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The True Nature Of A Zanpakutō [Rangiku, Ranma] - Page 2 Empty Re: The True Nature Of A Zanpakutō [Rangiku, Ranma]

Wed May 29, 2024 11:09 am
The True Nature Of A Zanpakutō [Rangiku, Ranma] - Page 2 DyxMvAe


”What do you meeeeeeaaaaan? It’s been like 15 minutes…” Ranma groaned, even though it had been about a minute… but he looked genuine. Strange.

“See, I think me and Hōkamaru got something special going on – uh, he didn’t talk to me, and I figured why get up in his space if he doesn’t like to talk? So, like, I tried to… not talk to him, but just spy on him, y’know… that way, I can sort of see what he’s up to, and he doesn’t have to say a word to me or even know I was- he probably knew I was there, it’s his world after all…”

“A-Anyway-“ Ranma continued, giving a rather detailed report of his Zanpakutō’s Inner World. He was actually there, but Hōkamaru’s nature made it seem as if Ranma was only gone for about a minute rather than 15 times the amount. “-He was practicing with my sw- with his Zanpaku- with… uh, the sword. This one.” Now, that was confusing – the Zanpakutō was still able to manifest their own form as a sword in their Inner World? News to him. It was like cloning yourself.

“And I saw it, clear as day… he slowed his sword down while swinging!

A genius invention by Hōkamaru – instead of slowing enemies down with an aura that doesn’t affect the user, he slowed the sword itself down and thus allowed himself to fall prey to his own ability. However, there was a catch. “A-And then, BOOM! All of a sudden, the sword smashed into the ground, and I could feel it in my feet and spine! It was like he slowed it down to build up… spee- I mean, force, speed, something, and then just- like a spring.”

Basically holding the sword back like a spring, building up potential energy. When the spring, aka the slowdown, was cancelled, the sword launched forward with all of its built up energy. Have you ever held a rubber band and stretched it? the moment you let go of one end, it bounces towards the other at much higher speed than if you just casually tossed it.

“I thought it was only useful for distractions or making openings – I didn’t even know Hōkamaru could be used offensively…”

Back up on his feet, Ranma lifted Hōkamaru and began swinging for practice. Ranny would be able to see the characteristic, blue tint packed with Reishi that emitted from the Zanpakutō, clearly but slowly working on slowing down the blade itself rather than the surrounding area. The blue tint simply hovered over the blade, but not all of it – just the upper half. The rest, Ranma swung around, trying to notice if it was being held back by the slowdown effect at times.

This was far more up Ranma’s alley – practicing new Zanjutsu with Hōkamaru. Case was, until now, Ranma had to be creative all by himself when thinking up techniques, which had left him stagnant for years. Certainly, he felt a pull and was marveled by the fact that he could aim the effects of his Zanpakutō on the sword itself, but it wasn’t where he wanted it to be yet.

“See? It’s… being slowed down, it’s not really clear now, but trust me – ya gonna love it when it really slows down. This is my true calling, after all! Plenty of Zanjutsus!”


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The True Nature Of A Zanpakutō [Rangiku, Ranma] - Page 2 Empty Re: The True Nature Of A Zanpakutō [Rangiku, Ranma]

Thu May 30, 2024 12:35 pm
"Maybe Hwa trying to hide what you are fully able to do from you? He could feel it as dangerous for you to learn, so he's just trying to look out for you and make sure no harm comes you."

Rangiku was at a loss for what it could be. She wasn't sure why his sword wouldn't want to show him all that it could offer, or maybe it was trying to wait and make him find out all of the things it can do himself. Either one of those made sense in her head so she would offer one more potential explanation.

"He could also be waiting to see if you find out all of this stuff yourself. Maybe he wants you to explore what you're able to do, and see if you can come cross techniques yourself. Everyone's zanpakto is different and it seems you have quite the handful with yours."

She would talk to the shinigmai as her mind raced in ways to see if she could help him. She can always offer another spar, but she wasn't sure if that was worth his time in this case. Sure they can battle, but that doesn't mean his sword would come straight to his aid.

