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Smells Like Family [Erica, Ranma] - Page 4 Empty Re: Smells Like Family [Erica, Ranma]

Fri Aug 30, 2024 3:43 pm
Smells Like Family [Erica, Ranma] - Page 4 DyxMvAe


Okay… the mixture looked as ready as it could be – no signs of either separate ingredient clogging up the mixture. It was all a smooth, viscous sauce now… sauce? Ew… but kinda, yeah. He could faintly smell its sweet aroma, already so vastly different from the blends he used to make before – so this must’ve been Auntie’s recipe, too… or close to it. Definitely. With every sniff he took, images returned to the forefront of his mind-


Getting ready to pour, Ranma was grabbing the deep large spoon – the one, the one you used to… what was it called again? Anyway, that one- but Snuggles decided to announce to the world that he was, indeed, at this very moment, rubbing up against Ranma’s leg to beg for more of that sweet mixture. “Hey, hey, hey, this is a crucial moment, Snuggles – your pancakes are almost ready…”

Snuggles’ sad purrs were soon cut off guard by the sound… of blend sizzling on the hot pan. A portion had been poured down, and Ranma gently rolled the pan around just a bit to spread the mixture wide. “Yes… I recognize this smell! This is it – this is what Auntie baked every year…”

Snuggles was leaning his front paws up on Erica’s leg now, his sad purrs growing louder. He could smell the pancakes even stronger now…

“Be a little more patient, Snuggles, pleeeeeaaaaaaase~ Your pancakes are soon ready…” he pleaded, forming the first pancake like a cat face.


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Smells Like Family [Erica, Ranma] - Page 4 Empty Re: Smells Like Family [Erica, Ranma]

Sat Aug 31, 2024 10:45 am
Smells Like Family [Erica, Ranma] - Page 4 VTEZeJL

The cat was becoming very focal indeed, so much so that Erica eventually brought out another pan and started to pour some of the mixture on that one as well. It was good practice for both herself and Ranma and as she waited for hers to brown on one side, she’d chuckle at the ginger monster who was continually trying to get the attention of both Shinigami. He was almost like a child in that way and the healer definitely reckoned there was more to him than met the eye. Snuggles was just too bright to be an ordinary cat.

“Looks like our furry friend approves of the smell.”
She chuckled, moving the pan around a bit to make sure that everything was working out alright. The fun part was about to happen and the pink haired woman hoped that Ranma would be alright with it. Too often did folks get a bit trigger happy with the flipping and Erica remembered her own misadventures with it as a child. Her mother had given her a scolding when she’d accidentally got it stuck on the ceiling, only for the pancake to fall off and land on her mum’s face. “Shouldn’t be too long before we can give them a flip. Looks like we got enough mixture here for quite a few.”


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Smells Like Family [Erica, Ranma] - Page 4 Empty Re: Smells Like Family [Erica, Ranma]

Wed Sep 04, 2024 8:53 am
Smells Like Family [Erica, Ranma] - Page 4 DyxMvAe


Okay… his pancake was becoming a nice nuance below. Time to flip it- oh. Flip it… what were the chances that he’d be able to catch it? Can I just flip it with a spoon or anything… or should I flip it flip it? What if I drop it? I’m not fast enough to catch it if it misses my damn pan! Not like I can-


His head almost audibly dinged, the bell of light shining above his skull as he got a marvelous idea. “5 seconds-“ he warned before dipping off, returning exactly 3 seconds later with none other than his Zanpakutō, Hōkamaru, in Shikai. A lavender, pretty khopesh – different from what it looked like before, when it was a wavy jian-type of blade.

Ranma grabbed his pan and got ready, catching Snuggles’ sparkly attention as he went: “3… 2… 1… FLIP!” And with that, the hardened dough was flipped up in the air- flying to the side a bit!!! “Slow Down, Hōkamaru!”

His Spiritual Pressure spread out with a lavender color saturating the air, slowing down everyone and everything in the area. From Erica’s and Snuggles’ perspective, Ranma would catch the flying pancake expertly in his pan, before the color dissipated and time flowed normally again.

“Hee hee… thanks for backing me up, Hōkamaru.”


