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Ketsu Iramasha (In The Process Of Updating) [DEMON][APPROVED 0-2++] [NPC] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999Ketsu Iramasha (In The Process Of Updating) [DEMON][APPROVED 0-2++] [NPC] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

Ketsu Iramasha (In The Process Of Updating) [DEMON][APPROVED 0-2++] [NPC] Empty Ketsu Iramasha (In The Process Of Updating) [DEMON][APPROVED 0-2++] [NPC]

Sat Jul 03, 2010 7:18 pm


Ketsu Iramasha (In The Process Of Updating) [DEMON][APPROVED 0-2++] [NPC] Image914


Birth Given Name: Ketsu Iramasha
Other Names: The Black Flame, Demon Iramasha Leader
Gender: Male
Hair Color: A mixture between black and red
Eye Color: Red and black
Height: 6'3
Age: Over 850 years old, looks around 25.
The Host Race: Iramasha

Written Appearance: When you first see Ketsu you will notice he stands at about 6'3 and he has a very tanned like skin color; While both his hair and eyes are a mixture of black and red. He has a fit-muscular build, but nothing to over the top as you can see from his picture. Ketsu tends to stay within that range of fitness since it's the perfect body type for swiftness and speed.

Clothing: Typically, on any given day, Ketsu will be seen in dark clothing similar to the one in his picture. In that outfit he wears a long jacket with the Iramasha symbol engraved in a redish color, while the edges inside of jacket is red. He'll also usually be shirtless when he wears that mixed together with a pair of matching black pants or jeans, a golden belt buckle and hostler for his Seishin Buki which is a gun.


Ketsu Iramasha (In The Process Of Updating) [DEMON][APPROVED 0-2++] [NPC] Image916


A True Sense Of Control: Unlike before where Ketsu tried to be serious and constantly tried to keep things in control, Ketsu has come to a true enlightenment about this sense of himself. He has reached a state where he is comfortable with just letting things go with the flow since he has enough confidence in himself to change anything negative or unfitting to him. This is shown by the way Ketsu has become more relaxed in his facial expression, how he reacts to situations that aren't in his favor by saying a witty remark or two and how he is much less angry then in the past.

A Dying Pride: Over the years Ketsu's began to realize that pride isn't everything, but he still holds on slightly to that part of his oldself. Ketsu doesn't show it often, but he will occasionally try to hold himself along with the others around him to a high standard if he's having a rough day or the situation requires it. Things like You should always do things a certain way, hold yourself in the right light, fight with dignity and don't act like an idiot. Though, like I said, as of recently he has began to care less about his pride and this shown much less often compared to in the past.

Caring: Although it's hard to see at times, Ketsu still cares for the people around him. He is just too caught up in himself to ever show this side often. His caring side is shown whenever he protects his family or friends, spends time with his children born from Inuyami or whenever he gets into a deep conversation with someone. And when he enters this calm mode, you can even see him crack a few smiles. Which would surprise anyone who did not know Ketsu that well.

A Growing Deviant Side: The days of hiding this part of himself are beginning to become to a close. There was always this side of Ketsu, one which he showed to nobody and tried to hide very well. A side that is interested in the way people die. A side that can enjoy a dead body or two, or three, or four, or even a thousand! The way it is sliced and diced, the organs, the guts, the brains, the blood, the moans of agony, the cries for help, the begging, just everything! He even invented a technique that would make his opponents limbs blow up if performed successfully. Ketsu used to believe this was Dark Ketsu's doing, but now he's starting to realize this is a part of himself he enjoys. And it's starting to become even more complex due to the fact he is starting to become more fascinated with torture and pain as well. Rather it be the pain people go through in their daily life, physical pain, emotional pain, mental pain or any other type of torture; Ketsu is just becoming more and more deviant and with time, this side will flourish.

Nonchalant: Steadily, Ketsu is starting to become more nonchalant about alot of matters as of recently. It is showed by the way he is no longer easily riled up by people insulting him or taunting him. Instead, he intends to simply give the person a strange look before he does something violent to them with a somewhat amused look on his face. This is shown by when Orca usually taunts and instead of him getting angry, Ketsu simply torments Orca by setting him on fire, kicking him off the island or doing some type of other cynical act to him.

A More Focused Outlet: Instead of constantly getting angry with the people, things and circumstances that happen in life, Ketsu simply decided to do away with that angst for life he once had and replaced it with a more witty, sarcastic and charming side. Some examples of this is whenever someones calls him something out of his name, Ketsu usually tries to analyze the person then begin to systematically break them down by questioning their views on life, finding out personal information about them or even going as far as to taunt someone or just flat out ignore their existance. The days of him flying off the handle seem to have disappeared

Ketsu Iramasha (In The Process Of Updating) [DEMON][APPROVED 0-2++] [NPC] Image917

Ketsu's Family Background:

Long before Ketsu was even born his family was already submerged into finding out everything they possibly could about the physical body of Death, where it's realm was, how Touketsu united it, how he would tame it and all the theories that arose from the thought of anyone sealing it's power away into one of the Iramasha Gems. Therefore, before Ketsu was even birthed, it was decided that when his time would come he would be the test subject for what would happen if the Demon King were sealed in him. Since, at the time, they believed he had many of Death's attributes according to the claims from Demon World.


Ketsu was born into the main family of demons inside the Iramasha Clan. He was son to Raiden Iramasha, the current leader at the time and Xenna Iramasha. However, he never got a chance to know his father. Raiden was forced into sealing Touketsu within Ketsu due to orders from "The Elders". They had kidnapped Ketsu right after birth and told his father to go after Touketsu to seal him within Ketsu. The reasons for this is because they had heard from demon world that Touketsu was promising immorality, granting people extreme powers from the power of death and he possessed a great threat to the Spirit World since he claimed death was angry at all in the Soul Society. They also wanted originally To experiment on him like a lab rat, but choose to watch Ketsu's progress. And if Raiden didn't do it, they would kill his son and wife. After sealing Touketsu within Ketsu, The Elder's studied this technique and then had a possessed Nobu fight with Raiden until they both ended up sealing each other within the Angel and Demon emeralds. But, before going into battle, Raiden had trusted Halo (frost) to look after Ketsu for all of his life since he knew The Elders would paint his son as a bad person.

As more time passed Ketsu had lead a very hard life. Often Touketsu's powers kept most of the clan from killing him, until finally one day The Elders of the clan ordered an entire group of Iramasha's, lead by Ketsu's own mother, to eliminate Ketsu. They wanted to see just how chaotic Ketsu could possibly become if he was put under enough stress. The Elders wanted to push the limits to his power to see just how much control Ketsu had over these powers.

But, this assassination attempt failed as Ketsu and Touketsu killed everyone in that group. When he finally killed his mother, the emotional stress had become too much for him to bear and he snapped letting Touketsu take control. After he took control, Touketsu went out and destroyed Half Of The Iramasha Clan. The only thing that stopped him was Halo Iramasha and Ryou Irmaasha using Chaos Soul to tame the chaotic powers within Ketsu. However, they only ended up creating a new entity inside of Ketsu's body that was created by Touketsu in a list ditch move in order to ensure his plans would go through.

