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A Tribute of Gratitude[Giselle, Solomon]  - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0A Tribute of Gratitude[Giselle, Solomon]  - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

A Tribute of Gratitude[Giselle, Solomon]  - Page 2 Empty Re: A Tribute of Gratitude[Giselle, Solomon]

Tue Sep 12, 2023 8:19 am
A Tribute of Gratitude[Giselle, Solomon]  - Page 2 Nc14v0I



Solomon regarded Giselle with an incredulous stare, dumbfounded by the revelation. Physically, he had been made well aware of her injuries. He witnessed her brush with death, after all. The sheer nature of his hollow energy was so overwhelming that it eliminated her Quincy powers entirely? The thought sounded almost preposterous, yet the physical proof being displayed in the form of hollow-infused flames was far too real, eliminating any notion of fabrication. Regret threatened to be a nuisance to his stream of thoughts, but he swept them away with a nod. Giselle wouldn't desire to see an expression like that, he thought, and he didn't want to sully their trip through the city with a poor air. What did he intend to say next? That was the topmost question on his mind.

"Sorry... I'm just a little shocked to hear that. I've never heard of something like that before. I thought his attacks had rendered you unable to execute any sort of ability. I can't exactly say I'm happy that that bastard's energy is connected to you, but you avoided death and that matters way more than my anger towards him. Do you think perhaps sparring with others would maybe draw it out?"

A curious venture. Since she had risked so much, it was only fair that he offered his own resources in return. His sense of honor would never allow him to leave any stone unturned when it came to assisting someone. Giselle was no exception. If anything, she was his very reason for living. Of course, he'd offer help.


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A Tribute of Gratitude[Giselle, Solomon]  - Page 2 Empty Re: A Tribute of Gratitude[Giselle, Solomon]

Tue Sep 12, 2023 3:14 pm
A Tribute of Gratitude[Giselle, Solomon]  - Page 2 PROFILE_a3fa4cb9b11b2fbef423e782c8907cf6

Giselle chuckled softly and looked over her shoulder. "You don't gotta hide the shock, bucko, I know it's wild to hear. But I was an old fashioned quincy. Attached to the Emperor from a long time ago. I worked a little different from you other quincy. Made me a real freak of strength. But it came with drawbacks as well." She explained softly, lightly curling her fingers, flipping the flames through them like a coin as they made it to the park. A soft sigh escaping her as she enjoyed the dip in noise, until it was almost quiet save for their steps. Though she had to admit, what came next caught her a bit by surprise.

She paused, glancing at him before she broke out into a hearty chuckle! "HAH! Well maybe you're gettin to be more like Lukas than ya thought." She teased the young man, flashing a lopsided grin before rolling her shoulders and considering it for a moment. "At this point, My girlfriend has been doing a lot to help with that. But hey. I'm not gonna say no if you wanna offer. I plan on staying for a bit, spend time with my daughter a bit. So I certainly wouldn't mind the help in the off time. You're not the hollow allercig type are you?" she ventured. As much as a bit of sparring might be fun, she hardly wanted to accidentally send the guy to the infirmary or anything during a little tussle.
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A Tribute of Gratitude[Giselle, Solomon]  - Page 2 Empty Re: A Tribute of Gratitude[Giselle, Solomon]

Tue Sep 12, 2023 5:34 pm
A Tribute of Gratitude[Giselle, Solomon]  - Page 2 Nc14v0I


"Come on. I simply hate the idea that his residual energy... you know... still lives on in you! How does that make me anything like Lukas?"

Solomon wasn't offended by any degree, much less in this context. If anything, it was more of a humorous protest than anything indicating a true state of offense. For what it was worth, he didn't exactly despise Lukas, but he definitely wouldn't be the first trying to take lessons from him, let alone copy him to any discernible extent. He respected him in the same way a fellow soldier would to their own. That was all. Judging from her expression, she seemed relatively welcomed to the idea, indicating as much through her words. There was simply the matter of clarification she required on her end. Even though he was the type to recklessly dive headfirst into most things without a gameplan, he had no intention of compromising this trip for Giselle.

