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Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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The King's Court [Cala/Uma] Empty The King's Court [Cala/Uma]

Thu Jun 01, 2023 9:50 pm


Enter Cala's Post

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It felt like it had been a lifetime ago since Cala had last set foot in, or even near, the shop they now stood before. At one time, back when they had been made a citizen of Minatumi, they had considered working here and living in the city once before. Now things had come full circle, it seemed, and with their most recent date with Saiko having them in high spirits Cala felt like revisiting the old place to see it's owner again.

Truthfully, all Cala really remembered was what she looked like and how nice she was. Mostly due to both of these qualities standing out quite a lot but, well, Cala would be lying if they said they remembered her name. The visit was not going back to see an old friend, like with Ariadna, but was equal parts necessity due to needing furniture for their soon-to-be home and also wanting to at least someone they knew in the city. No matter how vague the relationship Cala at least remembered them to be a nice enough person.

So it was that with a small smile Cala would open the door and begin idly looking around the store with a small, placid smile on their features. In truth they had only the vaguest idea of what belonged in a house, mostly spurred on by what Ari had in her own home that Cala could remember, but now that they were actually confronted with the myriad of choices.... their head hurt a bit and they weren't even really sure what Saiko could afford, or would buy them, or what would be useful or what kind of look they wanted the house to have.... and so on.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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The King's Court [Cala/Uma] Empty Re: The King's Court [Cala/Uma]

Fri Jun 02, 2023 3:40 am

The Ox King

King Uma

For a moment, the apparition of Tvvling was stood, warm and supportive in all her glory. But it was just the haze of the wisps remaining in the walls, and she disappeared when Cala blinked.

What did not disappear when they blinked, was the giant nine foot cow woman with muscles the size of a man's torso, and a chest of equal size.

"Tiny thing, moo!" She exclaimed, walking over to Cala with more grace that you'd expect someone like that to ever possess. "It is good to see again. After you left, we worried you might have gotten into some trouble, moo"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Last edited by Mirja Eeola on Thu Jun 08, 2023 5:05 am; edited 1 time in total
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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The King's Court [Cala/Uma] Empty Re: The King's Court [Cala/Uma]

Wed Jun 07, 2023 11:01 pm


Enter Cala's Post

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As Cala blinked away the apparition and slowly had to crane their neck back to look the approaching Uma at least somewhat in the eyes, the graceful, muscular and very tall woman beamed down at the small Arrancar. Granted Cala didn't remember her being quite this tall but, well, now Cala thought there was perhaps something wrong with their memory which, granted, there was. Unable to help smiling softly at the verbose, friendly demeanor of the amazonian woman Cala did blush a bit at being called "tiny thing" as it was very.... intimidating. But upon Uma mentioning that they thought Cala had got into trouble their expression sobered up a bit, lacing their hands in front of their kimono, and ducked their head.

"O-Oh.... well.... we did b-but... we're okay now."

Cala would nod reassuringly and look back up at Uma more directly.

"B-But we did want to come and see you, and apologize for vanishing, umm.... we're moving into Minatumi soon. A girlfriend of ours is he-.... ermm... I-I mean.... a friend who... who is a girl... n-not umm..."

Cala would turn a bright rose color and fidget on their feet before stammering.

"A-A friend is helping us with our home s-so we wanted to maybe... c-come and see about getting some furniture p-please?"

Rosy cheeks would highlight violet eyes that looked up at Uma from overtop of white kimono sleeves covering over Cala's mouth.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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The King's Court [Cala/Uma] Left_bar_bleue398349/999999The King's Court [Cala/Uma] Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

The King's Court [Cala/Uma] Empty Re: The King's Court [Cala/Uma]

Thu Jun 08, 2023 5:06 am

The Ox King

King Uma

A meaty anvil of a fist smashed into her equally large palm as Uma bristled at the idea of Cala getting into trouble.

"Girlfriends are good, Moo! But we must first deal with this trouble. Who do you need me to pull in half?" she exclaimed, fiery and ready for a real throw-down with anyone who might have been a problem for young Cala.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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The King's Court [Cala/Uma] Empty Re: The King's Court [Cala/Uma]

Sat Jun 10, 2023 10:08 pm


Enter Cala's Post

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Cala would jump in concern and surprise as Uma smashed a fist into her own palm, letting out a surprised 'meep' sound, only to blink as Uma stated that 'girlfriends are good' and nodded before they could think. Saiko was good, after all, but it did take Cala a moment to then blink and blush softly as Uma offered to pull someone in half. Earning a soft, stuttered response.

"E-Ermm... no one Miss Uma. It's okay. No one caused our trouble but ourselves, we promise."

Cala would nod and clasp their hands together in front of them earnestly.

"But we would umm... also like to spend some time with you and get some furniture, please?"

Cala repeated their previous request, trying to move past the topic of what happened to them so long ago.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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The King's Court [Cala/Uma] Empty Re: The King's Court [Cala/Uma]

Sun Jun 11, 2023 4:33 am

The Ox King

King Uma

"So we need to pull you in half? I don't think that works, Moo" Uma would ponder for a moment, seemingly oblivious to Cala's desires for furniture and focusing on her problems first and foremost. After all, when someone admits to them, they clearly want help in solving them.

The great mass that was Uma would then sit down, and take Cala's hand in her own.

"We will have to be metaphorical, moo. Never shy away from your friends if you need the support of them, moo. We are always here for you, Little Cala"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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The King's Court [Cala/Uma] Empty Re: The King's Court [Cala/Uma]

Sun Jun 11, 2023 4:47 pm


Enter Cala's Post

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As Uma mentioned pulling them in half Cala would blink and shake their head, stammering softly.

"E-Eh... n-no no. Ermm...."

Admittedly it was a bit odd that this short conversation had touched on the concept of separating the two Calas, at least in theme, though obviously that wasn't what Uma meant, it still made Cala lower their eyes and shuffle their feet as Uma sat down. Now blinking rapidly as Uma took Cala's comparatively small, soft hand in theirs Cala would purse their lip as the fact that even sitting Uma was as tall as they were.... it made them feel intimidated. Hence Cala was quite surprised when Uma gave a rather heartfelt and friendly answer, making them blush deeply.

"O-Oh.... thank you Miss Uma. U-Umm.... we are very glad to have friends and family. S-So don't worry, we'll try to be around more often now, we promise."

Cala would nod and squeeze Uma's hand gently, though was obviously nowhere near strong enough to pull their hand free, and gave a small bow of thanks to Uma for the kind words.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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The King's Court [Cala/Uma] Left_bar_bleue398349/999999The King's Court [Cala/Uma] Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

The King's Court [Cala/Uma] Empty Re: The King's Court [Cala/Uma]

Sun Jun 11, 2023 5:05 pm

The Ox King

King Uma

"Good, moo!" Uma would exclaim, jumping back up with surprising alacrity for a woman her size and width. "That is all you need, Moo. The attempt where the world floats forward"

"Now, furniture. Do you want it robust, so you can fight on and with it? Do you want it flexible, so you can have sex on it? Do you want it wide so you can both spread out and not get in each other's way?" Uma would ask, turning to look to the shop to source what she might want.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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The King's Court [Cala/Uma] Empty Re: The King's Court [Cala/Uma]

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