Once Ketsu gained control over his body again, he left the clan. He was not seen for hundreds of years until Halo finally found him 400 years ago and repaired the clans relationship with him with the help of Ketsu's Lover, Inuyami. After the battle with Nero he had become Leader of The Demon Iramasha's.

But what Ketsu did during that time was what his family wanted all along. One day hundreds of years ago, a clansmen from Raiden's side of the family visited Ketsu and told him what most be done if he ever wanted to lead a normal life, kill Touketsu and Dark Ketsu and ensure that everyone doesn't become a collective part of Death. The clansmen informed Ketsu that many people had "Negative Energy" attained from being infected with Death's energy. There were others like him who had vast amounts of Death's energy. He had said that many people who were aware of this and plotting against Touketsu, were breeding like mad. There was selected group from almost every race that did this, and Ketsu's family had choosen him to be apart of this as well.

The clansmen also told Ketsu to gather as many Quincies as he could as they held a part in finally defeating death due to the fact that when they kill a soul, they destroy everything and that power could be used in the finalized weapon they were all creating.

But that's all the information this clansmen could divulge to Ketsu before he was sent away. And this was all Ketsu really needed before he finally decided on what he needed to do...


Ketsu Iramasha (In The Process Of Updating) [DEMON][APPROVED 0-2++] [NPC] Image918

Ziamichi History:

(Not revealing a whole lot, but I have revealed some parts in other apps.)

Touketsu is as old as the universe. Some say he was the first demon ever created, others say he is a god. But, There is a reason why he is still the king of demon world even though he is sealed. He's promised the Demons Immortal life after the eradication of all over beings on Earth. How would he do this? Well, he knows for certain that death has a physical body now and knows how to tap into that power.

There are TRILLIONS of souls just waiting to be free'd or used in the wrong way inside of this mother fucker. Although it isn't anything like a human, hollow, demon or any type of body we know.

And only Touketsu knows where it is sealed. Touketsu was also once apart of Death as well. He wanted to see what it was like to tap into that power thousands of years ago. ...and even he said it was too much for him to do. The agony, insanity and desperation of those souls were so intense it nearly drove him to insanity from their sheer will. He would have to come back when he was stronger.

Touketsu's powers:

Semi-Immortal (But can be killed.)

The ability to use what bits of death's power he retained to make people stronger.

And the rest is unknown.

(I plan on adding this information later)


Ketsu Iramasha (In The Process Of Updating) [DEMON][APPROVED 0-2++] [NPC] Image922

Ziamichi Spirit Two: Dark Ketsu

Dark Ketsu's Apperance:

Hair Color: A mixture between White and a faint red
Eye Color: Red and black
Height: 6'2
Age: Between 400 to 500 years old

Full Appearance Description: Dark Ketsu stands at about six foot two, appears to be in his mid twenties and is much lighter in skin tone compared to Ketsu. Some other features on Dark Ketsu you'll notice is he has a more sinister looking mouth, slightly longer hair then Ketsu and he looks slightly younger then Ketsu.

Clothes: Typically, on any given day, you'll see that Dark Ketsu wears a varity of suits, luxury watches and sometimes even fancy hats. He simply loves the look of a businessmen even though his actions, personality or motives seem very business like.

Dark Ketsu's History:

Dark Ketsu, in a sense, was born from both Touketsu and Ketsu during the process of sealing The Demon King into the deepest part of Ketsu's soul. During Dark Ketsu's creation, Touketsu took energies from Ketsu's soul and his own in order to form Dark Ketsu. He was put in place in order to gather energy from Ketsu, torment him and eventually take over his body in order to break the balance of his soul and release Touketsu. From that point, Touketsu would then devour them both into his being for additional power.

However, things have taken a different route. For awhile, it did seem as though this would happen. During his first few hundred years Dark Ketsu tormented Ketsu. Taking over his body, killing his friends and anyone who came into contact with him, constantly having inner battles with Ketsu and just giving him hell. It got so bad, in fact, Ketsu nearly gave full control of his soul to Dark Ketsu during one of his weakest periods around 2007.

But, as stated before, things took a different turn when they each learned of Touketsu's true goals. Sure, they both hated each other guts, but it would be more beneficial for them to take down Touketsu before killing each other. After all, if they combine their efforts, Dark Ketsu could finally have his own body at the end of day and finally be freed from his life long prison inside of Ketsu's head.

So, to rebel against his father, Dark Ketsu has teamed up with Ketsu in order to help him with his goals. And since that time, with the battle for Ketsu's soul put on hold, Ketsu has let Dark Ketsu take control over his body for short periods in order to let him get fresh air. In some cases, even, Ketsu can even use some of Dark Ketsu's powers in The Black Flame Stage 2.

For better or worse, these two are planning a massive take over to kill the Demon King.

Dark Ketsu's Powers:

Control Over Death's Energy: One of Dark Ketsu's powers is the ability to harness Death's energy in the form of a white light he can manipluate very easily into attacks. The light would take shape in a swirling vortex around his body, a pair of wings on his back and a halo or crown on his head. From there, it'll be very diffcult to attack him since if you stand to close to him for extended periods your body will begin to shut down since the energy flowing around his body would be to lethal to stand near. It could easily kill all sorts of other objects, living beings, air, matter, elements and weather around him. The best way to deal with this energy is to only do close range combat QUICKLY and then retreat to a further distance, or for someone with a long ranged capaiblity to attack him. However, if you have enough of death's energy in your own body, this won't effect you.

Energy Fusion: Dark Ketsu has the ability to convert all the matter, elements, certain living beings and other objects into a much pure powerful form of energy with the light he uses to manipulate Death's energy. If enough energy is gathered, he can then used them make a variety of attack's. For example, if he was fighting somewhere that had alot of fire around him, he could use the light to kill the fire and air; Then he would fuse the two and create a much more powerful attack that has death's energy and the energy he stole from the elements. In that example, he could have used the fire and air in order to create a destruction ball made from the two.

That's just one example, however. He can even take this step a bit further and begin to break down even people if they were killed by his light. He would have the ability to take in all their memories, learn some of their abilities if he is capable of learning them (like hand-hand-to moves and moves that require him to summon reitsu, energy or Chaos Energy) and even use the spiritual signature they left behind to cloak his. But in no way, however, is he able to use this energy to make HIMSELF stronger or automatically have the ability of said person.

Dead Slaves: Thanks to his control over death, he can send that energy into a variety of weaker bodies that have been deceased and he can take 'control' over them; Even going as far as to use the bodies for his own nefarious purposes by creating new memories and personality for dead bodies and seemly bringing them back to life.


Ketsu Iramasha (In The Process Of Updating) [DEMON][APPROVED 0-2++] [NPC] Image919

Unique Traits:

Consumption: This is one of the traits he gained from Touketsu. Being the Demon God himself, Touketsu was able to consume almost any demon he wanted as most demons were once apart of himself which made it easy to bring them back into his body. Well, Ketsu has learned a weaker, but more wider level of this technique. Ketsu himself is able to do the same to most beings who are near or equal in his power so long as he is able to beat them down into submission or, such as in the case of Dark Matthew, they willingly accept to become apart of Ketsu. In either situation, after the absorption is complete Ketsu will be able to tap into their memories, powers, some of their abilities and even parts of their personality if he is not careful with managing the different souls that are living in his body.

