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[Spirit Class 8] Erica Tolvan Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 8] Erica Tolvan Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 8] Erica Tolvan Empty [Spirit Class 8] Erica Tolvan

Sun Aug 06, 2023 7:03 am

I. Basic Information

» Name: Erica Tolvan
» Alias:
» Age: 100
» Gender: Female

» Association: Gotei United/Squad 2

» Appearance Written: Erica is a curvaceous young woman of average height and fairly muscular build with a slightly pale complexion and round, pale green eyes with long eyelashes, a small beauty mark beneath each of them. She has long, light pink hair that fades into a lime green color at the halfway point, which she wears in three thick braids. She has five shorter, choppy clumps hanging over her face as voluminous bangs, the tips lime green as well.

» Appearance Image:
[Spirit Class 8] Erica Tolvan Kanroji.Mitsuri.full.2943734

I. Personality

» Personality: Erica is a cheerful character who never lets the world around her get her down. She is optimistic, peppy and always enjoys making jokes, even if they sometimes go over the heads of those around her or miss the mark completely. A kind soul, she will go out of her way to help those in need and finds it quite difficult to leave anyone behind. She's also quite the lover of nature and to see it destroyed brings her noticeable discomfort and if serious enough, can even cause her to feel phantom pains. It is a connection that she has felt since she was growing up in Rukongai and one that even now, she does not truly understand. Erica can also be a bit of a flirt when she wants to be although it's usually just playful banter more than anything else.

She doesn't enjoy fighting all that much and her primary goal in life is to protect life rather than end it. That being said, if she is forced to fight then she will do so, giving everything she has in order to defend herself although such encounters can make her feel a little despondent afterwards. To her, being forced to have to solve a problem through violence is a failure on her part and she'd much rather talk her way out or make a deal of some kind. On the odd occasion, she's even been known to heal those that she defeats rather than let them die. Why? She believes that by showing a little kindness, her opponent may just discover a little of their own.

» Likes: Nature, animals, tea, playful banter, making friends, improving her skills.

» Dislikes: Coffee, violence, mindless destruction.

I. History

» History: Erica's tale begins in the first district of West Rukongai, Junrinan, where she was born and raised by her loving mother. Her childhood was a pleasant one and she spent it learning the trade of her mother, creating potions and medicines out of the local flora and fauna. They travelled throughout the districts in order to find what they needed, giving the young Erica a good look at just how rough some of the higher numbered districts could be. Yet, her mother's presence was such that she never felt afraid and whenever things became heated, the elder Tolvan would handle the threat with magic that always caused Erica's eyes to widen with wonder. Yet, whenever Erica asked her about her powers, not to mention the father she had never met, the woman would just shrug it off with a smile and for years, that was the only answer the child ever got.

Years passed, Erica grew up and for the most part, life remained the same. She and her mother would continue to wander, collecting herbs and spending as much time with nature as they did with other Rukongai natives. The answers that she had been denied as a child though would become known during one fateful excursion though, an encounter which would change the young woman's life forever. They would encounter a creature, horrifying to look at, with a white mask that could intimidate the life out of any normal man and woman. It moved like lightning and even the magic of her mother was unable to make a dent in the beast. The situation was becoming more desperate by the minute and with a horrifying screech, her mother was knocked off of her feet and left twitching on the ground in a heap.

Brought out of her stupor, Erica would run over to where her mother lay and try to awaken her but there was no response besides her breathing becoming shallower. The creature meanwhile had turned around in the air and came in for another attack, claws prepared to rip the girl apart and as she turned to face the creature, she made a gesture that she'd seen her mother perform so many times, her determination to save the one she loved pushing her onwards. A force of magical energy would erupt from her hand, launching the creature back a good 20 metres or so. It surprised the monster, which soon enough turned to anger and with a rage filled cry, it came in again, desiring nothing more than to take the young woman's head off.

That did not happen. For a figure dressed in black would appear in front of her then, a sword in their hand which soon became charged with lightning. In one slash, they would cut straight through the head of the creature, ending its life in a single strike. The motion was so swift that Erica could barely see it and as she looked up at the tall figure, her eyes wide, they would turn around and smile down at her. It was his eyes that grabbed her attention, the same as hers and as she momentarily struggled to speak, he would suddenly pull her into a hug, much to her shock. Time seemed to stop still for a second, before they broke apart and he quickly moved to her mothers side, with Erica there too after a few moments.

He healed her with a similar magic that her mother used and as Erica watched, she dared to ask him the questions that her mother had never given her. His expression was grim at first, seeming to be rather reluctant to speak but soon enough, the words came. Everything that she wished to know was laid out before her. How they had met, what had driven them apart, why he had never visited them. The young woman was stupefied by it all but to his bemusement, a smile soon broke out across her features. It was now all clear and she found herself holding no grudges against her parents at all for keeping secrets as it didn't matter anymore.