"I can try to spar with you or something, but I'm not entirely sure if that would accomplish anything in your predicament."
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The True Nature Of A Zanpakutō [Rangiku, Ranma] - Page 2 Empty Re: The True Nature Of A Zanpakutō [Rangiku, Ranma]

Thu May 30, 2024 1:51 pm
The True Nature Of A Zanpakutō [Rangiku, Ranma] - Page 2 DyxMvAe


Maybe Hōkamaru just knew Ranma well… he was reckless to a fault. Childish, occasionally brash, kind of a bullethead. Show him things one step at a time… and take his time. Trust the sword – it would give him all the time in the world if it could, but this was close.

Ranny did consider helping him with a spar, but whether or not that would magically make his Zanpakutō cooperate more with him… was another discussion. However, Ranma was a bit immersed in practicing the technique he saw Hōkamaru use with the sword – slowing its swing down for a brief moment, then… oh, what was that?

It felt like the blade got stuck in time, but as he pulled the unaffected handle down with more strength, the blade swung down harder when the effect of his Zanpakutō ended. Only just now did he finally catch that feeling and swung again – and again, and again…

Ranny would be able to see the blue aura grab half of the blade, from the top to the center of its sharpness, while Ranma’s palms exposed bulging veins showcasing the extra pull he gave it during that short moment. Until he reached a last swing… and the sword pushed the air away, strong enough to make Ranny’s hair flicker back but nothing more.

“… Hehe, I don’t think I need to spar, anymore,” Ranma commented with a grin under his bandages, a grin Ranny definitely recognized, “It’s quite simple, really…” Turning away from her, he’d step a few meters forward and prepare an overhead strike – holding the blade up over his head, and then swing it down-

The blade got stuck in a blue bubble of Reishi, his Reishi, braking the blade’s speed in a small area where time flowed slower. The handle, free from this bubble’s influence, was pulled down as hard as possible by Ranma’s veiny, stressing hands, and once the bubble disappeared-


The ground that the blade landed on was carved open by a small, rubbly crater. It was reminiscent of the destruction he could cause with Hakuda. Resting the blade on his shoulder, he’d turn back to Ranny with a victorious sparkle in his eyes and comment: “I definitely need to get used to this. My first, actually offensive Zanjutsu… I know, right? So what do ya say, Ranny? Wanna dance?”

He’d point the tip of Hōkamaru back at her, eager to test this Zanjutsu out in real combat. Whether or not the meditation worked… whether or not he truly understood it… Ranny could conclude that Ranma had gotten a bit closer to his Zanpakutō without even talking to it. There was something strong developing deep in its core, and Ranma felt confidence build up in his as a result.


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The True Nature Of A Zanpakutō [Rangiku, Ranma] - Page 2 Empty Re: The True Nature Of A Zanpakutō [Rangiku, Ranma]

Fri May 31, 2024 10:40 am
Rangiku would just look at him with a deadpan expression. He had just said he didn't need to spar anymore, and now he's asking for one anyway. She would sigh before bringing this up to the younger shinigami. Seems he was feeling rather wishy washy today.

"You just said that you don't need to spar anymore, Ranma. Which is it do you want a spar or do you not?"

A hint of agitation in her voice, but not enough to be scary. She was glad that he had learned soemthing new, but at the same time he couldn't decide what he wanted from her. She had already offered a spar.

"I'm just a little confused as to why you would say that then immediately ask for a round."

She would ask as she looked at him. Genuinely curious at the change in tune that happened extremely quickly for the shinigami. She didn't want to waste her or his time if this wasn't going to help him out.
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The True Nature Of A Zanpakutō [Rangiku, Ranma] - Page 2 Empty Re: The True Nature Of A Zanpakutō [Rangiku, Ranma]

Sun Jun 02, 2024 11:12 am
The True Nature Of A Zanpakutō [Rangiku, Ranma] - Page 2 DyxMvAe



Did she not… get… the banter? He just tried to very friendily and gently intimidate her the way only a little brother figure could – by getting too fucking big for his boots, because at times like these, when it came to Zanjutsu, Ranma did not lack confidence! As a matter of fact, he ought to give some away to charity.