Touketsu's Memories: After nearly one thousand years of taming Touketsu within his body, Ketsu has finally been given access to some of The Demon God's lengthy memories from his billions of years of existing. From it, he has learned many secrets from Demon World, the history of Demon World, Sin Fall's creation, a large amount of Demon Spells that can be converted into Chaos Moves and many other interesting facts; along with even when Touketsu did battle against Death and tamed a limited amount of it. This is truly going to be a mighty tool to use against Touketsu when the time to fight him one-on-one arrives. Despite the fact, however, Touketsu is already aware of what he has done and has even allowed it to make things more interesting for him whenever he decides to free himself from Ketsu.


There are no forms for Ketsu. There is only one when Dark Ketsu takes over his mind. You can tell because his hair turns a silver with hints of red, he grows fangs and claws and his overall reitsu feels completely different.

Control: 9

Ziamichi Class: S+

Drawbacks: Headaches, extreme body pain, fainting, death, becoming temporarily insane.


Ketsu Iramasha (In The Process Of Updating) [DEMON][APPROVED 0-2++] [NPC] Image940

Immunity to Earthly Poisons: This is a power he attained after consuming Selena shortly after her death by his hands. From what he could read from her memories, Selena had learned to somehow nullify all poisons to her body. One way or another, Ketsu's body had converted what cells they could take from the Demon Lord in order to mimic what she did. However, since this is no perfect union, Ketsu was only able to replicate this technique from Selena's arsenal by becoming immune to a majority of the man-made, Earth bound and similar poisons that were forged by some type of science. Ketsu, unfortunately, is not immune to most poisons created from Kidō spells, Demon Spells or by a users custom-made poison (i.e., someone who can generate poison from their body) If he were to get poison by an alternative method such as one of those, he would fall victim to it just like anyone else would be by it. Therefore, Ketsu still has some intensive training to go through before he can figure out a way to fully perfect this move.

Controlling Of Seals: Once more, this an additional useful technique Ketsu picked up from Selena. According to what Ketsu's body examined from Selena's cells, she had the power to seal souls within different types of bodies along with the knowledge on how to break some of the strongest seals within most of the known worlds. Combine this with Ketsu's mastery of Chaos Energy along with his massive power supply, and you have given Ketsu the tools he needs to even figure out a way to seal those on 0 tier into different objects, bodies or realms given the the opportunity, time and power. It's even possible for Ketsu to anaylze a way to break even the seal that contains Oni Chiita inside of Shadin Yuudeshi; especially with his control over Death's Energy and link to Touketsu himself.

Near Instant Chaos Summons: From what Ketsu's cells could gather from Selena, she had the ability to somehow perform speechless summons so she didn't have to create a chant or prayer to Touketsu in order summon her monsters or even speak about them. Summoning and any spells that Selena knew were purely memorized in her brain and she only has to do the hand motion. Well, with this knowledge retained from Selena, Ketsu's cells converted this power into his Chaos Powers. He's already a master in this area; with the extra advantage given to him by consuming Selena, Ketsu no longer even has to move in order to summon certain Chaos Moves. All he has to do is think it, have the energy in his body to perform the move and Ketsu can nearly instantly summon most demon' from techniques that use Chaos Energy, summon many Chaos Attack's, create different seals and even slow down time without so much as blinking. This is truly a fearsome ability to attain from the former Demon Lord.

Feeling No Pain When Critical Damage Is Taken: This is a new mode his body goes into after analyzing the cells gathered from Selena's corpse. Sorting through Selena's jumbled memories, Ketsu realized she capable of never feeling pain no matter what was done to her. With this in mind, his body created a new mode for Ketsu to go in whenever intense damage is being done to his body. If Ketsu appears to be taking serious hits, a backup system in his body will cut off all nerves throughout his body in order to stop the sensation of pain from radiating throughout his body so that he may focus more on the fight at end. If there is a truly serious hit, however, this system will be hauled so that Ketsu may become alerted of the infected area that has been impacted by whatever attack, move, spell or Kidō his opponent would have made on him. In fact, this goes on a even deeper level then Selena's. Instead of not feeling pain at all, he's alerted of every single change in his body by slight buzzes, quick sharp pains and alters to his brain when he enters this state so that he may avoid any damage, alter any changes in his body and make his way through the battle in one piece.

The Witch's Black Blood: This is yet another combined move gathered from Selena's body. Apparently from what Ketsu could analyze, Selena's blood was enchanted with some sort of magical goodness according to her own words. It is able to heal both Ketsu himself and his allies by healing wounds, replenishing their spiritual energy by five to percent if they consume enough of it and generally making them feel great. However, the downside of this is that it can sometimes drain Ketsu himself and make him somewhat dizzy if people drink too much. This side effect is manageable compared to the pain Ketsu has felt throughout his lifetime. That can be handle with a common level Chaos Energy Techniques. On the negative side, though; if someone were to hunt for his blood, this would lead to serious trouble. Why? It's almost like a drug to everyone other then Ketsu. Should they rely too much on Ketsu's blood, they'll eventually want more and will sometimes go through great lengths to drink it. Therefore, Ketsu limits just who consumes his blood whenever possible.

Body Swap: This is a very useful ability Ketsu's body had picked up from what was left of Selena as well. From what he could gather from her cells, Selena could easily break a seal on the body she would currently be using and her focus her touch onto the body she wants to transfer to. Well, Ketsu was able to learn this move; however, it is only on custom built bodies that were created by himself. (They will be NPC's) This means he cannot randomly swap into different bodies UNLESS they are already deceased. And even then, it is not possible for him to retain their powers. He may retrieve memories of their personal life, how they performed their techniques and things of that nature; but the rest will have to come from him. And, if Ketsu ends making a miscalculation or a mistake, he will be violently rejected back into his original body and suffer vomiting, intense headaches and blurred vision. However, he can sync all these bodies together and eventually give them their own power so that he may have actual different full powered bodies working together with him in battle. But, just like any other person, they run the risk of dying as well. And, if that happens, that will weaken Ketsu's power by five or ten percent for one or two threads should that happen. It is also for Touketsu or Dark Ketsu to take over Ketsu's main body should he stay away from it too long and for him to be killed while in another body.

Control of Pure Darkness: According to the memories Ketsu's body had consumed from Dark Matthew; Dark Matthew had achieved a true darkness, making him the true reincarnation of his father in his sons body. Dark Matthew obtained one the darkest and strongest in dark powers in the Caliga race. He could manipulate all shadows and darkness to his will. From this he could even remove all light from a given area, and even do everything his mother can do, but with shadows. He could make shadows appear on a whim and when in the shadows Dark Matthew could control it to many different scales. He was able to teleport in it, make illusions, make armor/harden it, and even bend time within his own dimensions of darkness.

Thus, with the information stored within his body, it wasn't that difficult for this main ability Dark Matthew was known for to be easily transferred into Ketsu for him to learn as well. Why? Well, for starters, unlike Selena and Ketsu's merge, the one between him and Matthew was purely by choice which allowed him easier access to most of Dark Matthew and the other Matthew's powers. Along with that, since they were similar in the dark nature aspect, it was more easy for Ketsu's body to learn and adapt these techniques to the point with Dark Matthew's memories Ketsu could perform all of this without much effort on his hand as long as he had the energy to support this ability.

