginning to recoup.

With immediate danger held off, it was a matter of helping them pick up the pieces. Establishing Shield locations and getting people food and treatment. Those that werne't focused on helping the African citizens continue to head to safer areas went to supporting the trops on the ground. Gotei and Vandenreich personnel alike were provided with medical attention and supplies, and the joint Perimeter around the hole was steadily cemented.

Valerie herself sighed to herself, pleased as she was taking the time to make her way around one of the gotei camps. She'd just finished a meeting with one of the Seventh Division officers going over reports on injuries and recovery. Not too many popped up, frankly the volunteers from Scaffold didn't wind up having to assist their own relief members too often these days. Solid meeting, no news was, blissfully, good news. Relaxed as things had become, there was still an edge in the air, as if some new threat might surface from the hole at any moment.

But thankfully there were distractions. Like the tiny little feline traipsing around the camp.

"Officer Komugi! Nice to see you up and about. I take it you're feeling better?" Valerie's voice promptly cut through the cool evening silence as she smiled from ear to ear and waved to the shinigami. Certainly they came in all shapes and sizes, but it was still rather fascinating to see the little felid.

"Hm, a little earlier than you usually get up. Have you had something to eat yet?"

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Warfield Catsat [Komugi, Valerie] Empty Re: Warfield Catsat [Komugi, Valerie]

Wed Jun 26, 2024 7:32 pm
Warfield Catsat [Komugi, Valerie] L4kngme

Komugi Yadou

Her ears perked with the sound of a familiar voice, round golden eyes catching sight of the pink-haired woman. Oh it was Valerie! She'd only gotten acquainted recently, but the appearance of the human made her glow with familiarity, her tail rising in a cane-like formation as she'd raise a hand and smile widely as she'd shake her palm in an excited wave, bounding over, "Heeell'o Valval! Konbanwa to you~! And you can just call me Mugi, for serious!"

As she came up to the lady, she'd have her hands on her hips and smiling proudly, "Yep i'm a good seventy-five percent better! I was actually on my way to get some food I uh... Haven't eaten good in a hot minute. Apart from porridge or rations; like sure I can eat them but i'm dying for actual meat at this point!"

Her tail twitched about as she spoke, hand on her chin, "If I can get some booze in me that'd also be great... Didja wanna join me at the canteen?"

END | Black Cat Cross Your Path
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Warfield Catsat [Komugi, Valerie] Empty Re: Warfield Catsat [Komugi, Valerie]

Tue Jul 30, 2024 11:52 am
Warfield Catsat [Komugi, Valerie] K739cm3ax27

Valerie flashed a smirk as Komugi offered such an energetic wave in her direction, chuckling a bit to herself as she watched the feline bounding towards her. She intercepted the girl by holding up a small packet. A granola bar offered to the feline as she took a bite of one that she herself had been carrying around for herself. even if the feline wasn't hungry she could keep it for later. All the same, she smiled just a bit wider as Komugi appealed to being referred by a nickname instead. What an amicable little kitten.

"Fair enough, and I trust little Mugi has been getting enough rest? But I suppose getting something decent to eat would help a lot too." She grinned. Mugi seemed to read her mind as she promptly offered for the pair of them to head to the mess hall together, and she promptly gave a light chuckle. "Sounds like a good idea. Not gonna lie, last time I saw you out on the field I was a bit worried you'd wind up in recovery a bit longer. You shinigami really are tough, even you smaller ones." She mused thoughtfully. Truth be told it wasn't as if she'd seen a terribly huge ammount of shinigami action over her career before the last couple years.
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Warfield Catsat [Komugi, Valerie] Empty Re: Warfield Catsat [Komugi, Valerie]

Thu Aug 01, 2024 9:41 pm
Warfield Catsat [Komugi, Valerie] L4kngme

Komugi Yadou

"Ain't little," She'd huff, graciously taking the granola bar - she was tired of sweets, not like she could taste it all that well. She moreso got nuts and other fibrous things pressed together than whatever binder they used, honey? Sugar? She couldn't tell! "I feel fit as a victorious stag atop a wolf's gored corpse," Yeah that was some way her Nara-chan would describe wellness, "But i'm real hungry. They kept telling me, 'Yadou, Yadou! Stop getting out of bed! Your stitches!' and I just say, i'm not a baby! I know what I can handle! I lived in the outer districts, it's not the first time i've gotten hurt! For Rei-o's sake, i've had to compete with floods and crap on top of muggers and rivals."

A deep sniff as she'd walk, she already caught scent of the canteen, some kind of meat stew; thank goodness, if she didn't get a drop of protein she was gonna keel over, "So what brings ya here? Looking to get some camps set up or something?"

END | Black Cat Cross Your Path
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Warfield Catsat [Komugi, Valerie] Empty Re: Warfield Catsat [Komugi, Valerie]

Tue Aug 13, 2024 10:42 am
Warfield Catsat [Komugi, Valerie] K739cm3ax27

Valerie's smile only widened smugly as Komugi gave that indignant little huff and went on to tell the tale of her. defiance of the medical staff. Good for her~ "That right? Well good for you, recovering so fast is something to be thankful for. But surely it's nice that the staff is trying to look after you. why I've heard you're rather popular with some of the nurses. I think I heard the term 'adorable' quite a few times." She snickered, pausing to glance over the way to the Medical Camp, as if to wonder if any of them were keeping an eye out for the feline.

The question from Komugi however had her chuckling as she could only imagine what members of the gotei thought her days were like. "No, I'm not gonna be setting up tents. With things calmed down, Scaffold's focus will be shifting. I've had a few meetings with some of my Shield officers about our next move. With the Hole more stable, we'll be continuing to move Refugees to safer areas of the region, as well as expanding outward. Hopefully, within the week, this entire area won't have a single civillian in it. We'll be working with the local African governments to create more or less an Exclusion Zone. Buffering the hole from the rest of africa. So yea, lots of fun plans and meetings." She flashed a crooked smile over her shoulder at the feline as she did so.

As they arrived at the Canteen, she held the tent flap open for Komugi as the pair of them slipped in and made their way towards the serving station. She let the feline move in ahead of her. They seemed a bit more hungry than she was.
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Warfield Catsat [Komugi, Valerie] Empty Re: Warfield Catsat [Komugi, Valerie]

Wed Sep 04, 2024 8:06 pm
Warfield Catsat [Komugi, Valerie] L4kngme

Komugi Yadou

The feline Shinigami's expression seemed to deflate a bit with distaste at the idea of being referred to as 'adorable', "Blech."

Though she'd perk right on up when she could finally get some food in her! She had been half listening to whatever explanation Valerie had to say on the whole shebang, but she got lost halfway through... She felt a bit bad she didn't keep up with all of it, but she was a loose listener with longer winded stuff... Especially with her being so damn hungry!

"Yah, hopefully things clear up soon," She'd respond with her mouth watering; it wasn't anything gourmet but the scent of spiced meat alone got her activated, hurrying along to get her own two bowls, eventually sitting down with Valerie as she'd grab one bowl and bring it up to her mouth. Taro wasn't here to chastise her about her eating etiquette~!

Though, as she was chowing down at surprising speeds, she'd halt for a moment to chew and swallow, placing the bowl down, "Oh hey, I actually got a question; What got you into doing this kinda work? Humans are a lot more fragile than us n' all, it's dangerous... N-not that I think you couldn't handle it or anything! I just, was wondering, yknow?"

END | Black Cat Cross Your Path
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