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Sun Sep 17, 2023 6:06 pm

“Let’s start by seeing your sword forms again, now that you’ve got a new appreciation of em,’” Joshua offered after a few moments, and they fell into what probably looked like a standard training session. Hana demonstrated some of the typical sword katas taught at the Academy, and as compared to the first time Joshua had awoken to Hana trying to remember them on her own she was doing quite well. It was obvious to Joshua that the motions, which she’d originally followed without much in the way of conviction, now had both purpose and an understanding of it. He nodded along, pointing out a handful of adjustments to make as they made progress.

After about half an hour of those, Joshua signaled for her to stop.

“Got a good sense of what the moves are for now I see. I think you’ve come a good way in a little amount of time. So, how about a slight change in our training regimen?” he asked as he took a few steps away from Hana before turning around, flashing her a smile as he drew his blade with a little flourish.
“We ain’t ever had a spar, but I think we’re at a point where we can change that. The katas are good an all; you want the moves to become part of yer reflexes. But ya gotta be careful of it becomes too much of just following the motions. It’ll make you predictable. So, we’ll put those motions into practice in a setting where you’ll have to learn to shift the moves up and adapt to someone else’s movements. I’ll give you the first swing,” Joshua explained, before leaving the floor open for Hana to move.

He stood there with a very casual stance, his blade in one hand and held at an almost sloppy angle. Joshua would give Hana the first few strikes in truth; he wanted a chance to gauge just how quickly she would end up moving and striking so he could roughly match that speed. It wouldn’t do any good to simply overpower or blitz her; she wouldn’t learn a thing from that. So instead he’d get a good sense of what her reflexes could handle before he shifted and launched a counter-attack.

~We trip and stumble only so that we may stand back up...~

Genpaku's Cast of Misfits and Titans
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Tue Sep 19, 2023 10:06 pm
Lazy Man's Training Regimen [Joshua/Hana] - Page 2 Hana_PostingHeader20
Enter: Hana Aoyama

Hana did as Josh asked. Her forms were almost perfection, each step as accurate as they should have been when under no real stress to complete them. Her footwork had improved and her swing was strong. She had been focusing on her skills for a few months now, which included a lot of late night training and sneaking peeks at others who were better than her to get ideas.

"I believe my progress in these simple demonstrations is on par with a seated officer," Hana said without an ounce of pride, but more like a computer making an analytical judgement. "Though, maybe not a high seated officer... Haha."

"What sort of change do you mean?" Hana asked curiously. It was always more difficult for her to take a new step, as if she was always cemented in what she could currently accomplish. He drew his blade, showing off his superior hand-eye coordination with a fancy flourish. Hana tried mimicking it, not realizing if she kept doing that, she would end up fighting very similar to him. Josh would realize mimicry had become Hana's way of being confident in trying new things.

"A spar..." Hana's confidence drained from her voice. She let out a nervous sigh, clearly not excited about the idea. She knew he was right though, so she nodded and readied herself. Holding her unsheathed zanpakuto with two hands, she faced him. She noticed the weak stance and momentarily glared at him. "Why are you holding your sword like a child? I assume there is a good reason for it."

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Lazy Man's Training Regimen [Joshua/Hana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Lazy Man's Training Regimen [Joshua/Hana]

Thu Sep 21, 2023 6:25 pm

“So you can see the holes in the stance and defense,” Joshua replied cheerily. “Much as my ol’ friends from the Eleventh might disagree, fightin’ is as much a test of yer mind and yer muscles. If your opponent out-thinks ya you gotta make up that difference, and vice-versa. The trick is to slowly make it second nature for your mind to notice where your opponent is lacking, and figuring out how to take advantage of that. Battle is all about establishing an advantage and pressing it. Now, draw your sword and let us get started.”

There was of course more to it than that. Joshua’s sloppy stance could be used to throw an opponent off as well, expecting a less skilled response when they tried to attack or when Joshua attacked. That wasn’t the intent here though; bluffs of that nature had their place, and Hana would surely need to learn them (likely sooner rather than later), but not in their first spar. Maybe if Hana had been cockier about her skill or power, but she was here earnestly trying to learn. Joshua wasn’t the type to stomp all over that.