Limited Control Of Light: From what Ketsu could gather further from Matthew's cells; apparently his lighter side that once had control of him had achieved a sense of true holiness, making him the true reincarnation of his mother in her sons body. Light Matthew was one of the holiest and strongest in light powers in the Caliga race. He was able to control all light to his will, and manipulate them to his will. From this he could remove all shadows from a given area, and even do everything his mother was able to perform. This allowed him to make light appear on a whim and when in the light Light Matthew could control it to many different scales. He can teleport in it, make illusions, make armor/harden it, and even bend time within his own dimensions of light.

Well, since Ketsu is the furthest you can get from being light, there wasn't much he could do with this power to utilize on an offensive bases. However, that didn't mean he did not make use of it in other areas. He converted Light Matthew's own holy force into an energy that shielded Ketsu from most angelic or holy based attacks. This means that most damage from Angelic or Holy beings would only do 25% of damage at best to Ketsu. Along with that, Ketsu is able to control some amount of light on a low level. For example, he used the way Light Matthew controlled light in order to make his own teleporation even faster then it was along with making his own defenses stronger.

Seven Deadly Sins: From what Ketsu's body could gather from Matthew's cells, apparently had something called the 7 Deadly Sins and 6 Perfections. When he used Seven Deadly Sins, he could have one stage of each side active which grants him a separate ability. Well, during the consumption process, Ketsu was able to apply a few of the deadly sins to his own use thanks to the way the unity between Ketsu and Matthew happened.

Sin One; Pride: When Pride is activated, Ketsu will be able to gain protection from most low level attacks such as bala's, attacks from forms that are unsealed, low powered Kidō and things of that nature. It works by harnessing the power Neutral Matthew once had to use his divine like nature to negate damage from these types of attacks. Anything higher then what listed, however, will be able to damage Ketsu. Such as using a cero instead of a bala, using higher powered and so on and so forth.

Sin Two; Gluttony:When Gluttony is activated, Ketsu will be able to reduce damage from most base physical attacks for three to four post. He will not be able to negate damage totally like Neutral Matthew could, but he is able to stop 80% of damage from coming to his body. Then, after that period is over, Ketsu will not be able to activate Gluttony again until four to five post have passed in the thread.

Sin Three; Envy: When Ketsu activates Envy, he is able to nullify one ability from an opponent for the duration of the thread he is in by sending a wave of powerful divine light towards an opponent mixed together with his own Death Energy. If this move is successful, however, it must be of equal tier or lower and can only nullify one Bankai Ability or lower. He also cannot use this more then two times per thread as well and has a ten post cool-down after using it. It's also possible to still lose half of your ability for the thread even if the blast grazes you and can effect more then one person at a time when it is unleashed.

Sin Four; Sloth: When Ketsu is able to activate Sloth, all of his opponents speeds drops as an aura is emitted from his body that uses both Neutral Matthew and Dark Matthew's power in order to make most opponents within a half mile radius have their speed cut drastically so long as Ketsu can keep them in this area. It can reduce up to 75% of their overall speed, even. Along with that, even if they escape, the effects take at least two post to pass. The activation period in this attack is also nearly instant as it takes only five seconds for it to cover the area. Not only that, but the mist cannot go away unless someone is able to overpower it OR Ketsu calls it back. The drawback, however, is that Ketsu himself can be effected if he doesn't place the proper precautions to shield himself from the mist. It also can only be used three times per thread with a five post cool down after being activated.


Last edited by [THEFROST] on Fri Mar 11, 2016 5:02 pm; edited 7 times in total

Ketsu Iramasha (In The Process Of Updating) [DEMON][APPROVED 0-2++] [NPC] WVMWLOu
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Ketsu Iramasha (In The Process Of Updating) [DEMON][APPROVED 0-2++] [NPC] Empty Re: Ketsu Iramasha (In The Process Of Updating) [DEMON][APPROVED 0-2++] [NPC]

Sat Nov 19, 2011 3:17 am


Ketsu Iramasha (In The Process Of Updating) [DEMON][APPROVED 0-2++] [NPC] Image920

Seishin Buki Name: Tenkekku

Seishin Buk Appearance: The Tenkekku is rather simple in appearance. Activated by a mental command, once Ketsu issues this release from within himself, both of his eyes iris's will seem to light up with a crimson glow to them. Soon follow that occurrence, the pupil's within his eyes break apart to shift into three tomoei surrounding each pupil. Once that process has taken place, Tenkekku will swiftly be ready to be used at a moments notice; making it a rather fast release when it comes to must Seishin Buki's due to the fact Ketsu has infused it into his own body at this point.

Tenkekku's Passive Seishin Buki Ability:

Divine Awareness: While most people in this world have a form of spiritual detection, when Ketsu activates his Tenkekku, nearly all of his senses are taken to an entirely different league. An example of this ability being put to good use is the fact that Ketsu has the capacity to detect most types of supernatural presences within a range roughly comparable to a city the size of New York. More than that, though, he is able to take into account the many different types of frequencies that may occur when a cluster of beings like that are jam packed into an area that size. This is done by his mind memorizing the different Spiritual Fields of Energy, or SFE, of other people within the area.

Once he is able to retain the knowledge of their specific Spiritual Field, he is then able to pinpoint their location down to a science nearly. It allows for him to certainly have the edge in combat, as this perception is even capable of detecting occurrences that transpire within different dimensions around them, detecting invisible entities or forces within an area; such as if someone unleashed a telekinetic blast, Ketsu would be able to see it as a burst of colossal energy heading towards him.

On top of that, Ketsu has even noted that he has been able to even track down specific reishi in the area in order to use it as an extended part of his body. Within a vicinity roughly the size of a village, The Devil Iramasha is actually able to use this extended area and connect with the varying reishi he is able to detect and then effectively "Sync" with the area in order to add his sense of movement and vision to a broadened scope to gain a critical advantage over his opponents.

Lastly, and most theoretically, Ketsu has hypothesized that it may be possible to memorize the patterns of a persons wavelength when Tenkkeku is activated. With that being the case, if he were to convert his own energy patterns to match the wavelengths of the opponent; he supposes it may be very possible for him to produce a temporary shield to have their attacks phase through him. This is due in part to them being duped in a sense and mistaking Ketsu as the original master of the attack; possibly even leading him to take control over it if he so wishes. However, the extent of this hasn't been proven as he has not tested it yet on another opponent.

Though, with every great power comes some form of drawbacks or limitations. While it may be true he can scan an area the size of a very large metropolitan city, this may take some form of concentration that will make the ability harder for Ketsu to use. Therefore, he has come to a conclusion that he'll need to focus his mind and properly channel his direction to accurately measure the coordinates of what he senses with Tenkekku. On top of that, when he first activates this passive technique, it's generally constrained within a one thousand meter radius at first; as that's where he generally feels comfortable and does not feel like he is straining himself. If he happens to overdo it with this technique, then he'll generally feel as if he had blinded his eyes and will need to drawback the scope of Tenkekku's range or deactivate it altogether if he begins to suffer any sort of cluster headache or the like to prevent causing him any unnecessary pain during combat or disturbances.