“… Yes, ma’am,” he answered with an obedient voice, obedient posture, and a lowered face, “I- I was just- y’know- bah, I just wanna see how it feels to actually-“

He was losing track of his own words again. “… *sigh* Let’s just say… there are a few Squad 4 people that I might(?) be challenged to a fight by- I think? I hope not, one of them really doesn’t like me- uh, so, y’know, gotta up my game… and this Zanjutsu’s gonna help me do that. Also, I…”

Twiddling his thumbs while holding his Zanpakutō, Ranma appeared far more timid than the interior had revealed before. Almost… bashful. “You… didn’t use your Shikai last time. I know it’s a bit overkill, but… kinda been bugging me ever since.” He wanted to see Haineko lay down the law, and how his Shikai’s skill would fare against it.

He looked like a kitten with those eyes. Those begging, wide eyes…


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The True Nature Of A Zanpakutō [Rangiku, Ranma] - Page 2 Empty Re: The True Nature Of A Zanpakutō [Rangiku, Ranma]

Mon Jun 03, 2024 4:24 pm
"Ranma, I didn't use my shikai because I didn't want to hurt you. My shikai isn't great for sparring matches unless I'm fighting someone similar to my level. Like that spar Noharu and I had. Then I can use my shikai."

She'd answer him honestly as she did feel a little bad for not doing it against him. However, her feelings she had after Noharu was purposely trying to best her without her shikai had hurt her feelings and she could feel that guilt creeping into her mind. As she would let out an exaggerated sigh as she would draw her sword and point at him.

"Alright fine. You want the shikai then we'll do a spar. Make sure you don't hold back, not even for a second. got it?"

She would cave in to the request of the shinigami. However she would wait for him to use his release before she would use hers. She felt like that would be the nice thing to do in the situation.
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The True Nature Of A Zanpakutō [Rangiku, Ranma] - Page 2 Empty Re: The True Nature Of A Zanpakutō [Rangiku, Ranma]

Mon Jun 03, 2024 4:55 pm
The True Nature Of A Zanpakutō [Rangiku, Ranma] - Page 2 DyxMvAe


Aww… he kinda appreciated Ranny for that. Ranma was plenty busy having gotten himself hurt in the past – from leaping between roofs trying to practice Hohō, to covering his face in sod from a Hadō spell – but he’d come a far way since then! Still, though… he could never be too sure-

Oh, was it like a really dangerous Shikai? He was even more excited to see it now! It wasn’t fair that Noharu’d already went up against it… even though she, too, was leagues above him- arrghh, he just wanted to prove himself for once! That last bout they had ended so awkwardly, with him trying too hard to lean on his Kidō instead of his true specialty, but today, he’d show her exactly what he was good at!

His catlike baby eyes kept glaring at her… until she caved in! “Yaaaaaaay!” he jubilated with a leap, “Understood! I’ll go all out, show you what I really got, this time! Definitely…!”

Since he was going all out… better awaken his Shika- wait, he already had it out. Glancing down at Hōkamaru once again, he didn’t notice at first how the waves that the blade formed… were slowly losing a number of peaks. Instead, the few peaks left were widening in wavelength…

His Reishi leaked out from his Zanpakutō, doubling… no, tripling his Spiritual Pressure. A strong, lavender aura contoured the blade, and he was more than ready. If Ranny’s Spiritual Pressure was already this ringing in the depths of his ears during normal sparring… he could only imagine how heavy the air would get when she released her Shikai.

He hadn’t actually witnessed Noharu’s Shikai during her match against Shura back then, but even he felt the unreal pressure in his ears from inside the barracks.

“Your turn…!”


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The True Nature Of A Zanpakutō [Rangiku, Ranma] - Page 2 Empty Re: The True Nature Of A Zanpakutō [Rangiku, Ranma]

Mon Jun 03, 2024 9:59 pm
Rangiku would smile at the shikai. Seems he's grown even from the last time she had the sparring match with him. She'd take a deep breath as she'd remember that he was the one who wanted her to do this. She didn't want to flex or anything over him, but a part of her was a little proud that she had people this interested in her abilities. As she would pull Haineko out of her sheath before holding it up in front of her face as she would use a more showy way of release for him. Placing her palm against the blade and swiping she'd use the release command.

"Growl, Haineko."

As her sword would turn into what appears to be ash as she would allow it to swirl around her. Allowing it to wrap around her like fog as she waited for his first move. Of course she wouldn't be taking the first attack as he seemed to be ready to attack her. So, she would sit patiently as she waited for his first move.

