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Tempting Fate (Open to 1) - Page 3 Empty Re: Tempting Fate (Open to 1)

Wed Jun 26, 2024 11:42 am
Tempting Fate (Open to 1) - Page 3 Chizuru-banner

The questions that the Arrancar asked were ones that Chizuru wanted the answers to as well, turning to look at what was left of the building. There wasn’t much to see besides rubble with the portal seemingly buried along with everything else. Still, she could still sense something from the remains and the Vizard couldn’t help but wonder if there was another portal elsewhere or perhaps that somehow, the one they’d found had survived. As for the arm, Chizuru certainly hoped it wouldn’t be able to clamber out of the debris and attack them.

“I’d hazard a guess that whatever’s on the other side of the portal either didn’t want us here or was desperate to drag us through. Neither option fills me with much joy.”
Chizuru mused aloud in reply, scratching her head as she pondered. “Whatever that arm belonged to, it was pretty strong and whatever was on the other end of it must be massive. If your partition is through that portal then it’s got a pretty powerful creature defending it.”


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Thu Jun 27, 2024 1:50 am
Tempting Fate (Open to 1) - Page 3 DlEcWzN


More of Auerbach's body socketed, ratcheting into place the bits and pieces that hadn't come quite right. He listened intently, or intently as he could; smothering his own groans to hear. She seemed like someone that had answers, after all. With the last of his body returning to shape, he'd push himself to stand, blinking rapidly as he attempted to internalize what she said with the feeling pulsing down his spine.

"Portal?" Auerbach's head cocked to the side, staring blankly at the ruins. "You mean garganta?" His gaze slipped back to the Vizard, eyes widening with the word. With a burst of speed, he left her behind, rushing to where the arm had fallen. There was danger, yes. But he trusted her. If what she said was anything like he thought, or anything like he felt - maybe he was more put together than he knew.

The rubble shifted with a surprising ease at the arrancar's grip, sheets flying hither into the horizon. His aching grew, and with a triumphant yell, he looked down on a pulsing, shivering shape. Larger than anything else he had come across so far, it coiled in and out of itself, a messy ball that seemed to grow and shrink in innumerate directions. From its center, the arm had sprouted, folding out of the pocket of malformed space with incredulous sense. It seemed much too large for the space, yet the space seemed much too large for itself. Auerbach stared at its shifting edges in a trance, unconsciously holding his breath. With a gasp for air, he yelled back to Chizuru -

"Found it!!!"

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Thu Jun 27, 2024 9:30 am
Tempting Fate (Open to 1) - Page 3 Chizuru-banner

Auerbach took off like an absolute rocket, leaving an eyebrow raised Chizuru behind to simply stand in his wake. She couldn’t help but smile though and would freely admit that he was one of the most unique people that the Vizard had ever met. There was so much about him that was unknown to her but that didn’t make an awful lot of difference. He was a quirky individual but after travelling and fighting alongside him, the purple haired woman certainly thought of him as a friend. Did that fact that he was an Arrancar make any difference? Of course not. Chizuru thought of herself almost as part Hollow anyway due to her own abilities. They weren’t all that different.

As he called out to her, Chizuru would wave and shunpo towards him, arriving rather quickly beside him and what was left of the strange portal. She supposed that a garganta was an accurate description but it did look awfully strange to the ones that she used to travel. Just what was going on?

Turning to the Arrancar, she’d ask him. “What do you want to do? If a part of you is in there then we’re probably going to have to go in to get it but this space is so strange, so abnormal. I’ve never felt anything like it.”


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Tempting Fate (Open to 1) - Page 3 Empty Re: Tempting Fate (Open to 1)

Fri Jun 28, 2024 1:34 am
Tempting Fate (Open to 1) - Page 3 DlEcWzN


Auerbach's head shifted at an unnatural angle to face the vizard as she remarked on his discovery, gaze swiveling to make contact like an owl. The audible crack of his neck a thunderbolt, one eye blinking before the other. "Go in?" He questioned with audible confusion, his apprehension dissapearing in eagerness to correct her. "No no no nono."

With a snap, Auerbach's head righted itself, and the arrancar took a step forward. "This is it." An arm reaching out, fingertips vying into impossible space. What followed sounded like pain, the grumble of a cavernous stomach amplified by enormous reverb. Space folded, rejecting before it remembered, and in a flash of light pouring from Auerbach's eyes -

it was gone. The only memory of its existence a now severed arm, burnt beyond char, beyond ash at it's end. Auerbach shuddered in turn, his skin rippling in waves; and a smile spread across his face. He had never known how to place it, but ever since he found himself awake in the emptiness of Hueco Mundo, he had been hungry. Irreplaceably empty, famished beyond understanding. And just like the shift in space, it dissapeared, and his mind cleared for it, some idea of joy in it's place.