Tenkekku's Offensive Seishin Buki Ability:

Sacred Guidance: This is a very potent ability of Tenkekku. What does it allow Ketsu to do? Essentially, with Sacred Guidance, The Devil Iramasha is able to utilize most of his abilities through his eyes. For instance, if he were disarmed in any sort of circumstance, provided he had the energy levels to produce a technique, he could very well summon it through his eyes. An example of this would be if Ketsu were constricted in a series of chains, he'd be able to produce his infamous Black Fire through his eyes and direct them towards his opponent with the passive traits of Tenkekku. Therefore, the Offense of Sacred Guidance in that aspect can downright lethal. Based on the fact that Ketsu has a very keen sense of direction when it comes to the position of a person's range on the battlefield, it's more than likely he could even harness the power of Chaos Warp to direct attacks with a very high range of accuracy. By engulfing it with Chaos Warp, and then transferring the information of the opponents whereabouts, Ketsu can prove to be a very tough opponent to deal with in that regard.

Another strong offensive attribute within Tenkekku makes use of the Devil Iramasha's ability to possess varying objects and deceased beings to an extent. By applying this trait within the core of Tenkekku, Ketsu is able to influence the environment around him depending on how much energy he is willing to invest in this ability. What does this translate to? Say Ketsu was within a one hundred meter radius. If he were able to summon enough Chaos Energy, he could then dispense it through his eyes, scatter it throughout the area around him and produce a strong repelling force by manipulating the forces of momentum to generate a strong wind to reflect varying attacks away from him.

A different example of this extreme power is that Ketsu can control the air particles in the vicinity around him, siphon them off off and nullify some sort of fire attack heading towards him by removing the oxygen it needs to sustain itself. This can even prove quite useful in reducing the impact of some explosions; especially if he could lower the impact force of the explosion. Although he is not limited to just these two examples, theses show the capacities of Sacred Guidance's potential. However, he doubts he'd have the range of room he has in the passive traits to use it. In his mind, Ketsu would only use Sacred Guidance at a maximum of three thousand meters to prevent any sort of nasty side effects from kicking in.

This is because Sacred Guidance can gradually take it's toll on the user based on the fact each offensive move generally costs Ketsu a bit of energy. Seeing how it's takes some sort of energy to produce the attacks from his eyes, and given how fast he can summon them from there, it would be no surprise he'd limit himself to one to three attacks per turn using this technique. Combined with the strain of the Divine Awareness, this can lead to critical drawbacks that may cause Ketsu to become dizzy, lightheaded, fatigued and nauseous if he happens to abuse this. In more severe levels, it can even leave him blinded if he happens to go too far in Sacred Guidances capacities. It's unknown when he would regain his vision back, but Tenkekku would certainly be forcefully deactivated during this time and would generally take two to four post for it to return most likely. At least, that is the estimate Ketsu gives.

It's also worth noting that Ketsu is generally limited to what scope of vision in which he can perceive. That is to say, Ketsu is only able to influence what his eyes see. So if it's not within his direct perception of vision, he probably won't be able to harm it much. So, all in all, this is quite the mighty technique that is within The Royal Devil's possession and should be used with caution each time Tenkekku is harnessed for Offensive Purposes. The moves should be shift, the objective clear and the target in sight. Never underestimate the scope of Tenkekku's potential when under the Sacred Guidance. One mishap and it can be all over for a wood-be opponent fighting against the likes of Ketsu Iramasha while this move is activated.


Ketsu Iramasha (In The Process Of Updating) [DEMON][APPROVED 0-2++] [NPC] Image923

Powerful Reitsu: Most Iramasha's are known for their strong amounts of reitsu each has within their body.

Gem Creation: The Stronger Iramasha's are also known for their ability to store or seal mass amounts of energy into special gems or emeralds found only on their floating island for long term use.

(I.E. The Master Emerald, The Angelic Emeralds and Demonic Emeralds)

Chaos Control: Chaos Control is a technique created by the first founders of the Iramasha Clan. When this technique is activated it allows the user to teleport from short range distances at first, then when they become more master this move more they able to use to technique to teleport from long range distances along with being able to warp anywhere as long they can sense someones spiritual pressure or reitsu. When they become more powerful they sometimes able to slow down within a limited range and gain the upper hand on their opponents.

Although, there is also a limit to how many times you can do Chaos Control within a certain time period. You may only perform Chaos Control

Chaos Soul: Only Iramasha's who have obtained at least their Angel Form or Demon form can use this. Once they activate this technique a red barrier develops all around their body, a mysterious sybmol appears behind them, and two clones of the user appear outside of the shield made of light or darkness. When using this move they are able to look inside the soul of any person they wish. After entering the soul of the person they choose, the user will often go after their source of power and seal it away for a short amount of time. When fully mastered they are able to seal away powerful Ziamichi's.

(I.E. When Halo sealed Touketsu's powers from within Ketsu.)

But, a major downside of using this technique is that if the b0arrier protecting them comes down and someone is able to injure their body, the user can end up being stuck within the persons soul they are in. And if they are still within the persons soul and that person happens to die, well, the user also ends up dying with them.

Chaos Unity: When the leaders of the Iramasha Clan are in desperate times they will each get the Angelic Emeralds and Demonic Emeralds to perform a fusion technique. When this move is activated each of the leaders will fuse with the other, along with the spirits of past Iramasha's leaders, into one powerful being.

Other Iramasha's Can also use this technique with less emeralds, but they often have a time limit on how long they can maintain this form depending on their combined power.

Chaos Hell: Mostly used by the demon half of the Iramasha Clan or Fallen Angels, Chaos Hell is an illusion type of technique. To activate this technique the user usually (You don't have it, but it helps with concentration) puts their hands together as if their praying, closes their eyes and they have a glowing red circle with many symbols appear below them while saying "Chaos Hell".

When Chaos Hell is triggered the user often goes deep into his or hers opponents brain to disturb all of their senses in hopes of causing false images or cause agonizing pain from trauma.

To combat the effects of Chaos Hell, there are two options. The first option is for the opponent to stop the flow of users reitsu in their body, and then apply an even stronger power to disrupt the flow of the caster's reitsu. This can also be done by an unaffected person. The second option is through intense pain not caused by Chaos Hell and utilizing the resulting pain to bring their senses back in order.

Chaos Blast: This is a technique he uses that is similar to an Arrancar's cero. He builds up all the demonic energy in his body into one sphere like attack and fires it at his opponent. Sometimes he can mix it with fire and form a Flaming Chaos Blast.

Ketsu can also freely control fire. Typically moving it through the air to serve various purposes. The amount of fire he can control at one time is fairly immense, he is able to gather enough black fire to cover The Iramasha Island as a shield. If there isn't enough resources for fire, Ketsu can convert his reitsu into fire and then naturally cause everything to burn around him and use that to multiply his firepower.


Ketsu Iramasha (In The Process Of Updating) [DEMON][APPROVED 0-2++] [NPC] Image924

Diverse Skill: Diverse Skill is a special move where Ketsu utilizes a wide variety of tools and resources such as the power of Project Hell Harvaster, The Seal Of Akuma, The Demon Iramasha Clan, The Demon Gems from the Iramasha Clan, Touketsu's knowledge and skill of most demon moves and his own power in order to create a state where he syncs himself up with the many people and tools at his disposal in order to gain the ability to swap, gain, trade and combine different moves from various people within these circles. It works by using Project Hell Harvaster as the central command sitaution for the networking of all the numerous amount of powers that can be shared between anyone using it along with the transference of them as well. It's also used as somewhat of a core to keep everything balanced, in check and fueling all these different transactions. The Seal Of Akuma is used to further stabilize and utilize Diverse Skill as it can use both it's own effects together with Project Hell Harvester. Though, it is not needed if Ketsu still chooses you to be apart of this project for Diverse Skill can create it's own seal to keep others who don't have the Seal of Akuma in tact with Ketsu.