"You'll have to wait to see what she does."
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The True Nature Of A Zanpakutō [Rangiku, Ranma] - Page 2 Empty Re: The True Nature Of A Zanpakutō [Rangiku, Ranma]

Wed Jun 05, 2024 10:47 am
The True Nature Of A Zanpakutō [Rangiku, Ranma] - Page 2 DyxMvAe


Growl… and the air thickened. Ranma felt it in his spine – Ranny’s Spiritual Pressure finally exposed itself, sending a tremor up and down his poor self. He could feel a tremor in Hōkamaru, too… this was gonna be something crazy. He just felt it.

Eyes glued to Ranny’s Zanpakutō, Ranma quickly spotted that the blade was fading away – from the tip to the guard, it dissolved into… smoke? It looked like ash swirled around her form, like a protective barrier or a harmful mist. Is that smoke? She can manipulate smoke?! Wait… if my intuition is right, she could force second-hand smoker’s lung to me! That’s sick!!! Sickly cool, that is! he pondered with sparkling eyes aimed at her, Okay, okay… she’s waiting for my first move. I should probably not breathe in that ash cloud, that’d be a field day or two at Squad 2… I’ll scatter it! With Hōkamaru’s new Zanjutsu – just like a fan!

Then, uncharacteristically, Ranma flickered to the side – just a few meters, but it was obvious that he was performing Shunpo of all things. Not something you’d see Ranma do often.

He immediately stepped to the other side, about 6 meters, then began approaching Ranny in a zigzag formation. His Shunpo, combat-wise, was so limited in terms of range per step, but if he just kept using it in succession, then maybe he could catch her off guard. At the very least, he used it to close the distance before preparing a diagonal overhead strike!

The blade was grabbed by Hōkamaru’s ability, braking in its descent towards Ranny’s position… for just a moment. Veins bulged out on Ranma’s hands and face, applying so much more force behind his swing than usual before the ability went undone. Ranny would notice that his swing slowed down thanks to a bluish aura around the sharp blade only, but it lasted for a solid moment – he wasn’t able to perform it quicker than that for now.

Still, once the blue aura disappeared, all the stressful force he applied to pull Hōkamaru down almost exploded out of the swing, causing a gust to be pushed out in her direction and the blade to crash towards the ground at an incredibly high speed! Ranny was more than fast enough to evade that, but Ranma wanted to see how he could deal with the ashes at his full strength. Was the force of the swing strong enough to push the ash back, or did he need to apply more strength to his swing?


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The True Nature Of A Zanpakutō [Rangiku, Ranma] - Page 2 Empty Re: The True Nature Of A Zanpakutō [Rangiku, Ranma]

Thu Jun 06, 2024 6:50 am
Rangiku would notice the flash step as she would smile. Glad to see he wasn't neglecting one of the most useful skills a shinigami could have. Now understanding Noharus point about not wanting some shinigami to rush into their shikai she could tell Ranma probably didn't rush. It seems he atleast has most of the basics down, and in her eyes that's a good thing. The zig zag wouldn't really throw her off as she was able to follow the movements.

Seeing the swing coming she would use her defensive technique with Haineko. Wanting to give the younger shinigami the full experience of facing her zan. She wouldn't overwhelm him with ash and cut him to pieces, but she would use a few of her techniques. Tilting the hilt of her blade upwards towards the swing as the ash would form into a barrier. Not all of her ash would, but just enough she thought would block the swing.

"Neko Kashin."

However, she wasn't ready for the burst of strength as she hadn't seen his sword Amp his own abilities like that before. His swing would push through the bit of ash she had made to block the swing, and she would flash step back a few feet. With a smile she'd give a small laugh.

"Seems you've improved a bit from the last time. And you've learned a new trick there I didn't expect that in application. Although I've seen it once now, so I'm not going to back the same mistake."

Choosing to not be on the defensive the entire fight she would flash step forward through a punch towards his stomach. Wanting to give him a taste of how she actually fights as she would make a rotational movement with her hit, and if he was paying attention he could see the ash spreading out a bit..Not super far but a few feet from Rangiku.
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