Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Joined : 2024-05-31
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Sat Jun 01, 2024 10:30 pm
Right, where to begin? I suppose introductions would be an ideal starting point.

Hello to all of you regulars and guests that frequent this spirited (pun absolutely intended) little corner of the internet. I’m a newcomer who’s had an eye on this forum for a while now before finally deciding that it’d be more fun to become an active participant in this intriguing world set within an equally interesting universe like Bleach. That, and writing is a hobby of mine that’s sadly rusted over quite a bit from years of disuse among other things. It’s a pastime that I’ve sorely missed and would very much like to rectify by getting back into a pleasant groove if possible.

Moving onto a couple other things about myself, I’m a fan of anime (*gasp* Who’d have guessed it in here of all places, am I right!?), and while I wouldn’t exactly declare Bleach to be my number one favorite of all time, it certainly ranks within my top ten for its story, music, themes, and colorful cast of characters. As for my experiences with RP/PBP on forums, I’ve participated in my fair share in the past. My last foray into this sort of thing was almost three years ago though, so much like my writing I’m more than likely a little out of practice. That said, I’m sure it’ll be like riding a bicycle and come back to me readily enough in due time.

Oh dear, it looks like in all the excitement I’m already well on my way to creating a small novella’s worth of text, so I think I’m just going to stop now before I get too carried away!

Here’s to the beginning of what I hope will become a memorable experience with all of you here on Platinum Hearts.
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Greetings Empty Re: Greetings

Sun Jun 02, 2024 3:41 am
Well hey! Welcome! I'm Waffles! I'm excited to see what you cook up

Though you should probably join the discord!
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Greetings Empty Re: Greetings

Sun Jun 02, 2024 4:22 am
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