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[Spirit Class 6] Koizumi Kasha Empty [Spirit Class 6] Koizumi Kasha

Tue Oct 24, 2023 10:49 am
[Spirit Class 6] Koizumi Kasha Banner

Basic Information
» Name: Koizumi Kasha.
» A.k.a.
▕ Byakumen.
▕ Jatouen no Kasha.
▕ Kasha of Unorthodox Flames.
» Age: Thirties.
» Birthday: May 2nd.
» Gender: Male.
» Race: Soul [Shinigami].

» Affiliation: Koizumi Clan: Main Family.
▕ Successor of the Hōō Kanmuri Ken.
▕ Member of the Eighth DIvision.

» Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
» Marital Status: Taken.
» Nationality: Soul Society.
» Orientation: Grid North.
» Ideal Mate: As clear as muddy water.
» Special Skill: Anatomical insight, make-up.

» Height: 5'5"
» Build: Slender.
» Hair Colour: Black.
» Eye Colour: Red-Gold.
[Spirit Class 6] Koizumi Kasha App

Psychological Analysis
Kasha is a strange individual, the kind of person that is the only person who understands himself. He is someone who is inherently deceptive but not malicious with his intentions. While he may do things that hurt others, he will not do them to hurt people but they will generally happen as a consequence of his actions. They are all things that he can justify in his mind. Coming from nobility, he's does have a set of principles that he abides by despite the fact that others may not know what they are.

He's hypocritical as a result of these things. He scrutinises others to seek their honest and truthful selves when he will not be himself, he expects others that have the means to help others who are less fortunate and yet he will stand by and act like he is part of the crowd at times. He will criticise his fighting style as something negative and then he will continue to practice it. He is a man littered with hypocrisy and will continue to be whether he feels trapped by it or utilise it pragmatically.

Due to his nature he is very impressionable, often times being able to be roped into various things and just going along with them. It's not that Kasha does not have a spine or ability to stand up for himself but the image he upholds and the way he bends to the traditions of his family makes it very difficult for him to decide at which point he should stop going along with the situation. Often times when something backfires he will mysteriously disappear from the situation and deny ever being there. When it is combined with his ability to disguise or alter his appearance, it can raise the question of whether he has a strong identity or if he is a nobody that borrows everything.

There's an obsessive streak to his personality but few things to direct it towards. He's quite an educated individual due to his belief of aesthetic, and ideals that find root in beauty, which leads him to pursue many different fields of expertise. It's the kind of wisdom that reaches beyond his age to give him the impression of a soul with far more years than he does. The range of skills that he can utilise are never something he discloses that make him often demonstrate knowledge and insights which surprise the people around him if he finds it prudent to reveal them.

For Kasha what appeals to him is beauty hence why Hakuda is such an elegant style that requires precision and finesse which manifests as that kind of alluring beauty. Being the inheritor of the Hōo Kanmuri Ken within the Koizumi family, he does not deny the fact that his fighting form is beautiful but he does not like the fact he thinks it is inherently cruel. Whereas others might refer to it as a beautiful style which does not draw blood, he would refer to it as the style which tortures a person on the whim of the user. Beyond hakuda, he sees beauty in nature, art and people. Ultimately, he is a very narcissistic person as a result of this.


Kasha was born under a different name to different parents than the Koizumi. He never really got to know that name he was born with or those parents, it was redundant for him to have known them anyway since he was intended to be groomed for the role of succeeding the title of Kasha and inheriting the Hōō Kanmuri Ken.

He grew up training, day in and day out until he was physically capable. It didn't matter if he was a child to his teacher. She did not consider that at all, only that he'd take her name and title eventually. Kasha had successfully inherited the style at the age of sixteen and learnt most of the techniques within the art, though he did not agree with them or particularly like them. It was only out of appreciation and affection for his teacher that he wanted to make her proud as she was the closest he had to a relative.