~We trip and stumble only so that we may stand back up...~

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Lazy Man's Training Regimen [Joshua/Hana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Lazy Man's Training Regimen [Joshua/Hana]

Sat Sep 23, 2023 5:46 am
Lazy Man's Training Regimen [Joshua/Hana] - Page 2 Hana_PostingHeader20
Enter: Hana Aoyama

Hana let herself ruminate on Josh's words for a short time. In her battles, her mind never felt challenged, and it was the same for her training. With the rapid absorption of study material that she had been reading through, she felt confident in her understanding of theories around shinigami combat fundamentals. Her book knowledge of it all was fine. It was the practical, the use of it, that held her back.

"Truthfully,” Hana said, drawing her zanpakuto as instructed. “I think my mind is satisfactory for the level I mean to be at. It is often my body that fails me. I am too slow or not strong enough to handle an opponent.” Hana gripped her sword with both hands, staring at the blade with angry, narrowed eyes. Realizing what she was doing, she shook her head and took a deep breath and readied herself in stance.

“Okay, I’m ready when you are.”

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Lazy Man's Training Regimen [Joshua/Hana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Lazy Man's Training Regimen [Joshua/Hana]

Mon Sep 25, 2023 4:56 pm

“Comes with time,” was Joshua’s simple answer to Hana’s comment about her body not being able to keep up with her mind. Everyone was different; some found their bodies moving before their mind has caught up, others were the reverse. Hana seemed to fixate for a few moments on those feelings, a glower taking over her features before she shook it off and took up a stance. It looked solid enough from where Joshua was standing; the improvement he’d seen in her had been spectacular, and she had a mimic’s eye. She’d go far if she kept up like this, especially if she caught the attention of someone more skilled and influential than himself.

He’d offered her the first swing, and he’d had reasons for that, but it seemed that she didn’t wish to be the one to set the pace for there first spar. He could work with that he supposed. He gave a nod to her and took a step in. His stance shifted as he did, and his blade dipped before twisting; Joshua started the spar with a rising swing of a strike that would track across Hana’s body, starting low at her left and rising up to above her right shoulder. It should not have been a hard strike for Hana to parry and had the added benefit of being easy to adjust if needed. If Hana elected to take the offensive and simply try to stab forward, Joshua could shift the swing into a parry, and if she froze up he could adjust to make sure his blade didn’t actually make contact. He figured this would be a good opening strike to gauge things.

~We trip and stumble only so that we may stand back up...~

Genpaku's Cast of Misfits and Titans
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Thu Sep 28, 2023 1:43 pm
Lazy Man's Training Regimen [Joshua/Hana] - Page 2 Hana_PostingHeader20
Enter: Hana Aoyama

They began….

Experience was vital to succeeding in combat, and Hana had very little. Even if she could follow the movements he made, her mind could not keep up as easily. In the half a second it took for him to make his strike, Hana’s mind came up with three what ifs, two buts, and a mild panic. This was the opposite of what she had initially described. Her body moved, albeit a bit late, and she brought the blade of his zanpakuto to his for a quick parry. The clank of metal on metal snapped her out of her thoughts and the strength behind his swing had enough power behind it to force her a step back. He was clearly not going all out, a decision she appreciated at their warm up, but now it was her time to make a strike and counter him.

Hana went on the offense, her stance a simple kendo form. She brought her sword up and straight down at Joshua, careful to conserve her own energy in the process. She was not using any reiryoku now, but she had to learn to fight for longer periods of time, so stamina was important. If she let everything loose now, she would regret it later, especially against a stronger opponent. When her first attempt was done, Hana did not hesitate much for her next. With the finish of her first swing, Hana turned the blade back around and mimicked the same rising attack Joshua had completed a moment ago, keeping more speed than strength behind her.

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Lazy Man's Training Regimen [Joshua/Hana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Lazy Man's Training Regimen [Joshua/Hana]

Fri Sep 29, 2023 10:49 pm

In contradiction to what Hana had said moments ago, it seemed her mind was jogging ahead of her body; it was evident in a way by the number of emotions that flickered across her face before her body caught up to what was happening and she moved. Because of that delay her parry was a little sloppy but perfectly serviceable, at least as a starting point. If he’d been swinging harder maybe the parry would have failed, but once she was more accustomed to the pace of violence he was pretty sure she’d be okay. She shifted the pace next, taking the offensive with a kendo stance and a downward strike. Joshua pulled his blade back, swinging it horizontally to catch the strike while it was still quite high and parry it away. Hana wasn’t going for power though, instead aiming for speed in her strikes as she twisted her blade and swung up at him with a similar rising strike to the one he’d just used. Again, Hana’s gift for mimicry at work.

