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[Spirit Class 3] Elyss Kishimoto Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 3] Elyss Kishimoto Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 3] Elyss Kishimoto Empty [Spirit Class 3] Elyss Kishimoto

Sat May 13, 2023 4:15 pm
[Spirit Class 3] Elyss Kishimoto ZGX1Eisc

Basic Information

○ Name: Elyss Kishimoto
○ Alias: Captain Kishimoto
○ Age: Appears 20
○ Gender: Female
○ Race: Shinigami

○ Affiliation: The Gotei United

○ Alignment: Chaotic Good
○ Marital Status: Taken
○ Nationality: Japanese/Italian
○ Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

○ Height: 167.64 cm/5.5 ft.
○ Weight: -
○ Hair Colour: Red
○ Eye Colour: Onyx

Psychological Analysis

Elyss Kishimoto is a quiet woman. Though, that doesn't mean she is reserved despite the coolness she carries. It simply means she doesn't get loud when the situation doesn't call for it. She's in her head a lot, thinking and watching her environment for situations that may need her attention. She’s straight to the point when she does speak however, revealing her thoughts on a matter before returning to her stoic state..

Alas, that doesn't mean she’s incapable of holding a conversation. In fact, Elyss is a friendly person despite her recluse tendencies. Once one actually approaches her, they will be greeted with an impartial expression and kind words. She’s more of a listener than a talker though. Her words aren’t anything inspirational either without coaxing something absurd out of her. Whether she has something nice to say or not is dependent on how the conversation is going.

That understanding is what also drives her devotion to others. However, her devotion isn't to a single person or organization even as she gains close friends and allies. She is devoted to what she believes is right; fighting for the weak. In life, she fought to keep the weak students from being picked on by bullies, and in her new life, she still has that same drive to watch over those that can't watch over themselves. It's probably her biggest motivation to continue trying to improve herself and get stronger.

This pushes her to carry out any task given to her. She tries to be reliable and follow through with anything she promises or tells another. If she says she'll save the day, she'll try her best to save the day. If she's given a task, she'd try her hardest to complete it at the level expected of her. She's just a hardworking individual.

Despite her calm demeanor, that is just the outer shell of her being. Deep inside, her normally quiet nature hides a horrifying inner beast. She is impulsive and that, combined with her violent capabilities, causes her to charge forward right into any situation she feels needs her attention without hesitation. Even if she can't win, she can't simply sit back and watch as others try their damn hardest. She's prepared to fight anyone who interrupts the peace of others no matter who they may be, a drive that also pushes her to be stronger much like her devotion to protect others. How can she reasonably help others if she can't even face the threats to them herself? Still, her draw to conflict is not where it ends.

Accepting that she’ll always find violence enticing, she’s become unrestrained with herself. She is still the same woman, but she fights with a freedom she never had before. That insanity she once pushed down has surfaced, and she wears it with a strange amount of pride, knowing that her insecurities have become her strength. Still an oppressive figure, her adrenaline is now focused on what she adores most: fighting for her ideals. It doesn’t matter if she has to show an ugly side of herself as long as she remains on her path, for she knows if she truly stepped out of line, there are people by her side, ready to be her lifeline.


The Gotei United

Being a Captain of the organization, Elyss has access to pretty much everything The Gotei has available. It would not be a stretch to say she could ask someone like Kisuke Urahara for assistance or call on Murasaki for guidance, especially considering her closeness with the Captain Commander. Though, even with that in mind, she has multiple friends of differing power that frequent Soul Society: Midori of the Zero Squad, Former Kenpachi Amida, Abalia, and the known kido master, Hannah.

Karakura City

Not of anything too substantial, Elyss has become a friendly face to Shadin Yuudeshi, a known powerhouse in the realms. Their friendship isn’t anything special, but the man is someone who Elyss finds suitable to speak to on Earthly matters, even though the information isn’t always free. Still, it was him who allowed her to continue her activities in Minatumi Harbor, so she has no qualms with the man as of yet.

Alex Vaugrenard

Her adopted brother, Elyss views Alex as someone always available for anything she needs help with. Though, his new life leaves him busy with what a normal husband and father struggles with. The call to help the world has moved his stubborn heart somewhat, but Elyss doesn’t push him into business he’s not exactly comfortable with. Of course, he has a lovely wife and daughter who are both exceptional in their own right.


Elyss Kishimoto, Captain of the Seventh Division, was not always the powerful warrior she is today. She was first conceived by two loving parents on Earth, completely ignorant to the struggles outside the protected walls of Karakura City. However, she’s always had a sense of justice, mostly because of her parent’s charitable nature. Helping people was just something they did, but Elyss, being the brash girl she’s always been, took it a step further. She became a protector of the weak, the young guardian of her school and neighborhood. Fights with bullies started to become common as she began to hate their daily routine of picking on others. This was the start of her violent tendencies and outlandish expeditions. Though, she never got out of hand until after she almost died saving a puppy that had fallen into a river near her home. It was at that time that she found her body too weak to actually handle everything she wanted to do and was the time she took up martial arts.

Things grew out of control though. Elyss became addicted to putting people in their place, lashing out at anyone she perceived a threat to the quiet life she wanted for others. This led to the budding of her knack for violence and had quickly led to her getting in trouble multiple times: in competitions, in school, and at home. However, she somehow made it to college, with intervention from everyone to keep her on the straight and narrow. Unfortunately, their help had caused her to develop a split personality of sorts to hide her violent tendencies which led to her expressing herself in dangerous ways. Her family was shocked to learn that their daughter had died in an alleyway due to her continuous involvement with an underground fighting ring that police had been investigating. Deserved, in a way, it closed the book on one part of Elyss’ life and opened another one of even crazier circumstances and excitement.