"See!" he'd exclaim, turning as he pointed at the now empty location."I found it!" Beaming all the while.

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Tempting Fate (Open to 1) - Page 3 Empty Re: Tempting Fate (Open to 1)

Fri Jun 28, 2024 7:18 am
Tempting Fate (Open to 1) - Page 3 Chizuru-banner

It was fair to say that Chizuru had never been happier to be proven wrong and a smile crossed her features as she watched her friend retrieve what was rightfully his. She was most thankful that they didn’t have to enter the strange space and the Vizard was more than pleased for Auerbach. There were still so many questions regarding the whole process but the purple haired woman was happy to leave them to one side. This was the Arrancar’s moment and Chizuru didn’t want to spoil it for him. Perhaps somehow she could turn this little adventure into her next novel? Well, perhaps that was a stretch.

Glancing at the now decaying arm, creeped out beyond belief, she’d then turn to her friend and chuckled. “I’m most glad to see that and am definitely happy that we didn’t have to go into that strange place. How do you feel? Now that you’ve found this piece of yourself.” She certainly was curious.


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Tempting Fate (Open to 1) - Page 3 Empty Re: Tempting Fate (Open to 1)

Thu Jul 11, 2024 9:19 pm
Tempting Fate (Open to 1) - Page 3 DlEcWzN


Attempting to reply to the woman, Auerbach's mouth opened; followed shortly by an exceedingly long, loud belch. Something rotten crossing the air between them, it smelled less than pleasant. With a slight change of color against his cheeks and temporarily concave stomach, the arrancar apologized, meek in his voice. "Sorry."

With a deep breath, his body reformed, and he exhaled with no small amount of relief. "It feels good!" Auerbach replied with exclamation. "There's this big - used to be empty! Now ventriculus feels right. Stopped chewing from inside." His descriptor of hunger not withstanding, the smile stayed plastered across twisted features.

"Thank you! Not sure how I'd handle this." Auerbach waved around, gesturing to the rubble at their feet. "Alone. Scary guy was living in there."

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Tempting Fate (Open to 1) - Page 3 Empty Re: Tempting Fate (Open to 1)

Fri Jul 12, 2024 8:10 am
Tempting Fate (Open to 1) - Page 3 Chizuru-banner

It wasn’t a pleasant smell but Chizuru took it with the humour one would expect from her, simply pleased that Auerbach was happy with his meal of sorts. Honestly, she was still trying to figure out what exactly the two of them had been through but at the very least, it’d given them both quite a work out, not to mention plenty for the Vuzard to think about. There was still so much that she wished to learn about Arrancar in general, having such a unique relationship with Hollows as she did. Where once they’d been simply frightening monsters to her, that was no longer the case.

As he thanked her, Chizuru would smile at him. “I’m glad I could help and it’s nice to see that you’ve managed to satiate your hunger for a while. I suppose you’ll keep searching for more of your partitions, right, until you find them all?” It was quite the mission, if what she’d seen today was any example but she honestly hoped that he’d succeed.


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Tempting Fate (Open to 1) - Page 3 Empty Re: Tempting Fate (Open to 1)

Thu Aug 01, 2024 9:04 pm
Tempting Fate (Open to 1) - Page 3 DlEcWzN


Auerbach nodded in turn, rapid and nonsensical in number. Enthusiasm, if not overdone. "Yes!" his voice peaked, joyful composure retaining throughout. "Woke up lost long time ago. Finding partitions feels right! Makes head less fuzzy. Dunno how many there are, though...." the arrancar's voice trailed, his gaze wistfully turning from the vizard and to the horizon.

How many parts had he found, so far? It was the first time he'd actually considered it. Even if it was ten, or fifteen, how much of that was what he was missing? Not to even think about where or what - the idea of what a new 'partition' could even do for him, entirely alien as a concept. New thoughts, new memories, new sensations, all within the world of possibility, and all non-thoughts.

"But I'll keep looking!!" Hands braced against hips as Auerbach pushed to height, turning back to Chizuru. "Find them all!!!"

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Tempting Fate (Open to 1) - Page 3 Empty Re: Tempting Fate (Open to 1)

Fri Aug 02, 2024 8:35 am
Tempting Fate (Open to 1) - Page 3 Chizuru-banner

His enthusiasm was so infectious and Chizuru found herself smiling once more as she watched him celebrate their victory. Even now, she wasn’t entirely sure if she completely understood her new friend but that didn’t matter. He’d found what he wished for and that was more than enough for the Vizard. She simply hoped that he’d be able to one day find all of his partitions and to become one again. It wasn’t going to be easy but she had faith in him.

“I’m sure you’ll do just that and if you ever need help in finding them then you can always ask me if I’m around.” She replied with a small smile, genuinely happy with him.


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