Joshua allowed the tip of his sword to dip as he brought his back back across his body, bringing it almost vertical as he blocked the rising strike with a shoving parry to his left. At the same time he took a step out and to the right, putting him outside her guard on her left. He continued the sweeping motion of his sword around behind him as he took hold with his free hand, then stepped in with his left foot and brought his blade down in a similar vertical strike to what Hana had used. Assuming she managed to step out of the way or block the strike, he’d draw his blade back to him before stabbing outwards with it. If Hana froze up...well, he’d turned the blade so the flat of it met her skull. We wouldn’t want to leave a cut on that pretty face now would we?

~We trip and stumble only so that we may stand back up...~

Genpaku's Cast of Misfits and Titans
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Lazy Man's Training Regimen [Joshua/Hana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Lazy Man's Training Regimen [Joshua/Hana]

Tue Oct 03, 2023 2:27 pm
Lazy Man's Training Regimen [Joshua/Hana] - Page 2 Hana_PostingHeader20
Enter: Hana Aoyama

There had to be improvement somewhere! Hana’s sword was parried, but in truth, she did not expect to hit him. His movements brought him off to her side, and though she saw the attack coming, her mind went wild with possibilities. What angle was he coming at? How much strength? Would he really hit her? Should they be using training swords? Her thoughts slowed her down, made her hesitate.

Since speed was her only real asset in battle, once she did finally start moving to defend herself, her blade barely blocked him. A loud clang and the strength behind his strike, no matter how little there may be, pushed her blade back down toward her, like when you hit a metal bat on something immovable and it snaps back.

Hana turned so he would no longer be at her side, but in front of her. His next attack, however, turned on her "fight or flight" reflex, and she found herself rapidly stepping back as quick as her legs could. The idea of being stabbed in the eye was terrifying. After the third step, Hana tripped over her own feet and fell backwards.

"Ow..." Hana whined, but then gripped her zanpakuto and shuffled back to her feet. She quickly took on her textbook-perfect stance again, ready to go again.

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Lazy Man's Training Regimen [Joshua/Hana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Lazy Man's Training Regimen [Joshua/Hana]

Thu Oct 05, 2023 5:40 pm

Welp. This wasn’t exactly what Joshua expected to happen, but it also wasn’t the most surprising outcome. As Hana collected herself and got back to her feet Joshua watched her, sword resting on his shoulder with the blade facing the sky. He seemed to consider her for a few moments as she set-up in her stance once more.
“Alright, hold-up a minute,” he said as he walked over to her, inspecting her stance for few more moments.
“Like me you’re someone who is gonna end up relying more on speed and skill than raw strength I think. That being the case though, yer gonna have to get used to moving around more in combat. Get your feet tied up like that in real combat, yer gonna be in a bad way in a hurry,” he said, making it sound like he was talking about her entire performance instead of only the fall at the end.

“Your bladework is lookin’ good and you’ve got good speed in your strikes. Your footwork needs a bit o’ polishin’ though. Yer a bit too ‘planted’ fer how you’re gonna end up fightin’. Eventually, if ya keep improving your Hoho skills, you’ll be able to use shunpo to dodge out of the way of straight strikes like that last one. What questions you got?” he asked as he met her eyes once more. While he was pointing out things that were lacking, his tone didn’t make them out to be cruel. He wasn’t trying to tear Hana down with it, but more point out what she could consider and work on. He had more in mind of course, but he didn’t want to just dump a whole load of criticism on her head and dishearten her. Some people did well when you did that, some didn’t.

~We trip and stumble only so that we may stand back up...~

Genpaku's Cast of Misfits and Titans
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Lazy Man's Training Regimen [Joshua/Hana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Lazy Man's Training Regimen [Joshua/Hana]

Fri Oct 06, 2023 7:33 pm
Lazy Man's Training Regimen [Joshua/Hana] - Page 2 Hana_PostingHeader20
Enter: Hana Aoyama

Hana’s stance softened when he told her to ‘hold-up.’ Her insecurities flared up upon being examined, but she kept still with red cheeks, waiting for some sort of analysis. What he noted about her performance was expected. She did fall on her butt, so pretty much being told to work on her movement was not surprising. However, she would not tolerate her Hoho skills being insulted. Hana’s cheeks puffed up and she pointed the end of her blade at Joshua, glaring at him!

“I have no questions, but do not insult my Hoho. It is the only thing I can say I am doing just fine in,” Hana said and lowered her blade again. "I am aware there are many things I can learn, but my shunpo technique is very good. I even passed that class without help. If anything, I need to remember to utilize it in combat."

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