Her mother would go on to make a full recovery and once she did, the three of them would finally lay it all out between them. Fences were mended, answers were given and a new understanding was found. Erica was the offspring of shinigami but whether she followed that path was a decision that her parents left entirely to her. They weren't pushy in either direction now and after giving it thought, she chose to follow in their footsteps. Her mother briefly looked unsettled by the news but accepted her daughter's wishes, giving Erica her blessings. As for her father? He was as chuffed as could be and gladly helped her with enrolling into the academy.

It was certainly an experience for Erica but she adapted rather well to her new life as a student. She found herself making friends quite easily and her skills soon enough began to improve. Given her parents affinity with kido, it was only natural that she'd be gifted too and the way that she gobbled up knowledge of the subject made her teachers smile. She was the first to try every new spell and if it blew up in her face, then she'd be the first one to laugh. Hours were spent honing her craft, with her determination to make her parents proud shining through.

That was not to say that she was skilled in all areas and she took a few thumpings when it came to her hakuda and zanjutsu lessons. She was clumsy with her fists and even more so with her sword, resulting in her progress stumbling due to that. The truth though was that she was simply reluctant to harm her fellow students and honestly, anything up close. Her pacifist nature held her back and over time, she realised that she was simply not suited for such combat.

So, she doubled down on her kido, as well as hoho, an area where she was good overall. Her father was noted for being swift on his feet and given how quickly he'd gotten in the way of her and the hollow, Erica had already seen that first hand. So, she'd gone to him for help, outside of lessons and whenever he had the time, with the result being that skills increased dramatically, her speed giving him something to think about after a while. What was more important was that it finally gave them the time to bond, an experience they both cherished.

Determined to make sure she was ready, Erica remained in the academy for the entire duration, attempting to improve her chosen area of study to the best of her ability. With her kido and hoho skills, she became rather effective when it came to long distance fighting, which somewhat managed to hide her weaknesses. That was the key, after all, as her father told her.

After six years of solid studying, Erica advanced from the academy and joined the 2nd division, where her eyes were truly opened to shinigami life. She took to it well though and continued to hone her preferred set of skills. Her kido and hoho became almost a part of her over time, with the woman at times seeming to glide across the battlefield, unleashing spells and performing an almost dance-like routine across the battlefield. That being said, her dislike of violence never left her and the only time that there was ever a frown upon her face was during combat. She may have created her own way of handling combat but she still detested it. So, she dedicated just as much time to her healing skills, attempting to pick up as much experience as she could, as detestable a thought as that was. Her mother was always there to offer her a lesson though, which was always jumped on by her daughter.

More recently, she has begun to feel a presence beside her although Erica has so far yet to make any real progress in communicating with it. Yet, it's always there, like a warm blanket and every so often the young woman can for just a moments, detect fragrant smell of flowers, stemming from her blade. It always seemed to occur when she was struggling in battle, as though her unknown companion was doing its best to keep her cool and calm under pressure. It was a sensation that Erica had come to enjoy, comforted by the fact that she was never alone but despite her efforts and desire to learn more, her blade remained silent.

Today, she is still honing her skills, making the most of every day and protecting as many people as possible from what can be a rather nasty world.

I. Natural Abilities

» Natural Abilities:

Potion Maker: Erica's mother runs an apothecary in the Rukongai and taught her daughter a great deal about potion making and herbal remedies. From time to time, Erica still searches for local fauna to use in her own creations. Sadly, the results aren't always great once she starts experimenting.

I. Racial Abilities

» Racial Abilities:

Hoho Expert: Erica took to footwork techniques like a duck to water at the academy and quickly made through that section of the training. Her father, who was also gifted with that particular skill, would go on to teach her further after graduation, not to mention her having gone on missions to gain even more experience.

Kido Natural: Erica has put more hours into her kido work than anything else and can perform spells at a swift rate. It was her major in the academy and she's spent countless hours in the time since honing her craft in Hadō, bakudo and kaido.

I. Zanpakutō

» Zanpakutō Name: Kirin Kashi. [季輪花詞, Seasonal Wheel Flower Poetry].

» Zanpakutō Spirit: Kirin Kashi takes the form of a tall woman with a slender frame, dark black hair with flowers woven into elaborate braids flows behind her with a veil styled in the fashion of a flower covering her eyes. A smile that never seems to go away is the only thing that gives away any expressions of the spirit. The rest of her is covered by a flowery kimono, purple in colour, with various flowers embroidered into the fabric but asymmetrically designed so that one sleeve stops at her elbow while the other reaches down to the ground below. She only wields her sword in the arm that isn't covered.

She is a whimsical woman that flows between moods, often attributing it to the weather and how it makes her feel. If it's an overcast day then she can be quite solemn and irate, on a bright day she might as well be the rays of sunshine itself. This temperamental behaviour can make it problematic as she may withhold power depending on the weather that her master might release her in. If it's not a sunny day then she's not interested.