Together with all that, the energy that is generated from the Iramasha's Demon Gems are used as more fuel to keep this monstrous power fed. Whenever Ketsu activates Diverse Skill, he also typically activates the powers of the Demon Iramasha Gems as well to further enhance the whole ability. And finally, since Ketsu has learned to access some of Touketsu's own memories and skills, he can even upload the many different demon's and creatures Ketsu has consumed over his insane lifetime in order for Ketsu to manipulate them with Diverse Skill.

For example, Ketsu can give some of his own abilities to Koichi should he activate his own lesser version of Diverse Skill; while he can also learn any of Koichi's skills while Diverse Skill is activated. When diverse skill is active, Ketsu can utilize thousands of different techniques, powers and forms as long as he can provide the energy to perform them and as long as he can keep Diverse Skill up. It also needs a bit of common sense as well since he cannot perform some racial or special techniques that have requirements Ketsu does not feel. Apart from that, however, everything else is free game apart from the drawbacks.

Ketsu is only able to keep diverse skill up as long as he has at least half of his power in effect since he is the main who is able to control everything with diverse skill and it takes a large amount of focus to keep it in control and from backfiring. Therefore, when Diverse Skill is activated, Ketsu tends to watch himself as if he begins to spam different techniques and powers he can begin to drain the energy from his body rather rapidly which stops him from using hundreds of different powers at once; as he prefers to simply use a few dozen at a time that he can control or powers that are more similar to his nature.

Buki Kasui: A weapon designed as a bladeless sword. It uses the energy Ketsu stores in the blade before and during battle to create the following waves: It can create a wave of fire that can be used for short or long range useage. If it's used for short range, it's usually weaker, but if it makes direct contact it can spawn off into smaller blades of fire that create mircosophic explosions on the users skin in order to cause even further damage and when it gets to that level it usually stores a poison hidden in that fire that causes the user to eventually become slugish, tired and attack's can become a tad bit weaker in the span of one post. If it's used for long ranged purposes, it generally MUCH stronger and is used for more devasting effects. In fact, Ketsu tends to let this one become a bit more special. Once he sends the wave out, it can transform into the shape of a three-headed crow that spilts the middle off in order for a direct hit and sends the other two hands in seperate direction above the opponent in order for them burst and turn into a thousand mininature bullets that rain down upon the battlefield and eventually set fire to everything. If that fails, the middle head will usually try to swallow the opponent before exploding in a vortex similiar to a toranado that will have bullets of fire shoot off rapidly inside the toranado before it eventually becomes one with the whole fiery scenerny and the opponent is free to do whatever they want if they come out alive, but will be greeted with much more fire then before.

If it is used as an air wave, it can be used to create sharp wind waves that can cut the opponent, send them away from Ketsu for defensive purposes or even as an invisible toranado that is used to suffocate his foe by combining his fire abilties to absorb the oxygen inside of the vortex. And when it is used for air, it can also be used as bullets that are equal to bala's.

Finally, the last use of this weapon uses Ketsu's ability of Chaos Energy. It can be overcharaged with Chaos Energy to create very brief periods of time where he slowes down time dramatically which allows Ketsu enough time send off more slashes of fire and air. Not only that, but it can be used in another way by fusing the Chaos Energy inside of a compressed burst of wind, shooting it out of the blade and then, if it makes contact, it can alter the users vision to where it's slow motion on side of their vision and hyperfast on the other side causing extreme confusion and enough time for Ketsu to react.

Blackwire: A technique performed by Ketsu. When it is first summoned, it takes the shape five small strings that cannot be seen by the human eye. They are mostly just reitsu based in this form so you will only be able to detect if you are spiritually aware. After the weapon is complete, it appears as strings as black strings made of fire. Then, the user is able to perform long ranged attacks ranging from simple slashes, binding the opponent or using the constricted object or person as a weapon itself. It can also be advanced to where spikes of metal can come to the surface in order further damage the opponent.

Anoteher way this weapon can be used is to add a huge surge of reitsu into the wire, they will creature a massive fiey explosion that will last ten seconds for every string that was attached. And The weapon can be overcharaged and summon even more wires, covering an area of 0.3 miles. The user may do as he pleases with his prey afterwards.

Eat Crow: During battle, Ketsu would send a clone of himself into any given realm via Chaos Control in order to gather up reitsu, fire and energy. Once enough is collected, Ketsu will summon it into the next turn and it will appear like Ketsu, but his skin is grey and his eyes are pitch black. Then, at the snap of Ketsu's fingers, Ketsu would have the clone explode and turn into a hundred or so crow that would be used as projectile missles at his opponent. The sounds these crows will make upon summoning will be more then enough to shake the area, cause visual disturbances in the area and hopefully confuse the opponent. After that, once they make contact with the target via heat seeking, they will explode into miniature balls of fire. However, if more then one makes contact, they will fuse together to make a stornger attack until the final result transforms the explosion into a massive crow that will then explode as thousands of feathers made from flames scatter throughout the area and create even more explosions with loud crows, as the original explosion has the head of the crow distburst into the sky and transform it into a red, hellish skyline with the clouds literally site ablaze for Ketsu's next attack.

Hell Devourer: Since Ketsu has a mastery of fire, he use his black flames to engulf his Chaos Blast and make it even stronger then before. Additionally, thanks to that, now his attack can cause all types of side effects to go with heat exhaustion. Most are nausea, vomiting, fatigue, weakness, Headache, muscle cramps and aches, dehydration and dizziness and a few other nasty side effects that go along with being in the heat too much since the temperatures inside this blast are extremely hot.

In some cases, Ketsu can even melt people or objects inside the blast zone because it is so hot. There are also physical injuries that go along with this such as burns, melting of the skin or entire body in some cases, cuts, bruises and scaring of the body.

And if you get hit by this attack, Ketsu is able to send some of his flames within your body to start setting some of your insides on fire in order to damage from you the inside out. It may also destroy some of your reitsu as well from the particles of death hidden inside the black flames along with the fire trying to devour every cell within your body.

If you are not at least on 2 tier there is a good chance that you could die from due to all of the side effects and melting of the body from the extreme temperatures.
The Mind of Sealing: This is very similar to Koichi's Hands of Sealing seeing how it was taught to by Ketsu himself. Therefore, Ketsu is the father of this technique and has learned a much more perfected version of that particular move. Instead of being able to seal most things that it comes into contact with through physical means, Ketsu has comprised a way to utilize this technique with his mind only. It begins by the user sacrificing chunks of their internal Chaos Energy much like the Hands of Sealing. Once that is performed, a yin-yang symbol with tomoe symbols in them will appear on the forehead of said user. With that symbolization complete, the person will now be able to seal most things that they can perceive through the five senses by generating a constant field of unknown black colored energy that is not known by most people within the known worlds. Through this peculiar force, the user can launch large masses of this energy at opponents with the same effects as The Hands of Sealing.