As they say, though, some issues follow you beyond the grave, and Elyss found herself struggling even more with her unrestrained fighting spirit as a Plus. A powerful woman named Ulv took her in and helped her quell some of the loud voices in her head that drove her mad, but when Elyss became a Shinigami, life only grew worse. Trial after trial followed the woman, leading her into situations that many would have died from. She had run-ins with some of the strongest beings in existence, her horizon broadening everyday as she became studied of the Spiritual World. Shadin, Arkin, Claire, Arianda, Alex, and Murasaki were a few of the people she had run into that helped shape her life for the better, even when half of them tried to kill her. With their guidance and criticism, she grew strong. She grew until she was chosen to become a Captain of the Seventh. Her path was coated in blood and many of her issues still persisted, but it all finally came to a conclusion once the truth of her soul revealed itself.

Her Zanpakuto was never her Zanpakuto. It was the convoluted abnormality of a woman named Mirja’s soul enhancing her already warped viewpoint of life. It took constant struggles for Elyss to grow into herself and understand how to balance her fighting spirit with her love for life, but with the help of everyone, even Tenmarin, she’s grown out of her shell. Now, as nothing more than Elyss Kishimoto, she’s taking her first real steps in life, and she’s ready to finally give her all to protect what she perceives as her home.


Minatumi Harbour

Minatumi Harbour, a little chain off of Japan that's home to many interesting folk. It is known as a neutral ground, free from politics and such. However, Elyss also knows it's full of information about the happenings of the world due to its open policies. She doesn't enjoy pushing her weight around there, but as a vagabond of its success after Ulv's death, she's free to ruff up a few bad eggs for any information they have available.

The Souls Body

One Million Formless Waves
百万 非形波 [Hyakuman Aragatanami]

Elyss has no mastery over any one form of martial arts, but that fact has shaped her whole being into a fighter capable of clashing with anyone. Her lack of form and habitual way of fighting has created an unique way of fighting that only works for her. Like an animal in the wild, Elyss has evolved to be able to adapt to anyone and anything, showing a capability of matching anyone’s fighting style with an asinine amount of mastery as if she knew their every move. However, despite never mastering anything, Elyss relies on her unique boxing senses to understand, predict, and assault people at moments no other could ever hope to follow, throwing attacks that are rarely seen coming.

Her mastery of nothing has become a mastery of the purest form of battle, the raw savagery and ability to do anything and everything. As if her mind had become emptied of outside thought, her body instinctively moves, using every martial art under the sun at a moment’s notice. True to its name, this form of hers is like water, always malleable but crashes down like a raging inferno that leaves her opponents no room for mistakes. A true warrior at heart, one could say that Elyss’ mastery is something inhumane and impossible to contain.

Hammered in the flames of battle for years, the scars that tell the tale of an unkillable woman linger on Elyss' body, foregoing her story for the world. Now, nothing may be etched into her skin, her body transformed into an untouchable substance of raw durability. Broken and reshaped, sundered and reformed, Elyss' body has become an unstoppable vessel, only blemished by the strongest of opponents. A woman intent on standing in the way of evil and striding through the gates of Hell for her desires, Elyss is a indomitable bastion.

Elyss, despite her simple way of looking at issues, has a strong understanding of things. Some may say it’s surprising to witness Elyss ever think beyond the surface level of issues without further prompt. Though, those who have seen her use her brain have found her tactfulness something worth respecting. Especially in battle, Elyss has a knack for processing information at an incredulous rate, constructing multiple ideas of how to handle a situation or issue without requiring a needless amount of preparation. This sort of brain activity seems automatic for the redhead, her body seemingly moving before her thoughts had even finalized and constructing further plans and ideas on a subject.
Crimson Reiatsu

No one doubts Elyss’ power, for being a Captain already means her Reiatsu is tremendous and horrifying to experience unprepared. In terms of coloring, it exudes from her in a dark crimson glow, unnaturally terrifying to watch crawl free from underneath her skin like tendrils, snaking free from their cage. The feeling alone is enough to fill the atmosphere of dread as Elyss’ exertion pollutes her surroundings with her acute insanity and thrill for battle. Almost completely erratic from her physical expression, her energy holds no reserves in letting one taste the immaculate sensation of war and the horrors of it.

Then comes her mind, enhancing the hopeless feeling of an endless battlefield littered with broken bodies. Her will enhances the raw emotion that her Reiatsu emanates, capturing that hopelessness and forcing it on those who experience her through her energy. They begin to imagine a monster who they’ll never be able to topple, a creature otherworldly and desperate for blood spilt. Not many are capable of standing before her without experiencing a sense of worry for the struggle to come.


General Skills
  • Durability: Master
  • General Speed: Advanced
  • Strength: Elite
  • Martial Skill: Elite

Shinigami Skills
  • Hoho: Beginner
  • Kidō: Adept
  • Zanjutsu: Advanced
  • Hakuda: Advanced

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Elite
  • Mental Deduction: Elite
  • Focus: Advanced

Last edited by Siegharty on Mon May 27, 2024 6:52 am; edited 5 times in total
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[Spirit Class 3] Elyss Kishimoto Empty Re: [Spirit Class 3] Elyss Kishimoto

Sun May 14, 2023 9:45 am
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[Spirit Class 3] Elyss Kishimoto Empty Re: [Spirit Class 3] Elyss Kishimoto

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Tue Sep 12, 2023 8:09 am

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