"Not at all. Unless it was hollow energy was infecting me to some extreme degree, my body holds up relatively well against it. I can assure you that I won't end up having to go to the hospital outside of whatever impressive attack you might throw at me," he humored with a lighthearted jest. She may have been without her former ability, but maybe there were some tricks she had picked up that he didn't know about. Wouldn't that be a thought?


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A Tribute of Gratitude[Giselle, Solomon]  - Page 2 Empty Re: A Tribute of Gratitude[Giselle, Solomon]

Wed Sep 13, 2023 1:15 pm
A Tribute of Gratitude[Giselle, Solomon]  - Page 2 PROFILE_a3fa4cb9b11b2fbef423e782c8907cf6

Giselle snorted and flashed a lopsided smile at that. "I more meant your eagerness to try and make me stronger, Haha, but don't worry kid, I appreciate the thought." She pointed out, giving him a playful elbow to the shoulder before pausing. Hmm, it might be nice to work alongside quincy again, even if she wasn't one anymore.

"I'm glad to hear that. Then sure. We'll be sure to do a bit of training. But uh, not tonight. ahaha. I just want to get a nice bit of fresh air and talk with a friend. But tell you what. If you're really eager, then we can figure something out tomorrow, whenever you get some free time." She offered, slipping her hands into her pockets and humming thoughtfully to herself. Honestly it was nice that he was so intent to help, and she'd need to shake off the rust. Last thing she needed was Liltotto thinking she wasn't able to keep up. Which uh, she probably couldn't. But hey ,she could still teach good lessons. Even if her actual abilities had been diminished, she still had an enormous ammount of experience.

Besides. It was fine to let Solomon think he was helping her. But if she could sneakily train HIM at the same time, well that was a win for everyone right?
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A Tribute of Gratitude[Giselle, Solomon]  - Page 2 Empty Re: A Tribute of Gratitude[Giselle, Solomon]

Wed Sep 13, 2023 4:42 pm
A Tribute of Gratitude[Giselle, Solomon]  - Page 2 Nc14v0I


"Ha, well you've got me there. Of course, I'd argue my methods would be far more agreeable compared to his. Plus, have you sparred with that guy? He does anything but play fair in a spar half of the time."

Solomon sheepishly chuckled at his error. He misunderstood the nature of her jest. His eagerness to assist her was rooted in what he viewed as repaying a sacred debt. She was no longer apart of their forces, true, but that mattered little. Defending herself and her loved ones was important. He didn't know what would come of the improved results of that odd hollow energy, nor the abilities it would produce, but he was certainly acquiescent to the idea of helping her work off the rust. He momentarily wondered how many months she may have been in actual combat, if any, but brushed those thoughts off, drawing his gaze back to her own with a nod.

"Don't worry about tonight. This was reserved purely for treating a friend to a night out. The combat and anything related to it can easily be reserved for another time. That said, tomorrow sounds good. I'll open a spot in my schedule to accommodate you. For now, we can simply enjoy the scenery and catch up on lost time. The more I can separate myself from work, the better. Care for a bite to eat while we continue?"


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A Tribute of Gratitude[Giselle, Solomon]  - Page 2 Empty Re: A Tribute of Gratitude[Giselle, Solomon]

Wed Sep 13, 2023 5:01 pm
A Tribute of Gratitude[Giselle, Solomon]  - Page 2 HEADER_sample-e74050f279e6594fca7875118daffce4

Giselle smirked softly at that and let out a chuckle. "As a matter of fact I had, back when I was still in the Vandenreich. He really didn't have much of ...well...anything but bloodlust. When he first was allowed in, I did an evaluation of him. A little simulated mission. And well. He pretty much ignored the objective and went for the throat. Went for a killing blow, which I ignored, and then gave him a little lecture how if the enemy is willing to die, they could have killed him right there. Don't think he really got much out of it though. Still. He seems to have good intentions at times." She chuckled, a soft sigh escaping her before she looked to solomon.

She smiled fondly as he readily went along with the plan. She sensed a bit of concern, but well, that may be any number of things. Especially with how things turned out with her. But all the same, she flashed a smile and let out a chuckle as he suggested food. "Now you're speakin my language! Fuck man, you wouldn't BELIEVE how much I eat these days! Lead the way!" She declared, promptly psyched. She really did enjoy eating these days.
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