After he reached adulthood there was a feeling of emptiness, he had achieved the goal he had been given from birth. Inherit the Hōō Kanmuri Ken, there was little else to do and so he filled his quiet days with training, reading and pursuing aesthetics. At some point in his life it begun to annoy him, in the literature he would read would involve tales of those that struggled and sufferred. It bothered him that the creed of his family dictated that he would never truly be able to help them, never be honest with them and always be someone else.

Kasha just lived under a mask.

Even if he did though and he would be a lying hypocrite, there was a beauty in that simple dream of wanting to help others. That desire turned into a goal and that goal turned into him eventually joining the Shin'o Academy. He never stepped out of line though. He was a peculiar individual, one that never stood out despite the way that things would happen to him. The first year he spent in the female student uniform because he never corrected the staff who assumed him to be a woman at first glance of his appearance. It was only after he grew tired of being subjected to asinine girltalk of his fellow students and growing frequency in the advances of the men that Kasha took the initiative to correct the situation.

The hakuda they taught was rudimentary and didn't come close to his own grasp. He did it anyway. He would surely be able to complete this entire curriculum within a fraction of the time that he might've taken otherwise. He did it anyway to facilitate the wishes of his family. He did not cut corners or overachieve in any field regardless of how he felt about it, or how easily it might be for him. The experience only reinforced his nature to conceal.

He just blended in with the crowd. So much so that after a while he began to grow used to the feeling of being a hypocritical liar which made him more and more cynical. It was only in the second year that one of his classmates broke through his solitude. It was a creeping kind of relationship where he never suspected it to be anything more than one that was founded on proximity. They would go their separate ways after their time in the Academy was over as they went to different divisions and pursued different paths.

Yet that was not the case for Sawachika Kyo. Even when he observed this man who excelled be offered an opportunity to skip steps in his path to becoming a shinigami by the lecturers, he did not. It was something that Kasha would have taken without a second thought if he wasn't forced to restrain himself, and yet, this man passionately indicated that he would not take the shortcut but see it to completion for every opportunity it might offer him.

Such passion was something he never considered in the Shin'o Academy. It was a necessary step to his goal and nothing more. He did not see further opportunities or what could be. The man that was Sawachika Kyo brought out an interest he had been devoid of to this time. He gravitated towards his strange attitude rather than remain ambivalent to it. He knew he would do all six years but wanted to adopt a similar optimistic mindset than his own negative idea.

Despite the affect the man had on his idea of the time he'd spend in the academy, Kasha avoided going out of his way to draw too much attention of him. They were classmates after all rather than friends. It was only in their final year where he was surprised that such a boistrous individual would choose the Fifth Division given it not being a popular placement for their group, and he hardly showed the temperment to make it seem it was fit for him and yet it was just the opportunity that allowed them to develop a friendship.

When at last he graduated, he instead chose to join the newly formed Eighth Division with Kyo. To develop a more varied skillset and remain close to his most valued friend. If only one person would ever understand the person he was under the masks he wore, he decided that it would be his closest friend.


» Flame Chariot: He has red reiatsu but despite its colour, it also possesses an elemental alignment. Kasha's reiatsu is quite hot which is why he keeps it suppressed because it has the habit of starting fires when he releases it, if it is raining or he is near water then it will cause the water to evaporate and produce steam. When fully released it gives off the appearance of being a phoenix, which surrounds him or hovers above him, the basis for where he got the title Flowing Flame-like Bird (from his teacher's title).

» Life Saver: Kasha is an expert healer, most of his usage of kido is orientated towards Kaido rather than Bakudo or Hadō. Beyond the immediate spiritual usages, he is also knowledgeable on various physical healing methods and has studied medicine as classes during his time in the Academy which include a myriad of clinical and more traditional methods.

» Creative Mind: A peculiar individual. He is regarded as a prodigy by some of his clansmen and loathed by others. Kasha does not exist within a box. He redefines the limits rather than work within them, he'll twist the meaning of something to exploit a loophole if possible. He is always testing the limits practically or theoretically if he lacks the initiative to act on it. He is proficient at developing skills through practice, an aptitiude for it even, such as his ability to understand and engage with various creative artstyles. Ceramics, painting, drawing, flower arranging, and tea blending. More recently, he appreciates different styles of theatre and plays.