An example how the Mind of Sealing works is that if someone were to attempt to stab Ketsu while this technique was activated, the attack in any type of containment vessel he wishes which ranges from storing it inside of Ketsu's body in a separate realm within himself to avoid suffering any hidden effects the user may have placed in a attack, into equipment like swords or guns or simply cut off all the energy from an attack and render it void and useless against himself or possibly into even other people. And, on that note, if someone were to get touched by this force it would be possible to seal off a persons energy for the duration of a thread.

Displaying that trait of The Mind of Sealing, if Ketsu were to have this force impact someone in the stomach he could make an attempt at either sealing off their entire power permanently, sealing off their power for the duration of a thread or at least attempting to seal off half or lower of their power for the duration of said thread they are currently in with Ketsu. Furthermore, in terms of sealing powers inside of people, much like The Hands of Sealing, it would be possible to take some of his DE Force into this energy so that he could effectively seal a part of that energy into someone so that they may be granted the seed needed in order to learn the art of Death's Energy. Furthermore, however, Ketsu is also able to apply this sealing to most weapons that he wields such as Gun's, swords, knives, shrunken, Iramasha Gems and things of that nature. However, this force must be applied to the objects in question in order for it to work on syncing this together with his weapons. If he fails to do so, then the effect will only last for one post and be rendered void in the following post afterward.

Lastly, just like it's physical counterpart, it does share the same drwabacks. Since Ketsucan seal certain living beings, powers, barriers, attacks, elements, environments, energy and a wide range of other things his hands or weapons can effectively pierce through; this technique has a Four post limit with a two post cool down. Along with that, as stated previously, this technique can take a bit of Chaos Energy out of him and if too much is lost during repeated usage, it can make it to where Ketsu's Internal Chaos Energy is so drained that he will not be able to use this power. Therefore, this is recommended for quick and rapid entry when being used in a thread. Though, this does not mean it's effects are absolute. This is more or less the case when Ketsu tries this effects on living beings as they have more of a chance to fight back against the seals if they have a high enough power. The stronger they are, the more chance they have of either weakening the effects of the seal or stopping it altogether in some instances.

Chaos Star: Chaos Star can ONLY be performed by Master's and so far only Ketsu knows of it. Chaos Star is when the user summons up ALL of the Chaotic Energy they possiblty can along with their own reitsu and be in their maximum form. Once that is done, the Chaos Energy will merge with the natural energy in the air and create a powerful barrier that is nearly impossible to escape. Even Ketsu cannot undo this after he decides to go through with this move. After that, he will begin to harness all of the energy in his body alongside the natural and Chaotic energy in order to erase everything within the barrier in one massive explosion that looks similar to a black flame colored dwarf star.

Everything caught in this blast will burnt to ashes. 'The reitsu, the air, living beings, anything caught within it will be erased from existence and energy destroyed, but their souls purified. And the barrier will ensure Ketsu's opponent will never be able to escape the area even if they do surivie without help from someone who is good with breaking high class seals. Another thing to add is that if you are able to live through all that, you still won't be able to use any of your powers while contained within this barrier. And slowly, but surely, if the barrier detects you are still alive it will begin to reform the flames and burn you alive very slowly over a course of 3 days.

There is also a chance Ketsu can survive this blast himself, but he will be unable to defend himself since he was be unconscious for a whole week. (And I won't be able to RP as him during that week.) Which means, anyone who comes up to him afterwards who is not bond by this seal has a strong chance of killing him.

This attack can also be strengthened with the help of the Master Gem and Demonic Gems.

Chaos Vortex: Chaos Vortex is a restraining Chaos Move mostly. It starts by the user summoning up a large amount of Chaos Energy for one post. After a one post charging period, a vortex that can be of any color appears above the user's opponent. Once there, a large beam of light, that can also be any color, shoots from the center of the vortex and encases the opponent within it. From there, the walls will soon begin to become extremely heated to the point to where if you even touch them your hand can possibly melt and there will also be lightening surrounding the walls to detour people from escaping. After the walls come down, the gravity inside of the vortex will be becomne five times stronger then Earth's gravity and will most likely cause the opponent to fall face first into the ground. It can also make it difficult to use any other kind of energy besides Chaos Energy due to the sheer amount of Chaos Energy that's slamming down on the user. Not to mention that the gravity can eventually begin to tear you apart if you are severely weakened or on a two, three, four or five tier.

The only way to counter this is to either shoot some type of strong energy into the vortex to disrupt it, place a defensive Kidō around you until the vortex is gone, use Chaos Control to teleport yourself out of the Vortex or place your own barrier around you or raise your reitsu if you are stronger then the user.

The Vortex can also only be up for a maximum of three post by a master, two post by advanced and one post by Adept. But when the vortex is about to disappear, all the energy it collected will explode and cause a massive explosion. If the user is not careful, they can also get caught up in this blast.

The drawbacks to using this power, though, is that you can only use it three times per thread. So, after you use it once you cannot use it for another five post no matter who you are. It can also cause moderate exhaustion for three post after it's summoned and can slow you down for one post.

Chaos Restore: An Iramasha with Advanced or Master control over Chaos Energy can replace a limb or non-vital organ with ease. For Advanced it takes one post; for Master's it's almost instant. You can only use this move three times in a thread if you are advanced with a cool down of 3 post, and six times if you are a master with a cool down of two post. If you try to go over that limit there is chance something can go wrong.

Black Star: Blackstar is both a shuriken and windmill shuriken, coming their lethal capability with homing attack's and it's capaiblity of returning to Ketsu's hands makes it a very useful long ranged weapon. It is made from Ketsu's black flames that then create sharp edges along the blades of the shurken and can even denonate upon impact of their prey.

Colorful Explosion: This is a technique where Ketsu forms a set of long, sharp and big knives that are made to numb the victim at the mimnum contact. The true use of this weapon, however, is for explosive purposes. Each of these daggers has a special code that tends to make all types of reitsu, chaos energy, metal/steel or any other type of object or element you know self-destruct to drag the son of a bitch with you to hell. So even if the knives never make contact, if there is enough reitsu or some type of element in the air, it will self-destruct in a massive colorful explosion of white, black, red, blue, purple, pink, green flames.

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Demon Angel Form: This is the first stage into the demonic process for Demon Iramasha's. When Ketsu transforms into this state he grows two wings made of both white and red light that are used to absorb the reitsu, native elements like fire for Ketsu and even heat for further use. The Wings can also even improve Ketsu's speed in order for him to deliver faster hits. Then, after the wings are formed, an extremely hot aura is created around Ketsu's body that looks like a mixture between a white and reddish glow. What this does is make a five to ten feet area around Ketsu that is extremely hot for those who are not on Ketsu's side (so allies of Ketsu would not even feel it) and if enough reitsu is created in Ketsu's wings, it can even overcharge the heat and melt objects. Finally, after that is completed, Ketsu will grow a set claws that are iron hot and his eyes, by choice, can become purely white with a red glow to them. The glow is mainly used at a night, however, so he can see better and it can be used to scan a 50 mile area.

