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Lone Ranger (Natasha/Orion) - Page 2 Empty Re: Lone Ranger (Natasha/Orion)

Sat Jun 24, 2023 12:28 pm
Lone Ranger (Natasha/Orion) - Page 2 WZEZbjK

"A gun's a gun, but the rifle has a fullness to it."

He paused, unsure of how to continue describing it. To him, a gun is just a means to an end, a quick end. It's just a tool. However, some tools are simply better than others. She hit it on the nose when she mentioned rifles. He found himself attracted them when he began training and even molded his powers around an old model.

"I've had many teachers, but my choice of gun has always remained the same."

He dared not delve further, the pings of his past echoing in his head, bodies splayed. It's best to leave this part of the conversation at that and direct his thoughts away from what a rifle has offered him in his life. Besides, she should relay similar information for being so curious.



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Lone Ranger (Natasha/Orion) - Page 2 Empty Re: Lone Ranger (Natasha/Orion)

Fri Jun 30, 2023 7:42 pm
Lone Ranger (Natasha/Orion) - Page 2 GErtDg6


She definitely took him for a rifleman with the way he handled his own. His marksmanship was pretty impressive from the little sample she'd caught wind of during her entrance. As for her preferred choice of weaponry... Quite frankly, she could go on all day about what type of guns she enjoyed. She was a former soldier, after all. There wasn't a day she wasn't around them. The rifle. The shotgun. Hell, even heavy artillery had its special sort of charm if one knew how to wield it properly. In any case, he didn't seem the type to listen to her nerd out about that stuff. When he finished speaking on his preferred choice of weapon, Natasha, even amidst her target practice, followed up with a response of her own.

"Heh, called it. Your handiwork with a rifle was gosh darn impressive, even with the small sample I observed comin' in. Honestly... I'm a little all over the place with my preferences. I'm a gunslinger at heart, so I love the grip of almost any gun I can hold. Pistol. Revolver. Your standard handgun. Assault rifle. List can go on and on. Of course, I've been meanin' to train a lil' more and specialize in what works best overall. Long term, I reckon it's more preferable to know how to master a few than spread myself between so many channels ya know?"

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Lone Ranger (Natasha/Orion) - Page 2 Empty Re: Lone Ranger (Natasha/Orion)

Mon Jul 03, 2023 9:30 am
Lone Ranger (Natasha/Orion) - Page 2 WZEZbjK

"Mastering something is smart, but there's nothing wrong with a generalized skillset. They say to fear the guy who's trained the same kick a million times, but when it comes to guns, you can never know enough."

Besides, a well placed bullet beats a kick any day, but that'd be detracting from the conversation. Honestly, if she wished to geek out about guns, he'd let her. He's no good with casual conversation, so he'd rather she do all the talking. As if he'd ever relate that though.

"If you desire to master anything, be it that handgun you have. Something quick to draw, fire, reload, and repeat is preferable than this hunk of metal in my hand."


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Lone Ranger (Natasha/Orion) - Page 2 Empty Re: Lone Ranger (Natasha/Orion)

Mon Jul 03, 2023 12:07 pm
Lone Ranger (Natasha/Orion) - Page 2 GErtDg6


"Ain't much use arguin' with that philosophy. You know yer stuff. I like it. Whether it's cultivatin' a single weapon or masterin' a variety , I reckon there is no right or wrong way. Your mastery over a rifle, my talents with multiple firearms... at the end of the day, they're both mightily impressive ways of suppressing and eliminating the enemy."

Natasha reached the end of her magazine, silently appraising her handiwork, spinning the gun around in a playful display of showmanship, placing the weapon back in its holster. This proved quite an interesting meeting, all things considered. Orion was certainly a source of intrigue himself, his abilities with a rifle but one impressive sample of what she could expect in the future. What other talents did he possess beyond his rifle? Did it operate in tandem with his skill as a Quincy? Was he even one of those to begin with? Fun mysteries to unravel in the future, no doubt.

"I'll definitely be takin' yer advice on the handgun, but don't go downplayin' that hunk of metal either, ya hear, sweetheart? In any case, magazine's empty, so I'll probably be headin' off in a few. Wouldn't want to disturb ya any longer, after all, if ya plan on practicing some more, you know? Day's still early, of course. I'll gladly talk yer ears off some more about gunmanship if yer willin, be it now or some time in the future," she quipped playfully as she walked over to collect her remaining belongings. Regardless of his decision, there wasn't much use lingering here with empty cartridges.

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Lone Ranger (Natasha/Orion) - Page 2 Empty Re: Lone Ranger (Natasha/Orion)

Sun Jul 09, 2023 9:36 am
Lone Ranger (Natasha/Orion) - Page 2 WZEZbjK

She wished to converse further? Well, the current conversation is nearing a natural end. They relayed interests and gave advice to one another. That, in a sense, is fulfilling enough. For him, it is nearing his scheduled appointment time. He already knows if he'll be asked if he's made any connections with other members. Actually being able to say yes is interesting. Already knowing he'd be asked to continue this sort of behavior, it is probably best to cement future interaction.

"I have things to attend to.., but let us talk again soon."

Truthfully, he doesn't actually know where to go with this. She suggested furthering their gun conversation, but he's sure that could easily drag on and become stale. Then, what's next? He'll have to think or read up on this thing later. For now, she may leave. He'd follow soon enough.


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