When entering bankai, her veil and its petal design breaks away to her head. Her eyes remain a mystery though as she is wearing a black piece of fabric that obscures her eyes.

» Inner World: Erica's inner world takes on the form of a forest, where animals and plant life thrive. A beautiful place but one that's form can change depending on Erica's mood. If she is happy, then the forest is full of life, with the landscape covered in lovely sunshine and the sounds of birds singing being heard. If she's not, then the sun disappears and there's no sign of life at all. The more unhappy Erica is, the worse the atmosphere and should she be sad enough, rain begins to fall. Kirin Kashi is always found in the center of the forest, sitting on a plant, by a large waterfall.

» Sealed Zanpakutō Appearance:

[Spirit Class 8] Erica Tolvan Samurai-katana-swords-For-Bleach-Anime-Luppi-Anten

» Sealed Zanpakutō Power:

Sweet Scent: Erica's blade is capable of releasing a sweet smelling aura, that looks like a pink mist, which spreads up to a 50 meter radius. Allies within this mist will feel themselves becoming calmer and more focused on the situation at hand. At the moment, she's unable to do this at will and her blade activates the effect whenever it feels that its owner is under severe stress.

I. Skill Sheet

General Skills
» Durability: D
» Speed: D
» Strength: D
» Soul: C

Will Skills
» Willpower: Adept
» Deduction: Adept
» Focus: Adept

Shinigami Skills
» Hoho: Adept
» Kidō: Advanced
» Zanjutsu: Beginner
» Hakuda: Beginner

I. Role Play Sample

» Roleplay Sample: Link to site
RP Post:


Last edited by Ashaiya on Sun Aug 18, 2024 1:14 pm; edited 10 times in total
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[Spirit Class 8] Erica Tolvan Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 8] Erica Tolvan Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 8] Erica Tolvan Empty Re: [Spirit Class 8] Erica Tolvan

Wed Aug 09, 2023 6:08 am
[adm]Hi there,

Most of this application is very good but I have a couple of points to address.

Firstly, is the intention for this character not to have a Zanpakuto? If they have not awakened it yet then that is fine, though it should be mentioned that she only has an Asauchi and her Zanjutsu skill should be Untrained.

Secondly, whilst I can just about approve Advanced Kido given the history as further supporting evidence, it is hard to do the same for Hoho and I would have to request it move down to Adept.[/adm]
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[Spirit Class 8] Erica Tolvan Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 8] Erica Tolvan Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 8] Erica Tolvan Empty Re: [Spirit Class 8] Erica Tolvan

Wed Aug 09, 2023 7:00 am
Hey there,

I did plan on Erica eventually becoming able to communicate with her zanpakuto but at the moment she can't. I was thinking that she was only at the stage where she could just smell a sweet scent coming from her weapon whenever she was in a tough spot, calming her neves, which would eventually develop into something more potent down the line. That's why I went with beginner rather than untrained since she's started to feel something. I'll gladly add another paragraph in my history regarding this if it'll help her achieve that stat.

I've also lowered her hoho stat to adept as requested.

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[Spirit Class 8] Erica Tolvan Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 8] Erica Tolvan Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 8] Erica Tolvan Empty Re: [Spirit Class 8] Erica Tolvan

Wed Aug 09, 2023 7:09 am
[adm]Perfect, Beginner would be fine in that case but, for clarity, it would be worth adding a separate section about her Zanpakuto and what it can do similar to her other abilities.[/adm]
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[Spirit Class 8] Erica Tolvan Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 8] Erica Tolvan Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 8] Erica Tolvan Empty Re: [Spirit Class 8] Erica Tolvan

Wed Aug 09, 2023 7:47 am
I've added a paragraph just before the end of her history that covers her zanpakuto trying to reach her and have also added the zanpakuto section, along with its ability. I bumped her zanjutsu back up to beginner too as discussed previously.
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[Spirit Class 8] Erica Tolvan Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 8] Erica Tolvan Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 8] Erica Tolvan Empty Re: [Spirit Class 8] Erica Tolvan

Wed Aug 09, 2023 9:55 am
[adm]Hazard Ranks
Power: D
Influence: E
Resources: E

Comments/Notes: Welcome to PH!

Spirit Class: 8
Hazard Rating: E
Application Approved
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[Spirit Class 8] Erica Tolvan Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 8] Erica Tolvan Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 8] Erica Tolvan Empty Re: [Spirit Class 8] Erica Tolvan

Sat Sep 16, 2023 10:01 am
I've added Erica's Zanpakuto name, spirit description and inner world sections to her app.
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[Spirit Class 8] Erica Tolvan Empty Re: [Spirit Class 8] Erica Tolvan

Sun Aug 18, 2024 1:14 pm
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[Spirit Class 8] Erica Tolvan Empty Re: [Spirit Class 8] Erica Tolvan

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