Hell Angel Form: Hell Angel form is a more advanced level of Demon Angel Form. When Ketsu transforms into this state the first change that happens is he grows an additional set of wings below the ones that were already there and they become more red in color, but the white is still there. As for what these wings do, these wings amply the abilities listed in his previous Demon Form and make them much more powerful. However, in this upgraded form, Ketsu can also use them for offensive purposes. For example, he can shoot attack's related to Chaos Energy from them, he can shoot fireballs from them, create the sound of a million crows cawing and a few other tricks that have yet to be thought of.

Then, once the wings are shaped, both Ketsu's skin and the internal workings of his body become much hotter. It becomes so hot, infact, that if you touch it chances are you will burn yourself on his skin; Even if you are a friend of Ketsu's. After that point, the aura surrounding Ketsu will become even brighter and cover up to twenty feet around Ketsu. This time, though, he will be able to create weapons within the circle of this aura that can be used to fire swords, intense heat waves and make it difficult to get close to Ketsu without him coming to you. Heh, and when he does get to you, chances are you will be smothered by the sheer heat that is coming from his body. You can easily get dehydrated and tire easily if you stay around his heat too long.

Also, another minor difference you'll see in this form is that Ketsu's hair is slightly longer as it extends down to his lower neck.

Devil Angel Form: This is the Ultimate Demon Form for any Demon Iramasha. Once Ketsu enters this form a bottom half of a red kimono appears on his legs that appears to be thrown off at the ankles, and at the same time a third set of wings would appear on Ketsu's back. Soon after his hair becomes even longer then before as it stretches down to his upper back. At the same time his sclera turns black and his iris turns dark red with black pupils, while claws grow even more mincing looking. And then once those changes are made, Ketsu has the option of sprouting a pair of horns made of fire, but he chooses to keep them hidden inside of his head for surprise attack's. And finally, Ketsu's skin turns jet black with red markings all over it and a glowing red circle at the center of his head.

As for what special abilities this form has, it beefs up all the previous abilities before it. For example, the reason why Ketsu's skin has turned black is because his body is so hot that Ketsu's black fire turns his skin that color. If you dear to come within 4 to 5 feet of Ketsu, you risk melting your hand and most weaker attacks will usually melt as well or become absorbed by his wings. Infact, if you are able to cut past Ketsu's skin, you'll be displeased to find out that Ketsu's blood has turned into a lava-like texture and can easily burn the skin off of most things it comes into contact as there are always exceptions.

Another example of how this form beefs up all the previous abilities is how the wings are able to absorb weaker attack's such as bala's or even a cero. That energy is then used to make Ketsu's skin hotter, the heat around him more intense, the air thicker and his blood boil even further. In no way is he able to keep this energy, but he can use it to his advantage.

And one more example of the powers this form has, it gives Ketsu the ability to analyze reitsu signatures, see up to 5 miles around, scan objects and attacks for up 100 miles, gives him the ability to see reitsu and chaos energy patterns in the air.

There are more secrets to form to unlock, but even for now this form is truly lethal.

The Black Flame Stage 1: Not much really changes with Ketsu. The only few things that happen is that his hair turns jet black, he grows two wings made of black fire on his back and all of his power increases. So nothing really major here. This is form is mainly used just if Ketsu has to power up in order to get the job done better if just being in his normal state isn't enough.

The Black Flame Stage 2: This may be his most ultimate form. Perhaps even stronger then Devil Angel Form. Once Ketsu enters this stage a black dome of fire expands over a 2 mile area. After that, it will continue to get larger and larger throughout this battle. Basically, this dome should hold him and his opponent(s) inside of it until the battle is over. You can try and break a hole through the dome, but the fire is usually too intense or you'll have to pull a very powerful attack to break it. Either way it goes, getting out of here without Ketsu's consent will have painful consequences. Aside from that, once the dome gets settled the ground (if they are in a land area) will start to become engulfed in his black flames and the sky around them will turn red with black clouds. Also, if you aren't able to figure out how to stay above ground, you will suffer heavy damage or death due to the black flames consuming all of the ground. So you better hope your able to fly. And within this dome, for some reason or another, any reality bending powers are disabled. This may be due to the power of death coming from within Ketsu killing anything that tries to change the matter or anything inside the dome. Speaking of which, Ketsu also discovered that he can use the power of death Touketsu has in him to an extent. It's used by him putting out his hand out towards which ever attack is heading towards him and uses the death particles in the air to consume it quickly and kill all the energy inside of it. However, he can only use this for a few turns until something interferes with Ketsu.

Once those changes are made, Ketsu's entire body will start to change. No longer will it be physical, but instead made of fire with only his eyes having a bright white glow coming from them. All of his organs, blood, bones and everything else will be compressed into fire. That or they will be stored into an alternative body until the duration of his fight is over. Meanwhile, Touketsu and Dark Ketsu's energies will be scattered throughout the area to so they are not free. Basically, their bodies are broken down into so many molecules they cannot do anything for the most part. Which is why his reitsu becomes overwhelming, no doubt. However, there are also some emotional ties people have felt with it. These are not actual effects, but some have felt actual "death" inside of his flames. This could be due to the fact that Touketsu and Dark Ketsu's energy is scattered throughout the area.

At any rate, once the transformation is complete Ketsu will have complete control over his fire powers. Since he is no longer bound by physical limits he can split his body into many pieces. Like for instance Ketsu may be flying towards you, but he can detach himself from his lower half and just use chaos control to appear beside you and fire a sphere of black flames at you. And due to him no longer having a regular flesh body, physical attacks are pretty much pointless against him. All he will do is use whatever fire is in the area or below in the ground to reform himself. This done because Ketsu's soul is attached somewhere down in the flames that are created on the ground. And there in which lays his weakness as well


Ketsu Iramasha (In The Process Of Updating) [DEMON][APPROVED 0-2++] [NPC] Image927

Ziamichi Skill Level: Control: Between Adept and Advanced
Skill Level: Swordsmanship: Advanced
Skill Level: Hand-to-Hand: Advanced
Skill Level: Chaos Energy: Master
Skill Level: Emerald Control: Advanced

Branch: Main Family of Demons
Class: Demon


Last edited by [THEFROST] on Sun Jul 28, 2013 8:29 pm; edited 5 times in total

Ketsu Iramasha (In The Process Of Updating) [DEMON][APPROVED 0-2++] [NPC] WVMWLOu
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Sat Nov 19, 2011 3:17 am

Ketsu Iramasha (In The Process Of Updating) [DEMON][APPROVED 0-2++] [NPC] WVMWLOu
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Sat Nov 19, 2011 3:17 am

Ketsu Iramasha (In The Process Of Updating) [DEMON][APPROVED 0-2++] [NPC] WVMWLOu
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Wed Oct 01, 2014 11:23 am

Due to an update on the board, I am going to go ahead and move this character into the Approved Devil Iramashsa section to better classify other sub-races of Iramasha.

Ketsu Iramasha (In The Process Of Updating) [DEMON][APPROVED 0-2++] [NPC] WVMWLOu
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Fri Mar 11, 2016 5:03 pm
Ketsu Iramasha (In The Process Of Updating) [DEMON][APPROVED 0-2++] [NPC] Image8717_zpsrh1btrb8


I'm doing some rearrangements with my characters and I'm planning to move this guy into the NPC barrel.

Ketsu Iramasha (In The Process Of Updating) [DEMON][APPROVED 0-2++] [NPC] WVMWLOu
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