While all these skills are quite benign. Kasha's passion may be artistic in nature but there is no shortage of practical applications that he can draw upon using these skills. The usage of drawing to draft engineering plans, flower arranging and gardening to make him more aware of his surroundings in how he might blend into them. Acting and theatre as a means to assume different roles. Quite a few of his creative hobbies see use in unorthodox ways which make him unpredictable and versatile than anyone might think from a passing assessment.

» Needle Throwing: Kasha utilises needles for the sake of his accupuncture. He will occasionally make use of them in combat but finds that they are exceptionally difficult to make use of effectively and so it is rare that they will ever be made use of. Regardless, he is capable of using them as projectiles or stabbing them into a target in key spots to restrict their movements due to his understanding of the human body.


» Reiatsu Storage Pills: When idle he will siphon off his reiatsu rather than let it be wasted and seal it inside of pills which remain tucked up his sleeves. He will carry three on his person at most which will refill his energy reserves by 20% upon being ingested to assist him in drawn out fights. They can be refreshed after a thread as long as said thread is not a direct continuation from a prior thread where they were used.

» Reiatsu Alteration Pills: Ingesting of these pills warp his reiatsu signature, he carries one of each at any given time and there are three. Quincy, Hollow and Human. This effect can last up to fourteen posts before it wears off as long as he is not engaging in combat. Every active usage of reiatsu will deplete the effect twice as fast which can half the duration if he uses it in combat.

» Reiatsu Enhancement Pill: He has one pill on his person which when taken will cause his body to generate reiatsu twice as fast, this rapidly depletes his stamina and will greatly increase his power for five posts before he is left in a fatigued state for the rest of the thread where even the most basic actions will be difficult.


» Hōō Kanmuri Ken: The fighting style of Kasha, it is one of the unique one-hundred and eight martial arts of the Koizumi. As the one who inherited it, he received the title of Kasha along with the secrets of the fighting style. The style is incredibly aggressive and omits defence in most situations, which makes it rely heavily on being in control of the situation and taking the lead rather than working based on reaction.

Through the usage of it, Kasha uses incredible moments of speed to tear through an opponent's flesh. The strikes are incredibly hot to the point that blood is evaporated at a touch and the wound itself is cauterised hence why the style is known as the one that does not draw blood. For Hōō Kanmuri Ken however, it also means the target will not die of bloodloss so the target will not die unless the practioner decides.

The most immediate facets are that the specific applications of energy cause the strikes to burn, even by not drawing blood or wounding a target it will still feel incredibly hot from the touch. Then is a matter of the varying degrees of burns that one will experience, depending on someone's durability compared to Kasha's techniques these will vary from first to third degree burns.

Despite the heavy focus on the aggressive nature of it, Kasha's nature has caused different approaches to utilising the style. An example is where he's able to encourage healing in a person through gentle injections of his reiatsu into their body similar to accupuncture which has a comfortable warmth to it while it enhances the regeneration of the body. He can use this in a fight to benefit himself though he will also use it on others to heal them. The style itself though requires incredible precision and control, his own techniques for example can just as easily kill someone by improper use or scar them permanently if not done correctly.

An example of one of the previous Kasha's techniques is one that inserts reiatsu into a target's lungs after striking the chest. This reiatsu then forms smoke in the target's lungs and can torture or even kill them through suffocation. However, he thinks of these to be too brutal and barbaric to consider using so while he has learned a great deal of the Hōō Kanmuri Ken it doesn't mean that he will utilise them.

» Kakuen [拡炎, Expanding Flames]: The Kakuen was the title of the first man to surrender his identity to the school. Kakuen no Kasha was a proficient user but simple in design, his approach to using the Hōō Kanmuri Ken was to expand his reiatsu out as an inferno to burn everything that came near him to ashes. Techniques that belong to Kakuen from the Hōō Kanmuri Ken tend to involve attacking a target and burning them with one's reiatsu, spreading it over the target to have them consumed by the inferno.