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Smells Like Family [Erica, Ranma] - Page 4 Empty Re: Smells Like Family [Erica, Ranma]

Wed Sep 04, 2024 9:37 am
Smells Like Family [Erica, Ranma] - Page 4 VTEZeJL

Her gaze remained on Ranma as he flipped the pancake but something seemed a little funny as she did so. It was hard to put her finger on but there was a sense of oddness about it all, as though everything slowed down for a second. That was strange but Erica didn’t comment on it, instead just smiling as he successfully flipped the pancake. “Well done. Once the other side is done then you’ll have the perfect pancake.” She cheerfully remarked, smiling at him.

It was her turn then and with a flick of her wrist, the pink haired healer flipped the pancake, catching it back in the pan with barely any movement on her part. She’d done it so many times that it came quite naturally to her by now and as the other side of the pancake began to cook, a chuckle would escape her. “Nice to see I haven’t lost my mojo.”


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Smells Like Family [Erica, Ranma] - Page 4 Empty Re: Smells Like Family [Erica, Ranma]

Sat Sep 21, 2024 7:58 am
Smells Like Family [Erica, Ranma] - Page 4 DyxMvAe


Unfortunately, the shape that was meant to look like a cat’s face ended up a bit unclear – it looked more like a certain cartoon mouse now than a cat… but maybe that’d spike Snuggles’ appetite even more? Only one way to find out!

“Snuggleeeeeeeeeees, the moment of truth,” Ranma called out, catching Snuggles’ undivided attention as the pancake finished baking on the other side. Grabbing a plate, he slid the finished mouse-looking pancake down on it, then put the plate on the table behind the couple. Snuggles immediately went to taste-test his first complete pastry like the fine fan of dough and milk he was, sniffing and nibbling at the edges of the flat cake before taking a big bite.

… And he must’ve loved it, because he began munching on more. Good, that meant Snuggles had left his fluffed up legs alone. A bit of Snuggles’ fur had rubbed off and tingled on his shins – the little rascal needed some combing later, too.

“Wait, maybe I can do it without- I mean, yeah, lemme try again,” Ranma spoke up, putting his Shikai aside as he flipped the next sample of pancake up in the air after baking for a bit… this was a good time to remind Erica that Ranma didn’t exactly have the most delicate hands, and the pancake landed flat on his face.

“… It’s like a sauna up here…”


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Smells Like Family [Erica, Ranma] - Page 4 Empty Re: Smells Like Family [Erica, Ranma]

Sat Sep 21, 2024 8:27 am
Smells Like Family [Erica, Ranma] - Page 4 VTEZeJL

Ouch. That looked like it hurt and Erica was quick to put down her pan and peel off the pancake that was on Ranma’s face. He looked rather red and after turning off the gas briefly to be safe, she’d gently lead him away a bit so she could get a look at him properly. “Mmm. Looks like you got quite a bad burn there but don’t worry I got you covered.” She’d sit him down on one of the chairs beside the kitchen table and after tapping into her powers, began to heal the damage to his face.

Snuggles seemed satisfied though, eating his pancake with an almost human-like smile on his face. He devoured it as though he hadn’t eaten in days and Erica had to wonder just where all the food they were giving him went. A bottomless pit for sure and no sooner had he finished with the one given to him, he’d be around the two Shinigami again, meowing at the pair of lovers, clearly still hungry.

Erica only had eyes for her love at that moment though, working fast to heal the damage done.


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Smells Like Family [Erica, Ranma] - Page 4 Empty Re: Smells Like Family [Erica, Ranma]

Mon Sep 30, 2024 7:25 am
Smells Like Family [Erica, Ranma] - Page 4 DyxMvAe


”I meeeeeeaaaaaaaaaan…” Ranma felt not so bothered by the pancake landing on his face, but it did redden his precious face a bit. Maybe he was just insensitive up on his facial features, given the things his face had been through. But he still took a seat on the chair that Erica guided him to, fully accepting her efforts to alleviate the redness.

“Mnnnnnh…” His voice hummed as if his brain and face was melting at her touch, but the paws poking his side was keeping him conscious. Was Snuggles still hungry? What was his stomach even made of? “Pretty good cakes we made… Auntie would be proud,” he expressed with a smile.

It was very peaceful now. He wasn’t shivering with confusion or frustration. He wasn’t drunk out of his mind, and he wasn’t on the brink of death. He was right where he wanted to be. Where he needed to be.


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