» Bakuen [爆炎, Exploding Flames]: The Bakuen is the title of the second Hōō Kanmuri Ken master, it involves using one's flame-aligned reiatsu to increase the amount of force they use. Bakuen no Kasha would exercise his reiatsu to empower his strikes by either speeding them up, causing his target to receive an explosive follow-up from his attack.

» Tokoen [常炎, Everlasting Flames]: In modern terms, damage over time. Tokoen no Kasha was a cruel individual that preferred to ensure that his victims would never escape the burning sensation of his attack. A touch from him was enough to leave embers burning someone for minutes afterwards, it is rumoured that he perfected a technique which infects the target with his reiatsu to create fire that can never be extinguished. His student is the only person who could verify if this story about him was true or not.

» Shouen [焦炎, Scorching Flames]: The style of his teacher, the Flowing Flame-like Bird, Shouen no Kasha. She is regarded as one of the greatest users of the school due to her ability to utilise the heat rather than literal flames. Her techniques often involve evaporation, a thick haze of heat that brings all liquids to their boiling point. She expands her reiatsu from her body to launch attacks that evaporate the target's blood from their body with her martial arts.

» Jatouen [邪道炎, Unorthodox Flames]: Finally there is the successor to the school, himself. Unlike many of his precedessors he pursues a more pacifistic approach to the Hōō Kanmuri Ken. He uses the flames like sunlight to plants. Healing people through exploiting the anatomy of his target to help them such as burning out impurities from their body.


» Human Anatomical Understanding: To say he is an expert on the human body is an understatement. Kasha's knowledge for the human body is beyond what most could comprehend as he understands the physical and spiritual elements of the human physiology. It is necessary for his ability to practice his martial art to know what strikes are effective, how can he and his opponent move, and where to puncture the target with his accupuncture needles. Just the last feat alone is an impressive display where he can cultivate a target's reiryoku by careful and precise usage of needles to stimulate their soul.

He has the aptitude to be a doctor if he so wished with specialisations in multiple fields. He understands how the fix the body and how to break the body. It is not unreasonable to find him able to dissect or create a gigai without much effort due to this anatomical foundation.

» A Hundred Faces: A title that he was given during his stint in the Fifth Division. Byakumen is a name which is two-fold with its meaning. For most who associate the name to him, it is written as Hundred Faces, due to his remarkable aptitude with make-up and skill with altering his appearance to alarming degrees. For Kasha, he personally interprets it as "White (Blank) Face".

Such talents for make-up and appearance alteration are not able to be quickly executed. These things take time, sometimes hours of preparation just to ensure that a look is complete. He maintains a strict routine in order to keep his appearance in order for his day-to-day with the exception of a single day in the week which he refrains from altering his appearance in any fashion. These skills can be applied to allow him to appear as completely different people, be they actual individuals or a look which isn't associated with anyone. Ultimately he is limited to his own physiology in how far he can take this ruse; and in the case of disguises or impersonations they require meticulous preparation.






General Attributes
» Durability: D
» Speed: B
» Strength: D
» Soul: C

Will Skills
» Willpower: Adept.
» Deduction: Advanced.
» Focus: Advanced.

Shinigami Skills
» Hakuda: Advanced.
» Hoho: Adept.
» Kido: Adept.
» Zanjutsu: Adept.


Spookyburst 2022
» Zanjutsu: Untrained → Adept

Attribute Update.

Last edited by Gamma on Fri Aug 23, 2024 12:47 pm; edited 2 times in total

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[Spirit Class 6] Koizumi Kasha Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6] Koizumi Kasha

Tue Nov 07, 2023 7:46 pm
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Power: D
Influence: C
Resources: E

Comments/Notes: :toshiGASM:
Spirit Class: 6
Hazard Rating: D

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